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Daring Doubt

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Something’s definitely not right here! Someone’s making fake Daring Do and Brave Barzard Books!

Thanks to the size change pendant, Jinxie was about the size of Big Mac.

Jinxie asks "What's wrong rainbow one?"

I growl in annoyance "Somepony's writing fake stories about Daring and Brave!"

Jinxie asks "Fake stories?"

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so."

But then we heard plane engines running, before we looked up and saw Lil’ Bomber, meaning Narancia and Rouge were near here.

Bold spoke "Hey mom, Azure's covered in mud again..."

Azure spoke "No I'm not!"

Bold and Azure weren’t really happy about the fakes either.

Jinxie asks "Why don't we go talk to daring pony?"

“Kids, calm down.” I said to Bold and Azure before turning to Jinxie. “Of course we’ll go to Daring Do!”

A voice spoke "You can count us in!"

We turned around and saw Narancia and Rouge.

Rouge spoke "Of course we’ll help you."

Narancia spoke "Don’t worry! We’ll find out who’s behind this! The mission is in the bag!"

Danyelle spoke "Just curb your greediness then Rouge."

Rouge asks "Oh? Am I really that predictable?"

Megaman spoke "Jewel thief remember? It could piss others off."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly, I know how you are when it comes to treasure."

Rouge giggles "Heehee! Maybe, but my one and only true treasure is my little Narie here."

Narancia chuckles "Heh. Thanks, babe."

The two bat-creatures kissed.

Danyelle teases "So, when are you gonna have kids?"

That made those two bats blush, making me laugh at that.

Megaman chuckles "Good one sis."

Lan chuckles "Hahaha! No doubt about that cuz."

Danyelle giggles "I'm such a prankster."

“And you’re not the only one, Dany.” I agreed as us two pranksters giggled.

Maylu giggles "Lan's also a prankster at times."

Lan spoke "Hehe. It’s true."

Maylu giggles "Plus I have a surprise for you Lan."

Lan asks "And that is?"

Maylu giggles as she moved Lan's right hand onto her stomach before he felt a kick.

Blazell sighs "Freaked out fox in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Lan fainted.

Megaman spoke "Someone soak him..."

“Anyone a waterbender here?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Nope, I'm a firebender."

Maylu dumps a bucket of ice on Lan, jolting him awake.

Lan spoke "GAH!!!"

MegaSonic groans "My operator's an idiot...."

Blazell giggled at that.

Danyelle spoke "I swear, my cousin in-law's as dense as Ash..."

Vetur showed up. “Last I heard, he and Serena were at the Chuddle Hotel with Pikachu and Pikachi.”

Danyelle spoke "I hate to break it to you Vetur but Greninja went back to the Kalos region."

Vetur spoke "Huh. Odd. Oh well."

Flarerudamon spoke "Yeah, he had things to do."

Danyelle asks "Should we get going Skittles?"

“Hehe. Sure thing! Come on, lovebats.” I teased Narancia and Rouge as we headed out to find Daring Do and Brave Barzard.

Maylu was on Jinxie's back since the pregnant vixen didn't have wings.

Danyelle airlifted Lan as the two follow after me.

Soon enough, the seven of us arrive at the bookstore where Daring and Brave were.

“Hello? Daring Do?” I called out.

Daring spoke "You and Danyelle came at the right time, Brave and I haven't signed any books since that new author appeared."

Jinxie spoke "Sounds like we're only getting one side of the story here...."

Brave asks "Um… Who’s she?"

Daring asks "Yeah, who’re the new faces?"

Danyelle spoke "The sphinx is Jinxie, the two foxes are Lan and Maylu."

Bold spoke "I'm Bold Lightning, Azure's brother."

Azure spoke "And I'm Azure Sky...."

Danyelle spoke "Bold and Azure are Rainbow's children."

Narancia spoke "Name’s Narancia, and this is my wife, Rouge."

Rouge giggles "Thank you for the introduction, Narie. *Kisses Narancia’s cheek*"

Daring and Brave asks "A sphinx?!"

Jinxie spoke "I'm not my true size though."

The two adventurers were confused.

Danyelle spoke "Size change amulet."

Daring spoke "Huh. Makes sense."

Brave spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle spoke "Not counting Twilight since she can switch between alicorn and kyubi forms at will, the size change amulet's more for those who can't control their size."

But then we saw a female Jaguar Abyssinian wearing Aztec clothing show up, wielding a pair of katars and a spear, while a bird-like creature was right by her.

The she-cat asks "Where are we, Firehawk?"

Firehawk spoke "Well, I know we’re not in Asgard, that’s for sure."

Danyelle spoke "If you're looking for Odin, you're in the wrong universe."

The Abyssinian pointed her spear at us. “How do you know of his name? Are you aware of the Brawlhalla Tournaments?”

Danyelle spoke "Lance told me about it since he met the guy. And put that dang spear away! You're scaring Bold and Azure!"

The Jaguar saw my kids and sighed before putting her weapon away. “Then who are you?”

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, keenest of the Mobian Guard. The rainbow maned mare is Rainbow Dash, fastest of the Pony Guard. The foxes are Lan and Maylu. The sphinx is Jinxie. The two smaller Pegasi are Rainbow's children, Bold Lightning and Azure Sky. The hedgehog is my brother, Megaman."

The jaguar spoke "Alpha-Queen? I must admit, that’s quite impressive. I am Nai, Queen Nai, known as the Jaguar Queen."

Danyelle spoke "I took the rank of queen since one of my adopted children isn't old enough to be queen yet but since Queen Amy had married Thorax, Iris lost that right. As for the rank of alpha, I scared a few Diamond Dogs."

Queen Nai giggled. “So you’re powerful as well. I respect that of a warrior.”

Megaman spoke "You should see her in action though! She's able to fuse with Princess Twilight to form Danyterama!"

Firehawk spoke "Whoa! That’s gotta be strong!"

But then Tina came out of Danyelle’s shadow.

Danyelle spoke "This particular Fenrir is my mom."

Megaman chuckles "She's able to use crossfusion with me though, our strongest forms are Tao Soul and Dialga Soul."

Firehawk exclaims "…Two words; Ragnarok strong!"

Danyelle spoke "But unlike a stupid hyena I know, I don't let the power go to my head."

Queen Nai spoke "That’s quite wise."

I spoke "Stupid as he is, he screams like a girl."

That made Queen Nai and Firehawk laugh.

Tina spoke "Anyway, sweetie. I came here to tell you that someone with shadow powers just arrived into this world."

That caught Queen Nai and Firehawk’s attention.

Danyelle asks "Who mom?"

Queen Nai smiled. “Jiro.”

Zelestia's voice was soon heard from Danyelle's watch.

Zelestia spoke "We got a CODE RED!!!!"

Danyelle spoke "*Dreadfully* Oh no…"

Daring asks "Code Red?"

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Ugandan Knuckles virus...."

Queen Nai and Firehawk were confused.

Zelestia spoke "Sorry if it confuses you newcomers. The Ugandan Knuckles virus only affects echidnas and makes them even more stupid than normal."

Shade then showed up from a warp ring, breathing hard in fright.

Danyelle asks "Shade! What the cuss happened?"

Shade spoke "*Panicked* Knux’s been infected!"

Zelestia spoke "I'm shutting down ALL transdimensional travel until the sickness passes!"

I spoke "This is bad!"

Danyelle's fur had bristled up just as Knuckles showed up.

Danyelle yowls "SUMARDA!!!! HELP!!!!!"

A cage appeared, imprisoning the infected Knuckles as Sumarda showed up.

Sumarda spoke "I had a bad feeling about something, but I didn’t imagine it would be this."

Danyelle spoke "Shade told me before I called you."

Sumarda spoke "Oh."

Zelestia spoke "I put the warning out first though."

Sumarda spoke "That means I’ll probably be staying here a while until things calm down."

Tina hides in Danyelle's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well show yourself Caballeron!"

Caballeron spoke "Ah, your hearing precedes you, Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Jinxie pins me down with a paw after shifting to true size.

Jinxie spoke "Now hold on, we should hear his side of the story first before jumping to conclusions."

I groan "Ugh... fine..."

Danyelle asks "Why would you make Daring and Brave sound like bad guys?"

A male spoke "Yes. I’m sure we’d like to know."

We turned around to see a male dragon wearing a metal headband, red torn scarf, with a scar across the bridge of his snout, and wielding a scythe and a sword, with a Japanese creature floating beside him.

Jinxie spoke "Before somepony gets impatient...."

Queen Nai spoke "Hello Jiro, Ninja."

Jiro spoke "Heh. Good to see you again, Naiguar."

The Japanese creature, known as Ninja, gave a greeting bow.

Danyelle bows as well since she knows a few Japanese traditions.

Danyelle spoke "I'm starting to think there's more to this story though... As much as I hate to say it, we have to listen to Ahuizolt's side of the story."

“WHAT?! Are you kidding me?!” I couldn’t believe Danyelle suggested Ahuizotl!

Danyelle spoke "Of course not Skittles! Something just doesn't add up though. And Daring, I know you and Ahuizotl don't see eye to eye on a lot of things but I have a feeling that he's in trouble with other guardians whenever you or Caballeron take priceless artifacts from him."

Jinxie asks "Think about it rainbow one. If I took something very important from you, would you be mad?"

“Of course I would!” I answered.

Daring spoke "Maybe I'm going about this all wrong."

Brave spoke "Maybe me too…"

Jinxie spoke "Talking things out would benefit everyone in the end."

A being made of shadows poked out of Jiro’s scarf.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well come out Ahuizotl, I know you're trying to sneak up on us from behind. And unless you want a flaming kick where the sun doesn't shine, don't even think about attacking me from behind."

Ahuizotl came out. “Okay Jiro. Give it back.”

Jiro spoke "Hey, a deal’s a deal."

The being transformed into Ahuizotl before it went back to him, becoming his shadow from the light.

Jinxie spoke "Now I see why you were so upset with daring pony back then... She and the other one were taking things from you and selling them for either bits or to museums."

Daring Do spoke "The truth is, I was taking the artifacts because I thought I was protecting them."

Brave Barzard spoke "Same here."

Danyelle asks "And that nonsense with 800 years of unrelenting heat?"

Jinxie asks "Yeah, what was that about anyway?"

Queen Nai spoke "I would sure like to know."

Danyelle spoke "I have no idea..."

A female spoke "Actually, I'd like to know as well, Ahuizotl."

We looked and saw Qukul show up.

Danyelle spoke "Basically, Ahuizotl got in trouble with some of the other guardians because of what happened back when Daring and Brave were working on their first co-written book."

Jinxie asks "And didn't large snake get attacked by a lion once?"

Qukul spoke "Yes, I did. But I know Ahui's trying his best to protect the relics."

Danyelle growls at Caballeron so that he swore not to take any treasures again.

Ahuizotl was blushing about something, but what?

Danyelle laughs "Oh my cuss! It seems like Ahuizotl has a crush on Qukul!"

Ahuizotl flinched at that as Qukul blushed.

"Okay, I'm no Cadence, but I can tell that Danyelle was on point at that." I noticed as Ahuizotl nervously nodded.

Danyelle spoke "Either way, I'm glad things were resolved without a fight breaking out."

But then Danyelle and I noticed Ahuizotl and Qukul's eyes shimmer magenta as their eyes met each other.

Qukul spoke "So... If you asked me out on a date, that would be great."

Ahuizotl asks "*lovestruck chuckle* Eh doobeeday shoolah eh koobeeday?"

All of us except Danyelle and Qukul were totally confused by what he said.

Jinxie spoke "Lovestruck fool."

Danyelle giggles "Heeheehee! That certainly reminds me of a vampire I know. Hehe! Bleh bleh bleh! Ahuizotl's definitely asking Qukul out on a date."

Qukul spoke "*Happy blush* Of course I'll go on a date with you, Ahui."

Ahuizotl spoke "*Still lovestruck* Alibooboo."

Jinxie sighs.

Danyelle asks "You still miss him, Jinxie?"

Jinxie spoke "It's been a long time since I last saw him... My mate gave his life to save me and my unborn kittens.. My son had inherited his name though."

I spoke "No wonder why she was so pissy back then...."

Queen Nai spoke "I see."

Jinxie sighs "This bandana is all I have left to remember him."

Danyelle spoke "Before someone gets the stupid idea of using a temporal warp ring, we can't change the past."

Goku showed up. “Maybe, but I do know a way to bring him back without causing any time problems.”

Danyelle spoke "No Goku, we can't change the past, it'd have disastrous effects on the present."

Goku spoke "I wasn’t saying that."

Goku brings out the Four-Star Dragon Ball.

Goku spoke "I visited King Yemma, and he says he does know Jinxie’s mate."

Danyelle spoke "Just one problem... The guy's soul was reborn."

Goku spoke "Huh. Guess that means he’s been reincarnated."

Jinxie asks "Really?! Where is he?!"

Tefnut roars "MOM!!! ATEM'S ACTING WEIRD!!!"

Jinxie spoke "Oh dear…"

Danyelle spoke "Uh oh.... I think he's contracted the Ugandan virus...."
