• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,804 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

  • ...

First mission.

Two years had passed since Adiyis first started her training. During those two years, Adiyis's body had undergone additional transformations. Multiple holes had begun to appear on her legs, mane, and tail. The holes on her legs were very painful to the point where Chrysalis had to use her magic to soothe her until it was finally over. Two antennae had also grown out of her head and were just like Chrysalis's. She had also come along very well in her training, ever since Chrysalis allowed her to go all out in her training. Through the years, Adiyis was able to win some training matches against general Thal, but those were very rare. This was one of the best soldiers the hive had to offer, victory is not always guaranteed.

Adiyis had just finished another training session with general Thal that ended in a loss.

Adiyis took off her helmet. “Thanks for the training match, general Thal. I feel like I've really improved.”

Thal bowed his head. “It is my pleasure, princess Adiyis.” He lifted his head then removed his helmet. “Shall we continue our training later today, princess?”

Adiyis shook her head. “Not today. I think I'll take a break. I have studies later today, and I should focus on them.” She left the training room, where she proceeded to remove the rest of her armor and hang it up, but she kept her sword with her. “I should let mom know how I'm progressing in my training.”

Adiyis left the room and made her way towards the throne room. Once she had arrived, she stopped herself from opening the doors when she heard multiple voices coming from inside.

“Oh! I guess she's having a meeting...” Adiyis looked around for any other changeling, then smirked. “I guess it wouldn't hurt to listen in like old times.” She put her ear to the door.

“... And what will we do about our love shortage?”

Adiyis gasped. “Love shortage?”

“How are our reserves looking?” Adiyis recognized the voice as her mother's

“They are very low, my queen. Lower than they should ever be.”

“This is unacceptable!” Adiyis had to move her head away because of Chrysalis's shouting but quickly put it back. “I set a strict limit on how much each and every changeling should consume our love! Unless there was an emergency, we should still have more than enough love. Who dares disobey the rule I set?!”

“W-We don't know what happened, your grace. But we must acquire more love soon.”

A magic blast shot through the door next to Adiyis's head. She peeked through the hole to see the drone's cheek grazed. “You think I don't know that! I am not a fool! Have the drones hunt even further from the hive than usual, but continue to avoid the pony villages! And make sure no other changeling disobeys my rule! If one does, I want them brought before me!”

“As you wish.”

Adiyis took this chance to enter the throne room. “Mom!”

“Adiyis? What are y-.”

“What's this about a love shortage?”

Chrysalis remained silent, then turned to the changeling. “Leave us.”

The changeling bowed to both Chrysalis and Adiyis, then left the throne room.

“Have you been listening in again, Adiyis? I thought you outgrew that habit long ago.”

“Please don't try to change the subject, mom.” Adiyis stepped closer to her. “I heard everything and I want to help!”

Chrysalis shook her head. “No, Adiyis.” Before she could speak up again, Chrysalis spoke first. “Don't misunderstand, this is not for your safety. This is simply another burden I must bear as queen of this hive.”

“Then let me burden it too.”

“You don't know what you're asking, Adiyis.” Chrysalis stepped off her throne and trotted to Adiyis where she proceeded to place a hoof on her head. “Please, my daughter. For once, let me handle the problems of the hive myself. You just continue to focus on your studies.”

“I...” As Adiyis continued to stare into Chrysalis's eyes, she knew that arguing anymore wouldn't change her mind.

But she could also see something else, intense sadness. But for whom, she couldn't tell.

Adiyis bowed her head and nodded. “Okay.”

Chrysalis removed her hoof. “You need not worry, Adiyis. Just watch, this issue will be solved by the end of the month.” Adiyis smiled and nodded as Chrysalis turned back to her throne but stopped. “Oh yes, I nearly forgot. You have a final test coming up.”

“A test?” Adiyis thought for a moment. “Is this another test about what I learned during my studies?”

“No. This one will be different.” Chrysalis flew up to her throne and turned to Adiyis. “You will be sent on your first mission as your test.”

“Really?! My first mission?!” Adiyis nearly jumped with joy, but suddenly stopped. “Wait, as a test?”

“Yes, as a test. Should you complete the task ahead, you will be officially recognized as a warrior of the hive.”

“Oh, so this test is really important, huh?” Chrysalis nodded. “What will I do?”

“I am unable to divulge that information. It wouldn't be fair to others if only you would know your task.”

Adiyis nodded. “Yeah, I guess that's fair. When is the test anyway?”



“Yes, tomorrow.”

“B-But, mom? Is that even enough time for me to get ready?”

“If you are to leave now and begin your preparations, then you will. You need not worry about your studies either, I already informed Scissa that you will not be attending later today.” Chrysalis smirked as Adiyis immediately left the throne room. Once she was gone, Chrysalis let her smile fall. “I am sorry I could not tell you everything, little Adiyis. But a burden such as this should forever remain mine.”

Adiyis ran through the hive and made a beeline for her room. Once she entered, she saw that her room was spotless, which meant Scissa had just cleaned it. Adiyis wasted no time and immediately made sure her sword was clean and ready for tomorrow. Once she had, she set it aside on its holder and got into her bed then went to sleep, so she could wake up early. The next day, Adiyis was suddenly woken up by a couple of changeling soldiers who burst opened her door.

Adiyis quickly sat up in her bed. “What's going on?!”

The first changeling bowed. “Princess Adiyis, our queen has demanded your presence immediately.”

Adiyis nodded. “Alright, I'll be there in a moment.”

The changelings bowed their heads then left her room. Adiyis left her bed, grabbed her sword off of its holder, and secured it around her barrel, then she left her room and headed towards Chrysalis's throne room. When she arrived, she saw many changelings lined up against on each side of the room. Adiyis trotted forward and stood before the throne where Chrysalis currently sat.

General Thal stepped forward. “Bow before your princess!” All the changeling in the room immediately bowed.

Thal nodded to Chrysalis, who nodded back, then looked at Adiyis. “Princess Adiyis, it is time I have sent you on your first mission. But first, let me present those who will join you.” Chrysalis looked back to the doors and shouted. “You may enter!”

The throne room doors reopened and Adiyis turned to see Pharynx, Thorax, and a new changeling whom Adiyis hadn't seen before. The new changeling had bright yellow eyes and no horn, but special armor on his forelegs that had small pointing shards sticking out of little pockets. Adiyis was surprised but kept her composure to seem professional. The changelings approached Adiyis and bowed.

Chrysalis waved her hoof. “Allow me to present, Pharynx, Lirlt, and...” She narrowed her eyes at Thorax. “Thorax. These three shall accompany you on your mission.”

Lirlt lifted his head. “We hope to serve you well, princess Adiyis.” Adiyis nodded.

“And now it is time I told you your mission. Lift your heads and listen closely.” The changelings did as told. “You four are to scour the nearby lands and hunt down a creature to return to the hive. The creature must be a strong one. A simple cockatrice or timberwolf will not be allowed. Complete this task, and all of you will be officially recognized as warriors of the hive. Do you understand?”

“We understand.” Adiyis saluted. “We swear we will complete this task mo-...my queen!”

Chrysalis nodded then turned to Thal. “General Thal, escort these four to the hive entrance and have changelings await their return.” Thal nodded, then he stepped past the four and began guiding them while they followed. “And, Thorax?”

Thorax immediately stopped in his tracks when Chrysalis spoke to him through the hive mind. He slowly turned back and looked at Chrysalis, who simply held a calm expression on her face.

“This will be your last chance to prove your worth. Although should I hear that you had caused problems for my daughter and her team, I will not hesitate to dispose of you. Am I understood?”

Thorax slowly nodded his head. “Y-Yes, my queen.”

“Then hurry and leave my sight.”

Thorax quickly turned back to the door and hurried after the others. After a bit of trotting, Adiyis and the others made it to the entrance of the hive, where a couple of guards were posted to await their return. As soon as Adiyis and the others left the hive, Thal turned back to it and left them while they kept going until they were no longer in the badlands.

Adiyis stopped and took a deep breath. “Hm, wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've last left the hive.” She turned to Pharynx. “Do you remember that quest we went on?”

Pharynx nodded. “Yes, princess. I remember it well. It was the first time we left the hive.”

Adiyis sighed. “It feels like yesterday when you, Incey, and I went on our adventure to save the hive from a winter storm.”

“Princess.” Adiyis turned to Lirlt. “Not to be rude, but we must stay focused on our mission.”

“You're right. This is no time to be reminiscing.” Adiyis turned back around and took a few steps forward. “We should start by searching the nearby forests for monsters. Thorax and I will search the ground. You and Pharynx should take to the skies.”

Lirlt thought for a moment. “Princess, shouldn't either Pharynx or I accompany you instead? If you are to encounter a monster, then we would be able to fight it and maybe defeat it much more quickly."

Adiyis glanced at Thorax who was simply standing in the back away from the others, then back. "No, we're sticking with my plan for now. We'll find a monster a lot faster if the two of you are searching from the air."

Pharynx bowed. "As you wish, princess." He and Lirlt then took to the skies

"Come on, Thorax. Let's start our search in the east." Thorax nodded and proceeded to follow Adiyis further into the forest. Adiyis and Thorax had been trotting for a few minutes in complete silence until she glanced behind herself. "What's wrong, Thorax?"

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't said a word since we've even started this mission." Adiyis stopped and turned around. "So, I was wondering. Is something wrong?"

Thorax nervously looked away. "N-No. Of course not, princess. Everything is fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong." He then nervously smiled.

Adiyis shook her head. "You just called me princess instead of that nickname you came up with. Now I know something's wrong. Tell me."

"I'm telling you, Adi, it's nothing."

"Thorax?" Adiyis stepped closer.

Thorax backed away. "I-."

"Wait, be quiet." Adiyis slowly turned around and scanned the area to which she noticed some far away bushes rustling, and a shadowy figure slowly moving around the trees. Adiyis unsnapped the holder to her sword. "Thorax, get back. There's a monster nearby."

"What?" Thorax glanced around. "Where?"

"Just beyond those trees over there." Adiyis pointed toward the far-away trees. "Stick close to me, Thorax. There's no telling what we're dealing with."

"I have a better idea." Thorax began flying. "I'll go get the others so you can fight the monster."

"Thorax wait!" Before Adiyis could say anything more, Throax tried to fly above the trees to retrieve Pharynx and Lirlt when he was suddenly attacked and smacked back to the ground by a figure who bolted out from the trees. "A bugbear!"

Adiyis unsheathed her sword and quickly ran to Thorax's defense. She stood between him and the bugbear who roared at her. The bugbear wasted no time and immediately tried to sting her, so Adiyis used her sword to deflect it to the left then she tried to stab the bugbear, but it was able to fly out of the way just in time.

Thorax lifted his head and saw Adiyis fighting the bugbear. "Adi!"

Adiyis dodged a claw attack by jumping back. "Thorax, stay down and stay behind me! This bugbear isn't planning on letting either of us go anywhere."

Thorax was about to stand up. "But I can-."

Adiyis took a glance at him. "I said stay down!" She quickly turned back and used her sword to block another claw attack that nearly knocked her sword away, but she held tightly and stood her ground.

"But you can't do it alone." Thorax began flying again. "You need help. I'll just fly up and warn the others." He, again, tried to fly above the trees. The bugbear saw Thorax flying away and was quick to follow.

Adiyis turned and growled in frustration. "Thorax! Ugh! Why can't you follow my orders?!" She ran after the bugbear and Thorax.

Thorax had made it above the trees and looked around for Pharynx and Lirlt, it didn't take long to find them approaching in the distance. Thorax was just about to fly towards them when the bugbear blocked his path and growled as he raised his paws. Thorax put his hooves up in time to protect himself when the bugbear swatted him back to the ground, but when he crashed into the ground he ended up more wounded than expected and struggled to stand as the bugbear currently hovered over him and prepared to strike again. Thorax covered his head and braced himself.

"Thorax! Move!" Adiyis pushed her hooves to their limit to reach Thorax in time.

Once she had, she thought fast and knocked Thorax out of the way of the bugbear's next attack, but in doing so, she was the one who took it instead and was thrown into a tree which caused her to drop her sword. When Adiyis hit the tree, a loud cracking noise came from her right foreleg which made her scream out in pain. Once Adiyis landed on the grass she took a look at her leg to find it heavily bruised. The bugbear slowly approached Adiyis so she frantically looked for her sword, only to find it too far away to reach in her current state. The bugbear raised its paws to attack and Adiyis prepared for the worst when it was suddenly shot in the back.

Pharynx shot at the bugbear again. "I'll grab the princess. You keep the bugbear distracted." Lirlt nodded, then blades protruded from the special armor on his forelegs which he used to slash at the bugbear as he flew around it.

Pharynx flew fast and picked up Adiyis then flew off while Lirlt and Thorax followed. The bugbear still tried to chase after them and was rapidly approaching.

Pharynx stopped then turned to Lirlt. "Take her, I'll deal with this." Lirlt took Adiyis off his hooves while Pharynx transformed into his monster form and charged at the bugbear who wrestled with him for a bit, but Pharynx was able to overtake it and swat it away.

The bugbear shook away its confusion and roared as it finally flew away. Pharynx transformed back then flew to catch up with the others. When he had, he found Lirlt was using the same material they used to make cocoons on Adiyis's leg as a bandage.

Pharynx landed near Adiyis. "Princess, are you alright? How is your leg?" He checked out her leg.

Adiyis winced. "I-It's fine. Give it a few hours and it'll be brand new." At least, she hoped so.

Lirlt turned toward Thorax who was standing away from them. "What were you doing?! Why weren't you protecting the princess?!"


"I knew this was a mistake!" Lirlt shook his head as he turned away. "Having a useless spinless changeling like you on a mission like this was nothing but a mistake. Because of you, Princess Adiyis was injured! You were supposed to protect her, but you just stood there enjoying the scenery!" Thorax looked down sadly.

Adiyis raised her left hoof. "Lirlt please."

"Apologies, princess, but this is something that must be said." Lirlt pointed at Thorax. "We can't keep him here. If he's so much of a problem that he got you hurt, princess, then what's to say something worse won't befall us. He is a liability." Adiyis looked at Thorax who continued to look away. "Pharynx, what do you say?"

Pharynx looked at Thorax. "I agree. If Thorax stays, then we're all at risk."

"What? But, Pharynx-."

"Don't, Thorax." Pharynx stepped closer. "You failed to protect the princess. No, in fact, you're the reason she was hurt because you were too afraid to fight."

"But I-."

Lirlt narrowed his eyes at him. "Face it, Thorax. You're nothing but a coward."

"Lirlt! Pharynx! That is enough! Ow." Adiyis stood on her other three legs. Before either of them could speak up, Adiyis cut them off. "No, I want you two to go and cool off. We'll think of a plan when we're all thinking clearly."

"But, princess-."

"GO!" Adiyis shouted, so Pharynx and Lirlt looked at each other then split up and flew in different directions. Thorax was just about to fly off as well but he was stopped. "Not you, Thorax. You're staying. We still have things to discuss."

Thorax bowed his head. "Adi, I am so sorry. If I didn't screw up back there, then you wouldn't have been hurt."

Adiyis laid back down and sighed. "It's okay, Thorax. These things happen. But I didn't tell you to stay so you could apologize." Thorax raised his head. "You still haven't told me the truth of what's wrong. And right now, I think deserve it."

Thorax sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you. The truth is, Queen Chrysalis was planning to get rid of me. I had failed all of the tests to turn me into a soldier for the hive, and if I either failed this test or caused problems for you and the others, then she'll see it as reason enough to finally dispose of me."

Adiyis remained silent as she simply stared at Thorax. "I...see. Don't worry, Thorax, I'll figure something out. Maybe I can talk to her and convince her to let you stay."

"I doubt that. Her highness seemed pretty bent on it."

"I'll think on it a bit more." Adiyis slowly stood on her three legs. "For now, I should go and check on the others-Ow."

Thorax looked at her worriedly. "Are you alright to trot? That leg did look pretty bad."

Adiyis looked at her lifted leg. "I'll manage. You just stay here and keep watch for any more monsters. If you see one, scream and run. We'll be right there as fast as we can." She turned and began limping the way Lirlt flew.

Adiyis limped through the woods searching for Lirlt. Noises were heard coming from the leaves above her and the next thing she knew, Lirlt flew down from the trees and landed before Adiyis.

"Ah, princess." Lirlt bowed his head. "Forgive me, I had assumed you were a small monster sneaking through the woods."

"It's fine. It is best to be on guard since I am unable to fight in my state." She took a glance at her leg.

Lirlt raised his head. "If I may ask, Why did you seek me out?"

"I want to talk to you about...Thorax."

Lirlt scrunched his face up in disgust. "With all due respect princess, I still don't want that coward to remain here."

Adiyis sighed. "Listen, I know Thorax isn't...the best fighter of the hive, but I'm not going to get rid of him."

Lirlt shook his head. "You're making a mistake, princess. Thorax is a liability, he must be removed."

"No, I have a plan in the works and he'll be needed if I want it to go off without a hitch." Adiyis tried putting weight on her leg but winced then immediately lifted it back up. "With my leg injured, We'll have to go about this carefully and with as many changelings as we currently have."


"Thorax stays." Adiyis glared at Lirlt. "I have made my decision, and I expect you to honor it, Lirlt."

Lirlt bowed his head in defeat. "As you wish, your highness."

"Good." Adiyis turned away from him. "Now, to go and find-." She cut herself off when Pharynx landed in front of her and was carrying a sword that he dropped. "Pharynx? What are you-...Is that my sword?"

Pharynx nodded. "I flew back to the area to retrieve it. If we are to fight a monster with the three of us, then you'll need it."

"Oh, yeah. About that." She looked at Lirlt who understood what she wanted then left both of them alone. She turned back to Pharynx and laid down on the ground to put her sword back in its holder. "I decided to allow Thorax to stay."


"My decision is final, and this is not up for debate."

"Thorax should go back to the hive." Pharynx looked away. "If he remains here, then he'll just get himself into more danger, and us along with him. We can't risk anymore injured changelings."

Adiyis smirked. She knew that Pharynx would never be caught admitting it, but Adiyis knew he truly did care for his brothers' well-being.

"Don't worry, the plan I'm currently working on won't put Thorax in danger and he won't be in the way." Adiyis stood back up on three legs. "Give me ten minutes to work out the rest, then meet me back where we originally landed."

Pharynx bowed. "As you wish, princess." He took off into the sky.

Adiyis made her way back to Thorax and had already explained that the others will allow him to stay and that she was currently working on a plan. After some time had passed, and while Adiyis drew in the dirt with a stick, she finally threw it away and nodded.

She turned to Thorax who was merely picking at the grass. "Thorax, can you go and fetch Lirlt? You won't need to worry about Pharynx, he'll be here soon." Thorax nodded and took off.

After a few minutes, Thorax returned with Lirlt by his side and Pharynx arrived shortly after.

"Gather round, all of you. The plan I've been working on is ready." Everyone had gotten close to Adiyis, Thorax a bit nervously. "With my leg injured, we can't risk going after a new monster, so we're going to finish off the bugbear we fought earlier. I've worked hard on this plan too, which means we can't miss a single detail. We CANNOT risk getting more of us injured. Is that understood?" All of them nodded.

"Alright, The plan is pretty simple..."

The bugbear carefully flew through the forest. Some of its injures had already begun to heal, but it was still in a lot of pain so it was careful not to bump into any trees while heading back to its den. It was just about halfway there when a magical blast was shot from behind him and hit a nearby tree, missing him completely. The bugbear turned around to see one of the changelings from before and growled.

Thorax stepped back a bit but remained where he was. "C-Come and g-get me!" He shot another blast that also completely missed the bugbear.

The bugbear roared and charged at Thorax who quickly turned and flew away through the forest, but the bugbear was hot on his trail. Thorax zigged and zagged through the trees to avoid the bugbear's claw swipes and to keep his distance, but despite this, the bugbear kept up with him better than he thought.

Adiyis was currently up in a tree, which Pharynx and Lirlt had to help her in, and was keeping a close eye out for Thorax who she spotted in the distance being chased by the bugbear.

Adiyis turned to Lirlt and Pharynx who were also in trees that were right next to each other but still left a large gap. "He's coming! ready the net!"

Pharynx and Lirlt nodded then grabbed a large net that was essentially just vines all tied together. Thorax flew around another tree which helped him avoid another swipe from the bugbear and made his way toward the large gap. The second Thorax flew by, Pharynx and Lirlt dropped the vine net which wrapped around the bugbear as soon as it flew through it. The bugbear slammed into the ground due to the fact that its wings were now restricted by the vine net, Pharynx and Lirlt both flew at the bugbear to finish it off but didn't anticipate for it to stand up on its legs so quickly and break its arms through the vine to smack both of them away. Lirlt recovered and flew back at the bugbear and used his special weapons to slice and slash at the bugbear as he flew around it. Pharynx recovered after and took off and shot at the bugbear from a distance.

Adiyis waited from atop of her branch until the Bugbear was forced directly under her, then she unsheathed her sword with her mouth then jumped down from her branch, and plunged her sword directly into the bugbear's back which made it cry out in pain. The bugbear shook itself around and eventually threw Adiyis off but was safely caught by Thorax who gently let her down on the grass. The bugbear then reached back and removed the sword then he threw it away and continued his attack against the changelings.

Adiyis stood back up. "Thorax, grab the extra vine. Looks like we'll need it after all." Thorax nodded then flew off and grabbed a long vine off of another branch then flew back and allowed Adiyis to take one end of the vine while he took the other.

Adiyis and Thorax both split up and stretched out the vine, then Thorax called out to Pharynx who saw what they were doing and nodded. Pharynx flew to Lirlt and pointed in the direction Adiyis and Thorax were in to which he nodded in reply. Both of them then started to force the bugbear back to where Adiyis and Thorax were, and due to them distracting him, the bugbear tripped over the vine and fell on his back.

Adiyis dropped the vine. "Pharynx! Thorax! Restrict his movements! Lirlt! Cocoon him!"

Pharynx and Thorx move fast and jumped on his arms and kept them pinned while Lirlt flew close and started to cocoon him. Lirlt started with his legs so he wouldn't be able to stand again and slowly made his way up. The bugbear tried desperately to throw off Pharynx and Thorax, but it was too weak from all of the fighting it had done and couldn't muster enough strength. As soon as Lirlt reached the arms, Pharynx and Thorax held them down long enough for Lirlt to tie them together then they finally got off to allow Lirlt to continue with his cocooning. Once he was finished, the bugbear was securely wrapped to the point where it couldn't move a finger.

Adiyis limped forward and smiled. "Nice work, all of you. We successfully captured our required monster. Now, all we have to do is drag it back to the hive."

Pharynx stepped forward. "I'll do it." He then wrapped some of the loose vines around himself and began dragging the bugbear.

Lirlt bowed. "Princess, allow me to carry you back to the hive."

"Thank you, Lirlt." Adiyis was scooped up by Lirlt and carried in the air while Thorax followed. The second the hive was in sight, Adiyis spoke up. "Wait a minute you guys. I need to say something." All of the changelings stopped.

Adiyis sighed. "I don't want any of you to say a word about Thorax's little...mess up. In fact, I forbid it."

"But, her highness deserves to know." Lirt glanced at Thorax. "If we do not, how will we explain your injury, princess?"

"I don't know, but she can't know what happened. Lie if you have to, but don't tell her the truth, understood."

Pharynx sighed and bowed. "As you wish, Princess Adiyis."

After the talk, they continued on their way toward the hive.

Chrysalis nervously tapped her hoof on her throne while general Thal silently stood next to it. Suddenly, Chrysalis stood up on her throne.

"It has been too long, I am sending out a search party."

Thal merely looked back at Chrysalis. "My Queen, excuse my bluntness, but it has only been twenty minutes since her highness had left."

Chrysalis hovered off of her throne. "Twenty minutes too long. I am organizing a search party to retrieve them."

"My Queen, if you will permit me, I would I to voice my own opinion."

Chrysalis slowly turned to Thal. "You will not change my mind, General Thal. But I will allow you to speak."

"I believe Princess Adiyis will return victorious. Since I personally trained her I believe my words carry weight when I say, she will return to the hive with her mission complete, and be completely unharmed."

"You can not guarantee that."

"I can not, but I have faith. The princess is a grand warrior. If she were to polish that skill a bit more, then she would become a better warrior than I."

Chrysalis looked away and bit her tongue then sighed. "Very well, you have convinced me. I shall remain patient and have faith in my daughter." She trotted to her throne and stood in front of it. "My little Adiyis WILL return to me, but until then I must remain pat-."

A changeling guard burst open the door. "Queen Chrysalis? Princess Adiyis and her team have returned." The next thing he knew, Chrysalis flew by him so fast neither of the changelings had time to react.

When Adiyis and the others returned to the hive, Lirlt gently set her down and requested that a nursery worker be brought to them immediately, so one was, but not before informing another of their arrival. When they returned the guards were overlooking the bugbear, while the worker was attending to Adiyis's leg by applying an actual bandage to it. By the time the worker was done, Chrysalis appeared before them and scanned the area quickly finding Adiyis.

"Adiyis!" Chrysalis moved towards her and noticed her bandaged leg which she gently lifted. "What happened?"

Adiyis avoided eye contact. "It was just a little mistake. Nothing serious."

Chrysalis stared at Adiyis for a few seconds then looked toward the worker. "Give me an assessment of the damage."

"Yes, my queen." The worker bowed. "Princess Adiyis's leg is severely broken. I'm afraid she will have to remain bed-ridden until it heals."

"And how long do you estimate it will take?"

"Truthfully, my queen, three weeks at best."

"Very well, return to your post." The worker nodded, then returned to the hive. Chrysalis looked back at Adiyis's leg. "A broken leg, I am relieved. This could have been so much worse, but I am glad you are still alive, my daughter."

Adiyis smiled. "Yeah, me too."

Chrysalis then turned toward the cocooned bugbear. "This is the monster you've brought back?" Adiyis nodded. "Well done, you never cease to amaze me, Adiyis. To be able to bring down such a dangerous beast, You all must have fought hard."

Adiyis bowed her head as the others did the same. "Thank you, mo-..my queen."

Chrysalis stood and slowly approached Thorax, Pharynx, and Lirlt. "Now, tell me, were there any problems among your own teammates? Did any changeling act out of line or complicate things?" Chrysalis pointed her icy stare toward Thorax who merely looked down.

Pharynx and Lirlt silently glanced at each other then to Thorax, but before either could speak up, Adiyis peeked around Chrysalis and shook her head as she held a hoof to her mouth in a shushing manner.

Lirlt sighed and bowed his head. "No, my queen, there were no problems. Each member of our team completed their own tasks which led to the capture of the bugbear."

Chrysalis was genuinely surprised as well as Thorax. "Really?" She faced Pharynx. "Is this true?"

Pharynx nodded. "Yes, your grace. Each member followed their orders perfectly."

Chrysalis slowly nodded then faced Thorax. "It seems I was mistaken. Perhaps you can be of use to the hive. I shall allow you to remain, for now."

Adiyis stood. "Excuse me, we've completed our task and brought a monster. Did we pass?"

"Eager to be officially recognized, are you?" Adiyis nervously smiled as Chrysalis stepped over to the cocooned bugbear. "But, your mission is not over just yet."

Adiyis groaned. "Really?!" Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at her, so she cleared her throat. "I mean, what is our final task?"

"No, this time, you are to complete this task alone." Adiyis was shocked. "Come closer."

Adiyis stepped next to Chrysalis. "What am I to do?"

"I believe it is time you absorbed love from a monster, instead of having it given to you." Chrysalis softly pushed Adiyis closer to the bugbear. "Now take it."

"B-But, I never learned how to take love from any other creature."

"Then I shall teach you." Chrysalis sat down. "First, you must use your changeling magic to feel the love within another creature." Adiyis looked back and raised a brow. "You need not worry about the obvious fact that you do not possess a horn. All changelings can use a form of magic that allows them to transform and absorb love from creatures. Even you."

"But, I do-."

"Try, Adiyis."

Adiyis looked back at the bugbear as it weakly raised its head which had not been cocooned and growled at Adiyis. Adiyis steeled herself and did as told by focusing on whatever magic was inside of her and feeling for any of the bugbear's love. It didn't take her long to find it which made it appear on the bugbear as a small pink glowing dot. Adiyis gasped when it appeared while Chrysalis smirked.

"Well done, Adiyis. Now, you must use your magic to force the love out of the creature so that you may take it for yourself."

Adiyis closed her eyes and opened her mouth as the love began pouring out of the bugbear and into her. When it was done, the bugbear dropped its head in exhaustion while Adiyis sucked in the last bit of love and sighed.

Adiyis licked her lips. "Wow, so that's what it tastes like from the source. I like it." She then had her mane petted by Chrysalis.

"Well done, Adiyis. I am very proud of you." Chrysalis stopped petting her mane and had Adiyis face her. "By the power vested in me. I, Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changeling hive, grant you, and your teammates, the title of warrior." Adiyis bowed as Chrysalis tapped both of her shoulders with her horn.

"Thank you, my queen. I shall wear this title with pride, and shall fight for the glory of the hive."

"Now, finish off the bugbear."

Adiyis was stunned but shook it off. "Wait, you mean kill it?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Yes. It can not be cut into meat pieces if it is still alive." Adiyis was noticeably uncomfortable which Chrysalis picked up on. "Is something wrong, Adiyis?"

"No, nothing is wrong. It's just..." Adiyis trailed off and sighed. "I...never had to kill something before. I just feel a bit uncomfortable."

Chrysalis raised a brow. "Why do you feel uncomfortable? You've seen our drones prepare a meal before by cutting up one of the creatures in the hive."

"That's different. Those creatures were already dead when they were being prepared." Adiyis looked away. "Besides, I'm used to seeing other creatures being killed. The difference is doing the killing yourself."

Chrysalis put a hoof on her shoulder. "It will be alright, Adiyis. It is only natural you would respond this way to such an order, but I must ask you to obey it." Adiyis's ears drooped. "You are a warrior of the hive now, which means you must also be willing to kill to protect it. It does not matter if that path starts here or not. In the end, it will start and you must follow it to protect the hive, understood?" When Adiyis didn't respond, Chrysalis lifer her chin so that she was looking at her.

"Am I understood, Adiyis?"

Adiyis nodded. "Yes, mo-..my queen."

Chrysalis let go of her chin. "Please, do not hate me for forcing you to do such a thing. This is simply the path a queen must follow."

Adiyis shook her head. "I could never hate you, mom." She then turned toward the bugbear and, with a shaky breath, unsheathed her sword using her mouth.

She sat down and used her good hoof to position her word above the bugbear's neck. She held it there for a full minute with a shaky hoof. She tried willing her body to do the deed, but it wouldn't respond no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, Chrysalis stepped behind her and placed her own hoof over Adiyis's, slowly forcing the blade into the bugbear's neck and watched as the bugbear bled out and died. When it was finished, Chrysalis used her magic to remove the sword and put it back into its sheath.

Chrysalis looked at the guards standing beside the bugbear. "Have the bugbear brought into the hive and put it with the rest of the creatures." The guards bowed then took each vine and dragged the bugbear inside while Chrysalis placed her hoof back at Adiyis's shoulder. "Are you alright?"


Chrysalis nodded. "I will have Scissa come and help you to your room, and I'll inform all drones to leave you undisturbed for the rest of the day." Chrysalis turned away from her and began trotting back to the hive. "Scissa."

"Yes, your grace?"

"Princess Adiyis is injured and will need help getting back to her room. Also, I advise you to not disturb her for the rest of the day. She needs time to herself."

"As you wish, your majesty."

Chrysalis took another look back at Adiyis who hadn't moved from her spot in front of the bugbear and continued on her way towards the hive. Thorax had crept over to her and laid a hoof on her shoulder.


Adiyis looked away and waved him off. "I'm fine Thorax. I...just want to be alone for a bit." Thorax nodded and followed the others back into the hive while Scissa came out and helped Adiyis back to the hive by having her wrap her broken foreleg over her.

About three hours had passed since her test was completed and she was given the title of warrior. Adiyis was laying on her bed while reading a book about other creatures. She had calmed down enough to be her normal self again but was still a little shaken up. Once she had finished her book, she merely closed it and set it to the side.

Adiyis sighed. 'Guess it's now or never.' She looked toward her door and called out. "Scissa!"

Scissa slowly opened the door and peeked inside. "Oh, princess Adiyis. Are you feeling better?"

"I am, thank you. Now, I need you to help me get to mom."

Scissa stepped into the room. "May I ask why, princess?"

"I...just want to ask her something." Adiyis was helped off of her bed and had her leg wrapped around Scissa as she helped her through the hive. They eventually arrived at Chrysalis's quarters and Scissa opened the doors while Adiyis stepped inside.

Chrysalis was also reading a book when she turned and saw her. "Adiyis, I trust you are feeling better."

"I'm still a little shaken up, but yes, I am feeling much better."

"That is good. I feared you would avoid me after I ordered you to do such a thing."

Adiyis nervously chuckled then looked at the book. "Say, what are you reading?"

"Hm? Oh, it is just the book you brought back from canterlot. There are a many of spells in here that could one day prove useful for the hive. I am going to continue studying this book until I learn of all of its secrets." Chrysalis flipped to the next page. "Despite the fact that they are ponies, this book proves they are well versed in the fields of magic."

"I see."

Chrysalis glanced at Adiyis hen back to the book. "What do you want to ask me Adiyis? I know this is not just some random visit."

Adiyis gulped. "I wanted to ask about...Thorax."

"Oh?" Chrysalis flipped another page. "What about him?"

"I heard you were planning on getting rid of him if he were to fail this test." Adiyis had to lie a bit, she couldn't show she knew too much about it, lest Chrysalis would know Thorax told her.

Chrysalis used her magic to close the book and set it off to the side as she turned to face Adiyis. "You heard right. I was planning on getting rid of him, but he surprised me today by proving he can still be of use to the hive."

"Even if you were to still go through with it, you can't get rid of him. If he failed the test, I'm sure there were other ways he could've made himself useful to the hive."

"I'm sure there were, but, even so, he was still a liability and danger to the hive. I would not be able to keep him around, no matter who pled their case."

"But, he's my friend and-."

"Friend?!" Chrysalis stepped off her bed and stood before Adiyis. "What have I told you about that, Adiyis? Friendship is nothing but a waste of time. You are learning to become the future queen of this hive! You don't have time to make silly friends!"

"I know. I'm sorry."

Chrysalis softly pet her mane. "It is fine, just as long as you stop that friendship nonsense. That kind of thinking will only get you hurt, or worse."

Adiyis looked at the ground and was lost in thought for a bit. "How?" Chrysalis raised a brow. "How will making friends get me hurt, or worse?"

Chrysalis removed her hoof. "It is simply because you care too much." She moved back to the bed and laid down then patted the spot next to her so Adiyis followed, but Chrysalis had to use her magic to help her up. "Adiyis, my daughter, I tell you this for your, and the hives, own good. Friendship will only do more harm to you and those around you."


"Allow me to put it this way." Chrysalis cleared her throat. "Three changelings are sent on a mission together. Two of these changelings are very close, they are like best friends. They finally encounter a monster to bring back to the hive, but the changelings' friend is harmed by the monster so the first changeling stops his attack to check on his friend, leaving the third changeling to fight alone. The third changeling tries his best to hold off the monster but is ultimately defeated and killed by the monster.

"Now the monster goes after the second changeling who puts himself in front of the first to protect him, but despite his best efforts, he falls to the monster, and with both changelings dead the first is completely open to attack and is also killed. The monster gets away and the hive loses three changeling warriors. Now, apply that to a hive invasion. We are being attacked by a horde of monsters and you try to protect Thorax who is injured instead of protecting the rest of the hive. Do you see now?"

Adiyis took a quick glance at her leg and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I do. The mission and safety of the hive always come first. We can't throw any changelings away all for the safety of that one."

"And that is why you shouldn't make friends."

"But, what about getting rid of Thorax?"

"Friend, or not. Thorax still would've put this whole hive in danger by simply being here. If we were to be attacked by a monster and Thorax was in the area, he would fail to protect the hive and in assisting his fellow changelings in bringing the monster down. We would only lose more changelings due to his blunder and put the whole hive in danger. That is why I remove any changeling who can not be of use to the hive. Their presence only puts us in more danger."

"I get it now. You are only doing what is best for the hive."

Chrysalis nodded. "Yes. Now, I hope that helps you understand why I was going to remove Thorax. Although, he should be proud that, when the time came, he was able to prove his usefulness."

"Y-Yeah." Adiyis looked away. "I think I'll head back to my room now. This leg won't get any better if I keep moving around like this." She tried to jump off the bed and almost fell when she landded but was caught by Chrysalis's magic.

Chrysalis set her upright. "Adiyis, you must be more careful. That leg will surely not get any better if you keep being reckless like that."

Adiyis smiled nervously. "Sorry, mom." She turned to the door. "Scissa!"

Scissa stepped into the room and wrapped Adiyis's leg around her and began to guide her back to her room. On the way, Scissa and Adiyis encounter Thorax who stopped them.

"Hold on a sec." Thorax held up a hoof as he stepped in front of them.

Scissa groaned. "Thorax, get out of the way. Can you not see that the princess is injured and must be taken back to her room?"

"Oh, sorry. I just wanted to talk to Ad-..the princess really quick."

"It's alright, Scissa." Adiyis removed her leg from her. "This will just be a quick conversation. Just wait nearby." Scissa bowed her head and trotted away. "What is it Thorax?"

"I didn't have the chance to properly thank you for backing me up. So, thanks."

Adiyis looked away. "It's fine."

Thorax looked at her confused. "Is everything alright, Adi? You didn't react the way I thought you would."

Adiyis sighed then turned back. "Listen, Thorax. I don't think we should be seeing each other like this anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we shouldn't be seeing each other as friends anymore. We should be seeing each other as princess and drone."

"I don't understand. Where's all this coming from?"

"My eyes were opened today, Thorax." Adiyis looked at her leg. "If I keep protecting you like this, then one of us will end up even more hurt, or worse. I can't do that when I'm set to command this hive one day."

"B-But, our friendship-."

"Is over." Adiyis cut him off then trotted behind him "Starting today, we are nothing more than a princess and a warrior changeling. I will no longer protect you either. You are on your own."

Thorax turned to her. "But, Adi-."

"That's princess Adiyis, Thorax. Now, if there is nothing more you want, leave." Thorax wanted to speak up, to say something, but something else told him it would be futile so he flew away. "Scissa!"

Scissa stepped out from behind a wall a few meters away. "Are you alright, princess? You're crying."

Adiyis put her leg around her and wiped her face with the other. "I'm fine. Just take me back to my room. I'm tired."

"As you wish, princess."

Three days later, Chrysalis was called to the egg room where they store and nurse all of their future changelings. She arrived with two guards at her side and four eggs were brought to her and none of them were glowing to show the larva within were still alive.

Chrysalis placed her hoof on one. "This cannot be." She closed her eyes and remained silent for a few minutes then looked at the caretaker. "How long since they passed away?"

"They passed away last night, your highness."

Chrysalis removed her hoof and looked to the others. "How could this have happened?"

"We simply did not possess enough love to keep them fed."

"How are our last reserves?"

"It isn't enough, my queen. If we do not find more love soon, then we will lose more eggs."

Chrysalis closed her eyes tightly like she was debating with herself. On what? the changelings in the room did not know. Chrysalis opened her eyes and sighed then she turned to her two guards.

"Have our infiltrators invade the pony villages. Study them and learn their movements, then bring them back to the hive alive and replace them with changelings until further notice." The guards bowed then left the room while Chrysalis turned back to the eggs and addressed the caretaker. "Have the other caretakers bury these eggs elsewhere and not a word of this to the princess."

"As you command." The caretaker left the room.

Chrysalis let a lone tear trail down her face. 'This burden must forever remain mine.'