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Beginning of the End Part 2

*Twilight's POV*

I ask "So where do we go from here?"

Sonic spoke "I have no idea."

We saw Jeanne fighting off more of those creatures on a yacht, so me, Sonic, the others and Bayonetta jumped onto it to help her.

Sonic stammers "I d-don't like being on boats...."

Danyterasu asks "I know you hate water Sonic, but can you suck it up this once?"

Roll spoke "You're the grandson of Princess Luna for crying out loud!"

What Roll had said caught Bayonetta off guard.

Bayonetta asks "Pardon?"

Danyterasu spoke "Long story short, Sonic's half alicorn."

Bayonetta spoke "Well, that is quite the surprise."

Sonic spoke "Cussbuckets! The other Smashers don't know!"

Jeanne spoke "We’ll catch up later!"

But then two arms with the tips being anchors erupted from the water, followed by eight other tentacles surrounding the boat.

Sonic started to sing for some reason.

Danyterasu asks "Sonic?"

Bayonetta spoke "A demon, here? And it’s clearly been summoned! Who else could possibly have…"

Jeanne spoke "Perhaps our new friends can tell us a thing or two."

I spoke "Don't look at me!"

We attacked the anchors, trying to pry them off.

Bayonetta asks "Jeanne?"

Jeanne nodded before she and Bayonetta summoned fists that punched the anchors right off the boat, causing the tentacles to retreat, before the anchors rose again and struck the yacht, destroying it and sending it falling down as we jumped.

Sonic was holding onto the two females while flapping his wings.

Holding onto Megaman and Roll, Danyelle asks "Is everyone okay?"

Bayonetta asks "Finally decided to come up for air, did you? Now… who invited you to our little cruise?"

I took the two females from Sonic before he fired a Chaos Blade at the kraken, causing it pain.

The Kraken then squirted lines of dangerous ink from the mouths of two of its tentacles as us.

I shot fire from my mouth at the ink, causing it to explode thus blinding the kraken.

We dodged as it went into a waterfall.

A warp ring opens up as Aria flew out of it with Meggy and Desti on her back.

Aria spoke "Thought you'd need some help!"

The kraken emerged from the waterfall and lunged at us again.

But Aria tail slapped the kraken hard, knocking it away.

The kraken then grabbed onto the boat again and started attacking with its anchor arms.

Sonic shouts "CHAOS SLICER!!!"

The attack sliced off the kraken's anchor arms.

Bayonetta launched a rocket that blew up in the Kraken’s face, causing it to fall into the waterfall. Then the Kraken repeatedly lunged from waterfall to waterfall, trying to catch Bayonetta, me and the others, before it erupted from below the boat, completely destroying it as we dived into the water before the waterfalls collided into an ocean again.

Sonic asks "Is it over?"

Bayonetta spoke "Not quite yet. Ciaofi Balzarg!"

Bayonetta posed as her hair swirled, opening a portal and summoning Madame Butterfly.

Madame Butterfly then caught up with the Kraken and spun it around before punching into its head, then pried the head open, before Madame Butterfly disappeared as the Kraken closed its head then swam away in defeat.

Meggy spoke "Impressive."

Bayonetta asks "Would you expect anything less?"

All of us then swam up to shore on a building as we escaped from a giant sea monster that was like those creatures from earlier while it got hit from a speeding building thrown underwater by Rodin.

Sonic shook the water off his body.

An overly poofy Sonic spoke "Don't laugh..."

Sonic shook again and his fur was back to normal.

Bayonetta spoke "Playing the good Samaritan, Rodin? How dreadfully noble."

Rodin spoke "We gotta talk. Preferably some place a little quieter."

Later, we arrived at Rodin’s bar, the Gates of Hell underground.

Roll asks "So, what's going on?"

Rodin turned on the TVs as we saw each of them turn into a blur one by one, before we heard someone sobbing, seeing Enzo looking at a family photo.

Enzo cries "Mi amore… Ed…! Edna…! Ah God!"

Enzo kept sobbing.

Rodin spoke "He tried to go outside, but I knocked some sense into him. After all, he still hasn’t paid that tab."

We then heard rumbling from above ground.

Rodin spoke "We’ll be cool down here for a little while. *Lighting cigar with flames made by flicking his thumb* …A very little while."

I spoke "But Sonic, Danyelle and I do have to go back home soon."

Bayonetta asks "You mean those weren’t your playmates, Rodin?"

Rodin spoke "Not my type. Although I did try shakin’ hands. As I told Danyelle and the others, those things ain’t from Paradiso or Inferno. They’re locals. In other words… they’re part humans."

Jeanne asks "Human?"

A female spoke "They’re Homunculi. Manmade bioweapons."

We looked behind us to see the girl we rescued before.

Rodin spoke "How about you tell us who you are first? Miss…"

The female spoke "Viola."

Danyelle spoke "Wait.... I think I know a guy that has fought with Homunculi before! Many call him the Fullmetal Alchemist because his right arm and left leg are automail."

Viola spoke "Yeah… Me too…"

But then the place rumbled again.

Viola spoke "…Uh, never mind. Look, we don’t have time! If we don’t stop them, this world and universe is history… and reality as we know it gets wiped out for good!"

Bayonetta asks "And so you just led them right to us?"

Bayonetta shoved a lollipop into Viola’s mouth, before the swordswoman threw it away.

Viola spoke "No! They’re like locusts, spreading through the Multiverse, destroying it as they go! Just trust me, damn it! We’ve got to hurry. Bayonetta… Jeanne… Sonic… Danyelle… Twilight… All of you and your friends have to help!"

Jeanne fired at Viola, who used Witch Time and cut the bullets in half with her sword.

Jeanne asks "Why do you know our names? And who the hell taught you that bit of magic?"

Viola spoke "Well… In the world I’m from, we’ve already met. A world like this one, in another part of the Multiverse… but it’s gone now. Along with you, and you, and Edward… and everyone and everything else! The Homunculi are tearing through the Multiverse and there’s only a few worlds left!"

Jeanne asks "Multiverse? On the off chance you’re not insane, what do they want?"

Rodin spoke "Hold up. This could be serious."

Danyelle and I were in our combat forms before fusing together to become Divine Danyterama.

I howl loud, calling in all of the other Smashers to help fight.

I spoke "Help is on the way!"

Rodin spoke "If what you’re sayin’ is true, then this ain’t just a human problem. *Grabbing some wine bottles* Within the Trinity of Realities, the World of Chaos is actually made up of countless universes, all stacked up together. That’s the Multiverse. If someone’s wipin’ those universes out one by one… Nah, “wipin’ out” doesn’t quite explain it. They’re breakin’ the Multiverse down, tryin’ to fuse it together. *Bring over six bottles and pour them all into a single bar mix at once perfectly* Like runnin’ thinly sliced wagyu beef through a grinder to make a big old juicy burger. *Shaking up the mixer with hand covering the opening completely* And if they can pull it off, they’ll get their hands on enough power to wipe out the whole Trinity in a snap."

Rodin opened the bar mixer and poured the wine mixture into a fancy glass as he passed it to Bayonetta.

Bayonetta spoke "Thank you, professor."

Bayonetta drank the mixture, licking her lips in satisfaction.

Sonic spoke "But if they get to the Prime zone, then all hell will break loose!"

I spoke "Countless other zones rely on a prime zone to remain stable. If a prime zone collapses... then so will all the others that connect to it!"

Bayonetta asks "And what do you expect us to do?"

Viola spoke "Right. There are two things we have to do. Jeanne, I want you and some of the others to find a scientist named Sigurd. He’s somewhere in this world, and he can help us. And Bayonetta, I want you and the rest of come with me to help find more of these."

Viola brought out a strange gear.

Viola spoke "This is a Chaos Gear, the key to beating Singularity. And the only one who knows how to use them is Dr. Sigurd. Without both of them, we can kiss this universe goodbye."

We felt that rumble again.

Bayonetta spoke "Well, since solitaire in a literal man cave isn’t exactly riveting, I suppose we’ll be your chaperones. That will help restore some sanity, right? We’ll have a bit of girl talk along the way."

Viola spoke "O-okay…"

Rodin asks "So anyway, Viola… *Slams his counter* You gonna introduce me to this thing or what?"

We looked and saw what Rodin was referring to, a giant demon cat smoking from a pipe.

I ask "What the cuss is Chaos Gear?"

The giant cat however barfed out a clown bike before jumping onto it as it posed with spotlights shining on the demon, before riding the bike while Viola reached behind her and couldn’t feel the hilt of her sword.

Viola shouts "Huh? Oh, damn it Cheshire! You know you’re not supposed to pop out like that!"

Viola went after Cheshire.

Bayonetta spoke "Cheshire…"

I groan "Garfield is worse...."

Viola came back. “Sorry about that. But I can help find out where to go.”

I spoke "You've got the fiercest of the Pony Guard along with the fastest and keenest of the Mobian Guard to help."

Roll spoke "Plus a pair of Mobian-NetNavi hybrids too."

Viola spoke "That’s great! But if you can’t handle long flights, you can ride Cheshire."

I spoke "I've got broad wings in Twirama form."

Soon enough, half of the Smasher team showed up.

Viola spoke "Holy… That’s a lot of fighters."

Mario spoke "Master Hand granted Princess Twilight and Alpha-Queen Danyelle the Smash Summon skill in case something bad came up-a."

A voice spoke "I and some of the others will help as well."

We turned around and saw Stolas, Blitz, Moxxie, Mildred, Loona, Cuetzpalli, Ali, the Morrigan and Da Ji arrive with Belladonna and Firebrand while a new symbol flashed on Bayonetta’s back.

I pull a Chaos Emerald out of my far left tail since it rarely leaves Danyelle's sight.

I spoke "Maybe this can help."

We all started our journey with Viola as a small group of smashers went with Jeanne.

Viola spoke "The Homunculi leader’s name is Singularity. He unraveled the secret of the Multiverse before anyone else. Declaring his own world the Alphaverse, he began destroying the other layers of the Multiverse one by one. There’s only one way to stop him, take the fight to him in the Alphaverse. We don’t have a way to move freely through the Multiverse… but there’s one place that connects the whole thing. A legendary island created by the Umbra and the Lumen to study and reach out to the unknown… The secluded island of Thule!"

Bayonetta asks "Are you sure your fantasy island is real?"

But then all of us except Viola and Cheshire heard a voice.

The mysterious voice spoke "Believe, and the path will open…"

Bayonetta asks "Believe, and the path will open…?

Viola spoke "Look, there it is!"

We looked at Viola’s direction and saw our destination, the Island of Thule.

I spoke "Let's crush this jerk!"

But then Bayonetta noticed something.

Bayonetta spoke "Hmm… Someone seems very interested in our arrival."

Viola asks "Is it… him? Let’s land fast. It’s not safe."

I had a feeling that someone Bayonetta knew was on the island, before Bayonetta noticed something.

Bayonetta asks "What’s that?"

Viola pulled Cheshire, making him lean to the left as it dodged a laser, fired by some kind of living weapon like the other creatures we fought before.

I lean a hard right thus blocking the attack from hitting Aria, Meggy, Desti and Sonic before firing a Chaos Spear at the creature.

Viola spoke "There’s more!"

But then Cheshire fell off its bike, causing her and Bayonetta to fall, but the Umbra Witch landed perfectly, while Viola was caught by Cheshire. Cheshire turned into a doll handing in the end of the katana’s hilt on Viola’s back while she and Bayonetta readied for battle.

Bayonetta asks "Quite the warm welcome. So who’ll be carrying my luggage? That sword isn’t just for play, is it kitty?"

Viola spoke "The cuss? Don’t call me “kitty!” Trust me, I can take care of myself!"

I spoke "Focus ladies! Now isn't the time to bicker!"

Bayonetta spoke "I suppose you do have a point."

Viola growls "Grr…! Fine!"

I roar loud, knocking back any hostile creature's attack.

Bayonetta chuckles "My, you’re a fierce tiger, aren’t you?"

I chuckle "Alicorn, gryphon, nine tailed fox, nekomata, wolf..."

Viola spoke "Come on!"

We searched as we found more turquoise gems before we spotted a pillar in the sky as a window showed us a New York.

Bayonetta asks "You’re all seeing that off in the distance too, right?"

Viola spoke "Yeah, pretty sure those are other worlds in the Multiverse. I bet the people who built this place used to watch over different worlds the same way…"

Sonic spoke "Just like Master Hand..."

We kept going and attacked strange blocky objects, with the second one taking the shape of a crescent moon, shining over the area directly below it, before Bayonetta get its energy.

Bayonetta spoke "Incredible… It’s like being bathed in moonlight. A fountain of magic energy… I’m starting to like it here."

Two portals open up before a half dragonoid male and a half alicorn female out from them.

The half Dragonoid half human male spoke "Now's not the time to relax!"

Bayonetta spoke "Oh don’t worry, I think I’ll use no energy while using magic in spots like this."

A giant enemy appeared.

Bayonetta spoke "Avavago!"

Bayonetta summoned Gomorrah and started dancing to keep the demon here while it fought the enemy.

The two hybrids flew in sync as they shot fire at the enemy.

Bayonetta spoke "My, you two are quite good dancers yourselves."

That made the two hybrids blush.

The half alicorn female spoke "My mom would pluck my wing feathers if she found out that I fell in love with a guy I don't even know!"

Bayonetta teases "Oh. Playing hooky, are we?"

I spoke "It's almost as though I know them somehow..."

The half-alicorn female spoke "Well, I’m from another universe, and those things destroyed everything! Even my mom, who is the Avatar!"

Danyelle asks "Would her name be Korra?"

The half-alicorn female spoke "Yes!"

Danyelle spoke "The Korra I know is a Mobian fox-alicorn hybrid... Mako's a fire ferret, Bolin's an echidna and Asami's a wolf."

The half-alicorn female exclaims "Huh?! But they were human!"

Danyelle spoke "The Korra and Mako I know aren't the same ones as your parents."

Sonic spoke "Three… two… one."

The half-alicorn female screams "WHAT?!"

Bayonetta asks "Now calm down, little one. Screaming is quite unbecoming of a lady, is it?"

The half Dragonoid male wingslaps the half alicorn female on the back of the head.

Ash spoke "Cool yer jets miss, this isn't the same world you're from."

Half-alicorn female spoke "S-Sorry."

I ask "Do you know someone named Akari?"

Ash spoke "I know a Sylvia though, her parents are Twilight and Flash."

Stolas spoke "Oh. Different universes can mean different people or names."

I spoke "Or on rare occasions.... Same name, different species...."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly, I have a Changeling daughter named Iris though."

The female half-alicorn gasped.

I wingslap Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight.... SIT GIRL!!!"

I was soon face down on the ground.

Bayonetta giggled at that in amusement.

Iris spoke "Huh... my mom never uses that command on Akari's mom..."

I spoke "Can't be my Akari, she's just starting daycare."

Danyelle spoke "Anyways.... We should finish this mess."

We destroyed the creature.

Bayonetta spoke Oh, I have a feeling that it only started."

We kept going until we’re found a strange door.

Viola asks "A dead end? What’s this weird-ass wall?"

Bayonetta spoke "Just needs the right touch. Any true Umbra Witch knows that."

Bayonetta attacked the wall until it opened.

Bayonetta spoke "Better be on our way before it closes again."

Danyelle's ears twitch.

Danyelle spoke "I hear something...."

“What?” I asked.

Danyelle's ears swivel.

Danyelle spoke "Screaming... a lot of it...."

Sonic spoke "That can’t be good."

Iris spoke "Same here.... It sounds like screaming ponies!"

Bayonetta spoke "And I know where that is coming from. Do follow me."

The others and I follow Bayonetta to the noise.

We then arrived at a circle.

Bayonetta asks "This trip has been full of surprises, hasn’t it?"

Viola spoke "Is this… a Multiverse portal generator? Bayonetta, wait. It might be a bad idea to mess with that."

Danyelle places a hand on the generator, triggering her dimensional scream.

Danyelle saw a lot of things, but they went too quickly for her to understand.

Danyelle spoke "nnope, It's not safe."

But Bayonetta walked into the circle, activating the generator. “Too late for regrets now, I’m afraid.”

I spoke "You're crazy... More so than Pinkie..."

Sonic chuckles "And honestly, that’s saying something."

Danyelle, Sonic, Stolas, Blitz, Mario and I followed Bayonetta, right before we disappeared into a rift of chaos.

Viola spoke "Bayonetta!"

Roll spoke "Dany!"

Meanwhile, with us in the rift…

Bayonetta spoke "Separate vacations for now, then. Good luck!"

We started moving forward to find the exit.

Bass scoffs "Whatever."

An arm of Madame Butterfly appeared.

Bayonetta spoke "You must have been dying for some action too!"

We then heard a sound from Madame Butterfly that confirmed it as the demon’s symbol flashed on Bayonetta’s back before more enemies appeared.

Danyelle's mark, Sonic's mark and my mark were glowing.

I spoke "Looks like we have to get going."

Danyelle asks "You able to handle it yourself?"

Bayonetta asks "Of course, but can you get back to your world from in here?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle, Sonic and I teleported home.
