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End of the Corruption Part 1

*Pibby's POV*

This was the final showdown with the corruption.

I spoke "Twilight, Alex, Bunbun, Sumarda, we've been on the defensive since we stopped part of the corruption. If we take the final fight to the source, then it won't be bothering any universe ever again."

Sumarda spoke "I got the anti-virus done, but someone will have to make direct contact with it to inject the program in order for it to work."

Bass spoke "I'll do it."

A portal opens up before Moonshadow flew out.

Moonshadow spoke "Daniel told me that you were going to need my help stopping this thing."

Twilight asks "Is that… me?"

Danyelle spoke "It might be... If you were a stallion..."

Twilight spoke "Oh! Well this is… a little awkward."

Danyelle spoke "I met my counterpart once when time had gone out of whack. He didn't have wings though."

Bunbun spoke "We can't take too large of a group to fight though."

I spoke "Bunbun's right guys."

Alex spoke "That would put innocents in danger, so only a small group will be sufficient.

Moonshadow spoke "Good idea."

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with Melira, Alloy, Cam, Ashley, Libby and Daisy.

Libby spoke "You can count Daisy and I in too sis."

“That’s good to hear.” I said.

Twilight spoke "So we got Moonshadow, Melira, Alloy, Cam, Ashley, Pibby, Libby, Daisy, Bunbun, Alex, Sumarda, Danyelle and myself."

Danyelle spoke "That covers about everyone."

Melira spoke "Not counting Kurama though."

I spoke "Exactly so let's end the corruption once AND FOR ALL!!"

Everyone cheered in agreement with that.

Kurama spoke "I've had enough of this damned corruption!"

Matatabi spoke "No argument here."

Danyelle yowls loud in agreement.

Twilight spoke "Let’s do this!"

Danyelle looks at her universal map.

Danyelle spoke "I managed to narrow down the locations of where the main source is... One possible location is a world of taurs though...."

I spoke "I don't think we should check there..."

Danyelle spoke "Another possible location is the world of Glitch Techs."

I spoke "A third possible location is... Oh cuss no.... It's in Meggy's world...."

Ashley spoke "This is bad...."

Cam asks "But, where should we go?"

I spoke "Three possible locations... I think we should split into groups of four, with one magic user in each group."

Danyelle spoke "Smart move."

I spoke "Group Alpha will be Moonshadow, Melira, Alloy and Cam. Group Beta will be Ashley, Danyelle, Bunbun and myself. Group Delta will be Libby, Daisy, Alex, Sumarda and Twilight."

Danyelle gives the multiversal telepathy spell to Twilight and Moonshadow.

Moonshadow spoke "Good call."

I spoke "Group Alpha will search the tech world, Group Beta will check the taur world, Group Delta will check Meggy's world."

Twilight spoke "Understood."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing my Danyterasu form is a taur."

And so, the three groups head off to the three different worlds.

*Taur world*

*Danyelle's POV*

Automatically upon arrival, I had shifted to my Danyterasu form to blend in.

“Well at least I won’t have much trouble.” I admitted.

Bunbun asks "But what about Ashley, Pibby and I?"

“Oh. Right. Huh?” I noticed light coming from the clouds, and something was telling me that wasn’t a good sign.

I spoke via telepathy. "{Twilight! Moonshadow! Cant you hear me? I'm seeing something that can't be good!}"

Moonshadow spoke "{I’m seeing it too!}"

Twilight spoke "{Same here! But that light’s glitching, so I think we’re on the right track!}"

I spoke "{Do what you can to destroy it!}"

Twilight spoke "{On it!}"

But then we found angels coming down and attacking us.


Several chaos spears hit the archangels, destroying them.

More appeared before…

A mare spoke "Boldakazam!"

Dark spells flew and cursed the archangels, destroying them.

The mare spoke "That was close."

We looked behind us to see Sunset Shimmer, but she had three horns, her tail was a bit more pointy, wielding a pitchfork weapon, and wearing a purple cape.

I spoke "More are coming!"

The Sunset lookalike spoke "Let me help!"

The Sunset lookalike withdrew her pitchfork and brought out a pair of kunai knives with chainsaws on them.

The Sunset lookalike spoke "The pain train’s about leave station!"

Pibby, Ashley and Bunbun held onto my legs as I dug my claws into the ground.

I spoke "Miss, you might want to hold onto my legs since I'm about to use a last resort attack!"

The Sunset lookalike spoke "Alright."

The Sunset lookalike's back glowed a strange symbol as she grabbed onto my legs.


The attack sucked up all of the angels, sending them to oblivion.

I close up the blackhole after the last angel vanished.

The Sunset lookalike spoke "Well, that’s new."

I spoke "I rarely use it since it could destroy an entire world."

The Sunset lookalike asks "Well, anyone need a ride?"

Pibby, Ashley and Bunbun were soon up on my taur back.

I spoke "We're good since I can't switch back to my normal form while in this world."

Sunbold spoke "Okay, I’ll just get a bird’s eye-view and see if I can find anything off. The name’s Sunbold by the way. Matorb Pambt!"

Sunbold spun around and posed before the hair of her mane and tail lengthen and went into the ground, opening a portal as a train emerged from it.

I spoke "I'm Danyelle or Danyterasu while in taur form."

Sunbold spoke "Well, it was great to meet you guys. *Jumping onto the train* Now we’re off!"

Sunbold started dancing as the train roared before it started moving forward, then really fast before we saw a pair of purple flame trails appearing from on the ground to in the sky before the train went into the air on those same tracks.

I flap my broad wings as I follow after the train.

“What kind of train is this?” I asked.

Sunbold spoke "*While dancing* This is the Charger of the Crimson Rim, the infernal demon Wartrain Gouon. And you don’t want to know the inside of it. Nuts and bolts on the outside, flesh and bones on the inside."

Pibby spoke "Almost like a cyborg..."

An enemy appeared and charged at us, only for something to emerged from the front of the head of the war train and devour it.

Pibby, Ashley, Bunbun and I spoke "Eww...."

Sunbold spoke "You’ll get used to it."

The head retracted back into the train.

I spoke "I'd rather not lose my supper...."

*Meanwhile with Group Delta*

Twilight asks "You sure we're going the right way Sumarda?"

Sumarda spoke "To be honest with you, I have no idea."

Twilight spoke "We don't have Danyelle's keen ears though."

Manifesting as a spirit, Kurama spoke "I hear something...."

They looked up and saw an archangel about to attack when…

A voice spoke "Tank 'n' Spank!"

A cannon was heard firing as a projectile hit the archangel before it exploded, killing the enemy.

Kurama asks "What the cuss was that?!?"

They turned around to see Applejack, but she looked different, she had brown armor, still had her Stetson hat, wheels were able to come out of her hoofs, and she had a smoking tank cannon pointing outta her sternum.

Twilight spoke "That's not the Applejack I know."

The Applejack lookalike spoke "Guess that’s the only one, fer now."

Twilight asks "Uh, who are you?"

The Applejack lookalike spoke "Oh! Pardon! Where’re mah manners? Mah name’s Appletank. Besides, my ammo ain’t just for explodin’ enemies."

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight. The others are Libby, Daisy, Alex and Sumarda. The fuzzball that's linked to my soul is Kurama, I had to deal with him since I was born but he kept quiet until after Starlight had calmed down."

Appletank spoke "Well that certainly is a surprise. As fer what else mah ammo can do…"

The hole in Appletank’s cannon started glowing.

Appletank spoke "Look away! Look away!"

Appletank fired a projectile at Sumarda, which hit her, only to disappear as the Draconequus started spinning around very fast before randomly stopping.

Sumarda asks "Gah! I forgot about my eating contest with Crocy! Wait… Was I distracted just now?"

Twilight spoke "That's nothing compared to what I can do!"

After engulfing herself in fire, Twilight had transformed to Twirama.

Twirama spoke "Tailed Beast Bomb!"

Twirama charges up a Tailed Beast Bomb before firing it at an angel that had just appeared, destroying it.

Appletank spoke "Not bad. But I was only inspiriting Sumarda, so it was nothing special."

Twirama spoke "I wonder what Group Alpha is up to..."

*Meanwhile in the Tech world*

Moonshadow blasted a robot with magic, knocking it away as he, Melira, Alloy and Cam ran to hide.

Melira pants "You boys okay?"

Cam spoke "Yep."

Alloy spoke "Least Group Beta's got it easier..."

But then Archangels appeared.

Melira groans "Alloy… You just HAD to say it."

Moonshadow had engulfed himself in fire, transforming to his kyubi form before blasting all of the archangels with multiple Tailed Beast Bombs.

Moonshadow spoke "That was a close call...."

A kyubi spirit spoke "You’re telling me."

A fox spirit revealed herself, tethered to Moonshadow.

Moonshadow spoke "Kurimi..."

The white furred kyubi spirit giggles.

Moonshadow facehoofed.

Kurimi's ears twitch before growling.

Kurimi growls "Trouble."

Moonshadow spoke "We can't stop it alone though... We need the divine one's help."

Cam asks "Divine one?"

Moonshadow spoke "Yeah."

Melira asks "But have you seen the divine one before?"

Moonshadow spoke "Definitely."

Cam spoke "I call hax, the divine one hasn't been seen in years."

Moonshadow spoke "But I’m being honest here."

Melira spoke "You could ask Sonic about that since he's seen the divine one a few times."

Cam's ears twitch before a portal opened up as a battle scarred Sonic falls out.

The battle scarred Sonic spoke "I just hope that I’m not too late."

Cam asks "you okay dude?"

The battle scarred Sonic spoke "I’m fine. Just went through a ton of fights."

Cam spoke "Same with Alpha-Queen Danyelle but she doesn't have as many battle scars."

Moonshadow asks "You looking for something or somecreature?"

But then Sonic fell onto his knees and hands in exhaustion.


Danyelle spoke "{On my way!}"

Moonshadow spoke "{I should warn you, it's not the Sonic you know...}"

Danyelle soon flew out of a warp ring.

Danyelle asks "What the…?"

Megaman spoke "That's not the Sonic you know though sis...."

Moonshadow spoke "Wait, where’s the rest of your team?"

Danyelle spoke "They headed to where Twilight's group was to provide back up."

Moonshadow spoke "Smart move."

To be continued...