• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 324 Views, 1 Comments

The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

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Chapter 14: Explanations and Celebrations

Chapter 14: Explanations and Celebrations.

~Swift rose, still sobbing, and with the others stared hopelessly into the chasm. She shook her head and turned away. Before she or Lightning and Joskye, or Tad and Tig could say another word a deep rumble shook the room. Dust fell all round them and the half-burned timbers of the Crone's lair groaned ominously. Masonry, great lumps of stone and rubble, began to fall, threatening at any moment to bury them alive. One of the remaining roof beams began to groan and buckle. Scrambling over the rubble, they made for the door as fast as their legs could carry them and escaped only just in time before the rest of the ceiling and roof collapsed. The moment Tad, Tig, the Rainbooms and the Whites came into view a vast cheer rose from the creatures assembled in the courtyard.~

"Hurrah! Hurrah!" Everyone began to clap and stamp their hands, paws and hooves.

~The thirteen stood together and smiled wanly at the company gathered before them. Then Tad raised a paw to incidcate quiet so he could speak. He stepped forward and cleared his throat.~

"My dear forest-folk." he began, "You have every good reason to be happy, for a mighty victory has been obtained here today. All the Cropers and Harats have been destroyed." Much cheering and clapping interrupted him. Tad waved for silence again. "The best news of all that I have for you is that Hexia herself is dead. We are free at last to live our lives in peace and without fear of arrest or death." he said. "I cannot put into words just how much that means to us all. But it has not been without its cost. I see that some of you have been wounded in the fighting, but I refer especially to our dear brave Alaxe who longed for this day, and...and to Dalton." He faltered and a murmur ran through the crowd. "Yes, I am afraid Dalton is dead, also. It appears that he died while destroying Hexia, but we do not know what happened exactly. But, we owe a great debt to Dalton's memory; he willingly paid the ultimate price for our freedom…for the freedom of Caisar."

~A solemn silence had fallen over the audience as the full meaning began to sink in. It hadn't been a cheap victory.~

"Well," said Tad, doing his best to brighten up and not wanting the forest-folk to lose their happiness. "What's done is done. So, go to your homes. Tell your loved ones and you children that they are free to enjoy the forest once again. Bless you all…and thank you for everything you have done today."

~The crowd slowly disappeared, everybody talking among themselves about the events of the day, and soon only the little band of thirteen remained.~

"We'll pull this castle right down." said Tig. "Then we'll erect a monument to Alaxe and Dalton. It'll become a favourite spot to visit, I expect."

"Great idea," Rainbow Dash said.

"You could use the stones of the castle to build it." suggested Sunset.

"I think I would like to get away from this place at the moment." said Fluttershy. "Can we go?"

"Fluttershy's right." said Applejack. "Come on, y'all. We look as though we could do with a good clean up, let alone somethin' to eat. I'm stavin'." She felt guilty as soon as she said it.

They looked at one another's bedraggled clothes and grimy faces and then, seeing the sense of her words, nodded. "We do look a sight. I wonder what Mrs Tad will say." said Tad. "Yes, let us get back." he sighed.

~By the time they had eaten and cleaned themselves up, it was quite late. Exhausted by the day's events, nobody needed any encouragement to go to bed and before long they were all sound asleep. All, that is, save for old Tad. The manticore was perplexed and sat up long into the night, staring straight ahead, lost in thought. It was not until the early hours of the morning that he eventually stopped and fell asleep in his armchair. He awoke with a jerk at around five o'clock. Outside he could hear the birds singing and the sun was already up. Swiftly and silently, he rose and left the house. The air was fresh and sweet and he couldn;t help noticing that the undergrowth was looking fresher than he could ever remember, even back in his days before the troubles began. Bright green leaves cast a delicate filigree of shadows over the path as he walked. He breathed deeply of the wholesome air, then made his way resolutely towards the glade. Lightning Star had slept heavily but she woke up quite suddenly not long after Tad left. She, too, rose quietly, noting that everyone was asleep but that somebody had left the house, leaving the door ajar. Waking everyone up and transforming into her raccoon form, they left to follow. Tad sat on a moss-covered rock in the enchanted glade. The air seemed electric all around him and he felt a tingle of happiness running through his old frame. It was although the years were falling off and he was young again. He wrinkled his snout and wondered if he actually looked younger.~

Just at that moment, he heard a rustle behind him. He leapt to his feet. "Oh, it's you, children," he said with a slight tinge of disappointment in his voice. "I had expected someone else. But then, I am not surprised that we should be here together."

The Rainbooms and Whites smiled. "Hello, Tad," Lightning whispered. "Sorry we scared you but, I figured you left and came here, I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I've got this feeling that, well...that something wonderful is going to happen today. I can't explain it." said Swift.

"Really?" Joskye gasped. "Like what?"

"Hush! What is that?" Tad placed a paw on Swift's shoulder. "It came from over there."

~They gazed in the direction of the pool, but nothing seemed to have changed. Still the pearl-like droplets dripped from the overhanging ledge with their musical plip-plop.~

Then Fluttershy cried out: "That water! It's moving!"

~They stared at the pool and, sure enough, its surface was in a tremendous turmoil. It began to boil and bubble like a cauldron and the slowly a watery shape began to rise from it's depths. The watchers stood transfixed as the shape, at first, formless, became the figure of a man who rose splashing from the water as it cascaded from his head and shoulders. An aura of light seemed to surround him and he was magnificently clothed in purple and gold, glistening with wetness. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and shook the water from his face. The full morning sun revealed his strong tanned features and penetrating eyes. He looked at his surroundings and then, fully risen, he stepped from the pool.~

"It's Dalton…" cried Sunset. "It's Dalton!"

"He's come back!" Rainbow cheered.

~Slowly, Joskye and Argie stepped forward, speechless. Their mouths hanging open in amazement. All the girls raced towards him and leapt up to throw their arms around his neck. There were tears in everyone's eyes as they spoke..~

"Oh, Dalton, it's you! It's really you!" Swift exclaimed.

For a moment the man looked surprised and then he laughed. "Swift! And your brothers! I thought you were all dead! Yes, it is me. As you can see, it has all come to pass as promised."

"B…b…but how? W…what happened?" Rarity asked breathlessly when at length they quietened down. "How did you kill Hexia? How did you get here? And…and…"

"Yeah, we thought you died." Argie said, finally regaining his voice.

"We really did think you were and...and it was horrible." Joskye whispered.

"I have returned from the darkness." Dalton replied with a smile. "I have a lot to explain to you and I'll do that just as soon as- well, just as soon as we've had breakfast. To tell you the truth," he said, "I'm very hungry."

~He laughed and the awkwardness was broken. They all began to laugh together and because the idea of breakfast appealed to each of them the party set off on the familiar track back towards the cottage, enjoying the freshness of the new growth all around them and listening to the birds singing in the treetops.~

When they arrived they found Tig waiting for them. He bowed low before Dalton as soon as he realised who he was. "Tig, I am glad to see you, but where is your brave captain, Alaxe?" Dalton asked. A solemn hush fell on the room.

Tad explained. "I am sorry to say but Alaxe has died. He gave his life to save the children when they were about to be burnt alive by Hexia."

Dalton was silent for a long time upon hearing this news. "He was a courageous leader," he said at last. "We shall not let his name be forgotten. You must tell me everything and I will ensure that he is honoured throughout my kingdom." he declared.

~After a enormous breakfast, during which little was said to interrupt the serious business of eating, everyone went outside and sat in a circle on the warm grass. Swift made sure she sat right next to Dalton. Eager to listen, they all looked to the king as he gave his promised explanation of what had taken place. He explained the past for a few minutes, then explained what happened in the castle.~

"I pleaded with her to give up this madness but she had gone too far. I saw that nothing would change her and knew that I could love Orita no more. She had become Hexia for ever." He shook his head. "That was when she made her mistake. She brought out the Islastone to add power to her sceptre." He smiled grimly. "And the stone took its vengeance on Hexia's wickedness. The room burst into flames and a mighty earthquake split the floor apart. Just as you thought, Fluttershy, we fell together into the abyss, locked in mortal combat."

"Then why didn't you die? I mean, how are you here?" Lightning asked, frowning. "I don't understand that at all."

"Did you fly?" Pinkie asked, smiling.

"No, Pinkie. I cannot fully explain all that took place in the terrible depths of that pit, but we did not die, as you understand death. Great forces were unleashed, light against darkness, good against evil, life against death. We ceased to be bodies as you know them but the battle continued until with my spirit I grasped the Islastoneas mine by right and Hexia...Hexia was destroyed. That is all I can say." He paused or a moment. "Then, I heard voices call me back to life. I came at last to the pool where the light met that of the Islastone once again. Such glorious light and colour- you couldn't imagine it." he mused. "Anyway, in the midst of that splendour received my body again and came up from the waters- as you all saw."

"Wow…" Everyone droned.

"I think it's utterly amazing," Joskye declared. "I mean, I've never heard of anything like that ever, so..."


~Lightning cried out and leapt to her feet. Before anyone else could move, she shot into the bushes and began crashing around. Moments later, she emerged holding a torn piece of green cloth in her hand.~

"Dang it! Too late. They got away." she grumbled.

"What was that about?" asked Argie in consternation.

"Hey, I recognize that cloth," cried Joskye.

"It's the wizards!" Pinkie gasped.

"Yeah," Lightning replied. "I heard a rustle in the bushes, thanks to my raccoon ears. They must have been listening. If only I was a bit quicker."

"Never mind," Dalton said. "They heard little to their good. I guess two wizards are at this very moment fleing for their lives. They know now that the Great Forest is no place for the likes of them. Poor shadows!"

~Deep in the undergrowth, two figures scuttled along as fast as their legs could carry them. The taller one slapped the other around his bald head.~

"You stupid idiot. Why can't you keep quiet? They'll be after us now."

"It's not my fault, you gawky old fool. I don't know why we had to go spying again, anyway. It would have made more sense to have tried getting on their side."

"Bah! You know nothing!" Wentor scowled. "You don't think that they would want people like us, do you? Come on, let's get out of here before it's too late." So, still grumbling at each other, the two wizards fled the forest to seek their fortune elsewhere.