• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,816 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

  • ...

A new addition

A mare ran through a forest as quickly as she could, for she knew that if she stopped then the timberwolf that ambushed her and her husband during their camping trip would surely kill her, just as it did when it first attacked and caught her husband. She also carried a basket but the contents inside were hidden from view by a small white blanket. The mare ran as far as her hooves could carry her but the timberwolf still had yet to give up its pursuit, it wasn’t until the mare had hidden behind a tree that the timberwolf stopped running and began sniffing the area.

The mare slipped away but knew the timberwolf would still be looking for her so she had to make a sacrifice, she knew she could not let the timberwolf get to the basket, no matter what. The mare found a small river of water and quickly took the basket off, before she left the basket, she removed the blanket to reveal a sleeping small foal who looked four years old. The foal had a bright green coat with a pitch-black mane and tail. The mare nuzzled the foal but quickly stopped when she heard the timberwolf’s growl, she set the basket on the river and let it float downstream, away from the timberwolf.

“Please, stay safe.” The mare said, she turned around and ran towards the timberwolf until she was face-to-face with it “You want to eat somepony? Eat me!” she yelled then she quickly ran away while the timberwolf followed

A small trio of changelings roamed the forest in search of prey, whether they be animal or pony. While trotting, one of their ears perked up at the sound of something so he decided to investigate and leave the others.

The changeling stepped through some brushes and found himself at a small river, he had thought he heard something near the river but was about to turn around when he heard the cries again. He turned back to the river to find a basket floating down the stream, he quickly used his magic to lift the basket out of the river and found out that it was the source of the cries. He removed the blanket covering the basket to find an earth pony filly.

“This is surprising. Who would put you in a basket like this?” The changeling said, the foals’ cries died down once she had laid eyes on the changeling

“Demyx? Where are you, you fool?” one of the other changelings called out and this voice sounded female

“Over here!” Demyx shouted, the two changelings he had come to the forest with came through the bushes to find Demyx holding a basket.

“There you are, you pathetic excuse for a changeling. What disgusting thing did you find this time?” The changeling asked

“It seems to be an earth filly, Dairs.” Demyx said

“And you haven’t killed it because?” Dairs questioned

“Look at it, Dairs. It’s just an innocent foal. We can’t kill it.” Demyx said

Dairs sighed “Have you already forgotten why we came to this goddess-forsaken forest in the first place?” she said then she turned to the other changeling “Vask? Care to remind him why we came here? If I do I might hurt him in my frustration.”

Vask nodded “We came here to prove to queen Chrysalis that you can be a true changeling. That you are not a coward who tries to protect our prey. Yet here you are again, protecting. Our. Prey. Once the queen hears about this, she will surely execute you.” he said

“You might be able to save your chitin if you kill it now. If you don’t, then I won’t try to save you anymore. Whatever punishment her majesty gives you will be one you deserve for being so foolish.” Dairs said

“I’m not gonna kill her. She’s done nothing to deserve it.”

“Then tell us, what are you going to do with it?” Vask asked

Demyx looked down at the foals’ curious glance as she looked at each changeling, then she suddenly smiled as she reached out and touched Demyx’s muzzle, surprising everyone.

Demyx looked at the others and smiled “I’m taking her with us.”

Dairs simply stared in disbelief “I knew you were the weakest and dumbest changeling in the hive, but this is a new low I didn’t think you could achieve. Do you even hear yourself right now? We’re not talking about letting another prey go, you actually want to bring a pony to the changeling hive. Our queens’ changeling hive no less. I mean, do you want a death wish, Demyx?!”

“I know how you feel, but look at her. She’s not scared of us at all, and she’s smiling at us. When was the last time you’ve seen a pony look at us with joy instead of fear?” Demyx said

“Who cares how it looks at us now? When it gets older it’ll just be like the rest of those ponies and wish nothing but death for our kind.” Vask said

“I’m sure we can change it...somehow. Maybe we can even become friends with her.”

Dairs threw her hooves into the air “That’s it, that’s the last straw. There’s no saving you now. You’re a dead changeling. It was nice knowing you, Demyx. Though truthfully, it really wasn’t. Once the queen hears about this, you’ll be lucky to get a swift execution.” she said

Vask shook his head “Please tell me this is some sort of joke. You won’t actually bring it back to the hive and, at least, leave it here.” he said

“Nope, it’s not a joke, I’m taking her back with us.” Demyx said

“Welp, it’s your funeral. I’m not even gonna try to convince you otherwise. If you want to be executed and have that thing die as well, then that’s your choice.” Dairs said, she took to the skies and flew off

“You’re making a mistake. A big mistake.” Vask said then he to took the skies and flew back in the direction of the hive.

Demyx watched them leave then he turned back down to the smiling foal as she reached out to him. He reached his other hoof to her and allowed her to hold it as she laughed, and while she messed with it Demyx thought back to what Dairs said. He looked down sadly at the foal as she began chewing on his hoof, then he shook his head to clear the bad thoughts away.

’No. She won’t die. I just have to convince the queen that she’s worth keeping around, I have to.’ Demyx thought then he took the basket into his mouth then took to the air and headed back to the hive.

Dairs and Vask were the first the arrive at the hive, they entered the hive and met with two guards who were waiting near the entrance.

“Welcome back.” The guard said as he looked at both of them “Where is Demyx?”

“He’ll be here. Though not for long once the queen discovers what he’d done.” Dairs said

“What did that idiot do this time? Did he refuse to feed on a pony again?” The guard said

“Worse, Vax. Much worse. You’ll see soon.” Dairs said

Just as Dairs said, Demyx arrived at the hive and entered to find the guards, Vask, and Dairs staring at him and the basket he had in his mouth. They all stared at each other for a few minutes and the guards only moved when they heard noises coming from the basket itself.

“Demyx...what did you bring back to the hive?” Vax asked

Demyx set the basket down “it’s, uh. A...foal.”

Vax simply stared at him then he stepped forward and removed part of the blanket to find the pony foal staring up at him, then he put the blanket back over it and continued staring at Demyx while he smiled nervously.

“...Explain to me. In one sentence. Why you thought bringing back a pony foal WAS A GOOD IDEA!” Vax shouted

“W-Well I-.”

“Are you an Idiot?! No, let me rephrase that. YOU ARE AN IDIOT! You brought back a pony foal to our queen’s hive. You broke one of our most important rules, why?!”

“Because she was alone in the middle of the everfree. I couldn’t just leave her there.” Demyx said

“Yes, you could. The problem is that you didn’t leave her there. This is the reason why everyling sees you as the weakest changeling because you give our enemies mercy. But now, you’ve just rescued one of our worst enemies and brought them here. Do you have ANY idea what our queen will do to you once she finds out about this?!” Vax ranted

“I’ll be executed?”

“No, execution will be mercy at this point. She’ll skin you alive, tear off your wings, and starve you for the rest of your days. Next, she’ll take this pony, take all of its love then get rid of it. I have no idea why you brought it back to the hive in the first place.” Vax said

“Well...I didn’t have anywhere else to take her. So I thought, “Hey, the hive would be the best place the bring her. It’s nice and safe. It’s perfect”. I wasn’t really thinking at the time.” Demyx said


“I’m not sure you ever think things through. If you did, then you wouldn’t already be on thin ice with her majesty.” Dairs said making Demyx avoid her gaze

“Alright, let’s get this over with. You might as well report to our queen and get your punishment over with so we can get rid of it as well.” Vax said

Demyx nodded and picked up the basket in his mouth again, then e trotted past both the guards while Dairs and Vask followed him to Queen Chrysalis’s throne room. When they got to the large doors, the guards stopped them when they noticed the basket, but Demyx assured them that it was fine so they let them go through. They entered the throne room to find their queen advising some other changelings, when she saw Demyx and the others enter her throne room, she sent the changelings away and called for Demyx and the others to approach her.

“Demyx.” Chrysalis said with clear venom

Demyx set the basket down and bowed along with the others “My queen.”

“I see that you have returned from your mission earlier than intended. Has something happened? And why do you have a basket?” Chrysalis said


“Why do you not speak? I asked you a question and I demand an answer, you pathetic changeling!” Chrysalis said but Demyx remained silent

Dairs looked up at Chrysalis “My queen, if you’ll permit me, I will explain what happened during our mission.” she said

“Very well, since Demyx seems to be too much of a coward to tell me himself,” Chrysalis said

“We had left and arrived at the everfree forest, as you ordered. But while there, we had encountered a problem which Demyx refused to let go of.” Dairs said glancing at Demyx who looked extremely nervous

“What was the problem?”

“Demyx...had found a foal in the everfree and had brought it back to the hive,” Dairs said and with that, the room stayed completely silent. Though, even in silence, they could still feel the anger and rage build up within Chrysalis as she glared only at Demyx

“Please, allow me to explain myse-.”

Chrysalis slammed her hoof on the ground “There’s no point, for there isn’t an excuse or reason in the world that can save you now!” she shouted as she stepped off her throne and slowly trotted to Demyx “Time and time again, you have proven to be nothing but a waste of space. A pathetic excuse for a changeling. You spare our prey, refuse to feed off of ponies and other animals, and now you bring a pony to MY HIVE?! I have been merciful with you Demyx, but only because these two had made compelling cases to keep you around. Well no more, this mission was your last chance to make something of yourself, to prove you were a true changeling. But instead, you break yet another rule and bring a pony into MY HIVE!”

“But, my queen-.”

Chrysalis fired a beam from her horn striking the spot right next to Demyx “I will not listen to your excuses and I will offer no more chances for you to be redeemed.” she said then she lifted the basket using her magic and moved it next to her head, shaking it as well “You will be sent to the punishment room and this pony will be executed. Its dead corpse will be a constant reminder to you to never break my rules again. Not that you will ever have the chance to, ever agai-.” Chrysalis cut herself off when she felt a hoof on her face. She looked and saw the foal look at her with curiosity.

Chrysalis glared at the foal as she moved the basket away and wiped the side of her face “Disgusting. To have a pony touch me. Unacceptable!” she said but then she heard laughter and looked to see the foal laughing “Why are you laughing? Do you find amusement in this? Do you think touching me in such a disgusting manner is funny?!”

Chrysalis moved the basket close to her face and glared at the filly right in her eyes “Maybe I should just kill you now and be done with you forever. Do you find that funny, you disgusting pony?!” she shouted but the foal just grabbed Chrysalis’s face and nuzzled her own face into it making Chrysalis immediately move the basket away as she stared dumbfounded at the filly who was still reaching out to her.

Demyx, Dairs, and Vask also stared with their mouths agape at the interaction between the ruthless changeling and an earth filly who had done something no-ling could ever do, leave Chrysalis at a loss for words.

Dairs turned to Vask “That filly isn’t scared of Queen Chrysalis at all, it thinks this is a game. What kind of pony is she?” she whispered

“Apparently a very stupid one if it thinks it can simply do that to our queen and think there won’t be repercussions,” Vask said

Chrysalis turned to Demyx “Demyx, explain why this filly does not fear me.”

“I don’t know, my queen. But it would seem she does not fear our kind for some reason.” Demyx said

“Impossible. There doesn’t exist a single being who doesn’t fear me, this filly will be no different.” Chrysalis said as she floated the basket back to her but kept it far enough so the filly doesn’t touch her “You will fear me, foal. Just like every other pony in Equestria. I will absorb your love then get rid of you for good.” she said as she opened her mouth and began absorbing the love from the filly. Once she was done, the filly fell asleep while Chrysalis kicked her lips “Delicious. Nothing is better than love from a fo-...wait, what is this? This is not normal love. This is something different.”

“What is it, my queen? Is there something wrong with the love from the foal?” Dairs asked

“T-This can’t be. This is impossible! Unacceptable! This is...this is...” Chrysalis stared at the filly sleeping soundly in her basket

“What is it, my queen?” Vask asked

“This is the love a foal would give a mother.” Chrysalis said leaving everyone surprised

“The filly thinks of you as its mother? She truly is a lot stranger than any other pony we’ve ever met.” Demyx said

’How can this be?! How can this pony see me as its mother? This doesn’t make sense. I CAN NOT be a mother to a pony.’ Chrysalis thought

“What would you have us do with it, your majesty?” Dairs asked

’I should get rid of it. I can not have a pony remain in my hive...’ Chrysalis thought but as she stared at the foal, she remained silent ’Why am I hesitating?! I shouldn’t be hesitating! This innocent foal should mean nothing to me! And yet, I feel merciful to it. And here I thought I had extinguished any traces of good within me.’

“My queen.” Vask said, interrupting her thoughts “If you do not mind, we shall take the foal away so that you may never gaze upon it again.”

Chrysalis took a glance at the foal and then turned away “Just hurry and get this foal out of my sight. Demyx, you shall remain here.”

Dairs and Vask bowed, they took the basket from the queen’s magic and began to trot to the door while Chrysalis watched from the corner of her eye and tried her hardest to ignore the feeling within her.

’Stop it, you can not have a pony in your hive. You chose to become the ruthless queen for the good of your hive, how will your subjects obey you if you allow an enemy to remain here? Besides, the pony will be nothing but trouble, just like that fool Demyx. She will be a waste to keep around.’ Chrysalis thought then she sighed ’Let it go, Chrysalis. Let. It. Go.’

Dairs and Vask had reached the door and were just about to leave with the foal when Chrysalis turned around to them

“Stop, I have another idea for the foal.” Chrysalis said making the two turn back to her

“What did you have in mind, your highness?” Vask asked

Chrysalis levitated the basket to her “As every-ling knows, earth ponies are exceptional gardeners. They are able to make any fruit or vegetable grow without fail.” she said

“But, fruits and vegetables don’t matter to us. We don’t need them, unlike ponies.” Dairs said

“True, but earth ponies also have incredible strength. Out of all of the pony races, earth ponies are most likely the strongest, it is part of their own magic.” Chrysalis said

“But ponies can’t use their magic here. Your throne prevents that.” Vask said

“This is true, as long as my throne stands, any and all magic that is not changeling will be disabled. Which is why we will turn her into a changeling.” Chrysalis said leaving everyone’s mouth agape

“Is that really possible, your majesty? Turning a pony into a changeling?” Demyx asked

“It is. Eons ago, when our population started decreasing due to food shortages, the queen before me developed a spell that can turn a pony into a changeling. It will erase the memory of who the pony was before and allows us to implant new ones, making them think they were always a changeling. I will use the same spell on the foal so she can use her earth pony magic and become quite the soldier for our hive.” Chrysalis explained

“There is still one problem, my queen. Who will look after and train the foal?” Dairs asked

“I will.” Demyx said

Chrysalis turned to him “Are you a fool, Demyx? Why would I entrust this foal to a weak and pathetic changeling like you? You would most likely teach the foal to respect everything it meets and consider their “feelings”. You will not look after this foal, I will.” she said leaving everyone stunned into silence.

“Are you certain, your Highness? Perhaps some-ling else would be more suited to-.” Vask asked

“You dare question your queen?! I have made my decision, I will look after the foal myself.” Chrysalis said

“If you’re going to be its mother, would that make her some kind of princess?” Dairs joked but took a step back when Chrysalis glared at her then she turned back to the basket

“Yes, that could work. Once she has been transformed into a changeling, she will become my heir. She will become the princess of the changelings. I will teach her all I know about our laws while I assign one of our strongest warriors to train her. She will become a perfect queen once I am gone. But first, the spell.” Chrysalis said as her horn glowed, then she blasted a beam at the foal which covered her whole body in a soft glow “I have infused my changeling magic with hers, now all that is left is to give her the blood of a changeling. My blood.”

Chrysalis brought her own leg up and bit into it hard enough to draw blood, then she sucked some of her own blood from it and held it within her mouth. She then took the foal’s leg and brought it close to her mouth.

“Forgive me.” Chrysalis whispered then she bit into the foal’s leg causing the filly to awaken and scream as Chrysalis put her blood inside of her.

When it was done, the foal began glowing again as her body began changing. Her skin had become chitin but still retained her fur and color while her eyes turned from normal to green glowing eyes with slits. Her teeth had also become fangs like Chrysalis’s. After her transformation was complete, the foal fell back unconscious.

Vask looked at her “Will she be alright, your highness?”

“It will take some time before she awakens from her transformation, but she will live. For now, move the foal to my bed chambers to rest.” Chrysalis

“Before that, shall we give the new princess a name?” Dairs asked

“Yes, a new name. For this day forth, this foa-...no, this nymph, shall be known as...Princess Adiyis.” Chrysalis declared

Dairs and Vask bowed “Hail, Princess Adiyis!”

“Inform my subjects to be ready to assemble in my throne room. I must also inform them of the new addition to the hive.” Chrysalis said, so they bowed again and left the throne room while she turned to Demyx “Oh, and do not think I have forgotten about you, Demyx. Your punishment will still be dealt with for breaking my laws, and I still have no intention of showing you any mercy. You will be executed, but this time as an example to any other changeling who may think the same as you.”

Demyx glanced at the floor and then bowed to the Queen “I know I don’t have any right to make requests of you, my Queen. But, please, spare those who are close to me.”

“Why should I? I might as well execute your entire family if they will be as weak as you. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t.” Chrysalis said

“Because, I believe my sons, Thorax and Pharynx, will become of great use for the hive. I am sure they will become the greatest warriors the hive has ever seen.” Demyx said

“You sound very sure of yourself. But, you have no guarantees that what you say will happen.” Chrysalis said

“I know it will, my Queen. But it can only happen if you allow it.”

Chrysalis thought for a moment “Very well, I will spare your eggs. But, that is the last piece of mercy you shall receive from me. Guards!” she called out so two armored changeling guards entered the room “Escort Demyx to his cell.” she ordered so they did as told and left the room.

Once they were gone, Chrysalis sighed and left the throne room as well. She trotted through her hive and watched as the changelings she passed by bowed at her, she didn’t bat an eye at them and continued on her way until she had reached her bed chambers which she entered to find the basket with Adiyis inside on her bed, still fast asleep. Chrysalis trotted to her and softly pet her mane.

’I can’t believe this. To think a foal’s love would be so strong to change even me, the love one would give a mother. Oh well, what’s done is done. You, my little nymph, are now a changeling, or at least half a changeling. You will learn all there is about my kind, and become the greatest warrior any creature has ever seen. And I will be beside you every step of the way, and care for you just as a mother would.’ Chrysalis thought then they were interrupted when she heard a yawn come from Adiyis, Chrysalis looked down to notice Adiyis was looking up at her “Hello, my little nymph.”

Adiyis sat herself up and looked around the room curiously, then she was picked up by Chrysalis’s magic and brought to her who proceeded to hold her in her hooves.

“This is m-OUR bed-chamber. You will be sleeping with me until I say otherwise. Understood?” Chrysalis said but Adiyis was still looking around the room “I will take your silence as a yes.” She said, then she put Adiyis on the bed, though as soon as she did, Adiyis’s legs collapsed under her and no matter how hard she tried to stand, she still fell back down “Your body must be weak from the transformation. We need to get your energy back up. Stay here.” She ordered then she left the room

Chrysalis stood right outside her door as her horn glowed ”Dairs, Vask, I require your assistance.” She said through the changeling hive mind.

”Yes, my Queen. How may we serve you?” Dairs asked

”Your princess is weak, she requires food, go and bring some to my bed chambers.” Chrysalis said

”Shall we bring fruits and vegetables since she is still part foal, your Highness?” Vask asked

Chrysalis thought for a moment ”No, bring meat. She is a changeling now and must eat like one.”

”What if the princess does not like meat?” Vask asked

”I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Now do as your told.”

”Yes, my Queen.” They said then Chrysalis’s horn stopped glowing as she re-entered her chambers and trotted over to Adiyis who smiled happily at seeing her

Chrysalis softly rubbed her mane “I apologize for leaving you alone, Adiyis, but I had to make my changelings bring you food so that you may recover your energy. They will be here soon.” She said as Adiyis nuzzled herself into Chrysalis’s hoof, so instead, Crysalis picked her up and held her close while still rubbing her mane while Adiyis now nuzzled herself into her chest, making Chrysalis smirk. Later, a knock soon came on the door, surprising Chrysalis a bit so she put Adiyis back on the bed and headed for the door.

Chrysalis opened the door to find Dairs and Vask holding two separate small pieces of cooked meat on plates “What took you so long?”

Vask bowed “A thousand Apologise, my Queen. We just couldn’t decide which would be more suited for the princess at her age.”

“No matter, just leave the food on the bed and wait for my next order.” Chrysalis said so they nodded and did as told then they stepped off to the side and watched as Adiyis eyed the food curiously. Chrysalis walked over to Adiyis and picked up a piece of meat with her magic then brought it to Adiyis “Here, little one. Eat.”

Adiyis sniffed the food then immediately pulled her head back in disgust

“You must eat, Adiyis, if you are to recover your strength.” Chrysalis said as she floated the meat closer but Adiyis kept her mouth shut and shook her head “Eat, Adiyis.” She said but Adiyis still refused.

Chrysalis tried to get the food into Adiyis’s mouth, but she kept turning her head away from the piece of meat. Chrysalis was beginning to get frustrated with the nymph and was just about the get the meat to her mouth when Adiyis swatted it away, causing it to hit Chrysalis in the face making Dairs and Vask chuckle but they quickly stopped when Chrysalis glared at them.

Chrysalis wiped the piece of meat off her face and glared at the nymph “Very well then, if you wish to make this difficult, then I will show you no mercy.” She said as she picked up another piece of meat with her magic which she also used on Adiyis’s mouth to force it open but she tried her best to keep it closed “Open your mouth, little nymph! You will eat this meat!” She said but Adiyis continued to refuse.

Adiyis kept her mouth closed for as long as she could, but was no match for Chrysalis’s magic as she opened her mouth just enough for her to put the piece of meat in.

“There, now eat.” Chrysalis said. Adiyis was about to spit it out but stopped herself as she really tasted the meat, then she began chewing and swallowed the meat “Now, was that so hard?” She asked as Adiyis reached for the meat so Chrysalis picked up some more and fed it to her.

“A pony eating meat? I never thought I’d see the day.” Vask said

“It must be because of her changed biology. Since she is now part changeling, the meat will be delicious to her.” Dairs said

Chrysalis fed the last pieces of meat to Adiyis and then used a napkin to wipe her mouth “We changelings may feed on love, but that does not mean we can not sustain ourselves using normal food. Love just keeps us healthy and powerful, as well as fed. I am sure one day, you too will feed on love just as I do, my little nymph.” She said and Adiyis giggled then Chrysalis levitated the plates to Dairs and Vask.

“Return the plates from where they came, and-.” Chrysalis cut herself off as she began sniffing the air, she followed the smell to Adiyis’s diaper “And bring me diapers for the nymph.”

“Will our regular nymph diapers suffice?” Vask asked

“Yes, now hurry. I am unsure of how much longer I can take this smell.” Chrysalis said so they quickly left the room while Chrysalis removed Adiyis’s diaper and then threw it away “I should assign a caretaker to you as well. I can not afford to take care of you alone, little Adiyis. I still have a hive to run.”

Dairs and Vask returned with a fresh set of diapers for Chrysalis which she took and put on Adiyis. After, she put Adiyis back in her basket and began levitating it.

“Follow me.” Chrysalis said as she left the room ”All changelings report to the throne room and bring Demyx.” She said across the hive mind as she headed for the throne room along with Dairs and Vask.

Once Chrysalis had reached the throne room, every other changeling stepped off to the side to allow Chrysalis to trot past. As she did, the changelings noticed Adiyis in her basket looking around at all of them but none dared speak in the presence of Chrysalis without being told to.

Chrysalis sat on her throne while Adiyis floated next to her “My changelings, today is a good day. For today, we welcome the princess of the changelings. Princess Adiyis.” She said making the changelings look at each other confused

A changeling stepped up “My Queen, forgive me for asking, but if she is the princess. Are we to believe she is your nymph?” he asked

“Yes, you shall. Adiyis is my nymph and the future Princess of the hive. I expect all of you to treat her with nothing but respect, or you shall feel my wrath. Understood?” Chrysalis said so the changelings bowed

“Yes, Queen Chrysalis. Hail, Princess Adiyis!” The changelings shouted making Adiyis smile

“Now for Demyx. Bring him in.” Chrysalis ordered so the guards brought in a chained-up Demyx “Demyx, for continuously breaking my laws, and refusing to obey my orders. I hereby sentence you to death and will be executed immediately.” She said as her horn glowed

“My Queen, shall I remove the princess from the room?” Dairs asked

Chrysalis looked over at Adiyis “No, she will stay. She will witness this execution so that she may familiarize herself with how it is done when it is her turn. And so she may become the princess I want her to be.” She said then her horn glowed again and the guards moved out of the way as she blasted Demyx in the chest, killing him instantly and making a female changeling gasp but remain silent.

Adiyis watched the whole thing but was more surprised than anything else as she watched Demyx fall over dead “Let that be a lesson to any who may think the same as the pathetic changeling, Demyx. Obey me, or there will be consequences.”

“Now for another issue. I will assign one of the nursery caretakers to princess Adiyis. All caretakers, approach me.” Chrysalis said so a group of ten Changelings approached her and bowed as Chrysalis looked them over, then she pointed to one of them. A female changling “You, tell me your name.”

The changeling stepped up. “My name is Scissa, your highness.”

“I choose you to be the caretaker of Princess Adiyis. You will care for all of her basic needs and keep her protected from danger. You will also teach her about our laws and how we work when I call for you. I should not have to say this, but if she is harmed in any way, punishment will be swift. Am I understood?” Chrysalis said

Scissa bowed “Of course, my Queen. I shall protect the princess with my life.”

“Good. There was another issue I was going to address, but that can wait until Adiyis is older. For now, leave and return to your posts.” Chrysalis said so the changelings bowed and left the throne room, including Scissa. And they dragged Demyx’s body with them. Vask stayed behind “Vask, did you not hear what I said?”

“Apologies, my Queen. I just wish to know why you did not tell the changelings what Princess Adiyis really is.” Vask said

“Simply because it does not matter what princess Adiyis was, only what she is now. Princess Adiyis is a changeling and that shall remain the truth. Understood, Vask?” Chrysalis said

Vask bowed “I understand, your Majesty.” He said then he to left the throne room.

“Now for you.” Chrysalis said as she turned to Adiyis who yawned and struggled to stay awake “Hm, I suppose it has been a long day. Let us retire to our bed-chamber.” She said and she was about to levitate her basket but stopped.

“Hm, having you travel in a basket will not do for a princess.”

Chrysalis levitated Adiyis out of the basket and set her on her back “There, now you are more of a princess. Now, what to do with your basket.” she said and Adiyis reached out to it which Chrysalis noticed

“You wish to keep the basket?” She asked and Adiyis nodded slowly “...Very well, we shall put the basket in our room. Speaking of, let us head there now.”

Chrysalis left her throne room with Adiyis on her back who had fallen asleep as well. The changelings she passed by noticed the sleeping nymph and remained quiet so as not to wake her and invoke their Queens’ wrath. When they had finally entered their chambers, Chrysalis levitated Adiyis to the bed and made sure she was comfortable then she got in the bed herself.

Chrysalis kissed Adiyis’s forehead “Sleep well, my little nymph.”

A female changeling ran down to the nursery and hid in a hidden corner where she proceeded to cry silently “Demyx, I told you the queen would not understand. Why didn’t you listen to me? Why?!” she said as she continued to cry then the eggs she was next to started glowing so she trotted over to them and put a hoof on each.

“Thorax, Pharynx, you two may be our only hope. Demyx, your father, told me a way to become friends with the ponies and other creatures. Of course, at first, I laughed at him but the more he explained it to me, the more it made sense. We CAN become allies with the ponies so we don’t have to starve anymore nor do we have to continue being hostile. We can become a peaceful race. I believe it with all of my heart, and I’ll make sure you two believe it as well.”

The changeling kissed both eggs and turned away “Goodnight, my nymphs.” she said as she left the nursery. When she was gone, one of the eggs started glowing a soft sky-blue color while the other glowed a purple color. Then both of them stopped glowing.

(3 years later)

A little nymph ran through the hive at breakneck speed trying to avoid the changeling flying after her. She ran through holes and tunnels to try to lose her but the changeling always found her. She was currently running down another tunnel and the changeling was gaining on her, so the nymph jumped over a gap and dived through a hole just big enough to fit her size and not the changelings.

The nymph rolled out the other side “See you later, Scissa.” she said as she trots down the tunnel proudly

Then she stopped as she heard buzzing, and she noticed it was coming from above and noticed another hole right above her head that Scissa quickly flew out of and caught the nymph who struggled to free herself from her grasp.

“Now, now, your Highness. That will be enough of that. I have caught you and won the game fairly, now will you please return to your studies?” Scissa said


“Please, Princess Adiyis?”

Adiyis pouted and turned away from Scissa “Fine, just let me down.” she said

“Thank you.” Scissa said as she put Adiyis down who took off running again. “Princess Adiyis! Not again.”

“Come on, Scissa. Best two out of three. I bet I’ll beat you this ti-OOF.” Adiyis was cut off when she ran into something, when she looked up she realized it was Queen Chrysalis “Mama!” she said as she hugged her left foreleg

Chrysalis rubbed Adiyis’s mane “Adiyis, what are you doing here? Should you not be studying?” She asked and then she noticed Scissa

Scissa had caught up and bowed “My apologies, Queen Chrysalis. She ran away while I was not looking and made me play a game.” she said

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at Adiyis who looked everywhere but at her “Adiyis?”

“I...didn’t feel like studying today. I wanted to play so I kinda forced her to play with me...” Adiyis admitted

“Adiyis, you know how important your studies are. If you are to become a perfect queen then you must study.” Chrysalis said

“But, mom-.”

“No, Adiyis. I will hear none of it. You will go with Scissa and continue your studies. Understood?” Chrysalis said

Adiyis looked down and nodded “Yes, mom.”

Chrysalis smirked as she leaned down to her ear “When you are done studying, then we may play in the chamber together.” she whispered

Adiyis smiled “Realy? You promise?”

“I promise, but only after your studies. And if I hear that you ran off again then you can forget about it, understood?” Chrysalis said

“Got it!” Adiyis said then she ran back to Scissa “Let’s go, I wanna get my studying finished as quickly as possible.”

Scissa nodded “As you wish, Princess Adiyis.” She said so both of them left Queen Chrysalis

A changeling guard ran to Chrysalis “My Queen, I have news.”

“What is it?”

“There is a storm approaching from northwest of the hive. A winter storm.” The guard said

Chrysalis turned to him “I understand. Report to the nursery.” she ordered so the guard bowed ”All changelings, a winter storm is coming. Put our winter storm plan into action immediately. You know your jobs. Get them done, or punishment will be dealt.” she said over the hive mind then she trotted to her throne room.

A few hours later, Adiyis was still busy reading one of the many books provided to her to help her understand changeling customs. She had been reading for some time and finally stopped when Scissa returned.

“Princess Adiyis, your studies are done for the day. We will have to review what you learned another time though.” Scissa said as she picked up the book

“Why? Is something wrong?” Adiyis asked

“It’s...I do not think I am allowed to disclose that. I am sorry. For now, return to her Highness.” Scissa said

“Um...okay.” Adiyis said as she got off her chair and left the study. While trotting through the hive she noticed the changelings were moving around a lot more than usual. Adiyis then found Chrysalis talking to some guards “Mama!” she said as she ran to her

Chrysalis looked over her shoulder and saw Adiyis so she turned back to the guards and waved them off then she turned back to Adiyis who hugged her again “Adiyis, are you finished with your studies?”

“Yep. By the way, what’s up with every-ling? Is there some sort of party going on?” Adiyis asked

“No, did you not hear my announcement?” Chrysalis asked


“Right, never mind. I had forgotten that you have yet to master control over the hivemind.” Chrysalis said then she levitated Adiyis onto her back and began trotting around the hive “Well, a winter storm is coming so every-ling is currently preparing the hive using our winter plan.”

“Winter plan?”

“Yes, our winter plan. The plan is to move every egg and nymph from the nursery to the underground area we call the basement. All caretakers are supposed to go with them to care for any hatching egg and nymphs.” Chrysalis explained

“But...What about every-ling else?” Adiyis asked

“Every changeling that is not a caretaker is to remain above ground to protect the hive from any who are brave enough to attack us.”

“But...it’ll be really cold, won’t it? How will they stay warm?” Adiyis asked

“...They will not.”


Chrysalis stopped trotting and sighed “The changelings who remain above ground are to defend the hive. But in doing so, they will have no protection from the freezing colds and some will even...die.” she said

“No, there has to be something we can do. Some way to keep it warm, some kind of spell you can do. Anything!” Adiyis said

Chrysalis smirked and rubbed Adiyis’s mane “You are kind, my little nymph. But, there is no spell here that can help us.”

“Maybe...maybe there’s one where the ponies live.” Adiyis said

“Even if there was one with the ponies, it will be too dangerous to retrieve. I will not risk any changeling to go on a wild goose chase when they can be here to defend the hive.” Chrysalis said

“Then...I’ll go look.”

“No, you will do no such thing.”

“But I can help. I don’t want my family to die when there can be a way to save them.” Adiyis said

“And that is very noble of you, Adiyis. But I will not endanger you like that. You will remain here at the hive and follow every other nymph to the basement where it is safe.” Chrysalis said


“That is final, Adiyis! You are this hive’s future queen so you must stay safe. I will hear no more of you traveling to a pony town to look for a spell that may not even exist. Understood?” Chrysalis said

“But, mom-.”

“Am. I. Understood, Adiyis?” Chrysalis said narrowing her eyes at Adiyis who lowered her head

“Yes, mom.”

Chrysalis levitated Adiyis off her back and rubbed her mane. “Good, now follow the nymphs to the basement. I must ensure everything is ready for when the storm arrives.” she said then she flew away

Adiyis saw the line of nymphs following the guards and quickly moved to follow. When she reached the basement, the guards all left them and covered the entrance with a boulder. Adiyis then heard someone call her name so she turned and saw Pharynx and another nymph who had amber eyes, and a horn.

“Princess Adiyis.” Pharynx said

“Pharynx, Incey. Hey.” Adiyis said then she looked around “Where’s Thorax?”

“Who knows? Knowing him, he’s probably playing with his dolls again.” Incey said with a chuckle

“That weakling will never survive in the hive if he keeps that up.” Pharynx said

“Come on, guys. I’m sure he’ll become a great changeling. We just have to give him a chance.” Adiyis said

“Him? Becoming a great changeling? In your dreams.” Incey said

Pharynx smacked him on the back of his head “Have you forgotten that you’re speaking to the princess? Show some respect.” he said

Incey rubbed his head “R-Right. Sorry, Princess Adiyis.”

“It’s alright.” Adiyis said then she glared at Pharynx “Pharynx, what have I told you about acting that way towards me?”

“Apologies, Princess. I just couldn’t accept a fellow changeling being so disrespectful to you.” Pharynx said

Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration “You’re doing it again! I’ve already told you so many times that I want to be treated like every other changeling. I don’t want special treatment. Especially from my friends.”

“Friend? I am your future guard. I don’t think I’m allowed to be “friends” with the princess.” Pharynx said

“Ugh. Just never mind that. We’ll come back to it later. Right now, I need to talk to you two about something.” Adiyis said

“What is it?” Incey asked

“You know the whole winter plan my mom created, right?” Adiyis asked and they nodded “And you also know about the rest of the changelings remaining above ground too, right?” she asked and they nodded again “And you also know that this storm will make everything cold? Well, why can’t we just bring those changelings down here where it’s warm?”

“That would be going against the plan her majesty had set up.” Pharynx said

“Besides, look around. This place is only big enough to fit the eggs and the nymphs. And if every-ling is down here, who will protect the hive if it’s attacked?” Incey said

“But those changelings up there will freeze to death.” Adiyis said

“There is nothing we can do to help them, Princess Adiyis. If there was a spell that could keep every-ling warm, then the Queen would have done it by now. But many changelings have studied those books and none of them have the spell that can help us.” Pharynx said

“Hm, none of those books have a spell that can help us. But what about the books in the pony village?” Adiyis said making both of them gasp

“You’re not suggesting we go to one of the pony villages to search for the book, are you?” Incey asked

“I am.”

“But, we’ll be heading into enemy territory. If we are found out to be changelings then we’ll all be captured and killed.” Pharynx said

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” Adiyis said

“But, it’ll be dangerous. As the Queen told us, ponies are dangerous.” Incey said

“Listen, in one of those pony towns is a spell that can save the whole hive so we won’t have to sacrifice any more changelings. If it exists, then I’m going to go look for it. You don’t have to join me. I won’t force you to put your lives on the line too. This will be your choice, what do you say?” Adiyis said

Incey and Pharynx looked at each other for a few minutes then nodded.

“You can count me in, Adiyis.” Incey said

“Me to. I won’t allow any of those ponies to harm you, princess.” Pharynx said

Adiyis nodded “Thank you. Now, all we need is a plan.”

Author's Note:

Yes, I know. most of you were waiting for the next story to the other one, but this idea just popped into my head and it seemed too good to not write. so, it seems I might be busy with this story for a while. if you're a new reader then completely ignore this.