• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 891 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 20: Hearty Fan

As the wind breeze into the depths of the cave in the valley of the damn, Hearty Fan still trapped on one of Chrysalis cocoon's. Hanging from the ceiling, but despite all that, he was still able to have a happy dream.

(1 year after Zack and Hearty Fan met)

Hearty Fan woke up, from the sound of his alarm clock as he slowly get up he saw Zack, sitting by his window. Hearty Fan Got shocked "Gahh... Yuzu... What are you doing here?" Hearty Fan asked.

Zack giggled as he went down from window "I've been waiting for you to wake up" said Zack.

Hearty Fan took a deep breath "Let me guess... You still have no place to go after you got kicked out from your apartment" said Hearty Fan.

Zack nervously laughed "Well... And who's fault that again..." Said Zack as he smirked.

Hearty Fan sigh "Fine... Fine you can stay here at my place but only till you can find somewhere to live in" said Hearty Fan, Zack smiled, that made Hearty also smiled.

Hearty told Zack to wait downstairs, so that Hearty can clean houself up. When he went downstairs he was surprised "Mornin... Hearty your girlfriend here made us breakfast how sweet is that... Um also who let her in?" Said Electric Fan.

Origami Fan giggled, her wife "I let her in dear" said Origami Fan, Hearty Fan face palmed, when he looked at Zack he was trying to hold his laughter.

Hearty Fan continued to walk into the kitchen and sat down with his parents and Zack "I hope you enjoy dear..." Said Zack, as he evily smiled.

Hearty Fan sigh once more out of embarrassment "Yuzu... Pls stop this" said Hearty.

Zack laughed "I'm so sorry... *laughes* I couldn't help my self... Umm Hearty Fan's parents my name is Yuzuru Zackodia... And I'm his bestfriend *ahem* and I'm also a guy" said Zack.

Origami and Electric was shocked "You're a guy?" Said both of them, then they look at each other " Is our son gay?" Whispered Origami.

Electric gulped "Dear... We both know his not... But I could totally see why he might be" said Electric.

Hearty Fan got so embarrassed that he shouted "MOM, DAD IM NOT LIKE THAT" said Hearty Fan, Zack sat down next to him.

Zack was smirking "Sorry... I may have gone a little bit over board" said Zack.

Hearty Fan sigh "Ya think" said Hearty Fan.

Zack smiled "Anyways... Is the food good?" Asked Zack.

Hearty Fan took a bite "Yeah... It's pretty good actually what's in it?" Hearty Fan asked.

Zack touch his chins "It's just a normal salad... With some equestrian spices... I just gave your mother loads of them" said Zack.

Hearty Fan's eyes widen "You what?... What are those spices?" Hearty Fan asked.

Zack just put loads of salad in his mouth "Pls at least tell me it's safe for us to consume" you whispered, Zack just simply nodded yes that gave Hearty Fan a sigh of relief.

After they had breakfast Hearty Fan went to his father's shop along with Zack "Okay where here... But don't touch anything" said Hearty Fan, When he turned around he saw Zack putting together a watch that his father trying to fix "And done... Hmm its a little pretty" said Zack.

Hearty Fan looked at the watch "Woah... You fixed it, my father would be happy that he has already something he can check out as done. Say wanna help out in the shop for the meantime" said Hearty Fan.

Zack gave Hearty a big smile "Okie dokie..." Said Zack, a couple hours later while Hearty Fan was working he noticed that the watch's arrow started spinning really fast and stopped at north, when he tried to turn it around, the arrow keeps pointing to north as if it's acting like compass. When he walk forward a little bit the gem in the arrow glow slightly.

Since he got curious he decided to go where the arrow was pointing "Zack I'm just gonna go and by some supplies" said Hearty Fan, Zack shouted okay.

As he was walking towards the north side of the town he noticed that it's like taking him to the forest "Huh... Maybe I should tell Zack about this... But hmm... Nope Im already this far... no going back" said Hearty Fan.

When Hearty was finally in the forest the glowing gem took him to a lake "Is there supposed to be something here" said Hearty Fan, he walked around the lake to see if he can spot something but no luck. When he looked at the watch again looks like it's pointing on another direction, so he decided to follow it once more.

As Hearty got closer to another lake the gem's glow started to faint, the moment his feet touch the water he suddenly felt an immense aura surrounding him "Why... Does this feel so familiar" the moment he said words something drag him down into depths of the lake.

At that moment he came face to face with a serpent like dragon, a Bakunawa mesmarized by the goargous look of the creature that he forgot that he was underwater he felt like his body is light as a feather, Hearty was hypnotized by the creature and he was dinner. But just before the creature got bite out of him another Bakunawa saved him and dragged him into the shore "What an idiot... You could have died" said the creature.

When they thought they were safe the other Bakunawa resurfaced "What do you think... Your doing Valentina" said the creature, when the creature looked at Hearty he saw the gem that is in the watch.

The creature grined "I see... So you came here to make a contract with the lowest class... Poor choice my boy" said the creature.

Hearty Fan gulped as fear went down his spine "What the heck is going on here" said Hearty Fan.

Valentina looked at him as magical force field began to form around them "Just stay calm and listen to me... Do you accept this contract" said Valentina.

Hearty Fan looks confused "What... What are you talking about... What contract?" Said Hearty Fan.

Valentina grabbed Hearty Fan by the collar "Dont play around... If you really don't know fine ill tell you... If you followed my gem or any gem of a Bakunawa that means you are willing to take the risk of this contract... If you aret i will be by your side until the day you die or at least at the very moment where I have to sacrifice my self for you and if you decline I will have to eat a part of you or you will give me your most precious memories" said Velentina.

Hearty Fan thinked carefully "If I accept now what will happen?" Asked Hearty Fan.

The other Bakunawa laughed "why did you leave the most important detail... Listen to me human we are basically gods... If we form a bond with human our soul will be one if she dies you will die too" said the Bakunawa, he laughed as he tried to blast both of you.

But when both of you was just about you get him something deflected it "Well... This is surprising.."said Zack.

Hearty Felt a relief to see Zack " HEY!!... Do you accept or not" said Valentina.

Hearty gulped "Yes... I accept" said Hearty, Valentina started to glow and transformed into a human being, Hearty Fan got shocked when she saw Valentina, she's like a goddess.

Zack rushed to Hearty Fan "Well you have a new friend... Looks like I accidentally switch the watches arrow with the other one in my pocket" said Zack.

Hearty Fan pulled Zack's ears "Did you did that on purpose" said Hearty Fan.

Zack sigh as he smiled "You just made a contract with a Bakunawa... It's something I never expected your gonna be cable of summoning her at will... I'm surprised you didn't explode your soul must be strong, I'm actually supposed to gift you the arrow piece but I guess fate just gave it to you" said Zack.

Hearty Fan stood up "First a magical pony that came from another world now a Bakunawa" said Hearty Fan.

Zack also stood up "Hey it's not like it's gonna get worse" said Zack, but the moment he said that, the two Bakunawa started fighting each other.

Zack giggled nervously, but it looks like the fight is not gonna last long, the other Bakunawa retreated at Valentina's second attack "COWARD" shouted Valentina.

Valentina flew down in front of Zack and Hearty Fan "Hearty Fan... That's your name right, My name is Tia Valentina a class F dragon, elementary lvl but don't underestimate me I could still put up a fight" said Valentina.

Hearty Fan looked at Zack "Why did she call me master?" Asked Hearty Fan.

Zack sigh "Basically she is now your umm... How should I put this... Body guard but with a catch if she dies you die" said Zack.

Valentina kneeld "I swore to you... I will protect you and serve you and my loyalty to you will be unbreakable, I will be your humble servant for the rest of your life" said Valentina.

Hearty being overwhelmed by the situation couldn't say anything "Master?..." Said Valentina worryingly.

Zack pat Valentina in the shoulder "Dont worry his fine... His just taking it all in" said Zack.

Valentina eye's widen "Your Zackodia... Yuzuru Zackodia" said Valentina.

Zack stepped aways a little bit "Okay... How did you know my name... Oh right Your a God... Of some sort" said Zack.

Hearty Fan pat Valentina in the head "Tia... Let's get along shall we?" Said Hearty Fan, with a warm welcoming smile and tone, that melted Valentina's heart she smiled with a little tear on her eye.

A few days have passed, Valentina is living with Hearty Fan along with his family, and as for Zack he found a new place to live in the City of Equestria.

(Back to the cave in the valley of the damn) Hearty Fan was still trapped in the cocoon, and luckily Valentina was finally able to find him since even though there soul is one if there's tracking each other is still going to be hard "Hearty!" Said Valentina, worryingly as she set him free.

Tears have fallen out of Valentina's eyes as she hold Hearty cheeks "Pls... Pls wake up" said Valentina.

Valentina burst into crying thinking that she might be to late, Hearty Fan woke and touched Valentinas cheek "You still worry too much huh" said Hearty Fan, with a kidding tone.

Valentina was surprised, she hugged him as she smiles "Thank goodness... Your okay..." Said Valentina.

Hearty Fan tried to stand up and Valentina helped him "Pls careful" said Valentina.

Hearty Fan smiled "Dont worry I'm fine... Just a little dizzy... How's the others?" Asked Hearty Fan.

Valentina smiled "There okay...as a matter of fact they are looking for you at this very moment Chrysalis wasn't able to fool them for long.

Hearty Fan let out a sigh of relief " Thats good to hear... We should head back and look for them don't really wanna keep them looking for me" said Hearty Fan.

Valentina giggled "Yeah... Of course we can't really hide it forever that I'm a Bakunwa sooner or later they will find out anyway" said Valentina.

Little did both of them Know that Twilight and Rush was standing right behind them, shocked and confused as to why the Bakunawa just transformed into Lazuline and rescued Hearty Fan.

Twilight dropped her Flashlight "Hearty..." Said Twilight, worryingly.

Author's Note:

This chapter is bit different but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

And I'm sorry for grammar and miss spellings in advance.