• Member Since 25th Jun, 2018
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Non Uberis

These words were not written for you, but if they speak to you, they're yours to bear. (Patreon/Ko-Fi)

Comments ( 44 )

Well, they certainly seem happier like this at least.

While this is very much a fetish story, I would advise against going into this with the assumptions that you might have of such content. Fetish and sex are used as a means to contribute to the horror of the situation as these characters lose control of themselves. Becoming a bimbo monster is not presented as a good thing.

I was (and still am) genuinely suprised it ever is or can be presented that way, and that it somehow became mainstream. Instead, this would be much more realistic and believeable.

It's all about the context. There would be less panic in settings where this sort of thing is more commonplace, or if the problem wasn't effectively a plague rapidly consuming a town.

I am particularly invested in themes of identity and the fragility thereof, I wanted to explore what it would be like to lose oneself in hedonism, both the positive and the negative aspects. Sometimes it's only through hardship that we can learn about ourselves.

Though I'm hardly sure anything about this story could be called "mainstream." Even the base concept of "bimbo" that I prefer differs considerably from that which most people are used to.

Would you rather be numb and content?

Or would you rather feel, with all the pain that comes with that?

Personally? Numb and content works just fine.

Just letting you know, there's a whole section that's been italicized.

I think the idea behind it being "good" is that it's not changing who you are but rather taking away your inhibitions. Essentially, the mask is off and you are free to be your true self. At least that's my interpretation.

I’m lost on twilight. What’s her new physical form?

Bottom-heavy fat, four arms, hyper vulva, ubiquitous hyper lips.

It doesn't get spelled out right away the same way that others are because Twilight doesn't have any reason to remark upon herself, she doesn't perceive that there's anything out of the ordinary about the way she is.

There's still a full summary further down though.

Essentially yes. It is a removal of inhibitions. It is a removal of complications. It feels good in the heat of the moment, and some may even find that they prefer being that way.

But this story aims to draw into focus the perspective of the outsider looking in, of someone watching helplessly as the people around them turn into perverted parodies of themselves and wondering in terror if and when that will happen to them, and then inevitably the descent that results from that.

Congratulations, this is one of the few stories that made me all teary eyed. This a phenomenal story and can't wait to see how it ends.

Got to ask who is the second head with Zecora?


That really means a lot to hear, you have no idea. I hope that the end result will be satisfying for everyone.

The second head is no one, it's just a second head, based more on the long hair look Zecora had during the Nightmare Night episode. I didn't plan on doing more with Zecora because fuck coming up with rhymes but she was one of the more definite transformation ideas I had--it's an effort to fill the void that she feels from being the only zebra in Ponyville, having given up her connections to her homeland.

It's not like the merged pony seen at the end of Chapter 4 which was intended to be a fusion of the flower pony trio (Daisy/Flower Wishes, Rose/Roseluck, and Lily Valley).

Ah epic. Lovecraftian horror. Man made horrors beyond our comprehension epic

It seems like the phrase, 'All good things come to an end' has taken hold. Shame we didn't see what happened to Twilight's physical body after the singularity got to her, but at least things turned out all right in the end.

I perhaps could have included more about what happened to Twilight, but beyond the circumstances not making it very feasible to include a description like that, I believe it's more effective to leave it up to the viewer's imagination. It serves more to provide some idea of what was happening internally for the other characters when they were going through their transformations. When you're numbed by arousal, it ceases to matter exactly what the changes are, it's all just a tide of swelling and mutating, burying all other conscious thought.

overall an excellent story but I won't deny I am pretty disappointed that things are returning back to normal for the most part, even if it's not quite a full "return to status quo" situation so far, but I'll reserve final judgement for when the story is fully finished

Well, I'd like to believe that the conclusion puts all the characters at a point where they've learned from their experiences, but if you're hoping for something along the lines of keeping their corrupted forms you may be disappointed. The corruption is effectively a physical representation of someone's pain and regrets, it somewhat defeats the purpose if they were to remain that way. Some of them may find that they enjoy certain aspects of their corruption, but it's a full package, removing its influence means stripping away everything. The corruption is, by its very nature, volatile and virulent, it requires control to prevent it from imposing mental alterations.

Perhaps someone would endeavor to eventually learn how to control it. 🤔

What just happened?!

Sometimes you can't resist the siren call of m̶̯̬̭͓̹͓̝͑ͅȏ̸̢̡̱̗̹̓̑̿̑̍͌̿̒̐̉̅͝͝r̸̢̢̛̭̰̲̥͕̠͔̪͊͆̊̆̏́̅͌̍̈̒͜͝͠͝ͅͅe̵̟͎̘̠̳̩̫̮̺̙̼̠̜͈͌̆͜.

Will you do a sequel say one where it doesn't end in such a dark manner, but still gets out of hand?

Love to see some ponies get merged again.

It's not exactly what I would call a dark ending. It's supposed to be more of a comedic "Here we go again!" note after the serious sappy stuff before it.

...................Sorry dude but didn't seem like that to me.
Seem like it was a Dark ending.

It was a great horror story. It was like reading a train wreck. I didn’t want to look but I couldn’t stop reading.

(face palm) Twilight, Sweetie, Darling, if you intend to experiment with this crap then may I recommend informing Non, aka the Multiverse's foremost expert on the subject, so that a team of his companions, if not the man himself can oversee the experiment in case things get out hand?! For a genius she can be so dense at times.

I think the best part about that epilogue is that it can be either just an incident (as in No shows up in a few minutes to fix things and yell at Twilight)
an actual problem (as in we reread the whole thing but with another character) or it can even be a different world than the one we followed.

Would be quite funny if it was a universal Fixed Point that Twilight fucks up helping Barb, and it's the thirtieth Twilight who does this to Non.

Oh boy the implications of multiverses.

I've been of the mindset that this is just one particular universe which was affected by Non essence.

There's probably some other universe which starts out exactly the same but Twilight and Spike get to have their talk in the morning like they were supposed to and then the rest of the events of season 9 play out as normal.

Of course, that also invites the question of how many parallel universe Nons there are out there having to assist with the quarantining efforts. Or how many Nons might not be helping, for varying reasons.

But the real question you should be asking is:

How many botched tests did Twilight go through before this?

Over all it was a great story.
I'm am sad AppleJack didn't get to have any kids, it sad but i get it.
Sad for Granny Smith she really enjoyed being young and strong, and understand why she feels so bitter.
Surprised on Vinyl's reactions and sad it hurt Octi so bad, also love the bit on Derpy and Mayor Mare.

Again got to ask will there be a small sequel?

There's a blog post talking about that and other things.

There could be sequels.

Will there be sequels? I make no promises.

Very nice story! 1/3 porn the rest plot, a good mix.

though I feel the concept of the body horror wasn't really applicable to this story?
Though, of course, I'm someone who adores these kind of total corruption/ weird/strange/exotic transformations so I'm probably desensitized. :P

Also kinda sad we didn't see any direct TF's besides one or two times, though I know that wasn't the focus XD

Suppose I should write my own huh?


Also kinda sad we didn't see any direct TF's besides one or two times, though I know that wasn't the focus XD

Yyyyyyeaaaaah there got to be a point around the middle of the writing process wherein I realized "Wait there's barely any transformation shown on-screen in this story." But there wasn't much that could have been done about it at that point. Sometimes there are things that you only realize when you're balls-deep in a project. It had also occurred to me that the internal conflicts of most of the main characters ended up being extremely similar to each other, revolving in some way or another around how they're perceived by others. I've come to realize the story probably would have been better if there had been more breathing room at the beginning to show a gradual decline into chaos as the ponies of Ponyville became corrupted, something which for one might have offered more potential for scenes where Twilight gets to see a transformation in progress.

I suppose that would be the point where one went back and started a second draft but then I'd be some kind of professional author.

But hey, glad you enjoyed it!

Sounds like I need to write a story full of TF's like this ;)

Will probably instantly forget though lol

what's worst to have a king and follow or be left soul searching alone.


Twilight Sparkle didn’t waste any time trying to come up with a translation. She put as much distance as she could between herself and what had once been Zecora and whatever it was that used to be Trixie. There was another deep vocalization calling after her, something about a show, but she didn’t hear all of it. All she heard were the rumbling hoofsteps pounding against the ground. She didn’t stop to turn around and see whether or not the zebra was following her. It was irrelevant; she had to get away regardless, she didn’t need distractions. Her heart ached at the thought of Apple Bloom and Octavia being left behind again.

Seems like trixie is the other head. Zecora's apothecary skill was probably employed to enhance trixie's fireworks and why the fireworks were more powerful than they normally were. They probably would have been classified as incendiary ballistic missiles after their "upgrade."

I already answered this; Zecora is not an instance of ponies merging together, as with the flower trio, she just developed a second head, effectively a split personality. Trixie is not seen in the story, only heard. I admit the phrasing might have been confusing, I perhaps didn't really need to mention Trixie during that sentence. The line "something about a show" presumably would have been something to the effect of "Aren't you going to see the show?" suggesting that Zecora was going to Trixie's performance.

“This is what you were meant to be.”

Twilight: No. It is up to each individual to decide how they will live and present themselves. If you take away one's sorrows, if you take away one's regrets, you erase the choices which develops one's philosophy and paradigm. To violate one's free will is both criminal and wicked, no matter how well the intentions motivating the criminal's actions regarding the violation of one's free will.

Gives me a greater appreciation for civic engineers who deal with problems affecting hundreds and thousands and millions of people. Though the personal encounters decrease in opposition to the increase of numbers of people that they are dealing with.

What surprises me is that Twilight doesn't immediately cast a nullification spell or a reversal spell once she regains her mental faculties in the real world. She doesn't even attempt any scientific research or investigation into the corruption spell beyond what can immediately be observed with the naked eye.

Twilight has already observed that attempts to reverse the transformation have failed, which becomes further solidified when Discord reveals that even he can't do anything about it. Being able to undo the mental effects of the transformation was lucky enough.

The story as a whole is burdened by what I would describe as a forced sense of urgency; Twilight is panicking to gather up all her friends and loved ones to make sense of the situation, and then suddenly she has to rush to deal with a new threat. If there's anything I'd change about this story on a rewrite, broadly speaking, it'd be to not have everything start so fucked, give more time for things to build. Only have two or three of the main cast transform right away, attempt to actually show more of the transformations in progress, give the characters more time to process things (like letting Twilight put more research into the corruption), and actually expand upon the baggage they have beforehand instead of dumping it all on the reader halfway through the story. Unfortunately, the Celestia/Luna ticking time bomb was already set up by Tinged, so I couldn't really easily ignore what was happening in Canterlot.

Busty boys in mlp? Don't see that everyday but I ain't complaining, although more of a recent thing

this as well as the rest of the chapters of the story in the time since then.

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