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Chapter 33: Let's Just Do What You Wanna Do!

As I sat there on the couch in the darkened room next to the blue unicorn filly while using my blue plastic hoof lighter in my right forehoof to ignite a flame and then inhale to bring the fire into the port on top of the sealed metal bowl… I soon taste the earthy flavors of the weed smoke traveling through my mouth and down into my throat… I hold it for a moment while feeling the warm sensations of it inside me… I then turn my head right to breathe out a cloud of smoke away from Misty…

She looks over at me during the movie as the Poninator came on the screen and says, “Wow! This movie is really action packed, right?”

I widen my eyes with a start as this was bowl number two and by now, I’d almost forgotten that she was there! “Oh, golly right? That part where he came through the window was really intense!”

Misty smiles slightly and nods, “Right! So, we’re having a good time now?” before staring at me with wide curious green eyes underneath that same two-toned curly mop mane of hers…

I smile at her realizing I probably need to reassure her now, “Of course! You hadn’t seen these movies and now, we’re getting you caught up!” before raising my pipe to my face for another hit…

She smiles wider and giggles, “Yeah! Hey, so what do you wanna do after this?”

I exhale more warm smoke to my right and stare back at her, “I dunno? I mean, this smoking is making me kinda hungry. Maybe we can make something together in the kitchen?” before my eyes widen, because I actually wasn’t even sure what I was about to say!

She giggles again, “Okay! I got some candy bars from the store earlier and now, we can pig out!”

I widen my eyes as I’d never done that before, although the weed working in my system was definitely suggesting that I give it a try by that point, “Oh, golly! That sure sounds like fun!”


I open my eyes with a start as I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep. I see the other bluer horned pony laying in the bed underneath the plush dark purple covers with me on Izzy’s sofa-bed as she smiles and opens her red eyes to me before saying, “Hi new marefriend!” and moves her snout towards mine for a short, but affectionate kiss…

I feel the spark of voltage immediately shock me through my snout as I become aware of her lips, now pressed against mine and I widen my eyes and see hers are now mostly closed in passion…

She backs her face away from mine and widens her crimson gaze to me as she smiles cheerfully and says, “You fell asleep and it was just so cute! I didn’t wanna wake you, and so I just held you there…”

I blink, “H-how long was I out?”

She raises her gaze while replying, “Oh, not long! Just all night! I held you most of the time, though! Caught a few Z's myself, while I was at it!”

“Oh uh, wow!” I say while widening my own eyes. “I must’ve gotten comfortable?”

She smiles again before nodding, “Well, right! Now that you’ve opened your heart to love, you should feel very comfortable!”

I glare at her, “You act like this is a process, or something?”

She snickers and nuzzles me affectionately, “Oh, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now…”

I enlarge my pupils again, “So you say?” before nuzzling her again and giggling softly…

“See? Was that so hard?”


She giggles before kissing me on the lips again…

She backs her head away from mine to once again, smile cheerfully at me before I sigh and finally say, “Izzy… I kinda well, I think I like you too, now!”

She puts her snout tip against mine and grins mischievously, “Oh, you’re gonna love me!”

I smile back, “Or what?”

She moves her head side to side slightly, “Or I’ll just snuggle and kiss you until you do!” before planting another loving kiss on my lips…


I stared at the small green alicorn as I sat there in their chair and suddenly start,“Whoa!” I say as my little body jitters and I suddenly wonder why I keep feeling little tremors like that? Actually, it’s almost as if some sort of pent up emotions of affection suddenly got released, but I shake my head and think nothing of it as I stare back at the green alicorn filly, “Yeah, so the earth pony needs to kick the ball into the hoop, which is held there by the unicorn on his team, right? The pegasus’s job is defense! They need to protect the goal to keep balls from going in there!”

Jessi nods as she sits on her belly and uses her magic to scribble some more notes into the spiral notebook, now laid side-by-side before her, before looking up at me a few feet from her on my hooves in the room, “Okay, so the pegasus and earth ponies are on their team’s sides, but the unicorns are opposites?”

I nod, “Well, right! The unicorn’s job is to catch baskets, so it makes sense that they be over there for their teams!”

She nods again, “Right! So uh, how does the game begin?”

I explain, “Well, there’s the buck-off at the start!”

“Yeah, that’s where they throw the ball up in the air and the earth ponies battle to see who gets to buck it first!”

I frown, “Well, they don’t exactly battle, no!”

She frowns up at me while widening her eyes, “Wait! But if the goal is to eliminate the competition, why not take it to the most basic level and annihilate them with physical force? I mean, the assumption is that you’re stronger and faster than they are, right?”

I stare back at this alicorn, horrified, “What? NO! You don’t want to hurt anypony! Just be better than them at certain activities!”

Her mouth narrows, “I don’t get it? Are they your friends or your enemies?”

I smile and giggle, “Well, sport is about competition, you know? Competing against somepony else, may the best pony win!”

She frowns, “Com-pet-ition?”

I chuckle some more, “We’re gonna have some fun today, Jessi!” and then, my eyes widen. “But I need to make a buckball hoop now!”

Her eyes widen, “I can help with that!”

I stare at her with wide eyes, “Oh hey, that’s right! You’re a mega powerful alicorn, now! This is gonna be super easy!”

She smiles at me, “Right! Friendship!”

“And super powerful magic!”

“Friendship is magic!”

I stare at her, “What?”

She smiles and giggles, “Well, that’s what Sunny always says?”

I grin back, “Oh, right! Friendship and magic and puffy clouds!”

She chortles slightly more, “Uh, right! All that happy stuff!”

“And cotton candy and bright sunshine and joyful rainbows and…”


“Fluffy bunnies and uh...“I start and stare at her. “yeah Jessi?”

She blinks, “Focus! We need a buckball hoop now, remember?”

I widen my eyes again as my little body jitters, “Oh! Right! That!”


I stare up at the dark blue unicorn foal as she stands there on the metal platform above me as I shout, “Now, Misty! Pull the switch now!”

Misty smiles, “Yes, Master!” before turning around and grabbing a lever in her mouth and then, moving her neck back to pull the switch…

Soon, a lightning bolt strikes the metal slab in front of me before a wide eyed orange earth filly with long green pigtails raises from the white sheets there and I see her body now covered in sewed up scars and tissue repairs… She groans, “UGH!”

I smile and shout, “IT’S ALIVE! IT’S ALIVE!

I wake up with a start and I feel a warm body cuddling me from the left… I look down to see Misty sleeping there while snuggling me on the sofa in the darkened living room…

I stare at the screen, now playing the intro to the movie we rented and I move my right forehoof to the remote on the arm of the coach to turn it off, so it no longer makes any noise and the room is now enveloped in a quiet darkness and I can still hear the unicorn foal breathing as she continues to cuddle me…

She begins to shiver and I move my right forehoof around my body and to her while twisting myself for a loving embrace to keep her warm…

She continues to breathe and I close my eyes…

Later, I see a light suddenly outside of my eyelids and open them to see the sun is now out and shining behind me from the window a few feet behind us… I’m also blatantly aware that there’s still a warm body against me on the left!

Misty begins to shake and move before groggily opening her eyes and staring right towards me and saying, “Uh, we cuddled last night in our sleep, didn’t we?”

I blink, “Oh, golly! Um, that is correct, Misty!”

Misty’s mouth quivers, “Um, do you think any differently of me, now?”

I stare at her and think that maybe she just doesn’t want to admit that she likes it? I decide to console her as I say, “Well, Misty! I do… I think that you’d make a wonderful sister!” and smile before hugging her close to me!

“EEP!” She squeals!

Suddenly, the front door opens and in trots a fluffy blue unicorn from our left into the living room as she says, “Well, Twinkle and Misty never had any issues, so I don’t really think it’s gonna be a problem uh, “her neck cranes to us and she gasps. “Well, you two ARE getting along well together!”

Not knowing quite what to say as I just woke up, I can only stammer out, “Uh, Misty wanted to be my sister!” as the other unicorn clasps onto my side….

She widens her eyes at the other unicorn as an orange alicorn steps out from behind Izzy to the left, “Uh, Twinkle Shine is a wonderful and supportive sister! Yes!” and smiles anxiously while releasing me and going back to sitting by herself…

Sunny says, “Pipp is right! That’s adorable!”

I narrow my eyes as I feel my muzzle begin to grimace, “Ugh!” I shake my head.”Oh, golly! So uh, did you two have a good lesbian time, or?”

Izzy smiles, “Oh, yes! Me and Sunny have been bonding well!”

My eyes widen and say sardonically, “Oh, golly gee! So Jessi becomes sister number two then, huh?”

Izzy giggles as Sunny turns her head right to the blue unicorn and says, “They’re moving faster than we are, here!”

Izzy replies while continuing to stare at us, “Yeah, I know? It’s almost like they know something we don’t?”

Sunny frowns, “You think so? Is that possible?”

Izzy turns her head right to the alicorn, “I don’t know? But it’d be neat!”

Misty asks Izzy, “So, when does Sunny move in?”

I add, “Yeah! I want my other mommy and my third sister living with me already!”

Sunny grimaces, “Can’t we at least go on a few dates first?”

Almost in unison, me and Misty both say, “NO!”

Izzy giggles, “Well, they’re supportive!”

Sunny rolls her eyes, “Yeah! We’ll go with that!”

I giggle at both of these mares, “So uh, I guess you two are gonna have breakfast and coffee now, huh?”

Sunny sighs, “Well, after making sure you two are okay!”

My eyes widen, “Oh, please Sunny! I was taking care of myself long before Izzy, you know!”

She smiles slightly at me, “Right!”

Izzy chimes in, “So, what do you ponies want for breakfast?”


I stare at the orange earth filly, standing there on her hooves in the station with me as the newly constructed 8-foot tall wooden pole that I had used my magick and a saw with to trim down earlier stood, with a 2 foot wide and 2 foot deep wooden basket around the top, sporting the black metal rings we unicycled from the trash earlier… I stare up at our new creation and say, “So, that’s what two hours of Team Jessi Snack produces!”

She stares at me and nods her head, “Right! Team Little Trotsky is a go!”

I turn my gaze back left towards her and smile as I see what she did there, “Right! So uh, you’re obviously an earth pony, but what role do I play?”

She frowns, “Isn’t it obvious? The basket is on a pole so a unicorn doesn’t have to hold it…”

My eyes widen, “Wait! You want me to use my wings?”

Her pupils enlarge, “Well, yeah! It’s a great way for you to get practice!”

“But you’re a much better athlete than me! I’ll never be able to defend against you!”

She smiles, “Well, you’ll never know what you can do unless you try?”

I’m silent for a moment, “Are you sure about this?”

Her green eyes widen, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

My mind immediately goes through all sorts of potential disasters before I smile grimly and hoarsely reply, “Right! Nothing bad is gonna happen!” before I turn my body right to begin trotting towards the newly constructed basket…

I turn my body to the other filly before she turns her body to me with the red rubber ball just to her right now as she says, “Uh, you need to be flying in order to guard the goal, Jessi!”

My own pupils enlarge as I stammer out, “Uh, right! Just a sec!” before squatting my body like I’ve seen Twinkle Shine do so many times before and launching myself into the air with all of my might and flapping my wings vigorously!

I float up to the top between Little and the goal, maybe 5 feet or so from the latter and 10 from the former. I turn to her and pant as I continue to flap in the air, “Uh, okay! I uh, I think I’m ready?”

Little moves the ball closer to her front with her right forehoof before staring up at me and causing her pigtails to lower as she widens her green eyes, “Okay, here I go!” and then, kicking the ball towards the goal with some force using her forehoof…

The ball flies towards the goal and I grunt as I maneuver myself to the left to whack it back down towards her with my left forehoof…

She moves forward to catch the ball with her snout and stares up at me with her eyes and keeps her head back to balance it with her nose.

I look down while continuing to hover and flap my new appendages, “How was that?”

Little smiles while continuing to balance the ball, “Not awful! But I wonder how you’ll handle a real attack?” before lowering her head to launch the ball forward towards the goal by quickly moving her head forward!

I smile as I float forward slightly and hit it back with my snout! “Is that all you got?” before scrunching my nose when I realize that kinda hurt!

Little scuttles forward and slides on her belly to a mere 7 feet from me while kicking the ball back by up-swinging her right hind hoof, “There’s a lot more where that came from, Jessi!”

I giggle, “Bring it!” and float towards the ball to find it landing in my tail this time! I quickly swirl my tail to fling the ball back to Little!


I smile at the green alicorn as we’re both panting and out of breath from our workout, “So uh, you like buckball now?”

She looks up at me from having her face to the floor and grins herself, “Y-yeah! It’s kinda fun, once you really get the hang of it!”

I nod, “Getting used to your new wings now?”

She giggles, “Yeah! Thanks for helping me get all that practice, Little Snack!”

I giggle, “Well, what are friends for? Besides, it also helps my new quest to bring back buckball! Two things at once, you know?”

She nods, “Yeah!”

I start when I realize something, “Hey! Shouldn’t you be in school?”

She blinks, “Well, I’m done until Thursday, at this rate! I’m ahead of the class!”

I widen my eyes, “Oh, wow! You’re pretty smart!”

She smiles wider at me, “Yeah, and so are you! Thanks for the practice, friend!”

I frown, “W-wait? I-I’m smart?”

Her smile lowers somewhat as she widens her eyes, “Well, yeah Little Snack! Doing two things at once like that was a good idea and the way you can move your body is amazing!”

I widen my eyes, “Wow!”

“Heh! Yeah, how are you holding up with the whole being in a new dimension thing, anyway?”

I start, “Oh, well I figured that since my old friends are gone from two thousand years ago, that I should probably make new friends!”

She nods, “And well, you did that! We definitely bonded today!” before adjusting her gaze to me. “How do you go to school, anyway? I haven’t really seen you in class?”

I smile, “Well, since I’m not comfortable here yet and since Hitch needs me at the station anyway, he’s been tutoring me when he’s off-duty!”

Her eyes widen again, “Wow! So he’s taking care of you, consoling you, AND schooling you! He’s like super dad or something?”

I giggle, “Yeah, I’m working on that!” I start as I stare back at her. “So, what do you wanna do now?”

She smiles, “Well, that playing worked up an appetite! Tell me Little Snack! You ever have pie and coffee?”

I enlarge my gaze and repeat her, “Pie and coffee?”

Suddenly, the phone rings!

I trot over to the weird green phone at the desk on the other side of the room and answer it with my right forehoof while standing on my other hooves, “Yes! Sheriff’s office! Little Snack speaking!”

A masculine voice I’ve come to love says on the other end, “Little Snack! How’s things at the station?”

“Oh they’re great! Uh, bring another lunch! Me, you, and Jessi need to talk more about buckball!”

“I’ll be there in just a few minutes, squirt!”

I widen my eyes and start, “Oh, cool! Uh, hey! Could you also bring a pie?”

He’s silent for a moment, “Uh, sure Little Snack!”

I nod, “Oh, Posey called to report another litterer!”

“You know what to do, partner!”

My eyes widen again, “Right! The special file!”

(To be continued…)

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