• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,817 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

  • ...


Adiyis leaned forward. “First order of business, I request that I am allowed to visit my mother in her cell.”

Celestia nodded. “Very well, you would not be able to convince your mother without being able to speak to her. But, we will have to send one guard with you every time.”

“I accept your conditions.”

“Now, onto our main point.” Luna produced a piece of paper and a pen and wrote on it. “Before anypony thinks of releasing Queen Chrysalis, we need insurance that she will not attempt another attack on our lands. Princess Adiyis, how will you ease our worries?”

“I will use my visitations to mother to try to convince her.”

Luna raised a hoof. “How do we know you or your guards won’t use your magic on guards to feed us false information?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, as we have seen before, changeling magic is powerful when used on other’s minds.”

“Very well, I will visit my mother alone.”

Scissa looked at Adiyis. “Princess-.”

Adiyis raised a hoof, silencing her. “You need not worry about me since I cannot use changeling magic.”

This news shocked All of the princesses, not because they thought she could, but because she willingly told them such a secret.

Cadance raised a hoof. “Princess Adiyis, are you sure you should tell us such a thing?”

“I am. Besides, even with this secret known, I am far from defenseless.” Adiyis adjusted herself. “Now then, after I’ve convinced mother and we sign a non-aggression pact, I have your word she will be released and returned to the changelings.”

“Yes, you-.”

“Wait!” Adiyis and others looked over at Cadance. “I don’t agree with just letting her go. Not only do I not trust her, but she did attack royalty and I believe she should serve her time before being released.”


“Princess Cadance.” All eyes were on Adiyis. “Perhaps I failed to mention, but we need our queen back. The hive cannot survive without one.”

“I understand that, Princess Adiyis, but we can not simply let Queen Chrysalis go. She attacked canterlot and me. If we let every bad guy go just like that, then Equestria would always be in danger.”


“Well, you’ll have to make an exception. If you don’t hand over my mother, then our hive may die.”

Cadance pointed at her. “And what’s stopping you from assuming the throne in her place?”

Adiyis sighed. “I am still not ready for such a responsibility. I have much learning to do, and mistakes are something I can not afford to make.” She then clasped her hooves together on the table. “And with the hive still in a dire state due to the failed mission, if I make even one mistake, its healing will only get worse.”

“Then why haven’t you asked others for help?” Cadance put a hoof on her chest. “If you had come to us, we would’ve helped you without a second thought.”

“Do you really think we had time to even consider that?!” Adiyis glared at Cadance. “Before the invasion, the hive was suffering from a love shortage. No changeling was getting enough love. If we didn’t do what we did, then eggs would start dying and we would eventually fall to ruin. We didn’t have time to sit around a table like this and talk about our problems. We needed to do something and my mother understood that perfectly!

“Besides, would anything really change if you knew our situation? During the invasion, your first thoughts weren’t to think of why we were invading, they were to get rid of us as fast as possible.”

Luna stood up. “We only retaliated because you struck first!”

“And once we were gone, you would remove us from your thoughts completely and not think of the changelings that had died from your actions.” Adiyis looked down. “So many changelings are now hurt and are on the brink because all they wanted to do was make sure the hive lives to see another day.”

Adiyis glared back at the princesses. “I heard all of you ponies like to preach friendship and harmony amongst your kind but all I see is, when it comes to other races, it’s every creature for themselves!”

Cadance stood up. “We use our magic to help any creature that needs it. We don’t abandon others!”

“Then, what about the griffons? Do you even know how they are living on top of their mountain? I do. We used to have infiltrators go there and take love from them too, but stopped when the distance to and from the hive proved to be too time-consuming. When you get the chance, take a look, and then we’ll see if you can confidently say you don’t abandon others.”

Finally, Adiyis stood up. “You ponies are living in luxury and peace right here, surrounded by poverty and starvation. You preach that you would never abandon another creature, but turn around, completely ignore the griffons, and kill changelings. My mother was not only right about you princesses but the same could be said for all of ponykind. You don’t care about any creature, but yourselves.”

Suddenly, Scissa stood up. “Princess Adiyis, perhaps it is time to return to your room and rest.”

Adiyis looked at her then took a deep breath and left the table. “Yes, that would be a good idea. Come, Scissa. Guards.” She stepped toward then looked back. “We’ll continue these negotiations at a later date.”

Once Adiyis left the room, the princess all stared at each other, but none said a word until Luna cleared her throat.


Cadance bowed her head. “I’m sorry for my outburst. I just...couldn’t accept letting Chrysalis go after what she did to me and Shining.”

Celestia sighed. “We understand that you hold a grudge against Chrysalis, but we must keep our emotions in check during negotiations. Princess Adiyis is only doing her best to ensure their hive returns to normal.”

Cadance brought her head back up. “Then, why don’t we offer our help to them in exchange?”

“I believe we are well past that.” Luna looked back at the doors and then at Cadance. “Even if we did offer such a deal, Princess Adiyis will no doubt decline. She is completely dead set on getting her mother back. She won’t take any other deal.”

“Then, we’ll just have to go with the original. We give Chrysalis back after she has signed a nonaggression pact.” Celestia turned to Cadance. “I’m sorry, Cadance, we may not have any other choice.”

“No.” Cadance left the table. “I believe there is another way. One which will satisfy both sides and will keep Chrysalis imprisoned so that she may serve her time, and I will find it.” She stepped towards the doors and left the room.

Luna sighed. “It seems negotiations will not go as smoothly as we had hoped.”

“It appears so.”

Once Adiyis was finally back in her room, she quickly moved toward the bed and laid herself down.

“That was...frustrating.” Adiyis turned herself over and stared at the ceiling. “Princess Cadance. She is a stubborn one, that’s for sure. I go out of my way to explain the dire state the hive is in, and she foolishly thinks it can be solved so easily.”

Scissa moved next to the bed. “We must remember, princess, these ponies have lived in an era of peace for a long time. They most likely haven’t had to deal with problems like ours.”

“Of course. The ponies could obviously never understand the struggles of the changelings.” Adiyis sat herself up. “With how much Princess Cadance was arguing with me, I think it’s safe to assume that she won’t just let mom go.”

“What do you suppose we do, Princess?”

Adiyis looked to Klax. “First, I need to know how the hive is doing so far. Klax!” Klax stood at attention. “Travel to the hive and gain information about its current state, then report back to me. Don’t let anything stop you. If any pony asks, tell them you are on a mission for me and keep going. If they attack, I give you full consent to retaliate.”

Klax bowed. “Yes, your Highness.” He then left the room.

Adiyis left her bed. “Depending on its current state, we may have to take drastic measures in order to get Chrysalis back. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Now, I should take this time to pay her a visit.”

“Princess Adiyis.” Adiyis looked back at Scissa. “I beg you, please take at least one guard with you for protection.”

“I can’t, Scissa. We have an agreement with the princesses. If I break it, then I may lose any chance of bringing mom home safely.” Adiyis stepped toward the door but turned back to Scissa. “If I’m not back in the next hour, send all of our current guards after me. But you will escape back to the hive.”

“What? Why me?”

“Our guards and I are valuable to the ponies. If they use us right, they can learn a lot about the hive and its secrets. You, on the other hoof, are expendable. They can kill you and lose nothing, and I refuse to have anything happen to you.”

“I-...Thank you, Princess.”

“For what?”

Scissa bowed. “For always caring about me when I am still nothing but a lowly servant to you.”

“Come on, Scissa. Both you and mom mean the world to me along with the entire hive. It’s only right that I care about you.” Adiyis opened the door. “I’ll be back.”

Adiyis left the room and approached the nearby guard and had him guide her to the dungeons of canterlot. After going down a flight of stairs, Adiyis passed by a number of cages and eventually came upon the cage that held Chrysalis. Her hooves were attached to chains that were also connected to the floor and her horn had a ring.

Adiyis approached the cell. “Mom!”

Chrysalis lifted her head and was shocked when she saw Adiyis. “Adiyis!”

Chrysalis approached her bars but was held back by the chains, so Adiyis reached her hoof through the bars and Chrysalis grabbed it with hers’.

Adiyis sighed. “I missed you so much!”

“Adiyis, what are you doing here?!”

Aidiyis pulled her hoof back. “I came here to negotiate your release.”

“What?! Adiyis-.”

“I know, it was dangerous for me to come here, but I didn’t have any other choice.” Adiyis glanced at the pony guard and looked back. ”The hive is in a dire state.”

Chrysalis was shocked again. “Adiyis, did you...” Chrysalis leaned as close to the bars as she could. “I knew you could do it. All you needed was a little patience. Also, how is the hive doing exactly?”

Adiyis smiled. “It’s doing well so far.” She then focused. ”Because of the failed invasion we have over a hundred injured changelings sitting in the medical chamber. Some of them will recover, but others are on the brink. With the state of the hive, we need a queen. We need you, mom.”

Chrysalis nodded. “I see. Since the hive is...doing so well. I suppose there is no cause for alarm. Please, Adiyis, take your time negotiating my release and, be careful with the princesses and the ponies. Always keep your guard up.”

Adiyis nodded. “I got it. I should head back now. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turned and, along with the guard, left the dungeon and returned to her own room.

Scissa turned to her. “Princess, are you alright? Did you see Queen Chrysalis?”

“I did, and I told her everything.”

“Everything? As in-.”

“The dire state the hive is in, yes.” Adiyis walked to her bed and lay down on it. “Also, I figured out why I couldn’t speak to her through the hive mind before, she’s wearing one of those magic inhibitor rings I read about. Thankfully, it only blocks the wearer’s magic, it doesn’t stop magic from being sent to her. But, I have to be pretty close to her in order for me to connect.”

Scissa nodded. “That is good. It means none of the guards will learn any future plans we may have and neither will the princesses.”

“As for what she wants me to do. She wants me to release her as soon as possible. She may not have verbally said it, but I know, after learning the state the hive is in, even she wants to get back there as soon as possible.”

Scissa walked next to the bed. “What do you plan to do?”

“Three days.” Adiyis looked at Scissa. “Today is only Monday. We will give the ponies until Thursday to agree. After our argument, Princess Cadance certainly won’t just let my mom go. So if she is still refusing, we’ll have to use force.”

“An excellent plan, your Highness.”

“For now though, I suppose we have the rest of the day to just-.”

Suddenly, the door was opened and Ixop stepped through and closed it behind him.

Ixop bowed to Adiyis. “Princess Adiyis, forgive the intrusion, but there is a pony here who says Celestia sent her to speak to you.”

Adiyis waved her hoof. “Send them away.”

“We tried, but she keeps insisting that she must speak to you, your Highness.”

Adiyis groaned but got off the bed and went to the door. Once she opened the door, she was met by the same purple pony she saw back in the village. This time, she was smiling and had a few books with her.


Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, greetings, Princess Adiyis. You probably don’t remember me, but my name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Adiyis looked her over. “Yes, you were one of the ponies I met back in the little village. What do you want?”

“Right, I was sent by Princess Celestia to...show you around canterlot.”

Adiyis tilted her head. “Why should I?”

“Well...” Twilight used her magic to float a book in front of herself. “I thought it would be nice if we taught you about our customs. You might learn something useful from it.”

Adiyis thought for a moment and sighed. “I suppose since I don’t have anything better to do, I’ll humor you, Twilight Sparkle.” She then turned to Ixop behind her. “Ixop, join me. The rest of you will remain here.”

The guards saluted. “Yes, Your Highness!”

Adiyis then looked at Scissa. ”If I’m not back in the next hour, you know what to do.” Scissa subtlety nodded then Adiyis and her guard left the room.

Adiyis followed Twilight outside of the palace and to the streets of canterlot. Every pony in the streets was shocked to see a changeling so casually walking around. Most ran away while others merely kept their distance. It even got to a point where a few guards were called, but Twilight assured them Adiyis was no threat to anyone. Adiyis herself had to stop her guard from attacking. After a bit of walking, Twilight suggested they should rest at a nearby cafe.

Once Adiyis and Twilight took their seats at the outdoor tables, a waiter hesitantly came over after noticing Adiyis and her guard. “Um, h-here are your menus and I’ll be b-back soon.”

After she left, Adiyis looked at the menu. “Nothing but a bunch of fruits and vegetables. I suppose I should’ve seen this coming.”

Twilight looked over at her. “Sorry, I didn’t know you eat meat.”

“It’s fine.” Adiyis looked at the drinks. “I’ll just get something to drink instead.”

“May I suggest the apple cider?” Adiyis looked back up at her. “My friend runs an apple farm and makes the best apple cider. I think you might like it.”

“Very well.”

After they made their choice and Twilight waved for the waiter, they told her their choices and the waiter nodded and left again.

“So, how do you like canterlot?”

Adiyis stayed silent for a minute. “It is a big city filled with rich snobs who don’t care about any creature but themselves. There’s nothing more to it.”

“But, what about learning our customs? Surely something stuck out to you.”

“The only thing that stuck out to me was the constant reminder that all of this came at the expense of dead changelings.” Suddenly, the waiter returned and gave Twilight her hay burger while giving Adiyis her apple cider.

“Some changelings died? I-I had no idea.”

Adiyis tasted her apple cider and was surprised by how good it was. “Would anything really change if you did? Just like I told the princesses, your first thought when we invaded was to get rid of us, not why we were invading.”

Twilight leaned closer. “But we could’ve helped! If you came to us before you invaded-.”

Adiyis chuckled softly to herself. “You and Princess Cadance both. You think that every problem can be solved with just a flick of your horns and your “power of friendship”. News flash, that’s not how it works, not out there beyond your own little town. Besides, we can’t really trust you ponies, nor your “friendship”.”

Twilight raised a brow. “Why would not trust friendship? Friendship exists to bring the world together in peace and harmony.”

“Friendship exists to bring the world together in peace and harmony, and yet the ponies are using it as a weapon against any creature that doesn’t agree.” Adiyis took a sip of her cider. “I wonder how long it will be until you ponies start invading other creatures to bring peace to them.”

“We would never do that! Friendship is only to be used to bring peace back where there is chaos. We would never use it to invade an already peaceful place.” Twilight looked at the passing by ponies. “If you experience the true meaning of friendship, I’m sure you would see it the same way we do.”

“...I did experience friendship. I had a friend once.”

“Once? What happened to them?”

Adiyis glared at her drink and squeezed it. “He left the hive, abandoned us at a crucial time, and turned traitor.” She then stopped glaring. “But, to be truthful, I was the one who broke it off first, after my mom opened my eyes to the truth of friendship. It does nothing but hurts every-ling. And you know what? After everything that happened yesterday, I can’t help but agree.”


Adiyis stood up and left the table. “Thank you for the drink, Twilight sparkle. It was...refreshing.” She turned to leave but bumped into another pony. “Excuse me.”

Adiyis passed by them while they stared at her, but it wasn’t in fear, it was something else. After walking back to the castle, and returning to her room, Adiyis saw Klax standing in the middle of the room.

“Klax, did you just return from the hive? I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”

Klax bowed. “It is fine, Princess. I haven’t been waiting long.”

Adiyis stepped over and lay on her bed. “Tell me how the hive is doing.”

Klax looked back up. “Your Highness, sadly, some of the injured changelings succumbed to their wounds. They didn’t make it.”

“No!” Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration. “How many?”

“Seven, and the workers suspect that number may rise. There are simply too many for the workers to work with.”

Adiyis sighed. “So, this is truly what the power of friendship is capable of. Bringing nothing but pain and misery.”

Scissa leaned over. “Princess?”

“Sorry, just something from earlier. As for what we’ll do, we have to speed up negotiations. We can’t afford to just sit around a table and talk about our issues!”

“And, what about Princess Cadance?”

“Either she accepts our deal or we take Chrysalis by force!” Adiyis looked back at Klax. “Travel back to the hive and gather about twenty infiltrators. Have them disguise themselves and remain in canterlot. When the time comes, we may have to use them.”

Klax saluted. “Yes, Princess.” he then left the room again

After he left the room, Adiyis yawned and Scissa took notice of how tired she looked.

“Princess, I believe it is time for bed. You’ve been through much today.”

Adiyis nodded. “Yeah, and considering I still have more to do tomorrow, I should sleep early.” Adiyis made herself comfortable under the sheets but didn’t go to sleep yet as she stared at the ceiling. “Scissa?”

Scissa got in bed as well. “Yes, Princess?”

“I’m...going to be completely honest. I’m scared.” Scissa’s eyes widened as she stared at Adiyis. “I’m scared I’m going to be the sole reason the hive dies. I’m scared of losing every-ling I care about, including mom. And I keep thinking, did I do the right thing, leaving the hive behind to come here to get mom back? Should I forget about everything I’m doing here and go back? Am I truly worthy of taking mom’s position as queen?”

Scissa noticed just how silent Adiyis became and knew she was waiting for her to tell her something to reassure her. “I...I’m sorry, Princess, I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer that will help you.”

Adiyis nodded. “It’s fine, I didn’t really expect you to have one anyway. I just needed to get that off my chest. Goodnight, Scissa.”

“...Goodnight, Princess.”

Later that night, at the tower where Twilight was staying, a lone pony in a suit climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.

Twilight opened the door and yawned. “Um, hello miss, can I help you?”

“That pony you were with today, who were they?”

“That pony- Oh, you must mean Princess Adiyis! She’s actually a changeling.”

“What? That can’t be. It doesn’t make any sense.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Is everything alright?”

She turned back to Twilight. “Ms. Sparkle, you have to introduce me to her!”

“I...don’t think that’s a good idea. She is changeling royalty and they don’t really like ponies at the moment. She may not want to meet you.”

She put her hooves on Twilight’s shoulders “Please, I have to meet her.”

Twilight remained silent for a bit. “Okay, I don’t see the harm in it. Where do you want to meet?”

She reached into the pocket of her suit and gave Twilight a card. “Bring her to my home here. Thank you, Ms. Sparkle.”

Twilight watched her leave and closed the doors. “Oh boy, here’s hoping it doesn’t end the same way it did today, or worse.”

Once the sun had finally risen, Adiyis was woken up by one of her guards who informed her yet another guard had come to inform her that the princesses were ready to reopen negotiations. Adiyis got out of bed but noticed Scissa was still asleep, so she chose to let her sleep as she was escorted by her guards toward the room she met them before. When she opened the doors though, she noticed that the only princess at the table was Cadance, and that put her guards on guard.

Adiyis raised a brow. “Princess Cadance? Where are the other princesses?”

“I convinced them to allow me to speak to you alone. I was hoping we could find some common ground and work something out where both sides will be satisfied.”

“So, that’s what this is about?” Cadance nodded and Adiyis merely turned back towards the doors.

Cadance stood up. “Where are you going?”

“Back to my room.”

“But you haven’t-.”

“We have nothing to talk about, Princess. We’ve already set the terms, we have no reason to take any other deal. You’re wasting your breath.”

Cadance suddenly used her magic to teleport in front of Adiyis, which made her guards draw their swords and step in front.

“Princess, please just hear me out! I am sure if we actually listen to one another, then you may actually consider what you hear! Just give me a chance!”

Adiyis stared at Cadance and sighed loudly. “Stand down!” The guards sheathed their swords. “Fine, I’ll humor you. But, don’t be surprised when we choose not to take it.”

Cadance bowed her head. “Thank you, Princess Adiyis. That’s all I ask.”

Adiyis and others walked back to the table and sat down. “So, let’s hear this brilliant idea of yours, Princess Cadance.”

Cadance took a deep breath. “Well, It’s my understanding that many of your changelings are very injured, which means you don’t currently have the numbers to assist the others to keep your hive running. We can help you, by sending a small company of soldiers to your hive.”

Adiyis shook her head. “And allow you ponies to study our hive, learn its ins and outs, so that you may attack us without difficulty? I don’t think-.”

“I will be going as well.” This shocked Adiyis and her guards. “To show you that we can trust each other, I will be leading this small company of soldiers and I will give you my word that we will not attack any creature. As we both are well aware, I was the main victim of your mother’s invasion plan so, in your eyes, I would have every reason to attack your hive. But, if I go there of my own volition and choose to help instead of attack, wouldn’t that show that I trust you?”

Adiyis was at a loss for words. She didn’t know what to say to such a proposal. Here was a princess, who willingly offered to travel to the changeling hive to assist with its healing.

“You...” Adiyis cleared her throat. “You are going to travel to the changeling hive? You, a pony princess who, as you said, was the main victim of my mothers’ invasion scheme, are willingly offering to travel to our hive to help?!”

Cadance nodded. “Yes, and all I ask in return is for your mother to remain here. You can still come and visit her whenever you like, and she must still agree to a non-aggression pact. But, other than that, I have no other conditions. What do you say?”

Adiyis stayed silent. ’She is playing every card she has and backing me into a corner. If I refuse now, I’ll just seem unreasonable and a foolish leader for not taking such a deal. But, if I do take it, then the greatest secret of the hive will be known by the ponies, and we’ll lose whatever advantage we had left against them. I have no choice, but to try to delay.’

Adiyis stood up. “You have presented quite the arrangement before me, Princess Cadance. I’m afraid I must think about it for some time. I will present my answer soon. How does later today sound?”

Cadance nodded. “Later today is fine. Please consider it closely.”

Adiyis left the table and then the room. Once Adiyis was gone, Princess Celestia and Luna entered the room and joined Cadance at the table.

One of the guards delivered tea to the princesses and Celestia took a sip. “Well, how did it go?”

“It went better than I thought.” Cadance also took a sip. “She didn’t oppose it, so I believe I am on the right track.”

“I must say, you surprised us when you told us your plan. It was so outrageous, but if it was you offering, it may just work.”

Celestia nodded. “And now, we wait for Princess Adiyis’s answer. We hope it’s the right one.”

After arriving back in her room, she noticed Scissa was just about to leave the room but stopped when she saw Adiyis.

“P-Princess!” Scissa bowed. “I apologize for oversleeping. I should’ve woken up immediately to join you.”

Adiyis waved her hoof. “It’s fine. It’s good your awake now, I...need help.” She stepped into the room as Scissa stood back up

“Did something happen during negotiations?”

“Princess Cadance was there alone.” Scissa was shocked but stayed silent for now. “She presented an outrageous accord before me. She would form a small company of soldiers and have them, and herself, travel to the hive so they can help with its healing. The only condition is that my mom remains in prison.”

“Oh, my.” Scissa thought for a moment. “We can’t accept that.”

“I know we can’t!” Adiyis began walking back and forth. “Not only will the hive’s secrets be known, but the only one capable of fixing the hive will stay here, but what other choice do I have?! If I choose not to take it, I’ll just seem like a fool who doesn’t know what she’s doing!”

“Then, what will you do?”

“For now, I’ll need to discuss this with mom.” Adiyis stepped towards the doors. “Once she hears this, she may know what to-.”

Once she opened the door though, she was met with the sudden appearance of Twilight who stood there with her usual smile and books.

Adiyis sighed. “Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Good morning, Princess Adiyis. I was hoping we could continue where we left off yesterday.”

“Not at the moment, I have to go and visit my mom and I shouldn’t-.”

“It will only be a moment, I promise I won’t take too much of your time.”

Adiyis rolled her eyes. “Fine. let’s get this over with.” She turned to Alagos. “Alagos, with me.”

Alagos saluted and followed Adiyis as she followed Twilight through the castle and across the streets of canterlot. While walking, Adiyis noticed Twilight floating a small card in front of her as they approached a pretty sizeable mansion. Once they approached the door, Adiyis finally spoke up.

“What are we doing here?”

Twilight looked back at her. “Well, somepony wanted to meet you.”

“And what if I don’t want to meet them?”

“Then I won’t stop you, but it wouldn’t hurt to meet somepony new every now and then.”

Adiyis thought for a moment. “Well, we came all this way, might as well see what they want.”

Twilight turned back and knocked on the door, and after waiting a few minutes, a mare opened the door and Adiyis studied her features. She had a pale smoke-colored coat with a scarlet-colored mane and tail. Adiyis also noticed that she had a bad scar on the side of her barrel and a prosthetic right foreleg.

When the mare saw Adiyis she moved past Twilight and grabbed Adiyis face. “It can’t be...this face...despite your eyes and fangs it looks exactly like hers.”

When Alagos moved to attack, Adiyis held up her hoof and stopped him. She then looked at the mare. “Miss, could you let go of my face, please?”

“There’s just one more thing I need to check.” The mare suddenly moved Adiyis head down and pushed her ear down as well. “It’s there!”

Adiyis had enough and roughly moved her head away from her. “Okay, I think it’s time to explain why you wanted to see me, Ms...”

“Pale Rose.”

“Ms. Pale Rose. And also why you were moving my face that way.”

“You mean you don’t recognize me?”

Adiyis raised a brow. “Why would I? This would be the first time I’ve ever officially met you ponies.”

“But, that’s impossible. You are a pony.”

Adiyis tilted her head. “I believe you are mistaken. I’m a changeling. Always was.”

“No, I know you’re a pony!”

Adiyis rolled her eyes. “And how could I possibly be a pony?”

“Because I am your mother!”


Author's Note:

Sorry for taking so long, I'll try to get the next chapter out next month.
No promises.