• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 891 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

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Chapter 9: Just Friends?

As You and Rainbow tried every single dish that every booth can offer, you almost felt like everything was back to normal, even though you know that your not the one who is in her heart but at least you can make her happy at the mean time.

As you were trying to catch with Rainbow you noticed that she's like trying to hide her true self, trying to hide every skin that is closed to her private places "Hey Rainbow... Can we take a break for a minute" you said.

Rainbow rushed towards you as you sat down on a nearby bench " Tired already!?" Said Rainbow, like almost seems like she's holding back her tone.

You sigh "You know since it's just the two of us and Saorin is not here... You can pretty much go all out" you said.

Rainbow looks confused "Ummm what do you mean?" Rainbow asked.

You looked at Rainbow eyes "What I'm trying to say is you don't have to hold back for who you are... You can just show how energetic you are and just show who truly you are... Ya know" you said.

She blushed a little "Oh... You noticed that huh... *Sigh* I guess I've been listening to him to much... To be honest with you my friends actually told me that his being a bad influence they say that his holding back who truly I am... And your right I shouldn't hold back who I am, but it will make him angry and i love him so..." Said Rainbow.

But just before she got to finish you interrupted her "So your gonna let him stop you from being the most awesome person... Do you remember that song that you wrote... *Ahem* I'm awesome, take caution, watch out for me Im awesome as I wanna be... So be like that be awesome as you want to be" you said.

The moment you looked into her eyes, it almost like there was a spark between you and Rainbow "Pfft... Yeah... Umm I think it's only more awesome if I'm the one who's singing it... Okay Emerald Rush i guess I can be who truly I am no one can tell what to do with my self... I can be awesome as I wanna be... So let's have some fun" Said Rainbow, she stood up and ran to a distant.

You looked at her as she ran a little bit further and turned around and point a finger on you "SO WHAT DO YOU SAY!... LETS DO THIS" said Rainbow, it's all over her face she's excited to go all out, almost like she's been holding her true self for very long time.

You ran towards her and the moment you got in front of her she held your hand "Thank you... Maybe Saorin can't give me the perfect anniversary at least you gave me the best and awesome day... So what do you say... Friends?" Said Rainbow.

It pains you to see her that she already sees you as friend but right now it's what she need and there really nothing you can do about it right now "Yeah... Friends" you said, as you said those words you gave her a big smile.

You both ran into the festival once more and had fun, and even played games together, since there was so much to do you both took a break from time to time since the festival last till 8:00 pm "we had 10 tokiyaki, 5 hotdogs, 20 sushi, 10 squids, two whole bento from this Japanese booths and now you want to try the full blown American cuisine *Burp* excuse me" you said, as you hold your stomach cause your so full, not to mention Rainbow is obviously drunk.

Rainbow looked down on you "Aww your chickening out already... *Burp* i guess you could just admit your defeat" said Rainbow, this woman won't really back down on any challenge especially on her own challenge.

You smiled "Heh... I can still eat let's go" you said, and at this point you know if you eat anyore, you'll puke.

You noticed Rainbow sat down on a bench, so you sat down next to her " You okay?" You asked.

She leaned her head on your shoulder "Yeah... I'm fine... I guess I'm full... Really full" said Rainbow, followed by a giggle.

When you looked at the time you saw that it's already 7:30 pm and you know that around those time, the train won't be coming this far till 5:30 am. You sigh "Oh... Seriously... Well looks like where stuck here for the night *Sigh*" you said.

Rainbow giggled "Good... *hiccup* that means I don't have to go back for the night his just gonna scold me... We live together you know" said Rainbow.

Hearing that makes you jealous and angry "Oh... Huh... I guess that fine" you said.

Rainbow pinched your cheek "Dont think anything stupid... We don't sleep together... He sleep on couch" said Rainbow.

Hearing that gives you a lot of reason to be relieved "I'm not... Well where are we gonna stay for the night?" You asked.

Rainbow point at the center of the town "See that building over there... That's also a hotel... I did my research befo- *Yawn* before we went here" said Rainbow.

You smack your head a little "I completely forgot about that" You said.

Then a couple more minutes later you didn't noticed that Rainbow fell asleep while leaning down on your shoulder "RD?... *Sigh*" you said, then you slowly stood up, and carried her on your back, and walked as fast as you can to the hotel.

When you finally reach the building you asked the receptionist for a room "Umm can I get a room... For my friend here" you said.

The receptionist gave you a big smile "Ouu hello... I'm Petunia Petals... Room for two *Laugh* just kidding there's only one room makes it easier to find" said Petunia Petals.

Even though you have questions you just followed her "This is it, the royal sweet" said Petunia Petals.

You looked at the room and there were three beds and it looks like there's also a pop out bed "Thank you! We'll be okay on our own now" you said, then Petunia just casually leaves after saying good night.

You lay down Rainbow on a bed, then you turned off the lights, after that you put some blanket over her "Good night Rainbow" you said, then you lay down on a bed that is just right by the window.

As you tried to sleep you can't help it but to think that you two are I the same room but not on the same bed since you always sleep together everytime the both of you got the chance, of course you asko do other things, you play games, even order some late night pizza's and other stuff.

You sit up on your bed and looked at your phone to at least tire you out, but also to give time for your stomach to digest all that food that you two just ate. While you were serfing on your phone you heard Rainbow crying in her sleep. So you went to her immediately to calm her down.

You scrub her hair gently "Hey... Hey shh it's alright... I'm here... I'm here" you said, Rainbow held your hand, and put it against her lips.

As your about to leave since she seems like she calmed down you heard her call out your name "Rush... Don- don't leave me" said Rainbow.

After hearing that you just sat down on the floor and waited for her to completely fall asleep, but as the time pass by you didn't noticed that you too also fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading and sorry for my error and my grammar:twilightsheepish: