• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 324 Views, 1 Comments

The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Safe and Sound

Chapter 9: Safe and Sound.

~Joskye and Argie and the eight Rainbooms struggled down the steep path in pitch darkness. It turned out to be an extremely muddy and twisting route through a tangle of prickly holly, hawthorn and gorse bushes, and the two boys had to scramble bent double most of the time.~

"It's getting worse," said Joskye as he slithered on the mud. "Ouch! What out for the prickles here, everyone."

"What prickles? It's all prickles!" Argie gasped. "Aahh! Oh, I see what you mean. Worse prickles!"

Joskye turned backwards to the Rainbooms. "Can your powers be of use here?" he asked.

"We rather not use too much of our powers. Sorry." Lightning answered.

~At last, after much slithering and sliding, exhausted and miserable, and covered in mud and scratches, they emerged into the clear and found themselves by the river.~

"Ah, finally! I thought it would never end!" exclaimed Rarity, as she tried to wipe the mud and blood off her hands. "I wonder where we are now."

"Anywhere's better than back there." Applejack answered, peering through the gloom. "Are ya alright, Swift?"

"Yes, thank you, Applejack."

"Think ya can walk now?" Applejack asked.

"I...think so…" She placed her bad leg on the ground, it didn't hurt as much as last time. She smiled. "Yes, It's better, thanks."

Applejack exchanged the smile back, until she noticed Lightning deep in thought. "Why the long face, sugarcube?" she asked.

She caught her off guard. "Huh? Oh, nothing. It's just that...the horrifying screeches of the Harats are engraved in my head."

"Well, they're all gone now so there's nothing to worry about." shrugged Argie.

"It's a good job you used your powers when you did." said Joskye, smiling at Lightning.

"Yeah," Argie laughed. "Who would've imagined we'd be saved by a girl with raccoon ears and a tail?"

"We wouldn't have stood a chance against those bat things without you, that's for sure." Joskye agreed. He felt his cheeks turn a fluster of pink.

Sunset hesitated. "I wonder where those two wizards have got to?"

"Well, not back to the lair, that's for sure. Joskye certainly put an end to that." laughed Rainbow Dash.

"We were stupid to be taken in by them. Just think what might have happened to us!" Joskye shivered at the thought.

A call from Pinkie interrupted their conversation. "Hey guys! I think I've found the river! Over here!"

~The followed the direction of her voice until Argie tripped over a rock and fell on the muddy ground with a loud splat.~

"Ouch, who was that?" he exclaimed.

"Um, a rock?" Fluttershy smiled sheepishly.


"Are you okay, Argie?" Joskye called.

"I'm fine."

~In the darkness, they could just make out the shape of a long dark river, alone with small rowing boats hauled up on the back. They crowded around it. At that moment, a pale glow lit the scene as the rising moon peeked over the treetops.~

"Do you know where we are?" Lightning asked.

"We know this river. It's the Dustle." answered Joskye. "It should be possible to get back to Tad."

"But at night-time everythin' looks different. We're bound to get lost." Applejack protested.

"We can't afford to make a mistake. It looks like the river runs close to Hexia's castle." added Rarity, nodding. "I for one do not want to go back there."

"Nor me," Joskye said with a feeling. "That settles it then; wizards or no wizards, Harats or nor Harats, we're staying here tonight. I'm too tired to go on, anyway. Does anyone think differently?"

~Nobody did and so the nine girls and two boys clambered into the boat. Fortunately, they were dry, and the Rainbooms, Joskye, Swift and Argie were soon snuggled up together for warmth as best they could.~

"I wonder when we'll see Tad again." Fluttershy yawned as she settled down.

"Don't know." Lightning murmured. "Soon, I hope."

~In next to no time, the drama and exhaustion of the day overtook them and they fell fast asleep. Nothing stirred as they slept, and the dark river flowed silently on beneath the cold light of the moon and the stars.~

~A cold, pale dawn awoke the occupants of the boat; the trees rose stark and grey through the mist that lay over the river.~

"Brr, it's cold." shivered Argie. His teeth chattered as he eased himself up.

"Oof! Ouch! Oh, my leg, it's stuck," Joskye grunted.

~Slowly and lazily, the eight Rainbooms uncurled themselves from where they had huddled together.~

"Reckon they slept better than us," Argie laughed ruefully. "Ow, my neck doesn't half hurt. I wonder what time it is?"

"No idea, but we'd better get back to Tad as soon as possible. They'll be worried sick about us. Come on, Rainbooms, wakey, wakey!"

"Go away," groaned Sunset. "Give us some peace and quiet."

"Muffin..." added Pinkie.

"Breakfast time," Argie called, and in an instant, Pinkie Pie was awake. "Egg, chips, baked beans and bacon. Cereal anyone?"

"Oh, shut up, you're only making me feel even hungrier." Joskye complained. "Come on everyone. If we want breakfast we'll have to get a move on or there'll be none left. Plenty of water though!" he added, nodding towards the river. "Let's get these boats into the water."

~Joskye clambered out of the boat and onto the bank, followed by Argie.~

"Wait for us, then. We'll give ya a hand or two." said Applejack.

~So, the boys, Applejack and Lightning together heaved and shoved until the boat slid with a slight splash into the water.~

"Look out, hold onto her or she'll float away." cried Applejack. "Grab that rope, quick!"

~She pointed to a mooring rope from the prow. Pinkie Pie, who was nearest, leapt for it and caught the end.~

"Hey, well done, Pinkie." Argie cried.

"Come on then," smiled Joskye. "Shove the other boats to the water, hop in, and let's be on our way."

~Everyone clambered aboard and Joskye pushed away from the bank with a broken branch. Soon, they were drifting along a pleasant light current in a pleasant light current. The mist lifted as the sun rose from above the trees and the air felt surprisingly warm,almost like spring. For a little while, they could forget their worries and cares and could bask in the sunshine while the water lapped and gurgled around the boat and the bank slid by.~

"Hey, this is pretty good, isn't it?" said Joskye.

Lightning leaned back and trailed her fingers in the water. "Yeah." she smiled.

"Look at that!" cried Joskye in amazement. "Those are flowers, I'm sure."

"Wow. We've not had flowers in the forest for years." said Argie. "How unusual."

"Well. They're beautiful." admired Lightning.

"Not as beautiful as you…" Joskye whispered to himself.



~For most of the journey the trees came right down to the water's edge, but every so often a small grassy clearing broke the monotony.~

"Watch out for a small boulder on the bank when we come to a clearing," said Joskye. "That's where we'll pick up the path back to Tad's house."

~Everyone agreed to keep their eyes open for the landmark. The patch of bright yellow caught their attention. Compared to the drab and bare forest all around, it looked simply brilliant in the morning sun. Joskye heaved himself up from the bottom of the boat where he had been lazing and everyone crowded to see the flowers. A sweet, heady scent wafted over the entranced onlookers. Every so often a puffball would burst in a shower of scented pollen dust that the light breeze carried towards them over the water. They were just beginning to dream when they heard a faint voice called from the bank.~

"Over here. It's us, the forest-folk. Over here."

"Hey, Its Tad!" Argie shouted.

"And look, there are lots of other creatures with him." Fluttershy gasped.

~They spotted a large crowd of forest-folk waving to them from the opposite of the riverside. In exhilaration, they waved back.~

"Come on!" bellowed Lightning, above the roar of the waters.

~The next moment, she pushed the tiller over until the boat ran lightly aground the bank side. At once, those on the bank grabbed the rope and began to pull on it for all they were worth. Then, after with briefest hesitation, Lightning plunged into the icy current to retrieve the other boats containing her fellow Rainbooms. After a lot of heaving and blowing they managed to pull the boats and everyone safely to the shore.~

"Wee fought ye ir gun ass." said Mumble.

"How did you know we were here?" asked Argie. "Did you see us?"

"All in good time." said Tad with a smile. "The first thing to do is to get you home and dry with something hot to eat. You have done very well, all of you. I feel extremely proud of you. But we must go. No more questions until we've has some of Mrs. T's cooking, eh, Pinkie?"

~Pinkie laughed and nodded. Three-quarters of an hour later they were gathered around a blazing fire in Tad's home and drinking tea after eating a splendid meal. The gang were feeling much better and had more or less dried out. They patched up Swift's leg as well and she felt better.~

"I'm glad each and every one of you is okay." The manticore sighed. "Alaxe and I waited for a long time after you went into the castle, but nothing happened. We began to fear the worst and think you have fallen into a trap. Then we saw Hexia in her tower conjuring up that snowstorm. We knew then that you must have escaped from the castle."

Alaxe the elf took up the tale. "We tried to find you, but the storm was too bad. I've never seen anything like it. Anyway, we searched for ages until it was almost dark but even our best trackers couldn't find you." He explained. "The snow around her castle made it difficult, but we couldn't pick up even a trace of scent, let alone a footprint."

"That's because we were underground by then." interrupted Argie. Twilight Sparkle then went on to tell them all about Wentor and Sireal.

"Ah, that's how it happened, is it?" Tad nodded. "No wonder we couldn't find you."

"Did you know about those wizards?" Twilight asked.

"No, that is an unexpected development, and a bad one." said Tad.

"Rumours have reached us of some mischief afoot." It was Alaxe who spoke. "Forest-folk have been disappearing without a trace, and those Harats have been seen flying at dusk. We hadn't realised the connection until now." His face was grim. "It's utterly awful."

"I agree." added Tig. "If I ever get my hands on those two…"

"Well, to continue." Tad interrupted. "We kept searching for you, hoping to find a clue. We reluctantly got some rest, then went out this morning and thankfully, saw you by the river."

"That's great." smiled Lightning. Joskye nodded in agreement. Then he noticed the sprites and realised that nobody had heard a jingle out of them for a while.

"Aw, look," Fluttershy said. "They're fast asleep." She softly stroked Fumble's little wing as he and the other two were curled up together in front of the fire.

"They are marvellous," laughed Joskye. "You were right, Tig, they were the ideal choice to rescue us." Tig grinned at Alaxe, who grudgingly agreed.

Tad suddenly became serious. "Listen," he said. "All this worries me. I do not pretend to know all that the world is doing. Doubtless, it has good reason for sending you girls here, but it is obvious to me that even with you and the mirror, you are no match for Hexia."

Joskye intervened. "Well actually- "

He was cut off by Lightning. "I agree." She said. She faced the manticore squarely. "Can I be honest? Ever since we have arrived here, I've felt completely out of my depth. I mean, it's really no use asking girls like us to help you fight Hexia."

"Then there's Wendor and Sireal as well. I don't know where to start." sighed Twilight.

Argie was confused. "But, we have you on our side and your- "

"We are great fighters, yes." interrupted Lightning. "But, I don't think we can beat Hexia single-handed."

"The trouble is, so many of our best troops are locked up in her castle. If only we could rescue them things would be much easier." said Alaxe.

At this, Twilight raised her brow. "Hmm…" she thought.

"I know," said Joskye with feeling.

"We...we saw them." said Fluttershy. "They looked so bad and I just wish we could have set some of them free."

"There must be some way to get them out." Sunset added.

"We need more help," Tad declared. "and I don't know where it is to come from. But I just cannot risk your lives again."

"But you said we were here to help you fight Hexia." Rainbow Dash protested. She looked at Lightning, but she shook her head.

Tad shook his head. "Things are too unevenly matched at present and until matters change I think we must simply lie low and keep out of harm's way as best we can. Though, goodness knows, she will be out hunting us soon enough."

~They sat brooding over the problem. Nobody really knew what to say and the longer they sat, the more oppressive the enemy seemed. A dark despair settled over their spirits like a low winter clouds. Suddenly there were noises outside; a heavy footstep, a cracking twig. Everyone jumped as the sounds broke their silence. Then with a light creak of the hinges the door swung slowly open, and a long black shadow fell across the floor. Horrified, Mrs Tad, Fluttershy and Rarity screamed aloud, and their teacups crashed to the floor.~