• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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And the flame rose.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

The orbit of Equestria Fallen.

Time 07: 42

The space at the equilibrium point between Selena and Equus became waved. The previously unshakable surface was curved and rippled with distortions, from which ships emerged into the real world.

In less than a minute, a hundred boats and four hunter corvettes were in orbit. Creating a formation, the squadron moved at full speed to the serene-looking blue planet. The ether remained pristine, every pilot already knew what to do, every navigator knew his course and target on Equus. When the planet was a pitiful three thousand kilometers away, a command passed through the psycholinks.

"All ships, start jamming."

The ships began to decelerate, preparing to get into low orbits and enter the atmosphere, shooting off false targets that were running forward by inertia. Even if the caribou had a normal anti-space defense, it would not be able to distinguish anything in this chaos of radar and heat traps, psychic and magical simulators, jammers and gravitational phantoms and banal clouds of copper needles.

Hiding behind a cloud of deceptions and false targets, the squadron dispersed.

The "Boreas" took a low orbit and launched twenty-four space-surface rockets. Moving away from the carrier, the "Mountain Ashes" immediately established a connection with each other and formed a swarm. Modified in Equestrian workshops, these missiles carried spell shapers that completely transformed the blind, unrestrained rage of three-megaton warheads into spells that destroyed stationary shields, silencing long-range communications and teleportation with a unicorn.

The missiles dispersed along their trajectories and scattered in the explosions of the liquidators over the targets, when the thermonuclear energy absorbed to the last quantum pumped up the spells. In a split second, a magical veil, which would have taken a battalion of unicorns and an hour of work to create by conventional methods, hung over Equestria,.

When the special missiles worked out, the boats entered the upper layers of the atmosphere, sending their "goodies" after them, although not so powerful and perfect, but more numerous. Tactical and conventional, missiles and adjustable bombs rushed down in a wave, to their assigned targets. To the detachments of punishers sent to suppress the uprisings, to the garrisons from where the saboteurs brought the equas a little earlier, to the guard barracks in the cities, to the railway interchanges, to the bridges.

As soon as the gifts launched by the boats had gone far enough, "Boreas" and "Lapis Lazul" released Space Marines. Soldiers in heavy armored suits jumped from the ramps into the black sky and rushed to the surface, where they were waiting for a meeting with the invaders.

"Maple" and "Silver Wolf" went to a high artillery orbit, from where they had to work on ground targets with missiles and onboard guns.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Time 08: 10

The orbit of Equestria Fallen.

In the cargo hold of the corvette, a company of Space Marines gathered ready to be thrown out. One hundred and fifty soldiers checked and rechecked their equipment and weapons for the last time.

Captain Oscar Treville looked at his men.

Opening visor of his helmet, he took a deep breath. It was possible to use a psycholink, but the captain felt that it would be more right.

“Comrades Marines! There's a herd of the absolute faggots waiting for us down there! Reference, fucking, scumbags, even now in stasis and in the chamber of weights and measures! These fuckers do not know military honor, attacking those who are weaker, believing that this is the "right of the strong"! They mutilate prisoners for the sake of a sadistic whim! They turned a beautiful country into ruins, and enslaved the population!”

Treville was briefly interrupted when a red light flashed over the ramp and a countdown buzzer.

“Comrades, remember the order of General Osinin - not to leave a single caribou alive. Not a single motherfucker should survive an encounter with a human warrior. Not a single one!”

The buzzer switched from an intermittent signal to a constant beep. The pumps hummed, sucking air out of the hold.

The captain and his company slammed the armored visors shut. Oscar spoke the last parting words while the ramp was opening.

“And now go ahead! Let's show these victims of a drunken abortion what real soldiers are!”

Although Princess Luna blessed them before. But Oscar could not remain silent and not say guidance for his brothers before jumping.

A hundred and fifty Space Marines rushed down to the white-stone city on the mountainside.

The battle for Equestria has already begun. The special forces were now wreaking havoc and panic down there. And Treville's company was to deliver the final strike in the Battle of Canterlot, collapsing like a hammer.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

The atmosphere of Equestria Fallen

Time 08: 10

Boats carrying the Children of the Night, special forces and Mobile Infantry, burrowed into the atmosphere, approaching their release points. They had to descend to at least fifty kilometers to land without problems.

Ahead of the landing wave, a blue star flashed as Luna teleported directly from the "Boreas"s to the crest of the attack. Alicorn, folded her wings, was first to rush to the ground, wrapped in a cone of plasma.

The end of caribou rule was coming.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

Equestria Fallen, Dodge Junction

Time 08: 12

After the capture, the rebels fortified Dodge Junction as best they could. Streetsblocked by barricades of various junk, the pavement torn up into cobblestones, because there were few grenades brought by humans. All the tall buildings were monitored by the most sharp-eyed pegasuses.

The male population that survived during the capture was herded into the town hall so that they would not get in the way and not whinning. They also sent several equas, former "reds", who sincerely sobbed over the corpses of their former owners, but they were placed separately. The fact that a dozen partisans had to be assigned to guard all this bedlam made Frosty gnash her teeth.

A squad of punishers, sent by the capital, appeared on the horizon, and now there were no extra hands and guns! And she has to leave ten riflemares just so that disloyal civilians don't get out where they shouldn't and don't derail everything.

When Frosty, cursing through the teeth executioner who clipped her wings five years ago, ran to the outskirts, to which the punitive squad was supposed to go, she relax a little. The underground mares, who in a short week had been taught the basics by the human instructors and who had fixed them with their work today, were already preparing to meet the "guests". From several windows protruded mops painted with soot and bundles of rags, which were given the appearance of something resembling an equine silhouette. Equas themselves hid and disguised themselves on the spot, they had the richest experience in this.

A transparent silhouette detached itself from the wall, rapidly thickening, and Captain Stanley stepped forward to meet Frosty. At least, that's how the man presented himself.


"They're fast. Have you sent any abusive letters to Dainn by any chance?”

“No. And Frosty, tell your people to hide behind houses and barricades. Time - a minute. After the flash, we return to the positions and shoot all those who survived.”

A week ago, Frosty would have sent Stanley to pedestrian erotic voyage, but now the pegasus has managed to imbue the "demon from abyss" with trust and some kind of affection. The alien captain inspired confidence by his mere presence, and when it came to fighting, he became a real angel of death.

Frosty, brushing away the momentary urge to put her hands to her mouth with a megaphone, pressed the radio's tanget.

“Everyone! New introductory, hiding behind the first line of houses and barricades! Thirty seconds!”

No one argued, no one hesitated, Frosty enjoyed a well-deserved authority. And four human soldiers, who followed the shelter along with equas, brought a small but still drop of its strengthening.

Stanley, leaning back against the barricade, for some reason began the countdown aloud from ten, ending it with a shout.

“Flash from the rear!”

The daylight was blocked by a burning white glow, which for a moment illuminated the city and turned it into a fantasmogoric photo. The air was filled with a dry, unnatural heat, which does not happen even in the depths of southern deserts. The city seemed to be illuminated by a giant flashbulb.

And then it was over as suddenly as it had begun. Someone from the rebels wanted to lean out from behind the shelter, to see what it was, but snuck back under the sharp shout of the earthman.

“Get back! The wave is coming!”

No one had time to ask what kind of wave, because a monstrous thunderclap hit the town, breaking the windows in many houses and driving a cloud of dust and small debris across the ground.

Before the equans could panic, Frosty barked into the radio.

“Take positions! Don't let the bastards near the city!”

Looking out from around the corner of the house, black-maned one involuntarily shivered. In the direction where the squad of punishers was supposed to move, were rising three huge mushrooms of gray smoke and dust. The monstrous toadstools grew and grew, and the wind was already beginning to carry them towards the uninhabited desert steppes. And the sky was full of white stripes, especially thick in the direction of the Canterhorn Mountains.

“Oh fuck that Molly in the ears through the nose... Stanley, what the hell is this? The same "tactical" ones that you promised yesterday?”

“Yes. Three missiles of a kiloton each, greetings to the punishers from the astronauts,”

“Yeah, serious guys... “

"Frosty, leave at least three dozen of your girls to calm down the civilians. Otherwise, they will crush city here in a panic,”

Wind snorted, muttered an order into the radio, and ran to the nearest house. Having got out on the roof, she took a well-looked-after place between the pipes. She leaned into the scope, looking for movement in the clouds of dust. She had no pity for the punishers, just like the other rebels, and she intended to finish off those who could survive after the "gift" from astronauts.

And, although something told pegasus that not a single living soul would appear from under the monstrous mushrooms of smoke and dust, Frosty wanted to control it personally.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Equestria Fallen, Canterlot.

Time 08: 14

King Dainn, who had come out to open the fair, watched a whole fan of white stripes unfold in the sky. There were many of them, at least several hundreds. Some of them twisted like a fit and quickly thinned out, some flew straight like arrows, some went in a dashing zigzag, like that red-haired whore from the former "Wonderbolts", until they cut her wings.

“Why is there a starfall in the middle of the day? What's it?”

He pointed a finger in the direction of the blooming bundle of contrails, addressing the mares standing nearby, chained in bondage accessories.

Equas reacted differently. The white mare smiled coquettishly and assured that she had no idea and certainly would not dare to spoil the pleasure of the fair for the lord.

“And you? A blue whore? Admit it, is it your business?”

"Go to Tartarus, you bastard. We won't talk to you,”

“Tartarus is waiting for you, in a couple of minutes. In the meantime, I don't have time to mess with you. Take her away! I'm tired of it,”

The king mounted the platform in front of the crowd gathered in the square and raised his hand, demanding silence.

And at that very moment, three nondescript clouds of smoke flashed over the city, scattering rapidly fading fragments. At the same time, an invisible wave of magic fell, erasing and dispelling Canterlot's shield magick.

Pegasi who were taking Luna away, got close and, as if by chance, pulled themselves up to the comrades who had taken Celestia off the platform, and dragged the Sisters through the crowd away from the dais.

The Princess of the Night herself very badly grinned, feeling how the hands of the pegasi without changing in appearance, acquired the texture of a hard fabric covered with armor plates. She knew what kind of stars falling from orbit now, and she understood who leading her and Celestia through the crowd. The realization that strangers were nearby was both invigorating and alarming, making the blood run faster through the veins.

Finding among the white stripes a bright blue dot leading the march across the sky, Luna quietly chuckled.

“You're on time... Lady of Dreams,”

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Equestria fallen.

Time 08: 14

On a gray mountain slope, covering under holographic cloaks in addition to the camouflage fields, sitting a sniper group, pointing their barrels towards the main square of the city.

The five focused on the motley pandemonium, checking the color, muzzles and psychophone with the available database, looking for traitors who sold the country and voluntarily let the caribou in. The commander also moved the sight in the area of the platform from which the king would have to speak. He had a separate task, which was unpleasant under normal circumstances.

A big action was about to unfold in the city below and further away on a well-visible square. Fair, festivities. The walkers, listening to the heralds, left the chaotic wandering around the square and turned their eyes towards the elevation. The crowd began to gather around him, in trembling expectation that the main fun would finally begin.

The king stepped onto the dais and raised his hand dramatically. A strong, confident conqueror. Having the right. Owner. He was firmly convinced that his rule was inviolable, that the conquered lands would continue to be under his hoof.

Having received a signal that special missiles were approaching, the snipers entered a combat trance. Their perception accelerated, their thoughts gained machine clarity and the speed of running. And the commander could not resist a slight smile and sent a message to the psycholink, not specifically addressed to anyone.

"Well, viva la vita!"

Dim bursts bloomed in the sky as the liquidators of the pulse bombs went off, demolishing the shield enchantment over the city and giving rise to the operation.

And the lieutenant pressed the trigger. Since humans have started a festive fireworks display today without any deadlines, they should also support it.

The X-ray rifle made no sound, only the beam cut off Dainn's manhood cleaner than any scalpel. And even festive, with clap and smoke. After all, today is a fair, it is necessary that there is a festive atmosphere.

Immediately, the human cut off one of the horns of the caribou that had not had time to fall. Also, with a flash and a haze. Celebrate, King!

But where are the officers and loyal vassals? Why aren't they rushing to their king? He definitely should hurry them up. For example, by shooting off Dainn’sear. And the second horn. Play a nice game, old as the sniper art itself, "Who is the main altruist and will die first?"

When, after a moment of prostration and shock, king's comrades finally decided to join in the fun, sniper group began firing in full force. And not a single warrior from the retinue, not a single bodyguard, not a single lord could get close to Dainn. Snipers cut off their lives quickly and mercifully, shooting at their heads and hearts. However, caribou have not been used properly these parts of body before, so the loss to the world is small, according to the eartmen themselves.

Seeing how the king trying to got up, clearly intending to leave the party, the commander hastened to correct this. Rays pierced the caribou king's hip and shoulder, crippling and making it impossible to move normally. Dainn collapsed onto the dais, screaming in pain.

Dance, king, dance. Rejoice in your conquests.

The sniper put another ray into the king's palm, which was desperately scratching on the boards. He grinned, seeing how Dainn twitched and tried to get to the aide-de-camp reaching out to him. And he shot both of them through the wrists, and also calmed the subordinate with a beam in the back of the head, so as not to interfere with the party.

They clipped wings and broke horns of prisoned and enslaved equas with enviable zeal. But when the time came to answer for what they had done, for some reason caribou were not happy.

One caribou was quick. Emerging from the crowd, where he was making his way crouching, he tried to cover Dainn with himself and a rune shield.

The lieutenant made two holes in the oak shield covered with intricate knitting. One in front of the king's hand, placing the beam next to the recent wound, the second where the head of an excessively selfless stag was. Who, if he had escaped, could have lived a little longer. For about five minutes, until the landing party arrived.

It did not occur to the caribou, that the shields did not help against sniper razers. Neither oak, painted with runes, nor spells that are deployed "from stone" in three layers. The third shaman in row, who was trying to protect the suzerain from “incomprehensible magic”, lay down next to the king after a merciful shot in the head.

The voice of the group commander, who was now down in the city, sounded in psycholink.

"Forty seconds to the first wave. Tel, finish playing. Secure a free area and press down the palace gates. "

"Accepted, executing."

The lieutenant ended Dainn's torment with two single shots to the heart and head and switched to the guard lines, who were trying to calm down and not let the panic out on the streets of the city.

The comrades, having received the appropriate commands, transferred fire to the gates of the palace complex, from where the guardsmen and caribou ran out, and to the unlucky gold-armored ones in the cordon.

A few seconds later, the cordon was broken where it was scattered by fire and the crowd poured out of the square where the Space Marines were to land.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

Equestria Fallen, the Crystal Empire.

Time 08: 14

Shining, who had been busy checking the armor and mounted shield generators, looked up from his work and put his head on the withers of Cadence, who was sitting side by side with him, feeling how hard it was for her now. And not because they had to land in the "reflection" of the Crystal Empire together with the guards and human soldiers.

Shining understood that Mi Amore felt the background coming from the desecrated Heart best of all. That monstrously distorted and mercilessly castrated emanation that once gave hope, joy and light, but now only bent to the ground and crushed the will.

"Honey, please put on your helmet. Don't torture yourself,"

"Shining... The sooner I can fully feel it, the sooner I will return this Heart to its original state. And I'd rather listen to his background on board the boat, and not on the ground, under a squall of spells on your shield,"

The white unicorn only pressed his wife closer to him, sharing warmth and giving support.

"My miracle, please don't exhaust yourself. I don't think humans will allow to keep my shield under a "squall of spells". Although I don't like their... methods, but now they will be very useful. Cadence, please,”

The pink alicorn snuggled closer to her husband, covering her eyes and allowing his love to support and warm her. The princess was going to argue no matter what, but the pilot announced a three-minute readiness.

Mi Amore sighed and gave the command to the armor to close the helmet. The suit obediently shifted the sections and tiles, enclosing Cadence's head under the strongest composite. The helmet unfolded an augmented reality image, showing in real time where there were friends and foes. The princess saw that a platoon of Mobile Infantry had already landed on the city-state and began moving towards the center.

A shrill trill sounded, and a red light flashed invitingly over the ramp. The boat resounded with the combined clatter of the Diamond Shields shifting their visors, an elite squad of the Crystal Guards that reported directly to Princess Cadence.

When the boat came to the agreed point, the princess was the first to jump off, leading her warriors. For as much as she hated the very idea of war, it was her duty now.

The pilot took the boat very close to the Spire, landing the Diamond Shields in the square occupied by the vanguard, some three hundred meters from the Heart, which pulsed with a painful dirty crimson light.

The vanguard of the "Shields" was entrenched, waiting for the arrival of the princess and held their positions under the sluggish attempts of the equin guards to do something. The attack was too sudden, ponies were on the streets too quickly, leaving no time for preparation, packing and response. And in addition, Sombra was now on the side of the attackers. Which even pony guards, clad in shielded spacesuits, had goosebumps on their spine. And for the crystal equins, the aura of the mage pressed with the full power.

A pony guard ran up to Cadence, who had jumped behind an improvised barricade of stalls and cafe tables on the square, reinforced by a pair of field generators.

"Princess! Senior Lieutenant Glimin Spear!"

"Report back,"

"So far everything is going well, we are shooting through the whole city, some of the districts are already under control. There are no losses among civil equins. Only the Spire has organized resistance. Two assault squads and Sombra are moving there. Two squads of Infantry have landed in the city and are ready to approach if something goes wrong,"

Cadence nodded, accepting her guardian's report. She looked around the square, where a few guardsmen were now calming the equins and equas, most of them shining with the bright skin of citizens of the Empire. One of the doctors, contrary to all instructions, opened the visor of the helmet so that it was perceived easier and calmer.

A pair of wounded equine guards, under the supervision of the crystal pony-shooter, were dragging several caribou corpses to a corner of the square. Even the crystal ponies did not spare these fanatics, shooting to kill.

Cadence materialized her crystal spear and threw it resolutely into the psycholink.

"We are moving to the Heart. Sergeant Ruby Shimmer and three of her subordinates are covering our rear and following us. "

Shining turned the field over the squad, synchronizing it with the suit generators and the crystal ponies moved towards the Spire.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Equestria Fallen, Canterlot.

Time 08:17

Noise, screams, shouts, panic hung over the square. The King is dead! The King has been killed!

No one could even imagine such a turn that it would be in broad daylight, surrounded by loyal officers and mighty warriors who were now lying next to the ruler, smitten by incomprehensible, frightening magic.

The guards' cordons could not hold the crowd. Snipers from the mountainside walked through the cordon, leaving bodies in golden armor with neat holes in their heads to cool on the cobblestones.

The crush and panic, gaining a critical degree in a matter of seconds, spilled out onto the streets. The square was rapidly emptying as the equins fled through the streets from what had killed Dainn and his entourage, several aristocrats in the crowd and walked a terrible clicking death on the guards who were trying to stop the panic.

"Pegasus escorts", in the chaos that arose, closed around the Sisters, snatching disruptor submachine guns "out of the air". The camouflage and protective fields of the earthmen have united, hiding them and the royal equas both from the eyes of others and from possible fire. At the same time, the bondage accessories flew off the Sisters as if they had been shot off when it was shredded by the telekinesis of the soldiers.

Luna looked equally pleased and wary of what was happening, stretching with pleasure her arms, numb from long immobility. Celestia just looked at the "golems" covered with dark gray armor with disbelief. One of the commandos raised his visor for a second.

"Your Highnesses! We are friends, we will explain everything later! Moving to the rows, to the tray with shields!"

The star-maned grinned at the slam of the closed helmet, glancing briefly at the armband with the sun and the crescent moon, clean, without chains lying on them, and nodded briefly.

"Got it. Come on, Tia! There's no time to argue!"

Covering the Sisters with a force field and themselves, the commandos dragged them towards the trade rows. Luna, casting a brief glance over her shoulder, saw that the aliens had left some kind of illusion, completely repeating their appearance, in the place where they had been standing before. Soldiers, on the other hand, led the Sisters in such a way that neither the equines, who fled from the square, nor the guards, who tried to somehow curb this chaos, did not collide with them and did not fly.

The guards and soldiers of Dainn, who ran out to the square on alarm, were met by the same shooters who destroyed the king and his retinue. Neither unicorn charms nor caribou rune shields helped against their razers. Equins and stags couldn't really understand where they were shooting from at all, and shock spells were grinding chimneys in vain and exploding in the attic windows.

Luna, on the run, slapped Celestia on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

"I told you something would happen today! Gentlemen, uh, guards, would you lend me a firearm?"

One of the men running from the rear, running backwards with casual ease, thrust a pistol into Luna's hand. Heavy, black and surprisingly comfortable.

"Thirty shots. The point on the glass is the hit point,"

The leading pair of commandos knocked over with telekinesis a tray with rune shields and in half a second folded them into an improvised barricade. Quickly seating the equas behind, and jumping in himself, one commented.

"Of course, it will not stand razer or gauss, but it will protect you from local scumbags. Plus our field,"

Already behind cover, leaning back against the boards of the overturned counter, Celestia finally protested.

"Luna! They're not friends! They also killed equins!"

"Traitors, Tia! Who tormented both our equas and us!"

"They're murderers!"

The dispute of the crowned Sisters was interrupted by a blue ray that struck from the zenith directly on the site behind the palace gates, where snipers clamped a detachment of guards and caribou. The monstrous power of the spell simply caused everything within a radius of fifty meters to disappear, leaving a mirror-smooth circle.

It was impossible for magical creatures not to feel such a blow. Celestia froze, staring in shock at Luna, whose aura was clearly felt in the spell. The star-maned shrugged her shoulders and tried to look out from behind the barricade, but the nearest soldier stopped her, giving her a handheld with a picture from a fiber camera. The white equa shook her head.

"Yes, you've always been good at disintegration..."

A supersonic shock rang out over the square and a blue comet crashed into a pen in the middle of the deserted slave trading rows with a dashing Afghan approach.

After her, Marines rained down from the sky, roaring with their engines after firing parachutes, and the Children of the Night, landing on their magical compensators almost noiselessly.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

Equestria Fallen, Canterlot

Time 08:16

Minty Drops was even glad that she was now sitting in a solid paddock with the other ponies from the Dandelion Fields. The steel bars, which had previously plunged into apathy and despair, now seemed like protection, albeit conditional. A real doomsday was happening all around, which began with three dim gaps in the sky. The equines, who had crowded the square, now seemed to have gone mad, rushing about with screams. Minty didn't see what was happening at the exits from the square, but she understood that the cordon of guards had fallen when the crowd began to grow in front of her eyes. Only the slaves brought to the auction remained at their places, abandoned by their masters. Someone desperately tugged at the leash, someone succumbing to fear just shrank into a ball, someone looked at everything blankly.

A foal sitting on the back of the earth pony butted his forehead in the back of the head, drawing her attention to the already noticeable contrails in the sky.

"Mom! Mom! Look, look up! What's it? Big dandelions? What are they for?"

Drops, trying not to drop her son in a tightly packed pile of ponies, took a closer look.

Dozens of parachutes, similar in profile to a snowflake, were rapidly descending from the heights. There was a dot under each one, rapidly acquiring distinguishable outlines.

Minty remembered the stories of a familiar guard, how four of the same "snowflakes" fell on a pack of diamond dogs, with several shamans in it, and not a single robber left alive.

"This, son, is Marines..."

Seeing how the parachutes hang and begin to drift freely, and the black figures rush to the ground, Minty dropped the foal to the ground, lay down on top, covering herself, and tightly squeezed her eyes shut.

What happens after the shooting of the braking parachutes, the guardsmare told only under the "big glass". And the horror of what she saw then was clearly read in her eyes.

At the same time, Tacit Light, who had been staring in prostration from under the side of her stallion at how a bouquet of contrails bloomed from the zenith, slowly got up and put her front hooves on the grille, catching the landing parachutes with a mad look.

"Shoot! Hit for sure! I'm here! Shoot! Don't miss!"

Brass and Slicy tried to tear her away from the bars, but the pegasus clung unexpectedly tightly, screaming. Something broke in Tacit, hat she was now praying that those who came to help would not miss and cut off her torment. The deprivation of the Sky shocked pegasus so much that she did not want to continue a meaningless existence any longer.

There was a rock-crushing roar and whistle as the Space Marines braked before landing. Even before they crashed down with a heavy crash from ten meters in free fall, the air was filled with the pounding of shots and the barely perceptible hum of what humans had instead of magic.

The ponies covered their ears with their hooves, huddled together, feeling despair loosen its grip. And then a blue comet fell from the sky, bringing a warm sense of protection and the scent of lilac and cherry.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Equestria Fallen, Canterlot

Time 08:16

Enveloped in a plasma cocoon, Luna raced towards the Canterlot ledge, throwing herself from side to side with light movements of almost folded wings in order to prevent the enemy from aiming properly.

A few tens of kilometers from the capital and a few seconds of flight, the princess felt how the saboteurs in the city were highlighting a target for her. The dot stood out in the psychic background and reflected modulated radiation, which allowed not only consciousness but also automation to cling to it directly. The armor suit helpfully suggested the best course and time to attack, but Luna rejected the advice of smart armor. Even when it came to shooting from human weapons, she trusted her "North Star", but humans did not understand many of the subtleties of using combat magic.

Alicorn moved her wings slightly, dampening the speed and released a decoy spell that slid forward in an invisible clot, inspiring everyone who looks at it that this is the real princess.

Continuing to slow down, the Lady of Dreams transferred the energy of her movement into a disintegrating spell. Let the converted energy be small from the total volume, but the princess instantly extinguished the speed and left the previous trajectory.

After making sure that during those fractions of an instant, while the strike was being prepared, not a single civilian had time to enter the area illuminated by the soldiers, Luna released the spell. The blue ray licked the gates of the palace complex and about half a company of caribou and guardsmen trapped there by snipers on the slope.

And after the strike of the princess, a platoon of her personal guards and special forces led by Osinin fell on the castle. Flying into the windows, smashing obscene stained-glass windows, the fighters began to sweep the palace.

The fact that now Luna, with one effort of thought, cut off near a hundred lives, did not bother her. On the contrary, the closer the princess was to the ground and the lattice enclosure, the more her anger boiled. Savages who think with their own stallionhood and mutilate for fun, traitors who torture those for whom they should stand firmly. The greatest mercy for such is a quick death.

Alicorn's horn flashed dimly with another disintegrating spell, but this time aimed at the bars. A piercing blue ray, touching them, scattered into hundreds of thin streams, which scattered like a convolvulus along the rods and evaporated them. And the anger bubbling in her chest was picked up, transformed and poured into a new structure.

When the princess landed gently in front of the pony, a wave of power spread from her, pouring into the starved, crippled, desperate. And even though magical determination and cheerfulness were not eternal, especially for so many ponies, it was the best thing to do in battle.

Joyful exclamations, tears of relief and happiness, eyes lit up with the light of hope at this moment were more precious to the star-maned than all treasures. The way the ponies reached out to her, how trustfully they clung, looking for support and protection, thanking her for coming to the rescue, made her soul sing.

Luna pulled back the visor of her helmet, looking around at the fillies and stallions reaching for her. These were her subjects. They were the ones she was responsible for. These were the ones who needed her help and support.

Hearing heavy footsteps behind her and then the hum of portable shield generators being deployed by the Space Marines, the princess, allowing herself a momentary display of tenderness, knelt down, spreading her wings and hugging everyone she could reach.

"It's over, my little ponies. A ship will come for you and take you home soon. But we will stay here and avenge your suffering,”

After kissing on the forehead a gray filly, with two foals huddled at her feet, the princess briefly nodded to the Sisters of this Equestria who came up, accompanied by special forces and Children of the Night.

"Sisters-rulers. Please forgive our tactlessness, but our warriors are waiting for us. We will be glad to talk as soon as Canterlot is free."

"Sister ruler. I wish I could go with you now. Don't let your blade miss,"

Luna-pony and Luna-equa exchanged knowing grins. Pony slammed her helmet shut and jerked into the air, raising a small dust hurricane.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Equestria Fallen

Time 08:16

Sending telekinetic waves and deceptive spells ahead of them, the squad of the Children of the Night flew into the windows of the palace. The guards who found themselves in the corridor at that time did not understand what had happened, as they were cut off by razers and shock charms.

After a quick scan of the situation, the four guards dispersed along the walls in pairs and slid deep into the palace according to the plan. The armor, created jointly by pony masters and human engineers, in addition to excellent protection, allowed it to "stick" to any surfaces, which the Children of the Night were happy about. Few people look at the ceiling and walls in battle, which means that the first strike will belong to them.

And the faithful guards will not need more.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

Equestria Fallen

Time 08:16

Feeling the boat begin to dive, Herdricks chuckled a little. After a few seconds, there will be an ejection and the fight will begin. The squad had to jump off in the Silverpine Hills area and knock out the occupiers and those who joined from the city.

Vetrov, who had studied the satellite images of the area, scattered action plans to the fighters and was now just catching the last seconds of calm. When the ramp opens, the corporal, along with everyone, will enter a combat trance and for a long time will stop worrying about anything other than completing the task. And now, judging by the slight smile, he watching the recording from Cantata concert in the House of Officers for the last time.

Hendricks was mentally reaching for his gift. Under the armored suit, on the same chain with the dogtag, hung a small blue feather, covered in a petal of transparent composite. A gift from Gracefull, made literally a day before departure. For luck, as equa said then.

A red lamp lit up above the ramp and servos hummed softly, revealing a sheet of armor. Closing their helmets, the Marines stood up, going into a trance state in which to fight. The corporal's command flashed through the psycholink.

"Coming out"

The morning Equestrian sky embraced a squad of soldiers. Moving away from the boat, the Infantrymen dispersed in a wide chain over the town, which supplied wood, some magic crystals from a small mine nearby, and a large amount of an incendiary mixture based on resin. The plant for its production was ordered to be captured as whole as possible so that its capacity could be used for the needs of the militia and the rebels.

Vetrov, Yang, Baelman, Gamayun and McFinnigan maneuvered towards the production workshops, fenced with a high mesh fence. The factory, located on the outskirts of the city, was not adapted to repel an air assault or any serious assault from the ground. All fences were built in such a way as to prevent getting out from the inside.

Opening the parachute and catching in sight the glow of the sentry on one of the towers, Winds threw into the psycholink.

"We are acting according to the plan, do not take caribou and overseers captive. Civilians should be silenced when resisting. Work with gauss carbines."

Huberman and Stanfield were gliding away from the city, toward one of the chain of hills encircling it. Too far away for Equestrians to shoot normally from them, but quite suitable for a Mobile Infantry sniper with his heavy razer rifle. The city, the territory of the plant and the approaches to it were shot from these positions well.

After shooting off the parachutes and slowing down with the engines, the sniper immediately turned on the disguise and ran away from the landing site for a couple of hundred meters, ending up on the edge of a neighboring hill. The shooter covering him is located nearby and slightly behind. Guberman froze like a statue, preparing to work.

Hendricks, Williams, Zhilin, Lazin and Khrunichev landed at the outskirts of the city, where the plasma gunner immediately gave a long burst at the guard barracks, in the psychophone of which there was no equas. The soldiers had to distract attention of the garrison and buy time for the group storming the factory. Then Yang and Gamayun will join them and the cleansing of the city itself will begin.

09.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters

Equestria Fallen, Cloudsdale.

Time 08:18

The boats pulled away over the cloud city and opened the ramps, releasing the pegasus.

Clad in heavy armor, the "Thunderbolts" rushed to the town hall, the cloud factory, the airship dock, shooting if they saw a local gold-armored guard or a caribou. Briefings with extracts of interrogations of caribou and recon data, the stories of several equas-pegasuses about the almost universal clipping of their wings, caused the pegasus stormtroopers a dull, silent black rage, which they now splashed out with razers and plasma.

The Wanderbolts, who arrived almost in full force, engaged in an air battle with their "colleagues" from the reflection and the local Cloud Guard alerted. The best flyers of both Equestria reflections converged on turns with each other, but the ponies had better equipment, training and a keen desire to put an end once and for all to slavery and predation, trying to spread like an infection. The pegasus razers hit accurately, sending opponents to the ground. The overseers of the weather teams they sprayed especially mercilessly, aiming plasma fire from boats at the amulets controlling the shrinking collars of the weather mares.

The Sky Blades, Cloudsdale's main combat units, were falling into the streets, preventing the Guardian Warriors from fortifying and barricading in houses. The sharp claps of their gauss carbines mixed with the glass ringing when the ponies switched clips to non-lethal "spell cartridges", if there was a guardsmare in a slave collar, or just a scared, obviously civilian equine or equa who decided to attack. Ponies did not know how to kill with the same cold-blooded ease as humans, and tried to save the lives of the enemy where it was possible without risking the operation.

Whistling engines, a platoon of Infantrymen landed on cloud bridges. Amulets enchanted by Equestrian unicorns allowed walking on clouds and could be recharged directly from the power systems of suits. The detachment, over-staffed with field medics, broke into fours, dispersing around the city, supporting the attacks of the "Thunderbolts" and capturing their own targets. Every second had a gauss carbine and the ringing of non-lethal shots was mixed with the sharp claps of regular, depending on who got into the sight. Before the start of the operation, the soldiers were ordered not to arrange a sweeping sweep among the Cloudsdale equines and to work more carefully where possible.

The boats, having landed the troops, stood in turns over Cloudsdale, waiting for target indications from assault groups and flyers, and broadcasting the disposition in the city.

Comments ( 6 )

Thanks for the kind words) Poor grammar in this case is the fruit of using an online translator with subsequent manual editing of the text. And, alas, I do not know how to improve the situation in the near future. Yes, it's easier to write in Russian than to translate later.

I am glad that you liked the described world and its details. "Psycholink" was invented as an alternative to classical radio conversations among humanity, which awakened its own psychos. So far, there are no inserts-explanations about how to contact ponies and people and weapons. It is far from even in Russian.

As for the unilateral conflict, there was just a desire to do something similar. There is too much despair and pain in the original Fall of Equestria. I just wanted to burn caribou to ash. And that began this story.

And yes, Sabaton is a classic) I hope that in the 24th century it will be held in schools as a wonderful example of power metal)

Bad ass cover art, but the you need an editor. I made the same mistake and despite that, I got 700+ upvotes. It would have been more with proper grammar and spelling and formatting.

I'm going to keep reading.

I agree with ya, dude. This story's lore is very interesting, but the grammar and, at times, confusing dialogue made me give this a "meh" rating. Btw, it is good that you are writing stories again! I am hoping and praying for the best for ya, SVD!

Thank you! I'm still gonna write some new stuff and update my old ones. I'm on here everyday and I'm on the Discord Server. If you ever wanna chat or ask questions, you know where to find me.

Late reply, and that's cool, I will check it out
Quick question, do you mean the discord server for Fimfiction (as seen in the bottom of the website)?

Yes, I'm on there frequently.

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