• Published 5th Jan 2023
  • 220 Views, 13 Comments

Discord: A Story About The Number 4 And A Wall - Mr Mlp

"Discord: The Grand Old Fluttercord Plot."

  • ...

Discord: The SeCOnD and only chApTEr (Haves funs)

Author's Note:

Another message just for you dear reader:

Nothing strange around the corner it seems.

Someone left to do his deeds.

It's best to keep an eye.

As left alone someone could die.


Will you stop messing with our audience!

*Whaaatttt? I'm just making the story more interesting!*

There's a difference between making the story more interesting and messing with the story entirely. I know how much you want to tell this story, but you know the rules.

*Alright, I'm going to go watch a movie now. I'll be back when it's finished.*

Yeah, you do that.

Fluttershy's eyes stared astonished at the slip of paper. Discord studied her expression intently wondering what was the cause of such an intense reaction from Fluttershy? Being extremely curious and impatient he stretched out his arms grabbing onto the sides of the cottage flipping the whole house sideways. Many items including Fluttershy fell down from one side to the other. He caught Fluttershy and the slip of paper and was about to start reading when Fluttershy's pet Angel Bunny fell right on top of Discord's eyes.

"What the?"

Ignoring Angel he then set the house back to normal and stuffed Angel into one of his ears. In mere moments however, the bunny appeared back to where he was before the home had been shifted. He began to read the potentially horrific details presented by the pink slip.

"Hmmm yes very interesting. Oo, that doesn't seem good. What! No wait I read that wrong... What! GASP!"

"Uh, Discord? Do you mind telling me why you're gasping like that?"

"Hm? Oh you mean like this. GASP! Can I not gasp?"

"Oh no, its not that... I just wanna read the rest of the paper, please." Fluttershy gave a pleasant smile to Discord.

"Well you don't have to! Because, I'm just going to tell you! Let's see here... Ah yes! You have been invited to give a speech over at..." Discord glosses over the paper again. "... Sanctuary Garden Con. What kind of name is that?!"

"Really?! Lemme see!"

"Well I didn't take you for the grabby type."

"I've been invited to give a speech about my experiences with animals in Canterlot! Oh my gosh this is so exciting! I had completely forgotten the speech was tomorrow!"

"Wait lemme get this straight. You FlutterSHY are excited to give a speech in front of thousands, possibly hundred thousands of ponies?! My ears must be malfunctioning. Jeffery!"

A singular Discord popped out and delved deep into the ear of Discord looking at all of the machinery and mechanics. "Nope all good Discord!"

"Well yes. That is true, but this is different. I know so much about animals and being able to share my knowledge with Equestria is the best thing anypony could ask for!"

Discord raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Also wait a second... you said you forgot? How could you forget about something so major?"

"Well, about a few months ago if I'm remembering correctly I entered this contest. Ponies from around Equestria would make a speech about their experience with animals and give them to... what's the word for it?"

"You gave them to a judge?"

"Kind of. Basically a lot of ponies gave their written out speeches to a pony and other ponies would judge which one was the best one. And whoever did the best got to give that speech at Sanctuary Garden Con in Canterlot! I hadn't been paying much attention to it, since I didn't think I was going to win. And it's tomorrow! EEEEE!"

"Nope! Nuh uh! I'm putting you into a gelatin cage until you agree that we aren't going!"


"It's supposed to be our day and I don't want you freezing up on stage."

His whole body turned into thick frost also turning his heart and demeanor as cold as ice.

"Aww you care don't you?"

"Blasphemy! ... Yes..." Discord exclaimed with a dark purple blush. "Still your not getting out of this cage!"

Fluttershy took one look at it, opened her month and bit the gelatin. In a matter of seconds she was out of the cage.

"Note to self. Make gelatin have razor sharp blades..."

"I know your worried-"

"I'm not worried!"

Fluttershy looks back at the bitten gelatin cage.

"Ok, maybe I have caught the worry plague." He gave out a couple of coughs.

"I promise we will still have our fun Discord. Besides if you say no we won't even get to spend any time together today. And if you want we could spend even more time tomorrow."

Discord thought about it for a second, then two, then three, then decided it was best to go on this once in a lifetime field trip... for Fluttershy at least.

"Alright! Alright! I'll go..."

"Aw, your the best Discord!"

Fluttershy gave Discord a big- OW! Your back already!? That was a quick movie and did you really have to hit me?

*I'll do anything man.*

This is the last time! Your lucky I'm too lazy to fight you this time.

*I love you brother!*

Ughhh. I love you to. I'll go take a break. Try not to set anything on fire.

*So, Fluttershy gave Discord a big old hug. Man wouldn't that be great. So, Fluttershy says to Discord in a New Yorken accent, "Ey! So let's get outta here alright!" And Discord says to her, "Sure thing honey! Let's hit this popsicle stand!"*

*Ok, you know I'm kidding. You know how much I love to do that. for real though Fluttershy begins to pack for her trip to Canterlot.*

*During her speech though she had used Angel bunny, so naturally you gotta use that devilish fuzzball again. You know the bunny that landed on Discord's face not to long ago. So, she planned to take Angel with her. You know I've sad "So" quite a few times haven't I? There was indeedy mc squeezy a problem with using Angel however... Discord and Angel have had a lifetime rivalry ever since they met. No matter what, they would always choose to battle each other over Fluttershy. Who knows maybe Angel gots a little something something for the mare- I'M KIDDING! Chill the frick out.*

"You ready Discord?"

"Oh me? Why yes I've been ready for the past hour. You didn't have to groom Angel's tail before we went."

"He gets fussy if he doesn't get one before a long trip."

"Long trip?! I can just teleport us there!"

"Oh... I guess your right Discord. Why didn't you mention it."

"... You know what that's a fair point. Hop into the limo."

"Limo? What's a Limo? I though we were-"

"No dear Fluttershy of mine is going to not ride in a flying Limousine that's the size of a flying Limousine. By the way that's the full name of the Limo. I created it last week. Now as I was saying... our chariet awaits!"

*Fluttershy stepped into the Limousine that was the size of a Limousine. Standing right next to the door, before he jumped in he saw Angel Bunny gaze directly into Discord's eyes sending a shiver down his spine as he gave the dirtiest, nastiest, SMUGGEST, look any creature could give. It was like looking into the burning sun like holy dang man. I swear I feel like Angel is a sadist.*

*After a second of staring at the bunny Discord shrugged it off rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, teleporting himself right next to Fluttershy. The Limousine then started to move.*

"How did you make this thing?! It's incredible! It's like the chariots you would see in Manehatten, but longer and without the need for ponies to move it!"

"It's simple really. I just think it up and it can become up."


"Say, I noticed that I didn't see any of those animals in your cottage like I usually do."

"They're at the cottage. They were probably just hiding around somewhere."

"What, are they scared of me or something? They've never been scared of me before."

"They can sense evil."

"Heeeyyyy! I'm not evil anymore! That was a low blow!"

"I'm just messing with you! You're funny when you get all flustered like that."

"Pffft! No! If they were to be sensing evil, it would probably be Angel."

*Angel gave out a pitiful angry squeak. Hehe, stupid.*

"I'm going to ignore that. I guess it's also said animals can see things we can't or beings of higher power. Like ghosts... oh my Celestia! Do you think there are ghosts in my cottage! The animals can't be safe with ghosts in my cottage! I should've asked someone to take care of the animals while I was gone!"

"Relaaaax. I'll just go get someone to do it real quick."

*Read this is the spongebob french narrator voice. A few minutes later...*


"Who did you get?"

"Like it would be any fun to tell you who it was."


"Hey Discord?"


"I read over the letter again and it says we need to be at Waterlot Hotels, by 2pm."

"Oh driver!"

*The driver was shaped exactly like Discord and I mean like facial features and everything. Kinda like if he was a clone or somethin.*

"Why yes hello there handsome lad, what can I do for you?"

"What time is it?"

"It is currently... 11:30am- 11:30AM?! I'M LATE FOR MY CULINARY CLASS!"

*The Limousine came to a screeching halt.*

"I must go! And may I say, you have quite the mare there."

*The driver tipped down his hat and left the scene, leaving Discord and Fluttershy left to fend for themselves. Welp guess they're dead now. You know that was a fun story.*

*Discord just gives out a disappointing look and teleports them straight to Canterlot.*

"Was that supposed to happen Discord?"

"Why of course it was!"

*Discord leaned down speaking into the watch that was totally there on his wrist the entire time.*

"Make sure to fire Discord number 3748926394 alright?"

*Ah what a bustling and fancy town Canterlot is! Lots of majestic ponies wearing fantabulous clothing. Everything from the decor, food, and atmosphere just spelt out fancy and expensive. But all of that doesn't matter. They are going to Waterlot hotels and it wasn't like they were as fancy or expensive as the rest of Canterlot was. They did reside on the outskirts of the city.*

"I don't know how to say this Discord, but why didn't we teleport over to Waterlot Hotels?"

"You ask a lot of questions. It's not like I don't know where it is, I am the lord of chaos and know where everything in Equestria is. But I would like to see the scenery and walk around for a little bit. So let's see here... restaurants that all serve the same generic boring garbage, the same generic fancy decor all around the town, and useless products that I have no idea how it was approved to be a real product. I mean edible stickers, come on! Maybe we should have just gone to the Hotels."

"No. I think I like the idea of walking around for a bit."

*Discord looked through the fancy colored glass windows- also you know just like how I was saying "so" a lot, earlier. Now I'm saying "fancy" a lot. But anyway on the other side of the glass windows were a number of products, from nail stuff... uh magic stuff... not quite sure what a "Hoof Beater" is but they got that to. Oh! And also a Bunny to Pony language translator.*

"HA! A Bunny Translator. Remind me never to get one of those for Fluttershy on Christmas."

*And with a simple movement of his fingers an icy wind encased the translator and it poofed away. Discord looked at Angel with a smug expression. Angel retorted back with an angry attempt at biting him. Dang man.*

"Are you boys hungry?"

"If I say yes, does that mean we get to do something?"

"Umm. Yes. We should probably eat and plus we don't need to be at Waterlot hotels just yet. We have about 2 hours."

"Then quickly now we must move fast!"

*In about 4.13 milliseconds (I counted) the three of them were in a go-kart and off to the races finding just a dang restaurant. While Fluttershy and Discord were yucking it up in the front, Angel was sitting alone in the back. Heh, get smoked idiot.*

"Wow, first a Limo and now you've created this?! This is amazing Discord!"

"Yeah, I know. I call it a go-kart. Mainly because it goeeesss."


"Ummm. That reminds me... before we arrive at the restaurant I want to say something."

"Hit me."

"I know you love doing your chaos magic and all, but try not to use it to much, while we are out in public. I don't want ponies getting mad at us."

"Well jeez, I said hit me, but I didn't say hit me that hard. Chaos magic got us this go-kart didn't it?"

"Well, I guess that's different since you know how to control the go-kart, but still. Do it for me?" *Fluttershy let out a smile that could light up the night sky.*

"Ugh, fine... No wait! I will disappear and cease to exist if I don't use my magic regularly!"

"Both me and you know that isn't true."

"Dang! I thought you would fall for that. Also wait. you mentioned that you know an actual restaurant with a personality? Does that mean I can have a decent conversation with it?"

"Ha ha Discord. I heard about it from Pinkie Pie. Apparently they have outstanding food and a wonderful atmosphere. And they allow pets!"

"Very flattering..."

"I didn't mean you as a pet!"

"Are we sure we should trust the pink one?"

"Absolutely! Don't you wanna see what it has to offer? I know you do! Come on lemme see a smile."

"A smile? Why should I smile. I don't need to smile."

"I know you want to. I can see it in your eyes."

*Discord physically coughs really hard then clears his throat like a bird while also blushing slightly.* "What do you know about my eyes?!"

"Well they are yellow, with red pupils, and they are telling me that you want to smile real big!"

"I will turn this go-kart around!"

"No don't! I'll stop!"

"Well to bad I'm doing it anyway because I missed a turn a couple minutes ago."

*A little bit of silence followed after that, but soon enough they arrived at the widely popular Canterlot restaurant named the Tasty Treat. And boy did my man Discord check it out.*

"Curvy uneven structures. Multicolored slabs of wood and other materials. A random giant painting of an elephant for particularly no reason plastered above the entrance door. Solid six out of ten for chaos I would say."

*You know in my opinion the tasty treat, while I guess good and all and having great decoration with the colors and the more cultural vibe... it's a great restaurant with the more Hispanic inspired stuff from the real world and such, you know it has great waiters, waiting times, and just generally has a warm feeling to go with it... but...*


*Yeah I said it.*

*Ahh! I just heard the door open. Hold on its the other narrator. Why ello there.*

Why are you screaming?

*Because Mexican food is overrated.*

Did you have to scream?

Yes. Did you have to come into this room?

I'm back to finish the job I was given. So, times up brother. Hope you enjoyed your last time for a long while.

*I didn't even get that much time to-*

This is getting old for both me and the reader. Just get out.

*Why can't you just let me narrate?*

Because its not your job yet.

*Alright, alright. Just remember what I said. I will be finishing this story no matter what. It would be wise to not underestimate me. HAHA! EVIL ANIME LAUGH! Goodbye brother, it's time for me to go ahead and do some stuff now. To prepare. Tell the reader I'll miss them!*



He left. Thank God.

Fluttershy and Discord entered the Tasty Treat, letting the colorful decor greet them pleasantly. Discord gave a slight approval nod as he looked around in the restaurant. "Needs a bit of freshening up, but a decent start," He said as a small flower appeared on his chest squirting out a tiny purple mist. The mist then preceded to encompass a random object and make it alive. It triumphantly rushed out of the restaurant.

"Discord, remember to limit your chaos magic while we're here. You might get us kicked out."

"Agh, I know I said I would but truly I have to say no promises."

"You better promise."

"Ugh, fine," Discord said out loud. But in his mind he said the exact opposite.

Fluttershy, Discord, and Angel Bunny were seated at a weirdly shaped table. They sat straight across from each other having the ability to make eye contact with just a glance. Eventually a waiter came up and asked them for drinks and left when their orders were given. An uncomfortable silence loomed upon them as both realized they had nothing to discuss. Normally Discord wouldn't have a problem with this, but the way they seated across from each other, Fluttershy could stare directly into the eyes of Discord at any moment when they weren't talking and the thought of this made him blush from time to time.

"So what's our plan after we eat?" Discord asked desperately trying to spark up some sort of conversation.

"We're going to Waterlot Hotels aren't we?"

"Well yes, but what are we going to do when we get there?"

"Unfortunately we have to pay bits in order to sleep in a room for a limited time."

"I know that! No wait a minute I didn't know that. I thought it would be free, but you know what I mean. Stuff like... uhhh. Hmmmm."

"OH I GOT IT! How about we just get a room and have our own little area of chaos in the hotel. I'll bring the glowing eyeballsssss!"

"Sure, I don't think you'll hurt anypony just having fun on our room and it sounds like a blast. And I don't mean an actual blast Discord."

"Why I'd never!"

"We'll relax at the hotel today and I'll practice my speech then tomorrow we will go ahead and check out the convention and do the speech."

"Cool. Just please make sure you have this speech down. I don't want anything bad happening to you up there."

"I will Discord."


"What do you think the other ponies at Sanctuary Garden Con will talk about?" Fluttershy asked.

"Animals, santuarys, gardens..."

Silence fell onto them for a couple of minutes as both of them tried to think of a new topic to talk about.

"Do you read books Discord?"

"Do I read books?! Why I'd consider myself to be a total bookworm." He said turning into a worm. Still in worm form he continued. "Pony Shakespeare, Marey Shelly, the stallion who created the classic horror novel The Shimmering! I've read many books."

"Wow, I didn't know you've really read any books. Hey, weren't you turned into stone when all those classic novels came out?"

"Yes I was. That's why I read them, when I was turned back out of stone. Plus I feel like you should know that I read books by now." He questioned while turning back into his normal self non-wormed self.

"Hm. I recently started reading this romance novel-"


"Yes. Romance. Rainbow Dash introduced them to me and they are pretty spicy. I'm enjoying it a lot! It's called Jeffery: The Romance Novel. It's about this stallion who creates disaster and toxicity wherever he goes, until this one mare comes by and changes his life with kindness. So far Jeffery has become the exact opposite of who he used to be, while still keeping his personality of course! I've heard there's also some sort of tragedy or death in the book. You should read it."

"While Jeffery sounds like quite the handsome lad, I shall not take part in this... romance."

"Alrighty! Angel enjoyed it though."

Angel, who had been paying very close attention to the conversation turned his head away from the two in embarrassment.

"Pffft, HA HA HA! The bunny likes romance!"

"It's okay Angel. I know your very manly. You don't need to be embarrassed for liking romance novels."

Angel gave Discord a death glare, but was interrupted as a bowl of spicy salad topped with curry was placed right in front of his face. "Food's here! No not you Food." Discord exclaimed.

"What?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just talking about my friend named Food."

The rest of the food was distributed across the table. "Is that everything?" The waiter asked.

"Yes, thank you so much!" Flutttershy responded with. "I'm going to go wash my hooves Discord. Remember not to get into any crazy mishaps with your chaos magic while I'm gone!"

Discord shrugged and poured soapy water right onto his claw and paw, then immediately drying them by blinking. Angel gazed at him with an evil eye. "What?! Aren't I also supposed to wash my whatever the scientific word for claws and paws are as well?!"

Angel picked up his fork and knife to dig into his spicy curry salad, but right before he took his first bite just barely blinking the contents on the fork had disappeared. He looked at Discord who just gave out a smug expression. Kinda like this...

Angel's brow furrowed and he kicked the meal Discord had been given onto the ground. "You know I can just make my own dish, right?" Discord snapped his fingers and out popped another meal of his own creation filled with all sorts of delicacies like small red and purple shrieking creatures.

Both of the creatures dug into their meal, Discord with his shovel and Angel with his fork. "Hey Angel... how about we play a little game?"


"How about this? Whoever wins this arm wrestling match gets to stay with Fluttershy, while the loser has to go back to the cottage/own dimension."

Furious and quick squeaking

"Perfect! 3, 1, 2, Go!" Discord with magnificent speed grabbed onto Angel's paw and slammed it into the table automatically making him the winner.

Discord raised his arms up and cheered in glory as confetti fell from the ceiling as well as a few cardboard cut outs of ponies filling the space around Discord also cheering. "Oh who ever could've expected that?"

In a matter of seconds Angel leaped right off the table onto Discord's face. Surprisingly the second time today Discord would be blinded by a pure white substance. "Hey! What the... Who turned off all the lights?!" In a slight panic Discord conjured up a lone paint bucket and poured it onto his body allowing freedom from the white devil that was Angel. "Oh ho ho no. You did not just do that." Several tiny black crabs began rising out of Angel's dish surrounding the bunny, then pinning him down.

Discord, getting up close and personal to his fluffy face took out his claw and slapped him straight across the face leaving a slightly tinged red mark.

"You know I wasn't actually going to make you go back all the way to the cottage right? Also I didn't mean to hit you that hard let me heal that for you."


Angel stuck him as hard as he could straight across the face. A crowd then began to gather.

"What the Tartarus! I will fight you if you want a fight."

Upon hearing that Angel immediately escaped the cold clutches of the crabs and bunny kicked Discord straight in the nose. Lightning flashed across the room, thankfully not coming into contact or causing fire to any of the ponies or materials around them.

"Alright mister, you wanna fight?!"

Discord snapped his fingers giving Angel a huge buff bod. He didn't want the match to be unfair and even though Discord had magic he decided he didn't want to use it during the fight to make it even more fair.

The two began duking it out throwing punch, kick, or hook one after another. The crowd quickly gave them their space as soon punches turned into throwing any sort of projectile they could get their paws/one claw on. Right on the other side of the restaurant Fluttershy came out of the bathroom as a plate was coming rapidly towards her.

"Wow, that was quite the adventure- EEP!" She just barely dodged the incoming plate. She glanced around the now chaotic mess that was the Tasty Treat restaurant and knew exactly who was behind it.


"Oh boy." Discord quickly returned everything to its rightful place. All the shattered plates were good as new, the splattered food on the walls turned fresh and edible to eat, and the buff bod Angel was given disappeared back into his usual shrill tiny little body and he was even healed from the injuries that were sustained from the battle. "Yes Fluttershy my dear, what ever seems to be the problem?"

"I thought I told you not to get into trouble with you chaos magic!"

"Well you see you were in the bathroom and at any time I could just erase any traces of magic if I were to use it and uh-
Well Angel started it!"

"Discord, you should know better. Angel is just a sweet little bunny." Fluttershy picked up Angel and Discord could witness the cold evil glare that stared right into Discord's soul. "I didn't even get to eat my meal yet! Can't you go for a little bit without using your magic?"

"Of course I can!"

"Excuse me. I'm going to have to ask the creature who was creating havoc and the bunny to leave," The manager said appearing beside them. "Are you with them?" He asked Fluttershy.


"You can stay, just make sure they don't get into any more trouble."

"No. I'll go with them."

The crowd watched with investment as Fluttershy, Angel, and Discord left the Tasty Treat. The three of them had not paid for their meals, but Discord made sure to leave some bits on the table... even if the bits could talk. Discord poofed up the go-kart he had driven to the Tasty Treat and they all jumped in. The ride was prominently silent as they moved along to Waterlot Hotels. It wasn't until Discord broke the silence that Fluttershy would speak again.

"If you're hungry I can just whip up something for you to eat. You want whipped cream?"


"Listen I'm sorry okay?! That bunny was out for my blood! He wanted a fight, I gave him a fight!"


"Hello? Is this thing on?" Discord said humorously poking at his newly appeared mic.


"Is it getting breezy in here or is that just your shoulder?"


"That's my name, don't wear it out."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and a short moment of silence before she spoke.

"I'm not mad... well, not anymore, but you really need to learn to listen to other ponies and to not use your chaos magic all the time. I know its hard to restrain yourself from what you love, but sometimes you have to step back. What if a stray plate happen to hit someone and they had to go to the hospital? What if a fire had started? Do it for me Discord?"

"Well I-"

"Promise me?"

Fluttershy gave Discord the biggest set of puppy dog eyes known to any creature and as he looked into her eyes he thought of two things. He thought about the gazing stare making him warm in his stomach and two he thought about the meatloaf he left in his fridge.

"Promise me this Fluttershy. ... Promise me we will always stay together."

"I- um I promise."

"Then I will try, only because of you my dear Fluttershy. But I cannot completely promise."

"Well at least that's something. Let's go to Waterlot Hotels."

"Are you excited?"

"I'm very so excited! What kind of rare breads of animals do you think they have? Or rare plants... or just rare nature in general?"

"I'm sure they'll have lots of that stuff. Or perhaps just be water themed. I'm sure it'll be great."

"Aww your sweet when you want to be Discord."

"I can wipe your mind at any moment, don't push me."

And so Fluttershy and Discord drove over to the edge of Canterlot to Waterlot Hotels. The great thing was that just right next to the big building, was Santuary Garden Con itself. Surely they were going to have a grand old time at the convention and Discord would attempt to pull off his master plan, the reason why he really wanted the whole day to spend with Fluttershy and Fluttershy only.

Let's just hope everything turns out alright...