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Pokemon Battle! Ash vs Danyelle!/ Between Dark and Dawn

*Serena's POV*


I was a bit annoyed that someone had called Ash a chicken.

Ash asks "Oh! I’m always ready for a Pokémon Battle! Right, Pikachu?"

Pikachu spoke "Pika!"

Danyelle sends out her half shiny Umbreon, Venus.

Venus spoke "Bre!"

Ash spoke "Sirfetch’d!"

Ash brought out Sirfetch’d.

Danyelle spoke "Fighting type huh? Venus, start it off with Psychic!"

Venus hits Sirfetch'd with Psychic, sending the fighting type back.

Ash spoke "Sirfetch’d! Meteor Assault!"

Sirfetch’d lunged forward and struck Venus, before an explosion occurred below the Umbreon, sending Venus flying back a bit.

Danyelle spoke "Confuse Ray!"

Sirfetch'd was soon confused.

Ash spoke "Alright, Brutal Swing!"

Sirfetch’d started spinning around and around, getting really fast before hitting Venus.

But due to confusion, Sirfetch'd had hit itself instead.

But that hit to itself snapped Sirfetch’d out of it.

Ash spoke "Alright! Again!"

Sirfetch’d started spinning around and around, getting faster before landing a blow on Venus with its shield.

Danyelle quickly recalls Venus before sending GlaceAngemon out.

GlaceAngemon spoke "Glace!"

Ash recalled Sirfetch’d.

Ash spoke "Come on out, Gengar!"

Ash sent Gengar out, as the ghost and poison-type Pokémon entered with a scary roar.

Danyelle spoke "Fly up and use Blizzard!"

GlaceAngemon flew up before using Blizzard.

The attack hit Gengar, before his body glowed purple.

Ash spoke "Gengar, use Will-O-Wisp!"

Gengar summoned small flames and threw them at GlaceAngemon, which hit him and left him with a burn.

Danyelle spoke "Walk it off and use Paw of Fate!"

GlaceAngemon hits Gengar with the attack.

Ash spoke "Gengar! Dazzling Gleam!"

Gengar shined brightly before colorful beams of light shot from him as they hit GlaceAngemon.

GlaceAngemon countered with Angel's Staff, negating the attack.

Danyelle spoke "Ice Shard!"

GlaceAngemon fired multiple ice shards at Gengar, knocking the Ghost-Poison type out.

Ash spoke "You did a great job, Gengar. Get some rest."

Ash recalled Gengar.

Ash spoke "Lucario! Come on out!"

Ash sent in Lucario.

Ash spoke "Aura Sphere!"

Lucario charged up a ball of aura before pulsing it to GlaceAngemon, hitting him dead on and knocking him out.

Danyelle recalls GlaceAngemon before sending Sui out.

Sui roars.

Goh spoke "That doesn't look like a Suicune to me."

Ash's Pokédex spoke "Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon."

Danyelle spoke "Close but Sui's a lot different than what you've seen! Sui, Aurora Beam!"

Sui hits Lucario with Aurora Beam.

Ash spoke "Lucario! Steel Beam!"

Lucario fired a steel-colored beam at Sui, which got it good.

Danyelle spoke "Use Dig!"

Sui disappeared underground.

Ash spoke "Double Team, Lucario!"

Lucario suddenly became a bit static as copies of him flashed into the battlefield.

Danyelle spoke "I saw it coming so... WHIRLPOOL!!"

Several pillars of water hit the copies, making them vanish.

Ash smirked. “Lucario! Force Palm into the ground!”

The real Lucario’s right paw glowed orange before he thrusted the palm into the ground, causing Sui to erupt from the ground at a different location from the attack.

Danyelle spoke "HYPER BEAM!!!"

The attack hits Lucario hard, knocking the Fighting-Steel type out.

Sui shot water at the ground to soften its landing.

Danyelle spoke "Good work Sui, now return and get some rest."

Ash spoke "Good job, Lucario. You can rest now."

Ash recalled Lucario and Danyelle recalled Sui.

Danyelle sends Tessa out.

Tessa spoke "Pika! {You're going down!}"

Ash asks "Ready, buddy?

Pikachu spoke "Pika! {Ready!}"

Ash spoke "Pikachu, I choose you!"

Ash sent Pikachu out.

Pikachu spoke "Pikachu pika pika! {Don’t expect me to go easy on you because you’re blind!}"

Tessa taunts "Pika pika chu! {Blind or not, I can still kick your tail! Plus that female Pikachu is watching.}"

Pikachu noticed Pikachi and looked like he got hit by an Attract, before snapping himself out of it.

Pikachu spoke "Pika! {Nice try! But I’m not that easy to trick!}"

Espewomon was giggling.

Espewomon giggles "Espe espe. {Yep, he's got it bad for the female.}"

GlaceAngemon chuckles "Glace. {For sure.}"

Danyelle spoke "Into the hole that Sui had made!"

Tessa soon disappears into the hole from before.

Ash spoke Pikachu! Electroweb on the ground right below you!

Pikachu spoke "Pika pikapikapikapikapikachupika!"

Pikachu fired an Electroweb as it stuck to the ground with him being at the center of it.

Danyelle spoke "EARTHQUAKE!!"

The ground under Ash's Pikachu shook, sending him flying.

Ash gasps "*Wild take!* WHA?! Earthquake?!"

Goh asks "How did that happen?!"

Danyelle spoke "Tessa's blind so she has an ability not commonly found in the Pikachu species. She has Seismic Sense, it lets her feel vibrations in the ground plus her ears are far keener than a normal Pikachu's ears."

Goh was certainly speechless.

Ash spoke "Pikachu! Thunder on the Electroweb!"

Pikachu spoke "Pika!"

Pikachu launched Thunder on the Electroweb, causing the sound of Thunder to roar underground, forcing Tessa to dig outta there due to all the noise.

Ash spoke "Iron Tail now!"

Pikachu spoke "Pika pikapikapikapikapikapikachupi!"

Pikachu spun his tail shined with an iron hue before striking Tessa.

Tessa's body crackled with electricity before shocking Ash's Pikachu with Thunderbolt.

Pikachu was sent flying back a bit.

Ash spoke "Alright! Use quick attack!"

Pikachu spoke "Pika!"

Pikachu then started dashing like the wind, circling Tessa before attacking her.

Tessa trips Ash's Pikachu up with Earthquake again, causing the male to crash into a wall thus knocking himself out.

Ash spoke "Pikachu!"

Ash ran towards Pikachu before picking him up.

Ash asks "You alright buddy?"

Pikachu spoke "Pika…"

Ash spoke "It’s okay buddy. You did great, now get some rest."

Danyelle spoke "Good work Tessa, you get some rest as well. Go Lugia!"

Lugia roars upon leaving the master ball.

Ash, Goh and I all gasp "Lugia?!"

Lugia spoke "Hello again Ash."

Danyelle spoke "Well Ash, bring out your next Pokemon."

Ash spoke "Come on out, Dracovish!"

Ash brought out Dracovish, before it affectionately chomped his head.

Danyelle spoke "Lugia, Aeroblast."

One Aeroblast later and Dracovish was knocked out.

Ash recalled Dracovish.

Ash spoke "Alright."

But before Ash could bring out Dragonite, Greninja appeared with a landing on the ground.

I ask "Greninja?"

Ash asks "You wanna do this together?"

Greninja spoke "Nin."

Ash and Greninja roared in unison as a vortex of water erupted below the Ninja Pokemon and surrounded him, before it vanished, revealing Ash-Greninja.

Danyelle recalls Lugia before sending Raiju out.

Danyelle spoke "Raiju, Thunder!"

Raiju howls as bolts of thunder crash down.

Ash spoke "Dodge it and use Aerial Ace!"

Ash and Ash-Greninja moved as one as the Ninja Pokemon dodged the bolts of thunder before attacking Raiju dead-on with Aerial Ace, tiring it out.

Danyelle spoke "THUNDER FANG!"

Raiju bites Ash-Greninja on the arm, sending electricity through the water-dark type's arm.

Ash spoke "Gah! Use Cut!"

Ash-Greninja materialized a blade and cut Raiju, knocking it out.

Danyelle's left ear twitches as she recalls Raiju.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well come out Jessie, I know you're hiding."

Nothing happened, but then an Inteleon appeared out of a portal.

Chameleo spoke "Let me try something. It worked on Ursula. *Ahem!* Man, that old lady sure can hide well and run fast."

Jessie revealed herself in anger. “Who’s calling me an old lady?!”

Danyelle glares art Chameleo and Jessie, stopping the fight from getting worse.

Danyelle spoke "Chameleo, don't rile her up. And Jessie, cool your jets."

Chameleo spoke "Hey, I only said that to reveal her and the others."

Danyelle spoke "Well, I can sense that her mother went missing during an avalanche years ago and hasn't been seen since."

The next thing we knew, we saw Jessie running off while dragging the other Team Rocket members really fast.

James asks "When did Jessie get as strong as Bewear?!"

Meowth retorts "How should I know?!"

Wobbuffet spoke "Wobbu!"

James and Meowth spoke "We’re off with a new blast!"

Wobbuffet spoke "Wobbuffet!"

But Danyelle snares the four with magic, dragging them back as a violet furred Mobian vixen with blue eyes and a plain black dress runs out of a warp ring.

The vixen asks "J-Jessie?"

Plugging her ears, Danyelle spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Jessie started crying.

Miya hugs her daughter.

Miya spoke "You've grown into a fine young woman. I'm proud of you."

*Aleena's POV*

I was up in Canterlot since Lightning Flash and Light Breeze were preparing to take leadership from Celestia and Luna.

I ask "You okay Lightning?"

Lightning Flash spoke "Honestly... I'm not sure."

I spoke "First off, relax babe. It's going to be okay. I'll be by your side when the time comes."

Lightning Flash spoke "Well, that would make both Equestria and Mobotropolis our kingdoms."

I spoke "As well as the Sol Dimension since Sonic is married to Blaze."

Lightning chuckles "Hehe. True, and Blaze is a counterpart of Sonic, so she's practically a daughter and a daughter in-law."

I spoke "I was surprised when I found out about Harmony, Melody and Kelly... I didn't expect Manic getting two wives."

Lightning chuckles "Well he was always a bit of a bad boy kind of guy. That, his personality, and his insane taco cravings."

I giggle "True there but what came as a real shock was Eggman though, I didn't expect him to change his ways."

Lightning spoke "Hehe. You can thank Danyelle and Maria for that."

I spoke "No wonder why many folks call Danyelle the Nekomata of Redemption."

*back with Danyelle*

*Serena's POV*

Danyelle asks "What's the point of staying in Team Rocket if Giovanni keeps berating you two all the time?"

Jessie spoke "Because we are going to achieve our dream!"

James spoke "As a team!"

Meowth spoke "Like the crop's kreme!"

Miya spoke "I quit my job years ago though, I have a better one now."

Danyelle's tails bristle up as she growls.

Danyelle growls "You might as well show yourself Giovanni, no point of hiding!"

A male laughs "Your reputation as the keenest of the Mobian Guard is well-earned, Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Giovanni came out of hiding with a smug smile.

Danyelle growls "Don't you EVEN think about taking my Pokemon!"

Giovanni spoke with a dark chuckle. "You don't even realize you've already lost."

Giovanni brought out a canister of DNA and a dark stone.

Miya was hiding behind Jessie since she was now scared of how corrupted Giovanni had become.

Danyelle snarls "Your mother would be ashamed of how corrupted you have become!"

But Giovanni just laughed that off. “She told me to follow my ambitions, I am simply doing that!”

Giovanni smashed the two objects together as a dark aura enveloped him with his eyes glowing red, before he began mutating.

Danyelle whistles loud, calling in Reshiram and Zekrom.

The two dragons roar loud after arriving.

Much to Ash and my surprise, Joker and Twilight were on the backs of the two dragon Pokémon.

Twilight spoke "Joker and I got the warning that something bad was happening so we came to help!"

But when Giovanni finished mutating, he became of a Pokémon similar to Mewtwo.

Danyelle crossfuses with Megaman before Beasting out.

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode roars loud.

But when Shadow Mewtwo's feet touched the ground, everyone in the area found themselves in a dark colosseum.

MegaDanyelle Beast Mode snarls "This is between you and me..."

Shadow Mewtwo's eyes glowed purple before he mega evolved as MegaDanyelle's Beast Mode suddenly deactivated.

But suddenly, MegaDanyelle pulled off triple soul and fuses with both Reshiram and Zekrom.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roars louder than ever.

Shadow Mewtwo effortlessly fired a Shadow Ball at the fusion.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul swatted the attack aside before firing a Fusion Flarebolt at Shadow Mewtwo.

The attack caused an explosion, but when the smoke faded, Mega Shadow Mewtwo X was completely unscathed.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roars loud before flying at a such a speed that left no chance of a counter attack, clamping her fangs in the corrupted male's neck.

But then Shadow Mewtwo grabbed MegaDanyelle Tao Soul's jaws before prying them off as he threw the fusion to the ground as he placed a hand on his neck in pain.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul shot another Fusion Flarebolt at Shadow Mewtwo.

But then a dark hole opened up and swallowed the attack, before closing. But then an energy pulse erupted from Shadow Mewtwo, healing his wounds with menacing dark auras emanating around him as the entire battlefield changed.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul snarls "THIS ENDS NOW!!!"

Shadow Mewtwo growled as his aura intensified.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roars "SHADOW DISRUPTION!!!"

The dark energy that was emanating from Shadow Mewtwo suddenly disappears.

But then the dark energy came back to him as it got even fiercer!

Chameleo spoke "It's the Shadow Synergy Stone! As long as it's a part of him, Shadow Mewtwo won't lose any power!"

Chameleo brought out a stone shining with blinding light.

Chameleo spoke "Good thing this charged up in time! I'm sending you Synergy Power!"

All of the energy that was built in the stone then flowed into MegaDanyelle Tao Soul, giving her an aura as fierce as Mega Shadow Mewtwo X's.

Chameleo spoke "You can end this! Strike him with everything you got!"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roars louder than ever! "SYNERGY HARMONIC BLAST!!!!"

Mega Shadow Mewtwo X teleported into space as he charged an enormous ball of dark synergy, before throwing it at MegaDanyelle Tao Soul as she fired an enormous brightly-colored rainbow chroma beam at the projectile, causing the ball to grow even more enormous as the attacks clashed and struggled.

The Pony Guard glow bright, adding their powers into MegaDanyelle Tao Soul.

Sonic and the other Mobians do the same thing, adding their powers into MegaDanyelle Tao Soul as well.


(bgm: Hopes and Dreams - Undertale)

The beam grew just as bigger and the synergy ball before overpowering it and hitting the enemy dead-on, causing an explosion. Shadow Mewtwo then de-evolved before teleporting back to the ground as he fell on a knee when the crystal on his shoulder cracked.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul spoke "It's OVER!"

But then Dark Synergy pulsed out of the crystal, covering Dark Mewtwo in it.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roars "SHADOW DISRUPTION!!!!"

All of the dark synergy disappears suddenly, weakening Shadow Mewtwo.

I spoke "He's too far gone to change his ways."

The crystal then shattered, before he somehow transformed back into Mewtwo as Giovanni’s spirit somehow disintegrated into light.

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul spoke "Any power you had is now gone!"

Mewtwo asks "Wha… What happened? Where am I…? Who am I?"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul spoke "You were corrupted by darkness but I saved you from it."

Mewtwo asks "Who… Who are you?"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul spoke "I am Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, Nekomata of Redemption and protector of Legendary Pokémon."

Looking at all of the grunts, Twilight spoke "Your boss is dead! From this day onward, Team Rocket is PERMANENTLY disbanded!"

Needless to say, Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet were frozen stiff.

Miya spoke "If you want to Jessie, you could live with me again."

Jessie spoke "Well, it looks like we have to start a Pokémon journey of our own."

James spoke "Indeed."

Meowth spoke "Yeah. Sometimes ya gotta start from the bottom to get to the top."

Wobbuffet spoke "Wobbu Wobbu."

Miya's ears pin back suddenly before growling.

Miya growls "You might as well show yourself Madame Boss, I can smell you hiding."

Twilight and MegaDanyelle Tao Soul were growling at the female.

Jessie asks "You mean bob-cut glasses goon?"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul growls "No, she was talking about Giovanni's mother."

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul charged up a Fusion Flarebolt and incinerated Madame Boss with it, ending the terror of Team Rocket for good.

Twilight spoke "'m no Cadence but I can tell that James has something he wants to say to Jessie but he's too chicken to say it..."

Meowth chuckles "*Smirk* Heh! Gotta agree with her there!"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul growls "Arranged marriage!?!? Something isn't right!"

Twilight's ears twitch upon hearing Jessebelle's voice.

Twilight snarls "Don't even THINK about it missy!"

Chameleo spoke "This isn’t gonna end well."

Twilight roars at Jessebelle, making her back off.

Jessebelle spoke "This isn't over! I will have him one way or another!"

Twilight had engulfed herself in fire before roaring at Jessebelle.

Twirama growls "The arranged marriage is null and void! You can't force someone to fall in love with you, that's not how romance works!"

MegaDanyelle Tao Soul nods in agreement.

Chameleo got a bead of sweat from how ferocious the girls were being.

Twirama and MegaDanyelle Tao Soul roar loud, sending Jessebelle flying far away.

MegaDanyelle reverted back to Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "She won't be coming back."

James’ head was completely beet-red.

Danyelle spoke "Called it, I knew that James had feelings for Jessie."

A Growlithe spoke "Growl!"

A Growlithe showed up carrying its pokeball.

Twilight asks "Is that your pet Growlithe?"

Flarerudamon pops out of his pokeball before talking with Growlie.

Flarerudamon asks "Flareruda? {What brings you by?}"

Growlie spoke "Growl. {I’ve decided to stay with James. Besides, all that roaring got me worried.}"

Flarerudamon spoke "Ruda flare. {Princess Twilight and Alpha-Queen Danyelle scared off James's ex-fiancée.}"

Growlie spoke "Growlithe! {Yes! She’s been making my fur stand on end!}"

Flarerudamon spoke "Ruda! {I swear, that Jessebelle is a total yandere! But I'm glad Danyelle scared her off for good.}"

Growlie spoke "Growlithe. {At least I can be happy that James is free.}"

Flarerudamon spoke "Ruda. {Yeah, he's free to follow what his heart really wants. Plus Espewomon senses that James has it bad for Jessie.}"

Getting an idea, Danyelle grabs an accordion from her hammerspace before playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blqe-dUGz90 on it which prompted James to ask Jessie for a dance.

Espewomon spoke "Espe. {I agree.}"

Growlie spoke "Growl. {Yeah, same here.}"

Espewomon giggles "Espe. {Oh look, it seem Jessie and James are dancing with each other.}"

Growlie smiled at that.

Miya spoke "This, I can agree with."

Much to the surprise of those present, James had proposed to Jessie.

I was shocked at what had just happened.

And even more to my surprise, Jessie accepted the proposal with happy tears.

Twilight and Danyelle howl in happiness.

I ask "Ash?"

Twilight secretly snuck a small box into Ash's hands without him noticing right away.

Danyelle playfully elbowed Twilight’s shoulder as both of them giggled.

I ask "What is that you have there Ash?"

Ash asks "Huh?"

Danyelle giggles "5... 4... 3..."

Twilight giggles "2... 1..."

Ash searched his pocket and found the box that Twilight put in there.

I ask "Is that what I think it is?"

Twilight was on her back while laughing.

Ash spoke "Only one way to find out."

With tears in my eyes, I tackle hugged Ash.

I spoke "You dense dummy... Of course I'll marry you..."

Danyelle and Twilight fist/hoof bump each other.

Chameleo smirked before he summoned a small wave that pushed Pikachu into Pikachi.

Tessa was laughing at the two Pikachu.

Danyelle recalls all her Pokemon.

Twilight spoke "Well, it's time that Danyelle and I head home. But you four are welcome in Equestria any time."

The two royals head off through a warp ring back to Ponyville.

Miya spoke "I should go as well."

Chameleo: I better get back to my universe.

I ask "Ash, where should we have the wedding?"

Ash spoke "No clue yet. But I am curious about the world that pony came from."

“Wanna find out?” I asked.

Ash spoke "Sure!"

And so, Ash and I follow after Miya through the warp ring thus arriving in Ponyville but to our surprise, our forms had changed.

Ash was now a black Mobian cat while I was a honey blonde Mobian vixen.

I groan "Ash, could you get your tail out of my face?"

Ash spoke "S-Sorry."

Danyelle spoke "Uh... you two might want to look in a mirror..."

“Huh?” Ash and I wondered in unison.

Danyelle's ears pin back just before I started screaming.

I scream "I'M A FOX!! WHAT?!?!?"

Danyelle spoke "Ow...."

Lillian's face was soon covered in cake batter since the screaming had caused the cake she was working on to explode.

Lillian groans "It's the roar all over again..."
