• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,816 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

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The Alternate Time.

(Three years after the invasion of Canterlot)

Three years had passed since the successful invasion of Canterlot. Adiyis had become very accustomed to her new role as hive queen. Scissa had considered her to be as good as Chrysalis herself, despite Adiyis saying otherwise. After the invasion, Queen Chrysalis had the changelings turn Canterlot into another hive by opening up holes that led to the crystal caverns and using them as new places to place ponies and monsters that were captured. After she caught Celestia and cocooned her, her army then captured Luna and sent both of them and Cadence to the original hive so no creature would ever be able to rescue them.

After some time, Chrysalis and Adiyis had gotten word from other changelings that the remaining ponies had all banded together to rebel against them, and Chrysalis intends to stamp it out for good.

Adiyis trotted through the hive. "The carriage should be ready now. I should head down."

"My Queen." Adiyis turned to see Scissa approaching. "The soldiers had just finished escorting the rest of our prisoners to the love chamber to cocoon them. What would you have us do with the dead ones?"

"Throw them someplace random. Let the monsters deal with their bodies."

Scissa bowed. "As you wish. Are you off to Canterlot to see Queen Chrysalis?"

Adiyis nodded. "Yeah. It's been a while since I've visited. Might as well use this as an excuse to go see mother."

"I wish you safe travels, Queen Adiyis."

"Thank you, Scissa." Adiyis turned away. "Watch over the hive in my place. When I return, I want to know everything that's happened."

"As you wish."

Adiyis made her way towards the entrance to the hive where a carriage, designed by changelings to copy their look and style, was waiting for her. She stepped inside and was pulled by two changeling warriors to Canterlot. Adiyis looked out the window and saw many changelings, and changeling nymphs, adorning the streets of Canterlot. She landed near the palace where a squad of changelings bowed to her and escorted her into the palace throne room where Chrysalis currently sat.

One of the guards bowed. "Queen Chrysalis, Queen Adiyis has arrived."

Chrysalis nodded then held out her hoof. "Leave us." The changelings bowed and left the room. Chrysalis smiled. "Ah, Adiyis. It's good to see you again. How long has it been since you've visited? Two? Three months?"

Adiyis smiled and bowed her head. "Hello, mother. To answer your question, I believe it's been five months since last I visited. Although can you truly blame me? I am ruling an entire hive far away from Canterlot."

Chrysalis chuckled. "And, how is the hive? I received reports of a group of ponies planning to attack it from one of my spies."

Adiyis lifted her head. "The hive is doing fine. And as for the attack, there is no need to worry. Thanks to your magic dampening throne, the ponies didn't stand a chance and some easily surrendered. The others who still resisted we had to Execute."

"Were you harmed?"

Adiyis shook her head. "No. The ponies were too weak to harm any of us. We suffered no casualties."

"This is good." Chrysalis stepped off her throne and approached Adiyis. "It never ceases to amaze me how much you've grown over the years."

"I had to grow up sometime. If I am to properly rule the hive, that is."

Chrysalis chuckled. "It almost feels like yesterday when you were panicking and scared you were gonna destroy the hive."

Adiyis looked away as she blushed. "Please don't bring that up anymore. I was young and still learning."

"And now look at you. Confident. Strong. And a quick decision-maker." Chrysalis hugged Adiyis close. "I couldn't be more proud of you."

Adiyis remained silent and smiled then Chrysalis let her go. "Tell me, what do you say to spending the night here in Canterlot with me?"

"I-I shouldn't. Scissa is waiting for me back at the hive. I shouldn't delay."

"It is only for one night, Adiyis. You may head back to the hive first thing tomorrow."

Adiyis thought a bit more then nodded. "Very well, just for tonight."

Chrysalis clapped her hooves together. "Excellent! First, you must see the entertainment the drones had come up with in my honor. It is simply to die for."

Suddenly, the door to the room was opened, and in stepped Shining Armor whose eyes still had a soft green glow to them but it was fading.

Shining looked at Chrysalis but only saw Cadence. "Cadence, something feels...wrong. Where are Princess Celestia and Luna?"

"Excuse me, Adiyis." Chrysalis approached Shining. "It is alright, my love. The princesses are simply visiting Ponyville. They'll be back soon." Her horn glowed as she solidified the spell on him again. "You have nothing to worry about. Just return to your room."

Shining only nodded and left the throne room. Adiyis clapped her hooves. "You have really outdone yourself with the performance, mother."

Chrysalis did a bow. "Thank you, Adiyis. Although, one of these days, it may no longer be just a performance."

Adiyis stopped clapping. "Wait, what?! If you start taking it seriously, does that mean I'll have to call that pony father?!"

Chrysalis laughed out loud. "I joke, Adiyis. I won't be caught dead with a pony as my king."

Adiyis sighed. "That's good. I'd rather not have to look at a pony as my father figure."

"Although, it still isn't too late for you, Adiyis."

"...Excuse me?"

"Don't think this thought hasn't crossed my mind at least once. There are many changeling warriors of the hive. Surely one of them is worthy of taking your hoof in marriage."

Adiyis bushed hard. "Mother! You can not be serious right now!"

Chrysalis smirked. "Oh, but I am. You mustn't be the last of our line, Adiyis. Surely there is some-ling worthy of your love. Perhaps your personal guard, Pharynx?"

Adiyis turned away. "General Pharynx may be strong and loyal, and yes I can depend on him if times get tough. But he is far from worthy of marrying me." Adiyis then realized what she did. "Wait, why am I entertaining this idea?! I am not getting married!"

"We shall see." Chrysalis then turned towards the door. "For now, I would love to show you the show the drones put on. I am positive you will enjoy it." Just as she opened the door, a changeling was standing on the other side. "What do you want drone?"

The changeling bowed. "Forgive me for the interruption, Queen Chrysalis, but the prisoners we have captured have finally given us the location of their resistance camp."

Chrysalis smiled widely. "Finally!" She turned to Adiyis. "Apologies, my daughter, but we will have to skip the entertainment today."

"From the sounds of it, you have been hunting this resistance for a long time, mother."

"Indeed. They have been very elusive these past few months, but after we finally captured three of their members, I saw this as a chance to finally catch them all."

Adiyis bowed her head. "Allow me to accompany you on this hunt, mother. I wish to assist you in capturing these ponies."

"Very well, Adiyis. Come, we haven't a second to lose."

Chrysalis flew away while Adiyis returned to her carriage so they could carry her to the town below. Afterward, Adiyis quickly ran to join the army to attack the resistance. Chrysalis informed the changeling that when she gives the signal, all attack. So, Adiyis sat back with the changelings while Chrysalis advanced forward with two others who guided her through the forest until they reached the camp. Suddenly, a bright green pillar of light appeared from within the forest and that was the signal for the rest of the changelings to move in.

Adiyis stood beside and studied the ponies and the one zebra and noticed a lilac-colored one. 'Is that a princess?! I thought there were only three.'

Suddenly the princess turned and began running away with a purple dragon.

"Time to make a decision, Zecora."

"Even if what you are saying were true, we'd never surrender to a creature like you!" Then the zebra and the ponies charged at them as did the changelings.

Adiyis took this chance to try to catch up to the princess by knocking a few ponies out of the way while Chrysalis and the others dealt with Zecora and the rest of the ponies.

"Stop right there, alicorn! You have nowhere to run!"

The pony looked back and gasped. "Princess Adiyis?!"

Adiyis's eyes widened. "How do you know my name?! Stop!"

She suddenly tried to dive into her but the pony teleported to a strange table and cast a spell on a piece of paper which allowed her to escape through a portal.

Adiyis stepped close to the table and studied it. "What is this? It shows an entire map of Equestria."

"Adiyis!" Chrysalis approached from behind. "Why were you chasing after that pony when you should've been fighting with the others?"

Adiyis bowed her head. "I apologize for abandoning the battle, but that pony was an alicorn."

"That's impossible. There are only three princesses in Equestria and all of them are captured. There has never been any record of a fourth."

Adiyis turned back to the table. "I am certain of what I saw."

Chrysalis nodded. "Very well, then where is this fourth princess now?"

"Sadly, I was unable to capture her." She put a hoof on the table. "She somehow used this table and a piece of paper to escape through a portal. I wasn't fast enough to follow."

Chrysalis approached the table and studied it. "Then, I will have the drones study the table. Perhaps there is a way we can cast the same spell and follow." She then turned away. "For now, let us return to Canterlot. We have new ponies to send to the caverns and you still have yet to see the show."

"I am surprised you still want me to see it, mother. We did waste some of the day away by hunting down this resistance camp."

"As I said before. It is to die for." Chrysalis began trotting off as Adiyis took another glance at the table.

'The pony may have been an alicorn, but my biggest concern is how it knew my name even though I had never seen her before.'


"Right, I'm coming!" Adiyis turned back and quickly followed after Chrysalis.

Author's Note:

This was just a fun little chapter I did just to show what the other world was like had the invasion succeeded. No, this is not canon and no this version of Adiyis will not be returning...yet. It's still too early in the timeline.