• Published 5th Jan 2023
  • 220 Views, 13 Comments

Discord: A Story About The Number 4 And A Wall - Mr Mlp

"Discord: The Grand Old Fluttercord Plot."

  • ...

Discord: ÑýøL ťHÊ pčÄhĖŤŔ ĀŅĐ űHõFŢř (NUf EvAH)

Author's Note:

You've made it to the finale, so here I give a final message:

A personality driven test he gives to prove he can.

A double sided attempt to accomplish their own goals.

A three-sided split between different creatures.

A so-called fine return of certain person.

A plot hidden beneath some magic.

A problem brewing in the mind is truly a problem.

It leads to a simple decision.

Surely you've been trying to analyze these messages.

No amount of that will ever prepare you.

For an ending that is sure to spread blue in a blaze.

"BAM! And just like that we're inside the convention."

"Uh, Discord we're actually outside of the convention."

"Oh. Dang it."

Here all three of them stood at Sanctuary Garden Con and it couldn't have been a more beautiful sight. Granted they weren't inside, but the beauty still flowed with magnificence. Right outside the walls of the convention bore many thick and lush vines wrapped around the spherical building. Flowers were seen everywhere, each one carrying its own scent and feel creating a sense of warmth and safety. The sun was somehow even in the perfect spot to compliment the gleaming waters around the building and the shiny decorated glass windows based on, you guessed it... Nature.

They stood right outside, close to a security pony asking for tickets and checking bags letting ponies go into the convention.

"Well, the convention isn't getting any older with us just standing here gawking at it, unless I have anything to say about it."

A brief moment of silence followed, broken by Fluttershy in a quick second.

"Um, we should probably go give my ticket to the security pony, so we can enter."

All three entered the long line that would eventually lead to the entrance.

"Wait. You had a ticket this whole time? I thought we were able to just moonlight waltz in!" Discord stated.

"I knew about the ticket." Angel said snarkily.

"I just didn't think it was that important... was that important to mention?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm positively bursting with excitement to enter this convention."

(Art by YoshiTheFox all rights still reserved TM Copyright, not breaking laws and being hopefully not bad person)

"You're lying. And you still haven't given me that smile from earlier!"

"You're right I am lying. And NEVER!"

A couple of moments passed without any conversation causing Discord to look ahead in the line hoping the size of it dwindled down. Discord looked again a few moments later and it felt like he was being deceived as the line looked like it doubled in size.

"So what are we going to do once we get inside?" Angel asked.

"Well... I still haven't practiced for my speech yet, so I'll be doing that after looking around the convention for a little while."

"That's it?" Angel exclaimed.

"Yep!" Fluttershy gave a big wide smile after stating that.

"Hey, uh- Fluttershy... Do you think I can perhaps go out in the convention... On... mmm... m- my. Ooooooooooo... own."

"HA! SHE'S NOT GOING TO SAY YES! cough cough COUGH HA! STUPID!" Angel smartly pointed out.

Fluttershy gave Angel a glare and began to speak. "While I appreciate you asking, I still don't trust you to go out on your own. You're going to have to prove to me you can handle the full responsibility of using your chaos magic without setting fire to anything."

"You do realize I'm hundreds of years older than you right. You make it sound like I'm not responsible."

"It's not that! I'm sure your very responsible."

"My dear Fluttershy. I promise you a promise that I will actually keep this time. As soon as we get into the convention I WILL prove to you that I am worthy of this ultimate royalty of being not under watch by an amazing mare."

Discord said this by immediately changing from the jeans he was wearing to a medieval knight outfit with a tiny crown on top of his helmet. Fluttershy raised one hairy eyebrow at the draconiquus.



The guardian for the entrance had yelled next signaling whoever was indeed next. In this case it had finally been the three main characters turn to gain access to the wonders held in the building and with Fluttershy giving her ticket to the pony, comes the moment you guys have been reading for.

The doors swung open gracing them with another stunning view. The floor was entirely made of grass varying in height and texture having a nice moist glaze over it. Numerous trees were placed around the beautiful lush environment, filled with all kinds of animals from all sorts of heights and weights. The safe kind of blue and other colors like yellows, greens, and oranges all meshed together into one glorious piece. The glass roof amplifying the suns rays making the area almost good enough to call out of this world.

In my eyes, calling it that would be an injustice, for nothing out of that world could be as eye catching as that view.

"Alright well this is great. I mean it. This looks great. Anyway time to prove my responsibility." Discord snapped his fingers and the... the... I'm out of words to describe the convention. The scenery was gone and replaced by a game field.

"EEP! Oh my Celestia what just happened?!" Fluttershy said taking exasperated breathes in-between most words.

"Well it's simple really. I created a new dimension based off a game I played in not to long ago. Don't you see the numerous bleachers surrounding us? I told you I was going to prove to you that I can be on my own. And don't worry about a thing. No pony sees us or can even come into contact with this dimension. Angel can chill with you as you test me. Plus as an added bonus I've completely paused time, so that you won't be late for your speech. When is your speech anyway?"

"Uh- It's at 5pm... wait, stop distracting me!"

"Wow, can't believe it's been quite a lot of hours and you still haven't told us this information like the ticket-"

"Hold on mister! I'm putting a stop to this! You can't just do this out of nowhere!"

"Au contraire. For one, I just did. Two. Again nothing bad can happen. Three. Like I said you won't be late for anything. I've taken a lot of time and thought into this, which means about 5 minutes so you know it's perfectly fine. Think of it as a nice relaxing fun thing to do, before you inevitable start of stressing out over your speech once you see the size of the crowd."

"I- Well-"

"Quiz me."


"You remember I'm the lord of chaos right? I can do lots of things, so why not believe this will all turn out fine."

Fluttershy gave out an exasperated sigh.

"Alright. I'm still a little nervous about this though."


"Why are you dressed like a plumber all of a sudden?"

"For reasons. Now this is how this little charade will work. You will ask these questions that I've given to you on these helpful little multicolored note cards while I play my game."

"Why do I have to ask these questions while you play a game?"

"Why, where's your chaotic spirit? It's to make this endevour more interesting! After all, no one wants to take a quiz with just plain paper and pencil. If I'm going to prove myself, I'm going to do it my way."

"So... when do we start?"

"Give it a couple of seconds..."

"I'm hittin the snack bar," Angel said truthfully.

"...Now! HAHAHAHA!"

Fluttershy and Angel zip then zapped all the way onto the front row of the bleachers with a megaphone now in the mare's possession, as the surrounding area around them filled with several versions of Discord.

"Well I guess I'm not going to the snack bar."

Some Discords were original and new character designs, while some were just lazy copy and pastes with different eye colors. On the bisque colored field shaped like a Triquetra several more Discords popped into two teams, one called the cheerful cherries and the other the team, the bouncing berries. I would highly suggest you search up what a Triquetra is before starting this part of the story.

We meet up with the cheerful cherries and little Timmy Discord, who had won the previous game. The yellow Discord with pink flowing hair was there to. "Oops. Should probably get rid of that one," Prime Discord said. Prime Discord is the one who is undergoing the test.

"ALRIGHT DISCORDS! It has seem that we have landed ourselves in this particular situation once again... I never thought I would see you chuckle fu-"

"Umm, excuse me? Why am I back here? I never wanted to return, one win was enough for me-" The coach was interrupted by the skinny little Timmy Discord who spoke in his naturally nasally voice, who was then interrupted right back by the coach.


"Uh, I think one of my ears is a little wonky today. Can you repeat-"

"GREAT! Now listen up gentlediscords! We have a bigger crowd of ourselves this time and the real Fluttershy this time. Game doesn't start until she gives out the first question. Prime Discord is up at the top with his friend named food and he'll be answering the questions. Any questions?"

"What's gratifying farmland multiplied by the max capacity of a elevator?" A random Discord asked.

"New vegetables. NOW LET'S DO THIS!"

The announcer A.K.A Prime Discord came onto the speakers. "Fluttershy! Are you ready!"

"Yes." Fluttershy spoke with her megaphone.

"Then... let's... get... started."

"What's the first thing you should control when out in a public restaurant?" Fluttershy asked.


Both teams of Discords from their own respected part of the Triquetra rushed out of their corners as Prime Discord and his co-annoucer food began to commentate over the action.

"Well, food. Can I call you chip? It would seem we have quite the game today. Two teams duking it out for control over the ball in the middle of the field. Controlling their chaos magic and not turning bunnies into huge buff bods are sure to be on fleek today. Hey would you look at that! That's the answer to our first question! And what a question indeed, can't wait for the next one in approximately... 5 somethings from now!"

Prime Discord's co-announcer just let out a moan. The quarterback of the cheerful cherries shaped like a star made his way over to the floating pig ball, weaving left and right for any oncoming obstacles or onslaught that could wait on the field. He jumped up and landed on a spring propelling himself up, doing a spin, and slamming directly into the ball causing it to bounce to one of the corners of the Triquetra.

"When angry, should you A. Reach deep into your soul and calm down or B. Send the pony you are angry with to a puppet filled dimension using a portal."

"I want you all to remember now, that this game is sponsored by An Amazing Artichoke! Get your Artichokes todAy, for the answer is A!"

Little Timmy Discord, who was standing alone, away from any one of the teams stared at the action scared out of his mind. Both teams were quite literally punching one another in attempts to snag the pig. One Discord played dirty and decided to use his chaos magic to get the pig, which was banned.


The Discord who had played dirty and got called out was on the Bouncing Berries and received a speed boost by now running on all fours, due to the kind of card the referee pulled out. No one could catch him. A swift right. A swift left. A gigantic while dog coming straight at him couldn't strike down his flow. He threw the flying pig upwards, then flew up himself to spike the flying pig into the goal post, which itself was also flying in the air.


"Wise words chip. Remember folks at home, in order for a team to win they must reach a maximum of two points! Onto our next question with our lady of the hour... Fluttershy!"

"No, wait can I ask this one?" Angel asked.

"Sure Angel," Fluttershy exclaimed.


"What a fantastic question this little fella has just asked that I will simply respond to with no. Let's get back to the game!"

After the first goal the flying pig had disintegrated and in the middle of the Triquetra shaped field was a whatever amount of feet long picnic table to fit the two teams of Discords. On the picnic table was a wide arrange of food and in one of the delicious delicacies was the next ball to be tossed into the goal. Each Discord sat politely and professionally as they chowed down into their meals. One even made conversation. I relate with that Discord.

Little Timmy Discord had eventually joined them for the simple purpose of eating, because he was hungry. Unfortunately the food he choose to eat was the exact thing that contained the next ball for the game, which was a ball made out of water and fire. "WhY dO I GeT tHE bALl?!"

Little Timmy ducked when he saw the giant ball of Discords charging at him, causing him to lose the ball and let anyone else take it.

"When presented with a problem, should a creature do whatever it takes to solve that problem? No matter how chaotic?" Fluttershy questioned.

Prime Discord came back onto the mic. "Hey wait... that's not one of my questions- I mean... he should- I mean, they should! That problem shouldn't exist and could grow into a bigger problem. Best to get rid of it before it gets worse by any means possible. WOAH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! THE BALL IS BACK IN PLAY!"

Bad news, the team with the flaming water ball was not the cheerful cherries. Good news, the second league baseball season bat in Jamaica quarterback was quickly approaching. The second league base- eh you get it did a tackle and the opponent was knocked down leaving them not unconscious but upside down as their legs were now their heads. The ball flew towards the roaring crowd.


"Hot dogs!!!" Angel bunny said perking up.

The ball landed precisely on the hot dogs ruining every single one of them, then bounced back into the fray of the field.

"You know what, I'm going on a food strike now," Angel angrily stated.

Little Timmy Discord watched the ball with intent and knew exactly where it was going to land. He took geometry after all but he refused to even try to go for it. God just get the ball. It wasn't to long until each Discord dug into the ground and became moles for just this period of the game in attempts to sneakily snatch the ball.

"Are you proud of what you do?"


"Am I proud of what I do? Heh heh... well I am the lord of chaos, I should be proud of whatever I do. Keyword is should. Just like how these moles should get out from beneath the ground, WE NEED ACTION! And that skinny one down at the bottom left corner of the Triquetra isn't doing the job."

In a flash multiple Discords popped out of the ground. One of the cheerful cherries were able to grab and run away with the ball. Turning into a snake with his chaos magic he gained a number one fan card which also gained him a strong gust of wind and a disappointing look from the ref. He's going all the way. Woah, he almost got knocked down. He dodges left, then right, then- awww the ball got knocked out of his arms. Wait! Some other cherry picked it up... he leaps up and... IT'S IN! ahem I mean... it's in.


"Again. Wise words food."

The ball for water and fire turned to smoke as now it is 1 to 1. Whoever gets the next point wins. I'm not scared. I already know what happens anyway. Next up was a series of doors and behind one was the next and final ball. Hundreds appeared onto the Triquetra and the Discords began furiously checking every one. Some contained images to graphic for this story. Some contained pixelated landscapes filled with radioactive bees and others unleashed a terrifying cyclops who had a business job and was wearing a suit and tie.

Unfortunately the cyclops door was opened. But on a totally unrelated note the ball, this time a large sacred piece of spherical metal clanged onto the field, but went unnoticed, due to the giant cyclops distracting everyone. One of the Discords did see it.

"Why go through the effort of creating chaos, when it's not needed?" Fluttershy stated.

"Are you sure you're reading the cards? Food, turn the AC up I'm sweating tears! Uh, well. It's... uhhh. Important. Game time."

On the other side of the field was Little Timmy Discord. He was the one who saw the metal spherical sacred ball hit the ground. Everyone was busy shooting beams or using the claws against the cyclops. He knew he could pick the ball up and get a touchgoal unnoticed.

"Oh jeez. I- I can't do this... I'm to much of a stereotypical WiMp."

He was indeed wrong. He could do this. And all it took was a little thought.

"Ok, Timothy. Why am I here? To have fun? To impress someone? To live out a dream? No. None of these. So why am I here?"


"I guess I'm here because I have to be."


"Everyone else tries so hard. I just stand in the corner. I'm perfectly fine with this, but why go through all that effort, just to score a simple touchgoal? The crowd screams and all I do is WaTCh..."


"Maybe it's not about fun, or dreams, or impression. Maybe it's about doing it for others. If I'm going to just stand here, I'm not doing anything for anyone."


"I guess I have to do this, not for me, but for everyone else. LET'S GET THAT BEAVER DAM BALL!"

Timothy Discord sprinted at the ball, making it to it and barely being able to lift it. Step by step he took as the crowd gasped. No one had noticed yet. He slowly moved, then walked, then ran, then flew. He was doing it! He was actually doing it! Oh no... The Discords noticed now. Discords are coming around every corner! Dodge left! No right! Go faster! Higher! Lower!






"Ok Food, that's enough."

What a joyous celebration! Little Timothy Discord got his time in the spotlight congratulated by his teammates and the coach himself for the genius maneuver. Everyone screamed for he's a jolly good fellow as they walked off the field into the sunset. It was glorious. He was a hero. It was surely something.

"Why do you care about me so much?"

And surely that something had gone away.

Discord let go of his grip on his magic and the whole field and it's contents disappeared without a trace. Now all that stood was Discord, Fluttershy, and Angel on one lonely rock floating in the dimension of Discord's own creation.


"You care about me so much. I wanna know why."

"Okay... what's with the sudden change in character?"

"You've set up a day, that turned into two days to completly spend with me and me alone. You call me your dear Fluttershy. And you always want to protect me. I didn't truly realize this until this game you've decided to play in order to prove that you're capable of being responsible with your magic."

"The game is called Disentropy. I decided to name it that not to long ago."

"I think I'm starting to get worried about you. I'm starting to think you... depend on me."

"Pfft! No! I just enjoy spending time with you! You were my first friend. You're reading to much into this. There's no deep-rooted hidden emotions here!"

"I assume it makes you angry when I tell you not to use your chaos magic."

"I said nothing of the sort."

"I've seen how much fun and joy you have when you're at your most chaotic self, especially at this game."

"Well, of course I have fun. It's my thing."

"And I tried to take that away!"

Fluttershy began to tear up.

"I thought if I could keep you from using it, I would teach you some sort of lesson about self-control and all I did was take away something special of yours!"

"What?! Hey wait a minute! I have had many years of using my chaos magic for bad things and still I mess up from time to time, so it's no hard feelings. I understand why you wanted to do that."

"If one of our other friends were to try and do the same thing I did, would you have said what you just said to me?"




"Why do you care about me so much? All I've done is keep you chained."

"Chained is a funny word. You could say you've chained me. Or you could say I've chained myself. I say I care about you a lot because you were my first friend. The truth is much deeper than that."

"What do you mean?"

"Besides just being plain hot, our personalities differ so much from each other. You care almost to much for the creatures around you. You voice is sweeter than the honey the radioactive bees make. You're shy and yet can be so bold from time to time. Then you have me with my rambunctious stature, over the top actions, and strangely comedic language. I'm like the exact opposite of you."

"And to me I believe it creates a brand new type of chaos in my life."

"You're not going to tell me what it is?"

"Give it a couple more seconds."

"That new type of chaos for me is unpredictability. I care for you my dear Fluttershy, because you create things I could never create myself."

Fluttershy began to sob and soon she placed her head into Discord's chest.

"Please don't cry."


"Ok, ok, calm down."

"Do you sniff really mean that?"

"Of course I do!"

"But I made you sniff do these things, sniff including thinking sniff you needed to sniff prove sniff your... sniff SELF! Sniifffffffffffff"

"You want to know why I love my chaos magic so much? Actually I don't know why I asked that question I'm going to tell you anyway."

Fluttershy let out a small chuckle.

"While at first it was because of my evil nature, having something to have fun and torture ponies with. As time went on that aspect changed. As years passed and my boredom with Equestria rose, I began to think of my chaos magic as an only hope to make Equestira unique. What's the fun in being normal? I used to say. I changed the phrase up a bit. It's true I still used my magic for evil, but after a while it felt like it had a purpose."

"That feeling still carries on over to today. That obsessive need to just make anything I see pop with whatever random thing pops into my mind! You think I don't know about ponies not liking what I make. I do, but it's hard to let go of that passion. So instead of letting that passion go, I channel it towards something else... somepony else."

Fluttershy sob even harder and louder.

"Why are you still leaking liquid!"

(Art created by Background Pony #8461... I'm not crying...)

"Thank you so much Discord..."

"... Your- your welcome. Let's go back to the convention."

"No. I wanna stay here a little longer. Besides, you said time doesn't pass here. We have all the time we need."

It had nearly been about an hour. They just sat there enjoying each others company. They were happy... and totally oblivious to the fact that Angel was still around them having to witness the whole entire thing. It made him extremely joyous when all three of them finally popped back into reality and were gifted with the glorious sight of the environment around them once again.

"I can't believe you guys stayed there for over an hour. And you forgot about me," Angel stated.

"So what's next?" Discord asked.

"I am going to go backstage for a little while, where I'm supposed to give my speech and maybe I'll explore a little bit afterwards. I'm expecting Discord to explore to his hearts content and be himself. But Angel your coming with me."


"Backstage? Wow, well do, my dear Fluttershy," Discord responded with.

And so all three split up. Angel drifted along with Fluttershy wondering what backstage would be like dissapointed in not exploring the surroundings with Fluttershy, but still happy to be with her. Before the actions of today, Discord had originally planned to tell Fluttershy how he felt and only that on a day when they were alone. But he had a better idea, due to the events that had transpired over the course of the couple of days. He had the idea to get a gift for Fluttershy. A grand gift, so that's what he sent out to accomplish while exploring the convention.

As your narrator I would like to follow... Discord first.


JESUS CHRIST! That certainty scared me. Wait... brother? That sounded like my brother. Guess he's back.


Brother? Don't tell me I'm hearing things now...

There's a tape recorder on my desk. Where did that come from?

You probably just said "Where did that come from?"

Holy crap the tape recorder speaks. Hold on, I need to change the settings so the reader can distinguish between our dialogue. There your dialogue is now contained within hashtags. Are you my brother? You sound like him.

#By the way whatever you just asked right now doesn't matter, because I was going to say "I want spaghetti with blood instead of sauce," as a response.#

I see...

#You probably just asked another question. THIS IS PRE-RECORDED! I CAN'T HERE YOU! This also probably sounds really stupid if you didn't just ask any questions. Anyway I shall now say... uh, what was I going to say... uhhhhhhhhh. Oh yeah, this is your brother. Sup. I told you I wanted to become narrator, so I'm coming over to our home soon and don't bother asking where the tape recorder came from. Now I will pause so you can speak.#


#Great question! I don't have an answer for that, goodbuy!#

I assume that means the recording is over. Whatever he is going on about, I'm sure it'll be entertaining for you guys at least.

Putting that aside, let's return to our- the story.

Discord slithered around the convention looking every which way for his gift. He crossed paths with numerous booths selling all sorts of nature related things. At some point a raging tiger jumped out at him, but was turned to a small baby pup, due to a reflex Discord had. Turns out it wasn't a tiger anyway, but an animatronic planned to scare other ponies as they walked by.

He eventually found what he was looking for in the shape of a large tree with a double door below a sign that read "Pet Shop." He walked in to find quite possibly hundreds of different creatures running rampid throughout the store.

"Excuse me miss," Discord asked to the pony running the front desk.

"Where perhaps could I find a specific animal I'm looking for?"

"Depends on who your looking FOR! Here IN THIS pet shop any ANIMALS you see THAT you LIKE, you pick up bring THEM to here AND WE let you sign the paper work and PAY US OUR MONEY! Also, since the animals are ALLOWED TO run free, sometimes they will ESCAPE- well more LIKE EXPLORE the convention. ANY ANIMALS YOU DO FIND OUTSIDE THE PET STORE YOU CAN ALSO BRING HERE AND PAY FOR! What animal are you looking FOR!"

"Do you need a doctor?"

"NO, silly! I am a DOCTOR!"

"I'm looking for a bunny. It's for somepony."


"Will you be quiet! Yes, fine, let's go with that."

"wHO iS iT?!"

Discord had the feeling if he didn't give an answer the pony might just keep asking.

"She's doing a speech today and let's just leave it at that."

The pony running the front desk took a large 10 second inward breath intake, then geared up to speak with surprise. "Are you talking about that pony that everyone in this convention is hyped to hear from. Everypony here looovessss thier nature and animals, so of course they would loooovvee to hear about it from someone who knows their stuff about that."

"Wait- how many ponies go to these conventions?"

"Definitely thousands. So I WOULD SAY there would be THOUSANDS to witness Fluttershy give her speech."

"Great. I might have to bring out lots of matches in order to keep her from freezing up. I'll worry about that later- wait, how do you know her name?"

"FLUTTERSHY UPLOADED HER speech to the wide WORLD OF THE nature community. And by that I mean she sent what she wrote in the mail to the ponies who ran that sanctuary speech contest a while back. The speech where she used that bunny. The speech WAS SO GOOD that it SPREAD around the community AND BECAME well known."

"Interesting. I'm not here for that though, are there any bunnies around that I could purchase with my totally well-earned bits that I can't just make out of thin air?"

"Not that I CaN SEE. You're going to HAVE to FIND ONE!"

"Well, it's 11am right now... I'm sure I can find a bunny by 5pm, before Fluttershy speech starts."

And so after searching for a good 15 minutes throughout the pet store, Discord exited the shop and began his quest to find a bunny for Fluttershy. Not to replace Angel, but to actually give Angel a friend to talk to and experience life with besides Fluttershy. Discord had remembered the conversation with Fluttershy that they had back at the hotel.

Friendly reminder here, while it was true he never really cared for Angel all that much, it wasn't like he despised him to the point of murder. As your narrator I did say Angel and Discord had a rivalry, but I never said Discord hated Angel. For Discord it was more for the chaotic fun of it, while Angel was the one who actually hated him. I have the feeling this wasn't necessary to say...

Fluttershy had arrived backstage with all sort of ponies practicing for whatever they were going to do onstage. Looking around she could see acrobatics, puppeteers, comedians, daredevils, pretty much a good variety of talented ponies who all had a passion for nature. It wasn't long until she was approached by a female pony who certainly seemed to look important to the production of the onstage performances as she was wearing a suit and tie.

She spoke very quickly. "Why hello there, my name is generic female manager character, but you can call me Female Manager and I will be walking you through the process of this performance. Any questions? Good, walk with me. Oh, and the bunny will have to leave you. We can't let any creature distract you."


"Moving on."

Fluttershy set Angel down and whispered softly to him "It'll be ok. Have fun exploring your surroundings." as she walked away with the generic female manager character. Angel sat still on the ground for a couple of seconds feeling sad to see her go, but his emotion was replaced with determination as he realized he could take this opportunity to spy on Discord and possibly come up with a plan to exterminate him like the pest he thought he was.

So he did just that as he set out to find Discord.

Fluttershy was barely able to keep up with Female as she walked with a brisk pace towards their destination.

"Backstage we have many different areas for many different things. For you we are giving you the champion room, so that you may get ready for your speech by 5pm. You'll be last in the performance. Many ponies are excited to see you speak as you are famous throughout Equestria and now throughout the Nature community."

One quick thing I will mention here is Fluttershy's status in the world of Equestria. She was one of the elements of harmony and has helped saved Equestria with her 5 friends multiple times. Of course doing that would make you famous and if you did not know that, then I would like to remind you this story is based off of an already existing universe and should be taken as an alternate universe. It's not my job to explain every little detail so that every single person should understand the story.

That said, I'm sorry if I offended anyone who is 5 and doesn't know what My Little Pony Gen 4 is. Dang, I sounded really mean there.

"How many ponies are going to be attending this performance... also I wasn't informed of a performance!" Fluttershy exclaimed with a little shake in her voice.

"Why, of course you weren't informed of the performance and I would say about thousands of ponies. Anyway we are here at your destination, I expect you to be ready by the time I come get you. Good luck."

Female lead Fluttershy to the champion room and closed the door behind her. Fluttershy just stood there starting to shake and think about the enormous crowd that awaited her at 5pm. With every passing second she just shook even more.

"WOOOO I AM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE!" Discord screamed, when in fact he was not having the time of his life.

First step on Discord's quest was to find places bunnies might be. Bunnies did like carrots, so maybe there was some sort of carrot farm around. Or better yet, maybe every bunny within the convention went down to the food court for some yummy pony food. "Where would I find a food court?" Discord thought.

Shifting his eyeballs all around his body he spotted a multi-arrowed sign pointing to different directions.

"Let's see here... Magic Show, Great Deku Tree, Sing-a-long Corner, that one sounds horrid, bathrooms, Your worst... nightmare?! Ah, here we go! Food court... stay on the path, take a right once you pass the Great Deku Tree, then left once you pass the Magic Show. Alright sounds simple enough."

Discord followed the yellow bricked road- ahem I mean dirt path gazing at the scenery while he walked. He passed several ponies on the way saying "Sup" when he was presented the opportunity, until he got to the Great Deku Tree. Since he was on a quest he was determined to ignore it, but a troublesome pony stopped him right on his path.

"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to discuss our lord and savior, the Great Deku Tree?"

"Um, actually I don't. So if you will excuse me-"

"It will only take up to a minimum of 5 minutes, please!"

"What's the maximum?"

"That's not important! The important part is that this humongous tree you see to the left of me is the answer to all problems!"

The pony pointed out his hoof, causing Discord to at least take a gander at whatever the pony was going on about. It looked old and dying. For some reason it seemed to have a face carved into it... and a mustache. Discord had to admit, it was a pretty good mustache.

"Have you watered that thing at all?!"

"It doesn't need water! It's the Great Deku Tree!"

"Well whatever your problems are I suggest you keep me out of them."

Discord tried to walk away, but was again stopped by the seemingly crazy pony.

"WAIT! There's a prize if you make it to the top." The pony gave out a smile.

"Oh, rEaLLy?!" Soon enough he had popped up to the tree found the prize on top and returned to the crazed pony on the ground.

"Is this golden apple worth any bits?"

"Why, no sir. It's a prize! We haven't actually seen anyone make it up to the top before..."

"Well, shoowp di dooo! Goodbye then."

"WAIT- He's gone. Sigh Guess it's just you and me tree..."


"Hello there."

"GAH! Who goes there! If you're looking for my money, then you'll have to go through the tree first! Sic em tree!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Whatever problems you have going on in your life, relaxxxx. I'm just a bunny."

The crazed pony looked down to see a white bunny speaking pony language.

"Are you a vision from the tree? How can you speak? As a child I always knew I had a deep connection with bunnies..."

"Have you seen a draconiquus anywhere?"

"Why? Is he the key to the rapture?"

"No, I'm just looking for him."

"Ah, well in that case he went... uh. What does he look like?"

"Snake-like body. Yellow eyes with red pupils. Looks like a bunch of animals mixed together. You can't miss him."

"I JUST SAW HIM! He got the golden apple from atop of the tree. Legend says if you get that apple you will have outstanding luck and nothing bad with happen to you for a very long time! He was just here! He went... uh. He didn't tell me where he was going."

"Well thanks useless pony."

Angel continued his trek to find Discord.


AH, GOD! STUPID! It's the tape recorder again.

#I hope I scared you again. That would be funny. Hopefully I'm getting close to home by now. I could call you on my phone and tell you that, but honestly the FBI might be tracking me. Keep having fun doing whatever you're doing. I'm taking your job soon.#

Funny to think, he thinks he can take my job... I think.

#I totally can take your job! I visited WALMART WHILE I WAS OUT! Good luck doing whatever you're doing right now in peace! HAHAHAHAHA! OH GOD! I almost ran over a deer. I'm in a car right now. See you there man.#

Hm. I wish I knew how he was doing this with a tape recorder.

Fluttershy paced in a circle. "Ok, Fluttershy. Turns out there's a bigger crowd of ponies than you thought. Doesn't change the fact that you have a great and wonderful speech to give. I have till 5pm. But what if I'm not ready! Oh my goodness I'm twilighting!"

"So if I do this at this specific time, then that, followed by all of that, I should be perfectly fine! Oh jeez, but what about that!"

Soon enough 12pm had hit and she was able to get herself together and practice a total of 3 times. She was about to practice again when she was interrupted by a pony opening her door. "Generic Female Manager Character wants you!"

After hearing that Fluttershy shook rapidly ducking her head into her hooves giving out a faint squeak. This caused the pony who had opened the door to realize, she would have to be dragged to her destination.

Discord trudged along the path making it passed the bathrooms and a magic show, which had the great and powerful Trixie doing live performances with her magic. Making it to the food court the first thing he noticed is that there were quite literally no animals and only ponies grabbing a bite to eat.

Even after searching all around the food court not one bunny or animal had reared its head. His mission so far had been unsuccessful, so he sat down at a seat and snapped him up some food to eat. It was now 1pm and still no luck with finding a bunny.

"You know, I'm beginning to think they outlawed bunnies in this area of Equestria."

"What was that sir?" A random pony asked.

"Why are you asking? Can't you see I'm a draconiquus trying to talk to himself!"

"Oh, sorry... I was just wondering if you would like to participate or simply just enjoy a magic show Trixie is putting on."

"If this convention is themed all around nature why is there a magic show? Aren't they opposites? Oh and Trixie... don't get me started on that pony girlllll."

"I'm a guy."

Discord took a moment to look the guy over.

"So you are... tell me, what's in it for me if I go to this magic show?"

"Fun and a warm feeling in your heart."

"That warm feeling in my heart? Don't you mean the feeling of this magic show burning down my will to live? I'm sorry, but no-"

"They have cute bunnies."


"Great I'll just let you sign these papers and we can get started!"

"Woah woah woah, let's actually get there first."

Angel hurriedly scoured around every corner, every nook, and every cranny hoping to find some sort of hint on to where Discord could be.

He stuck his head into tree trunks, got chased by bees, and even checked the food court and still nothing. Then he had an idea. Maybe if he assessed the signs pointing in different directions they could give hints in where Discord could've gone. Zooming to the nearest one he read: Great Deku Tree, bathrooms, Equestria's smallest seed, Booths to give your money to, that one plant based science fair experiment you did, and Magic Show.

"Hmmm, Discord would go to a Magic Show, purely to brag about his so-called superior magic. That might be the one." Angel turned his head to look at the clock. Turns out there wasn't a clock behind him, but he spotted one ahead of him and it read 1:17pm.

"Let's bust some nutty draconiquus."

"Miss Fluttershy, it would be very helpful, if you would get up on your hooves and simply walk to Generic Female instead of having me drag you!"

"No! Eep!"

A couple moments of silence passed letting each grunt made by the pony dragging her, all the more hearable.

"We're hear. I am NOT dragging you through that door. But I will open it."

"No! I'm not ready! I need to practice more!"

"You've had plenty of time to practice. Most performers only get 15 minutes to rehearse before they go on stage, you however had an outstanding 30!"

The pony opened up the door allowing Generic Female to look outside her room and see Fluttershy.

"Ah, Fluttershy. Come in please."

Fluttershy backed away like a cat and gave out a hissing sound.

"Just the spirit I want from you. Assistant can you drag her in?"

Generic Female glanced at the random pony that had already dragged Fluttershy all this way and she gave out a heavy sign, one at which not even the strongest pony could lift. She plopped her body in Generic Female's room, then closed the door allowing the two to talk.

"Now listen, here are the facts. Business hasn't been going to swell as of late, so I need this speech of yours to be grand. I'm thinking light shows, maybe even a barrage of animals helping to support the speech. I can hear the money rolling in!"

Wow. I see why they call her "generic female manager." Like jeez, that is very lazy.

Fluttershy started blankly feeling her shaky jitters coming back. Female stared back intently with an evil glare and an evil smile. Their eyes were locked creating a tense atmosphere rivaled only by the horror genre. This was the start of something baaaddddd...

"I'm kidding! I have a personality, alright! That generic female manager stuff you see me doing, it's all fake. My name is actually Twisty Tie. I actually called you here about your nerves. You were shaking up a storm, so I think I have some method I think can help with them."

Fooled you guys.

Fluttershy stood up from her curled up position of fear and was absolutely stunned. Eventually she chuckled at Twisty Tie's statement.

"You see, you see whenever I'm nervous about a particular thing I have all sorts of methods to DISINTEGRATE THOSE NERVES! First is exercise. Let's see how many push ups you can do."

Fluttershy got onto the ground and within seconds before even getting into the correct position fell down on her belly.

"Uhhhh, how about holding your breath?"

Fluttershy closed her mouth and held her breath. Diving deep into her thoughts all she could think about was the speech. Then how long she had been holding her breath for. It felt like for so long. Was she still even holding her breath? Had she passed out from lack of oxygen? Why couldn't she breathe? Without a further second delay she panicked and took a huge intake of air.

"Five seconds. Interesting... OK I GOT IT! This has to help! Singing and dancing!"

Fluttershy's eyes lit up.

"Me and my friends do that all the time, but I don't know... I'm kinda self-conscious," Fluttershy stated.

"Oh that's quite alright. Here, I'll start and then you come in. Oh and remember this is a rap-styled song, so keep your rhymes funky fresh."

"Wait- hold on-"



Discord continued his conversation with the random pony who had been speaking about the magic show and soon they arrived at the location of the show.

"So where the bunnies at?" Discord implored.

"The bunnies? Wouldn't you like to know how the magic show goes first?"

"I did come here for the bunnies. You don't mind if I go ahead and steal one do you?"

"Actually... yes. The bunnies are part of the magic show itself."

"My question still stands."

"... Every bunny has their own very important part to the show. Taking just one of them would be disastrous!"

"Oh, please! How can one bunny make that much more of a difference? Listen I'll just snap backstage or where ever you're keeping them, I'll take one and be on my very way."


"HOLD ON A MINUTE!" Discord did NOT say.

Both creatures stopped and turned their heads to the pony who spoke.

"Oh. Hi Trixie." Discord said.

"Discord?! I didn't expect to see you here! You're not really the nature type."

"I could say the same for you." Discord retorted back.

"The great and powerful Trixie has many interests! And I needed some extra bits, so I took a gig at this convention. Oh, by the way you can go. I can deal with Discord."

Trixie pointed at the random pony Discord had converted with on the way to the location of the magic show.

"Discord, you better not be trying do anything to sabotage my show or chaotic it up!"

"Listen Trixieeeee. Trixter. Trixs for kids. Can I call you Tracie?"

"You don't get to call me names anymore. Great and powerful is enough."

"I really need a bunny."


"It's for someone..."

Trixie's eyebrows raised in surprise. And I'm talking heavy surprise.

"Oh! Well I can't just give you one. I need these things. Tell you what. Come back at 3pm for my show, then I'll possibly consider giving you one after the show ends at 4."

"BLAPSHEMY! TRYANNY! You should be disgusted!"

"Those are the terms. Take it or leave it. Or else you're afraid of Trixie?"

"Of course not! Like I would be afraid of you. I agree to your terms."


The clock had just turned 2 as Angel made his way to the magic show. Searching around his mission to find the draconiquus had not been completed, as he had not yet arrived at the magic show.

"FINALLY I MADE IT! My tiny perfect fluffy legs can't take this!"

Angel glanced around the scenery of the magic show. It definitely wasn't as amazing looking as the rest of the convention. He did see Trixie preparing for the upcoming Magic Show, so he decided to speak with her if she knew where Discord was.

"Hey Trix."


"Uh, I'm down here stupid."

"Huh- wait... did a bunny just speak to me?"

"Would you prefer it if I kicked you in the leg with my bunny foot."

"That would be adorable, but- you can speak! My magic has finally worked! You can talk! I can wait to show you off at the magic show-"

"TRIXIE! It's me. Angel Bunny."

"Uh, who?"

"You know what that's not important. Have you seen Discord around?"

"Discord? Oooo, by whatever do you mean?" Trixie said giving a sly grin.

"I'm looking for him."

"Well, yes. Of course, but why?"

"I want revenge against him, so I'm gathering more intel on him to absolutely make sure I create a plan that goes off without a hitch."

"Um, okayyyyy. Trixie did not expect that from you. I do love me some sweeet revenge. He left a little bit ago. Got any parts of a plan worked out?"

"I didn't really think I would be telling anyone this, but I will trust you."

Funny use of the word trust. Both you and me know he only tells Trixie this because it's necessary to move the plot forward.

"Well, I figured since I can speak now I can use it somehow to defeat Discord. Also he has a crush, so I thought I could use that as well."

"A CRUSH?! ahem Wow. Ok, I'll tell you this Angle-"


"Angle. Your plan is extremely bad and the exact opposite of great and powerful. But your in luck, because I just so happen to be the exact definition of great and powerful! If you really want revenge on that draconiquus, then you need to have real dirt. By the way. If you wanted to gather intel on Discord, doing it in the middle of a convention would not be the smartest choice. Do you know any really juicy secrets?"


"There's gotta be something!"


"Hmmmm, if we can't come up with a grander secret then we'll just have to alter some things to make it truly effective. You mentioned Fluttershy and thousands of ponies?"

"Yep, She's doing a speech in front of thousands."

"The perfect time to strike. Since Discord has a crush on Fluttershy, we can assume he really cares about her. Losing her would be quite dreadful..."

"How would we do that?"

"Hmmm. Oh my Celestia wait. It's obvious. The classic cliche of sabotage."

"Good-old sabotage."

"If we make Fluttershy's speech fail on purpose and make it look like Discord did it then..."

"Ohhhh, Fluttershy won't like Discord anymore! Hey, that's pretty smart."

"Thank you, small equine."

"This is perfect! I can't thank you enough! So I won't thank you! What about the whole crush on Fluttershy thing?"

"When it comes to revenge... you'll know the exact moment when to strike with that information. I expect to see you again Angle Rabbit at precisely 3pm!"

"The speech starts at 5pm."

"Yeah, I know. You still owe me though, for helping you with that. Since you're a talking rabbit and all, I want you to be a part of my show! By the way I won't be helping you with the actual sabotaging part."

"Sigh Even though, I don't have to help you... Fluttershy would've told me to help you anyway..."

"Great! Oh! And powerfullll."

"And that's the end of the rap song. Wasn't that fun?"

Fluttershy plopped onto the ground. Thank god, we didn't have to read a whole rap song.

"How long have we've been doing this for?"

"Hm, I'm not actually sure. Point is... do you feel any better?"

"I feel tired."

"Ok, yeah, that's not good. Here drink some water."


"You know if you're so scared of doing this speech, why are you then?"

"I love nature and I want to share that love. I guess my love overpowers my fear."

"Sounds pretty cheesy to me! But I understand. Sorry I couldn't let your pet stay with you. While I do have a personality, I do have to abide to some things about business."

"Yeah... I'm sure he went to find Discord and Discord is taking care of him right now."

"Who's Discord? Actually, that's not my place to ask. Even if he didn't find Discord though, he will be completely fine. We do have many other animals roaming the convention after all."

"I'm still a little worried Angel won't be able to make it on his own. He depends on me a lot."

"You didn't seem to worried when I told you to leave him."

"... Huh. Yeah."

"Maybe you're not actually worried at all?"

"No..." Fluttershy trailed off. "I have to think about that."

"Aren't you the element of kindness? You've saved Equestria many times. What's a little speech going to do to you?"

"I'm still a little scared."

"Don't make me attack you with positive language."

"Don't you have other business things you have to do?"

"Oh my goodness you're right! Hope you do well practicing your speech and I hope our conversation helped! I gotta go check in with the other ponies doing the performance!"

"Do you think we could keep talking... after the uh, speech and everything?"

"Uh, sure."

"Here's where I live. In Ponyville. Visit me anytime."

"Sure thing! Bye Fluttershy for now!"

"Goodbye." Fluttershy gave out a smile, exited the room and collapsed. A pony came by, the same pony that had dragged her to this room before. Fluttershy gave a look at the pony.

"Um, could you drag me again please?"

The clock struck 3 and what has Discord been doing for about the past hour? Instead of searching for bunnies to put his quest to an end he spent his precious time gazing at the normal colored sky. Thinking about life, about nature of reality, and about the possibility of eating the golden apple as a tasty treat from the Deku Tree. He shed a tear, as he realized he had been laying down on a sharp piece of grass this whole entire time.

"Dang that grass hurts. Is it 3pm already?! Ugh, guess it's time to give Trixie another visit."

You can probably guess at this point what Discord did next, so I'm not going to repeat myself here.

"Alright Trixie, I'm here. I've come to see your show."

Suddenly blaring lights and flashes erupted from the stage that would've have looked at lot cooler, if it weren't for the fact that the performance was being given in the afternoon. Soon speakers came on and Trixie's voice could be heard in what I would describe as surround sound.

"Ladies and gentlecolts, put your hooves together, as the Great and Powerful Trixie is about to rock your world! Gaze at the magical feats made today and witness your grasp on reality shatter! Welcome one and all, to my magnificent Magic Shoooowwwwww!"

The curtains drew from the stage and out slide Trixie with her magicians hat off greeting the audience.

"I didn't have time to come up with a name for the show, so shut up." She said.

The art of magic is certainty strange for Equestria, with so many ways to use it and so much history that goes along with it that it wouldn't come very often where a pony would become a magician. The type of magician to not use real magic to dazzle their audience, but a type of fake magic. In a way it was more of the art of deception for the sake of impressiveness rather than real talent, but Trixie was incredibly gifted in the art of deception, so it was the perfect fit for the not so great and powerful Trixie.

Trixie stood still on the stage waiting for ponies to clap, but when nobody did- oh shoot wait. Did I say ponies? That would suggest there were quite a decently sized population of them at the show, while in reality there were truly only a few. Trixie continued along with her show anyway.

"Right behind me lay a rope and a box. Generally two solid objects cannot go through each other, but watch as I allow this rope to go straight through this box!"

Lifting the rope and box up with her own unicorn magic the box began to spin, while the rope moved into a straight line and carefully she maneuvered the rope downward towards the box. Miraculously the rope was able to make its journey through the box.

The few ponies watching the show just stared.

"Not dazzling enough for you?! Then feast your eyes on this!"

Trixie rolled out a tall rectangular box causing Discord to furrow his brow in disappointment.

"Can I take a volunteer from the audience that isn't the ugly draconiquus in the back?"

Many agonizing hours- well it felt like hours, went by of the same awkward silence and no so great magicians tricks to accompany it. Some tricks were better than others, but it was certainty... something to say the least.

53 minutes had passed and it was 3:53pm and it had seemed seeing this show was a waste. There hardly were any bunnies in it at all! Usually I would slap the top of my forehead in disappointment, but Trixie had something up her sleeve, that would make the whole entire show worth it. The reason why there were bunnies for the show in the first place.

"I hope you all enjoyed the great showing of Trixie's dazzlingly amazing tricks, but before you go... consider this the cherry on top."

Right in a simple instant a funky technical beat started to play on the stage. Trixie was starting to bounce within beat of the song being played. A dome began to swallow the surrounding stage and audience causing the environment to shift from light to dark. The curtains closed with Trixie still standing, leaving her behind the curtains.

Everything went silent...

An electric guitar started to echo throughout the environment. A light appeared behind the curtains making Trixie's shadow seen. She struck a pose... then 2, then 3, in the beat of the electric guitar. She then spoke, with a note on the guitar being played between each sentence.








Flames burst out from the sides of the stage along with different instruments being blared out from who knows where. Putting Trixie front stage in the spotlight as the curtains open once again. Trixie was dancing her heart out and when it seemed it couldn't get any crazier a slew of bunnies poured out from each side of the stage beginning to jam out along side her. And when it seemed like it was at it's limit, Trixie opened her mouth, grabbed a microphone with her magic and sung some lyrics. The music slowed down replaced with a somber piano and left her voice center stage. Jesus Christ let's hope this isn't a rap song. I'm so sorry.

"Coming from a strangeee background, no pony arouuund to seeeee. The pony who I was always destintened to be-ee-ee."

"Surrounded by my greatest fears, ones more powerful than meee."

"My love for you... we live forever... and for eternityyyyy."

"With one last thing to say... the most important part."

"Why you've been tricked see?"

"I don't actually have a tragic baaackstooory sooooonggggg!"


In a rapid burst of motion bunnies spilled from the side of the stage, while the music picked up to a moderately speedy arrangement with several instruments to back up the lyrics. Trixie struck one more pose letting the slew of bunnies gather around in a circle around her.


A bit surprised Discord hesitated to join Trixie on stage, but after all it was for Fluttershy.

"Oh yeah! Let's do this!" Trixie sang.

"What's happening here?"

"Why if you want that prize of yours Discord, you're gonna have to beat me in a song battle."

"You don't sing!"

"That's the thing about magicians... we're awfully good at being deceptive."

"You have to be pulling my leg! Fine... All I need is a little glass of water please..."

The music blared even more as the chaos quickly ramped up. The bunnies danced and danced doing flips and somersaults all around the stage. Trixie chimed in with her first lyrics of the song and just for the sake of convenience, every space in-between dialogue switches who is singing.

"Fate has been cruel and order unkind!"

"A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze."

"Don't lose your head!"

"Some tea with honey from the bees. Poured from a crystal cruet."

"Somebody told me this was a dream!"

"And while I get a little rest. A teeny tiny small request."

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation!"

"Some codfish oil for my chest. Whenever you can brew it."

After that line Discord soon forgot the lyrics to the song he was singing. He was starting to get desperate to end this competition. And Trixie became desperate to, messing up her own batch of lyrics.

"What if I gave you my heart and you didn't turn around?"

"My greatness I'm a nincompoop, because I'm scared I got the scoop?"

"Human beings really scare me! Being just the way they are!"

This was simply to much to take. The pressure was building. Surely there was something he can do to escape this horrid part of the story. He needed these songs to end. He thought back and remembered the golden apple he got. He then got the idea to throw the apple at the speakers effectively killing the song. Sadly, he wasn't quite sure where the speakers were. So he telepathically asked one of the bunnies dancing around the stage to find where they were.

He just needed to hold out a little longer.

"I need a thing of luck and shoot! And cloth made out of end this now."

"Give me a smidge of chocolate! Or a speck of something that makes cents!"

The bunny came back with the information and upon Trixie finishing his lyric Discord threw the golden apple he had gained from quote on quote climbing the Deku tree. The apple directly hit the speakers. Without music the battle could not continue.


Ahem I would like to apologize for what you had to read there. I did not write that, but I felt like I needed to say that. At least it wasn't a rap song...

At this moment the center of the stage opened up a circular trap door. In the trap door was a rising gigantic cake that held numerous bunnies including one bunny in a very sparkly dress with very sparkly lipstick on.

"Onceeeeeeee upoonnnnn a timmeeeee in equestriaaaaaa..." The bunny on top of the cake sang.

"Angel?!" Discord questioned.


Discord started bursting out laughing.

"Shut up! I don't enjoy this alright! It was Trixie!" Angel turned to Trixie and whispered, "I don't own you anything anymore right?"

"Sure, fine. Unless you have lots of bits Discord you're not getting your bunny!"

"Bunny? What bunny? Wait were you helping Discord?" Angel asked.

"Not really... wait... oh shoot in a way I guess I was... that's not important anyway." Trixie realized.

"You were helping public enemy number 1!"

"Public enemy number 1? Oh please! He couldn't even get one of these bunnies if he tried. He wouldn't steal from me! I'm the only reason you just didn't steal a bunny from here in the first place!"

Trixie put up a magical shield around each and every bunny in the surrounding environment.

"Any thoughts Discord?"

"You really think you can keep a bunny from me?" Discord exclaimed humorously.

Discord laughed. "Ha! Later Tracie."

And just like that the two of them were gone... as well as one of Trixie's bunnies.

That was a lot to take in. Like a lot to take in...

4:30pm had just struck and both Angel and Discord had arrived back at the pet shop after a nifty use of teleportation.

"Why were you trying to get a bunny Discord?"

"It's for Fluttershy. Don't tell her alright."

"For Fluttershy! She doesn't need another bunny..."

"Well not per say. It's a good gift trust me."

"You're trying to replace me..."


"You got that bunny only to replace me and finally get me out of your life didn't you?"

"While I commend your thought process I wouldn't do that to-"


"What in Celestia are you saying?"

"Well isn't that just great. I was going to save this for later, but oh what the heck! I know you have a crush on Fluttershy. And I'm going to tell her, as well as tell her about you mighty pLaN to replace me!"

"BWAH HA HA! You got it all wrong! And OoOo! The bunny knows I have a crush! How hilarious! I'm the lord of chaos remember? It's not like you can do anything to go against me!"

Discord looked down to pick up Angel so that he couldn't escape... but turns out he disappeared.

"He's gone? I'm sure he'll make it to Fluttershy."

"EXCUSE me sir? Are you GOING to PAY for the bunny in your ARMS?"

"Oh yeah."

And at precisely 4:40pm Discord paid for his gift and snapped his fingers appearing right next to Fluttershy.

#Ello! It's me again brother! Just calling you- no wait this is a recording. Uh just recording again to remind you that your time is close and I'll arrive home before you finish the story! Probably!#

Oh, cool. My brother is coming home soon. And the recording didn't scare me this time. See you soon brother.


Angel opened up his eyes only to see nothing but thick ink clouding his vision. It was nothing but darkness. Angel had not just simply run away as Discord had previously thought, but instead he was somewhere else. Somewhere Angel thought to be quite peculiar.

"Who did this? Is anyone around here? If someone is here can you please turn on the lights."

"Someone is here. I am here. :)"

"Hey wait a second... you sound like the pink pony from the hotel... Rosa?! What are you doing here?!"

"I want to help you. If that's alrighttt with you."

"Help with what specifically?"

"With Discord of course! You're having trouble with him, aren't you?"

"Wow. Yeah you're right. I am."

"Excellent. I assume you want to sabotage Fluttershy's speech?"

"Wow. That's two in a row. You're correct."

"And you believe you can get rid of this non-blue pest ball once and for all, by accomplishing this and that it will cause Discord great pain and suffering and ultimately allow Fluttershy to never be friends with Discord ever again."

"I'm not giving you a prize for getting three right in a row. But yes you are again correct. And since you did help me before in that hotel I guess I can still trust you. That was you that helped me right? That was what the note was saying?"

"Yesssss. For the sake of Blue, yesssss."

"Alright. Quick question? Where are we? It's extremely dark and I feel cold..."

"We are in a broom closeeet. Here I'll open the door."

Rosa opened the door and the two of them walked out.

"So how are we going to sabotage Fluttershy's speech? That sounds really bad to say out loud. It's for the better though."

"Just leave it up to me."


"Are you ready Fluttershy? I'm not going to lie to you, I'm really excited to see what you got to show us for your speech!"

"Thank you Twisty Tie. Those techniques you taught me really helped me out with my nerves. I'm still quite a bit shaky though." Fluttershy responded with.

"That's just a-ok! Everypony still gets nervous around a crowd. Even seasoned professionals. You got this alright! The performance starts in 20 minutes and we got lots of die-hard nature fans out there waiting for it!"

"Did someone say ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuloli?"

Discord had popped right in between the conversation between Fluttershy and Twisty Tie. Noticeably there was no bunny in his arms. He had stored the bunny he choose for Fluttershy until the right moment in his own safe little dimension A.K.A his house.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I? Eh, whatever. Fluttershy how goes the speech!"

"Great, actually! I got rid of a lot of my nerves! Still very nervous though."

"Nerves you say? I thought you weren't going to get nervous? Even if there were possibly thousands of ponies staring at you, hoping to hear such an amazing speech."

"Maybe, I was wrong about that..."

"Yeah. Still, your only a lot nervous right now! Did you have a mini arc that may or may not have been ignored slightly while I was gone?"

"I guess I did."

"COUGH COUGH! Hello there, I'm Twisty Tie!"

"That's very sweet Twisty Tie, so um Fluttershy-"

"Discord. This is Twisty Tie. My new friend. Twisty Tie this is Discord. He is also my friend. Twisty helped me through a lot of my nerves in the past few hours."

"It's going to be amazing! Especially with that cute companion you got with you."

"Yes, Angel. Speaking of Angel, where is he?"

"He should arrive sometime... probably. I didn't see him around during the convention no way no how. Also he's part of your speech?!" Discord spoke.

"You haven't seen him?! Also, I've told you that several times!"

"Pfft! More like... twice. At minimum!"

"Well he needs to be here soon!" Twisty exclaimed.

Fluttershy gave Twisty a look.

"I'm sure he's fine!" Twisty ended up saying.

"I'm here." Angel walked through the door leaving the pony who escorted him to Fluttershy's location behind.

"Perfect! What time is it?" Twisty asked.

"Hammer time?" Discord pulled out a hammer from his jeans pocket that he totally didn't just put on at that direct moment.

"It's 4:47pm. You know what... can we do the speech now. I'm ready as I will ever be Twisty and I think I need to start this now," Fluttershy said.

"Sure thing, we could do that. Just give me one minute and we'll get this speech started by 4:50!"

"Come on Angel! We are going on stage soon! Wish me luck Discord! I know you'll be cheering me on from the audience!"

"I sure will my dear Fluttershy. And remember in case you freeze up, I have plenty of warm water to pour on your head."

Fluttershy gave out a hearty giggle. She exited the room as Discord watched from afar. It wasn't the only thing he saw however. The second most striking thing he witnessed was Angel sticking his tongue out with a very small piece of paper reading "There's no escaping this." Discord found this strange, not because he actually read what was on the paper, but because Angel should have known he wouldn't be able to read words that small from that far away.

Discord did know one thing though. It was time to give one dang great speech.

Fluttershy stepped outward onto the stage away from the curtains. Each step she took echoed vibrantly. Carrying Angel on her back she stood at the podium staring at the thousands of ponies who stared intently back. Knowing every pony out in that crowd awaited to hear her speech, she took a deep breath, whispered to herself "You got this," and began to speak.

This was it. If you aren't going to read the rest of this story in one sitting, you might want to put your bookmark right here.

The climax is upon us...

"Nature is something that follows us where ever we go. Whether it's the pets you love, the grass beneath your hooves, or just the nature of who you are. When I was a filly I didn't think of things like that, mainly because I was to young to really see the beauty of nature. That all changed when I gained my very own cutie mark."

"Most of you would probably already know this, since I'm an element of harmony and helped save Equestria, this story was bound to show up in some sort of book. If you don't know, me and my best friend Rainbow Dash were being bullied by two very awful ponies in our childhood and Rainbow proposed a race to get them off our back. She performed in that race, while I was the pony who waves the flag around at the finish line and start of the race. I'm not exactly sure what they are called. Um..."

"Rainbow ended up speeding by me so fast when she started the race against the two colts, that I got spun around, dizzy, and ended up falling off the platform I had been standing on. I was a terrible flyer back then, and I'm still not very great today, but falling down from up in the clouds in Cloudsdale all the way to the ground was so terrifying that I froze up and couldn't flap my wings hard enough to stabilize myself."

"Thankfully, it was a kaleidoscope of butterflies that was able to save me! They delayed the fall considerably and caused a safe landing on the ground."

Discord, sitting in the front row of the audience whispered quietly under his breath, "The butterflies were probably made of dark matter."

"The point is that, at that specific moment in time I discovered my passion for everything natural. Being surrounding by some many cloud related things, seeing all the beauty of the greens, yellows, and cyans helped me realize that fact. That was when my cutie mark appeared and told me this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I was so excited I started singing! Can you believe that?"

The crowd let out a slight chuckle. Fluttershy gave a brief look at Discord who was giving her a thumbs up.

"I live in a cottage in Ponyville with my friends and so many animals! Like, one time I came back home from getting my groceries from the store and I found this giant tower of stacked cans of vegetables made by the animals living at my cottage! I love them so much, for their unpredictableness. Angel, the bunny that I brought on stage with me has been my pet for way longer than any of the animals that lived in my cottage."

"Me and him have been through a lot together and he has helped me with so many problems of my own. Of course I still help him out with his struggles, but I feel as if he does more of that type of stuff than I do. He just recently started speaking to! Say hello Angel!" Angel jumped up onto the podium.

ahem "I will burn you all."

A faint magical glow fell upon Angel's lips as he spoke.

"Ok, Angel we don't say that to the nice ponies out in the crowd. Um- what was I saying? Uh, Angel has been with me for a very long time, contributing to the love I have for a special bond between pony and animal."

Discord watching with massive interest noticed something peculiar. He had noticed Angel had jumped down from off the podium and disappeared from the stage. He shrugged it off, as he thought he could've just been behind the podium.

"Then comes the nature of chaos in my life. Being the element of kindness I wouldn't really think I would be the type to love chaos. It usually has a mean spirit if you think about it, BUT I've come to realize how untruthful of a statement that is."

"Whenever I'm saving Equestria with my friends-" The crowd looked at Fluttershy in confusion, due to her sentence being cut off. It turns out that the microphone had broke and stopped working. A pony walked up onto the stage and Fluttershy was given a mostly blue microphone with some pegasus wings on the sides of it.

"Um... What I was saying is that... Equestria... Yes, whenever I'm saving Equestria with my friends there is always a sense of disorder and chaos coming from the state Equestria was in. It is true chaos can come in the form of badness, but so often I see chaos in my friends. Pinkie with her off the walls, random, out of control nature. Twilight with her inner disorganized panic of making sure everything is perfect. Applejack with her stubborn need to fix anything in sight, except for the problems she has for herself. Rarity with her over-dramatic speech. Rainbow Dash with her constant speed with everything she does. And me with... honestly to much order."

"EEP!" A spotlight hanging above the stage fell down landing near Fluttershy and creating a hole. Fluttershy's heartbeat started to quicken just a bit.

"Um, uh, oh jeez." Fluttershy took a deep breath in and out. "I- I love my friends a lot and I didn't see the chaos in them until I met m- my friend Discord, who is in the audience right no- now. Make sure to wave hello to him! Discord has been a constant joy in my life, ever since I met him and has provided me with so much exciting adventure. Quite literally every day is an adventure with him!"

Discord shed a well earned tear. Then two. Then three. Then he got a little confused, when he knew he hadn't felt like he was crying. Taking his head up there was a leak of water from the ceiling that had dripped onto his face. The leak spread all the way to right above where Fluttershy was standing. The ceiling cracked some more and a plenty amount of water poured from the crack, being stopped however by Discord with his magic.

"What the heck?" Discord thought to himself.

"The more time I spent with Discord the more appreciation I had for his weirdness. However I had been telling my friend to hold back on his magic and limit the amount he does. It wasn't till today when I realized I was basically saying to limit the amount of personality you give ponies. It's just who he is. Granted I wouldn't want him causing destruction and pain with his magic, but he knows not to do that."

Discord gave out a big wide grin, then it turned into a squint with his eyes when he saw the curtains shift a little bit. A unicorn's head popped out from the curtains and their eyes were searching for something. It took them a bit, but what they were searching for was Discord and it didn't take Discord long to register that they were Rosa. And she gave one big wide grin back.

"Discord was always daring me to do all sorts of things that I didn't want to. Usually I didn't want to do them mainly because I was scared, but every time I did that thing Discord wanted me to do, I found myself enjoying life a whole lot. Of course these events Discord tried to get me to do were always chaotic. After lots of this, I just embraced it. I embraced the fear and embraced the entropy of those events."

Discord's attention wavered away from Fluttershy in more focus of that pony Rosa. "What the heck was she doing here? That couldn't have been her, she works at the hotel! Maybe she has two jobs..." Discord thought to himself. Suddenly a metallic structure with four wheels and an ice cream cone placed on the top of the metallic structure slammed onto the ground of the stage and played an iconic sound that we as humans would recognize easily.

The crowd gave out a huge gasp and by the time Fluttershy took the moment to turn her head back and see what was making the noise on the stage Discord had already eliminated it with his intense stare.

Now Fluttershy's heart was really starting to race. She had no idea why the audience reacted in that way and her nerves began to intensify. Her voice got slightly more shaky.

"Um- so... Discord uh." Fluttershy went silent. Whatever that metallic structure was had completely ruined her flow causing her to forget massive sections of the rest of her speech. Her mind was to frazzled. She froze up.

Panicked for Fluttershy, Discord used his magic to speak to Fluttershy in her mind. "Remember, I'll be here to warm you up, if you froze down. I know froze down doesn't make sense, but hey, talk about nonsense. If you know what I mean."

A couple more quick moments passed and Fluttershy spoke once again.

"I know embracing the chaos of everything doesn't make much sense when you say it aloud, but try it! You won't regret it! My friend has a saying he loves to go by. "What's the fun in making sense?" Words lived by him in every waking moment of his life."

A large firework went off behind the audience that Fluttershy could see. It spelt out the words "You got this Fluttershy."
Discord turned around however, startled by the noise.

Fluttershy smiled continuing her speech. "Take the normal part of your life. Any part of it. Take that natural part that you just can't seem to stop doing and I encourage you to change it up a bit. Do something different, do something unique. Nature isn't just beauty and order. Nature is more than that."

"With my friends, my pets, my lord of chaos Discord, and the inner order of my personality I now know that the nature of life, the nature of the environment, and the nature of my own self needs disorder. It makes life interesting, it keeps it balanced. Nature is such an important part of my life and has provided me with years of comfort, but comfort can only get you so far. Sometimes all you need is a little random push to get you out of that comfort and find new comforts."

"After all... what's the sense in having no fun?"


"Um... That's the end of the speech."

The crowd gave heavy applause, praising her speech massively. Fluttershy felt proud, ecstatic, and most of all happy. She couldn't believe it. She had just done an entire speech in front of a crowd she never would have thought of going in front of. While I could describe what she was feeling, there was no way for Fluttershy herself to describe the emotions that ran through her veins.

(Art by Johnjoseco)

"FIRE!" Somepony screamed from the crowd.

"FIRE! FIRE!" A giant blaze of light burst from behind the audience. It turns out that firework did more than be flashy. The crowd arrose from their seats in panic rushing towards the exits. It became mayhem, it became dangerous, it became chaotic.

Fluttershy was just barely even able to comprehend what was going on. She eventually snapped out of it when she heard her name being called out by Discord. Her eyes locked with his, then she her vision got blurry. Soon all she could see was a faint glow of color and then black.

Discord stopped dead in his tracks. There was a glow coming off of Fluttershy an almost magical glow that eventually lifted off of her. She got completly knocked out. He couldn't believe it. It wasn't the fact of the fire, the fact it all went wrong, the fact Fluttershy fainted and blacked out. It was how she blacked out.. Discord had seen Fluttershy repeatedly bang her head against the podium.

Discord picked up Fluttershy with his claw and paw and teleported them out quickly. He immediatly went back in searching for Angel Bunny.

Fratically popping from one spot to another he moved his eyes every which way hoping to see signs of his dear Fluttershy's pet bunny. The pet she had been through thick and thin with for so many years. Finally he found him and rushed towards him, but was blocked by a barrier. Recovering from the sudden strike from a magical wall he felt a little dazed. He got up to see Rosa staring straight into his eyes.

"Why hello there Discord. I just wanted to tell you something before you geeeet your bunny back. Blue is more than just a color..."

"I- I don't understand..."

And just as strangely as she appeared... she disappeared. Both Angel's and Discord's hearts were racing. Discord struck with fear and Angel struck with confusion. Discord knew it was her who started the fire. Rosa was the one who fanned the flame. Discord scooped up Angel and they joined Fluttershy from outside of the convention. Discord looked behind him.

And fire was all he could see... he looked back at Fluttershy and she was bleeding.

Fluttershy awoke during the night in her cottage. Discord had just taken Fluttershy and Angel home and he stayed to make sure she was alright. Angel and Discord did not speak to one another, as Angel was completly silent in thought. Wondering what went wrong.

"Discord? Was I dreaming?"

"I'm afraid you weren't my dear."

Fluttershy put her hoof to her forehead and felt the thick white bandage on the spot where her head had been damaged.

"Why is there a bandage on my head?"

"I'm not sure how to say this, but you kind of banged your head on the podium several times... decently hard to.

"Wha- wait... the convention... the speech! I remember my speech got cut a little short. Why was that?"

"Well... there was um... a fire."

"Oh my celestia! That's right! Are the ponies ok? Did anyone get hurt? Did anyone die?!"

"Not that I know of."

"Why do you think the fire started?"

"I have a theory, but that's for another time. I just want you to get some rest."


"Here. I'll give you a bell so that anytime you need something you ring it and I'll come to you. I'm going... I'm going home now..."


"See you later aligator-"

"What did you do?"

"I got you out of the fire? And I'm offering a magic genie bell."

"The fireworks... you sent them off..."

"Oh, so that's what that noise was! I was wondering-"

"I want you to be honest. Did you set off those fireworks?"

"I didn't even know there were fireworks..."

"The ones that spelled out... you can do this Fluttershy."

Discord paused for a second not knowing what to say next.

"You started the fire..."

"Woah, woah, woah. You've hit your head pretty hard let's not get to hasty."


Discord leaned back in fear.

"How do you know it was me?!" Discord said his voice a little shakey.

"Who else could it be?! Did you also cut the mic out?! Make that spotlight fall?! Create that weird random noise?!"

"Hey, I wouldn't do that to you! I helped you out anyway with the freezing up thing. There was also a leak-"

"A LEAK?! Discord, that's barely anything! You think I couldn't handle some water?! You think you can defend yourself with that?! I thought I could put my trust in you! I thought you would use your magic more responsibly! YOU CAUSED AN ENTIRE BUILDING TO BURN DOWN!"

"It wasn't me I swear! I saw Rosa behind the curtains and-"


"Yeah and something was also up with Angel-"

"Angel... really? Angel had nothing to do with this and you know it! I can't believe you would pin this on Angel! And Rosa works at the hotel! Why would you even bring her up?!"


"Were you the one who caused me to slam my head on the podium? To make me forget about this whole event? Didn't want me knowing about the massive panic you caused with your own chaos!"


"I thought you were my friend! I thought you were here to help me! Why pretend to be so nice and loving, when deep down your still the evil, manipulative, deceptive, monster you always were! Why pretend! Oh! I guess it's because things aren't suppossed to make sense with you isn't it!"

"Monster..." Discord's voice broke.

"And don't think I didn't know about your crush on me."


"I never loved you that way back Discord."

"Now get out."


"GET OUT!!!"

I... I don't really have the words to express the feelings Discord felt that night. He had thought he had done everything right. He blinked and he was right back to where he was at the beginning. Each step to his door was like traveling through mud. Opening his door was the equvilient to opening the gateway to your inner sorrows. He honestly couldn't believe it. That was the end?

He wanted to give Fluttershy a new pet bunny, a pal for Angel to bond with and let Angel no longer feel so lonely anymore with him around. He wanted to pour his heart out for her and give her the world.

He broke down... and started sobbing on the floor.

*I'm back. I'm finally back.*

My brother's back... I got your pre recorded messages. You actually got a couple of laughs out of me. How did you do those things?

*How's the story going man?*

Oh, I'm just about finishing up. I've been thinking about it and I will let you do the narration for the last part of the story.

*Hehe... I will.*

Oh, by the way. What's up with the axe? It looks a lot more shiny then I would have thought. That must be some good plastic. Perfect for the Halloween season though.

*Goodbuy brother.*

Goodbye? HOLY SHIT!

*I took a swing at my brother and I missed. Hitting the nearby desk instead splitting it into to.*

What are you doing?!

*I can hear my brother's rapid and fearful voice. I'll make sure to end it very quickly.*

End it? Are you going to kill me?! What's going on?! Did he put you up to this?! We can talk about this?! JESUS!

*I took another swing. It missed again. I fired and I fired and I missed. I missed again. And I still missed.*

Why are you speaking like that?!

*I told you what I was going to do when I got home! If I were you, I would've prepared more for my arrival. Do you remeber that movie called arrival?*

You sick idiot! What the hell! We've know each other our whole lives! Why are you doing this! Don't you know what will happen to you! AH SHIT!

*The axe finally came into contact with the body.*

AHHHH! GOD! FFFUCK! Please! Please brother!

*I want you to do me a favor.*


*Say hello to mom and dad for me.*


*I hear his head plop onto the floor. He is gone. I sit in the chair, warm my voice up, press the red button next to the computer and speak my voice.*


"Who said that? Rosa?"

*Ha! Idiot! You can't see me.*

"Where are you!"

*Somewhere you'll never be.*

"Who are you?"

*I'm just the narrator of your life.*

"What? I'm the lord of chaos! I can't be controlled!"

*It's fun to have more knowledge than everyone else.*

"Why did this happen then? Life could have been perfect with her!"

*I don't care man.*

"What do you mean you don't care?"

*I'm here to make the story interesting and so I am.*

"Can you fix this?!"

*Discord sits in a chair and shuts the fuck up. There. You can try to speak, but you can't.*


*I'm not sure why I did this... here I'll sing something for you.*

*I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've the nagging fear, someone else is pulling at the strings!*

*I'm a little self conscious about my singing, so yeah.*

*I'm kinda bored now, so... Discord speaks again in 3... 1... 2...*


*Well, I'm going to leave now. I'll see you later when the sequal comes out. Have fun!*








Comments ( 9 )

^3-5, 2-9, 1-7, 1-3

What's that suppose to mean?

Well its a code. I can't just tell you what it means. There is some logic to the code though. Take a.look at your keyboard and use what the story has given you to figure out what the code is.

lol ill have ti cheack this out.. if your interested i have a couple on my own im working on and would be intrested in you opinons on it. cant wait to read this see ya around...

Sure, ill check out what you've been working on. See you around as well.

Wow. I see why they call her "generic female manager." Like jeez, that is very lazy.

Perfect. I think generic female manager is the perfect name.

It takes scientists years to come up with names like these

*I'm just the narrator of your life.*

That's a twist I was not expecting... Brilliant


Glad to hear it. Sadly I have to say it will be quite a while before a squeal comes out... but that doesn't mean any new stories I upload won't be related to this story. Keep an eye out, you'll never know when he might just show up.

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