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A storm is coming

A Storm Is Coming

The snow fell hard on the wintery landscape of Northenden Equestria. Four ponies wrapped up tightly trudged thought the snow.

"Remind me again why are we out here!?" Soarin asked sarcastically.

"It's like I told you before." Said Rainbow Dash "We're on a diplomatic mission to Yakyakistan now that we have the peace treaty with them Twilight wants to make sure that we are still on good terms."

"That I understand." Said Soarin "But why are they coming along?" He pointed behind him, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were having a snow ball fight with each other.

"Bullseye!" Shouted Cheese Sandwich as he hit Pinkie in the eye.

"That's what you think!" Said Pinkie appearing right behind him.

She then slapped a huge pile of snow on him.

Rainbow Dash signed. "Apparently Twilight thought Pinkie would be perfected this this job."

"Yo Cheese!" Soarin shouted. "Stop playing around we are on guard duty remember?"

A large snow ball hit Soarin dirtily in the face, both Pinkie and Cheese giggled to themselves.

"That tears it!" Soarin shouted leaping up in to the air he punch on top of Cheese he wrestles him to the snow.

"Knock it off you two we are on an important mission here." Said Rainbow Dash

"Tell that to him!" Said Soarin putting Cheese in a headlock.

"Relax Dashy." Said Pinkie putting her hoof around Rainbow Dash. "The best thing we can do to make the Yaks fell welcome to have as much fun as possible."

"Yeah I don't think that's what Twilight had in mind." Said Rainbow

"Huh..."Said Cheese picked himself up. "You think she had giant black balloons in mind."

"Cheese." Said Soarin getting off the ground "Why would you ask something like that?"

"Case the party seems to have started with out us." Cheese said pointing in to the sky.

The ponies looked up and to their horror saw giant black blimps firing cannons on to Yakyakistan.

"What in the name of Pink!" Pinkie Pie shouted

Down in Yakyakistan

The yaks were firing large catapults at the blimps to no effected high above the wall city the Storm King looked laughed.

"Ha This is too easy why are we bothering with this puny village?"

"I told you before." Said Frost bite annoyed by his bother's antics. "Yakyakistan is smack dapped in the middle of the porters in Equestria and the Storm Kingdome. Once we conquer it we'll have a straight path right into enemy territory."

"Oh right and then we take over Equestria!" Said the Storm King "And let's start with the Crystal empire and see where we go from there."

Meanwhile back at Yakyakistan

The ponies had already entered the city.

"Sure it's big enough." Said Cheese looking at the burning hunts. "But look at the location."

"I don't remember Flash mentioning any of this on his trip to Yakyakistan," Said Soarin nervously.

"AAAHHHH!" Scrammed a Yak as he ran pass the ponies on fire.

"Yeah something tells me it wasn't like this the last time they where here," Said Rainbow Dash

"Ponies!" Said another Yak passing them by, "What are you doing here? Run!" He said before a large cannon ball hit him.

The ponies watch as the explosion happened in front of them. Their eyes grew as wide as saucers.

"Umm... Maybe we should have this conversation somewhere else," Said Pinkie Pie

The quickly ran to a near by hunt and hide behind a sofa.

"Any pony got an idea of what's going on?" Soarin said peeking up from behind the couch.

"Got me," Said Pinkie Pie pretending to be a lamp.

"No pony know," A voice spoke up, "But Yaks know."

The ponies turn to see a small family of Yaks coming out of hiding. A mother a father and a daughter.

"What in Equestria is going on here?" Rainbow Dash asked

"Ponies are in Yakyakistan," The father said, "And in Yakyakistan Storm King is attacking."

"The Storm King?!" Said Soarin looking shocked, "Why didn't Prince Rutherford contact Equestria?"

"Yaks don't know," Said The mother, "Ponies have to asked Prince Rutherford themselves. Our daughter take you."

The smallest of the yaks stepped forwarded to approach the ponies.

"Me Yona," Said the pig tail Yak, "Me show you the way."

The young Yak led the ponies through the snow covered streets of Yakyakistan. All around them, cannonballs were landing by the nearby huts and stables, setting them ablaze.

"How long has this been going on for?" said Rainbow Dash dumbfounded.

"Long time," said Yona thinking back, "Two.. three days at least."

"How come we didn't hear about all this in Equestria?" asked Soaring confused.

"Yona doesn't know," the young Yak replied, "Prince Rutherford leading the fight.. He wise and strong yak."

All of a sudden another cannonball landed blasting fire sky high.

"I think he could be doing a better job.." said Rainbow gritting her teeth.

"Yona led the group of ponies to a large tent. Inside, Prince Rutherford was speaking with several of his generals in front of a large strategy table, when he suddenly noticed the others enter.

"PONIES!" Prince Rutherford shouted, "WHAT YOU DOING HERE!?"

"I've got this!" said Pinkie Pie raising her hoof.

Cheese Sandwich pulled out a large accordion and began jamming on it, while Pinkie Pie began dancing.

"Were so glad you signed the peace treaty, we hope to know you well!"

"Yakyakistan is beautiful, it's real easy to tell!"

"Ponies like to party, and we know you Yaks do to!"

"So please put on a smile for us, there's no need to be.."

"Pinkie!" said Rainbow Dash grabbing the pink pony by the cheeks, "We're not doing that anymore!"

Prince Rutherford stared at the ponies confused, "Anyway.. This no time for visit! Yak's in the middle of problem!"

"Yeah, we noticed," said Soarin sarcastically.

"After we sign peace treaty with Equestria, the Storm King Forces return!" Prince Rutherford explained, "Now they want take over all of Yakyakistan! BUT YAK'S WILL NOT HAVE IT!"

The other yak generals yelled out in agreement. All of them crashed into the strategy table, shattering it to pieces.

"Aw yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about," Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "What's the plan here Prince Ruff'n'Tuff!

"Plan is.." Prince Rutherford explained, "YAK'S FIGHT! YAK'S WIN!"

The other Yak's yelled in agreement at their Prince's decision.

The ponies at Yona just stared at a loss for words.

"Um.. That doesn't seem like a very good plan," said Pinkie Pie confused.


"That's the only plan you have!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash dumbfounded, "How can that possibly be the only plan you have!?"

"Yak's Don't need another plan!" Prince Rutherford exclaimed, "Yak's always fight! Yak's always win!"

A large explosion sounded outside shaking the entire tent. The ponies held on for dear life.

"Ooooooor.." said Soarin nervously, "Rainbow Dash and I fly back to Equestria.. We get an entire army of Tambelon forces.. And we come back and blast the Storm King out of the sky?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" all the Yak's shouted at once directly in Soarin's face.

"..beg pardon.." said Soarin his mane standing on end.

"Yak's never ask for help!" Prince Rutherford exclaimed stomping his hooves on the ground, "Yak's never need for help! Yak's no need to ask no ponies for know stink'n help!"

"But, what about the peace treaty?" asked Cheese trying to shake a stunned Soarin out of shock. "Aren't we supposed to help you in your time of need?"

"That's what the peace treaty says," smiled Pinkie Pie whipping out the treaty.

Rutherford glanced at the Treaty and then lifted his head proudly, "Yak's like ponies.. Ponies good friends.. But asking for help goes against everything Yak's stand for! Asking for help an insult to Yak pride!"

"But maybe if you could just," Cheese Sandwich started.

"Yak's no need Help!" Prince Rutherford explained turning away, "That Final!"

Later the ponies were outside of the Yak tent.

"Huh!" Soarin groan. "What is with that Yak? Doesn't he know that we are trying to help?"

"That the problem." Yona said sadly "Yaks no like getting help, it makes Yaks feel weak."

"But doesn't he known that friends are suppose to help friends?" Pinkie asked.

"He knows but the prince of Yakyakistan can't afroed to look weak in front of friends or enemies." Yona sighed

"Well." Said Cheese confidently. "I know a sure fire way we can convince him with a song!"

Cheese pulled out an accordion and started to play.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash slapped it out of his hooves.

"Enough!" She said "Here the plan Soarin and I are going to fly up to those blimps and try to put a stop to the Storm King and you three try to convince Prince Rough head that he needs our help!"

"But.." Soarin started to object before he could finish Rainbow grappled a hold of him and pulled the black mane pegasus to the skis.

"So what we do?" Yona asked Pinkie confused.

"And...Hit it!" Said Cheese pulled out his accordion again.

Back on the blimp The Storm King was being to get board.

"Hug..." He Groan. "How long is this conquest going to take?" said the Storm king rolling his eyes.

"Settle sir." Frost Bite said. "We got these Yaks on the ropes."

"What ever can you go make me a sandwich." The Storm King shoes him away.

"A Sandwich!?" Frost bite said offended. "I am second in command in this operation!"

"And..." The Storm King said giving him the eye.

Frost Bite looked up at his brother and then swallowed his pride and walked away grumbling. "lousy no good, recking, flipping, flatheaded..."

Elsewhere on the blimp Rainbow Dash and Soarin mange to sneak adored.

"Shhee." Said Rainbow Dash pushing Soarin up agents the wall several Storm King guards where marching down in a adjacent hallway.

"So..." Soarin whispers to Rainbow Dash. "What's the plan here?" He asked her.

"Uuuhhh..." Her trying to avoid eyes contacted.

"You don't have a plan?" Soarin whispering yells.

Rainbow then put a hoof on his mouth and said. "Look I'm making this as I go along and right know I say we..."

She paused for a moment. "Hide in there."

She pointed to a near by door way and push Soarin though it The two ponies looked around the room there was a table a sink, and cuboard, and a large white refrigerator.

"A kitchen?" Said Soarin in disbelief. "Your plan was to invited their kitchen?"

"Shut up." Rainbow Dash whispers.

"Wonderful!" Soarin said sarcastically. "What next shall bake and omelets? or maybe we can make some pies so we can throw them at the Storm King's face."

"Okay first of all I said shut up! And second of all that last part sound like something Pinkie Pie would say." Rainbow dash getting angary.

"That's my point!" Soarin said getting mad. "This is the most ridiculous..."

"Can it!" Said Rainbow talking him under the table.

"Shh." Rainbow said covering his mouth. "Someone is coming."

"I don't believe this! I can't believe this, " a gravely voice sounded as it entered the kitchen. "I'm so ticked off I'm shedding here!"

The ponies watched as the feet of a small yeti approached the refrigerator.

"I could've been the Storm King! But no, Mom said Dad wanted him to have the Staff of Scorpan! Why without that staff he wouldn't be so tough.. The big lummox doesn't even know how to use it right! I tell you what! I tell you what.."

The two ponies listened on as the yeti left the room.

"Did you her that Soarin?" Whispers Rainbow Dash

"I know." Said Soarin "That guys voice sounded like hooves on a checkboard."

"No feather head." Rainbow smacked him over then head. "The Storm King has the some sort of Staff that makes him powerful."

"So?" Said Soarin

"So maybe if we get that Staff we can stop the invasion." Rainbow snapped

"Chimmy Cherry Chonga! What a wonderful Phrase!"

"Chimmy Cherry Chonga! Ain't no passin' craze!"

"It means no worries for the rest of your days!"

"It's our problem free.."


"Chimmy Cherry Chonga!"

Pinkie and Cheese gasped as they finish there song and dance. Prince Rutherford and the rest of the Jack's looked at the confused.

"That didn't work either," said Pinkie slapping her hoof.

"Maybe we should try the F.U.N. song again," Cheese suggested, "F is Friendship with is Magic, U is for.."

"Enough!" Prince Rutherford slammed his hoof to the ground. "Yaks no have time for ponies silly songs we have war to fight."

"We were just trying to tell you if asked for our help..." Pinkie said

"Yaks choose not to ask for help nothing chance yaks mind now ponies must leave!" Prince Rutherford said

Pinkie Pie and Cheese looked at each other sadly then exited the tent as they did so they when pass Yona.

"Did it work?" Yona asked

"No." Said Cheese Sandwich. "It didn't."

"Yona thought not." The young yak said

"Thanks for the support Yona." Said Pinkie "But looks like we're just going to head back to Tambelon."

The Yong Yak then watch as then two ponies trotted out of the vallage as she watch them leave she thought to herself. "Friends help friends... Ponies wait!" She shouted as she ran after them.

Back on the Storm King ship.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin were opening door after door trying to find the staff.

"Well this isn't it." Said Rainbow looking to a bathroom.

"This isn't it either." Said Soarin looking into a broom closest.

"Ulp," gagged Rainbow Dash as she slammed another door shut.

"What was that?" Asked Soarin looking at Rainbow Dash confused.

"You don't want to know." Said Rainbow Dash looking green.

The two ponies then walked down the hallway and looked at a pare of large double doors.

"You think it's in there?" Said Soarin asking Rainbow.

"Well we checked every where else." The two ponies open doors together there at the center of the room standing on a pedestal sat a black crooked staff with a lightning blue gem at it's tip.

"I think we found it." Soarin said.

"And it's guarded!" Said Rainbow "How dumb can these guys be?"

She flew up to the staff and grappled hold of it. All of a sudden a blasted of lightning shot up from the staff a felled the skies above the blimp. Back on the deck the Storm King was munching happily on his sandwich much to Frost bites annoyance. Suddenly the skies in front of them felled with a flash of blue lightning.

"What was that?" Said The Storm King eyeing his brother suspiciously.

Rainbow Dash let go of the staff. The hairs of her coat singed standing on end.

Soarin then giggled. "I guess that's why they don't have it guarded."

"You guested right!" said a voice gravely behind them.

The two ponies then turn to see Frost Bite and two large guards beside him.

Rainbow Dash chuckles nervously and said "Hey fellas how's it going?"

Frost Bite snarls and points a claw at the ponies. "Charge!"

The two Yetis flew into the room and attempted to talk the pegasi Rainbow Dahs and Soarin leaped up into the air just in time.

"YYYYAAAAHHHHH!" Frost Bite shouted as he leaped into Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah let her go!" Soarin shouted as he try to free her.

Soon the Yetis and the ponies were wrestling each other across the floor of the room.

"What's going on here!?" AS voice shouted

The Fight paused as everyone turn to see the Storm King looking furious.

"I go these ponies trying to steal the Strom staff!" Said Frost Bite

"The Storm Staff!?" The Storm King smacking himself on the head. "Why didn't I think of that? With the Storm Staff I can take over this dump in a matter of minutes."

"What!?" Said Soarin and Rainbow Dash in horror.

The Storm King lifted his claw and the Staff slowly flowed over to him.

"Good work Frost Bite." Said the Storm King grapping the Staff. "Here you can finish my sandwich."

He throw the half eaten sandwich to Frost Bite who looked at it half heartedly. "Thanks..." He mummbled

"No problem little bro." Said the Storm King

"We're twins." Mumbled Frost Bite.

"But I was born first." said the Storm King confidently.

"Only by two minutes." Said Frost bite

"Exactly I'm older I win." Said The Storm King

Frost Bite singed "Just take what you can Frost Bite." The little Yeti said to himself. "Just take what you can."

"Now if you'll excuse me I got some Yaks to conquer." The Storm King smiled sinisterly.

Back on the brag of the ship The Storm King looked over Yakyakistan while Rainbow Dash and Soarin watched in chins.

"I'm so glad that you could join me for this ponies." The Storm King mocked. "Especially since this victory is all thanks to you."

Rainbow Dash frowned and tear up.

"Don't worry." Said Soarin trying to comfort her. "I'm sure Pinkie and Cheese will figure a way out of this."

Rainbow Dash looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Your right we're doomed." Said Soarin

Down in Yakyakistan The canon balls faintly stopped firing on the village.

"Yak's did IT!" Shouted Prince Rutherford. "Yaks Won!"

The Yaks cheered as premature victory then all of a sudden a large flash of lightning felled the air.

"Yak Yak, don't come back!" The Storm King lough mockingly. All of a sudden a large tornado started to form in the sky slowing Billowing it's way down to


The yaks below panicked as the tunnel of air began blowing their village to peace.

"Prince Rutherford!" A Yak Guard approach the prince. "What Yaks Do?"

"Only thing Yaks can do." Prince Rutherford signed. "Run away!"

All the Yaks in Yakyakistan began to running towards the gates of the city. But before they can make it another tornado slammed down in front of them stopping them in their tracks. Soon the village was in cased in one giant tornado.

Up above the Storm King lough.

"This it it!" The Storm King shouted "This is my victory!"

"Um...Sir" Said Frost Bite entering the room suddenly. "We got a small problem."

"Oh Well what is it?" Said The Storm King.

All of a sudden their was a large break in the clouds. Suddenly an army of pegasi flew down in a beam of light and leading them was Xanthus and Balius.

"Ponies?!" Shouted the Storm King in a fury. "How did they know we were inviting?"

In one of the chariots being pulled by the pegasi sat Pinkie Cheese and Yona. "OOHHHHHH!" Shouted Pinkie as they flew down with the army.

"I told you Pinkie Pie would come thought!" Said Rainbow Dash elbowing Soarin.

Soarin just rolled his eyes.

"Quick! Fire the cannons!" Shouted the Storm King.

"You had us dismantle the cannons when you decided to used the Staff!" Said Frost Bite.

"Oh yeah." Said the Storm King. He then wave his staff and had gust of wind to try to blow away the ponies. The pegasus guards dodge the wind with ease.

"Why isn't this working?" The Storm King wined

"Their Pegasus!" Frost Bite stated. "They control the weather!"

"Oh yeah. " Said the Storm King looking concern.

The pegasus began circling the tornado in counter clock wise formation soon the tornado began to fall apart freeing Yakyakistan.

"Ummm...What's our back up plan?" The Storm King asked his brother.

"The Staff the back up plan!" Said Frost Bite matter facility.

"Oh boy." Said the Storm King.

All of a sudden Xanthus and Balius burst in to the ship.

"The Storm King what a surprise." Said Xanthus.

"Turn these ships around this minute or else!" Said Balius

"You ponies don't scare me!" Said The Storm King confidently.

Then the alicorn twins then pointed their weapons at the yeti's neck.

"Okay you ponies scare me a little," Said the Storm King nervously.

Later the Yaks and ponies watch as the Storm King's armada flew away. When they were out of sight, Prince Rutherford turned to the ponies red in the face.

"Yaks said we no need ponies help!" He shouted

"Looks to me like you needed all the help you could get," said Balius cockily.

"Brother, please," said Xanthus looking annoyed.

Prince Rutherford glared at Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Soarin, and Cheese, "Why ponies no listen to Yaks?!"

"We did listen to Yak's," said Pinkie Pie with a smile, "We listened to Yona!"

"Whaaaaaaaaat!" stated Prince Rutherford confused.

All the Yaks suddenly turned to the youngest of them with accusing looks.

"It true Prince," said Yona looking guilty, "Yona went with ponies to Equestria and asked ponies for help."

"Prince Rutherford was dumbfounded, "Yak's never ask for help! Why Yona asked for help?!"

Yona took a deep breath and spoke, "Yak's no ask for help because we afraid help make us look weak.. But ponies want to help Yaks! Ponies ask Yona to come to Equestria and ask for help, and Yona help them by doing so. Help no make Yak's weak.. Help make Yaks strong!"

"She's right," said Rainbow Dash coming up next to Yona, "If the Equestrian forces hadn't arrived, the Storm King would have conquered this place by now.. And how strong would you Yak's be then?

Prince Rutherford thought for a moment, as he let the words sink in, "Maybe Yak's have wrong idea about help.. Ponies are Yak's friends.. Yak's would help Ponies if they asked for help.. So why should Yak's not ask ponies for help?"

Prince Rutherford turned to face the rest of the Yakyakistan, "From this day forward.. Yak will always ask for help if needed, and Yak will give help if asked!"

All the Yak's cheered at Prince Rutherford's declaration. As they did this, Pinkie and Rainbow turn to Yona with smiles.

"Thank for helping me and Soarin out on the blimp." Said Rainbow Dash

"Thank Pinkie and Cheese for helping Yona learn to ask for help." Said the young yak.

"Yeah, yeah we get it." Said Soarin "We all learn something about helping Can go back to Equestria now?"

"We can leave now!" Said Pinkie. "The yaks just thought Cheese how to play Yovidaphine."

The ponies then turn to see Cheese holding a large bagpipe with giant horns. As Cheese began jamming on it Yona and Pinkie cheered while Rainbow and Soarin covered their ears.

"Speaking of help!" Said Rainbow "Can somepony help me get ear plug?"