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Mama's home

Mama's home

Somewhere beneath Equestria, a hideous creatures reveals her face from the darkness. She looks over a thousand years old, with wrinkles dating back centuries. She smiles a large toothy grin of razor sharp teeth.

"All right boys! Listen up now!" the wicked Mama Hydia Snarls.

Her army of children cheer below her, all of them much less hideous than she is.

"Your ol' Ma has been work'n for King Sombra for quite some time now.. And frankly I'm sick of it!" Mama Hydia continued. "Liv'n underground while those ponies live on the surface? It ain't right!

The Grundles booed and hissed in agreement, as there Ma continued her speech.

"It's time we Grundles took back what rightfully ours. That's why we're gonna do our so called King a favor, and get him them ponies he's always after.

The Grundles cheered in agreement at there Ma's proclamation.

"How we gonna get them ponies Ma?" one of the Grundles asked Mama Hydia smiled, "That's the best part sonny boy.. We already have!

A large cage lowered from the cave ceiling above. As it came into the light the figures of the Harmony Twelve appeared from behind the bars. The Grundles cheered at the sight of the captured ponies hanging above them.

"How did we get into this mess?!" Rainbow Dash shouted pulling on the bars.

"It looked like an ordinary party invitation to me," Pinkie smiled sheepishly.

"It was written on a rock!" Soaring proclaimed exasperated.

"Have you ever been to a party on a Rock Farm?" Pinkie Pie stated matter of factly.

"No, but I would love to!" Cheese said with a smile.

Everypony else facehoofed themselves.

"Get your boost on boys we're going to King Sombra's!" She shouted

"But we don't wear boots ma." One of the Grundles said dimly.

"Just get going!"

Back at Templon castle

"HUh!" Spick and Span picnicking "This is terrible! Just Terrible what am I to tell the King?"

"Relax." Said spike with a smile "They always get themselves out of these situations."

"You don't understand!" Spik grabbing Spike by the cheeks "The Grundles out number the royal army a million to one, There's absolutely no chance for her and her friends to escaped and even if she could the Grendel tunnels are a endless maze!"

Spike began to swat a little bit. "Well yeah...But."

"The Princess is doomed! DOOMED" Spick and Span throw himself to the ground tears steaming from his eyes.

"BWahaha!" Spike cried out joining him on the ground.

The two were so busy crying that they didn't notice that the pony sweeping in the corner. The light tin pony with a purple and pink mane exited the throne room and began speaking in to an ear peace.

"This special agent Sweetie Drops reporting from Templon castle we have a situation code Sparkle."

High above the skies of Equestria four dark purple blimps lived a large battle ship up in to the air. With in the battleship a tall scarlet unicorn pony in a black jump suit march forward she had a Mohawk and a broken horn a scare on her left eye.

"Statutes report." She said

A green unicorn in a black suit and tie approach from the side.

"Are current information states that the H12 are enroot of King Sombra's castle. As always the Grundles are using their under ground tunnels to get there."

"Any chance we can negotiate with the Grundles king?" The Scarlet pony asked

"You know his terrified of his Ex-wife." The green mare said

"Well then I guess I have no choice." She said

A large door opened before the Scarlet Pony setting at a large table where three familiar unicorns. Sunset Shimmer Starlight Glimmer and The great and powerful Trixie.

"Commander Shadow?" Sunset Shimmer said rising an eyebrow.

Tempest shadow approach the table.

"Ladies you know the deal, This is the Heroic Organization for Recon and Service to Equestria in return for your services your given time off of your sentences for your service to King Sombra."

"Well isn't that generous of you Commander." Trixie sarcastically.

Tempest frowned. "Agent Heartstrings if you please."

Lyra's horn began to glow and an image appeared on the table. "This is Ma Hydia so called mother of all Grundles she currently rules over the under ground for King Sombra and even the Grendel King is afraid her."

"I remember her." Said Sunset "Cranky old lady thinks Grundles are rightful rulers of Equestria. Hates Heartwarming

Tempest Shadow contained. "Currently the only thing keeping her under ground is King Sombra, that doesn't sit well with her. which is way she decide to make her move."

A new image appeared on the table of Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Your all familiar with Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Said Tempest

"All too well." Starlight with a frown and sad look.

"Well Mama Hydia has mange to capture her and her associates, Now that she is trapped in the Grundles lair there almost zero chance of her escaping."

"Ha!" Laughed Trixie "So much for the great and powerful Princess Twilight! She can't even fight her way out of a few Grundles."

Starlight and Sunset glared at her.

"Which is way you three will be recuing them." Said Tempest.

"WHAT!?" Said Trixie slamming her hooves on the table. "You escapist us to save the pony who ruined are life?"

"Um Trixie." Said Starlight "Sombra was the one who ruined our lives."

"Tomato, Tomahto!" Trixie said "The point none of us would be here if it wasn't for Twilight Sparkle and you escapist us to save her?"

Tempest gave Trixie are large glare. "Need I remined you that your not in a position to argue?"

Trixie got off of the table and stormed out of the room.

"Do what ever you want but count me out of this mission!"

Sunset and Starlight looked at each other sadly and then looked over to Tempest.

"We'll talk to her." Starlight said as she and Sunset fallowed her.

The two mare quickly caught up with her.

"Listen Trixie." Starlight said "We know how you feel but..."

"No you don't!" Trixie said angrily. "Nether of you were out magic by the princess of Templon, you didn't have you title stripped from King Sombra or have him treated to throw you off a floating castle."

"No," Singed Sunset, "But we did almost lost you and that was Sombra's fault not Twilight's."

"And Think of it this way," Starlight said "This could be a good way to show up both Twilight and Sombra."

Trixie then came to a hold, "Show up, Twilight and Sombra?"

The two mares nodded yes with smiles.

"Let's do it!" Said Trixie

Deep beneath Equestria in the tunnels of the Gunnels three unicorns appeared in a flash of light all three were wearing black jumpsuits and night vision giggles.

"We're in." Said Sunset speaking in to her com-link.

"Excellent." Said Lyra from the other line. "Your rendezvous will be arriving shortly."

"What kind of rendezvous lives underground? Asked Starlight

"Hello ponies," A gentle voice spoke up.

The three mares turn see a female Diamond Dog with light brown coat and long flowing hair, "The names Lassie Agent of HORSE."

Sunset looked at her suspiciously, "I thought all the Diamond Dogs worked for King Sombra."

Lassies just smiled, "Oh please there are plenty of good diamond dogs in Equestria."

"Okay you three are free to go pending your trial," a guard pony stated.

"Thank goodness," stated Rover walking out of his cell with Fido and Spot close behind. "Things were starting to get ridiculous in here."

He pointed back to Cujo in a far corner. The poor Diamond Dog rocked back and forth not saying a word, a crazed look in his eyes.

Then Lassie said "Anyway fallow me I know where those ponies."

"Where are they?" Asked Trixie.

"SSSHHHH." She said "These caves have ears you fallow me."

The mare glance around nervously. The three mares fallowed the Diamond dog thought the tunnels for quite some time then Starlight spoke up. "So what do you know about Grundles?"

"Grundles." Smiled Lassie "They rule the under ground sure we dogs have our say but it's Ma Hydia who speaks up first and lasted."

"Why does she hate ponies so much?" Trixie asked

"According to her." Sunset explained. "The first pony settlers founded Equestria they drove the Grundles under ground she thinks this place is rightful Grendel land and that they should rule over everypony."

"I don't remember that being in a Hearth's Warming Eve pageant," Trixie said

"History is written by the winners," Sunset stated.

"Shhhh, get down," said Lassie ducking the three ponies behind a boulder.

The four agents looked up to see a large Caravan passing them by in an adjacent tunnel. Each wagon was pulled by at least a dozen Grundles, with more Grundles riding on top. The largest of the wagons had a large cage sitting atop of it, with the Harmony Twelve inside. Mama Hydia sat at the reigns, laughing and jeering the ponies.

"Looks like King Sombra going to pay big for you ponies."

"Well doing Sombra's dirty work no Mama Hydia?" TrenderHoof said

"Grundles worked for no one but themselves this here's a mutual relationship of interest." Ma Said "I give you what he wants, he gives us what we're due."

"Sound like a real friendly relationship." Rainbow Dash said sarcastically

"Can you you see that Sombra is just using you?" Twilight pleated

"Using us?!" Ma Hydia cackled. "You got it backwards pony we're using him! The first chance we get we're taking over this Kingdome!"

The agents of H.O.R.S.E watch the scene with disgust even Trixie.

"And I thought Cujo was despicable." Starlight whispers.

"Even I feel sorry for them." Trixie said

"How are we going to save those ponies?" Asked Lassie

"What we need..."Sunset said with a sly smile. "Is a destruction."

"Leave that part to me." Trixie smiled.

The Caravan trudged an word with the harmony twelve in toe. Suddenly a brilliant blast of colored light felled the tunnels.

"Hey Ma!" Said one of the Grundles "Look at the purdy fire works!"

"Fire Works!?" Ma Hydia shouted in disbelief "We're underground how can there be fire work?"

"Welcome Grundles big and small I present to you the Great and Powerful Trixie!" The blue unicorn shouted

"HUH?" All the Grundles shouted at once.

"Oh no." Twilight said

"Hey Ma." Said one of the Grundles "At that one of the ponies that work for Sombra?"

"Idjid." Ma said slapping her son in the face. "Everyone in Equestria knew that thems was fired!"

"I didn't know that?" Then other one said

"Just ignore her boys we got ponies to deliver." Ma said

"Awww...What's a matter Ma." Trixie jeered "Scared of a little pony?"

"What?" The whole caravan suddenly screech to a hold.

"What did you just say?" Ma turn with a wicked glare.

"I said is big fat old ugly dumb Ma Hydia afraid of a little pony?" Trixie said

"Hey you can't talk that way about our big dumb fat ugly Mama." One of the Grundles said.

Ma Hydia's face quickly turned red . "Get her boys!"

The entire army of Grundles charged at the Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Huh oh." Said Trixie realizing what she had done.

She then threw a smoke bomb and disappeared in a cloud of dust.

"Hey where she go it like she magic?" one of the Grundles said

"She behind that rock you Idjid!" Ma shouted

The Grundles then turn to the rock to see Trixie run away from it scramming.


The Grundles quickly chance her down the tunnel leaving the Harmony Twelve alone.

"What in tarnation was that all about?" Ask Applejack

"I don't know but at least it gave us a chance to escaped." Said Twilight

"Um hello how are we going to get out of this cage?" Rainbow Dash asked "It's enchanted remember?"

"Perhaps we can be of assistance."

Starlight Sunset and Lassie appeared besides the cage.

"EEEEHHHH It's Starlight Sunset and..." Pinkie pause. "Some other Dog!"

"Umm Lassie nice to meet you all." Said The female diamond dog

"I suggest you leave or I'll have to place you under arrest." Said Thunderlane.

"And how are arrest us from a cage?" Sunset said . "And that a find way to ask somepony for help."

"Why would you help us?" Asked Soarin "You work for Sombra."

"We worked for Sombra." Starlight clarified. "We don't work for him anymore."

"For the record I never worked for Sombra." Lassie smiled "I'm just here to help."

"Why would you want to help us?" Rainbow Dash asked while crossing her arms.

"That's classified." Said Sunset

"If you won't tell us why ya'll are were how are we suppose to trust ya'll?" Applejack said

"That's also classified..." Starlight said nervously.

Rainbow Dash then said "Just forget them guys we'll get out here ourselves."

"Well that when well." Lassie said rolling her eyes.

Flash looked at Starlight and Sunset for a moment and then spoke up.

"Hold on!" Flash said. "I say we give them a shot."

"What!?" The ponies said shocked

"I can't don't really know why there here but they helped me out before and I think their here to help now." Flash said

"Besides what chose do we have." TrenderHoof pointed out.

"If you really can get us out of here I'm willing to give you a royal pardon." Twilight said

"No no problemo princess." Lassies took out one of her claws and started to pick at the lock.

All of a sudden the door swung open. "Grundles are terrible when it comes to locks." Lassie said

"Ahem." A voice shouted from behind the ponies

They all turn to see Ma Hydia and her army of children with Trixie in their clutches.

"How dumb do ya'll think we are?" Ma grind

Caravan countered down the tunnel with Trixie Starlight, Sunset and Lassie in the cage.

"Great escape plan guys." Rainbow Dash utters "Not!"

"At least we had a plan what was yours brilliant idea?" Trixie said.

"Well we wouldn't have gotten caught!" Said Rainbow.

"Don't yell at her!" said Starlight.

"She wasn't yelling at her!" Soarin proclaimed.

"Yes I was!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, Don't make Trouble," Rarity chimed in.

"Ooh, group fight! I love group fights! Grrrrrrr! I'm upset! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Soon all the ponies the in the cage were fighting with one another. The Grundle pulling their carriage was quickly getting annoyed.

"Be Quiet Back There!" he shouted at the cage.

The ponies and Lassie suddenly looked at each other, wide smiles growing on there faces.

"So anyway like I was saying this is all your fault." Rainbow dash sounded

"How was it my fault I was in the cage with ya'll." Applejack said

"Are sure it wasn't Pinkie's fault? It's usually is?" Soarin said

"Don't you talk to her that way." Said Cheese red in the face.

"Chill out due we only acting." Soarin whispers.

"Oh..."Cheese said "Well then maybe your fault."

"My fault?" Flash said "How is it my fault if anything it's their fault." he pointed at Sunset and Starlight.

"Our fault?" Said Sunset "It was Trixie's plan."

"The Great and powerful Trixie would never make shush a horrible and ridiculous plan!" Trixie said

"Ah Said, Stop Whine'n!"

"We are not Whining!" Rarity proclaimed, "We are arguing! do you want to hear whining?"

The ponies gave each other wicked smiles.

"This is whining!" Rarity began, "Ooohhhh! This cage is cramped! There are to many ponies! Can't you let us oout?! OH! it's tight and it's so rusty! Why didn't you clean it first?! It's going to stain, and this wagon is bumpy! Why do I have to ride in it?!"

The Grundle's face was quickly turning red, "That's IT! I Can't Take It NO MORE!"

"But I thought you wanted whining!" Rarity continued.

"Hehe.. HAHAHAA! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!" the Grundle began laughing maniacally. He quickly leapt off of the wagon, and ran off into to darkness of the tunnels never to be seen again.

Lassie then reopen the door with ease. "Well that was almost too easy."

Ma Hydia currently at the head of the Caravan spoke to one of her sons.

"So how are our prisoners doing?"

The Grundle looked back and starch his head. "Hhhuuuu they're not doing anything they's escaped."

"Escaped?" She shouted "What do ya mean they..."

Then a large blast of magic came from behind Ma Hydia she turn to see the harmony twelve and agents of H.O.R.S.E fighting off her children.

"You want something done right you got done it yourself." She said while getting out her staff.

"How many are their?" Applejack said while bucking one of the Grundles away.

"By my count 237." Said Starlight blasting severely with her magic.

"You should really keep things like that to yourself." Said TrenderHoof taking out others with arrows.

All of a sudden the ponies where surrounded by a forcefield of purple magic. The ponies look over to see Ma Hydia holding up with her staff.

"You thought ya'll could beat me?" Ma proclaimed "The mother of all Grundles? No pony has ever beaten a Grundle. Not now not never!"

"Tell me." Said sunset smugly how do you feel about Diamond Dogs?"

"Diamond Dogs?" Ma said confusing. "What about Diamond Dogs?"

A large paw tapping began tapping Ma Hydia on the shoulder she then turn to see Lassie cracking her knuckles.

"Say good Mama." Lassie said while pouching Ma Hydia in the face.

Rainbow Dash throw Ma Hydia in the cage with her numerous offspring.

"Wait! Theirs no room in here!" Ma said

"Don't worry," Said Thunderlane we'll get you a new cage once we get back to Templon.

"Well that sure was a close one," Said Applejack, "We hardly got out of their with out tails."

"That's last time I except an invitation on a rock," Said Pinkie "Unless of course it's covered in confetti!"

"I hate to say it," Said Soarin "But we never would have made it out of here without those three."

"You were right to trust Sunset and Starlight," said Twilight putting a hoof on Flashes shoulder, "Even Trixie!"

"Speaking of the Great and Powerful Trixie," Trenderhoof said, "Has anyone seen her?"

The ponies looked around, but Trixie, Starlight, Sunset, and even Lassie had vanished without a trace.

"Excellent work agents," said Commander Tempest.

The ponies and Lassie were back on the H.O.R.S.E command base. Tempest Shadow was evaluating them in the control room.

"Princess Twilight Sparkles and her comrades have returned to Tambelon, and Ma Hydia has been locked in Tambelon prison"

A small of image of Ma Hydia snarling behind bars appeared on the table.

"It was our pleasure Commander," said Lassie giving Tempest a salute.

"Speak for yourself," mumbled Trixie, "I didn't enjoy a minute of it.."

"Are you sure about that," Starlight said with a sly smile.

A small appeared on Trixie's face, "Okay.. I enjoyed it a little bit."

"You're dismissed agents! Hit the Showers," Tempest finished.

As ponies and Lassie left the room, Tempest glanced around carefully making sure she was alone.

The whole room suddenly went pitch black. A large monitor suddenly appeared on the far wall, filling the whole room with an eerie red glow.

"Superior, Ma Hydia is currently in Tambelon Custody, Tempest Shadow said solemnly, "We have her transported to Tartarus shortly."

A tall shadowy figure with bat wings and unicorns horn appeared in the eerie red glow.

"Insignificant," the black figure replied, "We have much more important matters to attend to.. King Sombra has already retrieved three of the keys.. We must retrieve the other four before he does.. Or all of Equestria is doomed!"