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Chapter 40: But What About Cozy?

That morning, as I slept, something extremely rare happened… I actually remembered my dreams! I was standing in a lush grassland underneath a stormy sky… I see lightning strike just to the left of the curly haired pink pegasus filly as she smiles at me from underneath the wavy curls of her mane…

I recognize that mane and I believe I know this filly… I widen my eyes, “C-Cozy Glow?”

She nods, “None other!”

“What is this? Where am I?” I ask her…

I look around at the dark gloomy sky that threatens rain as the wind blows through the leaves of grass around me and I see another thunderbolt to the right of the other filly as she widens her auburn eyes underneath her neatly arranged curly bluish-white mane and says with a serious expression, “This is where I live!”

I frown, “What?”

She giggles, “Golly yeah! You see, until recently, I could only talk to Twinkle Shine!”

I widen my eyes and ask the obvious question, “Well, why can you talk to me now?”

She frowns, “You know, I’m actually not sure? All I know is, my area of influence got larger recently, and I don’t know why?” she giggles. “Good thing I’m not in the business of tormenting fillies anymore, huh?”


She giggles and scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof, “Yeah, shortly after Twinkle thawed, I met with her and immediately didn’t like her! And so, with nothing better to do, I bothered her in her dreams until well, we came to an understanding…”

“You’re not Cozy Glow! Not my Cozy Glow!”

She lowers her gaze, “Well, probably not, no? But I did try to take over Equestria twice, same as her.”

“Why did you want to speak with me?”

She smiles, “Oh, golly gee! It sure can get lonely trapped in here inside Twinkle’s head and I just wanted somepony to chat with!”

I look up at the dark cloudy overcast sky, “This is Twinkle’s mind?”

She nods, “Yup! It’s always cloudy and gloomy here and threatens rain… Sometimes, it does and I have to find a cave!”

I stare back at her, “Is Twinkle Shine anywhere in here?”

She frowns, “Not usually? Unless I call her mind here while she’s asleep, anyway…”

“Can you call her here, now?”

She grins again and nods, “Also true! But I don’t wanna talk to Twinkle Shine! I wanna talk to you!”

I frown, “Why?”

She widens her eyes again and says with a sober expression on her muzzle, “You say your Cozy Glow was also reformed? Tell me about her…”

I blink, “Why would you want to know?”

“It…” She closes her eyes. “I don’t think I’m really bad?”

“What?” I ask with my eyes wide in amazement. “You tried to take over Equestria twice! That's pretty evil!”

She opens her eyes to me, “I care, okay? I care and it’s killing me!”

“What do you mean?”

“Look!” She stares at me in earnest. “I’m a part of Twinkle Shine that she tossed aside one day, and now I don’t have a place!”

I frown, “Is that the real reason you did those things to her?”

“Y-yeah…” She nods. “I got buried when she woke up… “

I lean slightly closer, “So, you’ve been here?”

Her face begins to grow agitated as her eyes tremble and mouth quivers before she snaps at me, “I’m a shell, Little Snack! A golly damned shell! I used to have those thoughts! ‘I’m the evil part of Twinkle Shine! She suppresses me, but I can never really go away!’, but now, now in this new twilight of my existence, I’ve lost my identity…” she sighs and adjusts her gaze back to me. “I’ve been trapped in here for about eight months now and I just don’t know what to do anymore?”

I blink, “Uh, it might be better if we start from the top? Why don’t you think you’re evil?” I shake my head to clear my thoughts before staring back at her...

She sighs, “I already told you, I care! I care about Misty, okay! I care about you! I care about Jessi Trotsky! That wasn’t there before! It wasn’t like that earlier, I just…” she turns her head to the left… She soon begins to visibly tear up in her brown eyes. “I’m not that filly anymore and I just don’t know who I am anymore!”

I nod, “But you’re Cozy Glow?”

She stares at me wide-eyed, “Am I really though?”

I smile, “Yes, you are!”

She frowns, “How can you be sure?”

“The Cozy Glow I knew was a good filly! She cared about her friends, same as you!”

She’s silent for a moment, “Say what now?”

I giggle, “Don’t you see? You’re not a bad filly Cozy Glow! You’re not evil!”

She snaps back, “Don’t you think I know that? That’s not the problem!”

My mouth normalizes and eyes widen, “Oh?”

She sighs, “Please, Little Snack! Listen to me! I don’t know who I am anymore!”

I smile again, “You’re Cozy Glow, a nice pegasus filly I know!”

“I’ve been here for eight months, remember?” She asks.

“So?” I reply…

Her eyes narrow, “Do you really believe we can be one in the same when I never did those things the other Cozy Glow did?”

I blink, “I think at your center, yeah?”

She frowns, “What?”

“Um, y-yeah! At your core, or uh, whatever, you’re still basically the same filly!”

She’s silent for a moment… “Then why did I try to take over Equestria?”

I smile again and mimic her way of talking when I say, “You know, we all have the ability to be good and bad?”

She stares at me blankly while saying robotically, “So, there’s Good Cozy Glow and Bad Cozy Glow?”

I widen my eyes when I realize that’s a good way to put it and nod, “Yes!”

She stares at me for another moment before beginning to trot the necessary 10 feet to get to me and embraces me in a tight warm hug, “Thank you! See you again soon, friend!”

I open my eyes with the back of my head against my pillow, “Whoa! I gotta tell somepony about this!”


So, I grabbed my tan pack of papers on my round wooden table the next morning and pulled one out with my mouth before setting it down and hoof-grinding some nuggets of herb on the wooden surface… Then, I neatly arranged the weed in a line horizontally on the paper before looking at the teal green alicorn filly at my left, currently staring at me with her wide burnt orange eyes and say to her, “You know, if we’re gonna be smoking together, you really should learn how to roll!”

Misty chirps up from Jessi’s right, “I could roll!”

I turn to her, “You don’t even smoke dope!”

She blinks, “I-I know! I just like to be included!”

Jessi turns her neck to the blue unicorn, “We could learn together!”

Misty turns to Jessi, “But your magick is different! You’re an alicorn!”

Jessi furrows her brow, “They shouldn’t be THAT different I wouldn’t think?” and turns her head to me. “Do you think they’re too different?”

I widen my eyes at the green filly, “Oh, golly gee, how would I know? I don’t have any of that funky horn magick! I got these!” and flutter my wings. I turn back to my table and shake my head, “Whatever!” and then raise the paper before me and carefully roll it up from the bottom with my hooves before licking the strip on the top so it forms a proper seal when I complete the wrap. I put the completed joint in my snout and as is customary, I pick up my red hoof lighter for the first two glorious drags… I ignite the flame and inhale to bring the flame to the end and then I feel the warm smoke as it rolls down my throat as I once again taste the peculiar fruity flavors of the weed on my tongue…

Jessi stares at me from the left side, “It’s almost majestic?”

Misty nods at her right, “Right?”

I take the joint out of my mouth and turn my neck towards them, “What?”

Jessi blinks while Misty continues to stare blankly and says, “Oh, nothing! Take your second hit and I’ll float it over here!”

I immediately think that my two friends are weirdos as I use my hoof to bring the roll to my mouth for a second hit while they both stare at me intently…

Misty turns to Jessi, “So, Izzy and Sunny are a thing now?”

Jessi turns to the unicorn as I lift my hoof to signal her and her horn and the joint both glow pale blue and as the stoge floats towards her, she says, “Yeah, but I haven’t seen them all morning! They’ve been holed up in their room the whole time!” when suddenly, the small black box device on the wooden dresser in front of me begins to vibrate! Jessi nods at the floating joint, causing it to stop in the air between us and trots over to stare down at the screen. “It’s a text from Little Snack! She wants me to warp her over! Says it’s about Cozy Glow?”

I widen my eyes to her, “Oh golly! Uh, take your hits first and get that back to me, please? You know, some cushioning might be in order here?”


As the fluffy blue unicorn held me from behind and breathed quietly as she said softly, “I love you so much Sunny Starscout!” as I pondered about what we just did and then a brief start as I widen my eyes when I realize that we had done the same thing twice just last night and that I’m only running on a few hours of sleep!

“I love you too darling!” I say almost robotically…

She begins playfully nuzzling the back of my neck while happily squealing, “NUZZLE NUZZLE NUZZLE! HE HE HE!”

I flinch and tighten the back of my neck as I squint my eyes and say, “Knock it off, Izzy!”

She stops nuzzling me and says, “Sorry, Sunny! But well, I liked you all this time and now you’re mine! YOU’RE ALL MINE!” before tightening her grip on me!

“ACK! I won’t be yours very long if I don’t breathe!” I gasp out as this psychotic blue unicorn grasps me from behind!

She loosens her grip, “Sorry, baby! I’m just so happy that you’re actually mine now! It really happened!”

“You don’t say?” I state sarcastically. “Uh, don’t we have fillies?”

“Oh, psh!” She blows it off, “They’re geniuses! They can take care of themselves for a couple of hours! I get to hold you now!” before tightening her grip again!

“WHOA!” I squeal as my eyes enlarge. “Careful Izzy! You like doing that, I see?”

“What was your first clue?” She teases before holding me firmly again.

“So what now?” I ask as she tightly holds me…

“Well, we continue living our lives as a couple here, of course!”

I ask her blatantly, “Why do I have the Blue Acres theme song in my head now?”

She giggles, “I don’t know! Why is it called Blue Acres anyway? Shouldn’t they go with a more verdant color?”

I giggle, “You’d think so! Hey, I need to go to the bathroom! No more squeezing, okay? Just let me out!”

She releases me and chuckles a little bit more, “Okay baby! Hurry back now!”

As I trot down the hallways after flushing, I can’t help but hear several filly voices coming from the red door on my left as I clop my hooves back towards our room… I also can’t help but overhear a certain name I remember from my research into ancient Equestria… I hear the name Cozy Glow…

(To be continued… )

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