• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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From here we start to working

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 59

Princess Luna and a team of sorceromedics from the Royal Hospital were standing at the Canterlot Spaceport runway. The ponies had already deployed equipment to take in the injured if necessary, and were just whiling away their last free minutes.

From the direction of the service buildings came the rapid sounds of running, and Osinin appeared, accompanied by two infantrymen.

The man saluted Luna and looked up at the sky, roughly in the direction from which the boat would appear.
"General. The pilot said they'd be here any minute,”
"All right. Hostages released, bandits burned, we can live on,”
"And get ready to meet new ones. You remember what Twilight said, right?”

A small red light flashed overhead, coming fast, blinking merrily. And soon, it was possible to make out the silhouette of a boat coming to land. The pilot came in almost without a glide path, hovered, turned his stern to the waiting delegation, and landed. The ramp descended with a soft hum of gears.

The General has seen a lot in his life. So, "humanized" ponies descending on the runway didn't surprise him. But behind that portal, damn it, there's a whole country of them. Enslaved and tormented by the "deertaurs" that were burned by the attack boats today.

The sorceromedics examined and probed the newcomers with scanning spells. But to the healers' surprise and shock, there were no transforming spells or alchemical effects on the altered mares. All such questions were answered negatively by the equas, even sometimes without understanding what the medical experts were talking about. What kind of altering spell? They were born that way.

Osinin automatically calculated, how much force would be needed, and how much could be sent beyond the barrier without weakening the defenses here. It turned out that a very decent number of troops would be recruited for the maneuver "behind the veil". And General had no doubt, that the order would come from the princesses not only to rescue captured ponies, but also to help the "neighbors".

Princess Luna approached the newcomers and spread her wings. As if she wanted to wrap a warm, fragrant canopy around her little pony and all the aliens.
"Greetings, my dears. You are now among friends, in safe, do not be afraid of anyone or anything,”

An invisible and inaudible but palpable wave rolled from an alicorn. Even the General and troops felt a momentary peace and contentment.

Osinin made a sign to one of the soldiers accompanying him. He tossed the khaki bag to the ground and deftly unzipped it.

"General. I entrust you and your people with the care and protection of our guests. And Strawberry Jam I invite you to come with me,”

"Yes, there is. Fillady, please, here's some underwear and some clothes. Take it, put it on, and I'll take you to your houses in the nearest future,”

After what seemed like an interminable few seconds, the first mare came around the edge to the trunk. Then another one. And more. Most of them tried not to look up at Osinin, except for three. A small, but noticeable difference was only the color of the collars, which soldiers were carefully cut off. Those" humanized " ponies, that behaved bolder and somehow freer, collars and bracelets were black. The rest have a juicy, red color.

Osinin noted it in his neuro-notebook that this would need to be taken into account and brought to the intelligence group that would go to that other Equestria behind the veil.

Mares had some problems with their underwear. Sewn on humans, it did not want to fit properly on the tails and wings of the equas. The General's folding knife, which was put into the hands of resqued, solved the problem, although not in the best way. But it will be enough to walk to the spaceport recreation centers, and tomorrow morning they will come up with something more capital.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 5: 11

Vetrov's squad was standing guard near the houses where the freed were housed. Soldiers were in high spirits after the brief encounter and the overall success of the operation. Sometimes a joke or two would slip over the intercom, mostly about the "scarletness" of the recent foes. Everyone understood that if there was a big fight, it would not be so easy. But a soldier's mockery of the enemy, especially a defeated one, is sacred.

The figure moving at a brisk pace from the control tower was spotted very quickly. And just as quickly they recognized General Osinin.

The General gathered all the infantrymen and, surprisingly, began a personal briefing.

Vetrov's squad, which today inspected the village and pulled out the prisoners, is assigned responsibility for their accommodation and safety. Also, soldiers will have a difficult task of establishing contact and providing them with all possible assistance in rehabilitation.

How much to "establish contact" let the infantrymen themselves look at. If a miracle happens, Osinin will not hesitate to give three days of vacation for the wedding. If something goes wrong, the culprit or the entire squad will be hung upside down under the city ledge. And not by the legs, as they may understand.

To say that the infantrymans are fucking sick of such news is nothing to say. Yes, they were all expirienced, bombarded soldiers. Yes, they were able to do a lot, they were afraid only of their company sergeant-major and the General.

But to help equas, crippled by long slavery, recover? How?

Osinin, contrary to expectations, did not fuck up for the "stupid" question, but replied that only with affection, warmth and all possible softness.

The soldiers shook off the shock and went to their posts, waiting for the last few minutes.

Soon they will have to run a lot.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 04.47

In the black void, laced with hard radiation and the light of thousands and thousands of stars, far away from everything ever could be named, black boat hanging and waiting for the signal from the automatic probe, sent to jump ahead of him.

The machine of swift and smooth outlines was almost invisible in the cosmic abyss. This was provided by a whole complex of passive and active means of disguise. However, in battle, this boat could very unpleasantly surprise even a corvette.

Finally, the instruments caught the probe's report. The machine meticulously performed everything that was put into it by the program, sent an encrypted report to the owners and burned without a trace in the atmosphere.

The navigator made a couple of corrections to the course, the pilot accelerated the reactor and engines.

Black boat went into hyper-jump, surfacing in the orbit of the blue planet.

All outlines of continents corresponded to Equestria. But only the astronauts' senses and the delicate instruments indicated that there were some differences.

After making three turns, the boat plunged into the atmosphere, balancing on the edge of dawn and rapidly approaching the earth.

Spetsnaz of humanity is getting to work.

And only one equa on this planet knew about the visitors. Only one of them had a strong enough connection to the star web to feel two new, irregular, and unfamiliar objects in the sky, even when she was trapped in her own body, as if in a cage.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 6: 54

Velvet woke up to the sun in her eyes. Out of habit, she got tangled in the blanket and almost fell to the floor. After a moment of prostration from the unfamiliar surroundings and the lack of a collar, she sighed with great relief and reached for the underwear issued yesterday.

Shorts, with a knife-cut hole for the tail, and a black T-shirt were not the limit of dreams, but they were already happy to get dressed. Unicorn thought that it would be nice to sew them on the figure, so that they did not hang out, as they are now. And also the trousers and tunic, that had come from the bounty of the soldiers, who had saved them yesterday.

Velvet tingling with worry about what would happen next. Bad thoughts about how unexpected saviors might prepare something worse than what the caribou had. General uncertainty about the next minute.

Velvet's gaze fell on the crumpled pack of cigarettes that Danil had given her yesterday. For some reason, the simplest thing was shocking in its very appearance. Cantata picked it up for a closer look.

"Gifts of Camelou" was the name of the brand, of course, unfamiliar.

Opening the window, she sat on the sill and lit a cigarette, squinting into the sunlight and enjoying the peace.

Everything will be alright.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 7: 00

Chiraine Hart went into her office, yawned, and poked the coffee maker with her telekinesis. Under the cozy purring and bubbling of the device, reminiscent of the purr of a cat who has eaten tin cans, saberhorn turned on the work tablet.

The morning abruptly ceased to be carefree.

In the "Urgent" column, there were several operations at once. Three installations of the horn prosthesis, six restorations of the tendons and bones of the wing marked " heavy. trauma."

Saberhorn pulled the cup to her without looking at it, swallowed all the coffee in one gulp, and rode off to collect the doctors and prepare the operating rooms. Such requests do not arrive for nothing, especially from army.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 7: 40

Six people were moving toward the rest houses. Half of the Vetrov's squad and he went to wake up the freed, and dragged them new, already specially tailored for them, clothes. The spacesuit technician, relying only on the recordings from the armor cameras, selected the dimensions. And in just half an hour, made fourteen simple pantsuits out of light and strong silver carbone fabric.

The soldiers dispersed among the houses, knocking on the doors.

Some fillies opened immediately, some had to wait for several minutes.

Someone was peeking timidly out of the crack between the door and the jamb, like a green earth equa, but very happy with the new thing. The mare literally jumped with happiness, impulsively hugged the plasma gunner and dived into the house to change her clothes.

Someone bravely greeted the guests, like a Velvet Cantata, who came out with a cigarette in her hand and a cloud of tobacco smoke. She took a drag, thanked the Corporal for the new clothes, and asked him to leave her and let her change.

And someone...

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 7: 41

At the knock, Graceful Glide jumped out of her chair as if stung and rushed to open the door. It was only when she turned the handle and opened the door, she remembered that she was wearing the clothes the soldiers had given her yesterday. And she's not supposed to wear clothes.

But it was too late, and all the pegasus could do was mumble an apology and try to get rid of the forbidden clothes, falling to her knees as she did so. Maybe if Graceful was quick, she wouldn't be punished.

What she didn't expect at all was that the soldier would rush to catch her, almost falling down himself. She saw him more and more blurrily with each passing moment.

His cry of "Doctor, this way! " did not reach her immediately, as if through a pipe stuffed with cotton wool.

The pungent smell of ammonia brought pegasus back to reality. Glide was lying on the floor, and two soldiers were working on her. One held the cotton wool in front of her nose, the other moved his hands over her head and chest.

"Thank to beamgun, just a faint. I was afraid of a seizure or an arevrism,”

From the fluttering hands above her, there was a warmth that washed away the fear, then a fresh chill that drove away the disgusting lethargy from her body and a sticky lump from her throat. Graceful feeling very good in this moments.

The second infantryman, seeing that equa was awake, took her hand very gently and put a cotton ball with ammonia in her fingers.

"Here you go. Yes, here's a good fellow, near the nose. And ... are you so scared of me? Sorry, I... I didn't mean to, honestly!”

The soldier clearly looked confused and upset at his own blunder. Graceful don’t understanding why.

"Can you get up now? Or will you rest first?"

"Can I rest? Master?

The medic shook his head.

"Comrade Hendricks. This is Comrade Zhilin. What should we call you?"

"As you wish, Master.”

"What did your mother call you?"

"G-Graceful Glide, Master Hendricks.”

"Comrade Hendricks, please. And there are no "masters" here, don't worry, Graceful,"

"Even if they suddenly appear, we will shoot them all down and will not let them near you.”

"Comrade Zhilin" smiled so easily and disarmingly that pegasus herself could not help but smile.

"We're going to put you on the bed. Just so you don't rest on hard wood, but on a mattress. Just move you? Ok?”

Graceful was a little lost. It had been a long time since the stallions had treated her so carefully. Last six years, they usually dont asking her anything. So, why are these soldiers like this?.. Affectionate?

Closing her eyes, she nodded and felt two pairs of strong hands gently lift her off the floor and raise her into the air. Glide squeaked, shivered, and found herself on the soft mattress.

The warm hands moved over her again. The pegasus relaxed a little and opened one eye. Zhilin had already left and Hendricks was almost at the door.

"Rest, Graceful, I'll wait outside. New clothes on the purse. When you're ready, we'll go to the doctors to treat your wings.”

Glide sat up abruptly, unable to believe her ears.

"You... Will you really do it?! Will you give me back the Sky?!”

Hendricks nodded. Pegasus covered her face with her hands.

"Sisters of Heaven, please, please, please, let this be true...”

"When you know you can go, get dressed and see for yourself that it's true. I'll wait outside.”

As soon as the door closed behind Hendricks, Graceful sprang out of bed like a tight spring. Ripping off her old wear, she grabbed a bundle of silver fabric from her purse.

If it was a dream, Glide didn't want to wake up.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 10: 00

"Well, let's sum up. We're facing an attack from the parallel, if you want to, "reflect" Equestria. Caribou, as the interventionists call themselves, have come for captives and an expansion of the territory of influence, nothing unusual. Their technical development is low, at the level of the ponies of the Age of Strife. There is a certain disunity of society, which is united only by a military leader. However, caribou are good fighters, morally stable, and have a strong mentality. The exact mechanism of its action is unclear, but the standard means of protection save from it completely,”

The General made a slight bow to the purple alicorn sitting next to him.

"Princess Twilight's calculations allowed us to send several reconnaissance and sabotage groups to this “reflection”. Their priority is to search for the ponies captured in Dandeline Fields, but information is being gathered along the way. Some details reported by the captive caribou are confirmed. Here, forces are prepared to intercept the opening portal and prevent the incident from happening again,”

"General, I know I'm asking for more than I should... But we just can't stand by and see equas's torment. Let your soldiers see what can be done to fix their situation,”

Luna stared at Osinin. Despite all the psych blocks, despite the protection, despite the implants, the princess' voice whispered in his head. And the General grudgingly admitted that the Luna had expressed his own wishes to him.
"You saw their pain! You saw their suffering! Pay it back! Here is my order: stain the land of Equestria reflection with blood of caribou! Make them suffer! Just like they made our ponies and equines suffer!"

The Lady of Dreams’ eyes were slowly suffused with a milky glow, and her voice made the air tremble.

"As soon as you're ready, go ahead, and we'll stand by you. We will not allow to be tyrannized over our subjects or the ponies of another Equestria! No one! And you, General, will help us in that!”

Osinin smiled faintly.

"No, Princess. We won't deliberately torment anyone. We'll just wipe out all the caribou that come in sight. "

"This is also the right motivation, General. Go ahead!"

Author's Note: