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Chapter 7: Internet Fame!

I stare up at the blue unicorn from across the table and ask her, “Um, say what now?”

She smiles at me while Jessi magically sips her coffee on my right, “Well, I sent the adorable snuggle picture to a few friends with my phone and Pipp wanted to whine it on Whinny, and she also wanted to post it on her Twimbler for all her followers! And well, it’s popular! Really popular! It got over a thousand likes in the first hour alone!”

I frown, “So, what does this mean exactly?” as Jessi turns her head right to look at Izzy.

“Well, with all of those re-whines and others sharing it to their Twimbler blogs, I think you’re about to be famous!”

I raise my right forehoof as I lean towards the unicorn in curiosity, “Quick question! What’s Whinny and Twimbler?” before lowering it.

Izzy nods, “Oh, they’re social media sites!”

I repeat myself, “Say what now?”


(The following Monday at Maretime Bay Elementary School…)

Jessi grins maniacally at the orange earth filly with her short purple mane as her left eye twitches, “Oh! I don’t mind giving another autograph! I only signed my name, maybe one hundred and twenty times today! One more won’t kill me!” her eye twitches again, “Well, maybe?”

The other foal smiles from beyond Jessi’s desk and says in her squeaky whiny voice, “Oh, thank you so much, Miss Jessi! Uh, could you sign another one for my brother?” she bares her teeth to reveal them in bracers while staring at the unicorn with her gray eyes. “He was sick and couldn’t come in today!”

At that point, something snaps inside the green filly’s mind as her mouth quivers in irritation and she looks up at the teacher’s desk 14 feet beyond her own and says, “Misses Trippy Sparks! Just give me my assignments for the day please and I’ll do them when I get home! In fact, give me the whole week’s assignments and they’ll probably be done by the end of the day, Wednesday!”


I sat there on the red pillow in my room as I sighed and brought my job-well-done-joint to my mouth for a second pull when I hear a plink come from the window on my left! I look over to see two burnt orange eyes staring back at me from the darkened alleyway between Izzy’s shack and the next one. I sigh and put the joint in my mouth before lurching my body forward to all fours and turning it left to walk that way towards the window across the wooden floor while pursing my lips on the stogie in my mouth to take a drag and feeling the warm smoke slowly traveling down my throat… I exhale the fuel flavored drag out the right side of my mouth as I use my right forehoof to lift the window open for the unicorn outside. I say to her out the left of my mouth, “I’m guessing you don’t wanna use the front door?”

Her eyes widen, “Not right now!”

I grin with the burning joint moving to the right side of my mouth and say, “Hop on in, buddy!” before back pacing a few steps to give her room…

I see her dark green hooves rise from the bottom of my windowsill before hearing a grunt as I witness the grayish-white mane rising from the bottom of my window and I purse my lips to take another drag of the burning diesel flavored herb in my paper as the other filly pulls herself up and she soon comes through to land on her hooves on my floor before me, as her body lurches forward and she stops herself with her forehooves while her hind hooves stabilize her body…

She looks up to see me there on my hooves, smiling at her with a glowing stogie in my mouth as I slowly exhale hot smoke out of my nostrils, and it fills the air between us.

She raises her body and looks right before causing my window to close and the white plastic blinds to go down in a blue glow before turning her head back to me, while I revert to my haunches and bring my right forehoof to my lips to pull off the burning cigarette in my mouth, causing the embers at the end to glow…

She stares at me with wide-open eyes, “So uh, you’re home early too! But lemme guess! That has nothing to do with getting your assignments in early, does it?”

I stop pulling on the stoge in my mouth before removing it with my right forehoof and breathing smoke out the left side of my mouth and cough slightly before saying, “Oh, golly! You know, popularity sucks, and so I told her to just give me the week’s assignments!” and then, I bring the half-joint back to my mouth, where I purse my lips and inhale again, causing the cherry to gleam once more and hot petrol flavored smoke to travel down my gullet.

She smirks at me, “You just don’t care, do you Twinkle?”

I take the joint out of my mouth with my right forehoof and reach it around my body as I slowly exhale smoke from my snout and flick ashes in my glass ashtray on my small round wooden table there, before bringing the stogie to my mouth as I lower my head and purse my lips around it to take another drag to make the end glow as I say out the left corner of my mouth, “We’re WAY past that point now, Jessi!”

She smiles and giggles, “It’s okay Twinkle! I still love you!”

I widen my eyes and sputter slightly with the mostly smoked joint in my mouth, now little more than a nub at the end of the glass tip, and remove it with my right hoof before exhaling and saying in an astonished voice, “You’re about to hug me, aren’t you?”

Jessi smiles warmly at me, “The thought had crossed my mind, yes…”

I lower my gaze sternly and reply in defiance, “Well, you better not! I’m watching you!”

She takes a pace towards me with her right forehoof and says, “Or you’ll do what?”

My eyes widen with the mostly smoked joint still burning in my hoof, “I’ll hug you back! Yeah!” I nod my head. “That’ll show you!” before I frown and bring the stoge to my mouth and lower my neck again to take the final draw as I suddenly widen my eyes as I’m not exactly sure how anything I just said makes sense?

She takes 2 more paces towards me and now stands just 2 mere feet away as I exhale a puff of smoke between the two of us with my mouth and she suddenly pounces through it and knocks me down, causing some of my saliva to spray before she puts her forehooves underneath my pits and starts to wildly tickle me while grinning and giggling as she says in a loud squeaky voice, “Tickle Twinkle Shine! Tickle Twinkle Shine!”

She keeps me in place prone on the floor with her weight as I fidget and giggle with the sudden stimulation on my stoned leg-pits, “He he he! He he he! Stop it, jerk!”

Suddenly, the door opens to reveal a blue unicorn with a puffy darker navy mane as she frowns, “What’s going on in here?” before smiling elatedly ear to ear as her red eyes behold the sight of us, “AWW! Two fillies playing!” and then, correcting her eyes and raising her face to sniff the air as her grin lowers, “Have you been smoking in here, Twinkle?”

Jessi back paces a few paces to leave my body and get off me…

I roll to my left and raise myself on my hooves, before turning my body around to the right to face the blue unicorn in my doorway as I say to the other filly, “There will be a day of reckoning, Jessi! My revenge will be swift and brutal!”

I see Jessi’s head jitter as she snickers while staring at Izzy from my right and the indigo unicorn asks, “Well, how was classes, girls?”

I raise my neck to her, “Oh golly, Miss Izzy! It was awful! Other fillies kept talking to me and wanting to be my friend and I probably signed my autograph maybe fifty times!”

Jessi turns her head left, “Yeah, and I signed mine over three hundred times!”

I look down at the other foal on my right, “Oh yeah, well I signed mine five hundred times!”

Jessi quickly says, “A thousand times!”

I reply, “A million times!”

She grins, “Eleventy billion times!”

I widen my eyes and frown in irritation, “That doesn’t count! It has to be an actual number!”

“Does so!” She jitters back at me.

Izzy is shaking her head with a half-smile on her face before stopping and saying while widening her red eyes, “Well, I skipped lunch, so is it okay if dinner is early tonight girls?”

I perk up my head as it suddenly occurs to me that I’m kinda hungry and say, “That’s fine Izzy! Uh, hey! How long does this whole internet thing last, anyway?”

Izzy frowns, “Well, probably just a couple of days? The internet tends to move very fast!”

I widen my eyes into puppy dog mode as I stammer out as cute as I can, “Oh golly gee! It sure is lonely having to hide out like this! Um…” I affix my gaze, “can Jessi please spend the night tonight, Miss Izzy? PLEASE!!!!”

Izzy frowns at me, “Well, sure! I’ll call up Sunny and let her know Jessi’s here!”

I bounce up and down pretending to be elated as I shout, “HOORAY!!!!” when I suddenly realize that I’m happier about this than I thought I would be! Wait! Do I like having Jessi around? I begin to ponder while jumping for (surprisingly) legitimate joy!


I sit on my haunches across from the laying filly on the floor and stare at the glowing card held in my blue grasp to read it, “Well, according to this card, I ate some bad brains, so I lose a turn!”

The pink pegasus filly sitting across the table from me on her maroon pillow stares back at me as she raises her left eyebrow, “Well, it’s no stranger than that whole blood craving thing I got and now I get bonus energy points from each victim?”

I frown at the other foal, “The Game of Un-Life is weird!”

She smiles and giggles, “Golly, you’re not wrong!” before scooping up the dice in her mouth and spitting them on the table to roll a 5 and a 3.

She moves her piece forward 8 spaces with her hooves as I say back to her, “I still don’t understand what this whole famous thing is really about? Okay, so a lot of ponies saw us! Big deal!”

She looks up at me while drawing a card from the white pile on her side of the board to her right with her right forehoof and stares at it in her hooves, “Yeah, I know what you mean! Hey! I get two bonus energy tokens!”

I frown at her, “Any idea what those do?”

She glares back at me while lowering the card face-down to the table, “I have no idea! All of Izzy’s games are weird and this was probably the most normal one I could find?”

I blink, “Probably?”

She smiles and leans forward towards me, “Golly, I sure am glad I have you during this time of hiding out in my life! Sure makes it a lot less lonely!”

I smile, “Ironically, it was snuggling me that caused this mess in the first place!”

She fixes her mouth and sighs, “Maybe, but it’s not your fault, Jessi! You never sent any pictures to anypony!”

I frown, “So you’re saying this was Izzy’s doing?”

She shakes her head, “No! I mean, she just sent the pictures! She’s not the ponies hounding us or wanting our autographs!” she raises her neck. “Although the free pizza was nice…”

I blink and lower my gaze, “Free pizza?”

She smiles up at me from her stomach on the floor, “Golly yeah! I mean, they all wanted to be my friend and so I just told them to get me a pizza! I shared it with the rest of them since there’s no way I could possibly eat ALL THAT pizza during my lunchbreak!”

I roll the dice inside my pale blue magic before mentally forcing my glowing piece to move forward another 5 spaces, “Izzy did say you were persuasive…”

She blinks at me, “Yeah, that seems to be what I’m good at, but you know, I never once used my abilities on you!”

I eyeball this other filly, “You haven’t?”

She widens her eyes, “Why would I? You’re my best friend and always wanna do stuff with me!”

I know this filly is a master liar and expert manipulator… I know these things, and yet still allow the warmth to come into my heart from the kind words she just spoke to me as I smile and say back to her, “I believe you!”

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door as the pegasus stares back at me wide-eyed.

I raise my neck, “Who is it?”

I hear a muffled feminine voice say from behind the door, “It’s me! Pipp! Look! I’m sorry about what happened, and I want to make it all better! Can I come in?”

Twinkle has her head raised and eyes on the door, “Don’t you think you’ve done enough Pipp?”

The voice replies, “Hey, listen! I can get them to leave you alone! But I just need to talk to you two first!”

I stare at the pegasus, “What do you think Twinkle? It is your room?”

She sighs, “Well, she probably won’t make it worse?” before raising her neck to the door at the far corner behind me, “Come on in Pipp!”


I open the door with my right wing and proceed to trot inside as the door swings open to my right and I stare down at the adorable fillies playing their board game on the floor. The green unicorn filly at my left, closer to me, the pink pegasus smiling at me beyond that, and the board game on the floor. They both look up at me with curiosity in their big eyes as I clear my throat, “Ahem! I’m terribly sorry about what happened fillies! I saw something adorable and precious and wanted to share it with the world!”

The green unicorn frowns at me while staring with her orange eyes, “Adorable?”

The pegasus looks at me and furrows her brows, “Yeah, well now I have to hide out until the internet or whatever, forgets about me!”

I widen my eyes, “I can tell my followers to leave you alone? That would probably work??"

The pegasus narrows her eyes and says, “Well, for most, I’m sure! The problem is there’s still gonna be a few!”

I close my eyes and lower my head to the ground as my light fluffy violet mane falls around my shoulders with sincere guilt in my heart for all of this, “I’m really sorry about this, okay girls? I-I swear I didn’t mean to interrupt your lives!”

Twinkle grimaces up at me while Jessi widens her eyes and says, “Well, maybe you can do something for us?” before she turns her head left to look at her best friend. “What do you think, Twinkle?”

The pegasus smiles back at me, “Oh, I’m sure we can think of a few things…”

(To be continued…)

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