• Published 5th Jan 2023
  • 217 Views, 13 Comments

Discord: A Story About The Number 4 And A Wall - Mr Mlp

"Discord: The Grand Old Fluttercord Plot."

  • ...

Discord: ťhë ŢHÎŘĐ ãņđ ØŃĽÝ çhåpţəŕ (fun have)

Author's Note:

Confusing as it must be for this chapter to be split in two, this message still applies to both chapters with the same title:

An angel surely he must be, fighting for his right.

A new focus without a certain blight.

Strange is considered normal around here.

There is no luck, but remember... Blue is always something to fear.

Angel Bunny. Most of the time a very devilish creature that isn't very kind to the creatures around him. However, this chapter focuses more on Angel rather than Discord.

He was raised by Fluttershy for so many years to the point where he couldn't possibly remember when or where he was even born. He spoke his mind almost all the time, but when it came to deeper rooted emotions he zipped up like a Ziploc bag.

He never got to know his parents, due to his early adoption by Fluttershy. An enormous part of his life had been spent his owner. They would eat together, sleep together, worry about something together, talk together, go places together, it seemed everything they did was together. Angel was perfectly content with this... that was until Discord and his explosive personality nuked the lives of both Fluttershy and him.

Angel did not worry about his emotions, but he would about other things... like food. The point was that he was generally care free, but when Discord came slithering in things changed as it not only made his important time with Fluttershy cut, but seemed to erect a chasm between the two... At least that's what he believed.

Upon this revaluation more things began to change. He started to realize the special relationship the two had. How much of their lives they had lived along side each other. He began to ask himself if he was dependent on Fluttershy. Obviously she brought him food, water, and shelter, but he still pondered. What was he without his owner?

The more he questioned the worse it got, even attacking his mental health as he struggled to find the answers. Panic attacks and heavy breathing. It was simply to much for him to handle and it all sourced back to Discord. He finally had come to an conclusion as to why this new crisis had appeared in his life.

In full belief he knew that the only way to get his Fluttershy back was to create some sort of a way to eliminate Discord from his life. And so, months of thought had led him to a breakthrough...

He had no idea how he would take down a chaos god, but that didn't matter to him. He just needed one lucky step and Waterlot hotels was it.

Discord parked his go-kart and all three examined the hotel from afar. Walking towards the hotel lots of interesting details caught the attention of the three. Discord noticed the tangled up mess that were the amount of water slides circling the towering hotel. Fluttershy took time to notice the artistry of complex patterns on the hotel walls most of which were nature themed based on more marine life. Pictures of fish, coral, and more dangerous undersea things were plastered all over the area.

And while Discord liked the messy appearance of the slides and Fluttershy appreciated the clear love for art and marine life, Angel noticed from atop of Fluttershy's back a heck ton amount of bodies of water surrounding the hotel. Bodies of water from which he could fall into.

They all entered the blue doors and were immediately greeted by an upbeat cheery bellhop. "May I take your bags?"

Even though what I say here interrupts the flow of the story I have to point out this flaw I just noticed. Either it was my dumb witted brother who was narrating or the suitcases were completely ignored or just simply forgotten, but I haven't seen much of a mention for the bags of luggage Fluttershy had. Still her suitcases were given to the bellhop.

The bellhop bounced away in cheerful glee. "Where is that stupid thing taking those bags?" Angel thought to himself. "Yeah, sure just let him take the bags," Discord said. "He's going to take them to our room." Fluttershy responded.

"We don't even have a room yet!"

"I guess they just like to be prepared?"

Snapping his fingers the bags appeared right beside him. "I'll carry these bell boy. Now hop along."

"Sure can do!" The bellhop replied with.

Angel watched the bellhop walk away and disappear into the elevator. Looking around on the inside more marine themed scenery could be sighted. More blue colors popped into his eyes. The hotel was shaped like a huge square with rooms and other parts of the hotel occupying the perimeters of the square, while in the middle was a giant hole that allowed anypony to look up to the top, or look down to the bottom. Here's a reference without the slides, whale, and everything else.

Jesus that is a terrible drawing...


Along with this was numerous water slides inside the hotel. Each one had an entrance and exit on two different floors. You enter on floor 96 and exit on floor 32. One of them lead down to the lobby area. The worst offender of them all, however was a medium sized inflatable whale hanging from the very top of the hotel that Angel himself could not see, that had the most derpy looking face imaginable. It hanged right above the check in desk. He could already tell he was going to hate it here.

"So... I assume we are receiving the best room in the house?"

"Hmmm, I'm not quite sure."

Fluttershy reached into her bag and grabbed a slip of paper. "It says on the invitation to Sanctuary Garden Con that we can just give the manager this invitation and he'll give us a room. Wow! I thought we were going to have to pay! That's amazing!"

"How did you not know that earlier?! Oh, and like talking to the manager is perfectly easy! Lemme just see where they're at right now- is he perhaps on the 5th floor? Maybe the 10th? 20th? 100th?! How are we supposed to find this pony!"

"I'llll give you a roooommm..."

"Gah!" Discod- Discord screamed lightly jumping in surprise in a might I add, high pitched voice. I find that kind of funny...

Discord turned around to see a whitish pink unicorn with purple eyes, a cyan mane and tail, pink freckles, one piece of cloth wrapped around one of her hooves, and strangely a singular black dot as her cutie mark.

"I'm Rosa and I love Blue."

"Are you the manager?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Noooo... I'm his girlfriend. But I'll be happy to show you to your rooooommm."

"Oh yes please!"

"Followwww me." Fluttershy felt a tiny fluffy foot of Angel tapping her head. "What is it Angel?"

Frantically he waved his arms around and squeaked trying to convey his worries. There was something truly off about this place, that Angel could not nail down. Naturally, he spoke his mind to the only mare who understood him.

"Angel, I can tell your worried, but there's nothing to be scared about! Ok, well maybe Rosa is a little weird, but look at Discord! Besides we'll only be here for the night. You'll be fine untill then."

Angel scoffed, followed by an attempt to take his mind off of the horrible feeling he got from this place.

"If only I could speak to other ponies. It would be nice, even if it's an incredibly stupid language. Plus maybe I could finally do something against Discord for once, a difficult task for sure. I just want to squeeze him until he is no more... make him grovel before my feet... MAKE THE RIVER RUN RED WITH HIS BLOOD!"

Ahem Moving on.

"What if I exposed him? Hmm, let me follow that thought." Angel took a second to think it over, but came up with nothing. Soon his sights landed on Fluttershy and Discord. One of them had just told a joke. Discord responded with a full echoing laugh, while Fluttershy had a small quiet giggle. "Seems normal- wait a second." His eyes caught onto one keen detail. Discord was blushing.

"There's no way. HA! That's gotta be the stupidest thing ever! There's no way Discord has got the hots for Fluttershy! PFFT AHAHA!"

Fluttershy turned her head to her back to check up on Angel, but refrained from doing so after seeing Angel go into another one of his laughing fits.

I'm going to take a minute to pause the narration here. If you haven't figured it out already, Discord has a crush on Fluttershy. If you are just now realizing this, then you might wanna go get that checked out with the doctor. On the top left of this page it even says "Discord: The Grand Old Fluttercord Plot." Hmm, I'm getting really off track here, thought I was going to have more to say.

While Angel had just seen Discord give out a mighty blush he couldn't exactly be certain if it was actually true. Thinking back he gathered up evidence that would suggest of this possible crush of Discord. Then he hit a road block, when a question popped into his mind. Why would exposing a crush matter? He couldn't even start to believe Fluttershy would begin to consider such a theory as that, if he did tell her. Going back into a slump he at least made up his mind to keep a close eye to see if this theory could be proven correct.

He rolled onto his side and let his eyes wander about the scenery. "Wow, it's a water slide. Wow, it's another water slide. Wow, it's a purple pony holding something. Wow, she's holding a- HOLY CELESTIA ON A SANDWICH THAT'S A BUNNY TRANSLATOR!" Now this was a goal to go after. His plan to get rid of Discord so far was up in shambles, but if he could get his paws on one of those it would be a huge step forward.

How was he going to get it away from the mare holding it though? Angel analyzed the features of the purple pony. She had a snaggle tooth, a dress, and a positive, outgoing, and happy atmosphere around her. She entered Room 13. A room on the lobby floor. Angel made a note of that.

"I can probably sneak out of our room during the night and nab it."

Rosa lead the three different creatures into the only one elevator that laid towards the back of the lobby.

"And with that weeeeeee have reached the end of the tour of the lobby."

"When did we start touring?" Discord questioned.

"That's a baaaad question." Rosa answered with.

All three entered the elevator and up they went... and went... and went...

"This elevator sure is taking a while..." Discord commented.

"Well of course it's long! We're going all the way up to the 51st flooooorrrr!" Rosa responded.

"If it's alright with you Rosa, I think we would like a room closer to the ground." Fluttershy asked.

"That's a funny joke! I didn't take you for a funnnnnny type. :)"


"We've been here for the past 5 minutes, I'm going to just teleport us up there- well if it's okay with you my dear Fluttershy."

Fluttershy gave Discord a gigantic heartwarming smile the shone like the sun, causing Discord to furiously blush and Angel to keep that fact in the back of his mind. And just like that in the blink of his eye, they were all up on the 51st floor.

"Dear? You call her dear?" Rosa questioned with lots of interest.

"She is my dear Fluttershy."

"How did you take us up that far? You're not a unicorn." Rosa asked right after Discord's response.

"Surely you've heard of the lord of chaos before."

"LORD OF CHAOS! Blue! Needed! Well I'm going to leave you to your room and I'm going to go quickly away from you! :)"

Both guys on the floor gave a suspicious glare towards the mysterious mare. Fluttershy observed this and spoke. "Come on you two, let's get into our room. I'm sure she's a nice mare even if she does seem a little... eccentric."

Entering the room they were all greeted by a glorious sight. They all swore the room was actually sparkling and shimmering. A deluxe master bedroom, 3 bathrooms, amazing decor based off marine life, a luxury kitchen, and 2 extra beds in which all of the beds in the room were water beds. Oh, not to mention the unforgettable view when stepping out into the balcony that showed a beautiful landscape.

Wouldn't that be nice.

"HOLY SH- cough -AMMERS! I mean it's not particularly my taste, but I can appreciate good art!" Discord complemented. "What should we do first?"

"Well first I have to unpack, spend time with Angel bunny, then practice my speech Discord." Angel's ears perked up as he heard her say spend time with Angel Bunny and immediately jumped with joy.

"Oh pissah! Why don't we just have fun down at the pool. Come on you deserve it."

"Didn't you say yourself you would hate for your dear Fluttershy to freeze up in front of a crowd of ponies."

"You know what I do need to brush up on my German. EIN SOM VACKT! I'll just go to the pool and practice it there-"

"Oh no you don't young man!"

"Man?! I'll have you know I'm a draconequus."

"Your staying with me. After that stunt at the restaurant I don't exactly trust you to use your magic responsibly!"

"But, MOM!"

Fluttershy raised her eyebrow.

"Ok, maybe that was a little weird to say." Discord said aloud as he groaned and flopped down onto the liquidated bed planting his face right into a pillow. "Hey wait... pillow."

"Hey Fluttershy!"

"Yes- EEP!"

Coming at a hot 20 mph was a pillow completely made out of water, striking her right in the face. It didn't hurt, butthis was enough to cause the challenge to be flipped in the on position.

"That's it mister! Your in for it now!"

"I say we still have time for a couple of pillow fights don't we!"

Fluttershy took hold of two pillows and chucked them at Discord, however with a snap of his claw the pillows turned into flying penguins that flew right back to Fluttershy turning back into pillows when they came to strike her in the face. She barely jumped out of the way before the pillows got her.

It wasn't over yet though as a slew of white fluffy pillows made their way across the room. Discord just kept creating more and more of them. A jump up, a slide left, or a leap to the right, she was dodging them all.

"How are you doing this right now?!"

"I'm going with the flow."

(Art was created by Pink-Pone: All rights reserved.)

Pillow after pillow, block after block, dodge after dodge, they had seemed to enter an impasse.

"Dang girl you are fast!" Discord said with comedic snaps to accompany his language.

"Hehe, you flatter me. Give me a hug!"

"A hug? Why do you want a hu- OOF!"

"I want a hug, because I simply want to hug you..."

"Heh, alright that's enough... but then again."

"... I'm also hugging you becauseeeeee... I CAN SNEAK ATTACK YOU!"


In a matter of a second Discord's noggin was smacked by a fresh pillow. Both of them immediately started laughing uncontrollably. "You know what? I can probably practice my speech tomorrow morning."

"Up for a game of trouble in paradise the boredgame then? Actually wait no! You do need to practice your speech."

"No, I think I'm going to go to bed Discord. All that fun we just had over these few hours has been tiring."

"Few hours?! Bed?! It's still daylight... out... oh." Discord glanced outside to find that the sun had set and the moon had risen. "But all we did was have a pillow fight... how can it be night already?! We arrived at 2pm!"

"Good night Dizzy!" Fluttershy added.

"It shouldn't be night! We gotta do something to figure this out-"

Before Dizzy- er I mean Discord could finish his sentence Fluttershy had closed the door to her room. "Wow, I guess she really is going to bed."

Discord slumped down into one of the water beds entering his mind in thought. "Hey wait a second did she call me Dizzy?"

"What did she mean by that... she's never called me Dizzy before... I mean I call her my dear but... no of course not. Pffft! Nah! But- No- Yes- No- Yes- No- Yes- No- Yes- YES- No. Celestia, that mare drives me crazy."

Losing his mind over a simple nickname Discord had forgotten about the sly bunny who sat stealthy in the dark corner of the room. Over the course of the few hours Discord and Fluttershy were having fun, Angel was plotting, scheming, and devilishly smiling in his dark little corner.

He still however came up with nothing, but since the night had struck it was time to get that translator.