• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 891 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

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Chapter 4: double date wait tripple?

Chapter 4

You woke up Saturday morning since your phone won't stop ringing so you pick it up to see who keeps calling you and when you saw who keeps calling you, you got shocked and answers it immediately.

You gulped as you felt a chill down your spine" hey... Rainbow... Umm sorry, I just woke up... Are you mad?" You asked you heard her took a deep breath, and it looks like she might be mad.

Rainbow sighs " A little... Do you know how long I've been calling you..." said Rainbow Dash, you looked at your alarm clock and it's not even 8 am yet, since you always wake up at 8 am every Saturday and Sunday.

You got off from the bed and walked towards the bathroom to brush your teeth" So why did you call anyways did something come up?" You asked, then you heard something on the phone that is like Rainbow punched something.

Rainbow took a deep breath" Rush do you know what day it is?" Said Rainbow with a clear grumpy voice.

You gulped and you rushed towards your calendar to see what day it is and at that point, you remembered that you and Rainbow have a date today" Hehe of course I know what day it is we have a date today" You said nervously.

You know you can't see her right now but you have a feeling that she's making a disappointed face "sorry... I completely forgot and overslept" You said.

You heard her sigh "Just hurry up... I'm looking forward to this Ya know" said Rainbow then she hangs up, you put the phone down and rushed getting ready that you forgot to at least eat something before you go.

And when you got outside you immediately tried to remember where the meet-up is, you think really hard then it got you, you two were supposed to meet up in front of the sugar cube corner. You immediately took the first bus into the city while you're on the bus you can't stop thinking about what she is doing right now since you promised her something then forgot about it the worst thing is you can't remember when you did make her a promise but you ignored it since it's more important that you get there immediately.

And when you got there you saw her just standing there waiting for you she even has tears in her eyes you approached and holds her hands" Sorry Rainbow I don't know why I forgot but I promise it won't happen again" you said.

Rainbow hugged you "It's okay since your here... So do you have any plans?" Rainbow asked.

You gave her a soft smile "Well let's do things that you want to do with me" You said.

She blushed deeply "Umm... Well... let's see umm how about we go... Umm... Oh I know I heard that there are a few new attractions at the community park we should go there" said Rainbow.

And when you got there your stomach suddenly growls, Rainbow looked at you and smiled then she reached out on her handbag and gave you a lunchbox.

Rainbow smiled" I made it for you... I hope that you like it" said Rainbow, you felt a little unease since you know how bad she cooks the last she cooked the kitchen almost got caught in fire, but you got surprised when you opened the lunchbox... You drooled since it's smelled good as it looks. But the big question, is it as good as you think right now, you took a bite and you got surprised it tasted really good.

You looked at Rainbow "Rainbow this is incredible I never knew that you improved this well so much" You said.

Rainbow Dash pout "What is that supposed to mean" said Rainbow, then you heard that her stomach also growled.

You smiled and took a spoon full and you made her take a bite "Whoah it does really taste good" said Rainbow, look's like she also surprised herself, you looked at each other and just laughed.

Then a couple minutes while you were taking a walk you saw Twilight and HeartyFan standing on a line of churros, you approach them then they immediately noticed you two.

Twilight and Rainbow hugged each other "Hey you two so are you guys also here for the new rides?" Twilight asked

Rainbow giggled "Yes we also do... Well since we have the same plan why not make it a double date" said Rainbow, you smiled and agreed to her decision since she looks very excited about her suggestion.

After HeartyFan and Twilight bought some churros they meet up with by the bakery booth "Hey so which ride are we gonna go first?" asked HeartyFan, Twilight smirked and looked at you then she looked at Rainbow.

Twilight giggled "How about we go to the new attraction called cliff jump" said Twilight, cliff jump why does that sound so extreme you think that it might be not what you think it is since there's no any cliff nearby.

But when you got there it looks like your hunch was right it is extreme and a bit overkill, you noticed that Rainbow immediately started shaking but Twilight looks very excited Hearty , in the second-hand looks like that he's just gonna go for it. While you four are waiting in line you heard a familiar voice when all of looked up you saw Sunset and Zack ready to jump.

Sunset looks very excited but Zack looks like he doesn't even care that the only thing that's gonna keep him alive is a rope and long garter. And when they jumped they were straight falling down for a while then started bouncing around and nevermind Zack looks like his gonna be sick really sick.

And when they went down Zack just started puking in the side, and Sunset is patting her in the back "geez Zack back in Equestria you can fly without getting sick" said Sunset.

Zack looked at her with a neutral face "Thats different flying and falling is fine but bouncing around in mid-air is not one of them *puke*" said Zack, you guys approach them.

Hearty chuckled "Hey Zack are you okay?" asked HeartyFan.

Zack smiled "A little despite puking breakfast this morning" said Zack, is it really that bad you think that you just had more reason not to go riding that thing.

Sunset hugged Twilight and Rainbow "So are you two also gonna jump off this thing?" asked Sunset, Rainbow nervously nodded yes and Twilight just said yes excitingly.

And when it's time You and HeartyFan took a deep breath and smiled since looks like this too is gonna go first together "YEAH... Let's go jump Rainbow" said Twilight.

Rainbow giggled nervously "yeeeeahh hooray..." Said Rainbow while sweating and shaking.

HeartyFan pat you in the back "You know I have a feeling that Rainbow actually might like this ride" said HeartyFan, it looks like that he noticed that your more nervous than Rainbow Dash right now.

You sigh "Well I don't wanna jinx it but I hope that rope doesn't break" you said.

Zack also pat you in the back "don't worry you will jump with them" said Zack, Then you two noticed that you already wearing the protective gear and since when did you wear this, then he just suddenly pushed you two.

"ZAAAAACK IM GONNA KILL YOU" you shouted, then you looked at Rainbow, HeartyFan and Twilight looks like there having fun despite falling and bouncing around in mid air.

And after you got down from the harness Rainbow pat you in the back "It's okay not everyone can handle it" asid Rainbow, while smirking.

You sigh "Says the one who's leg's won't stop shaking" you said, then she began to blush and covers her face.

Sunset can't help it but to laugh "Oh my God... *laughs* Rainbow your feminine side really is starting to come out" said Sunset.

Twilight giggles "Gee Rush what did you do to her" said Twilight in a joking way.

HeartyFan approached you and help you to get up on you feet "Careful now okay... Don't force it" saidd HeartyFan, then you looked at Zack.

"Zack did you use your magic to put those harnesses on our body" you said.

Zack looks confused "No I didn't you put them your self both of you" said Zack, that's weird since you don't remember putting it on or maybe your head was just on the clouds or... His just stalling you.

As the day goes on your date with Rainbow turns into a triple date but you had fun, all of you stayed at the theme park till night time since there's so much to see new that surely you'll go again tommorow to finally try them all with Rainbow and your friends.

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took so long to update the story it's just taken me quite some time to figure out and find inspiration for the next few chapters.

And I hope that you enjoyed this story. Sorry for my grammar in advance.