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Chapter 35: Revelations

I see it’s Hitch on the phone and answer it to my right ear with my alicorn magick, “Hey, Hitch! What’s up?”

Hitch says on the other end, “Little Snack is in the bathroom, but I need to talk to you about Starlight Glimmer!”

I frown as I recognize the name, “S-starlight Glimmer? What about her?”

He sighs, “She mastered interdimensional travel and is now a time-traveling alicorn…’

My eyes widen, “What?”

“Yeah! And that’s pretty much why Little Snack is here! Uh, what time is good for you?”

“It is? Uh, how about at five? We can have dinner at the cafe? I’ll order pizza for Jessi! She’ll be fine!”

“Alright, Sunny! Sounds good!

The phone soon clicks to indicate that he hung up and I magically set it down on the wooden table to my left before sighing… I wonder if this has anything to do with Jessi, before a familiar small green alicorn opens the door at my slight right and stares up at me expectantly and squeaks, “Hey mom! What’s for breakfast?”

I smile down at her, “Oh, how does pancakes sound sweetie?”

Her eyes widen up, “Sounds good to me!” before she begins trotting towards the round table to my left…

I sigh, “Oh, I’ll order a pizza for you tonight, sweetie! I gotta have dinner with Hitch at the cafe!”

She sits at the table opposite to me and stares at me wide-eyed, “Oh? What’s the occasion?”

I eye her carefully and decide how to word this as I really don’t want to lie to my daughter! “Oh, he said he had something to talk to me about!”

She frowns, “Weird! Well, you’ll give me the scoop, right?”

I smile as sincerely as I can at this point, “Uh, sure!”


I stared at the yellow stallion, “So wait! Starlight Glimmer is alive and time-traveling? That’s impossible! She died and left all her magical energy that Jessi has now!”

Hitch leans forward slightly from his side of the table in the small dimly lit restaurant, “Well, she died eventually, yeah! But this was before that! Remember, she’s not bound by time anymore!”

I frown, “So I guess she’s dead now, but she wasn’t then, and she’s now traveling from then, to reach us?”

Hitch blinks and nods, “Well, Little Snack anyway!”

I adjust my gaze as a thought just clicks, “Well, that’s right! She doesn’t know about Jessi, does she?”

Hitch raises his gaze, “I don’t think so? Well, should we tell her?”

I scrunch my mouth in confusion, “I dunno? Maybe?”

Hitch straightens his gaze on me, “Well, you say she was a good pony, right?”

I blink and nod, “Oh, yes! She saved Equestria from Chrysalis and had an important position!”

“Well, don’t you think we’re all on the same team, then?”

My eyes widen, “Probably?”

Hitch begins to snicker, “I think you’ve been hanging around Jessi too much!”

I smile, “Well, you’re right! We should tell her about Jessi!”

Hitch nods, “Well, right! I mean, I’m guessing she came to help and the more she knows, the more she can help us!”

My mouth straightens, “Wait! Does she know that she eventually decides to die?”

“Um, probably? I mean, she’s been traveling through time, right?”

My eyes widen, “But we don’t know!”

Hitch stares at me, “Well, Little Snack can call her now and I suppose we can introduce her to Jessi that way?”

I nod, “Well, right! I still wonder why there’s a whole truth telling thing built into her magick, after it became dormant?”

“I don’t know either! I mean, Jessi can’t lie now, right?”

I sigh and stare at the stallion, “That’s what she says?”

“Well, since we’re going to contact her soon, I guess we can just ask her then?”

I smile, “Well, right! I’m sure she’ll know exactly what’s going on!”


“I have no idea!” I say while standing on my hooves inside the wooden living room.

Both of the other alicorns widen their eyes to me at this point, the orange one on the left and the smaller green one on the right, who says to me, “What do you mean, you have no idea?”

I frown, “Well, there’s a truth telling thing built into the magick, right? But you see, I haven’t decided to become mortal and age normally yet!” I flap my wings. “I’m still an alicorn!”

Jessi sighs in frustration, “Great! I can’t lie, and we don’t know why!” before widening her eyes. “Hey, that rhymed!”

At this point, Hitch pipes up from my left in the room, “Was there anything in your magick about creepy spiders? Jessi seems to like those!” as Little Snack looks over at him from his right.

Jessi quickly snaps, “They’re not creepy!”

I giggle as I eye the small green pony, “No, there’s nothing specifically about spiders! I’m afraid that’s just Jessi being Jessi!”

“I like my spiders!” The alicorn filly says in a huff…

I smile down at the adorable display, “Well, it seems Little Snack isn’t the only thing here with my hoofprints on it!”

Jessi stares up at me intently, “Yeah! What’s your encore? Do you go back in time again and rewrite history?”

I widen my eyes as I’m fairly sure that wasn’t intentional? “Well, not today, I’m afraid!”

Jessi replies, “But maybe later, right?”

I smile and giggle when I decide to take this lightly, “Uh, never again, little foal! Trust me! It leads to bad things!”

“Oh? Okay!”

I nod, “Well, right! So, Jessi Trotsky! You have gained my power! Uh, how did you do that?”

Her eyes widen, “Oh! Well, you see, there was this silver rod and this golden tablet, right? You divided the power and made each section incomplete without the other! The idea being, nopony would accidentally release it that way, right?”

My eyes widen, “Okay, there is a certain logic to that, yes!”

She nods, “Well, right! You see, that’s exactly what happened! I saw that the staff obviously fit into a certain groove on the tablet and I put it there and kinda released the power into myself accidentally! And so,” she extends her wings. “Now I got these!”

My eyes enlarge all the way, “Whoa!”

She lowers her wings and stares up at me with wide eyes, “So, right! As you can see, this is all just an honest mistake! Now, if you could please, just make me a regular unicorn again…”

I frown, “Uh, Jessi! That’s not how it works!”

She frowns, “W-what?”

“I can’t just make you a unicorn again or vice versa! Being a unicorn or an alicorn are two separate things! You either are or aren’t! I can’t change you back!”

Her mouth quivers and head vibrates with visible frustration before she stamps her right hoof, “Great! Fantastic! Now I gotta wear that stupid vest in town for the rest of my life!”

I eye this filly carefully, “You don’t have to hide the fact that you’re an alicorn?”

She eyes me carefully, “I-I don’t?”

“No! Why would you?”

She frowns, “But won’t they treat me differently if they knew?”

Sunny turns her head left to stare down at Jessi, “Well, I’m an alicorn and I do just fine?”

She gulps, “O-okay! I guess uh, instead of doing what I usually do, tomorrow, I’ll fly directly to school with my wings and land on the steps…” she blinks. “I mean, that’s what I’d do if I didn’t think I needed to hide myself, r-right?” and smiles up at me nervously…

I eye her carefully, “Do you need me to come with you?”

Sunny stares at me, “No, you don’t have to do that, Starlight! Jessi is my foal now and I’ll take her!”

I look at the orange alicorn and say, “No, this is kinda my fault and I’d like to help! Besides!” I smile down at the teal green filly who soon gulps up at me… “This will give me and the new bearer of my power some bonding time! It’ll be uh, an adventure!”


My day started out pretty much the same way it always did… I opened my eyes in bed and screamed in terror! “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”

I got up and trotted out into the kitchen, where Hitch has already poured me a cup of coffee with his snout and he sets the pot back in the maker on the other side of the table before turning to face me and asking, “So, did you rest well, squirt?”

I nod as I sit down at the chair on his left at the round wooden table, near my black Official Maretime Bay Sheriff coffee mug that Hitch got for me earlier… I look up at him, “Uh, I’ll probably take a nap later, but I should be okay?”

He sighs, “I always know you’re awake because you scream!”

I smile dimly at him, “Yeah!” before grasping my mug with my forehooves and trying a sip of the hot coffee… I remove the mug from my muzzle and swallow before looking down into it wide-eyed and thinking the coffee is actually pretty good today!

He frowns, “Why do you scream, Little Snack? What do you dream about?”

I look at him and answer, “Uh, I don’t know and I don’t know!” and blink at him… Then, I take another larger swig of this yummy coffee!

He narrows his eyes, “So strange! Do you remember anything at all from your dreams?”

I blink up at him, “Um, not really! It usually hurts when I try to think about it?” and take another strong swig of coffee… Yummy coffee…

Hitch sighs, “You are an enigma, Little Snack!”

I set my cup down, “Yeah, I confuse me too sometimes! Hey, I was gonna play with my friends again, later today!”

Hitch smiles, “That sounds good! Not before paperwork, though!”

I nod, “Yeah yeah yeah! I know the rules and so do you!” I widen my eyes at my cup. “Speaking of which, it’s almost time to finish cup number one!”


I stood there on my hooves holding my joint to my lips with my left forehoof as the blue unicorn filly stood across my room from me, talking, “Yeah, Twinkle Shine! Even though I don’t smoke, I sure love our wake n bake times and well, you’re my first real friend!”

I smile at her while exhaling from my nostrils, “Yeah, Misty! I don’t mind having a weird unicorn sister either, really!”

She frowns at me as she raises her gaze with curious green eyes, “Weird? How am I weird?”

I giggle while taking another draw from my joint…

“No, I wanna know! How am I weird?” She says at a louder volume while stamping her left hoof.

I remove the joint from my lips with my right forehoof and exhale smoke with my mouth before looking at her and replying, “Well uh, you know? There aren’t many like you, Misty!” and put it back in my snout while lowering my face… What did I just get myself into?

“Oh, gosh! Nopony is gonna like me, now!”

I remove the joint with my hoof again and quickly exhale smoke before saying to her, “Well uh, I like you? Izzy likes you? Jessi likes you? Little Snack likes you when she can think clearly? And there’s Sunny!” I widen my eyes before moving the joint over to my right to ash it and then, placing it back into my mouth…

I see smoke rising from the burning roll in my mouth as the unicorn past it says, “Oh, okay! So it’s just me being scared for nothing then? R-right?” and smiles dimly at me, almost expectantly…

I then exhale smoke with my mouth and remove the joint with my hoof again before saying the only thing I can at that point, “Golly right! It’s all in your head! Yes! Don’t worry about it!”

She giggles slightly, “Right! O-of course! Yes!”

I remove the joint from my mouth and exhale smoke between me and the other filly before asking her, “You really worry about this stuff, huh?”

I put the half-joint back into my mouth for a final inhale as ash falls off the tip and she smiles beyond it and says, “That obvious?”

I slowly exhale and feel the rush of warm smoke exiting my snout before taking the joint out and look over to the glass ashtray on my right to snuff it out with my hoof before looking back at her and replying, “You know, anypony who talks to you for ten minutes knows this!”

She smiles and giggles, “Y-yeah… I guess I need more confidence?”

I widen my eyes at her as I honestly wasn’t thinking about that! “Uh, yeah! That’s probably it? You need confidence!” At that point, I stared at her and said the one thing that made sense in my drug stricken mind in a robotic voice. “Listen to me very carefully, Misty! You are a lovable weirdo! Embrace that!”

She smiles and starts giggling!

“WEIRDO!” I say at a louder volume!

She chuckles and smiles more, “Stop it, Twinkle Shine!”

Suddenly, the door on my right between the two of us opens and I see a wide-eyed fluffy blue unicorn there who says to us, “Who’s the weirdo?”

I turn my head back left to look at Misty and point at her with my left forehoof, “Misty doesn’t wanna be weird!”

Izzy turns her gaze right to the other smaller unicorn, “Oh, Misty! Why don’t you wanna be weird? Being weird is fun!”

Misty turns her gaze to Izzy and asks, “So, even though I’m weird, you like me?”

Izzy frowns, “Have you not seen my house that we’re living in? You ever notice how I don’t really talk to other unicorns in Bridlewood that much? You ever wonder why that is?”

Misty frowns, “So, if you’re weird, you won’t have as many friends?”

Izzy’s mouth straightens, “Maybe or maybe not! But all the friends worth keeping will let you be weird and even join in!” she smiles. “It’s kind of a bonus to being weird! Only the friends who really like you won’t care!”

Misty’s eyes widen, “Oh, wow!”

At that point, I’m not really sure what came over me… I widen my eyes at both unicorns, “Buck it! Let's all get weird together!”

Izzy grins and giggles, “Well, I’m off today? What did you have in mind?”


I stare up at the magenta alicorn on my right as we both stand outside in the early morning light, coming from the east at our left… The brown Maretime Bay streets are desolate at this time of day and all of the shops are still closed… “So, you were in love with Trixie?”

She smiles down at me, “Oh, yeah! It was great!”

“And then, she died!”

She sighs, “Yes, that is one thing you’ll need to get used to, kid… Your life is going to be very long now and your friends will all eventually age and die… I loved Trixie very much, but you need to understand that there will always come a time of letting go…

I widen my eyes, “Oh, gosh!”

“But while she was alive, we lived together and loved passionately! The time you have is what truly matters, do you understand?”

I blink, “I uh, I think so?”

She smiles warmly at me, “Good! Now kid! You ready to take off? The streets are deserted, but there will be fillies and colts at the school!”

I don’t know why, but just having her here seems to be boosting my confidence! I smile back up at her, “I’m ready, Starlight Glimmer!”

When suddenly, we both notice a dark blue starry 8-foot wide blob flying in the air with a big angry bright yellow frowny face on it! It screams at us in a squeaky voice, “I’m a gas creature! A mutant alien from the Planet Xenon!”

Starlight stares at it, frowns, and encases it in a blue forcefield as her horn glows before lifting her head and saying, “I know this is a prank, but now really is not the time!”

We both hear a frustrated high-pitched voice squealing from the encased face-blob, “Oh, golly gee! I told you ponies this was a dumb idea!”

(To be continued…)

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