• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Fall of Equestria: two worlds collide - Gray Kirin

Collision between ponies and human unity and caribou from Fallen Equestria

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Rise and shine, comrade general!

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 00

The military attache was awakened by an alarm. How many of them there were in his life-and not to mention. Only here he didn't expect to hear it.

Jumping out of bed, the man reflexively pulled on an armored suit instead of the usual "parquet" form and threw a disruptor gun behind his back. Five seconds after the first trill, the attache received an incoming call.
"General, there's a distress signal from Dandaline Fields. No clear message, a couple of shouts, and then an automatic beacon."
"Who was sent?"
"A group from the Baltimare garrison has flown out. The Aurora was supposed to arrive, but something is keeping them from teleporting."
"Report back if we know anything. No. Send the group's report to me directly."

The man turned off the headset, returned the weapon to the rack, and ran to report.

The princesses will definitely not like it.

Luna, who had previously been interrupted from her nightly meditation by the same report, was not happy about Osinin's visit either. But she immediately called an operational council in her chambers, summoning the captain of her guard and apparently pulling out of bed with her magic a disheveled and blinking Twilight Sparkle.

A burly thestral came out of the deep shadows against the wall, bowed to the Luna, and sat down at the table. The General opened his laptop and opened the comm window. The search party, which had already arrived at Dandelion Fields, was relaying the bleak news.
"There are no civilians in sight, no enemy, and the village has been looted."

The hologram above the table show images of a ruined village and infantrymen searching at houses, nooks and crannies.

Each creature in the chamber watched and singled out his own.

Luna could see that the attackers had left no one dead or wounded. This gave hope for the rescue of her pony and same time worryed her.

Blood Wing and Osinin noticed that the attackers acted quickly and confidently, catching Dandeline Fields off guard. Also, they see, technical development of invaders was low, when the frame briefly show incendiary arrow fallen into the pond and extinguished.

Twilight closed her eyes, reaching out with her perception and mind to the distant village. Traces of magic felt like nothing she known. And somewhere a little further away from village, there was an anomaly that made princess'd mane stand on end. It was as if the fabric of the world, usually smooth and solid, had buckled and torn.

"Princess Luna! There's a portal near the village. From where it is unknown. I need to get there right away! Then I can learn more about where the invaders came from."

Confirming her words, the commander of the inspection team cut in.
"Five kilometers to the west, the boat has picked up something, that looks like a dimensional breakout, and I'm sending a couple of soldiers to inspect the site."

Luna forbade Twilight to jump anywhere and ordered her to search the area with available forces.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 22

The pilot drive his boat in slowly widening circles over the looted village. Almost over the tops of the trees, almost catching them with the bottom and suspensions on the turns.

But neither the navigator's senses nor the alert instruments had detected anything unusual yet, except for a "breakout" a few kilometers away. The pilot had already requested permission to inspect the anomaly, but was refused, and two infantrymen were sent instead.

In the dark sky, two bright blue dots quickly rose from the glow of the fire. Soldiers turned on their jump packs to get to the place faster.

The pilot took the handle on himself, climbing a hundred meters higher. And then the navigator, who was in the "nirvana" of neural connection, sent a message. The image penetrated right into his mind and unfolded.

Direction. Range. The amount of manpower. The nature of the luminosity. Reach for weapons.
""Bullfinch" to the center. I detected a mass of manpower thirty kilometers from the village. Permission to inspect?"

A velvety, bone-chilling voice came over the earphones. It seemed that even the air in the helmet smelled of lilac and bird cherry.
""Bullfinch", permission to inspect. If you see any of our subjects, report immediately."

The pilot swallowed. Communication with Alicorns, if you do not muffle the feelings in time, is not easy even through the radio. Fortunately, General Osinin intervened after that.
"Take four infantrymen and Night Guards and go to the noticed mob. If there are civilians there, evacuate them. If not, report back,"

The boat quickly dived to the ground and hovered half a meter away, cheerfully opening the ramp. Four infantrymen and four saber-horns jumped on board, and the boat immediately jumped up to the level of the treetops.

Again, almost catching the leaves, the boat flew forward. The gravity engines made no sound, only the wind whistled softly against the hull. The pilot switched the weapon control to the "On" position, just in case.

The cluster of glows quickly approached and it was already possible to distinguish individual ones. The navigator did not leave the neural connection, collecting and processing the flow of information.

No sooner had the first turn over the incomprehensible bivouac for a hundred souls been completed, than a report from the connected navigator came to everyone sitting in the boat.

"Luminosity of unknown type, similar to the footprints in the village. 100-120 infantry units. Civilians have been spotted, possibly abducted from the village. Fifteen glows. Located closer to the center of the camp."

"Center to "Bullfinch". Get the civilians out and leave. Use of weapons at discretion."

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 34

The lieutenant of the Night Guard glanced briefly at the view screen. Under the boat was a camp for a hundred spears, where there were several captive ponies, which were ordered to be pulled out.

There was a short beep in his helmet, and the layout of the camp, built by the navigator and the sensors of the machine, was laid out on the glass. As lieutenant turned out, the prisoners were located very tightly, apparently next to the commander's tent.

Saberhorn checked the snap of the talons, then unfolded and folded the back-mounted manipulator with the razer. He shivered as the magic booster in his armor kicked in.

His comrades and infantrymen checked their weapons and equipment for the last time before landing.

The red lamp above the ramp lit up.

Four guardians and four infantrymen leaped out into the night, dimly lit by the dying fires.

It was time to return the favor for Dandelion Fields.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 33

Strawberry Jam didn't consider herself a brave pony. The unicorn didn't even go far into the woods without a communicator and a medical kit. Not that they were useful, but it was safer that way.

And now she leads the terrible intruders in the direction of remote swamps. Where even guardy and human's soldiers try not to come without urgent need. If Berry was going to be lost, at least she wouldn't let the other ponies get hurt.

Jam didn't understand, how it happened. She remembered waking up in the night to screams and bangs. She jumped out into the street, blinded by the fires, ran without understanding the road, and suddenly felt a hard noose around neck. Then there was blissful darkness and a shout that woke her.

Strawberry would like to forget what happened next. She'd really like to. It was disgusting, scary, and disgusting again, when she agreed to lead the "deertaurs" to another nearby village.

But apparently, Heavenly Sisters heard her prayers, and pony found the strength to change the route a little. Jam decided, that even if she was lost, even if her horn was cut off, she would not allow these monsters to harm anyone.

Strawberry saw what they did with mares they brought with them. Changed by strange magic, crippled, broken.

But despite the horrors of the night, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart. Maybe the Guard is already rushing here? Were silent, fluid shadows about to fall from the dark sky? And thestrals in enchanted armor will protect, hide, take away from this nightmare?

Could it be that, the human spaceships had spotted the fire, or even seen what was happening in the Dandeline Fields from orbit? And now, their fearsome, heavily armed soldiers are on their way here, to push invaders back into the night?

After all, both the Guard and the army are needed to help ponies in trouble. Isn't that right? Is this right?

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 34

The sleep of the camp was broken by the whistling of the suit engines as the infantrymen braked close to the ground. At the same moment, the plasma gun snarled and there were sharp pops of razer hits. The ringing bursts of under-barrel guns and the thud of incendiary grenades mingled with the hum and clang of psychostrikes.

The confusion was instantaneous, and the air was filled with the screams of those who had been shot, cut up by shrapnel, and burned alive. What kept the aliens from panicking, apparently, was the experience of fighting and the fact that there were only four infantrymen and the shooting was not as dense as it could have been.

Strike spells flew towards the humans almost immediately. Inaccurate and rare, because of the chaos created by soldiers and the commander's tent behind them. As well as instant retaliatory shooting at the noticed spellcasters.

Under cover of the shock of the sudden attack and the human fire, the Night Guards rushed to the command tent and the leash, where a few magic-altered and startled mares huddled together. The infantrymen, providing a safe rear, shot with long bursts, especially the plasma gunner, who literally pinned the "deertaurs" to the ground with fierce.

Two guardspony instantly cut the leashes with magic, simultaneously lit the horns and sent the mares to the safe boat.

The second pair of saber-horns met half-naked commanders of the deertaurs, who jumped out of the tent, with paralyzing spells. Deers did not have time to understand anything, did not even really notice the guards, because of their reflexes, trying to find an opponent of their own height

Guards, who had earlier teleported fillies to the boat, flew into the tent, shrouded in a canopy of invisibility. Inside were two modified ponies and an intact unicorn. All three of them stared at the Saber-horns blurred silhouettes, their eyes wide with horror. But the pony's face showed relief and joy when she realized who had stumbled into the tent, before she being teleported to the protection of the "Bullfinch"s armor

Once on the boat with the rescued fillies and the captivated deers, saberhorn barked into the headset.

"Civilians aboard, stand down!”

Two his comrades appeared in a dim flash, and the infantrymen flew into the ramp one by one with a whistling of engines

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.
Time 03: 37

As the last soldier jumped on board, the pilot abruptly threw machine to the side and up, avoiding spells flying from the ground. The boat's shield hummed under the occasional hits, but it didn't sink much.

“"Bullfinch" to center, civilians aboard, we're leaving

Very well. How many were saved?

All the fifteen ponies that were there. But all of them, except one... You'd better see for yourself, Your Highness, and I'll send you the video. I don't have words to describe it.

We'll arrange for the healers and arrive at spaceport ourselves. Hurry up, "Bullfinch"”

The pilot turned on the speakerphone and relayed that the boat was beginning to accelerate and enter suborbit, final destination is Canterlot. After that, pilot glanced briefly at the tactical screen as he put the boat on its trajectory. Two attack boats moving toward the camp, already well astern. And in front of them appeared one after another markers of missiles and rapid flashes of plasma bunches.

The bill for Dandeline Fields was almost paid.

01.11.20... from the Accession of the Sisters.

Time 03: 41

Corporal Vetrov closed his eyes. The hostages were released, the captives were taken, and no one of his people was killed. The operation was successful.

The condition of the pony, however, was disconcerting. Only one mare left... A mare. As many as fourteen had taken on the appearance of strange human-pony hybrids. Head, tail, and hooves on the legs be "ponysh", with the rest of the human body.

The sight of which, took breath away, even a soldier’s, who had seen something in his life.

How anyone can even hursh and torturing such sweethearts, and even more, drag them on a combat campaign? It was completely incomprehensible for Corporal.

An attempt to this question one of the captured “deertaurs” about this led only to a torrent of curses and threats from him. After that, deer received a hit in the gut from the nearest infantryman and a few rounds of duct tape from the ship's supplies on his muzzle.
"Ha, "King Dainn." And we'll get him too, don't worry. In the meantime, sit and think about your behavior.”

Plasma gunner sat back in his seat and strapped himself in.

The mares watched this closely, almost spellbound. Someone almost with horror, someone with interest, someone calmly, like seemed, paying more attention to the interior of the boat.

Corporal really wanted to smoke. Vetrov wouldn't dare go near fillies, knowing how sensitive they are to tobacco smoke. But his hands pulled the crumpled pack out of his frame pocket and put a cigarette between his teeth. Okay, let it hang, at least comfort him with the smell, he decide.

From the nirvana of tobacco aroma, he was brought back by the soft voice of one of the altered mare.
"Oh... can I have a cigarette? Please, mis... hmm,”
"Oh, you welcome, take it. But, if your friends do not smoke, please wait until landing,”
""Friends?" Such as I am "black", is not a friend for a good red collared. So i let them poison themselves with me,”

Catching the reproachful gaze of the real unicorn, the changed mare sighed.
"Oh... I'm sorry, little one. I'll wait until we arrive,”
"Would it really help you calm down?”
"Yes. A little, but still,”
"Then I think I can be patient, “

The altered one smiled thsankfully to pony and pressed the lighter button. She shushed her when its misfired and finally lit a cigarette. She inhaled with pleasure under the half-frightened, half-judgmental glances of the other unfortunate mares. She coughed and exhaled a puff of smoke.
"The first cigarette for how long? I don't remember. Thank you, uh ... ahem... Thanks,”
"Danil or better, comrade Corporal. What does red and black mean?”
"Velvet Cantata. Look at our collars and you'll understand,”

The soldier glanced sideways at the Cantata sitting next to him. On the chiseled neck sat a wide "collar" of black color. The same bracelets are on her wrists and ankles. Thick, with snaps and lugs for obvious purposes. And the slight scuffs of the fur and skin under them suggested that the mare wears this for a long time. For a very long time.
"They're scum, these deer. What have they done to you at all?”
"Caribou. But I agree completely...”

Velvet was silent for a long time. The cigarette was half burned in her fingers, but the mare ignored it. Her face contorted in anger, her ears flattened, and the first moisture glistened in her eyes.

The altered one, sitting across from her, shivered and whispered.
"Don't, do it, Velvet. Don't, do it, you'll be punished,”

The second deer, who had been silent until then, gave an unpleasant grin.
"You're getting bolder, mare... Are you sure there's a reason?”
Plasma gunner barked.
"There's still plenty of ducttape. Dont open your mouth on her,”

Finally, Cantata chuckled.
"I'm sure, Hurrin...”

When the filly called his name, the caribou froze. He flexed his jaw, but didn't say anything, remembering about the angry plasma gunner and the ducttape.

And the Cantata continued.
"Do you really want to know, soldier? Do you want me to tell you how all the equas used as slaves for years? How was I personally raped all day long? By the crowd!? Do you want me to tell you in detail!?”

If the look could kill, Danil would not have been saved by his "Granite" or even a plate of starship armor, so much rage was in the Velvet’s eyes. But the lieutenant of the Night Guard came to the rescue of the hapless infantryman.
"Fillady Velvet, Corporal Vetrov meant why do you have a body structure similar to his and not mine,”

Changed glared at the saberhorn, but relaxed a little as she took another deep drag. She wiped her eyes.
"Why? I was born like this... Just like any other equa,”
"Princess Luna will be waiting for us when we arrive. You should have told her about it,”
Cantata sighed and looked for a place to put the steer.
"And the princess is free... A wonderful world... Blessed One,”

Vetrov carefully handed the coffee filly a half-empty sigaret pack. Cantata looked at him intently, but accepted gift. The corners of the filly's lips twitched slightly.
"Am I that scary, Danil?”
"Scary, Velvet. Until uhm... A very,”
Across from Vetrov, saber-horn snorted.
"And you're not afraid to jump off in the middle of a hundred snouts in the middle of the night, are you?”
"Don't care at all! The brothers are nearby, we have razer guns, we have hardsuits, we will break through it! And what should I do now!?”

Vetrov shrugged his shoulders as far as the seat belts would allow. As Cantata lit another cigarette, a small but noticeable smile touched her lips.

The pilot announced that there were five minutes left before landing. And he asks passengers to finish off their cigarettes and not to unfasten their seat belts.