• Published 5th Jan 2023
  • 216 Views, 13 Comments

Discord: A Story About The Number 4 And A Wall - Mr Mlp

"Discord: The Grand Old Fluttercord Plot."

  • ...

Discord: The First And Only Chapter (Have Fun)

Author's Note:

With every new story comes a new way to tell that tale. And with each chapter I bring a message:

No matter how deep you dive into this rabbit hole of a story.

Your quest will not end in glory.

A question here and a question there.

Still no answers to be seen anywhere.

Here we find ourselves in the vastness of space... the final frontier. An unexplored location and mystery for countless years...

PFFFT! I'm kidding! This is Discord's house! We find ourselves right smack dab in the middle of a dimension purely created to be a shelter for Discord. Perhaps the most chaotic and creative thing that has ever existed.

My favorite thing about it is how weirdly shaped the landscape is as well as how much color it provides in all sorts of varieties. There's also random objects being bent or shifted in any sort of twisted way and horrific creatures that still somehow really aren't that terrifying. Truly a sight to behold. This creature -I'm referring to Discord- has got the power to do practically anything with his magic. In case you don't know the creature named Discord has the ability to use magic to create anything, whether it be for good or bad.

It's called chaos magic. Gotta love some chaos man.

And of course like any good narrator does I shall now tell ye tale of this magnificent Discord! I am the only narrator here and rightfully the only one who should be telling this story and definitely not this dried up lego brick that is standing right behind me.

What are you doing? Hold on, let me change the settings of this narration a bit.

*What do you mean? I'm telling the story. I'm obviously right for the job.*

Get out of the chair.

*Alright fine.*


Your probably quite confused right now. I am the actual narrator. My job is to narrate the story that has been given to me. This person that was talking for the first few paragraphs is my brother and is not fit to take on this job.

*Don't make me eat something in protest.*

I changed the settings on how the story is presented so that anytime this fool shows up his dialogue is surrounded by "*". And despite what you think, my brother is actually a adult even though he doesn't act like it. After all, this is supposed to be a professional job.

*Professionalism just makes things boring! I will be interrupting the story and you know that! And no matter what I am narrating the ending! YOU CAN'T STOP ME!*

Why did you scream? Jeez, man.


I shoved him out of the room and closed the door. Putting that shaky intro behind us it's now time for the dramatic telling of Discord's story.

A story about the number four and a wall.

Discord awoke in his home to the sound of his alarm clock ringing. The sky was pitch black in his home dimension and the birds were chirping cheerfully.

"Chirping birds?! Didn't I drown them all in maple syrup and kicked them out of my dimension already? They must've stuck in when I opened the portal to my home. Oh well! This isn't about to be a generic start to a happy fairy tale." Upon listening to the sweet tune provided by the lovely winged animals, Discord snapped his fingers transforming the once harmonic birds into flying hammers. Opening his upside down window he captured one of the hammers and gently tapped the screaming clock disrupting his ear drums with the hammer. The clock stopped screaming and gave Discord a unhappy look. "Oh don't look at me like that... you deserved it."

He turned around and began to stretch his long snake like body, splitting into two, letting both pieces of him fall to the floor, then dissolving right through the cracks of his house right into the kitchen of the floor right below.

For the people uninitiated with the character of Discord he is part of the species named Draconequui or just Draconequus when referring to just one of them. Unfortunately he is the only one left of his kind. We won't be focusing on that aspect for this story however, as he didn't really care about being the only one left. To him it made him feel more unique. He was a creature made up of many different creatures. He had a snake like body, one paw, one claw, yellow eyes with red pupils, a snaggle tooth, and actually it might be better if I were to just show you a picture.

There was a clear difference between Discord and the ponies that made up the world of Equestria. Take a look at anypony and they would just simply walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen after waking up or shower and get clean, before they even made their way to the stairs. Of course some didn't have stairs in their home, but the same could applied. However, this was not the case for Discord. Chaos was life to him and any little thing that could be spiced up with his chaos magic, he took that opportunity for better or for worse.

Usually though, he didn't use his powers for anything bad per say, but you could say ponies didn't exactly always warm up to what he liked to do.

"Hmmm... what to have for breakfast today. Broken eggs? No, too runny." Discord's eyes followed the running eggs that now poured out of his refrigerator. "Ah! I'll have some cereal."

Opening his fridge that was slanted at an angle all that could be seen was a barren wasteland... quite literally. Extending his hand across the scorching desert in his fridge he picked up both his milk and cereal and with some quick movements his breakfast was ready. And just like any ordinary day his morning eatery was anything but ordinary.

With the milk and cereal on the table and a completely transparent bowl, he glanced at the milk carton snapping his fingers once again. A huge gasp of air was heard immediately after the action was done, followed by a high pitched voice coming from carton of milk.

"Discord! You brought me back! It's been years! I've SEEN THE TRUTH-"

"Oops, didn't mean to do that." Discord stood up with a baseball bat in hand shouting "FOUR!" as he struck the carton of milk outside his house and into the deep reaches of discord's dimension. "Now I could just snap up some more milk, but... oh what the heck! I haven't tried orange juice with cereal yet."

Discord popped in a jug of orange juice into his palm and just like that he was enjoying a nice healthy breakfast of orange juice soaked cereal oats. Eating his cereal he thought about what he might do for the rest of the day. Suddenly a memory shot straight into Discord's mind making him remember an important day with Fluttershy he had planned. Although the planned day to visit Fluttershy was tomorrow a second thought entered Discord's mind. "Wouldn't it just be wacky to visit Fluttershy a day early? ... Nahhhh... But then again, I am the lord of chaos."


"Actually you know what I won't. That probably would have surprised some of my other friends right now if they were here."

He closed his eyes then opened them back up. In the short time it took him to acomplish that action he was outside of his house gazing at the interesting scenery. Massive chucks of polka-dotted land grazed the horizons along with numerous amounts of creatures the ponies of Equestria would never even be able to imagine. I also can't imagine it, which is why I'm not describing what the creatures look like. Staring at what Discord thought to be a beautiful horizon he laid down.

"Now this was what life is about. Embracing the disorder of it all and going with the flow. When life throws a hit at you, why not make something fun out of it?"

A moment of silence passed letting the wind take center stage in the sound department.

"Ahhh, such a grand looking view... let's ruin it with a little game. Shall we boys?"

Discord rose and spun around to see several clones gather around his front yard. In a couple quick minutes two teams were ready and a humongous number of undying fans were screaming in the crowds. This was the final game of the year and many complicated and complex strategies were about to be implemented- GAH!

God, I think I bee stung me. God that hurt.


I'm going to go treat that.



*The ground was purple. The ball, a flying pig. The score was one to one. Discord looked up to find how much time of the game was left only to realize,* "Oh yeah, there is no time. First to two wins."

"You idiot! How could you forget that!" *The coach of the bouncing berries hollered. Great name by the way.*

*The bouncing berries bounced on the left of the field which was the complete opposite of where the cheerful cherries stood cheerfully. The cheerful cherries got close together like they were about to all fuse together to plan their win condition.*

"ALRIGHT DISCORDS! Now we all know that this is the game of the century! I want to see drama. I want to see action. I want to see you grab that ball and score for all the undying fans waiting for you to win in that crowd!"

"I love you Discord!" *Wait who says that in the story?*


*OHHH! It's the yellowed colored Discord in the crowd.*

"That flying pig may be intimidating gentlemen and gentlemens, but we got something that other team doesn't! A cocky attitude. Now you! Discord!"

The Discord looked up in fear and in a nasally voice he said, "Ummm- uh- yes sir?"

"I want you to go for the winning shot. It's up to you son."

"Oh celestia, can't we cheat instead?"

"I know it's hard son, but we're counting on you."

"Well I-"

"You see that yellow colored Discord over there son?"


"She's counting on you son."

"Can you stop calling me son-"


*Both teams of Discords lined up at the midpoint, A.K.A the starting line A.K.A where they all were A.K.A- ok, I'm going to stop. Each Discord stared deep into one anothers, hopefully not loving eyes, waiting for the referee to blow his whistle. The crowd chanted. I'm putting money on the bouncing berries.*

"3... 1... 2..." TWEEEEEET

*The crowd roared as they watched several discords get punched and smacked from all different directions. All sorts of playing cards were being thrown into the fray, but the Discord with the nasally voice was able to slip through the cracks. He snatched the pig bolting down the field. First at the 5 yard line, then the 30 yard line. 100! 200! HECKING 326.78!*

"Is that little Timmy?!" *The Discord announcer said in confusion.*

"I can't believe it. I'm going to make it," *Said little Timmy in ding dang astonishment.*

*And with one singular leap...*


*The crowd cheered furiously, but I can't help but be disappointed. My team didn't win and it was an awfully fast win for the cheerful cherries. I can't believe by some miracle little Timmy Discord had been the one to do it.*

*The coach ran up and blocked him in the shoulder in admiration in which he DOESN'T DESERVE! His team praised him. And the yellow colored Discord gave him a big old smooch. Little Timmy Discord then ran up to the other team and started laughing, calling them losers...*

*You know what? Little Timmy Discord was then told that apparently one of the players cheated and that there was now going to be another game to be the REAL final game. There now Little Timmy is sad. Beat that idiot.*

*In a simple second the game was done and all that was left was a floating rock in the vastness of Discord's dimension. A.K.A he decided to end the game and put the Discords/undying crowd into his back pocket.*

*So yeah Discord's soccer game just went goodbye. After the exciting event he kinda just hung around in his house and then went to bed. Interesting I know. But that's why I'm here, to make sure you don't read any of that stupid boring stuff.*

*Soon enough Discod's- Discord's alarm clock went off the next morning and, huh! What's this? Holy WOW, HE TURENED HIS CLOCK INTO AN ICE CREAM cOnE?! Were practically witnessing history here... well reading it... cough... I didn't expect him to do that...*

*Also remember those birds? They're back. Like, why. Someone call the CBD and don't ask me what the acronym stands for. WAKE UP DISCORD! Oh wait he can't hear me. Heh. HAHAHA! He woke up anyway.*

"I see the band of high pitched squealing is back. Thought I got rid of those things."

*With a snippidy snap snap, the birds now wore wings made of solid gold and feathers made of wood. Don't worry though their fine. Discord then teleported downstairs to the kitchen and for some reason he decided to just pull the entire door handle off of the refrigerator. He was still able to open the fridge, but the door just kinda melted into warm apple juice when he stared at it. Inside the fridge was still an entire desert. Still, he got his milk and cereal from the fridge.

"Gah! I thought I got rid of that thing..."

*The milk is back. OoOoOoOoO! Did I scare you? No. I know I didn't. Anyway like anyone would he wanted answers. I also kinda want answers, not about the milk but about what the future will hold for me. He gave the milk carton life once again to ask it how the frick nugget he came back into his fridge.*

"How did you appear back into my fridge? I flung you out the window. There was this whole gag-"

"I have no ideaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

"I don't believe you. I demand to know instantly."

"Gee, I'm sorry Discord. I only know about the skeletons inside your closet."


"You can't hide away from your fears."

*Discord didn't say a word. Someone has got the case of a cat being on your tongue and holding it hostage.*

*Discord lifted up the milk carton that I will affectionately now like to call stupid head mc gee, into the palm of his claw. With the stance of tiger woods (he's a baseball player right?), and the form of a world class baseball pitcher he shot stupid head mc gee into the furthest reaches of space- oh crap I mean discord's dimension.*

"That milk carton has some problems he needs to work out."

*HA! Like you don't also have problems you need to work out Discord.*

*Discord then got ready for his important day with Fluttershy... and we're just going to skip over all that getting ready stuff, no one wants to read that. Pfft, taking a shower... who does that? Anyway discord had his black hair slicked back and classy clothes on, (and by clothes I mean no clothes of course) and flew all the way to Ponyville.*

*Could've teleported to Ponyville of course, but for a day like this he wanted to take the scenic route. It provided him with a chance to think about stuff, while also causing any chaos on the way if the opportunity presented itself. Of course it was destructive chaos but fun chaos.*

*And now dear reader we arrive in Ponyville. A great town filled to the brim with all sorts of magnificent ponies. I don't know about you, but I'm a huge pony fan. Here in the town of Ponyville things are quite normal. Gravity is a thing that exists, things are colored normal colors, and ponies go about their normal lives doing normal things-*

I thought I told you not to narrate this story.

*HISSSSSSAAAAAAAA! Oh, I mean... sup.*

Chair. Out. Now.

*Well, looks like our time for now is over. Such sad tims indeed. By the way you shouldn't have been gone so long in the first place! If I'm leaving I should at least say that.*

I was treating my bee sting... then I got food which is in my hand right now. As much as I don't like your childish behavior do you want some pizza.

OH HECK YEAH! See you later brother!


Now how much of the story did he go over. Wow, he did quite a bit.


Fluttershy poured the warm tea into her teacup.

The tea was warm- the tea was so warm that spilling it would cause harm. Wait Fluttershy what are you doing? No... the tea is to warm... it'll burn through the cup. NO! DON'T DO IT! NO, IT'S BURNING! THE COTTAGE IS ON FIRE, AHHHHHHHHH!

Would you get out of here! You even changed the settings of the narration!


There I fixed it.

*Now I will see you later.*

Fluttershy poured the warm tea straight into her teacup preparing for the usual tea time Discord and Fluttershy had. If one thing was certain to Discord and Fluttershy, this day would begin with tea time. Excitement was beaming on Fluttershy's face ready for the unpredictable draconequus to make his famous appearance.

With the conflicting personalities between Fluttershy and Discord, it was quite hard to believe they were friends in the first place. Discord with his outgoing, sometimes mean-spirited, and all over the place personality completely juxtaposed with Fluttershy's calm, caring, and kind spirit. Even her voice felt like running your hand through smooth silk. So with all of their differences you would expect them to not be the best of pals, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Fluttershy was a yellow pegasus mare with pink hair for her mane. Here's a picture of her.

Fluttershy lived more on the outskirts of Ponyville away from the quaint little town. She lived surrounded by nature as lots of different animals inhabited her home. Most of the time she took care of all the animals that lived in her home, due to the animals often being sick or hurt, but eventually they would be released back into the world of Equestria.

Her home was also surrounded by lots of greenery with flowers, a small river, and a forest near her premises. Her cottage was very peaceful that was not interrupted for the majority of the time it had laid there. Occasionally it would be interrupted by something, like a knock on the door.

Knock Knock

The noise came from the door and Fluttershy just knew it was him. Not even making an effort to contain her enthusiasm she bolted to the door opening it rapidly to greet her friend... only to find out no creature was there. "Oh... guess he's not here yet... I'm sure he'll be here soon."



Right behind her was a bustling and active parade. Her eyes were bombarded with lights, colors, and ponies dancing to music. How Discord managed to fit an entire parade inside one little cottage, I couldn't tell you.

"Oh my celestia. It's just you Discord." Fluttershy gave him a huge hug. "I'm so happy that we get to spend the day together, I even forgot to feed angel this morning! Thank Celestia he reminded me."

Angel gave Fluttershy the death stare and returned back to what he was doing. Discord put the gigantic parade into his pocket of his now worn jeans that he put on at that precise moment. How he fit the whole parade inside his pocket I also couldn't tell you. "Sounds quite peculiar for you to forget to feed Angel. Did you know peculiar used to be my grandfather's middle name?" Discord claimed.

"Actually, yes. Tea?"

"I may have had a meatball sub on the way here, but oh what the heck!"

They both sat down and struck up a conversation.

"How was your morning discord?"

"Oh, you know... chaotic. I know I use that word way to much, but it's the truth. And also I have no other good words to say. I really need a new word for chaos. No wait nevermind I got it. Disentropy."

Fluttershy chuckled. "That is a pretty interesting word."

"Disentropy. It has a nice ring to it." Discord pulled out a bell from the pocket that did not have a gigantic parade inside of it and rung it. "It's even got some of my name in it, so you know it's good."

"We are going to have such a wonderful time Fluttershy. I've already got such an amazing day planned out. How do you feel about the gambling?"

"Oh, I was thinking more of like the Zoo or just a nice relaxing day around the town."

"Day around the town?! The Zoo?! Oh, no no no no no no no no. As much as I enjoy these relaxing tea parties with you, we have the whole day to do whatever we want. And you want to spend it walking around town! These days don't just drop out from the sky and you want to spend it... just strolling about?!"



"Fair enough."

It was at this point Discord could feel not only what he thought was tension in the air, which in fact there was no tension. Then he felt something else.

"Did you feel that?" Discord asked.

"No? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know. I thought I felt something, guess it's nothing." He says as he takes out a meatball sub out of nowhere.

"So... what are we going to do?"



"Who's there!"

"Uh, I'm the mailpony. I just have a- uh- letter for Ms. Fluttershy."

"Go away we're busy!"

"I just thought Fluttershy would probably want this letter. Oh gosh... is that a rabid dog... I'll just leave the letter down here Mr. Discord and Ms. Fluttershy. Oh why is there a rabid dog here? I'll just slowly back away and maybe he won't..."


"Don't tell him that I was the one who put the dog there. Don't worry though, he should be fine," Discord claimed.

Discord twisted his arm through the mail slot and grabbed the letter that looked like it came from a terrible nightmare...

"What is it?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Looks like a letter painted in the color pink. How dreadful."

...to discord at least.

Fluttershy took the pink letter from discord's paw and opened it eager to find out what's inside.

*Hey I'll give you five bucks if you let me close the chapter.*

You know what, fine. Plus you have to pay for gas next time we go anywhere far from our house.


*Ah, feels great to close the chapter. I have so many things I want to say!*

*And would you look at the time! That dear reader is where we are going to stop this chapter of a Fan Fic on Fimfiction.com. I know what you're thinking. "Oh he's stopping right before the ShOckER of this story happens. How original." First: Get scrubbed idiot. Second, you could just read the next chapter man.*



*Anyway. Yeah...*

*I got nothing left to say... I thought I would have more...*


*Hope you enjoy the next part of this thrilling story?*

*Yeah, yep, let's go with that.*

You disappoint me.