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Chapter 43: Realignment

I sat there in the glowing green cavern as I heard the filly outside calling my name, “Cozy! Are you down there? Uh, you know what? I’m going in!

I widen my eyes, Oh golly! What do I say to her? Before staring back behind me to the path leading further into the cavern… I don’t really know what this place is and I’m afraid to look down there, but at the same time, I’m not sure I’m ready to be caught?

I see four orange legs begin to make their way down the ramp leading into this cave…

I turn around and begin running the opposite direction! I know I have wings, but I keep thinking that I’ll run into the wall if I take off because I can’t see that well in here…

I trot deeper into the cave and begin to explore… I see a fork in the cave path leading three different directions…

Suddenly, I hear the familiar squeaky feminine voice of my newest friend resounding from the cave behind me, “Cozy! Are you in here? Come on! I need to talk to you!

I turn around and frown as I look back towards the entrance where I know the other filly is and raise my neck to yell back, “Uh, no! Cozy Glow isn’t down here!”

Oh! Okay! Hey! You sound kinda like her! Are you sure you’re not Cozy?

My eyes widen, “Um, y-yeah! I’m pretty sure! I am definitely not Cozy Glow! No ma’am!”

The voice is silent before saying, “Oh! Okay! Hey! Have you seen a pink pegasus filly with a curly bluish-white mane and tail around here anywhere? She’s lost now and I’m really worried!

At that point, time stopped for me… I realized at that moment that somewhere in this insane filly’s mind, she actually did care about me…

I stared back at the three paths… I could feel the icy cold air blowing in from the pitch-black path on my left and I also felt the warm heat of the path on my right as I witness the red glow coming from that direction… And then I stared forth at the dusty trail before me in the pale greenish-purple glow of the cavern walls and saw that a mere 20 yards beyond the fork, the path simply stopped into a rock wall…

I blinked as I considered my options…


“Perfect? Perfect for what?” I ask the blue fluffy unicorn sitting across the table from me with a frown on my muzzle…

Her red eyes widen, “Oh! Perfect for what I wanted to ask you!”

My eyes widen again, “Ask me? Ask me what?”

Izzy smiles at me warmly before scooting her seat back and I hear the wood scraping the floor before she gets off to her right and trots around the table to stare at me from the side…

She stares at me with sincerity in her crimson gaze as I stare back into her pupils and says to me, “Sunny, I was alone before you… And while that was never really a problem at the time, I now realize that having you around is just kinda well, the best thing ever…” she slowly begins to beam brightly from her snout. “Sunny Starscout, will you please make me the happiest mare alive and marry me?”


I stared at the grassy field in front of me over the heavily clouded overcast sky as another thunderbolt struck the ground in the far distance on the left, “Since Little Snack disappeared into the ground, I’m guessing she just went into that cave you were talking about?”

Twinkle nods at my left while puffing her joint, “That is correct!”

I frown, “Well, what is that cave? Where did Little just go into?”

Twinkle sighs, “Well, I’m not sure, but I think it leads into my deep mind? There’s lots of things there that I don’t look at anymore…” before taking her joint out of her mouth and exhaling a cloud of smoke into the wind that soon blows it to the right and away from us…

“Well, shouldn’t we go help her?”

Twinkle flatly replies, “I don’t know?”

I turn my neck to her and finally ask the burning question that has been on my mind, “Okay, who exactly is Cozy Glow?”

Twinkle sighs, “Oh, golly! I knew this was coming up!” Before removing the joint from her mouth with her right forehoof and snuffing it out on the ground and putting it into her chest floof all the while slowly exhaling smoke from her nostrils and then she turns her body towards me. “You know how I was alive two thousand years ago?”

I gulp and nod, “Y-yeah?”

She sighs, “Well, I wasn’t exactly me back then… I was a different filly… A filly named Cozy Glow…”

I frown, “W-wait! You mean to tell me that Cozy Glow…”

“Isn’t me… No Jessi, the truth is, I first woke up in that courtyard all by myself and I didn’t exactly exist before then…”

“How can that be? Are you saying you were formed when Cozy Glow woke up?”

“Cozy Glow never woke up, Jessi… I did…”


I trot my orange hooves further into the dark cave at this point while yelling forward, “I’m not the smartest filly in the world, but I’m pretty sure you’re down here Cozy Glow!” before I stare a mere few feet from my sides and witness the pretty deep purple glow on the cavern walls…

I go down a kinda path into the earth… This path is roughly 8 to 10 feet wide and about 5 or 6 feet high above my head, although my pigtails don’t really scrape it as I’m not that tall! I stare forward at the pink filly about 15 feet in front of me… Her bluish-white mane is visible in the violet glow of the walls and basically an unkempt half-curled mess on top of her head as it flares every which way between her two pink ears, now perking my direction as her brown eyes stare at me expectantly…

I stop and widen my eyes, “Cozy Glow! You don’t look so great!”

“Oh, golly! I-I’m sorry Little Snack!” She says before she blinks and adjusts her view to me. “I just didn’t want to face it anymore… “

I frown, “Face what?”

Her eyes widen at me, “The fact that I don’t exist! I’m not real, Little Snack!”

“Oh, wow!” I say before I trot 10 more paces to her… I then put my right forehoof on her snout which scrunches suddenly as she squints her eyes and I say, “BOOP!” and then I remove it back to the earth before staring at her and saying. “You sure about that? You seem pretty real to me!”


I sat there and could only smile with sheer elation and joy overtook my now fluttering heart as I ecstatically shouted, “Yes! Yes! Oh, yes, I will marry you Izzy!” before leaning down to plant a loving kiss on her lips as her red eyes widen in obvious confusion at my sudden joy!

I break and smile at her from a few inches away and feel her breath on my snout as she replies, “Oh, wow! That was also ridiculously easy!” she widens her gaze. “It’s almost like I’m supposed to be loving you?”

I giggle slightly, “Yeah! But either way,“I move my snout to hers for a half-nuzzle. “I’m very happy with that arrangement!”

She smiles and says halfheartedly, “Yeah!” before moving her snout to mine for another loving kiss.

She breaks and smiles at me from maybe an inch away, “So, I guess you have a ring or maybe a bangle or something for me to wear as a symbol of our love?”

She frowns, “Oh, yeah! I was supposed to have something like that, wasn’t I?” she gazes slightly right. “I always forget something!”

I chuckle a bit more before saying, “It’s alright Izzy baby! We’ll go shopping and pick out things for each other!”

She widens her eyes as her mouth scrunches, “Oh! That sounds super romantic! We should definitely do something like that!” and begins nodding frantically!

I laugh more and shake my head at this demented unicorn… This wonderful lovely insane horned pony that has the audacity to actually love me!


I stood there to the left of the pink pegasus filly and while I’m certain there’s a reason she’s reluctant to go down there, I also know that Little Snack just went there too! I look at her and say, “Okay, I’m going in! Stand by the cave entrance so in case I need anything, I can yell!”

She turns her head left towards me, “Oh, golly Jessi! Please be careful!”

I turn and trot two paces to her before embracing her in a tight warm hug, “Always Twinkle Shine!” Before releasing her, turning my body, and trotting towards the cave entrance leading into the earth… She trots slowly, a few paces behind me…

As I take steps across the grass, I wonder exactly where this cave leads and why it exists? What does Twinkle keep down there? And why does she not wish to go in there?

I sigh and decide the most important thing is to get my friends! I soon trot up to the ramp leading down into the big chasm into the earth… I look down at it and yell, “Little Snack! You okay down there?” as Twinkle stops and turns her head towards me…

I hear a squeaky feminine voice yell back, “Oh, hey Jessi! I found Cozy! You need to get down here!”

I turn my head right towards Twinkle, “Wait for me!”

She nods soberly…

I turn my head and begin trotting down the ramp into the darkened corridor… Left hoof… Right hoof… Left hoof… Right…

I get down and I see a green maned orange earth filly turn her head over her right shoulder and say to me, “She’s right here, but she’s really sad!” before turning to face the pink filly in front of her as her long pigtails sway the opposite direction…

Cozy frowns, “Oh, golly! I’m not sad! It’s just that, well… I have no place now and I just want to sleep!”

I frown at the pegasus, “Why do you say that?”

She sighs and turns to me, “Jessi! I’m evil! I’m the bad filly who tried to take over Equestria and now… Now I’m not and I don’t know where I fit in anymore?”

I respond, “Well, don’t you think we should try to figure that out?”

She frowns, “What?”

I nod, “Well, you say you’re not a bad filly anymore, right? Well, what are you?”

She widens her eyes, “I’m nothing, Jessi! I’m not real! I was just…” she closes her eyes. “holding Twinkle Shine’s body for her…”

“Hmm?” I ponder as I take three paces towards the pink filly… I then push my right forehoof against her nose and say, “BOOP!” I widen my eyes while lowering my hoof. “Well, you're solid in here, anyway!”

At that point, Cozy widens her eyes and starts to giggle hysterically! “Why does everypony keep booping me?”

“You were booped earlier?”

She composes herself and stares back at me, “Well, yeah! Little Snack wanted to see if I was real too, and well, well of course I’m real in here! That’s not the problem!”

I frown again, “Oh? So tell me Cozy, what exactly is the problem?”

Suddenly, we all hear a squeaky voice yell from the outside, “Alright, golly dammit! I’m coming down there!”

We all turn towards the ramp to see a familiar pink pegasus filly with tapered bangs and swept back bluish-white mane trotting down the ramp… She arrives at the landing and keeps pace as she begins towards Cozy Glow, who now stares at her with a wide-eyed frown and not knowing what to expect…

I smile with my neck turned over my right shoulder, “Twinkle Shine! You’re just in time! Cozy Glow here was about to tell us why she doesn’t want to exist anymore!” before turning my neck back to the other pegasus.

“I don’t!” Cozy begins speaking and chokes! She clears her throat and starts again, “I don’t want to die so much as well…”

Twinkle stops trotting at my left and now, we three fillies have cornered the troublesome pegasus! I smile and say, “Now Cozy! We’re all friends here! And we’re all here for you!”

Cozy turns to Twinkle and says, “Twinkle Shine, it wasn’t real… None of it was… I was only pretending…” She closes her eyes… “And now, I shouldn’t exist…

Twinkle stares back at Cozy, “But Cozy Glow… You’re real…”

She opens her eyes and frowns at the wavy-maned pegasus, “W-what?”

“You tried to take over Equestria two thousand years ago, Cozy Glow… That was real and it happened…”

She leans forward slightly, “But I’m not you?”

Twinkle smiles and nods, “That’s right! You’re Cozy Glow! Another filly!”

“But we have the same body!”

Twinkle nods again, “This is also true! And you’re welcome in here too!”

Cozy is silent for a moment… “What exactly are you trying to say, Twinkle Shine?”

Twinkle lets out a long sigh before staring back at the doppelganger, “You know, I’m truly glad that I smoked a joint before coming down here now… “

Cozy widens her eyes, “Oh, golly! Why is that?”

Twinkle smiles, “Because I now know what to say…” She stares back at the other filly with nothing but sincerity in her brown eyes.

Cozy lowers her gaze, “And what is that?”

“I thought I wasn’t you… I thought that you were just a placeholder… But now, I see you for what you are Cozy Glow… You’re a part of me and I wouldn’t be complete without you, just like you need me…” Twinkle’s eyes widen. “Won’t you please come out of this cave now?”

Cozy stares back at Twinkle, gulps, and begins trotting forward… Suddenly, both fillies are enveloped in a bright light and they begin to merge as Cozy trots into Twinkle Shine and becomes one with her form… Then, the light begins to dim to reveal only Twinkle Shine is left… She blinks, reaches into her fluff with her right forehoof to grasp the half-joint there, places it into her mouth, and begins to dig into her fluff again to search for her lighter while saying, “Oh, golly! What did I do with that thing!”

At that point, I smiled… I smiled because I knew that Twinkle Shine was finally whole…


I sat there on my belly in the morning on the rug in the center of my room while playing with the two felines on the floor with my magick… I manipulate their string toy as they take turns batting it with the gray tabby on my right and the blue kitty on my left…

I sigh when I think about how bored I am! Literally nothing interesting is going on right now!

I frown when I think that maybe it’s for the best that I have some quiet time alone with myself now, when suddenly, there’s a frantic knock on my door!


I look at the door on my right and say, “Yeah, come in!”

I see a red-eyed fluffy blue unicorn staring at me from the other side of my doorway as she smiles and says, “Misty! We need a witness!”

I frown as I just know this is more lesbian adventures…


I bring the burning joint to my lips with my right forehoof and feel the warm earthy smoke roll down my throat as I take that first wonderful drag…

Jessi nods to me, “So uh, you’ve made peace with your past and I’m okay being a freak?”

I exhale smoke and turn my head right towards her, “Yeah, pretty much!” before bringing the joint back to my mouth for a second inhale...

Little Snack widens her green eyes at me from my slight left in front of me, “Yeah, and I found a new place in the alternate dimension!”

I exhale smoke from my snout after I lift the joint up to signal Jessi, who soon cranes her neck and forces her horn and the joint to glow before the stoge floats out of my hoof and through the air towards her… “Golly right, and Misty is cool with being a killer now… Seems like this is all wrapped up?” I furrow my brows. “I can’t help but get this feeling that there’s one last thing that needs to happen?”

Suddenly, the door behind Little Snack opens and an excited blue unicorn widens her green eyes and says, “I just went shopping with lesbians for over two hours!”

Then, a fluffy blue unicorn swings her head into view from the left side of the door and grins widely and nods frantically as she says, “Tell em’ what you saw, Misty! Tell em’ what we did!”

Misty widens her eyes all the way and says, “Oh! Sunny and Izzy are now married and we’re officially a family at this point!”

I then stared at Misty and I smiled there, while surrounded by my new siblings and knowing my new mommies were going to come in through that door soon… I smiled because I knew that finally, with all of these ends wrapped up, I was home… And so, I captured the joint in the air with my right forehoof and brought it to my mouth for another drag…

(The end… )

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