• Published 12th Apr 2022
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Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story - Flip_The_Table

In a world unknown, one robot faces a multitude of choices: forge new friendships, confront emerging enemies, or reckon with the return of an old adversary, come join Pathfinder on his journey through uncharted territory.

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Chapter 1 New pals! (Edited)

Amidst the chaos of fire and destruction, the vast expanse of space presents itself as a mesmerizing sight, adorned with what appears to be a rocket. Countless robotic arms dart about in every direction, their metallic forms glinting in the scattered weaponry strewn across the debris. Amidst this scene of wreckage emerges a solitary blue robot, drifting gracefully into the endless expanse of the unknown. Its screen flickers momentarily, the once-piercing red eye gradually fading into darkness as space carries it towards a destination it yearns to call home, where friends await.

Pathfinder’s Adventure an Apex Legend story

Nearly a year ago, Kings Cannon stood as a paramount location for Hammond Robotics. What purpose did it serve? Speculations abound. Some suggest it was a clandestine testing ground for nuclear weaponry. Others argue it was a haven for the wealthy elite to indulge their desires. But before any conclusions could be drawn, the abrupt sound of a gunshot reverberated through the air, interrupting the train of thought as a lifeless body collapsed, weapons clattering to the ground before the MRVN.

He picks up the weapon and inspects it, murmuring "Triple take, exciting," before securing it on his back and commencing his exploration of the building. Spotting some cells, he replenishes his energy, discarding the empty ones before delving into a medical pack for a battery charge. Suddenly, the echo of gunfire pierces the air, prompting the bot to instinctively seek cover before reaching for his radio.

"Friends, I've encountered some potential enemies nearby. Mirage, Bloodhound, where are you?"

"We're on our way, Pathfinder. Sit tight," reassures Mirage over the crackling radio.

Pathfinder settles against the wall, his new weapon at the ready as he surveys the vicinity. In the distance, a skirmish rages, nearing its conclusion. Before long, the shrill sound of an alarm rings out, signaling a shift in the situation.

"Attention, two squads left," announces the automated voice.

"Two left, it's us or—" Mirage's voice abruptly ceases as the sharp sound of an E.M.P. detonates, casting a drone into existence before Pathfinder's eyes. The drone buzzes around the area, surveying its surroundings, just as the doors burst open with force.

Reacting swiftly, Pathfinder kicks out a window and propels himself out with his grappling hook, evading incoming gunfire. "Getting shot at, friends!" he shouts as he crashes into a nearby building, scrambling to his feet. Before he can make another move, a deadly scythe halts his progress.

Out from the shadows emerges Revenant, his menacing figure holding the weapon with a grip that spells danger. With an ominous crack of his robotic neck, Revenant stands before Pathfinder, an enigmatic threat lurking in the darkness.

"Hello, Marv," Revenant taunts, his voice dripping with malice as he swings his scythe. Pathfinder narrowly dodges the first strike, his agile frame attempting to evade the relentless assault. However, his escape is intercepted by Octane, blocking his path.

Surveying the situation, Pathfinder desperately seeks an alternative route, his optics scanning for any sign of opportunity. Spotting a potential opening, he moves to exploit it, only to be thwarted once more, a searing pain shooting through his arm as a bullet finds its mark. Collapsing to the ground, he gazes up to find himself surrounded by the trio, their menacing presence closing in on him.

"You're all alone," Revenant sneers, his blade raised menacingly, casting a shadow over Pathfinder's vulnerable form.

As the tension reaches its peak, a sudden loud noise reverberates from outside, drawing everyone's attention. "That is where you are wrong," Pathfinder declares, determination flashing in his optics. "I am not."

In a dramatic twist of fate, the door bursts open, revealing Mirage wielding his Eva 8 shotgun. Octane reacts swiftly, firing his Wingman, but his aim is deceived by a cleverly placed Mirage clone. Caught off guard, Octane is struck from behind, Mirage's voice echoing, "You got bamboozled."

Crypto turns to see Bloodhound raising the axe, poised for action, before he swiftly takes out the threat. Revenant, sensing the tide turning against him, frantically scans his surroundings for an escape route. However, his gaze ultimately settles on Pathfinder, who confidently dons his boxing gloves.

With lightning speed, Pathfinder launches into action, delivering a rapid series of jabs and hooks, culminating in a powerful uppercut that sends Revenant crashing to the ground, defeated. As the dust settles, the trio stands triumphant, their unity and skill proving victorious in the face of adversity. Victory is theirs, earned through teamwork and determination.

"Ha! That's the game, baby!" Mirage exclaims, his hands clapping together enthusiastically as Bloodhound dutifully cleans the axe. Pathfinder approaches Mirage, extending a hand for a high-five. With a resounding clap, their hands meet in celebration before they stride out of the building.

"Drinks on me," Pathfinder declares, prompting Mirage to inquire about the venue. "You know the place?" Mirage asks.

"Always our favorite bar," Pathfinder’s screen responds with a grin.

As they await the arrival of the ship, Bloodhound passes by, summoning their trusty companion, Arthur the crow. Mirage approaches, extending the invitation, "You want some drinks too, on a sweet victory?" he offers.

"No, the Allfather does not allow me to be drunk," Bloodhound responds firmly, their hand gently caressing the crow who regards Pathfinder with a cold, piercing stare, poised for attack. Pathfinder braces himself, fist clenched, anticipating the bird's move. However, with just a single stroke on its head, the crow's demeanor softens, and it turns away, taking flight as the wind shifts.

As the crow departs, Pathfinder relaxes, exhaling slowly. The tension dissipates, replaced by a sense of relief. The trio stands together, unified by their victory and the bonds of friendship, ready to embark on their next adventure.

The ship looms into view, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. However, their moment of triumph is interrupted by the blaring alarm and urgent warning: "WARNING! Wild time vortex detected. Leave the island immediately," the announcer's voice echoes through the air.

With a shared understanding, the trio nods in unison and springs into action, sprinting towards the awaiting ship. Each step is filled with purpose as they race against time to escape the impending danger. Their determination fuels their speed as they make a mad dash towards safety, leaving behind the tumultuous island and the mysteries it holds within the swirling vortex.

Mirage dashes into the hangar, swiftly unlatching the hatch as Bloodhound follows suit. "Start the engine!" Mirage's voice reverberates with urgency as he yelps, feeling the ground tremble beneath him. Gravity begins to shift, pulling at Mirage as the swirling vortex draws near.

Pathfinder hurries into the ship, but his attention is drawn back as he sees Mirage being dragged towards the vortex. "Hang on, pal!" he shouts, firing his grapple in a desperate attempt to save his friend. Mirage seizes the lifeline, scrambling up the rope until he's safely aboard.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Mirage declares, but Pathfinder's voice cuts through the urgency, "Mirage?"

Turning to face Pathfinder, Mirage's eyes widen in realization as he notices the grapple line tethered to nothing. Panic sets in as the vortex's force intensifies, pulling Pathfinder towards its ominous depths. "Hang on, buddy!" Mirage shouts, gripping Pathfinder's arm tightly.

"Bloodhound, we need to move NOW!" Mirage's voice echoes with urgency as they brace themselves for a daring escape from the clutches of the relentless vortex.

As Pathfinder's grip weakens, Mirage desperately struggles to maintain his hold, but it's futile. He locks eyes with the blue robot, its expression devoid of emotion. Pathfinder's screen flashes a happy face, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation. "Well, I guess we won't have drinks," Pathfinder remarks with a touch of melancholy.

"No, don't say that," Mirage pleads, fighting against the overwhelming force pulling his friend away.

"Elliot... it's okay," Pathfinder reassures him, his voice calm despite the imminent danger.

With a heavy heart, Mirage watches helplessly as his best friend slips away into the swirling vortex, offering a thumbs up in farewell. The ship's door seals shut as it begins to ascend, leaving Mirage frozen in place, unable to move. He casts a sorrowful glance back at Bloodhound before turning away, the weight of loss heavy upon them both.

The news of Pathfinder's disappearance spells trouble for everyone involved—the games, Hammond Robotics, and especially for Mirage and Bloodhound. A legend has vanished from their midst, leaving behind a void that may never be filled. What would Hammond do in the wake of this tragedy? The future is uncertain, and the ramifications are sure to be profound.

In a universe where star ships are merely a figment of imagination, magic reigns supreme as the ultimate source of power. Yet, this arcane force remains shrouded in mystery, known to only a select few in this world of ordinary humans—or so it seems. Unbeknownst to many, there exist beings far more potent than anyone could imagine, waiting to be unveiled.

The scene unfolds within a classroom, where the mundane act of a book slamming onto a desk sets the stage for something extraordinary. "These are our new books we'll be reading from now on, class," the teacher announces, flipping open the pages to reveal the contents within. As the teacher launches into an explanation of world history, the three young girls in the room can't help but sigh in exasperation, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

Seated to the left is a fair-skinned girl adorned in the finest school attire, diligently attempting to focus amidst the teacher's monotonous lecture. To the right sits an orange-skinned girl, her vibrant outfit a stark contrast to her messy purple hair. She fidgets restlessly in her seat, the desire for excitement evident in her demeanor. And in the middle, a young girl with a red bow nestled in her hair, her blue overalls and cheerful yellow-and-white striped shirt providing a hint of whimsy amidst the dull classroom setting. Despite her best efforts, she struggles to stave off the allure of sleep, her eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment.

"Hey, Apple," whispered the orange-skinned girl.

"Yeah?" replied the yellow-clad one.

"I'm bored," she groaned in frustration.

"Scoots, can you stop complaining!?" admonished the white-skinned girl in a hushed tone.

"Is there a problem, you three?" The teacher's voice cut through the whispered conversation, prompting the girls to quickly shake their heads in denial. "Good. Now then, open your books to Chapter 1..." With that, the teacher moved away, leaving the trio to their studies.

However, as soon as the teacher was out of earshot, the three girls resumed their chatter, their voices filling the room once more as they continued talking on and on, their attention drifting away from the pages before them.

"Okay, so what should we do after school?" Yellow asked, breaking the silence once more.

"We could play in the arcade," Orange suggested enthusiastically.

"Or maybe take a cool walk in the city, who knows, maybe something exciting might show up," the white-skinned girl proposed, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, care to explain why you interrupted my class again?" The teacher's voice was stern, his foot tapping impatiently on the ground. The three girls flushed with embarrassment as the rest of the class snickered at their predicament.

"We, uh, sorry, sir," Apple Bloom stammered, her cheeks burning with shame.

"We were, uh, trying to find the page," Scootaloo chimed in, attempting to come up with an excuse.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle, nodding in agreement.

The teacher raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're saying you can't find Chapter 1?" he questioned skeptically, eliciting laughter from the rest of the class. The three girls exchanged sheepish glances before sighing in resignation.

As one of the kids pointed and laughed uncontrollably, the trio couldn't help but feel their cheeks flush with embarrassment. With heads bowed, they waited anxiously for the class to end, feeling the weight of their classmates' laughter bearing down on them.

"Oh boy," the three muttered in unison, their spirits sinking with each passing moment. However, their discomfort was soon alleviated as the teacher intervened, calming the class down and redirecting their attention back to the lesson at hand. Relief washed over Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo as they realized that the ordeal would soon be over, and they could escape the scrutiny of their peers.

"Man, that was embarrassing," Sweetie Belle remarked, her disappointment evident in her tone.

"Totally," Scootaloo agreed, sharing in the sentiment.

"If only something out of the blue would happen," Apple Bloom mused, voicing the hope for a change in their luck as the three girls found a spot to sit.

Just as they settled in, Scootaloo's gaze suddenly shot upward. "Holy moly, what's that!?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle followed her gaze, their eyes widening as they too spotted something descending from the sky.

As a deafening crash resonated nearby, the trio froze in shock, their hearts pounding with trepidation. Moments later, the air filled with the piercing screams of frightened children, their voices echoing in the distance.

Scootaloo sauntered up next to Apple Bloom, a mischievous grin on her face. "Wow, Apple Bloom, you wished a little too hard on them—"

"That wasn't me!" Apple Bloom interrupted, her voice laced with urgency as she denied any involvement in the unexpected turn of events.

"Oh, hello... sorry," a male voice apologized, his presence unexpected as he attempted to rectify the situation. "Hey, high five, anyone?" he offered, his tone lighthearted despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Before anyone could respond, more screams pierced the air, intensifying the sense of confusion and panic. The trio exchanged bewildered glances, unsure of what was happening, but a sense of foreboding lingered in the air.

Suddenly, the shrill wail of the fire alarm shattered the uneasy silence, signaling danger and prompting a frenzied rush as children scattered in all directions to escape the impending threat.

As chaos ensued, a flash of movement caught their attention, and something crashed through the window, landing in the nearby bushes with a resounding thud. Gasping in shock, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle turned to each other, their expressions mirroring a mix of fear and curiosity as they awaited the unfolding of events.

With determination in their eyes, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle huddled together, their resolve solidifying as they invoked their self-proclaimed "Super Investigation Activate" protocol. Taking cautious steps forward, they approached the bush where the mysterious object had crashed.

As they drew nearer, the bush rustled, indicating movement within. Anticipation hung thick in the air as they braced themselves for whatever lay ahead. Gradually, a towering metal figure emerged from the foliage, its imposing form contrasting sharply with its surprisingly cheerful facial screen.

A sense of awe washed over the trio as they gazed up at the giant mechanical being, its big red eye fixating on them with a curious intensity. Despite the initial shock, they couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement at the prospect of unraveling the mystery before them.

"Hello!" the mechanical being greeted, its voice reminiscent of the one they had heard inside the building.

"Uh, hi," Apple Bloom responded tentatively, offering a hesitant wave. The metal creature reciprocated the gesture before turning its attention to the other two girls. Sweetie Belle was hiding, her curiosity outweighed by fear, while Scootaloo stood tall, her determination evident.

"Did you jump out of the building?" Scootaloo asked, her voice steady despite the lingering uncertainty. The metal entity looked up and then back at her, nodding in confirmation.

A mixture of awe and apprehension washed over the trio as they realized the magnitude of the situation. They were face to face with a mysterious being, one that had seemingly defied gravity and leaped from the building. With more questions than answers, they braced themselves for the next revelation.

"That. Was. COOL!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she began to geek out over the unexpected encounter. The blue mechanical being displayed its happy face screen once more in response to her enthusiasm.

"Why, thank you, strange alien. My name is Pathfinder. What is yours?" Pathfinder inquired, his tone congenial.

"Scootaloo," she responded, a grin spreading across her face.

"Sweetie Belle," Sweetie Belle chimed in, her initial fear giving way to curiosity.

"Uh, Apple Bloom," Apple Bloom added, still processing the surreal situation.

"I'm so happy to meet you three! You are now my new pals until I find my way home," Pathfinder declared warmly, his words imbued with a sense of camaraderie and gratitude.

"No way... you're from another planet?! Cool!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her excitement reaching new heights at the thought of befriending an extraterrestrial being. Turning to Apple Bloom, she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Hey, let's take him to the treehouse!" she suggested eagerly, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"I don't think—" Apple Bloom began uncertainly, but before she could voice her concerns, Scootaloo was already on a mission.

"Come on, Pathfinder! We'll help you. Follow me!!!" Scootaloo shouted, her determination unwavering as she took off running towards the farm.

"Scoots!?" Apple Bloom called after her, torn between caution and curiosity. With a resigned sigh, she realized that Scootaloo's mind was made up, and she reluctantly followed.

"Hey, maybe it will be okay," Sweetie Belle reassured, walking alongside Pathfinder with a comforting smile. "Here, let's help by taking him to our treehouse," she suggested, extending her hand in friendship as they walked together.

Apple Bloom sighed, her initial apprehension gradually giving way to a sense of cautious optimism. "Alright, let's do it," she agreed, following closely behind Sweetie Belle and Pathfinder.

"Oh boy, I cannot wait to go on an awesome adventure!" Pathfinder exclaimed, his cheerful demeanor infectious as he followed his newfound friends into this strange new world, brimming with possibilities and excitement. And so, their journey began, a tale of friendship, discovery, and endless adventure awaiting them in the boundless unknown.