• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 632 Views, 23 Comments

The Darkness Shall Rise Again - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

King Sombra has been defeated for good. Or that's what she thought.

  • ...

Miss me?

The Darkness Shall Rise Again

Chapter One

Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

Tonight there was a storm, so I was sitting in my living room drinking a mug of hot cocoa, while Angel bunny sat on my lap.

The reason that I was awake was because on nights like this, I had nightmares. Well, I had nightmares every night, but when there were storms, my nightmares were much worse.

All of them were about King Sombra. A few months have passed since he was defeated at the Crystal Empire, but even if I know that he's defeated, I still fear him.

From the second that I first saw him I knew that he would haunt my every dream. My nightmares are about him ponynapping me, and then forcing me to be his...pet.

Sometimes it feels so real that I wake up, covered in tears and sweat. I keep telling myself that he's gone for good; there's no way that he could hurt me.

Angel told me that I should go and talk to my friends about my nightmares, but I don't want to make them worried.

When I told Angel this, he said that he understands, and offered to sleep with me if it helps. And it has been helping me a lot.

I absentmindedly pet Angel while stirring my cocoa, until a knock at the door startles me. Who would be coming here at such a late time and in a storm?

Nevertheless, I still take Angel off my lap and go answer the door. I opened it, and saw a cloaked figure.

Lightning raced across the sky as he took off his hood, and I gasped in horror. There was no mistaking who it was. A red, curved horn, silver crown, fangs, and those blood red eyes. He was none other than King Sombra!

"Hello Fluttershy. Missed me?" he asked; just like how he does in my dreams. I was too shocked to answer him. What was he doing here? I thought that he was gone for good when he was defeated by the Crystal heart.

He chuckled deeply as I stood there frozen, looking down menacingly at me with a wicked grin. His fangs glistened in the moonlight as if they were ready to sink into my flesh.

His sclera had a sinister green glow, and trails of purple smoke seeped out through the corners of his eyes. And his irises had a menancing red glow that made me feel as if I were staring into the pits of Tartarus itself.

I somehow managed to force out, "K-king Sombra? W-what are y-you doing here?"

"I've come to pay you a visit, Fluttershy," he answered. How he knew my name was beyond me. He stepped in before I could stop him. This was scaring me; I was terrified.

This felt so much like my dreams. I pinched myself, and the pain told me that I wasn't dreaming. I gulped as he walked towards me. "Why so much fear Fluttershy?"

He smirked, and as he came close enough to touch me, I became a whimpering mess on the floor.

"P-please don't hurt me." I begged him. "P-please don't hurt me."

"I would never dream of hurting you." I knew that he was lying. "But if I have to," he drew his face closer and looked at me with a stare that spoke of death, and whispered, "Then I will. Come with me without struggling, and I won't hurt a single piece of mane on your head. But if you do struggle, then let's just say it won't be pleasant."

I started struggling as he lifted me up. He put me down and asked, "Choosing pain, are we? I did give you a warning. Here's a secret. It's going to hurt a lot."

He laughed at his own joke, and I curled up into a ball and cried, knowing that he would take me with him, and that I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him.

It was my fate. I felt myself being encompassed by magic, and then thrown on the floor. The last thing I saw before everything went black was the evil King's smirk.

King Sombra's P.O.V:

After the mare fell into unconsciousness, I was about to leave with her when I saw a bunny on the table.

She loved that bunny, as she spent more time with it than anything else. I would be able to threaten her using it, so I put it in a small bit-bag and tied the top of the bag. Then I tied Fluttershy's hooves to each other with a rope and pulled her out of the cottage.

A trail of blood was left on the floor, with one of her feathers. But that didn't matter. I had to get out of here as quick as possible.

Then I changed into my disguise and again using telekinis to support myself, took them to the Empire.

Once I reached my castle, I put the mare into a cell. I chained her and then left.

Rarity's P.O.V:

It was a lovely morning. The sun was shining, and not a cloud remained in the sky. It was a wonderful day to go to the spa. Today I was taking Fluttershy with me, as the poor dear needed a break from taking care of her animals.

I reached her cottage, and knocked on her front door. When nopony opened the door, I asked, "Fluttershy? Are you home?" There was no response or any noise coming from inside of her cottage. That was odd. She normally would be here at this time of day. It was not like Fluttershy to sleep in.

I normally didn't go into somepony's home without them letting me in, but today was our spa day.

I opened the front door and walked into Fluttershy's cottage and saw that she wasn't there. I walked around, looking for a note or something that told me where she was, when I saw a small puddle of blood on the floor which had one of Fluttershy's feathers in it.

I made sure that I didn't touch it, and then walked upstairs to Fluttershy's bedroom. "Fluttershy? Where are you?" I asked, but got no answer.

I hoped that nothing bad had happened last night. I looked all over the cottage, but Fluttershy was nowhere.

I decided to tell Twilight about the blood, and ran as fast as I could to the Golden Oaks library. I bursted through the front door and yelled, "Twilight!"

"Rarity?" she asked, "What happened?"

"Twilight, you've got to help me! When I went to Fluttershy's cottage, she wasn't there!" I told her.

"Rarity, she could be in the Everfree forest." said Twilight. "Or a hundred other places."

"But Twilight! I saw a puddle of blood on the floor, and it had one of Fluttershy's feathers in it," I said.

"Blood? Did you see anything else?" she asked.

"After seeing the blood, I panicked and came here," I replied.

"Let's go to Fluttershy’s cottage and look for more clues," suggested Twilight. "And get the blood tested."

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

When I opened my eyes, I didn't know where I was. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning. Once my vision started to focus, I tried to get a hold of my bearings. Sitting up, I saw that my hooves had heavy, metal chains on them. I noticed that the wall was made out of dark purple crystals.

There was a door on one of the walls that appeared to be made out of the same material. There were torches hanging above the door that provided light inside of the cell. The chains that held me were attached to the wall opposite of the door, preventing me from being able to get within a few feet from the door. And my head hurt, as if I had hit it hard.

Then I remembered what had happened last night. Sombra had came to my cottage and had ponynapped me. That means I was now in one of his dungeons. But that meant would mean he might must have taken over the empire again. Why did he take me? The door opened, stopping my train of thoughts.

He stood there. He walked through the door and stood before me, staring with that same smirk he loves to use.

"Fluttershy, you're finally awake." Sombra said, "Your head must be hurting now, but that's because you didn't come with me willingly. And yes, I did take my empire back. You're in a cell right now."

He answered my unspoken question. I stayed quiet. How long would it take for the others to realize that I’m missing? As if he had read my mind, Sombra said, "And don't worry about your friends. They'll never come to rescue you. Ever."

He was about to leave when I asked, "Why did you ponynap me?"

He turned around and looked me in the eyes and told me, "Because you're weak. I watched you for a whole day and learnt that you were the weakest one out of all the Element Bearers." His last words before leaving me alone were, "Sweet dreams, Fluttershy. Or should I say bad dreams?"

His laughter rang in my ears. After he left I tried to break the chains on my hooves, but it was all in vain. Looks like I'll be stuck here for a while, unless somepony comes and saves me. I shut my eyes and cried myself to sleep.

King Sombra's P.O.V:

I knew that her dreams would be far from sweet. She would get nightmares, and without the princess of the night to help her, she'd be unable to do a thing.

I wasn't a fool, and knew that it wouldn't be that long until they decided to check for any spells last used around the cottage, or send Luna looking into dreams. I had used a spell to wipe all traces of my ever being there, or using magic to take the mare away. The only thing that showed that something had happened was the blood that was left on the floor, and one of the pegasus's feathers.

I left it there because if I went near a pony's blood, then I would drain them completely. I didn't have my fangs for nothing. They were for killing ponies with. Nopony would ever be able to rescue her. After all, they had thought that I was gone for good.

Nopony ever thought that I would come back and take over my empire again, did they?

And that purple mare thought that her silly princess of love was still on the throne. Ponies were so easy to fool. Just too easy.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! I'm back with a new chapter! I know, it's been a long time, and I should've given a much longer chapter.

But something is better than nothing, right?

I'm sorry it took so long to update- the last time this was updated was in bucking 2021!

Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long.

I've decided that I don't need an editor, so it should come out soon.

PS: This chapter was made with the help of Myrkur.

I hope you enjoyed this, and don't forget to vote/like and comment!