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A Crystal Wedding Part 2

"BwaHaBwaHaBwaHaHAHAHA!" Queen Chrysalis cackled as she flew over the wedding hall.

The terrified wedding guests looked up in horror. All except for the Alicorns who looked furious, especially Hrimfaxi.

His horn glowed brightly as a dozen magic blades appeared beside him, "Where is my daughter, Witch?!"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about her," Chrysalis said smugly, "She's the least of your worries right now."

Hrimfaxi's horn grew red with fury. Without a second thought his wings spread open, and he charged directly upwards toward the changeling Queen.

"Tell me where my daughter is Insect! Or so Help Me..!"

Just when he was about to reach Chrysalis, a sudden blast of blue magic shot him back to the ground.

Everypony in the room turned and to their horror saw Shining Armor, his horn still glowing from the blast.

"Shining Armor!?," Hrimfaxi said his brother comforting him, "What do you think you're doing You Imbecile!?"

"What am I doing!?" Shining Armor replied furious, "What are You Doing!? Attacking you're own Daughter!?"

Everyone in the wedding hall looked at Shining Armor dumbfounded.

"Shining Armor.." stated Hrimfaxi, "I know your head is practically empty, but I know your not blind.. That's obviously Chrysalis!"

"HmhmHmhmhmm," Chrysalis chuckled as she floated down beside Shining Armor, "It's no use trying to reason with him.. He's beyond reasoning with now."

All of a sudden Shining Armor's eyes began to glow a bright green, but the seriousness in his expression still remained.

"Chrysalis," said the the Sleipmir with a look of realization, "what have you done..?"

"Quite simple really," stated Chrysalis, "We changelings have always fed on love.. And we've always used our shape shifting abilities to our advantage.. Impersonating others to absorb as much love as we could possibly get our hooves on.."

"Unfortunately," Chrysalis continued with a frown, "Our acting skills have always been subpar.."

"That's an understatement," Trenderhoof whispered to Troubleshoes.

Chrysalis smiled, "All of that changed with this.."

She pulled out a large black key from behind her wings with an L and a U labeled on the hilt. It glowed green within her hooves.

"These keys can do more just unlock the doors to Tartarus.." Chrysalis stated smiling wickedly, "Each key has it's own special power.. This key in particular can make anypony fall in love with the one who wields it.."

She put a hoof over Shining Armor's shoulder, "The effects of the key were slow going at first.. Just enough to convince everypony that I was Cadence.. But now that Shining Armor has said 'I do'.. He's completely under my control, and absolutely nothing can break his spell!"

"Is this another one of my son's schemes," King Sleipmir growled.

"You mean King Sombra! BwaHaHAHaHa!" Queen Chrysalis cackled, "You think I'm still taking orders from that fool!? With this Key in my possession nopony can command me..! And once I've taken over the Crystal Empire Equestria will be mine.

"Well you can be certain that we will stop you," Princess said stepping forward.

Queen Chrysalis smiled smugly, "No you won't?"

A blast of green magic shot out of the Key now hanging around here neck and hit Celestia. Her eyes slowly began to glow green as a dazed look crossed her face.

"All hail Princess Cadence!" Celestia proclaimed as she bowed down to Chrsyalis.

"Daughter what are you doing?!" Sleipmir panicked.

"The same thing you're about to do.." Chrysalis smirked.

Another blast of magic suddenly his Sleipmir.

"All hail the ruler of the Crystal Empire!" Sleipmir proclaimed.

"Nooo!" Hrimfaxi proclaimed as he charged at Chrysalis.

Another beam of magic hit him as well.

"Praise be my Beautiful Daughter," he stated.

Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike watched in horror as the Queen Chrysalis began hypnotizing the party guests one by one, putting them under her evil spell. Just when she was about to hit them, Svadilfari leapt out in front of them projecting a force field.

"Go!" Svadilfari stated as the force field began to crack, "We'll hold him off for as long as we can.. But only you heroes can stop her.."

The ponies and Spike leapt out of the way just as the forcefield collapsed, hitting Svadilfari.

"Yo girls! this way!" the voice of Soaring cried out.

The mares looked up to see that Cheese, Soarin, Thunderlane, Trenderhoof, and Troubleshoes had gathered together the Crusaders, the King, and the Queen!

"Come on everypony!" Applejack shouted picking herself up, "We gotta find Flash and Twilight!"

"But where are They!" Spike shouted as he followed close behind.

Back at Midnight Castle, King Sombra watched the chaos Chrysalis was causing through Catrina's crystal ball.


"Don't worry Master," Catrina stated assuring Sombra, "Her plan will never come to fruition.. No doubt the ponies will stop her again.."


"Uhhhhhhh.." Mumbled Flash Sentry waking up with a headache.

As he came to his senses he began to realize that he couldn't move. He also realized that he was not alone.

"Um Twilight," Flash Sentry stated waking up the purple Alicorn stuck to his back, "Where are we?"

The two ponies looked around to find that they were both hanging upside in a large green cocoon. All around them, other cocoons hung from the ceiling of a large crystal catacomb somewhere deep beneath the Empire.

"You two ponies are exactly where you belong," a sneaky voice cackled.

Twilight and Flash looked down to see the small foal in a red jacket from earlier, grinning up at them wickedly.

"Um, excuse me," Twilight stated angrily, "But just who in Equestria do you think you are?"

With a flash, the small foal transformed into a tiny changeling, "The name's Cocoon! Auntie Chrysalis' number one minion."

"Chrysalis? I thought all of her Changelings went and bugged out on her!" Flash chuckled.

Twilight was unamused by Flash's joke.

"For your information," Cocoon continued, "Auntie still has plenty of Changeling willing to fight along side her. That why we all decided to take over the Crystal Empire.. To take back the Changeling Kingdom!"

"Oh really," said Twilight, "And how exactly are you going to do that?"

"Well," said Cocoon, "Now that Shining Armor is completely under Auntie Chrysalis control.. She'll use he Key of Tartarus to take over the rest of the Crystal Empire.. Then Equestria.. And eventually the whole world!"

"Shining Armor!?" Twilight shouted terrified.

"Key of Tartarus!?" Flash stated equally terrified.

"Ooh, I probably shouldn't have told you that," Cocoon said nervously, "Not that it matters, Auntie Chrysalis will be down here soon, to put you both under her magical spell."

"Speaking of which," said Cocoon heading for the door, "I should probably go see her right now.. Tootles!"

As the door slammed shut behind the tiny Changeling, Flash and Twilight began to struggle trying to escape from the cocoon they were trapped in.

"There's gotta be some kind of way out of this thing!" Flash grunted struggling.

"Oh now you want to put in some hard work and help?" Twilight said sarcastically.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Flash stated looking annoyed.

"Oh nothing," said Twilight, "It's just ironic that you want to help now, and not later!"

"Who says I don't want to help later?" said Flash.

"Um, you did! Just a few minutes ago!" Twilight stated.

"All I said is that I didn't want to be Captain of the Guard!" said Flash.

"Among other things!" commented Twilight.

"Is this because I said I didn't want to marry you?!" Flash stated.

"I don't want to marry you either!" Twilight stated.


"That's what I want to know.." a voice said.

The two ponies turned there heads to see Princess Cadence trapped inside the cocoon right next to them.

"Princess Cadence?" They both stated

"Unfortunately." Replied the captured princess.

"Wait how we know your the real Princess Cadence?" Said Twilight

"Sunshine sunshine lady bug awake clap you hooves and..." Princess Cadence said then.

"Do a little shake." Twilight said excitedly. "Cadence it is you."

"What just happened?" Flash asked in confused.

"That was Cadence and mine hoof shake." Said Twilight.

"Oh it cute." Flash said but then turn to Cadence. "How did you get down here?"

"Well me and my brides mates were preparing for the wedding." She gestures to the three other cocoons when Chrysalis and her goons jumped us and trapped us down here."

"Does anypony have a plan to get out of here because I'm all ears." said Flash

"Unfortunately these cocoons are nearly impossible to escape even with alicorn magic." Said Cadence

Twilight put a hoof to her head and thought. "Come Twi think, think." She said to herself. "I got it!"

"Flash do you still have that sword of yours." Twilight said

Flash smiled and cut open the cocoon with a single swap.

"Why do the bad guys keep leaving me with this." Said Flash

Meanwhile out side of the palace changelings were chasing crystal ponies left and right. In the mildest of the chaos the mane five and the stallions were sneaking the king, queen, and the crusaders away out of the palace.

"Once we get the others to the train station we can go and find Flash and Twilight." Said Soarin.

"Wait a minute where's Spike?" Said Rarity.

"I thought you guys were watching him?" Said Trenderhoof

"Your the ones preforming a rescue I thought your job." Said Rainbow

"We got you guys out did we?" Said Soarin

"Enough!" Said Applejack "Frist we got to get these ponies to safety and then find Spike Twilight, and Flash!"

"But we want to help." Said Applebloom

"Sorry sugar cub." Said Applejack. "But it's much too dangerous for fillies like you and your friends."

"Uhhh Speaking of danger." Said King Nightlight he pointed up word to a trio of changelings heading right for them.

"Well hello again TrenderHoof." Said Aracnous

"Hu Aracnous old buddy no hurt feelings about Manehattens right?" Said Trenderhoof.

"Get them boys!" Said Aracnous with a sneer.

"I knew it was too good to be true." Trenderhoof shing.

The stallions then drew their weapons and began fighting off the Changelings.

"You guys run for it we'll handle these thugs!" Said Soarin

Then as the mares with the king queen and Crusaders they suddenly heard a voice called out to them.

"Ponies over here!" The ponies turn their heads seeing the Diamond dogs peeking up from a sewer drain.

"This way down here!" Rover gestures.

"Okay first off why should we trust you." Said Rarity "And second of all EEEEEWWWW I'm not going into the sewer!"

"We ant's got a choice!" Said Applejack pushing Rarity in as the others fallow.

Back inside the castle Spike was sneaking about looking for Twilight and Flash.

"Twilight..." Spike whispers. "Flash where are you."

All of a sudden something grabbed him and dragged him under a table.

"No!" Spike screamed. "You'll never take me alive!"

"Come down Spike it's just me!" A voice said

Spike open his eyes and saw Spik N Span along with Big Star and Shooting Star.

"Spik N Span! Grandpas boy Am I glad it's you..." Spike then paused and said. "Wait I do I know it's actually you?"

"Oh come Spike do you recognized our sparkling personalities?" Said Big Star

"Sparkling personalities? You don't even have regular personality." Said Shooting Star

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" They both laugh.

"Yep that's you alright." Spike said but then turn to Spick N Span. "But how do I know Your Spick N Span?"

"You have a secret photo album of Rarity in you.." He said only for Spike to cover his mouth and said.

"Okay I believe you!" Said Spike

"Well with that out of way." Said Big Star "Shell we get to finding our grand daughter already."

"Absolutely not!" Said Spick N Span. "We have to get out of here and leave this to professionals."

"Lucky for you boys." Said Shooting Star with his horn glowing. "You've got professional! Need I remind you that I was once the captain of the Guard!"

"How can't we forget you never stop talking about it." Said Big Star.

"With all do respect gentlecolts nether are exactly in your primes anymore." Said Spik.

"Prime? I'll show you just how in my prime I am!" He said shaking a hoof at Spik N Span.

"SSHHH.." Spike said "Someone coming."

Then they turn to see Queen Chrysalis fallowed by Shining Armor Cocoons, and a few Alicorns.

"Oh I've always knew that I was destined for royalty." Said Chrysalis arrogantly.

"Of course you are my love." Said Shining Armor.

"So Auntie." Said Cocoon. "Now that we have taken over the Crystal Empire should we had of Equestria next?"

"Oh my naïve nephew." Said Chrysalis. "Of course not."

"Huh?" Said Cocoon looking confused.

"We didn't just take over the Crystal Empire to get back at Cadence, well we did but more to the point this our chance to finally to get a head of Sombra."

"How are we going to do that?" Said Cocoon

"Quite Simply my dear nephew." She said "There is a reason King Sombra didn't want any of his followers to come to the Crystal Empire. It's home to his secret treasury. An entire arsenal of the worst weapons and magical items known to pony kind."

"Wow!" Said Cocoon "Where is this secret vault?"

"That's what we bright Svadilfari." Said Chrysalis.

"Grandpappy." Chrysalis said with a slickly sweet voice. "Could you please open up uncle Sombra's top secret vault for me?"

"Now Sweetheart." Said Svadilfari "You know we're not suppose to open to vault for anypony."

"Pretty please just for me." She said

"Oh I can't say no to you Cadence." the brainwashed alicorn said. "We'll open this vault just for you."

As the Alicorns and Chrysalis trotted away.

Spike and the other got out from their hiding spot.

"Sombra's secret vault!?" Said Shooting Star "This just became a state of emergency come on boys we're going to war!"

Back in the dungeons Twilight and Flash freed Cadance and the brides mares from the cocoons.

"This is agent Heartstrings to agent Sweetie Drops." Lyra whispers with her horn glowing and no one was looking. "Do you read me?"

"Lyra what are you doing over there?" Said Princess Cadance.

"Oh nothing." Said Lyra sheeplsiy.

"Well we don't have time nothing." Said Flash " We got to find away out of here!"

All of a sudden the door swing open with ease.

"It's your friendlily neighborhood dragon to the recuse!" Said Spike

"Spike!" Said Twilight "What are you still doing here? And are you still the Spike?"

"Aww we been thought this already." Spike said and then breath fire in the air. "Could a Changeling do that?"

"No they can't." Said Twilight then hugged him.

"We got no time!" Said Spike "Grandpa Shooting Star and Grandpa Big Star have a plan!"

The brides mares quickly rush out of the dungeon fallowing Spike. Princess Cadance looked back and see Twilight and Flash and saw that they were both hesitant.

"Huh why don't you two stay here for a moment and chat." Said Princess Cadance.

Then as the pink princess left they both just stood there for a moment silently and awkwardly neither one making eye contact.

"I'm Sorry!" Both of them said at the same time.

"Um you go first." Said Twilight

"No you." Said Flash

"Okay." Said Twilight. "I'm sorry I tried to force you into the captain of the guards position, I only did it because I assumed you want it."

"That's just it." Said Flash looking sad. "I do want it, I just don't think I deserve it."

"What do you mean?" Said Twilight. "You have proven yourself to be a capable leader time again."

"No that's you!" Said Flash. "You been the one leading us this hold time I'm no leader and I'm definitely no Shining Armor."

Twilight looked at flash for a moment looking sad.

"No ask you to be Shining Armor." Said Twilight " And I seem to recall a few times you lead the knight to victory remember back at Midnight Castle recused us? Or the time in Manehatten when you got said knights out of a dangerous place."

"I don't remember it exactly like that." Said Flash

"The point is you're a great leader, and more importantly a great friend," Said Twilight who hugged him, "And you don't need to prove yourself to me or anypony else."

Flash gave a small smile. "Thanks Twi that helps a lot."

"Umm," Said Spike who peeked out of the door, "You two ponies done in here? We kind of got a Kingdome to save here."

The two ponies looked at each other and giggled.

"Alright Spike, let's go!" Said Twilight

In another part of the Crystal Castle, Chrysalis waited impatiently as the Alicorns struggled to open a large and menacing looking door.

"Ugh, how long is this going to take?" groaned Chrysalis rolling her eyes.

"Be patient sweetheart," Svadilfari said with his horn aglow, "It will be open in a minute."

As the Alicorns struggle, Cocoon looked up to his Aunt in confusion, "So what's in this vault that's so important anyway?"

"Sombra never said," Chrysalis smiled wickedly, "All he ever stated was that the treasure was so powerful even he was afraid. With a weapon that powerful we could take over Equestria easily, and not even Sombra would be able to stop us!"

BwaHAhaHAhaHAhaaaaaaaaa!" Chrysalis cackled wickedly as the Alicorns continued to struggle with the door.

"It should only take another hour Cadance," Celestia said with a smile.

"WHAT!" Chrysalis stated angrily, "What am I supposed to do until then?!"

"Ooh, I know Auntie," Cocoon said with a smile, "We could play chess!"

Chrysalis looked furious.

Down in the sewers, the Diamond Dogs led the Mane Five, the King, the Queen, and the Crusaders.

"Oh why did it have to be the Sewers?!" Rarity stated, "Why, oh Why, oh Why?!"

"I gotta go with Rarity," said Sweetie Belle, "It stinks down here."

"Quit whining Ponies!" Rover said with a snap, "You want out of City, or Not?"

"How do you know this place so well anyhow?" Applejack asked.

"We're Diamond Dogs," Fido stated, "We live underground."

"Are you sure you really know witch way you're going?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Of course we do!" Spot stated confidently. "The way to Train Station is right above us.

The ponies looked up to where Spot was pointing suspiciously.

"You sure that's the right way," Rainbow Dash asked.

"Of course we are sure!" Rover insisted angrily, "We'll show you!"

The Diamond Dogs lifted up the large manhole cover, and they and the ponies peaked out the surface. To their horror found themselves back in Crystal Castle Courtyard, an entire swarm of Changelings glaring down at them in anger.

All of the ponies glared down at the three Diamond Dogs.

"Uh, Oops.." Rover said nervously.

The Changelings charged directly at the group.

"Come on everypony!" Applejack stated leaping out of the manhole, "Knock 'em high! Knock 'em low!"

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie leapt out to join Applejack in the fight. The mares began kicking around the Changelings left and right, knocking them about.

"Come on girls!" said Applebloom looking to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, "We gotta help!"

The three fillies leapt up into to the air, only to be halted by magical auras.

"Nope," said King Nightlight, he and the Queen holding onto them with their magic.

"Awwwwww," said the girls as they were dragged back into the manhole, the Diamond Dogs shutting it tightly behind them.

Back on the battlefield, Applejack bucked away several Changelings while, Rarity blasted magic at them. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fought them in the sky, while Pinkie fired her party cannon.

"How many more are there?" said Rainbow Dash exasperated.

"Only.. about.. a million more.." replied Applejack exhausted.

All of a sudden, all of the changelings were halted in mid air, by purple and blue magic. The ponies turned to see Cadance and Twilight holding up the Changelings, Flash and Spike at their side.

"Twilight!" all the girls cheered as they rushed to hug their Alicorn friend.

"..And Flash," mumbled Flash Sentry feeling ignored, "..and Spike...and Princess Cadance.."

"There's no time," said Twilight pushing her friends back, "That spell won't hold the Changelings for long! We have to find Chrysalis and Shining Armor!"

"Wait a minute.. How do we know you're the real Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said accusingly.

Twilight stared at her blankly and then pointed up to the Changeling being held in midair by purple magic.

"Oh, right," said Rainbow Dash blushing.

"Where are the rest of the guys," asked Flash looking confused.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed the voice of Soarin as her charged into the courtyard, the other Stallions racing close behind him.

They were followed by an entire swarm of Changelings, larger then ever. At the same time the spell Twilight had cast wore off on the Changeling already around them. The Mares and Stallions found themselves completely surrounded, with a quivering Spike holding onto Cadance tightly.

"It would take an army to take all of these guys down," Flash said desperately.

All of a sudden the ponies heard a large horn sounding high over the walls of the palace.

"Did somepony call FOR AN ARMY!?" the voice of Big Star Shouted.

The ponies looked upwards to see and army of multicolored Changelings flying high above the Crystal Empire. At the head of the army was King Thorax, with Big Star and Shooting Star riding on his back. Spick n Span rode an angry red changeling behind them, desperately trying to hold on.

"They got our message!" Spike said gleefully.

"What message?" Applejack asked confused.

"Just a little something our Grandpas came up with," Twilight said smiling upwards.

"Well ya old Coot!" said Shooting Star, "It looks like this might be the end for us!"

"About time!" said Big Star, "I couldn't take retirement for one more minute!"

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the two old unicorns laughed together.

"Changelings! Attack!" Thorax shouted.

"Wait! Wait! Put me down FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRST!" Spik n Span squealed as the Changelings charged down towards the Empire.

The pitch black Changeling in the courtyard hissed, turning there attention away from Twilight and her friends.

"TRAITORS!" Arachnis shouted, "ATTAAAAACK!"

The black Changelings flew upwards, prepared to fight their multicolored brethren. The Mane Six and Stallions watch as Thorax and Chrysalis's forces fought against each other in the skies above the Crystal Empire.

"Well, ask and you shall receive," Flash said in disbelief.

"Should we help them," Soarin asked unable to comprehend what was happening them.

"Nah, they got this," said Trenderhoof nonchalantly.

"Okay everypony," said Twilight confidently, "Let's go find Chrysalis!"

Back inside the palace, Chrysalis was lying on the floor, waiting impatiently for the Alicorn to finish opening the door.

"It's your move Auntie!" said Cocoon pointing to a chess board sitting between him and his Aunt.

"For the last time Nephew.. I am not playing.." Chrysalis growled.

All of a sudden, a large click filled the air, catching Chrysalis's attention. The Changeling Queen watched in disbelief as the giant doors creaked slightly open.

"Sweetheart," Shining Armor said with a smile.

"Out of MY WAY!" shouted Chrysalis as she zoomed past Shining Armor, pushing the Alicorns aside.

Chrysalis opened the vault doors wide open, and her eyes grew as wide as dinner plates, "It's beautiful.."

Chrysalis stared into a large rotunda, the walls lined with gold, jewels, other sorts of black magic. At the center of the room stood a large black statue Alicorn Mare, a mysterious amulet hanging from her neck.

As Chrysalis and her nephew entered the chamber, Cocoon stared up at the statue curiously, "Who is that Auntie?"

"Who cares!?" shouted Chrysalis as she dug through the piles of gold. "Just help me find Sombra's secret weapon so we can get out of here already!"

"The only place you're going is the Tambelon Dungeon!" a voice shouted behind them.

Chrysalis and Cocoon turned to see Twilight Sparkle, with Cadance at her side. The rest of the ponies and Spike stood close behind them with their weapons drawn.

"It's over Chrysalis," said Cadence, "you're outnumbered!"

"Oh really," said Chrysalis with a smile.

The key around Chrysalis's neck began to glow. To the ponies' horror they saw the Celestia, Luna, Skinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, Sleipnir, and Svadilfari were approaching them, all with eyes glowing green.

As the ponies backed away from the angry Alicorns, Cadance's horn began to glow. A large pink heart burst out from it and filled the room, freezing the six Alicorns in place.

Chrysalis grew furious at the sight of this, "You're still no match for me!"

The Changeling Queen charged directly at Chrysalis and slammed the pony out into the hallway. Candance winced in pain, but spread her wings out proudly, backing Chrysalis away. She then charged at Chrysalis driving her back into vault.

As Chrysalis was pinned to the ceiling, she winced down to her nephew far below, "Find the weapon."

Cocoon quickly dived into the piles of treasure desperately searching for whatever his Aunt wanted.

"Grab him!" shouted Rainbow Dash pointing at Cocoon.

The ponies and Spike dived into the piles of treasure searching for Cocoon.

Up in the domed ceiling, Chrysalis and Cadence wrestled with each other. The pushed themselves back and forth against the crumbling walls, shaking the entire room as they did so.

Chrysalis looked back down and saw the ponies looking through the treasury as well.

"Don't just stand there you fool!" she shouted at Shining Armor, "Stop them!"

Shining Armor's eyes glowed green with a serious look, as he charged into the room. Soaring and Trenderhoof winced in terror as Shining Armor charged into both of them knocking them aside.

Back above Chrysalis began shooting beams of green magic from her horn at Cadance. Cadance returned fire with her own horn as well. The beams of magic shot through ceilings above, until finally the whole top of the room collapsed.

Rarity and Pinkie pie dodged pieces of falling rubble, as the ceiling opened to the skies above. Just when Rainbow Dash managed to get ahold of Cocoon, Shining Armor tackled her, causing her to lose her grip. Cocoon stuck out his tongue at the dazed pegaus.

Cadance and Chrysalis flew up out of the room and joined the battle in the skies above. Both continued to shoot beams of magic at each other while dodging swarms of Changelings from every direction.

Back in the vault, Cocoon was still looking through the treasury, when Spike suddenly leapt atop of him pinning him down. To Spike's horror he realized Shining Armor was charging right at him preparing to strike. Just as he was about to reach him, Twilight pushed her big brother aside.

Twilight struggled to keep her brother down, but it was know use. Just when Shining Armor was about to toss her aside, Flash Sentry joined Twilight and helped keep him down.

"Everypony! We need you're help!" Flash shouted.

Everypony in the room and Spike, suddenly stopped what they were doing and joined in together to pin Shining Armor down. Upon seeing this, Cocoon panicked, glancing all about the room desperately trying to find out what his aunt was looking for.

Suddenly his eye caught the large statue at the center of the room. More importantly the amulet with a large red gem sitting around it's neck.

The young Changeling flew up into the air and yanked Amulet off of the statues neck.

Suddenly a pillar of red light shot up from the center of the room and out into the skies above the Crystal Empire. All of the Changeling suddenly stopped fighting at the sight before them. Even Cadance and Chrysalis were stunned by it.

Back in the vault the Ponies and Cocoon had been knocked back against the walls of the rotunda. As their eyes adjusted they realized that eyes of the Alicorn statue were suddenly glowing red.


"Ruler!?" stated Twilight confused.

"Huh, I thought Sombra was the ruler of the Crystal Empire?" Pinkie stated tapping her chin.


"Could you be more specific?" said Soaring, "You have no idea how little that narrows things down.."


"What is the meaning of the this!?" Queen Chrysalis flew down irritated by the noise.

"Well you see Auntie.." Cocoon said sheepishly, "This statue is king of angry that we're stealing Sombra's secret weapon.."

"IT'S MINE!" the statue shouted, "NOPONY ELSE SHALL POSESS IT!"

"Oh really," said Chrysalis with a cocky smile.

She shot a beam of magic from the Tartarus key around her neck, and hit the statue with it. For a moment the statues eyes glowed green, but quickly transformed back to red.

"YES REALLY!" the statue boomed.

"But, the Key of Lust," Chrysalis stated in disbelief, "It's supposed to make everypony fall in love with me."


All of a sudden the entire Crystal Empire began to shake.

"What's going on?!" shouted Twilight Terrified.


All of a sudden, the entire Crystal Castle began turning pitch black. From up in the skies both armies could see buildings around the city beginning to collapse, as Crystal Ponies ducked for cover. Queen Chrysalis's forces took one look at each other, and then flew away in a mad panic.

"Come Back you Cowards!" Queen Chrysalis shouted in a mad fury, "Get back here and fight like a Changeling!"

"Um Auntie," Cocoon said nervously, "Maybe we should run to?"

"Never!" shouted the Changeling Queen, "I will never surrender this..!"

All of a sudden a large chunk of the castle fell on top of Chrysalis pinning her to the ground.

"Well, catching you later Auntie," stuttered Cocoon fleeing for his life.

The room that ponies were all in began rising to top of the castle, the wicked statue's eyes glowing as it did so.

"Okay this is officially the strangest wedding I've ever been to!" Trenderhoof stated.

Up above Big Star, Shooting Star, and Thorax watched the destruction below.

"Well that was some plan Chrysalis had," Big Star commented sarcastically.

"Yeah she really brought the House Down," Shooting star agreed.

"Changelings," Thorax commanded, "Save as many ponies as you can and fall back!"

The Thorax's army flew down to the city below and began protecting Crystal ponies left and right. Back at the train station the King, Queen, and Crusaders watched fearfully as the city crumbled before there eyes.

Princess Cadance flew down to the top of the Castle where the ponies and Alicorns now stood.

"Everypony!" She stated, "The city is collapsing! We have to get out of here now!"

"What do you think we're trying to do!?" stated Rainbow Dash, as she and Spike desperately to move Celestia out of place.

Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes tried to Svadilfari, while Soarin and Tunderlane tried to budge Sleipmir. Pinkie and Cheese were chiseling at Skingaxi with a Jack Hammer, while Rarity and Fluttershy tried to move Luna. Apple Jack had a rope around Hrimfaxi's neck while Flash Sentry pushed, but all of the Alicorns stood frozen in place.

"Cadence!" shouted Twilight trying to shake Shining Armor awake, "Undo your spell!"

"I already did!" said Cadence in disbelief.

"Then why ain't they movin'?!" asked Applejack gritting the rope with her teeth.

"Mwahahahahahaa," the laughter of Chrysalis filled the air. The ponies all turned to the changeling Queen still pinned to the ground.

"I may be out of the game, but the key of Lust's magic is still in affect," stated Chrysalis showing off the glowing green key still around her neck, "So long as I have this, the Alicorns and Shining Armor are still under my control!"

"Chrysalis!" Twilight cried out desperately, "You have to release them from your spell!"

"Never!" said the Changeling Queen in a blind rage, "I'd rather stay here and be crushed by the city than lose to you! If I'm going down, I'm taking every last one of you ponies with me!"

The ponies and Stallions watched as the castle began to crumble around them and Alicorns. Realizing there was no escape, Cadance flew down to join Twilight with Shining Armor.

"Twilight," said Cadance, "Take your friends and get out of the city while you still can.

"No!" said Twilight tears in her eyes, "I can't just leave you ponies here!"

"It's all right," said Cadance, taking Shining Armor in her hooves, "We'll have each other."

She looked at Shining Armor's face and leaned in towards it.

"I love you.." she stated and the Stallion a kiss.

All of a sudden the two ponies were surrounded by a magic pink glow. Everypony watched in awe as Cadence and Shining Armor were lifted up off of the ground, the Pink glow surrounding them, and entangling them together. The glow completely engulfed them until it was in the shaped of a giant heart. And suddenly it exploded.

A wave of pink magic engulfed the entire city and everypony is it. As it spread across the Crystal Empire, the building and towers suddenly began to stop shaking. Pieces of crystal rubble floated up from the ground and were put back in place. The Changeling and Crystal ponies watched in awe as the wave hit them. It spread to far it even hit the King, Queen, and Crusaders.

When Chrysalis opened her eyes she saw to her horror, the Mane Six, Stallions, and formerly enchanted Alicorns towering above her. All of them were sparkling with Crystal coats, including Spike.

Up in the air the Changelings and Crystal Ponies were Sparkling too. Even Big Star, Shooting Star, and Thorax were Sparkling.

"Ugh, I hope this isn't permanent," Big Star said looking at his Crystal Coat in disgust.

"You and everypony else in Equestria!" Shooting Star chimed in.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" The old Unicorns laughed atop of Thorax's back.

Down below the Crystal Castle's pitch black color began to fade, returning to it's pristine white state. As statues eyes began to face, and the large rotunda began to lower itself back inside as the castle slowly put itself back together.

Celestia and Sleipmir stepped forward and glared down at Chrysalis, the only creature in the entire Empire without a Sparkling coat around her.

"Chrysalis," Celestia stated furiously, "This time you have gone to far!"

"Indeed!" Agreed Sleipmir, "Not even my son Sombra would sunk as far as you have today!"

Chrysalis smiled sheepishly, "Heh, you can't blame a changeling for trying?"

"Skinfaxi! Hrimfaxi!" Svadilfari shouted to his two sons, "Take this villain to the Crystal Dungeons! She just bought herself a one way trip to Tartarus!"

The two Alicorns confiscated Chrysalis's key, and then Levitated her out of the room. With the villain gone, the ponies all turned their attention the figures of Cadance and Shining Armor, still floating high above them.

As the two ponies slowly floated to the ground, the pink glow surrounding them began to fade. As Cadance picked true love up from the ground, something amazing happened. Two pure white wings arose from Shining Armors back, Sparking as brightly as the rest of the pony.

"You're an Alicorn!" said Cadance sparkling as brightly her fiance.

"I am?" said Shining Armor glancing at the wings, "I AM!"

The ponies and Spike cheered at the sight of Shining Armor's transformation.

"Well done Shining Armor," said Celestia approaching the two ponies, "You've proven yourself worthy of being an Alicorn."

"For a true Alicorn is not born by the strength of his might," Sleipmir stated, "But the love in his heart!"

"Now, then," said Svadilfari with a smile, "I believe we have a wedding to get to!"

No less than and hour later, everypony was back in the wedding hall dressed in there finest.

"You may now kiss the Bride," said Svadilfari to Shining Armor dressed in his bright red Uniform.

Shining Armor took his bride in hand and gave her a large kiss.

Everypony in the wedding hall cheered as the Bride and Groom raced down the alter.

Later that night, everypony was out in the Crystal Gardens enjoying a glorious reception. The Crusaders and Spike were munching on snacks, Rarity and Applejack were Dancing with Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes, and Spik n Span was trying his best not to cry.

"I always get so emotional at weddings!" he stated with Thunderlane and Fluttershy trying to comfort him.

Back at the Wedding table Twilight Sparkle sat besides her brother and new Sister in Law. Her entire family sat on the Groom's side of the Table, while the Alicorns sat on the brides side. The young Alicorn gave Shining Armor a nudge, signaling it was a time to make an announcement.

"Ahem," said Shining Armor getting everypony's attention, "As you all know, I will be resigning from my position as Captain of the Tambelon Guard. Instead I will be joining my new Bride as the ruler of the Crystal Empire!"

"I feel sorry for the Crystal Empire!" Big Star cried out.

"I give this kingdom, two-three weeks tops!" Shooting Star cried out.

"DoHohoHohoHoho!" the two old ponies laughed.

Shining Armor rolled his eyes, "Anyway, the time has come for be to chose a replacement.."

Flash, Soarin, and Cheese, who were currently guarding the buffet table, suddenly turned there attention to Shining Armor.

"Thunderlane!" Shining Armor called out proudly.

Everypony turned to the black Pegasus who stepped forward in his golden armor.

"What would say if I were to make Flash Sentry the new Captain of the Guard," Shining Armor said with a smile.

"I'd say.. I'd follow him into battle anywhere!" Thunderlane proclaimed proudly.

"Then it's official!" Shining Armor proclaimed.

Everypony turned to Flash Sentry and cheered for him loudly, as Cheese and Soarin gave him pats of the back.

"HEY EVERYPONY!" Pinkie Pie shouted above the applause.

Everypony turned to face the pink pony.

"Aren't we supposed to be having a Party"

She pulled out a turntable, with large loudspeakers beside it. Then she place DJ-Pon3 directly behind it, and two ponies started jamming a.

A bouncy tune filled the air as Pinkie Pie tossed Twilight a Microphone and Flash an Electric Guitar

"You don't know you've been looking 'til you find it"

Twilight sung out.

"Don't know what you've been missing 'til it's there"

She glance over towards Shining Armor and Cadence.

"It's stronger than friendship, it's magic itself"

"It's an ever after like you've never felt"

Cadance and Shining Armor smiled at each other.

"It's the sum of the times of your life"

"It's the pony you're standing beside"

Flash Sentry stood beside Twilight, still playing his guitar.

"And it's the pride that you're feeling inside"

"For who you are, you've come so far"

Flash and Twilight began singing together.

"I'm feeling the la-la-love"


"You make me feel alive"

"True love you can't deny"

"I'm feeling that dream come true"

"Here with you"

"And love is around us too"

"Ooh, and I feel the love"

Everypony else began to dance with the music.

(I'm feeling the)

(Ooh, make you feel alive)

Shining Armor and Cadance stood up from there seats, joining in on the song.

"The journey might not always be that easy"

"Twist and turns can take you anywhere"

"Together or apart, you gotta trust you heart"


"The power of true love will get you there"

The bride and groom joined in on the dance floor with the other ponies.

"Yeah, it's the sum of the times of your life"

(Your life)

"And it's the pony you're standing beside"


"Yeah, it's the pride that you're feeling inside"


"From where you are"

"And it's just the start"

Everypony began singing together.

"I'm feeling the la-la-Love"


"You make me feel alive"

"True love you can't deny"

"I'm feeling that dream come true"

"Here with you"

"And love is around us too"

"Ooh, and I feel the love"

(I'm feeling the)

(Ooh, make you feel alive)

Cadance and Shining armor looked deeply into each other's eyes.

"For good and for better I found my forever"

"I can't wait to know where our story goes"

"This moment, this feeling is one you can't measure"

"I'm feelin' it" Cadance sang

"I'm feelin' it" Shining Armor sang

"Are you feeling it" They both sang together

Everypony sang the chorus together one last time.

"I'm feeling the la-la-Love"


"You make me feel alive"

"True love you can't deny"

"I'm feeling that dream come true"

"Here with you"

"And love is around us too"

"Ooh, and I feel the love"

As the music quieted down, Twilight looked up at Flash's handsome face.

"I'm feeling the la-la-love"


"I'm feeling the la-la-love"

As the dancing continued ThunderLane suddenly felt a tug on his armor.

"Um, beg your pardon ThunderLane," Apple Bloom said with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo behind her, "But where are the Diamond Dogs? We want to thank them for rescuin' us earlier."

"The Diamond Dogs?!" said Thunderlane in disbelief.

"Yeah," said Sweetie Belle with a smile, "They were here serving community service."

"Why would we have the Diamond Dogs perform community service at a Royal Wedding!?" Thunderlane exclaimed in a panic, "Wait! Where's Chrysalis!?"

"Captain Thunderlane!" a guard pony shouted out, racing into the reception, "Queen Chrysalis has disappeared! And so has the Key of Lust!"

Back at Sombra's castle

The evil king glared at the quivering Queen Chrysalis.

"The plan worked." Rover said with a smile. "Just as you said it would."

"And the key..?" Sombra said

Fido pulled it out in front of him.

"And the other item..?" Sombra continued

"I have it Sombra!" A voice chimed out.

Cocoon suddenly buzzed into the room. In his hooves he held the Amulet he had swiped from the statue in the Crystal Empire. It held a blood red gem surrounded biy the outline of a pitch black Alicorn.

Sombra smiled wickedly, "Excellent work Cocoon.. You were an excellent double agent.."

Chrysalis glared at her nephew, who smiled sheepishly

"Once again you have proven yourself more then capable then I had originally thought.." King Sombra snared as he floated the Key of Lust and the Alicorn Amulet to himself.

"And uh, Cujo?" Spot said nervously

"He's in the other room.. Do me a favor and try to get him back to his senses..."

As the Diamond Dogs left Sombra turned his attention to the former queen. "And as for you..."

"Sombra I can explain..." Said the cowering changeling.

"Stop sniveling!" Sombra roared "You lucky I still need you! other wise I'd crush you like the insect you are!"

"Yes master..." Queen Chrysalis whimpered.

"Did you honesty think you can conquer the crystal empire!? Only one pony is fit to rule that Kingdome!" said Sombra.

He smiled down at the glowing Amulet within his hooves.

"And soon as I get the rest of the keys I'll be ruined with her at last."

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