• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 631 Views, 23 Comments

The Darkness Shall Rise Again - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

King Sombra has been defeated for good. Or that's what she thought.

  • ...

You will show me respect.

The Darkness Shall Rise Again

Chapter Two

Written By KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

"Oh Fluttershy. Do you actually think that your friends will come and rescue you?" he asked, forcing me to look into his red eyes. "You were just a burden to them. They always had to protect you from other ponies. Now that you're gone, they're happy."

"T-that's not true! My friends will come to rescue me! I know it, they will!" I told him.

"Oh really?" he asked. "Then why haven't they rescued you already?"

"They must be thinking of how to," I said.

"Or maybe they just forgot about you. The only thing that you're good for is keeping beds warm," he laughed.

I felt tears starting to gather in my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I had to be strong. I couldn't break down in front of him. I couldn't be weak. My friends were coming, and I knew it. They were coming.

I woke up, not wanting to hear his laughter any longer. It's been a week since I was brought here. And just Just then, he came in. The pony that I hated the most. King Sombra.

"Had a nice dream?" he asked, acting as if he cared. I didn't answer him. There was no need to. "You must cooperate if you want me to give you anything."

"I don't need anything, and I don't want anything from you," I told him.

"Really?" he asked. "Surely you must be hungry."

He levitated a blueberry pie in front of my face and began eating it.

He was pure evil. The last time that I ate anything was three days ago. And it didn't help that as soon as I ate it, I vomited it out. Sombra thought that if he ate things in front of me, knowing that I was hungry, I would submit to him. That I would accept the fact that I was going to be here forever. And and that my friends would never come to rescue me.

But I would show him that nothing that he did would make me lose hope. He wanted me to be at the point where I would beg him to give me food. I was weak, but not that weak. I could will be strong.

But my stomach betrayed me. It and made me too hungry to think properly. Sombra noticed this, and used my weakness against me. He conjured a few cucumber sandwiches and waved them in front of me.

My body moved by itself, wanting to take a sandwich. But the second my hoof touched the plate, he moved the sandwiches away.

"If you want me to give you something to eat, then you must answer my questions," he told me. I nodded, too hungry to care that I was doing what he wanted me to.

"Good," he smiled. He sat next to me and asked his first question. "What element of harmony are you?"

"I'm the element of kindness," I answered. He gave me a glass of water, which I quickly drank.

"What are the names of all the elements and element bearers?" he asked.

"The six elements of harmony are: the element of magic which is beared by Twilight Sparkle, the element of loyalty which is beared by Rainbow Dash, the element of generosity which is beared by Rarity, the element of honesty which is beared by Applejack, the element of laughter which is beared by Pinkie Pie, and the element of kindness which is my element," I answered, and he gave me a sandwich.

And it went on like that. He would ask a question, I would answer, and then I would get a sandwich or a glass of water.

When he was finally done, he said, "Since you were good today, I'll let you sleep with this." He threw Angel at me, and I hugged the cute bunny. I had never been happier to see him.

Before he left, Sombra said, "Sweet dreams, Fluttershy."

And then he closed the door, leaving me to sleep with Angel in the dark cell with a full belly for the first time in a week.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V:

I flew to the Golden Oaks library, wondering why Twilight had asked me to go there.

When she let me in, she had a worried expression on her face. And Rarity was there too.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh Rainbow, the most terrible thing ever has happened!" exclaimed Rarity. "It's about...Fluttershy."

My ears perked up at the sound of her name, and I quickly asked, "What happened to her?"

Both seemed a little reluctant to tell me. After looking at each other, Twilight finally spoke up. "She's missing. Somepony ponynapped Fluttershy."

I wasn't sure if I had heard right. "Come again?" I asked.

Rarity said, "Rainbow Dash, I know it's hard for you to take this in, as Fluttershy is the closest to you out of us six, but she was ponynapped last night. This morning when I went to her cottage to tell her to come for our spa day, she wasn't there. And when I walked in, (even though I don't like to enter ponies homes without permission) she was nowhere to be seen. There was a puddle of her blood on the floor. And trust us, we're not joking."

"We don't know who took her, or where. All we know is that she had cocoa and was taken," said Twilight.

Everything crashed down around me. Or it felt like that. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't. This must be a bad dream.

But it was real. "Can't you do some sort of spell to find out where she's gone?" I asked, hoping that Twilight was able to do such a thing.

However, she hung her head down. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. But we tried. The pony who took Fluttershy removed all the evidence that showed that he or she was ever there," she answered, crushing my last hope.

I flew off. "I'm going to look for Fluttershy. And I don't care how long it takes."

I must find her. I must. Who knows where she is now, or what's happening to her? Or if she's still alive. Don't worry Flutters, I'll come and save you, wherever you are. Come day, come night. Come storm, come calm. I will not give up, I swear. I'll find you, Flutters, and give the pony who dared to ponynap you a good couple of punches on the face.

Fluttershy's P.O.V:

"Fluttershy," I heard him say my name, but I didn't move. "Fluttershy," he said my name a second time, but still I ignored him. "If you ignore me, then I'll punish you," he told me.

I didn't care. He pulled me, and forced me to look at him. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see his ones which were red as blood.

His eyes probably were red with blood. He forced me to open my eyes by slapping my face, hard.

I put a hoof to my face in pain. "You will do what I tell you to, mare," he growled, causing me to shake in fear. "Because if you don't, you'll face the consequences."

My eyes shot open, and I was relieved to see that he wasn't here. And that Angel bunny was in my hooves.

I drank some water from the bowl that he left me. And then I decided to get some more sleep, as my cell was completely dark.

But I was scared to sleep. And the sound of thunder didn't help at all.

He came at the same time that he did everyday. "Had good dreams?" he asked. And I didn't reply, just like how I did everyday. And then he said, "When I ask you something, you will answer, understand?"

His harsh tone caused me to flinch. "Y-yes," I replied.

"Good," he said. "Now let's try that again. Had good dreams?"

"Yes," I lied.

But he slapped me and shouted, "You will not dare to lie to me!"

I shook and put a hoof to my cheek in pain. "F-fine. I didn't have g-good dreams."

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked.

"N-no," I replied.

He said in a softer tone, "Listen Fluttershy. If you want me to be good to you, then you have to be good. Or I'll have to hurt you, and I don't like hurting ponies. I hate having blood on my hooves."

I snorted. "You've hurt and killed millions of ponies. You love killing ponies."

He glared at me, daring me to say that again. Being as brave as I could, I continued, "But it's true, Sombra."

"You will call me King Sombra!" he shouted. "And you will show me respect." He continued in a softer tone, "Or I'll kill this little bunny and make you eat him." He put a knife near Angel's neck to show that he wasn't joking.

I shuddered. "I-I'll show you respect, K-king S-sombra."

"Good." He put Angel down as he said that. He threw a carrot at me and said, "Give that to your bunny."

I thought that he was being kind until he finished, "Because if I have to make you eat the bunny, it has to be more than a pile of bones."

He laughed and said, "Sweet dreams, Fluttershy."

I didn't move even when he slammed the door shut behind him. I just hugged Angel as tight as I could.

As I drifted off, the last thing I thought was, please, somepony save me.

Author's Note:

This is one of the few chapters I wrote with Myrkurs help.

It's gonna be hard without them...

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