• Published 4th Jul 2021
  • 5,855 Views, 27 Comments

Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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First touches

04.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Time 22: 34

"So, Willow. What did you want to talk to me about?

Hendricks put a cup of coffee with a generous amount of condensed milk in front of Whisp.

Willow, who now sported a long ivory mane and a coat of "coffee with milk," accepted the cup. And then, smiling innocently, she slowly swapped her folded legs. Coupled with a short dress, the effect could be amazing, if only the medic did not look into her eyes without looking away.

Wisp radiated a silent sexual invitation for a few more seconds, but after making sure that Hendricks was not impressed, she calmed down.
"You know, Croaker, I've been thinking about something... After all, I can work not only in the port spa. You yourself said that I have... "atypical-restoring interaction" with otherone's auras. I want to help put on the feet of equas that you pulled out. And those whom you will release in the future,”

Mark chuckled. He had expected something like this from Whisp, but not so soon. For the medic in general, it was a kind of shock that the previously subdued equa recovered faster than those who had the will to resist.

Hendricks attributed this to her nature of half-chaining, because he did not see any other reasonable hypotheses. There was no time to go to the Canterlot Academy of Magical Arts, where they could sort everything out on the shelves. And there was no time to talk in person, and the professors there refused to discuss such issues on the network, at least with the private of the infantry medical service. Mark has already inserted a couple of slanderous lines into the report that Vetrov will have to forward to the General.

Whisp also turned out to be a powerful mental donor. She could help others heal emotional injuries and wounds simply by communicating. And, the closer the communication was, the stronger the effect. Vibrant Aberration and Lilac Skyce have already tried Willow's "donation" on themselves, and it has become easier for them. Moreover, both of them liked it.
"Well, Willow, this is a good idea. But keep in mind, this work is regular and hard. And you will have to at least learn first aid,”

The half-changeling snorted and laughed merrily.
“Mark, I'm begging you, hard regular work! Don't make my lower lips laugh!”

Hendricks didn't even flinch at Willow's expression.
“I'm free and there are friends nearby. I have a soft bed, a warm bath whenever I want. Great food and the opportunity to have fun with stately stallions, even aliens, when the desire arises,”
“There are complaints about the latter to you. More precisely, about how often it occurs to you,”

Whisp batted her eyelashes, pretending genuine interest mixed with surprise.
“Ha. Do you think it's too rare? Are there really so many people who want my favor?”
“Too often, Willow. Consistently molest others three or four times a day each other... Williams and Huberman are already hiding from you,”

Willow grinned broadly, so much so that she did honor even the most arrogant representatives of the cat family. Equa studied the contents of her mug carefully, chuckling.
“The sniper must blame himself. He should not to tease me, offering to repaint myself in camouflage. I've had enough of such jokes since school. And Williams is just very soft. I confess, I can't resist taking advantage of this,”

The medic chuckled incredulously. He knew perfectly well how "soft" Herbert Williams was. Sometimes even Vetrov could hardly cope with the plasma gunner. Truly, beauty and charm are a terrible force.
"That's what I'm talking about, Willow. Your nymphomania needs to be controlled at least a little,”
"Why, Mark?" I'm fine as it is,”
“Willow, with this approach, there can be no question of your participation in the rehabilitation of other equas. So we'll have to choose,”

Willow sighed.
"Listen, Croaker... I need it as... Like your beam guns need batteries. I just can't to live without it. You've probably wondered how an equa who survived a terrible slavery can still want sex so much? It's simple, Mark,”

Willow put down her empty cup. Her fingers seemed to have intertwined themselves into an awkward lock.
“I'm a half-changeling, not an equa. I feel differently, I think differently, I use magic differently. Violence, disastrous for an ordinary equa, is for me about like eating too much fast food to the point of being unable to walk. Unpleasant, but not fatal. But there are also disadvantages,”

Whisp hugged her knee and did not look up at the medic.
"I can't store energy for the future, like a real changeling, and therefore I need constant recharge. In some ways, it was easy to live in slavery, simply because I was provided with this nourishment every day. And here I have to find my own "recharge". And another such moment... Imagine, Croaker, that you sat on dry rations for six years and then got into a restaurant with a luxurious buffet. And they are trying to pull this food out of your mouth. You'd be upset, Mark,"
"You should have told me earlier. So that we don't break our heads and worry about why you behave like this,"

Hendricks looked into the mug, chatted and finished his coffee in one gulp.
"Taking into account your anomalous-regenerative interaction with someone else energy, I will only be in favor if you start helping other equas. But you will have to find someone constant for the role of partner,"

The half-changeling looked into Hendricks's eyes. Long. And she smiled, half-anticipatory, half-carnivorous.
"Constant, huh... Doctor, you have no idea how much I want this. Considering, the way Glidee looks at one infantry medic... Mmm, I think I have one candidate in mind. With "golden hands and heart","

Willow leaned closer to Mark, still smiling broadly. There were hungry sparks in her eyes, calling like will-o'-wisps. The aroma of the equa has changed, it has become more saturated and sweet-spicy, her hair has acquired more volume and an alluring shine. Whisp half-closed her eyes, purring softly and showering Mark with all the charm and attraction available to her.
"Guess who the lucky guy is, Hendricks?"
"Approximately. But what does Graceful have to do with it?"
"Glidee and I are very close friends, even more like herd sisters... Don't get off the subject, Mark. I agree to leave your squad, the port staff, and the officers alone of my attention... But only in exchange for you, my sweet,"

Whisp went up to the medic and put her hands on his shoulders. As if she didn't notice that her dress was pulled up to dangerous limits somewhere, where it was stretched, emphasizing everything that should hide. Hendricks swallowed.
"Well, doctor, will you save your comrades? From the scarrrry and naaaaugty Willow?"

There was a strange heat coming from the equa, confusing thoughts. The spicy aroma, not of perfume, but of her body itself, enveloped everything around in soft waves, changing fluidly, but remaining equally alluring.
"Make up your mind now, Croaker. I can do a lot of good, you know that. I can help equas to erase the horror they have experienced. I can help heal their emotional wounds. But I need you. In return, I want you. What do you say, Mark?"

Hendricks touched Willow's arm. After all, nothing terrible will happen if he hugs Whisp? Just once, especially since her eyes are so sparkling?

The moment when Willow was sitting on his lap and moaning thinly from his kiss, the medic missed. And Hendricks didn't care about anything anymore.

Except for the sparkle in her eyes. Except for her heat, felt even through the interfering dress. Except for her pleading whisper in his ear.
"Nothing terrible will happen, right?"

Hendricks, without realizing it, said it out loud. Whisp grinned, pulled away, and in one graceful movement got rid of the dress. As it turned out, worn on a naked, stupefyingly beautiful body.
"No, my sweet, it won't happen. And I'm glad that you agreed to my proposal, doctor."

Stunned by the proximity of Whisp and by her sizzling, but so pleasant heat, Mark stood up, picking up equa like a feather. Willow sat down on the narrow bunk and put her arm around the back of the medic's head. Hendricks could no longer make out her words, only he knew that Whisp was calling him to her.

05.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Time 08: 00

The meeting room was very different. Instead of the usual naval minimalism, the work of a very good designer was clearly felt here.

The blue-black ceiling, painted with a map of constellations. Elegant lamps resembling vines, dotted with "berries" exuding a pleasant white glow. The table is made of polished ebony, unusually low, but surrounded by a dozen pillows of blue silk.

All but three of the seats were now occupied. At the head sat Princess Luna, looking at something on the laptop screen and surrounded by mnemocrystals, scrolls and printouts.

Osinin was sitting next to her, absolutely impassive. It seemed that the General was more interested in contemplating the lamps and the switched-off communicator lying in front of him. But the impression was deceptive, because Vyacheslav was now receiving a stream of information via neural communication more than the princess.

Opposite sat the full crew of the “Boreas”. All five were expecting something serious, for which they were pulled from the patrol route and sent here. The presence of both Luna and Osinin spoke very clearly about this.

Finally, the princess sent a couple of files to the captain and navigator and broke the silence.
“So, my friends, you have already understood, there is something important for you. You have to join the battle for the freedom of Equestria. Not ours, but its reflection,”

Luna waved her wing over the laptop, revealing a hologram.
“Captain Summerend, Lieutenant Commander Krylov. I have sent you information about the location of this reflection. Your task is to calculate and plot the fastest possible course to it. Until the end of the day, I allow you to rest and prepare without leaving the port. At midnight, you must take off,”
“There is. Your Highness, may I ask? Will there be passing tasks? Delivery, reconnaissance, bombing?”
"Yes, Captain. You will take on board a set of observation satellites and will continue to work with ground groups. The General will tell you about them already,”

Osinin "woke up" and put the comm aside.
“Comrades astronauts, you have already worked as a support for ground special forces groups, so there is no need to explain anything to me here. Codes, channels and psychomarks in cryptoarchives were transmitted to the captain's and communications specialist's comms. You will open it only by entering the orbit of the Fallen,”

The old soldier, as always in a working environment, was laconic. He just reminded to the astronauts that everything they heard here is classified.

After receiving confirmation that the task was clear, and the files were accepted without damage, he said goodbye to those present and left.

Alicorn shook her head after the General.
“Always on the move, always on guard… Well, my friends, you know what to do and I do not dare to detain you. All except Lieutenant Commander Krylov,”

Left alone with the navigator, Luna quickly spread an additional canopy of silence in addition to the existing complex of protective charms. She sank down on the pillows close to the man and smiled gently.
"I'm glad you've arrived, my old friend. I'm sorry that I called you only to send you on a hike again,”
“Luna, I'm grateful even for such a short meeting, you know. And I feel like you have something else to do?”

Chuckling softly, an alicorn extended her wing in Vadim's direction. As if she wanted him to admire the beauty of delightful blue feathers and even stroke them. And her expectations were not deceived.
"You're right. There is something that I would not want to show to anyone other than… But it might help you, starwalker,"

Leaning against Vadim and being in his arms, Luna quietly lit up the horn. Navigator closed his eyes to make it easier to take mental images.

The transfer from the princess was truly masterful. Despite the richness and complexity, the images did not flood the consciousness, but smoothly scrolled. They did not rush past, leaving only vague outlines and a headache, but revealed themselves completely, in all details.

Finally, Luna ended the magic. But she never took her head off the man's shoulder. The princess felt too good.
“I know you can handle it, Vadim. And, I hope, my last gift will help you in this,”
“It was very ... unexpected. But since you think that the image of your reflection will help me, then it will turn out that way. I trust you,”
“I am glad to hear this… Tell me, will your comrades be angry if you stay a little longer?”

Krylov hugging Luna to him and gently scratching behind her ears. And burying his face in the wonderful, fragrant mane of the princess, he grinned.
“There are twenty minutes for hugs. Is it the most before going to bed, Luna?”
“Indeeeed… A little to the left, yes, here's heeeereeee..."

An alicorn purred with pleasure as sensitive fingers massaged and scratched her neck, then her head. And she tried not to fall asleep, so that the navigator would not have to carry her in his arms to her chambers.

05.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters
Time 19: 30

It was unusually quiet in the hostel of the released. Someone went to the city for an excursion, someone just went for a walk in the park near the spaceport

There was a light on in the kitchen and a delicious smell of fresh pastries. Graceful was spinning at the stove, who decided to sacrifice the cultural program for the sake of the opportunity to remember how to bake pies correctly. Pegasus had already set the first batch to cool down and, having loaded the second, she was pleased to realize that she had not lost her skills.

Nearby, Hendricks was doing something with a grater, cheese and boiled eggs. Either he was attracted by the aroma of baking, or the need to cook for himself. But he did not attempt to eat Graceful's pies without permission.

The smell of garlic filled the air. The pegasus turned her nose around, turned to the man.
“Oh, Mark, what is it?”

Glide poked with the tip of her finger at the yellowish-white mass in the bowl that the medic was stirring.
“Salad, names “putty”. Eggs, cheese, mayonnaise. And garlic, for flavor,”
“And how do you eat it?”
“With a spoon. Together with pasta or something else. Do you want to try it, Glide?”

Equa took the putty on the tip of the spoon, touched it with her tongue. And carefully put it back on the table.
“No, it's not mine. What do you say, “putty”? Well, yes, the waist will just cover up well. That's what to eat it, that just spread it on the sides with a spoon - it will turn out equally in speed,”

Hendricks grunted and reached into the bottom drawer for a new head of garlic. Graceful, pleased with her teasing, opened the locker in search of cinnamon and burnt sugar.
“Well, I'm not an aerial dancer, I can eat this. And show me at least one infantryman with a waist, Glide! Whoosshhhhhh!”

Following equa's laughing gaze, Hendricks got up and flew headfirst into the sharp edge of the open closet door. It rattled violently, slammed its contents, but held on to the fastenings.
“I'm fine! I'm fine, i have even worse hits. Glide? Glidee?”

The jar of cinnamon fell from Graceful's fingers and rolled on the floor as equa backed away from Hendrix, trembling.
“I'm sorry... Excuse me... Excuse me... I didn't mean to hurt you. Honestly, I didn't want to! Please, please, please, I'm sorry! Please, don’t punish me... Don't! I'll be good, I'll be obedient... Please...”

Hendricks quickly and gently guided Graceful to a chair, helped her to sit down on it. He squatted down in front of her and took her hands, concentrating. The force responded and flowed into the equa, some seconds ago, lively and cheerful, and now numb with fear. Directing the flow of energy, the medic tried as best he could to warm and calm Graceful.
“Glide, listen. Listen to my voice and get out. Don't fall, go to the light. Come into the light,”

The filly continued to tremble and mutter unintelligibly, tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Graceful, listen to me and breathe. Please, Glide, breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale...”

In time with the words, Mark slowly raised and lowered his hand, setting the pace. The Pegasus, as if hypnotized, followed his movements.
“Inha-ale-e. Exha-ale-e. Inha-ale-e. Exha-ale-e,”

Listening to Hendricks's soft voice and watching his palm rise and fall, Graceful gradually came out of her stupor. Soon, the pegasus pulled her hands out of the human's palm, hid her face and just burst into tears in a voice.
“It's all gone, Glidee. Only friends are here. Friends do not hurt and do not punish. It's all over. He is dead and will not hurt you or any other equa,”

Hendricks stood up and very carefully touched Glide's palms, sending a warm mental message. Equa shuddered, uncovered her face. She saw a man in front of her, looking at her with concern and pain. She felt the healing heat from his palms. She sobbed and hugged him.

“Mark... Mark! Mark, don't give me up! Don't give me to him! I beg you!”

Hendricks hugged Graceful to him, barely restraining himself from growling with anger. The medic hoped, that the bastard who had tortured her so much had died in agony, burned in colloidal napalm, or got a beam in the lung.
"I won't let anyone hurt you, Glidee. To nobody. Never. I'll die myself, but I won't let you get hurt,”

Graceful didn't say anything, just clung desperately to the human's shoulders.
"Should I take you upstairs to your room? I'll just carry you and cover you with a blanket. Do you allow it? Glidee... Do you allow it?”

Graceful didn't even have the strength to cry anymore. She whispered hoarsely, desolately.
“Y-yes... Mark. I allow it,”

When the medic gently and carefully lifted her into his arms, Glide fell silent. And she didn't say a word until he put her down on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her.
But as soon as Hendricks got up, Graceful reached out from under the blanket and grabbed the man by the sleeve.
“Don't go away. Please, don’t go away. I'm scared to be alone. Mark... I'm scared,”

Hendricks sat down on the edge of the bed, allowing Glide to grab his arm. Mark smoothed her disheveled mane, ran his fingertips over her cheek, wiping away the wet path. He held his palm over the filly's forehead, directing the warming current of life.
"It's all right, Glidee. All the bad things are gone, burned up in plasma, teared apart by missiles. There is no one who could hurt you. I'm here. I'm near. Don't be afraid of anyone and anything,”

The pegasus did not answer, only tightened her grip on the medic's hand. He stroked her face and whispered quiet, soothing words. Graceful, overcome by an attack of fear, fell asleep, sometimes trembling slightly.

It was getting dark in the room, Mark sat and listened to Glide's breathing. In the dream, equa relaxed a little and did not tremble so often. But she still held tightly to the soldier's hand. As if it was a lifeline over the abyss of fear.

Hendricks couldn't have known what she was dreaming. He just hoped, that the energy poured into Graceful and the constant watch of dreams, Princess Luna, would not allow pegasus to fall into nightmares from the past.

The medic really hoped that no one would need his help until the end of the day. Mark hoped very much, because prayers and appeals to "god" were despised by humans, especially by soldiers.

Much more effective was the appeal through the neurolink to the healer from the medical service of the port. The unicorn owed Hendrix one substitution, and the reason now was a good one.

When the clock was already past three in the morning, Willow returned. The sensitive half-changeling entered very quietly and silently showed Mark the comm.
"What's wrong with Glidee? Fear again?"

Hendricks telekinesis pulled out his comm, confirmed the neural connection and replied.
"Yes. I hit the closet door that Graceful had opened. She was in a great panic. I was able to stop it a little. She fell asleep instantly. "
"I see. Thank you so much, Croaker,"

Whisp pulled off a short, tight dress and lay down next to Glide, hugging her. Equa, sensing a familiar presence, smiled a little. Graceful half-waked and exhaled softly.
“Yes, Glidee. It's me.”
“is Mark here?”
“I'm here, Glide,”
Glide purred "Good", hugged the medic's hand more tightly and fell asleep again.

In the morning, Hendricks woke up in the same sitting position, with his hand caught in Graceful's embrace. Pegasus was sleepily chewing on his fingers and muttering something about dried bananas. Willow buried her nose in her friend's mane and sniffed serenely, driving away nightmares from Glide.