• Published 12th Apr 2022
  • 666 Views, 1 Comments

Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story - Flip_The_Table

In a world unknown, one robot faces a multitude of choices: forge new friendships, confront emerging enemies, or reckon with the return of an old adversary, come join Pathfinder on his journey through uncharted territory.

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Chapter 2 New world? (Edited)

As the trio guided Pathfinder towards their treehouse, the inquisitive robot bombarded them with questions.

"Are we there yet? Why do you all have colorful skin? What is this place?" Pathfinder queried eagerly, his curiosity seemingly boundless.

"Well, maybe we should ask questions first, Mr. Pathfinder," Sweetie Belle suggested diplomatically, attempting to maintain some semblance of order amidst the barrage of inquiries.

"Oh! Okay, then," Pathfinder acquiesced, albeit somewhat reluctantly, as they continued their journey.

True to form, Pathfinder's curiosity remained insatiable, his excitement palpable with each passing moment. Eventually, the trio reached a point where they felt compelled to ask their own question.

"What are you exactly?" they inquired collectively, turning to face the robot, their curiosity mirrored in their expressions.

"Hmmm, well, I guess I'm a Marvin with no true purpose anymore. I am just a happy guy!" Pathfinder responded cheerfully, his screen displaying his signature happy face.

"So, who created you?" Apple Bloom inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Pathfinder hesitated, his screen flickering briefly before displaying an unhappy face. "I can't truly remember her," he admitted somberly, his tone tinged with sadness. As they approached the treehouse, Pathfinder continued, his screen showing an even more sorrowful expression. "The one thing I know is that I saved the whole world by saving my family..."

The trio exchanged concerned glances, their hearts going out to their newfound friend as they processed his revelation.

"Do you have pals?" Scootaloo asked, seeking to change the subject and lift Pathfinder's spirits.

Pathfinder's screen soon reverted to its cheerful state, and he looked at the three with excitement. "I do! Oh man, you all will like them!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together before pressing a button on his screen.
As the trio watched with rapt attention, Pathfinder showcased footage of his adventures with his pals.

"This is my best buddy Mirage," Pathfinder pointed at the paused screen, displaying Mirage in action. "We have known each other for a long time now."

Next, the video reversed, revealing Wraith amidst a flurry of combat. "This is Wraith. She's one of the best fighters I have ever met. She can do lots of things, but do be careful; she talks to herself," Pathfinder warned with a chuckle.

Continuing their journey through Pathfinder's memories, they watched as he introduced another ally. "And this is Caustic. He is a smart man with air and toxic gas!" Pathfinder explained as the footage showed Caustic manipulating his deadly chemicals.

With each introduction, the bond between Pathfinder and his pals became increasingly evident. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the horizon, the trio marveled at the stories of friendship and adventure shared by their newfound friend.

As the realization of the time dawned upon them, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo exchanged hurried glances, realizing they needed to head home before their absence caused concern.

"Uh oh... I need to get home... my sister is gonna kill me," Sweetie Belle exclaimed, hastily descending the ladder with Scootaloo close behind.

"Here, let me call Applejack, and she can help take y'all home," Apple Bloom offered, reaching for her phone as she watched her friends make their way down.

Before she left, Apple Bloom turned back to Pathfinder, a warm smile on her face. "Path, stay here tonight in the treehouse... I'll get you a blanket," she reassured him before disappearing behind the curtains.

Left alone in the cozy confines of the treehouse, Pathfinder surveyed his surroundings with a sense of contentment. The tiny house felt strangely welcoming, and he found himself looking forward to spending the night there.

"Time for some sleep," Pathfinder declared, his voice soft as he powered off into sleep mode, the hum of the night enveloping him in tranquility. And as the stars twinkled overhead, Pathfinder drifted into a peaceful slumber, embraced by the warmth of his newfound home.

As Apple Bloom opened the door, she was met with Applejack's stern gaze, her frown deepening with concern. "Where were ya?" Applejack demanded, her tone firm. The trio exchanged nervous glances before turning back to face Applejack, their expressions filled with apprehension. "Well, I guess you saw what happened at school?" Apple Bloom began, her voice wavering slightly.

Applejack's gaze narrowed as she listened to Apple Bloom's explanation. "Well, we left school and made our way to the treehouse and hung out there," Apple Bloom continued, telling only half of the truth.

Applejack scrutinized Apple Bloom closely, sensing that there was more to the story than she was letting on. "Well, that doesn't explain why you weren't answering my calls!" she pointed out, her voice tinged with frustration. Apple Bloom glanced down at her phone and felt a pang of guilt wash over her as she saw the numerous missed calls from her sister. With a sigh, she realized that their escapade had caused more worry than she had anticipated.

"Oh, must have left it on silence," Apple Bloom offered weakly, hoping to deflect her sister's frustration. "Okay, sis, look, we weren't paying attention to the time... my friends need a lift to their house. Can you—"

"Fine," Applejack interrupted tersely before turning and striding out the door towards her truck. With a heavy sigh, Apple Bloom followed, her friends in tow.

As they piled into the car, Applejack started the engine and began the journey towards the city. Along the way, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was amiss, but she pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the task at hand: getting her sister and her friends safely home. And as they drove off into the night, the glow of the city lights guiding their way, Applejack couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that her sister was safe, despite the unexpected turn of events.

As daylight gently illuminated the horizon, Pathfinder stirred from his slumber within the cozy confines of the treehouse. Blinking his digital screen turned on, he surveyed his surroundings and realized he was still nestled within the comforting embrace of the wooden structure.

"Oh, good. I've had a good 8-hour sleep mode," Pathfinder remarked to himself, a contented tone in his voice as he stretched his mechanical limbs.

With a sense of rejuvenation, Pathfinder emerged from the treehouse, greeted by the warm embrace of the morning sun. As he stepped onto the soft earth of the farm, a feeling of curiosity overtook him, and he began to explore his surroundings with childlike wonder.

Happily wandering amidst the fields and barns, Pathfinder took in the sights and sounds of the farm, marveling at the simplicity and beauty of it all. From the chirping of birds to the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze, every aspect of the farm seemed to fill him with a sense of joy and wonder.

With each step, Pathfinder embraced the new day with enthusiasm, eager to uncover the mysteries and adventures that awaited him in this strange and wondrous world. And as he continued his exploration, the possibilities seemed endless, promising a day filled with excitement and discovery.

"Hey, Granny," Apple Bloom greeted as she approached the table, her appetite piqued by the sight of breakfast waiting for her. Taking a seat, she began to eat her meal while Granny Smith hummed happily as she cleaned some dishes nearby.

But Granny Smith's humming abruptly ceased as she glanced out the window, her gaze fixating on something outside. "Hey... what is that thing out there by the farm?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Apple Bloom paused mid-bite, following Granny Smith's gaze out the window. Realizing what her grandmother was referring to, she quickly set down her fork. "I'll go see what it is... Be right back!" she exclaimed before bolting out the door, leaving Granny Smith momentarily surprised before she shrugged and made her way to the living room, content to wait for Apple Bloom's return.

"Path! Path!" Apple Bloom called out, catching Pathfinder's attention. With a wave and a happy face on his screen, Pathfinder greeted her warmly. "Hello, Apple Bloom—"

But before he could finish his sentence, Apple Bloom began to gently push him, her urgency evident in her actions. "Y'all can't be out here... You must go back inside the treehouse," she insisted, her tone firm as she attempted to maneuver Pathfinder away from prying eyes.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Pathfinder complied, allowing Apple Bloom to guide him back towards the safety of the treehouse. As they reached the shelter of the wooden structure, Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they had avoided any unwanted attention. And as she watched Pathfinder settle back into the treehouse, she couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness over her newfound friend, determined to keep him safe from harm's way.

"It's okay, I understand," Pathfinder reassured Apple Bloom as he made his way back to the treehouse. "I just wanted to get some fresh air. It's an interesting world out there, so much different from mine," he mused, his digital eyes reflecting a sense of wonder.

As Apple Bloom processed his words, a realization dawned on her. "Wait, are... are ya from a different world?" she asked, her voice filled with awe and curiosity.

Pathfinder responded with a cheerful thumbs up and a nod, confirming her suspicions. "Wow... Look, I have to go to school soon, but I'll ask more about this later... BUT stay out of sight until I'm back, okay?" Apple Bloom instructed, her concern evident in her tone.

Once again, Pathfinder nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of remaining hidden. With a smile, Apple Bloom closed the curtain of the treehouse and made her way back to the main house, her mind buzzing with questions and excitement about the mysterious visitor she had encountered. And as she prepared to face the day ahead, she couldn't shake the feeling that her world was about to become a whole lot bigger.

As Pathfinder gazed around the peaceful surroundings of the treehouse, his thoughts turned to his companions and the adventures they might be embarking on without him. His digital eyes followed the flight of a crow perched nearby, a silent observer of the world around them.

"I wonder what the others are doing?" Pathfinder mused aloud, a sense of longing evident in his voice. Despite the tranquility of the moment, he couldn't shake the feeling of being apart from his friends and the camaraderie they shared.

As he pondered the possibilities, Pathfinder couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of reuniting with his pals and continuing their journey together. With newfound determination, he resolved to wait patiently for Apple Bloom's return, knowing that their paths would cross once again, and their adventures would continue.

As Bloodhound returned to her room, the weight of the recent loss hung heavy in the air. The other legends stood in solemn silence, each processing their own thoughts and emotions in the wake of their fallen comrade.

Mirage, unable to bear the weight of the moment any longer, rose from his seat and moved to the counter, his movements heavy with resignation. With a sigh, he retrieved a beer from his ice chest and took a long sip, the cool liquid offering a brief respite from the somber atmosphere.

Leaning against the counter, Mirage allowed himself a moment of reflection, his mind drifting to memories of the fallen legend. Despite their lighthearted demeanor and occasional antics, they had been a beloved member of their team, their absence leaving a noticeable void among their ranks.

As Mirage contemplated the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of their existence, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow mingled with gratitude for the time they had shared together. And as he stood in quiet contemplation, he found solace in the simple act of raising a toast to their fallen friend, honoring their memory in the only way he knew how. As Mirage's words hung in the air, the other legends listened intently, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity at this revelation about Pathfinder.

"Well, not love love, like a close feeling to someone," Mirage clarified, sensing the need for clarification. He continued, recounting a conversation he had with Pathfinder about happiness.

"After she left, he was still happy... I asked him, 'How can you be this happy?' And he replied with, 'I have all of you still here with me,'" Mirage explained, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness as he looked down at the floor.

The weight of Pathfinder's words resonated with each of them, reminding them of the strength of their bond and the importance of their camaraderie. Despite the challenges they faced and the losses they endured, they found solace in each other's presence, a source of comfort and support in times of need.

As they reflected on Pathfinder's unwavering optimism and resilience, a renewed sense of unity washed over the group. Together, they would honor their fallen friend's memory and continue to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had each other to lean on in both good times and bad.
As Octane approached with a chuckle, he added his thoughts to the conversation. "You know, he is one fearless bot I have ever seen," he remarked, his admiration evident in his tone.

Wrath nodded in agreement, her voice tinged with a hint of sentimentality. "I guess we all can say he is a friend," she said, the sentiment echoed by the others, though Revenant and Caustic remained stoically silent.

Just then, Ash entered the room with her hood down, carrying a load of computers. Mirage's gaze shifted to her, noticing the clips of Pathfinder's last moments playing on one screen, juxtaposed with what appeared to be math problems on another.

The room fell into a somber silence as the legends took in the juxtaposition of the two screens, each lost in their own thoughts. Despite the heaviness of the moment, there was a sense of unity among them, a shared acknowledgment of Pathfinder's bravery and the impact he had made on their lives.

“Hey Ash… What are you doing?” Mirage question hung in the air as Ash paused in her task, turning to face him with a solemn expression. "To answer your question, Mirage, I have been calculating Pathfinder's disappearance," she explained, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

Before Mirage could respond, he found himself interrupted by the sudden appearance of a sword, its sharp edge dangerously close to his neck. Gasping in surprise, Mirage froze as Ash's voice cut through the tension. "Don't say that... he is not gone," she asserted firmly, her eyes flashing with determination.

The room fell silent as Caustic spoke up, questioning Ash's methods. "How can you calculate that?" he inquired, his skepticism evident in his voice.

Ash's response came in the form of two unexpected arrivals: Horizon and Watson. As they entered the room, the others gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the evidence they had brought with them.

With the proof laid out before them, the legends began to realize that perhaps there was more to Pathfinder's disappearance than they had initially thought. And as they gathered around to examine the data, a newfound sense of hope began to blossom within them, fueled by the possibility that their friend may still be out there, waiting to be found.

As the realization sunk in that Pathfinder might still be out there, albeit in a different form or location, the atmosphere in the room shifted from one of mourning to one of determination.

"Well, I'll be," Newcastle remarked, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and hope.

"He is not dead," Bangalore affirmed, her hand resting confidently on her hip as she processed the newfound information.

"But how can we find him?" Vantage questioned, his brow furrowed in thought.

"We need to find a spot to make a special rift," Ash declared, her tone resolute as she laid out the plan. Her words sparked a flurry of discussion among the legends as they began to brainstorm potential locations and strategies for creating the rift.

As the discussion unfolded, Wrath's keen observation drew attention to the time vortex, prompting Ash to elaborate on the plan for creating the rift.

"The plan is simple," Ash began, her voice steady as she outlined the strategy. "With Horizon throwing her black hole in the front, combined with Wrath's rift, we can create some kind of portal to where Pathfinder is located."

She paused, emphasizing the importance of caution. "But this rift can be dangerous, so we need to play it carefully. That's where Watson comes in. She can place her fence to try and contain it if it starts to expand."

The other legends nodded in understanding, recognizing the potential risks involved in their endeavor. But despite the challenges ahead, they remained determined to bring their friend back home, no matter the cost.

With the plan in place, they set out to gather the necessary equipment and prepare for their mission, their resolve unwavering as they faced the unknown together. And as they ventured forth into the unknown, they knew that their unity would be their greatest strength in the face of adversity.

As Crypto voiced his concern about how to close the rift, Ash responded with a simple yet decisive solution. "Simple... a bomb," she stated matter-of-factly.

The other legends exchanged looks, a mixture of determination and apprehension in their eyes as they processed the gravity of their mission. But despite the risks involved, they knew that they had to act swiftly to save their friend.

With a sense of urgency, the legends began to gather their belongings, preparing for the adventure that lay ahead. As they readied themselves for the journey, Mirage voiced the question that lingered in everyone's minds.

"Hey, uh... where are we going to?" he asked, uncertainty coloring his words.

As Ash revealed their destination to be Harmony, the legends paused, taking in the gravity of their mission. Despite the reassurance of fake codes to gain access, a somber silence fell over the group as they contemplated the risks ahead.

With a determined nod from Ash, the legends accepted the plan and prepared to depart. As they filed out of the room, Mirage lingered for a moment, his thoughts turning to Pathfinder.

"Don't worry, Path... we're coming," Mirage whispered softly, his voice filled with determination and resolve. With a final glance back at the closed door, he turned to join the others, his heart set on the mission ahead.

Together, the legends embarked on their journey to Harmony, their hearts heavy with the weight of their friend's absence but buoyed by the hope of his return. And as they set out into the unknown, they knew that their bond would guide them through whatever challenges lay ahead.