• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,816 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

  • ...

Training days

When the next day came, Adiyis awoke and left the room. She walked around the hive and was happy to see so many changelings flying around without having to worry about any more winter storms ever again. Adiyis passed by many changelings as well, who she greeted, and they bowed to her in return.

Adiyis waved at another pair of changelings, “Hey there.”

The changelings turned and bowed, “Greetings, princess Adiyis.” suddenly, Scissa came from deep within the cave and landed behind Adiyis.

“Princess Adiyis, glad to see you’re awake, your mother has requested your presence in her throne room.”

“Really,” Adiyis questioned, “Do you know why?”

Scissa shook her head, “I apologize, princess Adiyis, she did not say.”

“Alright.” Adiyis nodded, “Then I’ll meet her. Thanks, Scissa.” she ran off toward the throne room.

Adiyis entered the throne room and saw Chrysalis sitting atop her throne talking to a couple of guards. When Chrysalis saw Adiyis she quickly dismissed her guards and allowed Adiyis to approach her.

Adiyis ran and jumped onto the throne and quickly hugged Chrysalis, “Mama!”

Chrysalis smirked and softly pet her mane, “My little Adiyis, I trust you had a nice rest yesterday?” Adiyis nodded, “That is good.”

Adiyis looked up at her, “Scissa said you wanted to see me.”

“Yes.” Chrysalis nodded, “But, before that, let me once again commend you for your bravery to go to the pony lands, all for the sake of the hive.”

Adiyis smiled, “I just wanted to protect the rest of my family. You always told me to think of the other changelings like my brothers and sisters.”

“Again, that is very noble of you and I couldn’t be prouder.” Chrysalis continued to pet Adiyis’s mane, “But now, I believe it is time we discussed ways you can protect this hive further as well as your future in this hive.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your bravery and courage yesterday had opened my eyes, and made me realize that maybe it was time you at least knew of your future.”

Adiyis tilted her head in confusion “My future?”

Chrysalis nodded, “Yes, your future. Come, follow me.” she stood up and left her throne room with Adiyis following behind

Chrysalis and Adiyis trotted around the hive and, as usual, the changelings they passed by had bowed to them. Chrysalis paid them no mind, but Adiyis took the time to wave to as many as she could, which didn’t go unnoticed by Chrysalis.

“You do not have to wave to them, Adiyis.”

“I know.” Adiyis waved to another pair of changelings, “But I just want to be nice. They are going through the trouble of bowing, I might as well wave.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, “Do as you will.” they came upon a hole that led to a very big room. Once both of them were inside the room, Chrysalis used her magic to close the hole behind them.

Adiyis looked around, “So, what are we gonna talk about, mom?”

“You will become a soldier for the hive.”


Chrysalis turned to Adiyis “You will become a soldier for the hive. You will train, and you will fight to protect your fellow changelings and the hive.”

“W-Wait? Are you serious?” Chrysalis nodded, which made Adiyis take a step back, “B-But I can’t be a soldier! I can’t even lift a sword.”

“Calm yourself, Adiyis. I do not intend to make you a soldier at such a young age. This is simply the future I have envisioned for you.”

Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis, “You mean I’m going to become a soldier when I grow up?”


“B-But, what if I mess something up? What if I fail the training? What if I get hurt or worse?” Adiyis was hyperventilating, so Chrysalis pulled her into a hug and softly pet her mane.

“Calm yourself, Adiyis. Breathe. In and out.” Adiyis did as Chrysalis said and calmed herself down, “Are you alright now?” Adiyis nodded.

Adiyis looked down, “But, I’m still scared I’m going to mess something up and…disappoint you.”

Chrysalis tilted her head back up to look at her, “My little Adiyis, there isn’t a thing you could do that would disappoint me. I know you will complete the trials and become the perfect soldier for the hive.”


“Of course.” Chrysalis let go of Adiyis “Now, allow me to introduce you to your trainer.” Chrysalis used her magic to reopen the hole and allow a changeling clad in full armor to enter, “Introduce yourself to your princess.”

The changeling bowed, “Greetings, princess Adiyis. My name is Thal.”

Chrysalis moved in front of Adiyis, “Thal is a general and an exceptional warrior of the hive. I have assigned him to train you when you come of age.”

“It’s…nice to meet you.”

“A word, general.” Chrysalis stepped off to the side as Thal followed where she cast a spell and put a dome over them, “I tell you this as a warning, general. Should you harm my daughter in such a way that I deem unnecessary during her training, you will be severely punished. Am I understood?”

“Of course, your highness,” Thal bowed his head, “I will only do what is necessary to further the princesses’ training.”

“See that you do.” Chrysalis lowered the dome and returned to Adiyis’s side, along with Thal, “Adiyis, with me.”

Chrysalis and Adiyis left the general and began trotting through the hive.

Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis and asked, “Where are we going now?”

“The library.”

“What?” Adiyis raised a brow, “Why?”

Chrysalis and Adiyis stepped into the library, “I think it’s time I taught you.”

Adiyis stepped over to a table and sat, “Why can’t Scissa teach me?”

Chrysalis chuckled, “My little Adiyis, sometimes there are things you can only learn from the queen.” She used her magic to levitate a large book, then proceeded to lay down on the ground, “Come here, Adiyis.”

Adiyis got up from the table and trotted over to Chrysalis, where she laid down next to her. Chrysalis opened the book and set it in front of Adiyis when she began giggling. Chrysalis raised a brow at this.

“What is so funny, Adiyis?”

“It’s just…” Adiyis trailed off as she nuzzled herself close to Chrysalis, “This reminds me of the times you read me stories when I was younger.”

Chrysalis smirked, “Ah, yes. The times when I had no duties and was able to rock you to sleep myself.” She then looked down sadly at Adiyis, “I wish I was able to make more time for you.”

“It’s okay.” Adiyis continued to nuzzle her side, “Scissa told me that I have to accept that you won’t be there all the time.”

“She did?” Chrysalis raised a brow.

“Yeah.” Adiyis nodded, “She is really nice to talk to when I need some-ling.”

“Interesting.” Chrysalis chuckled, “It would seem I have truly chosen the perfect caretaker for you. I am glad Scissa has been taking such good care of you.”

“I wouldn’t trade her for the world!”

Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “I am sure she would be glad to hear you say that. Now, perhaps we should begin your studies.”

“Oh, alright.”

Adiyis looked down at the book and immediately noticed how different the book was compared to other books she was given by Scissa. The book held many lessons about pony magic and changeling magic that confused Adiyis. She read through the book a bit more and came upon a part explaining earth pony magic, how they were experts of farmers and were stronger than any other pony species.

Adiyis looked back at Chrysalis, “Mom, why are we studying pony magic? We’re not ponies. We don’t have the same magic as them.”

“That is true,” Chrysalis turned the page and showed her the next that explained ways on how to counter pony magic, “Which is why we shall learn how to deal with pony magic. If you are to become a great soldier, then you must learn how to fight specific enemies.”

“Ooh!” Adiyis turned back to the book, “That makes sense.”

“Although,” Chrysalis tilted Adiyis’s head to look at her, “that wasn’t what I meant when I said there are things you can only learn from the queen.”

“What else is there?”

“Well, this is a lesson you may have already learned but must always remember.” Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “Lesson one, A queen must put the safety of the hive above all else, even herself.”

Adiyis tilted her head, “Does that mean what I did yesterday was an example of that lesson?”

Chrysalis nodded, “Yes, it does. You ventured into enemy territory just so you could save the hive. Although, I will say again,” she pulled Adiyis into a hug, “Don’t ever do something so dangerous behind my back again.”

Adiyis giggled, “Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning to. One trip to the pony lands is enough for me!”

“Good.” Chrysalis released Adiyis and allowed her to return to her studies, “Make sure you learn all you can from this book, it may just save your life one day.”

“Okay, mom!”

Adiyis continued to read the book and learned of not only pony weaknesses, but also other creatures such as Timberwolves, cockatrice, griffons, and chimeras. Chrysalis guided her through the book and tested her on what she knew to ensure she was learning correctly. Once minutes had turned to hours, Chrysalis had decided that it was time to stop and head to bed for the day, and Adiyis agreed. Chrysalis set the book back on the shelf, then levitated Adiyis onto her back and headed for their bed-chamber. Once there, Chrysalis put Adiyis to bed and prepared to leave but stopped when Adiyis called out to her.

“Mom, can you tell me a story?”

Chrysalis turned back, “I’m sorry, my little Adiyis, but I must-.”

“Return to your duties.” Adiyis finished her sentence then turned away from her, “I know.”


“It’s alright, mom. You have a hive to run. I can’t expect you to always be there for me.” Adiyis wouldn’t say it, but Chrysalis knew why she was upset.

Adiyis had enjoyed their time together and was upset that it was ending like this, with the same excuse Chrysalis has used time and time again before. Chrysalis knew she had to get back to her duties, but part of her refused to leave her daughter in such a sad state, so she made a choice.

Chrysalis turned away and connected to the hive mind, “General Thal.”

“Yes, my queen? I am here.”

”I am putting you in charge of the hive for a while. Something has come up that demands my attention.”


Chrysalis turned back to Adiyis and stepped beside the bed, Adiyis?


“Would you still like a story?”

Adiyis immediately sat up and looked at Chrysalis, “Really?” Chrysalis nodded, “But, what about your duties?”

“I’ve taken care of that. Now,” Chrysalis got onto the bed and laid beside Adiyis, “What kind of story would you like tonight?”

“Um, uhh,” Adiyis thought for a moment then gasped, “How about the evil princesses who are nearly defeated by a kind queen?”

Chrysalis chuckled, “Very well.” She made herself comfortable on the bed, “Once upon a time, the lands of Equestria were very peaceful. Every creature went about his or her own daily business until one day, two great princesses descended upon the land. The princess of the sun and the princess of the moon. The princesses saw how every creature got along and immediately wanted to end this, so they split up every race of creature from ponies.

“The princesses then had every pony who wasn’t rich or wealthy build them their own castle and city where they had continued to live. The princesses considered themselves to be above every creature, even the lower ponies and only allowed those who were rich to live in their new city, canterlot. Every other pony was forced to live in simple towns that they had built themselves.

“The kind hive queen saw how the princesses treated their own subjects, along with how they treated any other creature, and decided something had to be done. The hive queen gathered all of her subjects and started a war to overthrow the princesses and return the lands to peace. The hive queen banished the moon princess to her moon and nearly succeeded in defeating the sun princess, but she was far too cunning and forced the hive queen to retreat to the badlands.

“From then on, the sun princess has continued to rule her kingdom alone and continued to discriminate against any who didn’t have the means or title to reach their status.”

By the time Chrysalis had finished her story, she noticed Adiyis had fallen fast asleep nuzzled up close to her side. Chrysalis smirked then quietly left the bed and headed toward the door. She left the room and quietly closed the door behind her then trotted off to her throne room to take care of her duties with a small smile on her face.

(7 years later)

Two changelings clad in full armor were standing a few feet from each other and each was holding a wooden sword in their mouths. Above them, sitting on her own throne was Queen Chrysalis who was overseeing the whole battle. The changelings then charged at each other and clashed with their wooden swords. The first changeling pulled back then dipped below the second changeling’s sword and proceeded to headbutt it from below causing the changeling to stumble back. The first then tried to buck the changeling, but the second one was fast enough to jump away. The second then ran at the first before he had the chance to turn back around and slammed into his side, knocking him down. Before the first could get back up, the second positioned the wooden sword to his neck.

Chrysalis stood up and shouted, “Enough!”

The second removed themselves from the first then proceeded to remove their helmet to reveal a grown-up Adiyis. Adiyis undid her braided mane and allowed it to flow freely as Chrysalis stepped off her makeshift throne and approached Adiyis.

“Well done, Adiyis,” Adiyis looked up at Chrysalis, “I am impressed at the rate of your training.”

Adiyis looked away, “Thanks,” She stood up “If it’s alright with you, mom, I think I’ll head back to my room to rest.”

“That is fine,” Chrysalis watched as Adiyis left both her and general Thal in the training room.

Adiyis trotted through the hive until she had arrived at her room which she had to practically beg her mother for her to have. At first, Chrysalis was against the idea of Adiyis getting her own room at the age of ten, but after a little bit more begging, Chrysalis had finally agreed and Adiyis had finally gotten her own room. The room was built with an average-sized bed and a weapon holder off to the side with a bookcase next to it. Adiyis entered the room and saw Scissa in the process of cleaning her room.

Scissa turned to face Adiyis and bowed, “Princess Adiyis.”

“Hey, Scissa,” Adiyis jumped on her bed and sat, “Thanks for tidying up my room.”

“You are welcome. Her Majesty asked that I make sure your room was clean every day.”

Adiyis sighed, “Of course she did. Well, thanks anyway,” she grabbed a book and began reading

Scissa was about to leave the room but turned back, “Princess, is there something wrong?”

Adiyis looked back at Scissa, “What do you mean?”

“I couldn’t help but notice, you seem unhappy about something,” Scissa stepped next to her bed.

Adiyis sighed, “Was it that obvious?” Scissa nodded, “It’s...about my mom.”

“Oh!” Scissa turned back to the door, “I don’t think I should hear this.”

Adiyis turned to Scissa, “Wait!” Scissa turned back around “I really need to get this off my chest, so I promise that I won’t say anything.”

Scissa was debating whether to stay or not and ultimately decided to stay, “Alright, I’ll stay and listen.” she turned back around.

“And you have to promise you won’t tell mom.”

Scissa rubbed the back of her head, “I don’t believe I can promise that.”

Adiyis put her hooves together, “Please, Scissa. For me?”

Scissa stared into her eyes and couldn’t help but give in, “Very well. For you, princess Adiyis, I will keep your secret.”

Adiyis hugged Scissa, “Thanks, Scissa,” Scissa awkwardly patted Adiyis’s back. Adiyis pulled away and sighed, “Okay, the problem is...I feel like mom is still treating me like a nymph.”

“Oh? How?”

“It’s my training,” Adiyis shook her head “I’ve noticed for a while that general Thal has been going easy on me, and I know it was my mom who told him. She’s always thinking I’m some fragile nymph who’ll smash to pieces if I even stub my hoof.”

“Perhaps if you talk to her, she may listen and understand.”

Adiyis narrowed her eyes at her, “Scissa, we’re talking about the same changeling queen who didn’t let me have my own room until I begged her when I was thirteen,” Adiyis shook her head again, “She won’t listen.”

“Then, what will you do?”

Adiyis thought for a moment, “I’ll have to prove to mom that I’m more than capable to take on more intense training. But how?”

Scissa bowed, “I will help however I can, princess Adiyis.”

“Thanks, Scissa.” Adiyis went back to thinking until she finally got an idea, “I got it! Hey, Scissa?”

“Yes, princess?”

“Can you go find Pharynx? I’m sure he’s busy training with the other soldiers right now. When you find him, bring him here.”

“Understood.” Scissa immediately left the room while Adiyis went back to her book to wait for her to come back.

After a few minutes, Scissa had finally come back to the room with Pharynx in tow. They entered the room and Scissa bowed again.

“Princess Adiyis, I have brought Pharynx.”

Adiyis looked up from her book and smiled then stepped off her bed, “Pharynx! It’s good to see you!”

Pharynx saluted, “Princess Adiyis, I am glad to be of service to you.”

Adiyis rolled her eyes but retained her smile, “Still the same old. Anyway, I need you to do something for me.”

Pharynx nodded “Whatever you need, princess, I shall obey any order.”

“I need you to train me to be a soldier.”

Pharynx went wide-eyed, “I apologize, princess, but I can’t obey that order.”

“What?” Adiyis raised a brow, “Why not?” Pharynx didn’t answer and instead looked off to the side.

“I apologize again, princess, but I fear I can not tell you.”

Adiyis narrowed her eyes at him, “Why not, Pharynx?” Pharynx avoided her gaze and remained silent making Adiyis sigh, “Alright, looks like I don’t have a choice. Pharynx, as princess of the hive, and daughter of Queen Chrysalis, I order you to tell me why!”

Scissa gasped, “Princess Adiyis, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you use such an order.”

“I don’t like to use my rank to get what want. It never feels right.”

Pharynx saluted again, “Her majesty, the queen, has ordered no other soldier is allowed to train you. Only general Thal is allowed to be your trainer.”

“Of course, I should’ve known,” Adiyis shook her head, “Well, now you’re gonna train me.”

“I must decline, your highness.”


Pharynx looked away, “Were the queen to find out, I will be severely punished for going against her orders.”

Adiyis smirked, “That’s only IF she finds out.”

Scissa raised a brow, “What did you have in mind, princess?”

“It’s simple,” Adiyis snickered, “The hive is a huge place, which means there may be some spaces where the drones don’t go anymore. We’re going to use these spaces to secretly train.”

Scissa nodded, “A perfect plan, your highness!”

“Thanks, Scissa.”

“And, you’re sure her majesty won’t find out?” Pharynx asked

Adiyis shook her head, “Nope, not unless one of us tells her, and I know neither of you will. Right?”

Both of them nodded and said, “Yes, princess Adiyis.”

Once everything was set, and Adiyis had her armor and wooden weapons, they set off to look for an area of the hive the drones didn’t patrol. They didn’t have to look far since deep within the hive were plenty of places where the drones don’t patrol, and that was where Adiyis and Pharynx had decided to hold their secret training.

(A few days later)

It had been a few days since Adiyis and Pharynx started their secret training sessions. Adiyis still showed up to her training sessions with general Thal, but only to keep up appearances, and went straight to Pharynx as soon as those were over. During her sessions with Thal, Chrysalis had noticed that Adiyis was fighting differently every time she came to the sessions with Thal, she also noticed Adiyis had been performing even better than she had before. When the tenth day came, Chrysalis had decided to get to the bottom of this and called for her caretaker to appear before her.

Scissa entered the throne room and bowed, “Your highness.”

“Scissa,” Chrysalis looked down at her, “do you know why I have called you before me?”

Scissa shook her head, “I am sorry, my queen, I do not.”

Chrysalis stepped off her throne and began slowly approaching Scissa, “I have been noticing some changes with my daughter. She has been getting stronger faster than I had planned,” Chrysalis stepped past Scissa but she remained where she was, “Do you know why?”

Scissa remained silent for a few seconds, “No, your highness.”

Chrysalis looked back, “Why the hesitation? Is there something you are not telling me?”

Scissa shook her head, “N-No, my queen.”

Chrysalis turned and stepped in front of her, “I see. Although, if you were withholding information...” Chrysalis tilted Scissa chin up to look at her, “You will be punished for disobeying my order to relay everything that happens to my daughter back to me.”

Scissa audibly gulped as Chrysalis moved closer and stared at Scissa right in her eyes.

“Now, I’ll ask you again, do you know why my daughter is changing?”

Scissa closed her eyes and took a deep, ’Forgive me, princess Adiyis,’ Scissa reopened her eyes to look at Chrysalis “I do, my queen.”

Adiyis and Pharynx had just finished their newest training sessions and were currently resting by sitting down.

Pharynx looked over at her, “I must say princess, you’re becoming better and better.”

Adiyis smiled, “It’s all thanks to your guidance. You’re a much better trainer than I thought, Pharynx.”

Pharynx bowed, “I am glad you are pleased with my skills.”

“Really, Pharynx?” Adiyis shook her head, “I tell you this all the time, you don’t have to act so formally with me.”

“I am merely expressing my gratitude to you for being praised.”

“You can just say “Thanks”. You don’t have to go that far,” Adiyis sighed, “You’re my friend, Pharynx, and I don’t want my friends treating me any differently.”

“Princess Adiyis,” Pharynx bowed his head “With all due respect, I am a soldier of the hive. I am trained to protect it and you, I can’t be anything more.”

Adiyis got close to him, “You are to me. You and Incey and Thorax have all been by my side ever since I was old enough to walk and talk. None of you are some mindless drones,” she suddenly pulled him into a hug which surprised him, “You’re all my friends.”

Before Pharynx could say anything, a voice spoke up from the entrance to the room.

“What. Are. You. Doing?”

Adiyis immediately let go of Phrynx and turned to see Chrysalis with a couple of guards by her sides, and Scissa. Pharynx quickly bowed.

“M-Mom?! What are you doing here?!”

Chrysalis stepped forward, “I knew something was amiss when you suddenly began showing more progress in your training than was allowed, so I had your caretaker inform of your little secret,” Chrysalis gestured at Scissa who refused to face Adiyis.

“Scissa? You told?”

Scissa bowed her head, “I am sorry, princess Adiyis. I could not disobey her majesty.”

Chrysalis looked at Pharynx, “To think one of my soldiers went behind my back and disobeyed my orders.”

“I am truly sorry, my queen.”

“You will be. I will make sure you pay for this offense.”

Adiyis stepped in front of Pharynx, “Wait! Don’t punish Pharynx. This whole thing was my idea. He shouldn’t be punished for it.”

“Pharynx knew full well what would happen were he to go through with it. He will be punished, and so will you.” Chrysalis turned to her guards and was about to order them when Adiyis spoke up.

“Punished how? Will give me a spanking? Tell me “no” like I’m a larva? Well, I can tell you. No matter what my punishment is, you’ll still treat me like a nymph!”

Chrysalis turned to Adiyis, “Watch your tone, Adiyis.”

Adiyis shouted, “No!”

Every changeling in the room was startled at Adiyis raising her voice at their own queen who was already in a bad mood.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at her, “What?”

“I said no, mom. I won’t watch my tone because I need to say this and you need to hear this,” Adiyis stepped forward a bit, “You need to stop treating me like I’m some fragile nymph!”

“What are you talking about? When have I treated you like a nymph?”

“Every day in training!”

Chrysalis was a bit surprised, “How did-.”

“You think I wouldn’t notice general Thal going easy on me? I’ve noticed a long time ago that I’ve been getting in hits I shouldn’t be getting. That means he’s been going easy on me, and you’re always there to oversee my training,” Adiyis huffed, “It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.”

Chrysalis sighed, “Yes, I told General Thal to go easy on you. But to counter this, I’ve had him work on your technique so you will still advance on your training.”

“Mom, I should be getting the full training experience, not just some of it. I should be allowed to get hurt a little.”

“No, I won’t allow it!”

Adiyis huffed, “There you go again, treating like me like a nymph.”

Chrysalis bared her fangs, “I did this path so you won’t have to experience the pain that comes with training! I did this for you!”

“Have you ever considered my feelings to this “path” of yours?!”

“I don’t need to! I am your mother and I know what’s best for you!”

“No, you don’t!” Adiyis bared her fangs as well, “You think your way is better, but it’s not. I learned more by training with Pharynx than I ever did by going your way!”

“My way is efficient!”

“Your way is stupid!”

Chrysalis growled, “I will not allow you to speak to me this way!” Chrysalis turned back to her guards, “You will go to your room and stay there until further notice.”

“No, I won’t!”

Chrysalis glared at Adiyis, “You WILL obey me, Adiyis!” she added a stomp to the statement which cracked the ground, “I am the queen of this hive.”

“That doesn’t mean ANYTHING to me.” Adiyis also added a stomp that cracked the ground as well.

“Then how about this?! I am still your mother and you WILL do as I say!”

Adiyis was glaring hard at Chrysalis and was currently being driven by rage when she shouted, “Maybe you should’ve NEVER been my mother!”

The whole room went silent as Chrysalis looked down and turned away from Adiyis who immediately covered her mouth as soon as those words had left her mouth. No changeling dared to move or even make a sound.

“M-Mom, I-.”

“Go to your room, Adiyis.” Chrysalis didn’t even look at her. Before Adiyis could speak up again, Chrysalis spoke first. “NOW!”

Adiyis ran out of the room as quickly as possible and refused to look back as she ran straight to her room. Every other changeling remained where they were.

Chrysalis glanced at the other changelings “You are all dismissed. Return to your duties. I will be in my room.” Chrysalis trotted off and left the changelings behind.

Scissa was the first to stand, “I shall go and make sure princess Adiyis is alright,” she quickly ran off and left the others behind

Adiyis softly cried into her pillow when a knock came on her door. Before she could ask who it was, Scissa opened and entered her room.

“Princess Adiyis, are you alright?”

Adiyis looked up from her pillow and wiped her eyes, “Tell me, Scissa. How badly did I just mess up?”

“Truthfully, princess,” Scissa sighed. “I don’t know. No-ling has ever spoken back at her majesty like you did. We can only hope she isn’t too upset.”

Adiyis shook her head, “I’m so STUPID!”

Scissa rubbed her back, “Princess, you shouldn’t say that about yourself.”

“But I am, Scissa!” Adiyis turned over and stared at the ceiling, “I just told my own mom that I wish she wasn’t my mom. How could I have done that?!”

“You were angry and wasn’t thinking clearly.”

Adiyis sighed then sat up, “I need to go apologise.”

Scissa moved out of the way as Adiyis got off her bed, “Are you sure that’s a wise decision? She may be still upset.”

“I have to.” Adiyis stepped to the door then stopped, “Oh yeah, one more thing,” She turned and hugged Scissa, “I don’t blame you for telling mom.”

Scissa actually hugged back, “Thank you, princess.”

Adiyis let go of Scissa and left the room. Adiyis trotted through the hive until she reached Chrysalis’s bed-chamber. She took a deep breath and prepared herself.

’Okay, Adiyis, you got this. Just knock on the door and apologize to your mom. It’s now or never,’ Adiyis took one more breath and braced herself as she finally knocked on the door. When no one answered, Adiyis decided to just trot inside.

Adiyis opened the door and poked her head inside. She saw Chrysalis just laying on her bed facing away from the door, so Adiyis stepped inside further.


Chrysalis was startled and turned her head to Adiyis, “Adiyis.”

Adiyis stalked over to her bed, “May I...sit down?” Chrysalis slowly nodded, so Adiyis sat down next to her. “So...”

Chrysalis looked away, “Why did you come, Adiyis?”

“I...came to say, I’m sorry.” Chrysalis immediately turned back. “I shouldn’t have said what I said, but I was so angry and frustrated by the fact you were still treating me like a nymph that It just....came out.”

Chrysalis looked down, “I suppose I must apologize as well. It would seem the fear of seeing you hurt in any way had overtaken me. It made me blind to what truly mattered.”

Adiyis laid herself down on top of Chrysalis’s back, “Mom, you’re making me become a soldier of the hive. Whether I get hurt now or later doesn’t matter. In the end, I’m going to get hurt and you’re gonna have to accept that.”

“I know that! It’s just....” Chrysalis trailed off, so Adiyis smiled and rubbed her back.

“I understand. You’re scared I’m going to get too hurt, that I’m going to go on a mission and never come back.”

Chrysalis softly pet her mane, “I don’t want to send you on a mission, and let that be the last time I see the life in your eyes.”

“That’s why I have to train, so I’ll be able to come back to every-ling.” Adiyis hugged Chrysalis, “So I’ll be able to come back to you.”

Chrysalis looked unsure, “But-.”

“Mom, this has to happen. I can’t be your little Adiyis forever.”

Chrysalis sighed, “Yes, you’re right. It’s time to let you go.” Chrysalis stepped off her bed, “Adiyis, go to the training room and get your armor on.”

Adiyis smiled and saluted, “Yes, ma’am.” she stepped off the bed and left the room.

Chrysalis connected to the hive mind, ”General Thal.”

”Yes, my queen? Is it time to train the princess?”

”Yes, except this time I don’t want you to hold back. I want you to fight with all of your might.”

”A-Are you sure, your highness?”

”I don’t recall stuttering, General. Get to the training room. I will be there soon.”


Adiyis had donned her armor and entered the training arena where Chrysalis had already reached her throne to oversee the arena. After a minute has passed, General Thal had finally arrived at the arena as well in his own full armor. Both of them drew their wooden swords and faced each other, but neither moved. Neither of them was allowed to move, nor attack each other until the queen gave the order.

Chrysalis watched both of them and nodded, “Begin!”

General Thal was the first to move as he rushed at Adiyis and took a swing at her using his wooden sword. Adiyis quickly jumped out of the way, then she ran at him and tried to hit his side using her sword but Thal quickly turned and smacked Adiyis in the face using his sword. Adiyis was knocked back and was genuinely surprised, but she was also happy cause that counter-attack meant this was a serious battle. Adiyis adjusted the sword in her mouth and ran back at Thal to take a swing at him. Thal used his own wooden sword to block each of her attacks, and when she tried to leg sweep him, he jumped in the air and brought the full might of his wooden sword right on top of her, and smashed her right into the ground. When Adiyis hit the ground, she ended up breaking her sword so when she got back up, Thal already had his sword pointed right at her neck.

Chrysalis shouted, “Enough!”

Thal removed himself from her neck and sheathed his sword while Chrysalis jumped down and approached Adiyis.

“Adiyis! Are you alright?” Adiyis looked down and began laughing. Her laughing slowly got more intense while Chrysalis raised a brow.

Adiyis had finally stopped laughing, “That was...intense, but fun! So that’s what a real battle feels like!”

“Fun?” Chrysalis cocked her head, “But you lost.”

“So? I’m just happy I finally got to fight a real battle! I couldn’t be happier right now!” Adiyis suddenly hugged Chrysalis, “Thanks for finally believing in me, mom.”

Chrysalis smirked as she softly pets her mane “My pleasure, Adiyis.”