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Chapter 32: Priority Shift

As I trot next to Twinkle Shine on the road in Bridlewood towards the malt shop on the East side, I looked at her on my right and ask, “Izzy just gave us bits to get rid of us so she and Sunny could be alone together, didn’t she?”

She continues facing forward as she nods and mechanically replies, “That is correct!, Misty.”

I’m silent as we continue trotting together before saying, “Are they gonna…”

She doesn’t let me finish, “Yeah, probably! And golly gee whiz, I really don’t want to think about it!”

I frown before saying, “So uh, what kind of milkshake do you want?”

She replies, “Well, I’m actually a chocolate fan! What kind do you like Misty?”

I turn forward and smile, “Oh, I just love berries!”


“Hey! What movie do you wanna see?”

We trot by another building on our right in the dimly lit forest floor as she replies, “Uh, lets just see what’s playing!”

My smile lowers somewhat, “Gee! She sure wanted to get rid of us for a long time if she loaded us up for milkshakes AND a movie, right?”

She trots silently next to me for a moment before finally replying, “There’s lots of different berry shakes! What kind do you like in particular, anyway?”


The fluffy bluish-violet unicorn holds me in her hooves while staring deep into my eyes in her crimson gaze as she cheerfully grins there on her plush blue sofa-bed, “So, here we are Sunny!”

I frown at the psycho lesbian currently nuzzling me as I squeal, “EEP! Uh, tell me again why I agreed to this?”

She withdraws her face and frowns at me, “You don’t want to do this?”

I sigh and look at her before saying, “No, I do! It’s just that, well, it’s been so long and you’re a mare and…”

She smiles at me before moving her right forehoof over my mouth and shushing me, “Shh! Again, you think with your head, Sunny-Chan! Don’t worry so much about that…” she lowers her hoof and stares into my eyes as she leans forward inquisitively and I feel her warm breath on my face as she asks. “What does your heart say?”

At that point, I stared and focused at the red eyes of this other mare… Her face was solemn although as I felt my heart begin to skip a beat, I finally smiled and conceded defeat, “My heart is saying that I love you!” and then, I moved my snout to hers to chance a nuzzle, which causes the unicorn to grin and giggle before I did the impossible… I kissed her on the lips!

After a moment, I withdraw my snout to smile at her as she grins back and asks, “Now who’s the lunatic?”

I grin, giggle, “Shut up!” and nuzzle her!

She grins back at me, “Make me!”

I say, “Okay!” and then, lovingly kiss her again on the lips!

I withdraw my lips a few inches as she smiles and giggles at me and says, “I love you!” as I feel her warm breath on my snout…

I sigh, “I love you too, Izzy! Still can’t believe you actually had Jessi hug you like that!” and smile again. “But it’s good to see our fillies all get along!”

She chuckles, “That wasn’t my idea, actually!”

I frown, “What?”

She giggles more, “Yeah, they must’ve put her up to that or something! I just made the mural with Twinkle! That was it!”

“Wow! So I guess our fillies want us to be together, too!”

Her eyes widen as I take them in view, “Yes, it would appear so!” before she says in a gruff voice, “And so the question remains, what will Sunny-Chan do?” before narrowing at me while maintaining the broad smile on her muzzle.

I eye this unicorn carefully, “You want me to say, love you, don’t you?”

She giggles as she whimsically replies, “Maybe?”

I grimace in faux defiance, “And what if I don’t love you, hmm? What then?”

Her grin lowers slightly as she replies warlord style, “Oh, Sunny-Chan! That would be most unwise!”

“Oh?” I ask as my mouth forms an O shape.

“Yes!” She replies in the same voice before moving her face to mine to nuzzle me again with her snout…

I close my mouth, “Well, what are you gonna do?”

She smiles warmly, “I’m gonna love you anyway!” before moving her face to mine for another kiss on the lips…


Whoa! I suddenly think to myself before I jitter slightly on the chair and take another sip of my black coffee with my forehooves… I sigh and think about the parents I never knew and how that affects me… I keep thinking about that same field! The one in my memory from the distant past where I used to kick my ball and play… I sigh as I finally think to myself that it’s all just a time and place… When I really think about it, that’s all life is, actually? Just a series of times and places…

My really deep thoughts are interrupted when Hitch’s funky green phone rings! I swivel the chair right and pick it up to my right ear with my forehooves before squeaking, “Yes! Sheriff’s office! Future Deputy Little Snack speaking! How may I assist you today?”

The stallion on the other end chuckles, “Little Snack! You just have to say that you’re Little Snack! Not future deputy or any other title, okay?”

My eyes widen as I bounce to attention, “Oh! Okay! Uh, I’m Little Snack!”

He giggles again, “Of course you are, squirt! Uh, any calls?”

“Oh, yeah! That Clover lady called again and said she wanted to talk to you about her idiot son or something?”

“Sprout! Yes! That! Uh, anything else?”

“Oh, the mayor what’s-her-snout called again. This time, she said she needs you to do security for an awards ceremony. Uh, yeah, apparently they’re going to award a trophy to the Filly Action Squad, whoever that is! Anyway, she wanted to talk to you about it!”

“Uh. Little Snack! That’s you! You’re part of the Filly Action Squad, remember?”

My eyes widen again when I suddenly realize what all of this means, “Oh, I am, right? Hey, I’m gonna get a trophy!”

“Yeah, about that! Little Snack, I’ve been meaning to say something to you...”

“Oh?” My mouth makes an O shape.

“Yeah uh, listen! You did good kid…” I hear him sigh. “I mean, for the record, I don’t ever want you going off without me like that again and I swear that I’ll protect you! But just so you know, you’re a hero Little Snack… You hoofing that pony back there saved the day…”

I start, “Oh, I was pretty lucky his crotch was right there like that, though! I mean, most stallions go down pretty easily if you can hit them there!” and nod.

“You hoofed him there four times!”

I nod, “Yes! And seven more in the face to make sure!”

Hitch is silent… He then says frantically, “He was covered in puke and blood when we found him unconscious in the office and he had bruises all over his face…”

“I wanted to make very sure…”

Hitch is silent for a moment… “Remind me to talk to you later about excessive force, okay Little Snack?”

I widen my eyes at this new thought before nodding, “Yes sir!”

“Now, I gotta head up to Miss Cloverleaf’s office and see what she wants this time! You stay on point Little Snack and call my cell if anything comes up!”

I nod, “Will do boss! Uh, hey! Can I get a buckball hoop in here to pass the time whenever I’m not busy?”

“Uh, what’s buckball?”

My eyes widen, “Wait! You don’t know about the best sport ever?”

He’s silent for a moment, “No?”

I’m speechless before finally saying, “Uh, alright dad! I’ll teach you about it later!”

“Uh, so it’s a sport?”

I nod excitedly, “Yeah, it’s a really fun game!”

He’s silent for a moment, “Maybe it’s from where you’re from?”

My eyes widen as I say frantically, “Oh, wow! I’m gonna have to figure this out now!”

“Oh, okay Little Snack! We can figure something out later, but I need to go if I’m gonna have enough time for lunch AND meeting Cloverleaf! Call me if anything comes up!”

“Alright boss! You got it!”

“Goodbye Little Snack! I l-love you!”

At that point, I’m kinda not sure what to say, but can only stammer out, “I uh, I love you too d-dad…”

“Alright, I gotta go! Bye Little Snack!”

“Bye bye!” I say before hanging up the phone again…

I stare at the far wall, lower my head to sigh as I feel the pigtails of my mane caress the back of the wooden chair.

When suddenly, the front door opens and a small teal green alicorn trots in! She takes a few paces after the door shuts behind her and says, “Hiya Little Snack! Is Hitch around?”

I widen my eyes with a start, “Holy crap! Uh, “my eyes widen all the way, “He’s not in! I’m his uh, I’m Little Snack! I’m Little Snack and uh, how may I assist you today?” before I grin widely at her…

Her burnt orange pupils enlarge to me as she says, “Oh, that’s also fine! Sunny just wanted to get rid of me, so I thought I’d head to the station and see what you were up to?”

“Oh? Why did she want to get rid of you?”

She sighs and stares off wistfully to the right, “Oh, I’m pretty sure she and Izzy just wanted some alone time…

I frown, “Alone time? Alone time to do what?” as I’m actually not sure what the crap she’s talking about?

Her head moves forward slightly before she whispers, “You know? Snuggle and make out and adult pony things…

“Uh, right! Hey, what did you wanna do when you got up here?”

“Well, you’re working, right? I thought I’d just see if you needed help with anything…

My eyes widen again, “Oh yeah! I am totally working and have all kinds of things to do! Right!” and nod…

She frowns as she stares at me before saying, “You’re bored, aren’t you?”

I smile nervously and giggle, “Uh, kinda, yeah! Basically, I just have to answer the phone if somepony calls with an emergency and relay important things to Hitch on his cell!”

“Oh, wow!”

I nod, “Yeah, and until Hitch can get a buckball hoop in here or something, all I can really do is bounce my ball and drink coffee!”

Her eyes widen, “Wait! You drink coffee now?”

I nod, “Yeah, I tried different things and I think I like it with just some sugar and no cream?”

She nods, “Oh wow! Okay, uh, hey what’s buckball anyway?”

My eyes also widen, “Why has nopony heard of buckball here?”

Her eyes soften somewhat, “Well, it’s been two thousand years! I guess maybe somepony forgot about it at some point?”

At that point, I suddenly realized what I had to do. I looked at Jessi sternly, “Jessi! We need to show Equestria buckball again!”


The blue unicorn filly stares at me from the other side of the table and smiles awkwardly underneath her curly neon green and dark blue mop of a mane before she says, “Judgment Neigh was pretty good, but I still wish I had seen the first two Brisk Bronco movies earlier, you know? Give it better context!” before moving her head down to slurp more of her extra large blueberry shake in its big white disposable cup as it’s held there, glowing at an angle in her bluish-purple magical glow…

I stare at her as we both sit in the dimly lit Bridlewood Forest milkshake bar with its dark oak walls and various signs and bits of paraphernalia on the walls, “You haven’t seen them either?”

She widens her eyes at me, “Uh, no! Opaline didn’t usually let me watch movies! So I only really saw them when I snuck out!”

I frown, “Wow! No freedom, huh?” before moving my head down to grasp my dark chocolate shake with my forehooves and slurp more of it down…

She frowns, “Not really!”

I look at her and smile, “Wanna see them both together later on?”

“I’d like that Twinkle! But how?”

I blink, “I don’t know? Izzy has a Ponyflix subscription and there’s always PonyTube rentals? I’m sure we can see them somehow!”

She smiles dimly at me, “Yeah… “

I nod, “So right! It’s bonding between us two happy roommates, right?”

She frowns, “You act like you’ve never done this before?”

I blink, “What? Get a friend caught up on movies? Well, technically, no! This is the first time!”

She sighs, “No, I mean watch movies with a friend!”

My eyes widen, “Well uh, me and Izzy have watched movies together!”

She smiles, “That’s different! You see Izzy as your mom!”

I frown, “How’s it different?”

She leans forward closer, “Well, you view her as you parent, you know? But we’re equals!”

I frown when the thought of Izzy as any sort of authority figure crosses my mind before deciding not to argue with her, “Uh, oh okay! So I guess this is new for both of us then, huh?”

She nods excitedly, “Right! It can be just us! Two friends! Watching movies together!”

I eye this small unicorn carefully before deciding to do it, even though I wasn’t particularly interested in those movies before. I smile and say, “Alright Misty! We can rent them all together and binge watch!”

“With popcorn!” She bounces in her chair!

“And soda!” I say to her as my small pink body jitters and my eyes widen.

“And candy!” She says a little bit louder!

I say lowly, “And devil weed!”

She stares at me and asks, “What was that last thing?”

I smile at her and say, “Oh, nothing!” before grasping my big Styrofoam cup for another strong sip of chocolatey goodness.


I sit at the same desk at the station there and smile when I think about how Hitch brought us both hayburgers for lunch… Suddenly, my body lights up in a pale yellow luminescent glow!

I widen my eyes as I squeal, “What?”

Suddenly, I see a blue flash of light on my right! I swivel the chair in that direction and smile at the magenta alicorn now standing there, “Hi! I’m Little Snack the uh, assistant at the station! How may I help you?” before widening my grin and hoping I don’t look too nervous at this strange magical pony that just appeared out of nowhere!

She stares at me with her blue eyes from underneath her wavy purple mane, featuring lavender highlights as my body stops glowing… Her fuchsia body sports wings and her forehead a horn as she stares at me and says in a feminine voice, “Hiya! I’m Starlight Glimmer! I’m REALLY sorry about this, but I found you now and I’m ready to take you home!”

I enlarge my eyes, “What do you mean, home?”

She blinks and straightens her stance, “Well, where you’re from! Your space and time, you know?”

I frown at this prospect… I think for a moment before replying, “But Hitch needs me here… My new friends need me here…” I blink. “I’m sorry Starlight Glimmer, but I think you’re wrong? I think my home is here now… “

She frowns, “You’re sure?”

I blink and gulp before straightening my gaze back to her and saying, “Y-yes, I think I am, Miss Glimmer?” I blink again before raising my gaze. “Just uh, please do me a solid?”

Her eyes widen, “What?” while her mouth stays agape.

I smile slimly, “Please let Cozy Glow and Starshine know that I’m in a new universe now and that I’m okay… Let them know that I’ll always remember them…”

Her eyes soften somewhat before she blinks and leans forward slightly, “You’re SURE this is what you want?”

I sigh and stare back at her, “Y-yes I am… This isn’t easy for me, but I’ve come to know and love these ponies now and… I-I can’t leave them… Especially since I have a parent here!” my eyes widen, “An ACTUAL parent, you know? Somepony to help me and guide me in life…” my body begins to shake. “And besides! I need to show these ponies how to play buckball!”

She smiles slightly before saying, “Well, even if I didn’t bring you back, I’m glad you found something here… “she blinks and leans towards me. “What was your name again?”

My eyes widen, “Oh, my name is Little Snack!”

She nods her head, “Very well, Little Snack! But since this is kinda my screw up, I’ll be sure to check on you periodically!”

I begin to smile a little myself, “Thanks Starlight Glimmer! Uh, I’d like that!”

She nods, “Until next time!” before her body is encased in a bright blue flash of light and disappears in front of me!

Then, the door leading outside, in front of the desk opens up and in trots a different smaller green alicorn who stares at me with her orange eyes while pacing towards the desk, “Okay, Little Snack! I got some pens and notebooks and now, we can figure this out! You say you wanted to show us a new sport or something?”

The door soon shuts as I swivel the chair back left that direction and widen my eyes at this other filly, “Well, it’s not exactly new?” before smiling widely…

(To be continued...)

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