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The Creature Summit

The Creature Summit

It was a bright Moring in Templon and inside the castle we see King Nightlight and Queen Velvet packing their bags.

"Hurry dear, hurry!" Said King Nightlight.

"Honestly sweet heart your a nervous rack." Said the Queen

"Can you blame me?" King Nightlight replies, "Spik n Span! Check on Twilight!"

"Right away your majesty!" the nervous unicorn replied rushing to the other end of the castle.

"Princess Twilight?" the nervous Unicorn stated bursting Twilight's doors open.

"In a minute!" Twilight stated nervously.

Her room witch was usually neat and tidy was now a complete mess, with books and bits of clothing tossed all about the place. The young princess kept tossing items into a large pile in Spike's arms.

"Um.. Why are we doing this again?" Spike asked beads of sweat dripping down his brow.

"I told you before Spike!" said Twilight still nervously packing, "Once a year, all the leaders of all the kingdoms and the creatures who live there gather at the top of Mount Metazoa to meet to discuss the ongoing alliances between the kingdoms!"

"Didn't we already do that?" said Spike thinking back.

"That was the Grand Galloping Gala!" stated Twilight, "This is the Convocation of Creatures! The most important event or any other kingdom!"

"Then why can't the Alicorns go for us?" Spike asked.

"The Alicorns have all of Equestria to watch over!" Twilight stated still packing, "They don't have time for politics!"

Twilight gave a nervous look as she managed to shut a suitcase, "Besides.. Not every creature is fond of the Alicorns.. They think they give Equestria an unfair advantage.."

"Which is exactly why it's important we make an appearance!" said King Nightlight entering the room. He took the pile of clothing form Spike and handed it to poor Spik n Span.

"Rarity! Why isn't Spike dressed yet?" the King shouted down the hallway.

"Wait what?" stated Spike confused.

"I'm on it!" said Rarity Bursting into the room.

"Yaaaaaahh!" shouted Spike as he was unwillingly levitated behind the curtain. There was several minutes of struggling could be heard, and then Rarity pulled the curtain away.

Spike grumbled, as he was now wearing a frilly suit with a curly wig.

"Oh Spike," chuckled Twilight trying not to laugh.

"Aww he looks adorable," said Queen Velvet entering the room and hugging the young dragon.

"Mooooom.." groaned spike looking embaressed.

"Did you call Shining Armor dear," the King asked his wife.

"Yes dear," said the replied calmly, "He and Prince Shade are going to be meeting us at Mount Metazoa to represent the Crystal Empire."

"Excellent," stated the King, "Spik n Span load the Carriage! Twilight, put on something nice! Let's go Everypony! Let's go! Let's go!"

The whole family quickly rushed there packing and raced down the stairs of the place. Just as they were about to take off in the royal carriage, a surprising guest appeared.

"Hello Everypony," Princess Celestia glided down from above greeting the Royal Family.

"Princess Celestia," King Nightlight halted the guard pulling the carriage in order to greet her. "No need to worry your majesty, we are completely ready to represent Equestria at the Convocation of Creatures."

"Ugh.. How long till we get there?" said Spike looking cross.

"Well," said Twilight thinking hard, "Mount Metazoa is pretty far outside of Equestria, so we should make it there by tomorrow morning!"

"Just in time for the Summit to begin!" the King smiled rubbing his hooves together in excitement.

"Um, your majesty," stated Princess Celestia confused, "The summit started yesterday?"

The eyes of the entire royal family shot wide open at the Princess's words.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" shouted the King so loudly that all of Tambelon could hear it.

Far from Equestria a large mountain jutted out of the tangle of a vast jungle. Atop of it sat a large Citadel larger than a stadium, and at the center of the Stadium sat a large room with numerous creatures of every shape and size arguing at a large round table.

"Order! Order!" cried out a large White Stag clopping his hoof on the table. The other creatures paused their arguments to listen to in.

"..I believe we should start this Summit with a role call?" the Stag stated raising an eyebrow.

The other creatures looked at each other for a moment and then, one by one began to speak up.

"Queen Novo," a violet Hippogriff spoke up, "Wife to Hippocampus, Ruler of seaponies of Seaquestria, as well as the hippogriff's of Mt. Aris!"

"Princes Ember," a small blue dragon stated, "Daughter of the Dragon Lord, and future ruler of the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Lord Anubis," a large Jackal shouted, "Guardian of Mysterious South, Caninia, Shire Lanka, and Saddle Arabia!"

"King Panthera," a tall black cat spoke up, "Ruler of the kingdom of Abyssinia, and the bids and beast which live there!"

"King Griff," a cocky Griffin in a large crown spoke up, "Ruler of Griffonstone, last descendant of King Grover and better than all of you combine!"

"Prince Abraxis," a large Zebra in a crown spoke up, "Leader of the four houses of Farasi, and the numerous tribes which life there!"

"King Toro," a large Minotaur spoke, "Ruler of the Minos Kingdom, and the strongest bovine in le world!"

"Chief Seabreeze," a small Breezie spoke up, "Second ta Lady Epona who rules the Breezie Kingdom!"

"Chief Thunderhooves," Spoke a buffalo, "Leader of the Buffalo tribes!"

"Rain Shine," a tall Kirin spoke calmly, "Leader of Kirin!"

"Prince Rutherford," a large Yak shouted, "Leader of Yaks!"

Everyone at the final member of the council, a tall green Changeling who looked out of place at the meeting.

"I'm.. Thorax," he spoke nervously, "I overthrew Queen Chrysalis and now I rule over the Changelings.."

"..And I am King Aspen!" the White Stag spoke, "Ruler of the Whitetail Woods.. and this is the Convocation of Creatures!"

"Yes, Yes..!" King Anubis shouted getting bored, "Can we get on with this already!"

"You're lucky to even be here Anubis!" Ember pointed an accusing finger and the Jackal, "Immortals aren't even supposed to be at these meetings!"

"I was frozen in stone for a thousand years!" the Jackel shouted slamming his fist on the table, "My bothers may have been to cowardly to come here, but I have a lot of catching up to do!"

"Really Anubis," yawned King Griff looking bored, "There's absolutely nothing to look forward to at these meeting.. Just boring politicians going on and on about nothing.."

"If you don't feel like taking this seriously, you're always free to leave!" said Queen Novo in a huff.

"And let the rest of you take advantage of the riches of Griffonstone," the King said looking at his manicured claws, "Fat chance!"

"I didn't know Griffonstone still had riches?" King Panthera whispered to a giggling Rain Shine.

The Griffon King glared at rulers mocking him.

"We can discuss your economic status later," King Aspen stated, "Who has the Chair at this year's summit!"

"Ah beliv' it tis King Nightlight!" Seabreeze Spoke up!"

"Big surprise," stated Ember sarcastically, "Equestria is in charge again!"

"..And where is King Nightlight?" asked Anubis with a raised eyebrow.

Every creature looked around the room, but there was not a single pony in sight.

"Faster I say! Faster!" King Nightlight panicked.

The royal carriage flew past the mountains with the Royal Family in tow, the Guard Ponies attempting to pull it with all there might.

"Mount Metazoa is halfway around the world Dad!" Twilight explained, "They can't possibly go any faster!"

"Oh, I am so going to lose my Throne for this.." the King whimpered, gritting his teeth.

The rulers looked at each other in confusion at the absence of King Nightlight.

"Well?" stated King Griff drumming his claws against the table, "Where is his Royal Majesty?"

"I'm.. not sure.." replied Queen Novo looking rather nervous, "He should be here.."

"Well he's not!" shouted Anubis slamming his fist on the table, "So I repeat! Can we get on with this Already!?"

"We can't start without a creature on the chair," King Panthera responded.

"Fine! I'll be on the Chair this year!" Anubis shouted pointing at himself.

"Now wait just a minute," said King Griff finally taking things seriously, "If anyone should be running this summit it's me!"

"Oh right, because you're so qualified," Ember stated rolling her eyes.

"More qualified than you are Dragon!" the Griffon snapped, "Why don't run to Daddy and ask him to speak!"

Ember growled and extended her claws at the Griffon.

"Come on now, let's not start anything we'll regret," said Thorax getting between the Griffon and the small Dragon.

"Oh, now Changeling want's to lead Summit.." said King Toro glaring at the trio with distain.

The argument between the rulers was quickly growing larger.

"Yak's should lead Summit!" Prince Rutherford shouted.

"Eef any creature shood be leadin' this Summit, Eet should be I!" Seabreeze stated proudly.

"ENOUGH!" a voice shouted.

Every creature in the room turned to see an old unicorn enter into the room. He had a long grey beard and a star-swirled cloak and hat.

"Star Swirl the Bearded!" queen Novo stated amazed, "We didn't know you were coming!"

"The Pillars and I never miss a Convocation of Creatures!" Star Swirl the bearded proclaimed, "Primarily win the creatures involved start prattling about like spoiled children."

"HOW DARE YOOUU!" King Anubis shouted enraged, "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU'RE TALKING..."

A Large blue glow suddenly encased King Anubis's mouth.

"Be careful boy.." said Star Swirl glaring at the Jackal, "I was around before Sleipmir took the throne.. I'm more than a match for a spoiled child like you.."

The other leaders upon seeing this suddenly lost there bluster, glancing at each other nervously.

Star Swirl took a deep breath and then spoke up, "Now does any creature here have a reasonable solution as to how we can solve this problem."

The room was quite for a moment. Finally, the quietest of the leaders spoke up to make her case.

"Um, perhaps King Aspen should lead the Summit?" Rain Shine spoke up.

Every creature in the room looked at the Kirin confused.

"Well.. He has been doing this long then any of us.." she continued.

"I agree," Queen Novo Smiled, "Aspen has been doing these for about as long as Celestia and Luna have!"

"Aye secon' the motion'," Sea Breeze replied, "Eet shood be King Aspen!"

"Here, here!" replied Panthera.

Thorax, Abraxis, and Thunderhooves nodded in agreement. The rest of leaders groaned.

"Then it's decided!" stated Star Swirl the Bearded, "If any creatures need me, I'll be standing guard with the other Pillars."

As the old Unicorn left the room, the leader all turned to face the new head of the meeting.

"Well," stated King Aspen a little off put by the change in leadership, "I suppose out first topic of discussion should be on the growing Parasprite Population.."

"Ahem!" a loud voice shouted every creature attention.

They all turned see Prince Rutherford, "Yak no mean to interrupt.. But what we going to do about Storm King!"

"The storm King?" asked King Aspen looking confused.

"Not to long ago.. Storm King invade Yakyakistan! Ponies help Yaks.. And now Yak's ask the rest of creatures for help! What we do!?"

King Aspen raised an eyebrow, "Um that's really a topic for later in the.."

"Yak is right!" King Toro stated slamming his fist on the table, "What are we going to do about Storm King! He has made attempts on my Kingdom this year alone!"

"And he completely laid waste to Abyssinia a few years back!" King Pantherea continued.

"Not to mention the fact that he controls half of the Southern territories!" King Anubis growled.

"And he controls half of the Northern territories too!" stated Ember.

King Aspen sighed and put down his notes, "Look if we're going to be discussing threats to our Kingdoms, perhaps we should be discussing King Sombra.."

"OhHoHoHoHo!" King Griff cackled out loud, "King Sombra, you actually consider that fool a treat!"

"Careful how you talk about Sombra Griff!" Queen Novo spoke up, "He's a bigger threat than you realize.

"He did almost take over Equestria once," Thorax thought aloud.

"And he has three of the keys to Tartarus!" stated King Pantera sweating bullets.

"Oh please," King Griff smiled cockily, "The Storm King rules over half of the world.. He has armies at all four corners of the Globe.. And what does King Sombra rule over..? The Everfree forest and puny pathetic creatures that live there! He's of no more threat to us than a flea on a fly!"

King Aspen gave a stern look, "King Griff.."

"Griffon is right!" King Toro replied.

Both Aspen and Novo looked at King Toro in disbelief.

"King Sombra may have been threat in the past, but not worth wasting out time," the Minotaur continued. "We should be focusing attention on real threats, not little children trying to win back daddy's love."

"Yak's Agree!" Prince Rutherford shouted.

"I agree as well," Prince Abraxis stated.

"Me to," smiled Ember, "Who care about Sombra.. He barely has an army anymore!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" a voice shouted far on the other side of the world.

What leaders didn't realize was that King Sombra himself was watching their Summit with the aide of Catrina and her crystal ball. His mane was nearly on fire after what he had just heard.

"They consider that Fool, the Storm King, to be a bigger threat than me?! The Prince of Darkness itself!?"

Flames roared behind King Sombra's throne, showing his blind fury.

"They have a point master," Katrina replied, "Our forces have been diminishing lately.. Or have you forgotten?"

"Uh.. Ma?" A young Grundle asked Mama Hydia.

She and all her children were cramped in a single cell beneath Tambelon.

"Who's that there fella over yonder?"

In the corner of the cell stood Cujo in a tutu, "I'm a little Teapot, short and stout! Here is my Handle, her is my Spout!"

"I don' know Boy, but he ain't one of ours!" Ma Hydia replied.

"Don't worry about that.. I already have a plan in motion.." King Sombra snarled, "Right now, I need to remind these fools what a true threat really is."

"Careful master," Catrina stated, the image in her Crystal ball changing, "Don't forget that the Pillars of Equestria are guarding the Convocation of Creatures.. Your placed them there just in you decided to make a move."

King Sombra glared at the six ponies who had caused him so much grief in the past.

"Fair point," said King Sombra thinking to himself, "Perhaps it's time I reunite them with an old friend."

Sombra's horn glowed and the image in Catrina's crystal ball changed. A shadowy figure of a menacing pony appeared where the pillars once shown.

"What is you're my master," the shadowy pony replied.

"Hello my apprentice," King Sombra smiled, "I have a very special mission for you."

Outside of the Citadel atop of Mount Metazoa six ponies sat about standing guard.

"So how do you think it's going in there?" said a pegasus pony leaning against a pillar. He was dresses in ancient pegasi armor.

"The same as usual.." muttered Star Swirl the Bearded staring out into the distance. "A thousand years later and they still can't learn how to compromise! Makes me wonder why we traveled to the distant future in the first place?"

"Well whatever is going on in there, it's got to be more exciting than out here," said the orange pegasus sliding down the pillar, and onto the concrete floor. "This has got to be the most boring assignment we've had yet.

All of a sudden a large shovel hit flash over the head.

"Quit yer slackin' off Flash Magnus," a large teal Earth pony in a fur pelt proclaimed, "We have a duty as the Pillars of Equestria to make sure this summit goes smoothly."

"Serious as always Rockhoof," said an elderly looking lavender unicorn. She wore a kimono and her her hour was curved like a Kirin's. "I doubt even the Storm King would bother to take the time to attack this summit.

"That's right!" a pink pegasus in Saddle Arabian garb proclaimed. She floated down from above, and drew both Mistmane and Rockhoof together, "..And even if they did they'd have us to deal!"

"Whatever Somnambula," yawned Magnus as he lifted himself off of the ground, "Has Meadowbrook got the food ready yet?"

"Sure do ya'll!" said a blue earth pony in a tribal attire. She carried a large plate of of powdered treats with her. "Beignets! Just like mama used to make back in the Hayseed Swamp!"

The Pillars all gathered around the treats excitingly munching on them. All except for Star Swirl who stood in place, staring out at the skies.

"Um, Star Swirl," said Somnambula looking over to him, "Aren't you going to have some?"

Star Swirl just looked out into the distance, a stern look crossing his face, "A storm is coming.."

"But it's clear as day?" said Flash Magnus looking up at the sky confused.

A large bolt of lightning suddenly proved Flash Magnus wrong. The Pillars of Equeastria look up in confusion as a large thundercloud suddenly began to fill the sky approaching the Citadel. All except for Star Swirl who seemed to have been expecting this.

A tall dark funnel began lowering itself from the clouds approaching the mountain.

"Twister!" Mage Meadowbrook shouted in horror.

"Don't worry, I got this!" said Flash Magnus a confident look crossing his face.

"Stardust! Wait!" shouted Star Swirl furiously, but it was to late. Flash Magnus had already taken off and was soaring straight for the Tornado.

"Finally some action!" said Magnus finally looking pleased.

All of sudden, a black tendril shot out of the tornado and wrapped itself around Flash, grapping ahold of him.

"What the..!" Flash stated dumbfounded.

The tendril gripped flash tightly, and dragged him into the Tornado. The remaining Pillars watched in horror as the Tornado lowered itself to the mountain top, landing itself right in front of them. All except Star Swirl who seemed to expect this as well.

Suddenly the tornado began to change shape. Four hooves lowered themselves to the ground, as two large wings spread out from either side. A large head began to to form with glowing white eyes, and a large crooked horn. It bared it's fangs as it's pitch black mane flowed from behind it, and from it's mane a large black tendril jetted out holding onto to Flash Magnus tightly.

"Stygian.." Star Swirl stated in sadness, "What have you done to yourself..?"

The pitch black cloud in the shape of a pony smiled wickedly as he looked down at his old friends, "Not Stygian.. Stygian's gone.. I am the Pony of Shadows!"

"Outrageous!" shouted Anubis slamming his fist on the Table, "Never in a million years will I Abyssinians into my territory!"

"It was our territory first!" shouted King Panthera leaping up from is seat, "You stole it Queen Baast!"

"Only after she stole my Sapphire Statue and traded it to the Ahuizotl!" Anubis shouted.

"That was because you sent a Sphinx to terrorize us a steal our crops!" shouted King Panthera shouted.

"That was because you sent Discord to my Kingdom, where he made it rain chocolate milk and licorice ropes!"

"Excuse your Majesties.." interrupted King Aspen, lookin rather annoyed, "but what does any of this have to do with international Trade between Griffonstone and Manehatten?"

"Hey, I say let em' keep arguing," smile Princess Ember as she leaned back with her feet on the table, "It was just starting to get good.."

"That tears it!" shouted King Anubis leaping on the table. He pointed his staff at Ember accusingly, "Bring forth your father little Dragon, it time we settle this personally!"

Ember suddenly picked herself up looking offended, "I don't need my father to take on the likes of you!"

The small Dragon lifted herself up into the the air, and Slammed King Anubis into a far corner.

As the rest of the dignitaries watched them fight, King Griff huffed looking bored, "This is what I get for dealing with such small creatures.."

"Small Minded!" stated Seabreeze getting right into King Griff's face, "Who ya think yer' callin' Small Minded!"

"Now everyone," Chief Thunderhooves stated, "Let's calm down and talk about this rationally.."

"Wonderful," said King Toro sarcastically, "Now hairless Yak is chiming in.."

"Hairless Yak!" Prince Rutherford shouted, "Who you calling Hairless YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKK!"

Prince Rutherford slammed himself on top of King Toro, wrestling him into a corner. Meanwhile Queen Novo was trying to pull Anubis and Ember apart.

"Order people..! Order!" called out King Aspen.

Prince Abraxis and Chief Thunderhooves had joined in the argument with King Griff and Seabreeze. Thorax crouched down in his seat trying his best not to be seen.

"ENOUGH!" a large voice cried.

All the dignitaries in the room looked over to see that Rain Shine had burst into flames, a terrifying look upon her face. All of the fighting suddenly ceased at the sight of the Kirin Queens transformation.

"Is this any way for the Leaders of the Free World to act!?" Rain Shine boomed, her voice filling the entire room. "My people nearly destroyed Themselves over Arguments Like This! And I swore I would never let it happen Again! Either you are Allies, OR YOU ARE NOT!"

The dignitaries looked at each other and thought.

"Noooooooooooooooooot!" proclaimed King Griff in a Mocking tone.

"So not!" stated Ember crossing her arms.

"Yak's no need Allies!" Prince Rutherford shouted!

"That goes double for the Minotaur!" stated King Toro picking himself up.

"Finally we agree on something!" stated Anubis in exasperation, "I'm out of Here!"

The Jackal King stormed off toward the door in a fury. As he reached for the handle, a beam of magic suddenly blasted him backwards.

"What it the World!" shouted Anubis picking himself up.

King Aspen approached the door handle with curiosity. His antlers began to glow as he jiggled the handle with his magic.

"Curious," said King Aspen in contemplation, "We seem to be locked in by some sort of magic.."

"Ridiculous!" shouted Anubis in Fury, "I'll show you how to open a door!"

He placed both paws on handle and jiggled it furiously. A both of magic shot out of the door and zapped him sill. He stumbled about smoldering and then fell to the floor.

"Oh for dragon's sake, I'll get us out of this," groaned Ember rolling her eyes.

She floated over to door handle and breathed a large jet of fire onto it. A small beam of magic floated up to her mouth, putting out her breath. Ember clutched her throat in confusion.

"YAK'S GET US OUT!" Prince Rutherford shouted.

He quickly charged for the door and head butted into it. To no surprise he was blasted away. The dignitaries ducked to avoid Prince Rutherford as he slammed into the wall at the other side of the room.

King Abraxis took a look at the Yak on the floor, stars spinning over his head. "Well that didn't work," the Zebra stated, "Any other Creature got an idea?"

King Griffs eyes began to dart about the room as he began hyperventilating, "Huff.. Huff.. I'm claustrophobic.."

"What?" asked Thorax looking confused.

"I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC!" shouted King Griff grabbing ahold of the Changeling and shaking him about. "I can't stand being in small spaces!" To many creatures..! To little space..! Walls.. Closing.. In..! Air.. Growing.. Thin..! Must.. Find.. Way.. OUT!"

All of a sudden, a large crack appeared along the side of the room. The crack grew larger until a granite collapsed, creating a large hole in the wall.

"Oh.. That's much better.." stated King Griff with a smile.

The two dignitaries closest to the wall, Thorax and Queen Novo peered out into the crack. "Uh guys," Thorax said "I think we have a problem.. A really big and scary problem.

The dignitaries looked out to the Citadel in ruins. Only there room at the center of the Citadel remained standing, encased in a white force field. Standing amongst the ruins of the Citadel towered the Pony of Shadows, Now larger than ever. All six of Pillars trapped in his Tendrils.

Magnus, Mistmane, Somnambula, Rockhoof, and Meadowbrook struggle to try and escape from the Pony of Shadow Mane. Only Star Swirl the Bearded remained still, his attention focused on the glow from his horn.

"You can't keep that shield up forever," the Pony of Shadows sneered wickedly, "Soon of later your magic will give out Old Stallion!"

"Rrr.. Why did you betray us Stygian..?" Flash Magnus stated gritting his teeth, "We all traveled to the future together in order to stop Sombra.. Not aide him!"

"FOOLS!" the Pony of Shadows boomed at his former friend mockingly. "If you had any common sense you would realize no Creature can stop Sombra! The horrible future that was foretold will come to pass, no matter what we do!"

"So you would choose to work under him instead of fight.." muttered Somnambula, as she struggled.

"Better to be at Sombra's side than in his path!"

The dignitaries watched on from within the remains of the Citadel, safely behind the forcefield.

"Well that's something you don't see every century!" Anubis stated in disbelief.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Thorax said looking concerned.

"Well I'm up for Lunch! Anyone else?" King Griff proclaimed.

The rest of the dignitaries turned to the cowardly Griffin with scowls on there faces.

"What? It's not as if we can do anything to help them anyway?" King Griff exclaimed.

"Yak's do something! Yak's smash Shadow Pony!" Prince Rutherford shouted.

"And how exactly are you going to smash a shadow?" Princess Ember asked sarcastically.

"Yak's smash anything!" Rutherford proclaimed.

"I am with the Yak!" King Toro proclaimed, "If we're going to go out, we out fighting!"

"Here, Here!" Anubis proclaimed.

"Fighting is all well and good," Prince Abraxis spoke up, "But what we need is a plan of attack."

"Aye!" agreed Seabreeze, "We can't jus go flyin' in blindly!"

"Ha!" laughed Anubis, "I already have a plan! Attack!"

"That's hardly a plan.." stated Queen Novo.

"It's barley even a concept.." agreed Chief Thunderhooves.

"Well I suppose you have a better Idea!" Anubis shouted.

The arguing between the dignitaries grew louder and louder. King Aspen looked around in disbelief. King Anubis continued his heated argument with Queen Novo. Thorax attempted to comfort King Panthera, who was rocking back in forth in the fetal position. Rain Shine was beginning to smolder again, while King Griff simply munched on potato chips.

"Enough!" shouted King Aspen. The dignitaries watched in disbelief King Aspen began to glow. Trees and flowers began to bloom from the pure anger that radiated from him.

As the King calmed down, he began to spoke up, "Is this any way for the Leaders of the free kingdoms to behave?"

The dignitaries began to look amongst each other.

"Once a year we hold this summit so that our kingdoms can work together for the greater good," King Aspen continued, "And yet all we have done this entire time is argue amongst ourselves over who is right and who is wrong. What kind of example are we setting for our kind?"

One by one the the dignitaries began to feel ashamed of themselves. Even Anubis and Ember began to feel guilty.

"That's all well and good," huffed King Griff, "but exactly do you expect us to stop that monster."

He pointed out to the pony of shadows, with the Pillars of Equestria still trapped in his mane.

"We had the so called "greatest warriors" in all of Equestria watching over us.. And even they were defeated!" the Griffon exclaimed.

The dignitaries all remained silent for a moment.

"Maybe if we all worked together for a moment, we could come up with a plan," Thorax spoke up.

King Anubis looked at the changeling for a moment and slapped him on the back, "I like the sound of that!"

"As do I!" Seabreeze seconded.

"Here, Here!" shouted Prince Rutherford.

"Count me as well.." Prince Abraxis agreed.

"Well Aspen," Queen Novo smiled, "You have the chair.. What do you suggest?"

Aspen smiled, "Well I might have an idea.."

The Pony of Shadows smiled wickedly as his grip on the Six Pillars of Equestria grew tighter. As the tendrils began to began to encase him and his allies in shadow, Star Swirl the bearded spoke up.

"Is this how low you're willing to stoop Stygian..?" the Unicorn gritted between his teeth.

"Sorry old friend," the Pony of Shadows smiled, "but you were a fool to challenge King Sombra!"

"STYGIAN!" a familiar voice shouted out like thunder.

The Pony of Shadows turned, and to his surprise found King Sombra right beside him.

"What in Equestria do you think you're doing!" the evil Stallion proclaimed.

"My Lord?" stated the Pony of Shadows confused, "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here!?" King Sombra proclaimed, "What are you doing to the Pillars of Equestria!?"

"Destroying them, just like you asked.." The Pony of Shadows stated raising an eyebrow.

"Bah!" proclaimed King Sombra, "Why I want the Pillars of Equestria destroyed?! There no good to me dead! Bring them to my Castle! I have something rather interesting plans for them there!"

"But what about the Dignitaries?" The Pony of Shadows asked his master.

"Forget about the Dignitaries!" King Sombra shouted furiously, "Bring the Pillars of Equestria to my Castle right this minute!"

The Pony of Shadows paused for a minute, "Very well my Lord.."

The pitch black pony loosed his grip on the Pillars ever so slightly, and turned to trot away. Just as he was about to leave, he spoke up.

"By the way my Lord.." the Pony of Shadows eyed his so called master, "How did you get her so fast?"

"How do you think I got here!?" King Sombra shouted, "I teleported!"

"Interesting.." stated the Pony of Shadows, "because King Sombra can't teleport.. He hasn't been able to since his father stripped him of his wings.."

A bead of sweat began to drop down King Sombra's brow, "Uhhhhhhhhhmm.. Right.. About that.."

All of a sudden the King Sombra transformed back into Thorax, "He didn't buy it! Time for plan B!"

"ATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKKKKKKKK!" a large voice shouted from the clouds above.

The Pony of Shadows of looked upward to see King Anubis, being flown down by Princess ember in a daredevil dive. Furious, he began shooting up black Tendrils from his mane, trying to grab ahold of the two dignitaries. Anubis swiped his claws at the darkness and they instantly fell apart.

"Fool!" shouted Anubis, "I am an Immortal! No dark magic can touch me!"

"That's good," grunted Ember, "because you sure are hard to carry."

The Pony of Shadows growled as Anubis and Ember swooped past him. Just as he was about to make another go at them, another voice shouted out.


The Pony of Shadows turned to see Prince Rutherford being flown down by Queen Novo. He ducked to try and avoid him, but the next thing he knew Chief Thunderhooves came at him from the other direction being flown by King Griff.

"How did I let the talk me into this?!" King Griff stated in disbelief.

As the Pony of Shadows desperately attempted to avoid the flying bovine, Anubis and Ember made another go at him. This time he cut directly into one of his mane tendrils freeing Star Swirl the bearded.

Thorax watched in horror as the old Unicorn began falling to the ground. Without thinking the Changeling flew up into the air, and caught him on his back.

"Thank you my boy.." Star Swirl said weakly to the young Changeling.

Upon seeing one of the pillars escaped his grasp the Pony of Shadows attempted to back away. To his horror, he found that his hooves were wrapped in thick vines and deep roots. He turned to see King Aspen and Rain Shine with horns and antlers aglow, magicking the plantlife around him.

Furious, the Pony of Shadows cried out a dreadful whinny! Dozens of Tendrils shot out of every part of the Pony of Shadows body, flying about the sky wildly. It quickly became much more difficult for the Dignitaries to avoid his grasp.

From behind a piece of rubble, King Panthera chattered his teeth at the sight of the battle, "Are you almost finished back there."

King Panthera turned to see Prince Abraxis tending to a large cauldron with Toro and Seabreeze by his side.

"Patience my friend," Abraxis stated, "Zebra magic is a lot more difficult to control then pony Magic.. I require time to get to get my potion right.."

Back on the Battlefield one the Pony of Shadows Tendrils grabbed ahold of Nova and Rutherford. Another grabbed ahold of Thorax and Star Swirl.. Four Tendrils grabbed ahold of each of Anubis' limbs.

"I don't think that time is something we have.." King Panthera whimpered.

"Just one more ingredient left," Prince Abraxis smiled.

"Hey!" shouted Seabreeze as the Zebra grabbed ahold of him.

"Just a little bit of Breezie dust," Abraxis proclaimed shaking Seabreeze above the pot.

All of the sudden the potion began to glow.

"All we need now.." Abraxis stated releasing Seabreeze, "Is a little bit of magic.."

Both he and Toro looked up at King Panthera slyly.

"Um.. Okay.. But how am I supposed to get it close to him?"

"I can handle that!" King Toro proclaimed.

With one swift motion he placed the cauldron over one shoulder, and King Panthera over the other.

"Now Wait a Minute..!" King Pathera cried out desperately.

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGEEEEEEE!" the Minotaur shouted out as he ran straight for the battlefield.

Gripping both Panthera and the Potion tightly, King Toro charged directly toward the Pony of Shadow, dodging and ducking from his numerous Tendrils. As he drew close to him he tossed both King Panthera and the potion up into the air.

"Do it your Majesty!" the Minotaur shouted.

As Panthera and the potion flew high above the Pony of Shadow, his paws began to glow brightly with magic, enchanting the cauldron with bubbled and boiled in numerous colors.

All of a sudden the cauldron burst, filling the entire mountain top with a bright white light. The Pony of Shadow shrieked in pure terror as the light began swallow up his shadowy body.

As the light faded the, Dignitaries picked themselves up from the ruins of the Citadel one by one. Where the Pony of Shadows once stood lay the Six Pillars of Equestria, weakened but still alive. At the center of them sat the shrunken form of a Unicorn made entirely of shadows. He hissed at the Dignitaries, at then faded away in a flash of light.

Back within the Citadel, the Dignitaries began tending to the Pillars of Equestria. Prince Abraxis stirred at a large pot of soup, while Seabreeze and Novo began serving the six Ponies one by one.

"That was quite some fighting you did out there Toro!" shouted Anubis slapping the Minotaur on the back.

"You weren't so bad yourself your Majesty!" King Toro proclaimed proudly.

"Hey what about me?" Princess Ember proclaimed, "I'm the one who flew this lug around!"

"Aw you know we couldn't have done it without you!" smiled King Anubis. He placed the small Dragon under his arm and began giving her a noogie, much to her annoyance.

"Yak Pile!" Prince Rutherford shouted, leaping atop of the three royals. As they fell to the ground they all laughed out loud at what had just happened.

As the dignitaries continued to chuckle with each other, King Griff watched with Thorax confused.

"I don't get it.. They were just fighting like spoiled hatchlings a few minutes ago!" he whispered to the Changeling.

Thorax smiled, "Maybe they realized they have more in common with each other than they thought."

Star Swirl the bearded watched the Dignitaries as well, a smile crossing his face.

"Never did I think that I would see the day.." he stated King Aspen as he apptoached, "When the Creatures attending this Convocation would get along so swimmingly.."

It is a rare sight indeed," King Aspen agreed, "One I haven't seen for nearly a thousand years.."

"Well said," agreed Star Swirl as he watched Queen Novo attend to Flash Magnus, while King Panthera chatted with Somnambula, "This couldn't have gone better if somepony had planned it.."

A suspicious look crossed King Aspen's face upon hearing Star Swirl's words.

"Did you plan this?" the white Stag stated, eyeing his old friend suspiciously.

Star Swirl gave off a sly smile and took a large sip from his soup. "You will never know.."

Suddenly the doors to the Citadel burst open. King Nightlight, Queen Velvet, Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Spike piled into the room, with Spik n Span close behind balancing there huge pile of luggage.

"I'm so Sorry we're Late!" King Nightlight proclaimed sweat dripping down his mane, "Our invitation had the wrong date on it..! And we tried to get here as soon as possible..! But it's such a long way to Mount Metazoa..! And we flew all Night! Please to start ta war with Griffonstone! The Alicorns will kill ME!"

The King paused his exclamation to see that the Dignitaries and Pillars were getting along swimmingly, laughing and chatting amongst each other. The ponies of the royal family looked at each other confused.

"Did we miss something!" asked Spike scratching his head.