• Published 12th Apr 2022
  • 660 Views, 1 Comments

Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story - Flip_The_Table

In a world unknown, one robot faces a multitude of choices: forge new friendships, confront emerging enemies, or reckon with the return of an old adversary, come join Pathfinder on his journey through uncharted territory.

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Chapter 9 New rivals

Pathfinder felt a twinge of disappointment as he realized that playing with Applebloom wasn't an option today due to her school commitments. Turning his attention to his ongoing project of designing his treehouse, he was interrupted by Mac's arrival. As Mac climbed up the ladder, Pathfinder greeted him warmly. "Hello, friend," he beamed, but was met with Mac's stern gaze as the latter settled down beside him.

"Listen, Mr. Robot," Mac began, his tone firm as he avoided eye contact with Pathfinder. "We need to relocate you. I can't keep lying to my sister." Pathfinder's screen displayed a sad face as he tapped his finger on the treehouse floor. "Applebloom hasn't been doing too well," Mac added, causing the robot to visibly shrink in response.

“"Are my friends struggling because of me?" Pathfinder's voice carried a note of concern as he turned his attention back to Big Mac. Macintosh nodded solemnly before making his way back to the ladder. "I... I'm not the best at explaining," Mac admitted with a slight furrow in his brow, hopping off the ladder and leaning casually against the sturdy trunk of the tree. A soft chuckle escaped him as he glanced up at the vast expanse of sky above. "She really cares about you," Mac observed, his tone tinged with fondness as he glanced back at Pathfinder. The robot leaned out, his digital features displaying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Well, that's what friends are for," Pathfinder affirmed, his metallic frame landing gracefully beside Mac, ready to offer support in any way he could.

"If keeping my friends safe means I have to leave, then I'll go," Pathfinder declared resolutely, prompting a slow nod from the farmer before he made his way back to the house. With Granny Smith away on a trip with a friend, Mac found himself shouldering the responsibility as the man of the house for the time being. As Pathfinder watched Mac depart, a profound sadness seemed to envelop him, evident in the downcast expression displayed on his screen.

Silence lingered between them, punctuated only by the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Mac's expression betrayed a hint of frustration as he prepared himself for the impending confrontation upon Applebloom's return. Meanwhile, Pathfinder retreated into his thoughts, his digital display reflecting the melancholy that weighed heavily upon him. With a quiet press of a button, Pathfinder reclined, triggering the playback of an old message—a poignant reminder of past experiences and the challenges that lay ahead.

"We don't have much time! We need to move these now!" exclaimed one of the doctors urgently.

"We've lost our key cards! The only option left is to do it manually," another responded, the tension evident in his voice.

"But that would only... be," a doctor's voice trailed off, replaced by the sound of Path's main creator speaking. Pathfinder's screen displayed the heart eyes of his main creator as he spoke. "I'll do it," Pathfinder declared in the playback.

"Are you sure you're up to this?" his main creator asked, prompting Pathfinder's digital form to pause, considering the weight of the responsibility being entrusted to him.

"Yes... I won't let my family die... I will save the Outlands... for you, family," Pathfinder affirmed with unwavering determination, his words echoing with a solemn vow to protect those he cared about and the greater community beyond.

"Then," one doctor said solemnly, "then you should be ready." The sound of a door being forcefully closed resonated through the room, eliciting a crying face on Pathfinder's screen as he processed the gravity of the situation. Suddenly, his main creator's voice broke through the chaos. "They're almost here... MRVN... we need you," the doctor urged urgently. Pathfinder placed a hand on his screen, absorbing the weight of the responsibility being placed upon him.

"Your existence is proof that the Outlands can survive... you are our Pathfinder," the doctor continued, their voice filled with emotion. "We made you for a great purpose... stay brave for us." Pathfinder's digital features reflected a mix of determination and resolve as he braced himself to fulfill his purpose and protect those he held dear.

"I love you... family," the message concluded, enveloping Pathfinder in a moment of quiet reflection. With his hand still resting gently on his screen, he couldn't help but think of the friends he had made in this place—Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Gearheart, and even Big Mac. They had all played a role in shaping his journey, offering support and companionship when he needed it most.

Yet, as he pondered their struggles, Pathfinder felt a renewed sense of determination. "I must keep my friends happy... I must make the right choice," he resolved, understanding the weight of his decisions and the impact they would have on those he cared about. With this newfound resolve, Pathfinder prepared himself to face the challenges ahead, guided by the love and support of his cherished friends and creators.

"So, the mayor isn't sure about the robot?" Twilight asked, her expression reflecting a sense of concern and sadness. School had been difficult lately, with tensions rising among the students over the presence of the robot known as Happy Bot. While some agreed he had become somewhat annoying lately, a single incident had ignited a city-wide debate about the robot's role and impact. The mayor's indecision only added to the confusion and frustration.

Sunset let out a frustrated grunt as she paced back and forth, her mind consumed with finding a solution to the growing unrest. The situation had escalated to the point where students were divided, arguing vehemently over whether the robot was beneficial or harmful. The atmosphere was tense, and Sunset knew that action needed to be taken before things spiraled further out of control.

"Anyone got an idea what to do?" Sunset asked, her voice tinged with urgency as she sought a solution to the escalating tension.

"I think we should throw a really huge party and see if everyone would be happy!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident as she pulled out her backpack and began blowing up balloons.

"No, I mean Happy Bot," Sunset corrected, her tone serious, prompting murmurs of agreement from the other girls. Applejack then walked into the room, her hand resting on her chin as she pondered.

"You girls felt odd when we checked my farm the other day?" Applejack inquired, her words causing the group to pause, considering the implications of her question.

As Rainbow shrugged and Twilight nodded along with Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy averted their gazes, indicating their uncertainty. Pinkie Pie, undeterred by the somber atmosphere, hopped up with a big grin, eager to suggest a solution involving a party for the robot.

"Maybe the robot is still there! We could throw him a—"

"Applebloom and Big Mac were acting a bit odd," Applejack interjected, her tone serious as she redirected the conversation, prompting the group to focus on the recent behavior of their friends. Applejack's observation caused them to collectively pause and consider the implications of what had occurred.

Applejack shot him a sideways glance, her brow furrowing slightly. "We're not sure," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern. "But we think there might be something hiding in the barn."

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, her heart pounding with nerves as she feigned ignorance. "Yeah, it's been kinda spooky around here lately," she chimed in, doing her best to sound convincing.

As they approached the barn, Applejack's friends exchanged uneasy glances, their apprehension palpable. They hesitated at the entrance, unsure of what they might find inside.

Applejack took a moment to gather her thoughts, inhaling deeply before addressing her friends. With a determined expression, she looked at each of them in turn.

"Meet me at my place... I think I've gotten to the bottom of this," she declared before turning and walking out the door, leaving the group to exchange glances and then turn their attention towards the closed door through which Applejack had just exited.

With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, they knew that whatever Applejack had discovered could potentially shed light on the mystery surrounding Happy Bot and the recent odd behavior of Applebloom and Big Mac. Gathering their resolve, the group prepared to reunite at Applejack's place, ready to uncover the truth together.

As Applejack's footsteps faded away, the room fell into a contemplative silence. Each of her friends exchanged knowing glances, their thoughts swirling with curiosity and anticipation. There was an unspoken understanding among them that Applejack's determination often led to breakthroughs.

Twilight, ever the strategist, began formulating potential scenarios in her mind, while Rarity adjusted her posture, preparing herself for whatever revelations might come to light. Fluttershy offered a comforting smile, silently expressing her support, while Pinkie Pie's usual exuberance seemed momentarily subdued, replaced by a sense of focused determination.

Sunset, with a furrowed brow, glanced at the door once more, her mind racing with questions and possibilities. It was clear to all of them that whatever Applejack had uncovered had the potential to change everything.

With a shared nod of resolve, the group slowly rose from their seats, ready to follow Applejack's lead and confront the mysteries that lay ahead. As they made their way out the door, a sense of unity and determination filled their hearts, driving them forward into the unknown.

As Pathfinder explained the unsettling possibilities to Applebloom and the group, an uneasy silence settled over the room. Mac stood in the kitchen, his gaze lingering on the scene before him, a conflicted expression clouding his features. He turned away when Applebloom let out a sniffle, unable to bear the sight of her distress.

"No... No, Pathfinder, you can't leave," Applebloom pleaded, her voice trembling as she wiped away tears. "Yeah... You're not the bad guy," Scootaloo chimed in, already embracing the MRVN closely in a reassuring hug.

Pathfinder gently placed a metal hand on the top of Applebloom's head, his touch careful and comforting as he slowly ran it through her hair. "I must keep my friends safe at all costs... and I can't have your family torn apart," he explained, his voice carrying a mixture of resolve and sadness. Despite the gravity of the situation, Pathfinder remained steadfast in his commitment to protecting those he cared about, even if it meant making difficult choices.

"But... what can we do if you're gone?" Sweetie asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty and fear. In response, Pathfinder gently picked up Sweetie and Applebloom, enveloping them in a warm embrace along with Scootaloo.

"You will have to carry on, because friends try to stay strong," Pathfinder reassured them, his words carrying a sense of encouragement and support. With a gentle motion, he set them back down on the ground, his digital display showing a comforting smile.

As Pathfinder slowly made his way to the door, the girls shared a poignant glance, their eyes brimming with a mix of sadness and determination. Pausing in the doorway, Pathfinder turned to look back at them one last time, his smile offering a sense of reassurance amidst the uncertainty. With a final nod, he stepped out into the world beyond, leaving the girls to face the challenges ahead with newfound strength and resilience.

As Pathfinder slowly began to walk off the farm, his thoughts consumed by the weight of his decision, he suddenly froze in place. His sensors detected the presence of six individuals approaching, individuals he had hoped to avoid encountering. The girls gasped in surprise and alarm, their expressions ranging from shock to anger as Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack shot glares in their direction.

Pathfinder was about to retreat, instinctively wary of the confrontation, but found himself unable to move. His gaze fixed on the purple-haired figure, whose ears were positioned oddly atop her head. In fact, all six of them looked different than usual, emanating an aura of tension and suspicion.

"Hello, Happy Bot," Sunset greeted, her voice carrying a hint of hostility as she walked up to Pathfinder, her glare unwavering. Despite the tension thickening the air, Pathfinder remained rooted to the spot, uncertain of what lay ahead in this unexpected encounter.

"Hello, friend, my name is Pathfinder. It's nice to meet you!" Pathfinder greeted warmly, attempting to move his arm but finding himself unable to do so. Confusion flickered across his digital display as he tried to make sense of the situation. His body was operating normally, so why couldn't he move?

Sunset smirked as she approached closer, her demeanor tinged with triumph. "You can't move. Twilight has you in a hold with magic," she revealed, her words confirming Pathfinder's suspicions. As the gravity of the situation sunk in.

"Magic? I always wanted to do magic... but I lost my chance by losing an arm," Pathfinder muttered, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. Sunset blinked in surprise for a moment, taken aback by Pathfinder's unexpected revelation.

But her expression quickly hardened as she growled at the robot, her frustration and determination evident in her tone. "Look here, robot... you have been causing too much damage and we will stop you," Sunset declared, her words carrying a stern warning. Pathfinder listened quietly, his digital features reflecting a mix of resignation and understanding as he braced himself for what was to come.

As Twilight's grip tightened with effort, Sunset stepped back slightly, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. Pathfinder, unable to move, strained to look around, his digital display reflecting a mix of confusion and concern.

Before any further action could be taken, Applebloom rushed forward, positioning herself protectively in front of Pathfinder. "Stop it! He's friendly," she shouted, her voice ringing out with conviction. However, Applejack's skepticism remained unwavering.

"Bloom, he has hurt people and even made you lie to me," Applejack retorted, her tone firm. Applebloom rolled her eyes and frowned, her frustration evident. "Yeah right, like you too!" she shot back defiantly, her loyalty to Pathfinder unwavering.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged nods, standing close to Applebloom as they joined her in protecting Pathfinder. Despite the tension mounting between the group, the girls remained resolute in their defense of their robotic friend.

"Yeah! He's innocent! He's done nothing wrong!" Scootaloo's voice rang out defiantly, causing Rainbow to take a step back, her wings shifting uneasily. Meanwhile, Twilight appeared visibly fatigued from maintaining the magical hold over Pathfinder, her concentration waning.

Sweetie Belle stepped forward, her expression determined as she pointed accusingly at the group. "Pathfinder has done nothing wrong at all! He's been helping people," she asserted boldly, her words striking a chord with Rarity and Pinkie, who stepped back in surprise.

The tension in the air crackled with uncertainty as the conflicting emotions of the group collided. Despite the accusations and doubts being hurled their way, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle remained steadfast in their defense of Pathfinder, their unwavering loyalty shining through amidst the chaos.
As the standoff continued, the air thickened with tension, each side entrenched in their beliefs. Applejack exchanged a conflicted glance with Rarity, torn between her loyalty to her sister and her friendship with Twilight and Sunset. Rarity's expression softened, her gaze flickering with uncertainty as she processed Sweetie Belle's impassioned defense of Pathfinder.

Pinkie Pie, usually the embodiment of cheerfulness, appeared somber as she watched the confrontation unfold. Her usually bright demeanor was replaced with a sense of concern as she grappled with the complexity of the situation.

Meanwhile, Pathfinder remained trapped, his attempts to move thwarted by Twilight's magical hold. Despite his predicament, his digital display flickered with gratitude towards Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle for standing up for him in the face of adversity.

The scene was fraught with emotion, each individual grappling with their own convictions and doubts. As the standoff reached its zenith, the fate of Pathfinder and the bonds between the group hung precariously in the balance, awaiting resolution.

As Pathfinder was freed from Twilight's exhausted grasp, a sense of urgency surged through the group. "RUN, PATH!" Applebloom's voice pierced the air, spurring the MRVN into action. With a burst of energy, Pathfinder grappled the ground, launching himself forward and propelling into the air.

"Come on, girls, back to the car!" Sunset's urgent command prompted the group into motion. They dashed back towards the waiting vehicle, a sense of determination driving their every step. Rainbow utilized her wings to dash ahead, clearing the path, while Applejack stayed close, ensuring the safety of the girls.

Once everyone was safely inside the car, Sunset wasted no time, revving the engine as they bolted after Pathfinder. Rainbow left a trail of rainbow hues in her wake as she guided them forward with unmatched speed and agility.

The car tore down the road, following the vibrant trails left by Pathfinder as he soared through the sky. With each passing moment, the distance between them closed, the group united in their pursuit of their robotic friend and the truth that lay ahead.

As Pathfinder sprinted along the ground, his mechanical legs pounding against the earth, he could feel the presence of Rainbow Dash hot on his heels. Behind him, Rainbow, with her wings outstretched, surged forward with incredible speed, her determination evident in every stride.

The landscape blurred past them as they raced through fields and forests, Pathfinder's metallic form contrasting sharply with Rainbow's fluid movements. Despite the MRVN's mechanical advantage, Rainbow's agility and speed kept her right on his tail, her wings slicing through the air as she closed the distance between them.

Pathfinder's processors whirred as he calculated his next move, seeking a way to outmaneuver his determined pursuer. But Rainbow was relentless, her determination unyielding as she pushed herself to her limits in pursuit of her target.

With each passing moment, the chase intensified, the thrill of the pursuit fueling both Pathfinder and Rainbow as they raced towards an uncertain future. And amidst the pounding footsteps and rushing wind, the outcome of their encounter hung in the balance, waiting to be decided by the relentless pursuit of one and the unwavering determination of the other.

As Rainbow Dash closed in on Pathfinder, her determination unyielding, the MRVN swiftly calculated his next move. With a quick flick of his arm, Pathfinder unleashed his grappling hook, the metallic cable whirling through the air with precision.

Before Rainbow could react, the hook wrapped around her, ensnaring her in its grasp. With a swift tug, Pathfinder propelled himself forward, his momentum carrying both him and Rainbow away from their initial path.

As they soared through the air, Rainbow struggled against the grip of the grappling hook, her wings beating furiously in an attempt to break free. But Pathfinder was relentless, his determination to escape unyielding as he utilized his newfound advantage.

With a powerful surge, Pathfinder propelled himself upward, the cable of the grappling hook extending to its limit. Then, with a swift release, he detached the hook, leaving Rainbow momentarily stunned as she watched him disappear into the distance.

With his escape secured, Pathfinder continued on his journey, the thrill of the chase still coursing through his circuits. And as he disappeared from view, Rainbow was left to contemplate the encounter, her determination undiminished as she prepared to continue the pursuit.

As Pathfinder surged forward, his escape seemingly imminent, a sudden jolt of pain pierced through his robotic frame. With a metallic clang, a large hook stabbed into his arm, halting his momentum and forcing him to come to an abrupt stop.

The MRVN's systems whined and whined as he grappled with the unexpected obstacle, his sensors frantically scanning his surroundings for any sign of the attacker. But before he could react, a figure emerged from the shadows, a determined expression set upon their face.

As Pathfinder grappled with the sudden intrusion, his sensors registered the presence of a helicopter descending from the sky. Before he could react, a group of armed men emerged from the aircraft, surrounding him with menacing intent.

The MRVN's circuits buzzed with alarm as he assessed the situation, realizing he was outnumbered and outmatched. With Rainbow Dash having fled the scene, Pathfinder found himself alone against this new threat.

As the helicopter descended and the armed men surrounded him, Pathfinder remained poised, ready to face whatever came next. One of the men stepped forward, a commanding presence among the group. He raised a hand, signaling for his companions to stand down.

"Pathfinder," the man began, his voice gruff yet measured, "I am Bomber. And you've caused quite a bit of trouble for us."

Pathfinder processed the information, understanding the gravity of the situation. Before he could respond, however, another hook lanced through the air, stabbing into his other arm with a resounding thud. The force of the impact sent a jolt of pain through Pathfinder's systems, but he remained steadfast, refusing to yield to the assailants' aggression.

With both arms now immobilized, Pathfinder faced a dire predicament. Yet, his resolve remained unshaken, his digital display flickering with determination as he prepared to confront the Bomber and his men,

As the hooks embedded deeper into Pathfinder's arms, he strained against the restraints with all his mechanical might. With a low, grinding sound, he exerted his strength, attempting to break free from the metallic bonds that held him captive.

Bomber watched with amusement as Pathfinder struggled against his constraints, a cruel smirk playing across his lips. "You think you can escape, little robot?" he taunted, his laughter echoing through the air.

Despite the Bomber's mocking words, Pathfinder continued to exert himself, his determination unwavering. With a final surge of effort, he unleashed a burst of power, the metal groaning in protest as the restraints strained against his strength.

With a final surge of strength, Pathfinder summoned all his power, exerting every servo and motor in his mechanical body. With a resounding snap, the restraints shattered, freeing him from the clutches of the Bomber's men.

Swiftly, Pathfinder turned and sprinted towards the dense cover of the nearby forest, his mechanical limbs pumping with urgency. Bomber's men shouted in alarm, their voices drowned out by the pounding of Pathfinder's footsteps against the ground.

As he reached the edge of the forest, Pathfinder plunged into the shadows, his digital display flickering with determination. The canopy above provided cover from prying eyes, and Pathfinder pressed on, his resolve unshaken by the ordeal he had just endured.

Hidden within the dense foliage of the forest, Pathfinder remained concealed from view, his mechanical form blending seamlessly into the shadows. Despite his hidden vantage point, he could still hear the Bomber's menacing voice echoing through the trees.

"Listen here, robot," the Bomber's voice carried with a sinister edge, sending a shiver down Pathfinder's metallic spine. "If you don't give up and come with us, I'll make sure every person at that farm suffers. I'll show no mercy."

As the Bomber's voice carried through the forest, his ominous words sent a chill down Pathfinder's metallic spine. From his concealed position, the MRVN listened intently as the threat unfolded.

"You have until dawn," the Bomber's voice dripped with malice, the promise of impending danger lingering in the air. "Good luck, 'Happy Bot.' Ha."

The echo of the Bomber's mocking laughter reverberated through the trees, a stark reminder of the perilous situation in which Pathfinder found himself. Despite the darkness of the night surrounding him, the countdown to dawn marked the dwindling time he had to act.

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