• Published 17th Sep 2021
  • 4,816 Views, 95 Comments

The Daughter of Chrysalis - evanim26

A lone filly found in the Everfree forest may just be the one thing Chrysalis needs to thaw her icy heart

  • ...


After all of the injured changelings that had landed around the hive had been sent to the infirmary, Adiyis quickly realized just how dire the situation was. Over a hundred injured changelings were currently taking over the medical chamber and she could tell the medical workers were too overworked. Not only that, but other injured changelings were still outside of the hive and needed to be brought in so they could be treated. The hive was in absolute chaos and Adiyis knew she had to take her job as temporary queen seriously and bring back order, no matter what, so she took a few soldiers outside to search for other changelings. They searched through the forest for any other changelings and successfully found a few of them and had some soldiers escort them back to the hive. Afterward, she and the remaining soldiers explored further to see if there were any changelings they missed.

A soldier pointed away. "Look there, my Queen. It's another changeling."

Adiyis stepped over. "Let's get him back to the hive. Quickly!"

Two soldiers flew over to the changeling, but they noticed he wasn't moving nor breathing before they picked him up.

"What's wrong?"

The soldier turned to her. "Queen Adiyis, this one is...not breathing."

"What?" Adiyis stepped over to the changeling and put an ear to his chest to check for a heartbeat, but there was none. She lifts her head back up and sighed. "Let's take him back. We'll...find a good place to bury him back at the hive."

"As you wish." The soldiers picked up the changeling and carried him back to the hive.

"Your highness." Adiyis turned back to one of the soldiers. "You seem tired, perhaps you should return to the hive as well. We shall continue our search for more changelings."

Adiyis took a deep breath. "Okay, keep me informed of what you find through the hive mind." The soldiers saluted and Adiyis made her own way back to the hive.

Once she returned, the hive was in complete dismay. Every changeling was assisting the medical workers who were taking care of over a hundred changelings, the most the hive has ever had to deal with. Not even changelings who suffered from the winter storms reached that number.

"Queen Adiyis." Scissa came trotting beside her. "You look unwell, is everything alright?"

"We found a changeling who had perished."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Adiyis groaned. "And that's only part of it. There's the problem of dealing with the hundreds of injured changelings and other problems that are popping up in the hive." She sighed. "I knew I should've gone with mom to canterlot, if I had been there then I could've at least kept her from being captured by the ponies. She would be here and would've easily found a thousand different ways to handle this problem. Much better than I am. I'm still so inexperienced in being a queen and running a hive. I'm not sure how much longer I can handle all of this!"

Adiyis turned and saw Scissa listening patiently. "Sorry for ranting. I just wish mom was here to help me in some way."

Scissa bowed her head. "It is fine, my Queen. Every-ling is more than a little stressed at the moment. It is only fair that you have to cool down as well. And, to be blunt, having Queen Chrysalis here would certainly make things go a lot smoother, but sadly, she is not. But you are here, and I am confident that you can ease every-lings worries. You just need to take it slow."

"Right, okay. Take it slow. Thank you, Scissa." Scissa bowed, then Adiyis made her way towards the throne room along with Scissa. Once they had reached the doors, Adiyis could already hear lots of shouting among the changelings.

"We must go and rescue our queen from the ponies!"

"We don't have the forces required for such an attack!"

"Besides, how do we even know the ponies didn't just finish her off?"

Adiyis snapped and busted the doors open. "Who. Said. That?" The changelings stepped aside and left only one in the middle. "You! Front and center!"

The changeling stepped closer to Adiyis and bowed. "M-My Queen, I meant no offense-"

"Silence!" The changeling immediately closed his mouth. "Let me make this clear, for all of you, I don't want to hear a word about Queen Chrysalis being dead! There are no if's or maybe's! Queen Chrysalis is alive, that's it! Should I hear some-ling else even think that she might be dead, I'll make sure all of your words get back to her when she comes back. Understood?!"

Every changeling in the room immediately bowed and shouted. "Yes, Queen Adiyis!"

Adiyis made her way through them and sat on the throne. "Now, how are the injured changelings doing?"

A medical worker changeling lifted her head. "There are many injured changelings. Our efforts to keep some of them alive are exhausting us."

Adiyis thought for a moment. "Perhaps there is a way we can divide the injured changelings. Can you separate them based on how severe their injuries are?"

"I believe we can."

"Good, do that and have only a hoof full of changelings take care of the ones with minor injuries. The more changelings we have to assist the others, the faster the hive can be back at full strength."

The changeling bowed. "It shall be done, my Queen." she then left the room.

Adiyis looked to the others. "All drones, split yourselves up and assist the medical workers in any way they need. The others will continue focusing on defending the hive and taking care of the newborns."

The changeling bowed. "Yes, my Queen!" Then they left.

"Queen Adiyis."

"What is it? Did you find any more changelings?"

"We did, but many of them didn't make as well. We are returning to the hive now with their bodies."

Adiyis stayed silent for a moment. "Bury them with the changeling we found before. When you return, I want all of you to split yourselves up to assist the medical workers and your fellow soldiers."

"By your command, my Queen."

Adiyis jumped off her throne. "Scissa, with me."

"If I may ask, where are we going?"

"On patrol through the hive. I want to make absolutely sure everything is going well and I might need your advice."

Scissa nodded and followed her out of the throne room. Their first location was in the egg chamber to ensure they were being looked after and fed properly along with the developing pupae and nymphs. After, they traveled to the soldiers and workers' chambers to check and make sure they were being properly trained in case any monster decides to invade at this crucial time. Adiyis and Scissa then made their way to the medical chamber where those with minor injuries were split from those with major.

Adiyis nodded. "It seems everything is going well here as well. We should move onto-."

"My Queen." Adiyis noticed one of the medical workers approaching her then bowed. "We have a small problem."

"What happened?"

The changeling lifted herself up. "We are missing a changeling that was also a part of the invasion army. I believe their name was Thorax."

Adiyis rubbed her head in frustration. "It's just one problem after another. I'll have some guards look for him." The changeling bowed and then returned to her duties.

Adiyis turned to the doors and was about to continue her patrol when she was interrupted again. "Adi?"

Adiyis stopped in her tracks. "Thorax? Where are you? Why did you leave the medical chamber? And you know what I said about calling me that."

"I...want to talk to you...alone."

Adiyis shook her head. "Thorax, now is not the time-."

"Please, Adi."

Adiyis sighed. "Fine, where are you?"

"Outside the hive, in the forest."

"Why are-You know what, never mind. I'm on my way." Adiyis turned to Scissa. "Scissa, check in on every-ling else, I'll be back soon."

Scissa bowed as Adiyis trotted away. Adiyis made her way to the entrance and entered the forest shortly after. Once inside, She looked around and spotted Thorax stepping out from behind a tree.

"Alright, I'm here, what do you want?"

"Adi, I'm..." Thorax nervously glanced away.

"What is it, Thorax? I need to get back to the hive."

"I'm leaving."


"I'm, uh, leaving the hive."

Adiyis paused and shook her head. "Are you serious?! The hive is in chaos, my mom is captured by ponies, and you think this is the perfect time to joke around?!"

"I'm not joking though."

"Enough of this, Thorax. We must return to the hive." Adiyis turned away.

"Adi, I'm leaving the hive and...I don't think I'm ever coming back."

Adiyis turned back. "You're really serious, aren't you?" Thorax nodded. "Why? Where did this even come from?!"

"It was back during the invasion. There were these ponies who were fighting our soldiers and the way they were working together. Their friendship was amazing. It really opened my eyes. I have to learn more about it, I have to see more of it."

Adiyis rubbed her head. "So, let me get this straight. You are leaving because you were, what, enchanted by the same ponies who also worked together to hurt our changelings and captured my mom?"

"Well, yes!"

"I can't believe you! Not only are you breaking one of our most important rules, but you are joining our enemies!"

Thorax lowered his head. "Adi, you have to understand-."

Adiyis huffed. "I understand alright. I understand that you are abandoning the hive in a state where we need every changeling's assistance, just to join the ponies!" She then narrowed her eyes at him. "I hope you understand that breaking these rules means execution."

"I do."

"Thorax, if you leave now then there won't be any turning back. This decision is final. Are you still going to go through with it? If you come back to the hive with me, then I'll forget this ever happened. What do you say?"

Thorax looked away. "The hive...isn't my place anymore. I don't belong there, not with them. I'm sorry, Adi."

Adiyis sighed. "Fine, go, leave! Abandon the hive, and be forever seen as a traitor to us all! Although this will be your only warning, if you are caught and I'm still a temporary queen, then your execution will be done by me. And I will uphold our rules, Thorax." Thorax simply nodded as she turned away. "Now, go. This will be your only chance."

Thorax turned away but looked back. "Thanks, A-"

"Stop. Just leave." Adiyis didn't see, but she did hear the buzzing of wings slowly grow silent and once she couldn't hear them anymore, she returned to the hive where Scissa was waiting for her at the entrance.

Scissa bowed. "My Queen, did something happen? You seem more upset than before."

"Yeah, give me a moment." Adiyis focused her changeling magic. "I send this message to all changelings. Thorax has abandoned the hive and turned traitor by joining the ponies. He has broken two of our most sacred rules and must be dealt with. If any of you see him ever again, bring him to me!"

All changelings said through the hive mind. "As you command, Queen Adiyis!"

Adiyis turned back to Scissa. "Now, Scissa, please tell me how the love chamber is doing and our reserves." She then began trotting

"As you wish." Scissa followed behind. "The remaining creatures we captured are still providing a fair amount of love, the same goes for the ponies we still have as well. The workers there believe with how much love they are producing, the hive will survive another three months."

Adiyis nodded. "Three months, that is good. With how much love we have, all of the injured changelings should make a full recovery and be back to full strength in no time. When they are, they can help capture more creatures for the rest. Now, we must-."

"My Queen!" Adiyis stopped and turned to see Pharynx flying towards her and then bow. "Forgive me for interrupting you, but is it true? Has Thorax really-."

"Yes, it is. Thorax has abandoned the hive in favor of his own interests. He has broken the most sacred rules of the hive and must face the consequences."

Pharynx lifted his head. "That can't be! Thorax is many things, but he would never abandon the hive. Pardon me, Queen Adiyis, but perhaps there is a mistake."

Adiyis shook her head. "There is no mistake, I met with him before he left and he told me everything."

"No, how could he-." Pharynx bowed to Adiyis. "Please, my Queen, allow me to search for him. Perhaps, I can talk-."

"Pharynx, Thorax has made his choice! And as one of this hive's top soldiers, I expect you to also enforce the rules of the hive. This means that if you see Thorax again, there will be no talking! You will bring him back here to face execution!"

"My Queen-."

"Where do your loyalties lie, Pharynx? Do they lie with your traitorous brother, or do they lie with the Queen of the hive?"

Pharynx paused for a moment and bowed his head. "They lie with you, Queen Adiyis."

Adiyis nodded. "And as a loyal soldier of the hive, you know what you must do."

"Yes, my Queen." Adiyis turned and began trotting away. Pharynx picked himself back up. "She's certainly...changed."

Scissa smirked. "She knows that since the hive is in such a state, there isn't time for such distractions like you wanting to go after your brother. Now, she is taking her role very seriously and is acting like a true queen of the hive. Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalis, would be proud."

Adiyis looked back. "Scissa, come. We have other things to discuss."

Scissa followed behind. "Yes, my Queen."

"As I was saying before since the hive has enough to survive for some time, it is time we plan me traveling to the pony lands."

"Are you going to assault their city to rescue her Majesty?"

Adiyis shook her head. "No, That would put her at risk. No big attacks, or assassinations. At the moment, the ponies hold all the cards, if we move in and attack, they would probably hold mom hostage and threaten us to surrender."

Scissa nodded. "Understood, then shall I assume you are going to try diplomacy?"

Adiyis nodded. "Yes, that's all we can do at the moment. We will travel to the pony lands and negotiate mom's release." She turned to Scissa. "Be prepared for a long trek, Scissa. Anything could happen."

Scissa bowed. "My Queen, must I truly come along? I have rarely left the hive myself, I am not sure if I am fit for such a task."

Adiyis placed a hoof on her shoulder. "You are my advisor, Scissa. I will need your insight while dealing with the ponies. You are the only one I can ask to fill this role."

Scissa sighed. "As you wish, Queen Adiyis. I shall begin preparing immediately." She then flew away and left Adiyis.

"Next, I'll need a few soldiers for protection." Adiyis focused. "General Thal?"

"Yes, my Queen? How may I serve you?"

"I want you to assign four changeling warriors to guard me as we make our way to the pony lands and have them wait at the entrance."

"It will be done."

"Now, I must prepare."

Adiyis made her way to her own room to grab a few things. First was her sword, which she attached to her waist. Next, were a few saddle bags she slung around her barrel. Afterward, she made her way to their food chamber and had the workers give her some meat they had already prepared. Once all was said and done, Adiyis made her way to the entrance where three changeling warriors clad in full armor and Scissa were waiting.

"Warriors, I am glad to see you've assembled at my request. Your names?"

The first soldier bowed. "I am Klax, your highness."

The second followed. "I am Alagos."

The third did the same. "I am Ibirod."

And finally was the fourth. "I am Ixop."

Adiyis nodded. "Klax, Alagos, Ibirod, Ixop, Protect us well."

"Yes, your highness."

With that, they all left the hive and began making their way towards the pony lands. During their trek through the forest, they did see a few monsters but were able to sneak by without them noticing. They did stop a few times to eat and rest but made sure to immediately pick back up, or else a monster would easily find them. By the time they saw the small village, the sun was dipping below the horizon.

Adiyis looked back at the others. "Remember, we did not come to fight. Keep your weapons sheathed unless absolutely necessary." The soldiers nodded then Adiyis turned back to the village and continued with the soldiers following behind.

Once they had actually entered the village, every pony who looked at them either ran away and hid inside their home or merely kept their distance. Suddenly, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane landed in front of them.

"Hey, changelings! If you think I'll let you invade ponyville now, you got another thing coming!" Before the pegasus could charge at them, her tail was caught by an orange earth pony.

"Wait a minute, Rainbow." The Pegasus, Rainbow, stopped flying and had her tail released. "Before you go attackin' on sight, maybe you should notice that that ain't no invadin' army and they haven't actually hurt anypony since they arrived. Why don't we just try to talk to 'em'?"

Rainbow raised a brow at her. "Talk?! You want to talk to the same changelings that had just tried to take over canterlot with an army?"

"Eeyup." The earth pony then stepped past Rainbow and to Adiyis. "Hi there, welcome to Ponyville. My name's Applejack. What brings you folks here?"

Adiyis stepped up. "I am Princess Adiyis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, and I have come seeking an audience with your leaders. Either escort me to them or them to me. Until then, my soldiers and I shall remain here. Understand that we mean you no harm." She then stepped back to her soldiers who formed a protective square around Adiyis and Scissa.

Applejack kept her smile. "Is that all? Well, let me go pay a little visit to my friend Twilight and we'll get Princess Celestia down here faster than you can say horseshoes." Then Applejack walked away

Applejack shortly arrived at the Ponyville library. "Hey, Twilight! You here?"

Spike had just put up a book. "Oh, hey Applejack. What's up?"

"Hey, Spike. Is Twilight around here? We got a bit of a situation on our hooves."

Spike stepped over. "She's upstairs reading. What kind of situation?"

"Uh, changelings are here and they want to see the princess."

"Changelings!" Spike ran upstairs and barged into Twilight's room who was reading on her bed. "Twilight!"

Twilight looked away from her book. "Spike, what's wrong?"

"Changelings are here in Ponyville!"

"Wait, what?!" Twilight closed her book and ran back downstairs with Spike where she saw Applejack.


"No time, Applejack. Changelings are in Ponyville and I have to find out why." Twilight ran past Applejack and out the door so Applejack followed.

Twilight easily found the changelings since there were a few ponies surrounding them. "Stand back, everypony. I'll see what's going on."

Twilight stepped through the small crowd and to the changelings with her horn charged. "Changelings! My name is Twilight Sparkle, why have you come here?"

Two of the soldiers put their hooves on their weapons but were stopped when Adiyis stepped through.

"Stand down! Remember, we did not come to fight!" The soldiers removed their hooves as Adiyis faced Twilight. "You must be this Twilight pony the other spoke of. I am Princess Adiyis, and I have come seeking an audience with your leaders. Summon them here immediately!"

Twilight's horn stopped glowing. "So...all you want to do is...talk to the princess?"

"That is correct."

"Wait!" Spike stepped up. "How do we know this isn't some sort of trap?"

Adiyis put a hoof on her chest. "You have my word that we will not cause harm to you ponies. Unless one of you strike first."

"That's probably the best we're gonna get." Twilight turned to Spike. "Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia. Tell her we need her assistance immediately, and to bring some guards."

Spike pulled a paper and quill out of somewhere, immediately began writing on it, and then sent it away with his breath. After only a minute, a carriage and a chariot flew down from the sky with a couple of guards. On the chariot, was Princess Celestia who landed in front of them.

Princess Celestia stepped off of her chariot and to Adiyis. "Greetings, I am Princess Celestia and I heard you wished to speak with me."

"That is correct. Shall we take this to your castle?" Celestia nodded and had the carriage door opened.

Adiyis and Scissa stepped inside while the others flew beside as they were taken to canterlot and landed in front of the palace. The ride to canterlot wasn't long at all, only about twenty minutes. Once they did arrive, Adiyis and Scissa, along with her guards, made their way inside the castle and arrived at the throne room where Princess Luna sat on her own throne.

Celestia flew to her throne and sat. "Now then, would you kindly introduce yourself?"

Adiyis stepped forward. "I am Princess Adiyis, daughter of Queen Chrysalis, and heir to the changeling throne."

"I see, and as you probably well know, I am Princess Celestia." Celestia gestured to her sister. "And this is Princess Luna."

Luna bowed her head. "Greetings to you, Princess Adiyis."

Celestia looked back at her. "Now, I probably know why you have come here. You come for your mother."

Adiyis nodded. "That is correct. I demand you release her!"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other then back to her. "I'm afraid that I can not. Your mother, the queen, impersonated my niece, Princess Cadence, and hypnotized the captain of the guards so that she and her army could invade our city."

"Not only that, but she fought and injured Celestia. Due to these crimes against ponykind, we can not simply release her."

"They may have been crimes in your eyes, but to us, she was fulfilling her role as queen and saving the hive." Adiyis stepped forward a bit more. "The hive was having a love shortage and we need love. In a desperate attempt to get more, Queen Chrysalis chose to invade your lands. In the eyes of the changelings, she was a hero to the hive. Do you princesses know how to make difficult decisions for the betterment of your people?"

Celestia glanced at Luna and then back to her. "I do, truly, I do. But, as I have stated before. We can not simply release her. If she attacked our city the first time, then we must believe she is willing to do so again."

Luna nodded "So until we are guaranteed otherwise, she will remain imprisoned."

"Then...perhaps we can negotiate her release?"

Luna raised a brow. "You would willingly negotiate with us to have your queen returned to you?"

"The hive needs a queen to command it. I am still not worthy of holding such a position. So, yes, I am willing to negotiate the release of Queen Chrysalis."

"I see." Celestia looked at her guards. "Have a room prepared for Princess Adiyis and her guards." The guards nodded and stood next to Aidiyis's guards. Celestia looked back at Adiyis. "We accept your proposal for negotiations. The guards will prepare a room for you and your fellow changelings to stay in for as long as necessary. Please, rest for the day."

"Very well. I thank you for your hospitality." Adiyis turned away and proceeded to follow the pony guard along with the others.

After a bit of walking, Adiyis and the others were brought to a couple of doors where the two guards turned to them.

"Here is your room, miss. Please call on a guard if you have any questions or concerns." The guards then saluted and left.

Adiyis entered the room and saw that it wasn't very big. It was almost as big as her room back at the hive. There was a queen-sized bed on the right-sided wall and next to it were two nightstands each with a lamp. On the left side of the room was a rather large dresser that also had a lamp on top. And right in front of the door was a large window that showed the castle grounds below.

Adiyis turned to her guards. "Two guards will stand at the door inside and out."

Scissa stepped forward. "Your highness, do you suspect the ponies might try to harm us?"

"No, but we can't be too sure with these ponies. We must always remember that they are the enemy and as long as we are in their land, we must keep our guard up at all times." Adiyis looked over her guard. "Klax, Ibirod, you two will guard the room from the inside. Alagos, Ixop, you will stand outside. Don't let any pony inside unless I say otherwise, even if those ponies were sent from the princesses themselves."

The guards bowed. "As you command." they then split themselves up and did as told.

Adiyis turned back to the bed and noticed it was the only one in the room. "Scissa, where will you sleep?"

"I had settled on just sleeping on the floor while you took the bed, your highness."

Adiyis shook her head. "No, I'm not going to let you sleep on the cold hard floor. There's enough room on this bed for both of us, and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Scissa nodded. "You are too kind, Princess. I thank you."

Once Adiyis and Scissa had gotten comfortable in the bed they quickly dozed off since they were already tired after making their way to the pony lands and dealing with them. And while they slept, Celestia and Luna had a little meeting.

Celestia stared out the window to her room. "This is quite the interesting turn of events."

Luna sipped from her cup. "I had hoped that once we imprisoned Chrysalis, that would be the end. Of course, fate had other plans."

Celestia turned back to Luna. "We were fortunate that they decided to do things peacefully. I would rather not see innocent ponies hurt."

"Agreed." Luna set her cup down. "But now, we must make sure things stay peaceful during our negotiations. I have no doubt Princess Adiyis will choose violence if our own requests are not to her liking. We must remember, she is Chrysalis's daughter."

"Her being Chrysalis's daughter is true, but I have a feeling she may be different from her mother." Celestia took a sip from her own cup.

"How so?"

"If it was Princess Adiyis who was captured instead of Chrysalis, then I am sure that Chrysalis would've assaulted the entire city just to get her back. Princess Adiyis chose peace, that is why I believe we may be able to convince her."

Luna looked at her confused. "Convince her to do what?"

Celestia set down her cup. "Become allies."

"Become allies!?"


"Tia, we can not become allies with them, not only are they monstrous shape-shifting love bugs, but they attacked our city! Not only that but Chrysalis would never stand for such a thing. If she was willing to still fight back against us even after losing her army, then she will definitely deny an alliance."

Celestia nodded. "I agree, that is why we shall start with Princess Adiyis. If we are able to convince her then she will be able to convince Chrysalis to lay down her hooves."

"And if she refuses?"

Celestia levitated two pieces of paper and a quill. "I have confidence in my young students' abilities. She will definitely come through and this will be a well-learned friendship lesson, proving to us just how close she is to being ready to take the next step." After she was done writing her letters she then used a spell and sent them on their way.

"Who is the other letter for?"

"I believe to make the negotiations fair, we should have all princesses there. Her voice is just as important as ours."

Luna nodded. "Agreed."

Once the sun had risen, Adiyis and Scissa prepared themselves for their first negotiation meeting with the princesses. Adiyis had already assumed that they would send a guard to announce that they were ready so they waited in their room, and after only a few minutes a guard did arrive, but he wasn't able to open the door due to Adiyis's guards. Since she already knew what he was here for, Adiyis and Scissa merely left the room and followed him with two of their guards to a large dining area where the princesses sat.

Adiyis looked at her guards. "Both of you stand next to me." The guards nodded and took their place as Adiyis sat at the other end of the table.

Celestia nodded. "Hello again, Princess Adiyis I trust you had a good night's rest?"

"I did. Now, shall we get the negotiations started?"

Celestia held up her hoof. "Before that, I would like for you to join the three of us in a nice meal that was prepared by our finest chefs."

Adiyis nodded. "Very well, let us- wait, three?" Suddenly the doors were opened behind Adiyis causing her guards to turn and grasp their weapons. Adiyis turned and saw Princess Cadence step through.

"Princess Cadence, I was unaware you were joining us."

Cadence stepped closer to her. "Not to be rude, your highness, but seeing as I was the first royal victim of your mother's invasion scheme, it only makes sense I should be here to voice my own thoughts. Also..." She looked at her guards who were still ready to attack.

Adiyis looked at her guards. "Stand down, now!" The guards did as told which allowed Cadence to pass by and sit close to Celestia.

Celestia smiled at Cadence who returned it and then turned to Adiyis. "I apologize for not informing you of this sooner."

"It is fine. I have no objections to Princess Cadence joining us. It is only fair that she does."

Celestia then watched as the pony chefs rolled in with their meals. "Now then, it is time to feast."

Adiyis watched as they lifted the top and placed the plate in front of her, but was immediately disappointed when the plate was full of nothing but fruits and vegetables.

She turned to the chef. "Excuse me, but do you have any meats?"

Everyone in the room paused for a moment as they stared at Adiyis.

Adiyis looked at everyone. "What?"

Luna cleared her throat. "Excuse us, we simply thought that with your look being closer to a pony's, you were also a herbivore."

"Of course not, why else do you think we have these fans and sharp teeth for?" Before Luna could answer, Celestia spoke first.

"Our apologies for assuming." She then looked to the chef. "Please have the other chefs prepare a meaty meal for Princess Adiyis."

The chefs bowed and left the room. After some time, new griffon chefs entered the room and deliver a large meat dinner to Adiyis.

"That is much better."

Once the meat had been set for Adiyis, she had begun eating along with the other princesses. The breakfast had gone quietly with everyone enjoying their own food. Once they had finished their plates, the chefs collected them and all left the room.

Celestia wiped he face with a napkin. "What a delectable meal, but now I believe is time we got started."

"I agree." Adiyis set her own napkin down. "Let us begin."

Author's Note:

I'm tired. But hey, here's a new chapter because I care.