• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 887 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

  • ...

Chapter 15: It was never Goodbye

It's been a few day's since you, Rainbow, and the dazzling's got back from your little trip and now your back to your usual routine every morning waking up and getting ready for school "Mom... Have you seen my resume" you said.

Then your mom smacked you in the head "Geez how irresponsible are you... Losing a resume *sigh* it's on top of the fridge" said your mom, then she just continued to vacuuming the floor.

You just laugh nervously as you scratch your head "I won't lose it again" you said.

Your mom sigh "Dont forget things that important okay and go to school already your gonna be late you only have 30 min before the bell rings" said your mom, you looked at the time and got shocked.

"Oh shi*" you said, then you ran out of the house as fast as you can.

While you were running towards the bus stop you saw Zack hopping on to the bus, then you shouted "WAIT" Zack said something to the bus driver that may have cause for them to wait.

Zack smirked "We'll someone is just about to get left behind" said Zack.

You put your hand on Zack shoulder as you catch your breath "Yeah... Yeah, thanks for making the bus driver wait" you said.

Zack sigh "Welcome... I guess anyways hop on before we all get late" said Zack, you hop on the bust and as usual you both sat all the way in the back of the bus.

Then you remembered a few days ago that flash was such in hurry to look for Zack "Hey... Zack why was Flash... You know looking for you a few days ago?" You asked.

Zack raised an eyebrow as he looked at you "For now it's none of your business sorry... It's a bit complicated ill tell you when I fix it" said Zack.

You scratch your head "Huh... Well that is something to be really curious about" you said.

Then Zack smiled softly "Dont worry it's really no big deal... But I really have to keep it private" said Zack.

You just nod and sigh, then a couple minutes later you and Zack arrived at school just in time before the bell rings "You go ahead I have to go to the garden, wallflower needs me to help her trimming the bushes" said Zack, as he pat you in the back.

"Okay cya later then" you said, then you just went to your classroom and sat next to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow smirked at you "Well your almost late" said Rainbow.

You sigh "Yeah Yeah... Whats with the smirk" you said, then Rainbow just giggled and held your hand.

The day was very normal that you began to get suspicious about the day, "Why do I feel like someones gonna pop out and just drag me" you said, then all of sudden someone pat you in the back.

When you turned around you saw Lazuline giving you a sweet and soft smile "Umm... What with you?..." You said.

"Hmm... What can't I smile at you" said Lazuline, while pouting.

You laughed nervously "No it's not that we'll it's just I'm still not used to seeing this side of you" you said.

Lazuline somehow laughed elegantly "Anyways... Do you have a moment, I have something to tell you come with me" said Lazuline, you didn't ask why and where you two would go but you just followed her.

After walking for a while looks like she brought you to the place where the both of you first met "Do you remember... When I just pushed you on that swing and laughed at you" said Lazuline.

You laughed a little "Yeah... I cried a lot" you said.

Lazuline sigh and smiled "The reason why I did that cause I can't stand you... For a reason, and when we reached junior high you know first year and second year, I realized more why I can't stand you, cause I've been ignoring a certain feeling" said Lazuline.

You gulped out of nervous since you have feeling where this is going "When I heard that you left... To go study at canter lot high... For some reason it breaks me to hear that you were gone" said Lazuline, you noticed that tears are falling out of eyes.

You scrub Lazuline's back "Lazuline... I-" but just before, you get to say on what your going to say Lazuline interrupt you.

Lazuline looked at you, you can tell that just by looking on her eyes she knows what your already going to say "I know... I know you loved her... I tried to forget what I'm feeling about you, i tried letting you go but I just can't, and here I am stupid me followed you in this stupid city hoping that you two might have already broken up or something. I'm sorry... I know that you two loved each other deeply, maybe if I just realized it sooner when you were still the same high school as I then maybe we could have ended together. But it's stupid to think about it now, I'm going to leave for a family business trip and go to a different hight school... Maybe if I just stay a way from you and focus on work and studying i could forget about this feeling and move on" said Lazuline.

You just looked at the floor and couldn't say anything, then all of sudden Lazuline hugged you "You've always been so nice to me... I will never forget that, do you think we could be friendds again when I get back" said Lazuline.

You smiled "Ofcourse... I'll be waiting for you all of us" you said, Lazuline smiled.

You both talk a bit more for a couple minutes before saying good bye "Well you won't be seeing me tomorrow feel free to tell our other friends about the business trip that I'm going too" said Lazuline.

You smiled softly "Yeah... I will" you said, as you both waved to each other.

As you were walking towards home two little girls bump into you since you didn't notice cause your head is filled with questions "I'm so sorry... Are you two ok?" You asked.

Looks like one of the girls has a bruise on her knee "Yeah I'm fine... Izzy is just helping walk towards home" said the girl.

Izzy help her friend to get up "No your not ok Sunny, you fell from the slide and now your limping" said Izzy.

You felt bad and offered them if perhaps you can help "Hey want me to help I can give you a piggy back ride back to your home" you said, yeah real smooth and not creepy at all, you said in your mind to yourself.

"Okay... I did noticed Izzy is getting tired of helping me walk" said Sunny.

Izzy smiled "Awwww... But it's nothing your my friend and we will always be best friend's Izzy promise" said Izzy, for some reason your getting a Pinkie Pie vibe on her.

Author's Note:

Hi I hope you liked this chapter

And sorry for my bad grammar and miss spellings in advance ^^