• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 325 Views, 1 Comments

The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Into Battle

Chapter 13: Into Battle.

"So, my dear Prince Dalton, the so-called son of the High King- at last I have you!"

~Hexia stood before her prisoner, gloating over her prise, her voice heavy with sarcasm. She noticed his sad look across his face.~

"Can't get used to it, eh? Not like your old Orita, am I? What did you expect to find? Some beautiful princess? Pah! You always were stupid."

Dalton spoke with difficulty. "I loved you, Orita. You were once the fairest woman in the land and the most precious person in my life. What caused this dreadful evil that has overtaken you?"

"Evil? Hah! If you call power evil, then evil it is. I want power, Dalton. I desired it even when we were younger but neither you nor your family would grant it me. So I sought it for myself. And I found it!"

"We couldn't give you what you wanted because you had already turned sour. Your heart was full of pride. You would have brought nothing but pain and sadness upon our people. That's why I couldn't marry you, even though I loved you."

"Love? Oh, yes, love." Hexia answered dreamily. "How much you loved me! Enough to ditch me, that how much. And for what?!" she spat. "For some noble concern for others. What rot!"

~Tig paced restlessly up and down in Tad's front room, his face furrowed with emotion. He was deeply grieved over the loss of his commander and the all too recent burial had been difficult for him to bear. Now Tad had made him leader of the forces; Tig, who had always been second-in-command; Tig, who was good at carrying out the orders of others but who had never been one to make the decisions. And his first task was to do something about Dalton! It was a worrying business. Joskye entered the room and stood for a moment watching the elf.~

He sighed in sympathy. "I know how you're feeling, Tig, and...well, I just wanted you to know that I feel the same."

Tig stopped his pacing and turned to Joskye. "Thanks, my friend. It helps to know that someone understands."

Lightning suddenly entered as well. "I think we all do," she replied, who overheard them from the room. "It must be a terrible responsibility for you."

"What do you think we should do, Lightning?"

"I'm not sure. But we can't waste time," Lightning answered. "If she's going to kill Dalton I reckon she'll do it quite quickly. We'll have to get a move on before it's too late. Then again, I suppose, he may be dead already." she finished miserably.

"If he is, or if we don't rescue him, then her power will grow even more and we'll become utter slaves. I'd sooner die than serve her evil ways, and I think most of our folk feel the same." Tig looked at Lightning in the face. "I don't know about you eight. You're strangers here, not forest-folk. It's still a bit of a mystery to me how you ever came in the first place, but I suppose you can escape and go back to your own land."

"No," Lightning said. "Listen, Tig, I know we're visitors, a bit like people from another world and all that, but we're in this with you."

Joskye nodded. "Alaxe gave his life to save us. We would have died if it wasn't for his courage, and I feel like we owe alot to him."

"Everyone does."

"Well then, I think he had the right idea in attacking even if it didn't work out as he wanted," said Joskye. "At least it's better than sitting around doing nothing."

"Then there's Dalton. We can't just go away and forget he ever existed." A lump came to Lightning's throat. "No, We are willing to die, too, if necessary." she concluded.

"Yeah, let's get 'em!"

~Argie had slipped into the room unnoticed and now stood with his hands behind his back looking rather pleased with himself.~

"I agree. We've got to attack that evil old rat together," Argie said. "And guess what? I've got something that will help us quite a lot." he added. Slowly, Argie drew from behind his back a small round flattish object.

"The mirror!" gasped Joskye. "Of course! Stupid! I thought the wizards had got it."

"Well, I wondered about that, but I thought I'd take a look just in case. It wasn't on the path, of course, and I was just about to give up when I saw it lying under a bush. I don't think I'd have found it if I hadn't been really looking."

"Brilliant, Argie. At least we have something on our side now." Joskye was suddenly full of enthusiasm. "Come on, Tig; things are looking up a bit. I think we should attack the castle and at least do as much damage as wecan. Who knows,it might turn out better than we expect and old Tad may be right about those prophecies after all."

"Less of the old if you don't mind! Of course I'm right about the prophecies."

~They jumped at the sound of Tad's voice as he, Swift and the Rainbooms slipped into the room through the study door. All carried swords in their hands and were dressed in the old metal and leather battle uniforms that the forest-folk used.~

"Hey, what's all this?" Lightning asked.

"Quite simple," her fiery friend, Sunset, replied. "We are all ready to fight Hexia."

"We are also willing to go alone if you alot want to stay home." Rainbow added.


"Yes, we've decided it's gone too far to just sit around any more. We've nothing to lose, so we're going to fight." Swift nodded. "And we're ever so glad about the mirror, Argie."

~She smiled at her younger brother but he could see the glint of determination in her eyes. It was a sure sign that Swift meant business.~

"Oh, er, yes...great. Yes, we've come to the same conclusion- we fight. Glad you want to come along." Joskye said awkwardly. He wondered why it was that old folk and girls always seemed to make their minds up quickly in a crisis.

"Right then," cried Tig, feeling much happier now that a decision had been reached. "To arms, everyone. Let's prepare the troops!"

"It wasn't like that, Orita, and you know it." Dalton answered.

"So what was it like, then? Tell me," she demanded. "No, I'll tell you. It was like this: I expected to marry the prince and to have all my dreams fulfilled. I would become queen and have honour and influence. People would know their place, and I would know mine…"

"But that's not what it's all about," Dalton interrupted. "My family doesn't rule like that. We are there to serve our people, not to humiliate them."

"Serve the people? Do you really think that's what ruling is all about?" Hexia arched her eyebrows incredulously. "People are there to serve their rulers. That's what. What's the point of being in charge if you can't order people about and take their money? Power to the powerful, I say! You and me together."

~So it was that a large company of forest-folk swiftly railed to Tig's call. This time they were in deadly earnest, ready to fight to the death, if needs be. Encouraged by Tad's example, many of the older creatures joined in, proudly bearing ancient swords and clubs, slings and staves.~

"Right, fall into ranks of six," he ordered.

~Everyone obeyed with much shuffling and good humour, particularly when Fumble managed to bring four others tumbling over with him as he tripped over his own staff.~

"I give up!" groaned Grumble, who was one of those who had fallen.

Tig addressed his troops. "We all know why we're here. If we don't defeat Hexia we will be her slaves for the rest of our lives, which she may shorten, in any case. We either accept that or we fight and maybe die in the attempt. This will be a fierce battle, with no quarter given; so if anyone wants to drop out, let him do so now." Silence descended on the company as he waited. Nobody moved. "All right, then, let's go!" he cried. "Death to Hexia and all her evil! Vengeance for Alaxe!" Everyone present took up the cry Tig gave command, "Forward, march!"

~The motley army set off for the castle and whatever fate had in store for them. The company moved at a fast pace and before long was in sight of the grim stonewalled fortress.~

Dalton shook his head sadly. "You are wrong, Orita," he said. "I could never be married to someone who thought like that. I am sorry it had to end but you really gave us no choice. And you gave me no choice for this. Rejecting you was as hard for me as…"

"Oh yes, you rejected me, alright!" Hexia cut in bitterly. "And don't think I have forgotten it The humiliation! You have no idea how I felt before my friends and advisors."

"What advisors?"

"Well, never you mind. You wouldn't understand, anyway. Let's just say that you ruined our plans."

~If Dalton had ever had doubts he knew now for sure that he had made the right decision in not marrying Orita. Even back in the days of the courtships a sinister plot had been hatching between Orita and her secret advisors.~

Hexia was speaking again. "Strange how the wheels turn, isn't it? I vowed vengeance on you and your loathsome mother and sought other powers to help me. They have done well." She grimaced. "I have waited a long time for the chance to destroy you and your wretched family. And now, at last, you have come within my power."

Tig held up his hand and ordered a halt. "Surprise is our best weapon, so we'll charge straight in," he said. "Those of you with ropes and grappling irons, use them. Those who can climb walls anyway, get up there as quickly as possible. It's important that we get the main gates open for the rest as soon as we can." He pointed to those on his right. "Some of you, under Robin's command, are to take the tunnel entrance through which the humans escaped. I don't think they'll expect us, so there may not be many guards on duty. Even so, be ready for anything. Fight hard." He drew his sword and an eager murmur ran through the company. Nerves and sinews tightened as the thrill of battle gripped each of their hearts. "Charge!" Tig yelled.

~The army surged forwards as one. Brandishing their weapons, they flooded across the open ground before the castle, shouting and yelling as they ran. Most were about halfway across the intervening space when without warning the ground trembled beneath them. It was followed immediately by a great earthen wave that heaved with such violence that many were thrown to the ground. Dismay and confusion replaced courage as the troops scrabbled to their feet and tottered about. Hexia must have been expecting them after all. The battle was lost before it had even started. Expecting to be swallowed up alive at any moment, many of the forest-folk dropped their weapons and just stood waiting their fate to be taken at the hands of the Crone. Worse was to some; a great roar rose from within the castle walls. It was followed by an almighty crash, and then a vast sheet of billowing flame shot into the sky. Everyone stared awe-struck at the sight. Another crash followed, and the walls began to split. Fire and smoke poured from the windows.~

"What's happening?" cried Twilight.

"The prophecies are coming to pass, I believe," Tad replied quietly as he lay beside the girl on the shaking ground "I think the Islastone had been made whole at last."

~The walls continued to crash down and they saw dark Cropers fleeing for their lives.~

"Get them!" Tig commanded as he regained some control over the situation. "Attack now, while we have the chance."

~In spite of their fear, the creatures rose to the order and streaked after the fleeing guards who had for so long held them in terror. At that very moment, a shattering whistle rented the air.~

"Go, Lightning!" cried Swift.

Joskye smiled. "Look at her go!"

~The raccoon girl swooped low with her fearsome moves, her shadow racing across the ground like an avenging angel. Terrified Cropers fell before her, never to rise again. Not a shred of mercy did she show to those cruel creatures who had caused such pain to so many of the forest-folk.~

Swift grabbed the mirror from Joskye. "Use your sword. I'll take this," she cried. Before he could argue, his sister had disappeared into the thick of the battle.

"Come on, girls, let's go." Sunset commanded, also dashing into the battle.

"I did not expect it to be you I would face," Dalton replied. "It was a deep shock when I discovered that in the glade. I nearly turned back there and then." His eyes pleaded with the Crone. "Orita, I want you to give up this madness before the judgement of prophecies falls on you and destroys you. Make no mistake; the time for their fulfillment has come." Dalton spoke earnestly but Hexia only laughed in his face.

"Yes, they say you've come to fulfill the old prophecies. Revelation? Pah! I do not believe them. Delusion! Only fools listen to such old words- and you are a fool, Dalton, and those meddling children. You think to scare me with your vague threats? It is you who should be afraid, not I!"

Dalton winced at the mention of the Whites. "You broke your word, Orita. You killed them for no reason."

"My word? Fool!" She screeched. "You and your words. Words of prophecy. Words of honour. I care nothing for them. It's power that counts. Power, my dear Dalton, power that I shall soon unleash upon the world. No brats or stupid creatures will stand in my way, and nor will you. Your pleas are wasted. I shall not change. Do you hear. I shall not change! I have created a weapon that will make all people serve me- or die! In fact," she sniggered, "I've planned to try it out on you. Then we shall see the value of your worthless prophecies."

~With a dramatic swirl of her cloak, she turned from him and crossed to a cupboard. She reached in, giving Dalton a sly smirk as she did so. Then she drew out the strange rod that she had formed in league with the dark forces.~

"With this," she cried triumphantly, "I shall rule the world!"

Dalton looked puzzled. "What is it?" he asked.

"What is it? It is the power of light and darkness fused into one. It shall be terrible to behold, more powerful than even the Islastone itself, more dreadful than Cropers or Harats. With this, I shall sweep all before me."

Madness filled the Crones eyes as she spoke, and Dalton looked at her with horror. "Orita, renounce this evil while you can," he pleaded. "Destroy the thing before it destroys you. I beg you."

"Yes, you will beg, but not like this," she answered. "For it is not I who will change, but you. You must become as I am and serve me- or you will die. That will be my revenge."


"We shall see. Watch!"

~She turned away and pointed the rod at the far wall. Projected there Dalton could see great multitudes of people thronging the city streets as they went about their daily business. Hexia muttered a spell and, to his horror, fire began to consume one side of the vision. It spread rapidly, devouring everything before it. He heard the screams of terrified people, saw them fleeing madly, felt the heart of the merciless flame as it swallowed up people and property alike.~

"Do you not think it's a great power?" Hexia demanded. "I shall use it, make no mistake." The Crones eyes glinted. When she spoke, her words were cold and clear. "The demonstration is over. You, Dalton, will bow to me and serve me. If you refuse, I shall kill you."

"I shall never bow to your evil power!" He replied, as he recovered his composure. "I will no longer call you Orita. You are Hexia truly. You have tormented and killed the innocent. May hell strike you!"

The Crone face darkened with fury and her voice rose to a wild scream. "Then die! Die Dalton, son of the High King!" She shrieked. "Die!"

~She pointed the rod at his chest and uttered a deep and powerful spell. The rod shone like polished silver and from the inner depths of the Islastone fire began to flash. The roar became a deafening thunder and the whole room began to shake. A single beam of blue light blazed from the Islastone and struck the ring on Dalton's finger. It dissolved the gold in an instant. Immediately, the fragment of the jewel it had contained flew through the air to rejoin the stone. A thunderous crash marked the uniting of the Islastone, the room streamed with dazzling, ricocheting light. At this very instant, Dalton's bonds fell from his body and his hand were loosened. Hexia was stunned and could only stare in amazement. Then, with a howl of rage, she lunged at Dalton with the white-hot rod. Light and fire spattered the walls in a storm of colours. Lightning flashed. The ground shook beneath their feet. With a fierce twist of his body, Dalton evaded her thrust and found himself locked in a desperate life and death struggle with the Crone. The whole room burst into flames and at that very instant a mighty earthquake shook the floor upon which they fought. With a deafening crack the floor tore apart to reveal a vast abyss of unimaginable depth. Fire burned a sullen red deep within the chasm. Together, Dalton and Hexia struggled on the brink of the pit while the Islastone wreaked its own terrible revenge. They fought grimly, oblivious to the havoc around them, gasping and panting as each sought to gain the advantage over the other. By now they were teetering on the very edge of the chasm. Then Hexia had him; the gleaming rod was under his throat. With a cry, she lunged upwards. In the nick of time, Dalton twisted away and the Crone lost her balance. She clutched at Dalton's clothing as she struggled to regain her footing. He tried to free himself, but it was no good. She staggered back and fell, taking him with her. There was nothing he could do and together they plunged into the unmistakable depths of the pit. A long piercing scream of despair echoed up from the flaming abyss. Fore and smoke billowed out until the room was filled with roaring flames and nothing else could be seen.~

~Weapons clashes, shouts and groans filled the air, smoke and dust choked their lungs, but The Rainbooms ignored it all and made it for the blazing castle. There was only one goal in their minds. They wanted to find the Crone themselves. Sprinting across the open ground they reached the walls and gena to clamber over the rubble. Rarity rode on her large diamond shield. A large Croper blocked her way almost immediately. With a growl of fury, he raised a great broadsword and prepared to strike them down. Without hesitation, Applejack stepped forwards. She threw her fist and the Croper at once fell down, out cold. She was not sorry. With a shrug, she and the rest pressed on. Moments later, they were standing in the courtyard. Buildings blazed all around them and massive beams and towers fell in noisy showers of sparks and dust. Smoke swirled everywhere as The Mane 7's eyes darted about in an attempt to find their bearings. The next moment, a huge, dark shadow fell across them. They turned and looked up in panic. There before them reared a gigantic Harat, like some prehistoric monster, with its fiercely taloned wings outstretched. And as black as night. It's eyes glared with blood-shot hatred and the long jaws snapped greedily, revealing it's vicious reptilian teeth. Fluttershy fumbled. Her hands were trembling, and she almost dropped to the floor. Rainbow acted quickly and threw her weapon- it missed! Her mouth fell open with horror as the loathsome creature advanced on them. They all screamed and held hands. Then, just as the vile creature was about to strike, a light shone and the ground shook once more, a wide chasm opened. With a scream of rage the creature lost balance and with it's limbs thrashing wildly it tumbled into the depths. The Rainbooms lay panting and gasping, their hearts beating fit to burst. They shook with fear and their legs refused to hold their weight. Time seemed to stand still. Lightning Star, Joskye White, Swift White and Argie White slipped into the courtyard, also panting, and approached them. The noise and chaos around them faded into the background. The Rainbooms thought about home, about their friends and family. Would they ever see them again? If only they were here with them now. Slowly, they rose to their feet. A firm resolve filled their hearts. Lightning felt it as well. A door hung from broken hinges and, headless of the chaos about them, with courage, they all stumbled towards it.~

"Tig, Tig, we're winning!" A troll grinned in triumph at the elf as he struggled towards the castle.

"Yes," he shouted in reply. "I reckon we've got them on the run. Dalton must be behind this somehow. I wonder what he's done?"

"We'll find out soon enough now," his comrade replied. "Looks like those revelations were right after all."

~It wasn't long before all the Cropers had been dealt with and the noise of battle began to quieten down. Hexia's castle was utterly ruined, making it easy for the creatures to climb over the broken walls and enter the wrecked courtyard.~

"I wonder where Dalton is? The children, too," said Robin the faun. "They must be around here somewhere."

"Dalton? Girls? Where are you?" There was no reply to their calls. They stood in silence and waited.

"Hush! What's that?" said Tig. They listened, and heard the sound of sobbing.

"That's Fluttershy." cried Tad. "Quick, it is coming from over there."

~They ran across the yard and entered a large room. Although it was wrecked it had obviously been Heixa's lair. There they found The Whites and the Rainbooms, begrimed with soot. Fluttershy was sitting on the floor among smouldering spell books and broken furniture, sobbing her heart out. That wasn't all. A deep chasm ran the length of the room. Gingerly, Tad, Tig and Robin approached the rift and peered over the edge. It seemed to go down for ever but somewhere deep they could make out a dull, red glow and could hear a subterranean roar that muttered by the distance.~

The Rainbooms turned at the sound of their coming. Fluttershy looked at them in anguish, with her tears making white streaks down her blackened cheeks. "He's gone," she wailed. "I know it. And Hexia too. They've fallen down there- into the awful pit." She pointed to the gaping hole.

"We were too late." Lightning sighed sadly.

Swift burst into tears again as well. "Oh, why did it have to end like this? He's destroyed her but he's died, too. We've won, but we've lost as well." She cried.

~The other edged towards her, aware of how dangerously close to the chasm she sat. Joskye reached her first and he stooped down to put his arm around his sister. Suddenly, he felt weary. Together they gazed into the pit but it was too deep to see anything except the red glow.~

Joskye spoke at last. "Come on, guys, it's no use staying here," he murmured, and gently he helped Swift to her feet.