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It was a bright sunny day in Templon, but all was not well as Princess Twilight was in the royal library looking at yet another book.

"Darn it." Twilight shouted "There's nothing in this one either." She toss it into the large plie book behind her.

"There's got to be one reason that King Sombra would want those keys." Twilight said in frustration.

"Uh peg you pardon Twilight?" Applejack said "Don't you think we should take a break."

The rest of the mane six and Spike were in the library as well all of them looking at books.

"Seriously!" Said Spike "We been at this for days."

"Nonsense." Twilight assured them "Rainbow Dash can you toss me another book please."

Soring could be heard at the top of the book shelf as Rainbow Dash snooze with a book on her face.

"Rainbow DASH!" Twilight shouted

"AAAHHHH!" Shouted Rainbow falling down into the large pile of books. "I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"Seriously you guys." Stated Twilight to her friends "It's been three weeks and we still have no idea why Sombra broke into the castle and stoled those keys."

"Well tackily he send Ahuizotl and the Diamond Dogs to get those keys." Said Pinkie

"Well we could ask the diamond dogs as to why he wants them." Rarity said

"The guards already tried but those dogs are too tens too know what Sombra is up to." Twilight said "Also I think Cujo is losing it."

Down in the dunged Cujo was rocking back and forward agents the wall. A bared was starting to grow down his chine

"Any minute now boys Sombra will be breaking us out of here." Cujo before he started laughing.

Spot Fido, and Rover shook their heads in disgust.

"Should we tell him it's already been three weeks?" Rover said

"We're just going to have to figurer this out on our own." Twilight said

"Too bad we can't talk to Gorger." Said Fluttershy

Then everypony at once asked. "WHAT?"

"Accounting to this book." Said Fluttershy pointing to a picture of Gorger "It was Gorger who taught Sombra everything he knew about dark magic maybe he knows something about the keys."

"Sweet Celestia, that's it!" Twilight said as she flew up to a large book shelf and pulled out a large blue book. "I was so busy looking up Sombra." She said as she landed. "I didn't even think to look up to the one responsible for him turn evil. Tirek's second in command Grogar."

Twilight quickly flip thought the book pages and stopped on a image. The picture was Grogar at his prime.

"Look." Said Twilight she pointed to at the image of Gorger floating around him were seven keys each with a different simple on them.

"Well I'll be darn." Said Applejack "those look like just like the keys that Ahuizotl stole."

"So Grogar was behind them?" Spike asked stitching his head "What are they?"

"It doesn't say." Said Twilight dumfounded "All it talk about here is that Grogar had a minion."

She pointed on a image to a donkey standing besides a the goat.

"Uh." Said Fluttershy "I could have sworn I've seen him somewhere before."

"Oh I know, I know!" Said Pinkie Pie she pulled out a giant chalk board and drew a picture of a familiar looking old donkey. "It's Bray!"

"Who?" Asked Rainbow Dash as the others looked at her confused.

"You know Bray! The crazy old donkey that help count Bloodfang pony napped Fluttershy and turn her into a vampire pony last nightmare night." Pinkie said

"UUUHHH..." Said spike stitching his head. "Vagally."

"Ummm Pinkie Pie," Said Twilight "Grogar and Bray was around a thoued years ago there's no way he would still be alive today."

"Well explain the donkey we meet at nightmare night he said that his name was Bray." Said Pinkie

"Um Pinkie," Said Rainbow rolling her eyes, "I'm pretty sure that's a commend name for a donkey."

"Well he also looks like him only really really old," Said Pinkie

"Pinkie darling." Rarity said "This is a illustration we don't know for sure if that's what he really looks like."

Pinkie Pie scowled at her friends. "Need I remained you all of my Pinkie scene and it is tickling!" She said as she pointed at her twitchy tail.

A book then fell from above and hit Spike on the head.

"All right I guess it worth taking a look," Twilight said.

The ponies approach the ruins of an old castle on the edge of a cliff.

Fluttershy shufflers, "This place still gives me nightmare."

"I can't believe we're coming back here after everything we been thought the last time we where here." Said Rainbow

"Don't worry girls," said Twilight, "It's the middle of broad daylight and nightmare is not for another year we should be fine hope..."

The ponies entered the castle cautiously.

"Why in Equestria would anypony would want to built a castle in the middle of the EverFree frost?" Rarity stated.

"This was the castle of the two sisters," explained Twilight, "Nightmare Moon built it during her brief uprising, or so the story goes."

"Well..." shivered Spike, "It doesn't look like anypony home.. What do you say we head back? I'll Drive!"

"Uh Spike," said Rainbow Dash, "First of all, we walked here. Second of all, we've only been here five minutes."

"O-oh yeah," said Spike his teeth chattering, "Seemed more like six.."

"Relax Spike," said Twilight, "Everything is going to be just fine.."

"Pooooooooooooniiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeesssssss.." a mysterious voice called throughout the entire entire castle.

The mane six and Spike halted in their tracks.

"POOOOOOOooooooniiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss.." the voice called out again.

The ponies and Spike gathered up in a circle, facing every possible direction.

"We know that you're here Bray.." Twilight called out, "So you might as well come out."

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" shouted the crazy old Donkey as he popped out from the center of the group.

"AAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH!" shouted the ponies jumping to side shivering.

"Heehehehehee.. Welcome.." the crazy old Donkey chuckled. "Hello Ponies.. Would you like some Tea?"

The old Donkey hoofed out an actual letter T in front of the Ponies.

The ponies stared at the object in confusion.

"Teeheeheeheehee.." Pinkie Pie chuckled to himself.

The other ponies and Spike glared at her.

"What? It's funny!" Pinkie Pie stated!

"Sooooooooo.." said Bray putting his hooves around the ponies and leading them forward, "What leady you into Castle CooCoo?"

"Well," said Twilight, a bit nervous, "We have reason to believe that you were once a Minion of Grogar's.."

"I was?" stated Bray, "I waaaaaaaassss!"

Grogar tossed the Ponies onto an old dusty Couch, and set spike down softly in a large armchair.

"Coooookieeee..?" Bray stated holding out a large tray of moldy and ancient cookies.

The ponies winced back in terror at the sight of the cookies.

"Um.. No thank you.." Twilight stuttered biting her tounge.

"I'll have some!" said Spike with a smile. He picked up the plate and started munching on the cookies two at a time.

"Now where was I?" said Bray tapping his head in contemplation, "Oh yes!"

The old donkey leapt onto the coffee table, "Ladies and Gentlecolts! I come before you, to sit behind you, to tell you a story I know nothing about!"

"One stormy Night, the Sun shown bright, and two dead Mares got up to fight.."

"What!?" shouted the ponies completely confused.

"Oh wait," said Bray, "That's a different story.. Here we go!"

Flashback in a 1000 years a ago.

Seeing a much younger Bray flipping pancakes in a castle.

"Bray!" A loud voice cried out.

"Yes master Grogar?" He asked

A young version of Grogar enters the kitchen with a red baby centaur in his hooves.

"Would you take care of the baby for a while." He said "I have had enough of him."

"YAAAHHH!" The baby Trike cried

"Wait a minute!" Said Twilight irrupting the story "That's not right Grogar was Trike's second in command."

"He was?" Said Bray "Are you sure, well okay if you say so."

"Master I almost have those pancakes ready for you!" Said Bray

"Good!" Said Grogar as he sat down and open the news paper "Because I hate waffles!"

Laugher sounded out of nowhere like on a cheesy sitcom.

Grogar chose ignore that "Soon all of Equestria will be under my hooves."

"You mean Trike's hooves." Bray said with a smile.

"His hooves, my hooves same exact thing." Grogar said

Then all of a sudden the door bell ranged.

"Can you go get that for me." Grogar growled

Bray when to the kitchen door and open it.

"Hidee hoo neighbors!" Discord entered the kitchen with a green sweater and glasses on.

Grogar rolled his eyes. "Hi Discord..."

"Hi Grogar you old goat." He slapped him on the back. "Just dropped over to see if I could barrow a coup of sauger."

"What!?" Said Rainbow Dash "What does any of this have to do with the keys!?"

"Keys." Said Bray a bit confused "Oh yes the keys!"

Bray answered the door to find Discord now wearing a mailman uniform and said "Speedy devilry!" Discord sangd out.

"It's Discord Mcfreely!" Bray said with a smile applause out of nowhere.

Once again Grogar rolled his eyes.

"Let's see what we have here today." Said Discord opening the latter.

"Yeah messing with the mail is a federal offense!" Said Bray

"Ops." Said discord "Here you go." He handed Bray the latter who began to read it.

"Gasp!" Bray gasp out of nowhere.

"What is it Bray?" Grogar grubbed still looking at his news paper.

"It's said right here that Xanthus and Balius are forming a rebelling ageist us!"

Grogar threw his news paper aside and leap up on to the table. "This time it's personal!"

The since changed to an army of ponies fighting an army of monster.

Bray began to narrate. "And thus began the 1000 year war between the ponies and the goats. Grogar fought bravely but Xanthus and Balius cheated they hit Grogar on the head with a shovel. It was up to me to fight off Canterlot forces, I widely out numbered but with my trusty sling shot in hoof I took down the army one by one until I was victorious and declared ruler of all Equestria!"

"Oh please!" Said Twilight "Not one world you just said is Historically accurate."

"I don't the war was 1000 years long." Fluttershy whispers

"And your most definitely not the ruler of all Equestria!" Rarity said

"And you expect us to believe that you defeated a hole army with one sling shot!?" Pinkie Pie stated "You need at least two!"

Rainbow Dash hoof face herself.

"Dahahaha!" Bray laugh "Just kidding the real battle happen something like this.

"Oh please don't hurt me!" Bray begged at the hooves of Xanthus and Balius. "Please, please, please, please!"

Balius shook his head and said "Shameful, just shameful."

"It's over Grogar!" Xanthus said to the defeated Grogar his armies torn asunder.

But a wicked smile came across Gorger's face. "That's what you think!"

He pulled out a small grey box and open it a large poof of smoke appeared and filled the sky with dark black clouds.

"BwaHahahahaha!" A loud voice echoed in the sky the clouds parted to revel the giant form of Trike hovering over the pony army.

"Well Xanthus." Said Balius clucking his sister tight "Looks like this is it!"

"No it isn't!" A brilliant beam of light shot down and Slepinir along side Faust the two of them headed direly for Trike.

All of a sudden a big blue police box appeared in front of them a light brown stallion in a green neck tie pooped out a long with a grey googly eyed mare.

"Look out the Daleks are invading!" Giant golden flying saucers appeared above the battle field.


"What!?" Twilight shouted in furious disbelief. "That's completely impossible!"

"But that's exactly what happened!" Said Bray

"That's it!" Twilight growled "come on everypony this guy clearly has no idea what he is talking about! A complete waste of time!"

"AW." Said spike "But it was just getting good."

"No!" Bray said blocking Twilight way to the door. "None shall leave once the tale has begun! There are those that would destroy you for the knowledge you seek!

Pinkie Pie gasped in Horror

Rainbow looked skeptical, "Who's gonna destroy us? Sombra? Celestia? The Unicorn Illuminati?"

"Me," Bray said with a smile.

"Wait what?" Rainbow stated

"DaaHaHaaHaHaaHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAA!" Bray laughed wildly as he pulled out a large axe and began swinging it at the ponies.

"AAaaaaaaaaaaaggHHHHHHHHH!" The ponies and spike screamed as they ran away in different directions.

Twilight and Spike race down a hallway to get away from Bray.

"His completely insane!" Twilight shouted in a panic.

"Yappappapaopaoaosnndnkdjk!" Bray shouted in gibberish.

Twilight and spike ran across the balcony trying to get away from the mad donkey.

The room down below Pinkie Pie hide beneath a cloth of a large table.

"EEEEhhhhyyyh!" A voice sounded besides her. She turn to see a smiling Bray hiding right besides her.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" Shouted Pinkie Pie leaping in the air in pear terror.

"AIajdfkhwhbfhwbfhebfeia!" Shouted Bray

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hide atop of a large chandelier.

"Wait a minute." Said Rainbow Dash "Why are we hiding there's seven of us and only one of him!"

"Are you sure about that?" Said two different Brays peeking up from both sides of the chandelier.

"AaaaaHHHH!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy screamed as they flew away.

In another hall way Rarity screamed as she ran in a panic. "AAAAHHHHHH!"

"Never fear!" Said discor4d as he appeared with a superman logo on his chest. "I will save you."

"All of a sudden an axe cut a hole in a near by door.

"Here's donkey!" Said Bray as he stick his head out of the hole.

"Is that Bray!?" Said Discord a look of horror came across his face. "Nope, nope I'm out sorry ponies but your on your own."

He then teleported away.

"Big help he was." Said Applejack as she pulled Rarity away from Bray busting thought the door.

The ponies ran back and forwarded for severely minutes finally they gathered in a large room in the center of the castle.

"Gasp. Did we lose him?" Spike asked

"Nope!" A voice cried out.

The ponies and Spike looked in horror as Bray entered the room.

The ponies backed up agents the wall holding each other tightly and shivering.

"Please." Said Twilight "I'm sorry I called you crazy, I only wanted to find out the keys of Grogar!"

"Well why don't you look behind you." Said Bray

"What?" Said Twilight she turn around and see a lager mural partied on the wall. It was the same exact image Twilight saw in the book Grogar surrounded by seven keys. But surrounding the seven keys was the image of trike along with six other viscous titans. Twilight glance upon it for a moment and a realization dawn upon her the keys of Grogar can unleash the titans Tartarus!"

"What!?" The other ponies and Spike in debrief.

"Bingo!" Said Bray blowing a large trumpet. "You guess it right the grant prize is a life time supply of cookies made by yours truly!"

It then rain down upon the ponies forming a large pile on them.

"Alright!" Said Spike as he dove in to the pile.

"Wait a minute." Said Twilight who popped out of the pile. "This whole time you knew about this painting. But you feel the need to scare us half to death."

"What you mean?" Said Bray with a smile

"You chase around with an axe!" Said Rainbow

"You mean this thing?" Said Bray showing them the axe. "It's made of rubber it harmless." He slimmed on the ground and it squeaks.

"Hahaha." Giggled Pinkie "that's kind of funny."

"Well why didn't you take us to this mirror in the first place?" Twilight asked "Instead of telling us that ridiculous story?"

"What ridiculous story?" Bray asked, "That was the story of how Grogar was defeated by Balius and Xanthus.. The great Titan War began.. Sleipmir banished them into Tartarus.. And Grogar formed the seven keys to free them.. It would have ended here at this mural, but you ponies wanted to leave before I could finish!

"Oh!" said Pinkie Pie, "So that's why you were chasing us around the castle pretending to be crazy!"

"It is?!" said the rest of the ponies in disbelief.

"Sure!" said Pinkie Pie, "If he hadn't have done that, we would have left before he could finish his story, and we would have never learned that the Keys are supposed to free the Titans from Tartarus!"

"So this time this old donkey was just trying to help us?" Applejack stated.

Bray gave them a sly wink.

"Whu.. Buh.. How.. Ooooooooohh," said Twilight looking ashamed, "I guess I sort of jumped to conclusions."

"The problem with you children today is you have no patience," Bray explained, "I may be as old as Equestria, but that just means I know all about Equestria!"

"So you're not crazy," Rainbow asked.

"Oh I'm crazy alright!" Bray exclaimed, "You don't get to be a thousand years without going crazy! But I'm crazy in a fun way!"

"YeheeheheeheheeheheHee!" Bray chuckle to himself.

"Hehehehehe," the ponies and Spike chuckled nervously as they watched the old donkey laugh.