• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 891 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 16: A Possible Strand of Future Part 1

While you were sleeping a loud of gasp of wind and then suddenly woke you up, when you opened your eyes you saw that your ceiling has big whole on it that you can see the sky. And when you get up you got shocked, your house is like got split in half you can see the kitchen from down stairs "MOM... DAD!?" You shouted, but no one answered.

When you decided to go downstairs, you saw that the stairs are also broken and full splinters "This is a dream, Hehe... A creepy weird dream" you said. You went back to your room once more and changed clothes since it's just right beside your bed and luckily it didn't fell down.

Since you had no choice but jump, you aimed at the bushes so you won't hurts your self that much "Eyup... There making it less painfully in the movies... Ouch" you said.

You went to Zack house but when you entered the house you can clearly see that there's been some kind of fight here "Zack... Hello... Are you in here" you said, when you entered the kitchen you some dried fluids that you can only assume that it is what you think it is "*Gulp* Hello... If this is some kind of prank this isn't it funny" you said.

You sat on a couch as you tried your best to get out of this dream, but deep down you have doubt that this might be not a dream... But how could all of this happened with out you waking up "This isnt it making any sense...." you said.

You tried contacting Rainbow but she won't answer, you tried one more time but again no one answered "Damn it" you said.

You decided to go, to Canterlot high in the middle of the night as you get closer you noticed that there is a wall around the building and the wall is full of barbed wires "What the hell... Okay... Okay... This isn't happening nope I'm not going in there" you said, the moment you turned around someone knocked you out.

As you were waking up you hear to people talking and their voices were familiar as you looked at them you recognized them it's a big blurry but you can recognized them.

Twilight slammed something in the table "I told you Rainbow Dash his not a changeling" said Twilight.

Rainbow punch a whole in the whole "Rush is dead... We buried him... you know that, so the only explanation that detector of yours is broken and this thing is just a scum changeling" said Rainbow, then she approached you and grabbed you by the neck and lift you up.

When you look at her you saw that she's crying her eyes is full of sadness, pain, stress and anger "Pls... Pls stop using his image... or else I'm literally going to kill you" said Rainbow.

When she lowered you down a little bit you grabbed her cheek and looked at her in the eyes "ahhh... I see, I'm still at that darn cave am I... Im sorrh if your hurt and im sorry if you felt alone I wish I have some answers on what's going on, Do you Remember on when the both of us went to camp apploosa your so clumsy that you had a scar on your right hip" you said, she let go of you and then you dropped on the floor.

When you at Rainbow she looked shocked & confused"How could you know that... Rush promised me not to tell that to anyone you... How could it be that you could be possibly him..." Then she just left the room as she was leaving you noticed that she has a metal arm.

Twilight rushed towards you and helped you to get up "Look I'm.. I'm sorry but I promised you I don't know what's going on" you said.

Twilight smiled "I know... I believe you... And also believe but I think this is what Zack is talking about before... *gulped* nevermind you don't have to know" said Twilight, then she looked a away.

You grabbed her cheeks and make her looked at you "Twilight... Before what? Pls tell me" you said.

Twilight sigh "Before he got caught in the explosion he was able to toss Sunset into a river but don't worry you can prevent this from happening" said Twilight, then you noticed that you started glowing.

You looked at Twilight "What's going on... What's happening?" You said.

Twilight smiled "Find him... And stopped him" said Twilight.

You got confused and scared "Who... Who do I have to stop?" You said, but just before she can speak everything went white then suddenly you felt that you fell. When you opened your eyes your back on you bed and this time looks like everything is okay... For now.

You went down stairs and you saw your parents just hanging out in the living room you told them that your just going out to see Zack. The moment you arrived at Zack door stepped the door suddenly opened "Rush... What are you doing here do you need something?" Said Zack, but you just hugged him.

Zack hugged back almost seems like he felt what your feeling "Okay buddy tell me what going on" said Zack, as he pulled out then he stepped a side and opened his door wide open.

When you two sat on the couch you explained everything to him every single detail that you can remember "Zack you have to believe me" You said.

Zack touch his chin "I believe you... So I died huh... You also died *sigh* to be honest with you I'm extremely clueless right now... You traveling to the future is just random so to say... But I do have a plan right now and it's pretty much including you traveling to the future again but this time by force and not random" said Zack.

He stood up and started mumbling some kind of language as he stretched his arms forward. Then all of sudden a portal appeared in the middle of the living room "Go in now... I can only hold this for a minute and don't worry... Here take this card the moment you entered this portal the hour glass picture will start moving overall you only have two days to stay their and get us much information as you can get... Now go" said Zack, you nodded and jumped in.

Your ears are ringing and your vision is blurry but good thing it faded fast, when you looked around you noticed that you inside the gymnasium, of canter lot high.

As you were walking towards the exit you noticed that someone is right behind you, when you turned around, you saw Rainbow Dash looking at you with teary eyes and it looks like a mix of joy and sadness, she rushed towards you and hugged you.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it had some dark elements but I did put it up their.

I'm also sorry if it git confusing to you but I will get into the explanation in the next chapter and I'm sorry for my grammar and miss spelling in advance ^^