• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 631 Views, 23 Comments

The Darkness Shall Rise Again - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

King Sombra has been defeated for good. Or that's what she thought.

  • ...

Starting To Lose Hope

The Darkness Shall Rise Again

Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Chapter Three

Starting To Lose Hope...

Fluttershy's POV:

Weeks passed, and I slowly began to lose all hope of ever being rescued.

My dreams were only nightmares, and my only companion was Angel. I saw not a single soul but King Sombra, who taunted me…

I never was a pony who liked socialising, but now I longed to talk to someone, anyone…

I petted Angel and ignored the tears that fell down my cheeks. There was no use in wiping them away. Once they started, they would continue until they stopped…

I heard footsteps and sat straighter, covering my face with my mane. It would be the Crystal King, and I did not want to let him have the pleasure of seeing me in such a miserable state.

He sneered as he entered the cell, and I held Angel Bunny closer to my chest protectively.

"See? No one is coming for you," he drawled, and I tried to ignore him. "Weak...pathetic...useless… No wonder why even now, my Guards haven't encountered a single rescue team."

" Why…? " I asked quietly. So quietly, in fact, that I wasn't even sure if I had actually said it. But his head turned and I knew he heard me.

"Why what?" he snapped .

"Why don't you just kill me already? Like you said, I'm weak and useless. So why are you keeping me alive?"

He chuckled. "A cloak of misery shrouds your frail body. Your despair fills the air. And it empowers me…"

Another shudder ran down my spine upon hearing his words, and I repressed the tears that threatened to fall.

I failed.

A hiccup-like sound escaped my throat, and before I knew it, the tears were falling freely, streaming down my cheeks.

I would be alone here forever, seeing no one but him, and no one would rescue me…

I flinched as he drew closer to me, placing a hoof under my chin and drawing my face up so our eyes made contact.

He drew his other hoof up to my face, and surprisingly began to wipe my tears away.

I trembled as he continued doing this, and suddenly the warmth was gone as he stepped back.

His eyes flitted across the room, looking everywhere but me. "I shall take my leave...Behave now, hm?"

With that, the cell was free of his menacing presence, and I flung myself onto the hard bed, unable to think of anything other than the strange moment that had taken place between us.

King Sombra's P.O.V:

Once I left the dungeons, I headed out to my Castle's gardens to get some fresh air and clear my head.

What had just happened…?

I, King Sombra, a pony who delights in the fear of those around him...had just comforted my prisoner.

I wanted nothing more than to break her into pieces and use her against her friends, and now, when she was so close to breaking, so close that she even asked me why I hadn't killed her yet, I wiped her damn tears away.

A memory of the last time I had done that to someone appeared in my mind.


Beneath all the hatred, I still missed her. She might have ruined my plans, but what we had before that was something that would forever remain present in my mind.

She did it with good intentions...Her natural kindness had made her do it…

And this mare I held captive only reminded me of her. The same kindness… They even had the same scent…

I shook my head. The past was the past and would remain buried.

Fluttershy was almost broken… Perhaps I should begin the second part of my plan now…

I was now in the dungeons, in that very same cell where that incident had taken place.

Fluttershy was quivering as I drew closer to her, and I forced myself to focus on the scent of her fear rather than her physical one.

She clenched her eyes shut and hugged her bunny to her chest, and I only smirked.

"Come with me," I commanded, and she whimpered. "I haven't got all day, so hurry up and walk. Unless you want me to rip that bunny of yours into tiny pieces?"

The threat was enough to make her start walking.

I would have merely teleported us to the room I had prepared for her, but I had placed a spell over the Castle that blocked teleportation and flying.

Throughout the whole journey, she remained quiet other than a few whimpers.

Soon enough, we reached the room. "You will stay here from now on," I said, making her look up in surprise. "It is your room now. You may take a shower whenever you wish, and must come down only when I send a maid to get you. You are not allowed out of the castle or this room without my permission. And yes, the bunny can stay here."

I turn to leave, and she says, "Thank you, King Sombra."

My lips curve upward in a smile. "You're welcome...Fluttershy."

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

After King Sombra leaves, I decide to have a shower as I can't remember the last time I had one. It must've been before he captured me.

I sigh in relief as the hot water hits my body, and after rinsing myself completely, I turn it off and begin lathering my mane in shampoo.

A smile graces my face as I realise it's the scented one that I usually use, and I wash Angel as well. Surprisingly, he doesn't protest much- perhaps he can tell that he needs a bath?

I take my time in the shower, relaxing for the first time in weeks, and only get out once I feel completely satisfied.

As I dry myself off with a towel, I can't help but wonder why King Sombra suddenly decided to let me out of the dungeon and treat me nicely.

After putting the towels in a laundry basket, I recline upon the bed, and Angel curls up against me as we both enjoy the soft bed in contrast to the rock hard one we were given in the dungeon.

Knock, knock

I startle at the sound of knocking, and immediately become confused after seeing my surroundings. This wasn't the dungeon…

And then it all comes back to me. King Sombra had a change of heart and gave me this room, along with certain rules I had to follow.

The pony at the door knocks again, reminding me that I needed to open it. Could that be a maid that he sent?

Upon opening the door, I see that my suspicions were correct - it's a maid.

"His Majesty desires Miss Fluttershy to come to dinner," she says, and I nod.

" Thank you for telling me. "

"I shall be waiting here while you get yourself ready," she says, and I nod again.

I brush my mane and after washing and drying my face, scoop Angel up and follow the maid downstairs.

As I walk down the stairs, I ponder upon what caused the King's sudden change of heart.

Author's Note:

Finally, an update. I'll do my best to do another one before the end of the year, but no promises.

To be honest, real life kept me busy, as well as some of my other stories, and there's also the fact that I didn't have much motivation for this story.

But I couldn't just let it die, so yeah...

I hope this isn't too fast, but I wasn't sure how many more chapters of Fluttershy being hurt in the dungeon I could do.

Next chapter: Fluttershy and Sombra have dinner together. How will that go...?

Don't forget to vote/like, share, favourite, follow and comment, both on the chapter, and ideas for how it'll go!

Comments ( 11 )

Nicely done! Makes me wondering about something

Thanks! I'm interested to hear what it made you wonder about.

How this sombra would react to hanzal

Probably a little harsh at first, but he'd become softer over time.

Yeah, Sombra wouldn't want anyone to think of him as a kind hearted pony (maybe he could've had some bad experiences as a colt from being kind, like if someone is kind, people start using them...) , but after a while, he'd realize Hanzal isn't a threat or the type of pony to use someone, so he'd be kind.

well. i just thought due to how Hanzal suffered, it could remind him how he was bullied as colt, having a mutual understanding how hanzal feels

Unless he reads Hanzal's mind, he wouldn't know that at first. After all, no one would just tell someone about their whole past and stuff... And he probably would try to do so, but Hanzal 's reaction would stop him?

proably, like Hanzal stating sombering it won matter/no pony will before fpr him, catchong sombra by surprise, similar to our old work

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