• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 890 Views, 90 Comments

(NEW TITLE: STOLEN WILL) Will You Ever Be Mine: Just Went Up to A New Stage (Re-write in progress) - zodia

You just stepped into a new stage in life with Rainbow Dash... You thought that you wont have to worry and deal with magical stuff but it turns out you're wrong.

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Chapter 1: A new Beginning


A brand new day, a new step in life, your high school days are over and it's time for you to tackle college, you and your friends decided to still go to Canterlot high that is now called Canterlot University since two new building has been placed one for college and one for elementary. All of you never thought that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are secretly planning to turn the School into a University, you and Rainbow decided that you will always go to school together so both of you agreed that you will meet at the SugarCube Corner as your meeting spot every morning.

As your walking towards the sugar cube corner you saw Rainbow sitting on one of the tables, having an ice cream... this early morning "Hi... your early" you said, with a soft smile.

When Rainbow looked at you she smiled blushed "Hey good morning... want to have some ice cream first since we still have an hour before the bell rings" said Rainbow, with a soft and calming voice that you never thought that she had it in her.

You agreed since maybe it's not so bad having an ice cream early in the morning despite that you just brushed your teeth earlier, and while you two are chatting a familiar face sat in front of you two, someone that is you're not pleased to see.

When you and Rainbow noticed her she immediately smirked "Hello old pal... it's been a while" said Agua Lazuline, followed by an intimidating look.

Rainbow pulled your sleeve gently "Do you know her?" asked Rainbow, with a worried face and tone of voice.

You looked at Rainbow and sigh, then you looked at Lazuline again "Rainbow this is Agua Lazuline a rich girl that has some screw loose" you said.

Agua giggled a little then she looked at Rainbow "Huh... so you're the girlfriend funny I never thought that a guy like will ever have such a cute lady" said Agua Lazuline, followed by another giggle then she just left like nothing happened.

You looked at Rainbow and she looks pissed "That girl... has a vibe that I don't like" said Rainbow, you pat Rainbow in the back nervously.

And after you finished your ice creams both of you went to Canterlot University since just 15 more minutes that class will start and lucky enough look's like you and your friends are at the same class as you and Rainbow. And after you both sitted your teacher arrived along with one new addition to the class.

You got shocked when you saw Hearty Fan entered the door and as he walked across the front of the class some of the girls are fangirling already despite seeing him for the first time.

Hearty Fan gave a soft smile to all of you "Hi my name is Hearty Fan and I am one of the founders of this new building, and I hope that I can count on all of you to take care of our beautiful new campus" said Hearty Fan, and for some reason that way he said it is so elegant. And after Hearty Fan introduced himself he sat beside Twilight and it looks like those has a thing going on, that class was going smoothly but you can't help but to notice that some girls are glaring at Twilight maybe it's because Hearty Fan sat right beside her.

And a couple of hours later all of you was just about to leave the classroom when your teacher suddenly stopped all of you and made you sit back on your sits "Okay so before you go to lunch I just wanna say that we have two new Students here at Canterlot University, well first was Hearty Fan you already met him this morning and his Classmate... and the second one is at Section A her name was Agua Lazuline and Im expecting all of you to give her a good impression" said the teacher.

Lazuline here could this day get any more surprising, and it looks like Rainbow has the same reaction, and after saying some more stuff your teacher dismissed all of you and gave your class a bit more time for lunch since he occupied a few minutes.

You sigh as your walking with your friends "I can't believe that woman chose this school" You said, Hearty Fan pat you in the back.

Hearty Fan looks curious about what happened "Is she someone to be worried about?" asked Hearty Fan.

You looked at Hearty Fan and nodded "Well she's one of the worst people I ever met... first she's a manipulator second a total faker... and third with her charm she can manipulate a whole campus and since I'm the only one who's not falling for her schemes she's always onto me, well at least when I was a first-year" you said.

Rainbow held your hand "Let's just hope that she won't bother us" said Rainbow.

Then all of you noticed Zack and it looks like he's thinking about something "Hey Zack... you look so serious" said Sunset, while tapping Zack in the back.

Zack sigh "It's nothing I just remembered who Lazuline is, her parents are one of the most richest people here at Equestria" said Zack.

Well, you knew that she was rich but you didn't know that she's one of the richest "Hey I never got to asked but just how rich are you?" you asked.

Zack sigh "Im third the Lazuline's are second and Filthy is first" said Zack, so he's the third richest person here at Equestria that explains a lot, and when you got to the cafeteria you saw Lazuline surrounded by men and women and looks like they are amazed by her beauty.

You facepalmed "There she is again... what is she planning now" you said, Rainbow pulled you on one of the tables and hinting you that you should just forget about her.

And after you get your food at the counter you went back to your table "It's kinda noisy here huh" said Hearty Fan, while munching on some pizza.

Twilight stretched her arms since she looks tired "Oh man... I really should stop staying up too late" said Twilight.

Fluttershy looked worried "What time did you sleep last night anyway?" asked Fluttershy

Twilight nervously laughed "Two am... L O L" said Twilight, followed by a nervously giggle.

Hearty sigh "Your working on that A.I are you?" said Hearty Fan, followed by a smile.

Zack smiled "Let's just hope that A.I doesn't start hunting someone named Shara Romer" said Zack.

Why does that sound familiar... for some reason and while all of you are having a chat Agua Lazuline just joined into your conversation without saying anything.

Rainbow gave Lazuline a sharp look "What are you doing here Lazuline" said Rainbow Dash.

Lazuline let out an intimidating giggle "Nothing just joining in the fun... like old time's isn't it Rush" said Lazuline.

Zack ahems "Lazuline isn't it... so what the deal with you" said Zack, while giving a soft glare to Lazuline, but she didn't answer and she just left again like nothing happened.

"She has a vibe I don't like" said Zack, then he just munches on his chips casually.

It looks like Lazuline will be a problem for your college life popping in every time she wanted to "That gal is something I tell you that just looked at those boy's over there they cant stop staring at her" said AppleJack.

Zack smiled "Not every guy looked at Flash... looks like he's still waiting for a certain Twilight to appear man he's really determined to wait until they Intertwined again" said Zack.

You heard his Story Flash sentry fall in love with the pony version of Twilight, and their path only meet at the time of crisis you felt really bad for him.

You looked at Zack "Hey Zack what will happen if I encounter my counterpart on pony world?" you asked.

Zack sigh looks like he knows what you up to "Nothing... the only thing that can cause a crisis is messing with timelines if you travel through dimension with the opposite nature and laws that can cause a fracture to that timeline and ours and it will slowly drift towards each other causing extinction on both worlds but the bright side is those worlds will merge and create new laws that will give new future and it will create another branch of timelines" said Zack.

You scratched your head "So are we the original or our dimension is just a branch that is connected to the original?" you asked.

Zack sigh "That's I cannot answer since I have no clue... but I do have a feeling that we are just a branch of it" said Zack.

"BORIIIIIING.... enough with the nerd stuff let's talk about something fun" said Rainbow, then she pulled out her phone.

She opened her phone and smiled and presented her screen to all of you "Just look at this there will be a talent show next week and the prices are awesome" said Rainbow.

AppleJack smiled and it looks like she's into it "I heard of it and it will surely help our acres" said AppleJack.

Pinkie Pie jumpout of excitement "If we win i will throw a big a party... well even we lose I'm still going throw a party for trying are best" said Pinkie Pie.

Zack borrowed Rainbows phone since looks like he has no idea about it "So it's a televised competition... are you serious?" said Zack, you forgot that he doesn't like to perform that match.

Sunset pat Zack in the back "It'll be fine plus it'll help all of us a lot" said Sunset.

Zack sigh and smiled "Welp i hope you dont chicken cause the completion will be held on the biggest stage on earth" said Zack.

Fluttershy got excited "Are you saying we will perform in the International stadium that is created on an artificial Island" said Fluttershy, and you know the reason why Fluttershy got all excited is because of the exotic animals that started appearing in the artificial island.

"Well we have a lot of time to practice since the completion will start 4 months from now the problem is the fee to enter the competition its expensive" you said.

Then all of you looked at Zack "*Sigh* fine... ill pay for the fee but to we will be going there by boat since its cheaper than a plane" said Zack.

Rainbow giggled "Despite you being rich you prefer cheap things" said Rainbow.

Zack smiled "Well i like to keep things simple but fun" said Zack.

And after the school hours are over You and Rainbow decided to go back in Sugar cube corner to have a little snack, and while you two are having some ice cream you noticed Flash entered the door and he almost looks get doesn't have anylife in his eyes.

"Man he really missis Princess Twilight huh?" said Rainbow.

"There's really nothing we can do about it... unless" you said, then you looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow sigh "I dont think a good idea even if they can co-exist" said Rainbow.

And while you two are talking Agua Lazuline appeared again "Lazuline do you mind" you said.

Lazuline giggled "Oh sorry to Bug you dont worry I'm not here too mess with you at least for now" said Lazuline then she just went out.

Rainbow Scratch her head "Wow *sigh* everywhere we go she always appeared" said Rainbow, then she just continue eating her ice cream. And a couple of minutes later you saw your entered the shop, and it looks like she has some groceries
so you and Rainbow approached her.

You hugged your mom "Hey mom... what are you doing here?" you asked.

Your mom smiled "Oh i was going to buy you some cake but it looks like you have already eaten" said by your mom.

"Hi Rushe's mom its been a while" said Rainbow.

"Hi dear you really should stop by our house from time to time... oh i know why dont you join us for dinner tonight" said by your mom.

You agreed to the idea but you have one question though "Umm mom... why did you buy so many stuff i mean it might not fit are fridge" you said.

Your mom sigh "Well when i got home from work at lunchtime i just saw are kitchen filled with green goo and are fridge was a mess the food is stinky so i called in your father to help me clean" said your mom.

Green goo why on earth there would be some green goo on your kitchen, and after having a little bit more conversation you, Rainbow, and your mom decided to make dinner together and maybe tomorrow morning you'll ask Zack or Sunset if they know anything about some mysterious green goo that your mom showed you on her phone.

And when you got home Rainbow and Your mom immediately putting out the fruits, meats, and vegetables out of the shopping, and then you start putting them in their places, and while you're doing that, Rainbow and you mom started cooking Rainbow is peeling potatoes, and your mother started cleaning the fishes. And for some reason, you have a feeling that your mother is preparing Rainbow for a certain future with you.