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The cat and the bug

Midnight Castle the lair of King Sombra.

We start in the evil king's thorn room then the doors into it open reveling his head sorceress Catrina.

"You summoned me master?" She said

"Catrina as you are well aware that we have found the location of yet another key." He said

"Yes master I was the one who found it remember." She said

"We snice's Cujo is currently unavailable..." Said Sombra

"Yes." Catrina then asked "Where is that dog anyway?"

Back in Tambelon prison Cujo was pulling the hairs out of his head one by one.

"Any minute now, any minute now, any minute now!"

The other three diamond dogs covered their ears. "I had just about enough of this."

Back with Sombra

"Who knows where that dog is." Sombra growled "Anyway I will need you my most trusted advisor to retrieve it."

"It shall be done." The cat witch said

"Of cores I can't afford to lost you so I've set up one of my other minions to a company you on this task." Said Sombra

"Oh no..."Catrina said when she knew at the first guess he was talking about. "Not her..."

In the deepest dark of the EverFree frost a lonely cave heled the former queen.

The lonely Queen sat and growled.

"Look at him that fraud." She said from.

From the glow of a growing green flame the image of king Thorax could be seen waving to the changings with a smile.

"He has the nerve to call himself the King of the changings while set here wasting away." The viscous queen hissed at the image in front of her.

"Who would have thought it would come to this." She said with a over-exaggerated whale. "No subjects, No solders, not even an army to comfort me in my hour of need."

"Well at least you have me auntie!" A chipper voice called out.

She then turn to see a scrawny changings with a big smile flew up to her.

"Oh yes how grateful I am for that." She growled. "I don't believe this, I was once a Queen of entire Kingdome now I'm force to be a second rate flunky to that fool Sombra."

"You best watch how you speak about King Sombra." A voice ego as it entered the cave.

"He wouldn't like to hear you speak of him that way." Catrina stated as she entered into the light.

"Coonan!" Queen Chrysies shouted at her nephew "I thought i told you to guard ageist intruders."

"Catrina is not an intruder she our boss." Cocoon said.

"I bow to no one!" The former Queen shouted.

Catrina raised an eyebrow. "Except Sombra of cores."

Chrysies glowed under her breath.

"Witch is exactly why I've come here." She said "It's about time you started paying your do's."

"What do you mean by that?" Chrysies hiss.

"I mean ever since King Sombra as allowed you to live in his forest you have done nothing to help him rebuild his Kingdome. Besides mourning the lost of you own." The cat witch said

"If his royal highness had something to request of me he best come down here and say it himself." Chrysies.

"Don't timed me Chrysies!" A fearsome voice rumbled

Chrysies looked in horror as the green flames transformed into the showily figurer of King Sombra's head.

"K-k-king Sombra!" Chrysies stated quivering in terror. "Well...I was...What I meant to say was..."

"Catrina is right ever since you arrived here you have done nothing but wine and complain! I let you in to my forests because I was under the impression that you where a born leader and a capable spy. But it's clear that I was miss informed!" The king growled.

"Please King Sombra beg you just give a chance to prove myself."

"Oh I intend too." Sombra said "Catrina and I have a little errand for you to run under her direct supervision of course."

"There's really no need for that." Chrysies smiled nervously. "I more then capable of..."

"Oh yes there is." Catrina interrupted approaching from behind. "Someone needs to keep a close eye on you."

"Can I come too?" Cocoon chimed in.

"NO!" Both Catrina and Chrysies shouted.

"Oh and Chrysies." The shadow for Sombra growled. "This is your last chance.


A TrenderHoof's blimp sailed over the desert south of Equestria. On that blimp were the harmony 12.

"So why are we going to Abyssinia again?" TrenderHoof asked

"The Abyssinia of the oldest countries in the world they even pre date Equestria." Twilight said "If any creature knows where to find the kays of Tartarus it's got to be someone there."

"Well this should be easy for Rarity she already has a cat." Said Pinkie

"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity scaled "The Abyssinians are one of the most advance and cultured creatures out side of Equestria. You can't possible compare then to the average house cat."

"She right." Said TrenderHoof "Besides one of my closet friends is an Abyssinian."

"Really?" Rarity's eyes sparkled "How exotic what's he like?"

"His a lair and a cheat." Troubleshoes Growled.

"Hey that's one of my oldest and dearest friends your talking about." Said TrenderHoof.

"Our point exactly." Said Thunderlane

"You still believe he had something to do with that ambush back at Manehattens?" Said TrenderHoof

"YES HE DID!" All five of the other Stallions shouted.

TrenderHoof just shock his head and said "Can we just focus on the mission here."

"Well what ever the cast I'm sure the natives Abyssinians will be much friendlier." Said Twilight

"No!" Shouted king Panthera.

Amazed by the usually friendly king's reaction.

"But-but are you sure." Twilight stuttered

"Of course I'm sure!" shouted King Panthera as his queen try to calm him down. "And even if we did we wouldn't tell you about them. Now get out of my throne room!"

The ponies looked at each other in disappointment then two tiger stripped guards escorted them out.

"What in tarnation was that all about?" Applejack whispers to Twilight.

"I don't know." Twilight stated "I've known king Panthera for years and I've never seen him act like that before."

As door shut behind the ponies.

king Panthera gave a large sign of relief and collapse back in his throne. "That was a close one." He whimpered.

"Are you sure we should have told them the truth dear." The Queen asked sympathetically.

"You know we can't do that." Said the King "Lady Baast herself made us strew never to tell anyone about the key."

"But if King Sombra really is after the keys to Tartarus..."The Queen

"He'll never make it inside of Abyssinia our scarcity is iron tight." Said the King Panthera

"What about the Storm King he got in once." The queen said with her paw on her hip.

"Well yes," King Panthera said "But he was quickly removed besides. If Sombra's forces were truly in the city we would know about it right?"

Meanwhile in the the busy streets of Abyssinia.

Two mysterious figures sat down at out door café.

Catrina wear a hood to hide her face while Chrysalis takes the form of an ordinary Abyssinian.

"Well we infiltrated the city," Chrysalis said, "What do we do next?"

"Your asking me," Catrina stated smugly, "I thought you were a master of disguise."

"This is you homeland isn't it?" Chrysalis

A furious looked came across Catrina's face, "That none of your concern."

"But you do now where it is don't you?" Chrysalis stated.

"Of course I know where it is," Catrina said "It's getting to it is that's the problem we can't just break in to the royal place."

"I cant believe we got kicked out of the royal place!" A shrill voice cried out.

Chrysalis and Catrina turn to look to see a group of familiar ponies.

"Came down Rainbow Dash," Twilight said, "Not that big of a deal."

"That big of deal?" Soarin stated, "The hole reason we came here is to find out where the keys are and now we know less then ever."

"King Panthera is the ruler of all Abyssinia," Stated Thunderlane, "He has the right to do what ever he fells is in his Kingdome's interest."

"Why did he get so upset anyway," Spike said, "It's we were only asking a question."

"The way he reacted you think we were trying to seal it," Said Applejack.

"Well that's not the worst idea," Said TrenderHoof only for the others to glare at him.

"TrenderHoof!" Rarity shouted "How could you suggest shush a thing? We are guest in this Kingdome and stooping to betty thrive would offend their hospitably."

"Besides," Stated Twilight, "If we steal from Abyssinia it would created an international incident."

"It was just a suggestion I didn't say we go for it," TrenderHoof said

As the ponies walked away a wicked smile came across Catrina's face, "This gives me an idea."

Later that night the royal guards stood watch over a large statue of a valet cat holding on to a key.

Despite of it being dark the two guards were ever vigilant. All of a sudden one of them notices a shadow shopped over them.

"Hold who goes there!?" The Tiger stripped guard holed his spear throw the statue.

The shadowy silhouette of a pony dropped down into the light it had two purple wings along purple mane and a unicorns horn.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle!" One of the guards proclaimed, "What are you doing..."

Before he could finished the guards were knocked out from behind

The nest morning the mane six stallions and Spike snooze soundly in their ship.

Rainbow snored loudly and so did Soarin.

"Rainbow can you keep it down please," Said Twilight, "It's too early for this."

Then they heard a knock at the door.

"Rainbow!" Twilight Explained, "It thought I told you too..."

All of a sudden the door burst open and numerous Abyssinian guards flew into the room. They pointed their spears at the ponies and Spike now wide awake.

"Ummm Breakfast any one?" Pinkie chuckled nervously.

Back at the palace

Princess Twilight Sparkle was rapped in chines guards watching her closely.

"How could you accuse Twilight for theft!?" Flash yelled

King Panthera then said "I am sorry but my guards clearly spotted Princess Twilight in the temple of Basst on the night in question."

"But what do you thin she stole?" Spike asked

"You already know exactly what you stole return it to use now and you crime will be forgiven," The cat king said

"I objected you honor!" A voice shouted

Discord then appeared wearing a lawyer outfit and a suitcase in his claws.

"Discord we don't have time for any of your craziness right now!" Said Rainbow Dash

"Lord Discord!" King Panthera, "Praise lady Basst for sending our greatest hero to our rescue!"

"Greatest hero!" All the ponies and spike shouted.

"Oh don't pretend you didn't notice the giant mural on the ceiling," The ponies and spike looked up to see a heroic image of Discord plastered above.

"How did we miss that?" Spike said.

"I'm more curious of how that happened," Said Twilight, "That was never in any history books I've read."

"I have a left out side of Equestria you now," Discord huffed, "More to the point Flash is right you can't possible believe that this good four hoofs stole one of the most sacred artifacts in this Kingdom.. Or any other Kingdome for that matter." He winked to the audience slyly.

"Your faith in this pony is noble Discord," King Panthera said "However my guard knew what he saw. Isn't that right Tigera?"

"That is corrected my lord," The guards said, "I know an alicorn when I see one."

"Isn't possible that is was somepony else?" Said Fluttershy

King Panthera said, "Well if she didn't steal the artifact then who did?"

"Do you ever think that it was King Sombra?" Said Rainbow Dash

"Impossible," King Panthera stated "King Sombra doesn't even know we have a key of Tartarus."

"A key of Tartarus!?" All the ponies shouted at once.

"Dear we weren't supposed tell them that," The Queen said unamused.

"Oh right," The King blushed.

"If it was a key of Tartarus that was stolen it must have been King Sombra!" Said Twilight

"Ridiculous the only ones who knew about the key is myself my queen, and... Oh dear," The King then pause.

"And?" Thunderlane asked waiting for him to finish.

"Well there is the former ruler of Abyssinia might know about the key," King Panthera said "But the only former ruler left is Queen Catrina." He gestured to portrait on the side of the wall showing a sinister feline holding a medizing staff, "But everyone in Abyssinia knows to beware of her there's no way she could have gotten into this city."

"Not unless she had help." Stated TrenderHoof. "Do anypony of about Queen Chrysalis?"

"The former Queen of the Chanlings?" Thunderlane said.

"Yes," Said TrenderHoof, "Well I heard from reliable source that ever since she was de-throne she been slimming it with King Sombra."

"You heard it from a reliable source?" Thunderlane asked suspiciously.

"Well semi reliable," Said Trender

"That would explain everything," Twilight explained, "Changings can take of the formed of any creature they choose. That's why the guards saw me last night."

"An interesting story but the one thing it lacks is proof," King Panthera said

Flash then step forward "Give us a chance to proof Twilight is innocent"

King Panthera raised his eyebrow and then said, "Very well mister Flash Sentry but you alone must proof her innocent until then the rest of your friends shall remain here. You have until sundown."

"Can I go with him?" Discord chimed in.

"Of course you can," The king said

"Seriously!?" Rainbow Dash shouted

Flash then bow and said "You have my word as a knight of harmony that I will proof Twilight's innocents."

Meanwhile with in a hidden part of Abyssinia.

Catrina sat next to someone who appears to be Twilight Sparkle.

"Can't can't believe how easy that was," Said the purple Alicorn, "And you were worried over nothing."

"I was worried the King would track us back to King Sombra." Catrina said "You can lose the disguise the close."

"Oh Poo," Chrysalis said while turn back, "I was so looking forwarded tarnishing the pony princess's good name some more."

"We don't have time for that." Catrina said "Now the key of lust have been stolen they'll be guards on every corner of Abyssinia."

"Key of Lust, hmmmmm.." The former Queen said

"Don't even think about it." Catrina said "You on Sombra's list as it is. You don't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath."

"Fine," The changeling said "So how do we get out of here?"

Catrina smiled, "You don't spin a thousand years in this city and not learn a thing or two."

She tapped her staff on the ground and a sudden door appeared on the side of the wall.

"Did you say a thousand years?" Chrysalis stared suspiciously.

Meanwhile Flash and Discord trotted down the streets of Abyssinia.

"What was I thinking!?" Flash hoofed himself in the face. "How am I going to proof that Twilight is innocent by sun down. I don't even know where to start looking."

"Well if I know Catrina." Discord stated she probably using the tunnels under the city to make her get away."

"There are tunnels under the city!?" Flash exclaimed "And your telling me this now!?"

"Well you didn't ask." Discord then snapped his claws and an elevator appeared in front of them in the middle of the streets. "Going down." Discord stated as they were entering the elevator.

Deep in the catacombs below the city, Chrysalis and Catrina trotted pass the numerous hieroglyphs.

"Honestly!" Chrysalis said while pushing away a cobweb. "When was the last time someone dusted this place?"

"Not since king Anubis invited." Catrina membered

"Seriously how do you know all this?" Chrysalis asked

"I have my ways." Catrina said

"That so fast you two!" A voice shouted.

The two villainous turn to see Flash and Discord behind them.

"Well if Flash Sentry the famous Knight of Harmony." Queen Chrysies smiled smugly.

"And you the former Queen Chrysies," Flash exclaimed angerly

"Discord.." Catrina spoke with a frown.

Flash eyed Discord suspicisly. "Old girlfriend," Discord chuckled nervously.

"I don't want to know." Flash said

With a wicked smile Queen Chrysalis transformed into a chimera she leap stopped of Flash her tiger and snake heads were snapping at him.

"Discord this would be a good time to use that chaos of your!" Flash shouted

"Funny story did I mention that I can't use my magic around Catrina's staff." Discord said

"What then why did you asked to came!?" Flash shouted

"I thought you could use some back up," Said Discord

All of a sudden a green rope of magic energy appeared around Discord's neck dragging him over to Catrina.

"How long as it been?" Catrina growled "A thousand years two thousand."

"You haven't age a day." Discord added

She then lifted her staff and flung discord up to the ceiling a moment later he feel back to the ground.

Meanwhile Flash grappled the snake head and rapped it around the goat and tiger heads.

"What do you think of that?" Flash said as he leap on the Chimera's back. All of a sudden she transformed into a bug bear she then flew around the tunnels traying to get Flash of her back. He then place his sword into the beast's mouth trying to muzzle it as he steered it to thought the cavers. Chrysalis then change back and state on the ground daze.

"Hey Discord how are you hanging over there?" Flash said with a smile his expression quickly change as he saw Discord being flung around the room like a ragdoll. "Discord!" Flash leaped on to Catrina's back trying to restrain her.

Catrina quickly throw Flash off her shoulders something falling out of her sluff doing so. Flash focus as he saw a large key with the letters L and U on it.

"The Key!" He exclaimed as he raced to it.

"No!" Catrina shouted she shot a green blast from her staff and hit Flash with it.

The entire tunnel began to shake the sudden ruckus woke up Chrysies she look over to see Catrina averting over a battered Discord. "You took everything from me my castle, my Kingdome!"

"It's not my fault you became evil," Discord said

"Oh and your an angel?" Catrina replied

All of a sudden Chrysalis saw a large crack at Catrina's feet.

"Now I'm going to do what I should have done a thousand years a go." Catrina raise her staff above her head.

"Catrina look out!" Chrysies shouted.

Suddenly the floor of the tunnel collapse casing Catrina to fall thought it taking note of this Discord grappled a hold of Flash and carried him out of the tunnel.

Catrina open her eyes to find herself hang on and edge over an abyss. She then saw that the key was on the other side about to crumble apart she tried to reach for it but it was too fare.

"Catrina!" Chrysalis shouted above her. "Gripped a hold of my hoof!"

"No!" Catrina said while tearing up "I waited so long for this! Can't possibly let this go!"

"Catrina!" Chrysalis said sternly "Remember who we are doing this for!"

Catrina looked up to Chrysalis and snig she took a hold of Chrysalis's hoof just as the tunnel collapse.

Back in the thorn room, the king and queen watch as Discord replayed the events of the Tunnel collapsing on an old projector.

"And that in a nut shell is what happened," Said Discord

"Well," Said King Panthera, "I had my doubts but I would have to be a fooled to not trust the word of lord Discord."

"Oh sure him he believes," said Rainbow Dash rolling her eyes.

"I do apologies for the confusion princess," Said King Panthera realigning Twilight from her chimes, "But you must understand that if those keys ever fell to clutches of evil..."

"I understand," Said Twilight "That's the hole reason we came here to look for the keys."

"Regrettably I don't now much about the remaining keys, but I can tell you this. If they every fell in King Sombra's hooves would mean the end of everything as we know it," King Panthera proclaimed.

"I'm just sorry we lost you key," Flash said as he stood besides Twilight.

"It's fine," said the king of Abyssinia "What's important is that Sombra didn't get ahold of the key.. And now that it's lost in the catacombs, it never will."

Back at Midnight Castle, a displeased King Sombra was glaring down at Chrysalis.

"So let me see if I have this right.." the dark King mumbled, "You had the Key of Lust.. It was literally in your hooves.. And then at the last minute.. You lost it?"

Chrysalis quivered at the foot of King Sombra's throne, "That is correct Som.. I mean master."

Flames grew from King Sombra's eyes as his anger grew. Just when he was about to speak, Catrina stepped forward.

"It was my fault master," the sorceress kneeled.

Sombra's rage was quickly quelled, a confused look on his face.

"I allowed my personal feeling related to the key, to cloud my judgement," Catrina explained. "If Chrysalis hadn't been there to pull me out at the last moment, who knows what would have happened."

Sombra eyed his closes minion curiously, "Very well.. As you are my most loyal minion I will forgive you.. But will be you're responsibility to retrieve the key."

As King Sombra left the Thone Room, Chrysalis approached Catrina.

"Thank you for defending me," the Changeling Queen spoke humbly.

Catrina sighed, "I of all creatures know what it is like to lose an entire kingdom.. Had it not been for Sombra, I don't know what I would have done.. That is why I am loyal to him..

Chrysalis smiled, "We have a lot to learn from each other don't we."

Catrina smiled back, "Indeed we do."

Back at her cave, Chrysalis sat down in front of her glowing flame. A wicked smile began to cross her face.

"Did you get it?" the Queen asked to a figure in the shadows.

An Abyssinian guard crept forward. With a sudden flash of green he transformed, revealing himself to be Cocoon.

"I sure did!" the young Changeling proclaimed, "I did good, didn't I Auntie?"

Cocoon pulled out a large key from behind him. The letters L and U glittered in the green light of the flames.

"Excellent.." smiled Chrysalis, "All according to plan.."