• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 325 Views, 1 Comments

The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Joskye, Swift, Argie and the Manticore

Chapter 3: Joskye, Swift, Argie and the Manticore.

"What do you want done with 'em, Alaxe, sir?" A smart-looking faun asked as he turned to the strong elf.

"Wh-What is it?"

~The owner of one of the blue eyes spoke, and materialised into the form of a human boy. Around the same age as Lightning and the Rainbooms. Applejack noticed that he was wearing body armour made of metal and leather. She realised for the first time that many of the other creatures wore armour as well, though none of it could be described as a uniform. The boy also carried a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The two other figures also appeared behind him, both armourless. One was another human boy. He strode along with a cheeky grin and a shine in his brown eyes. He was wearing a denim jacket over a green check shirt and jeans. The third and last was a human girl, she was the one with the other blue eyes. She was wearing black trousers and a sea-green jacket over a wildlife T-shirt. She had put her blonde hair into a ponytail and tied it with a poppy red hairband. They both looked younger than the first boy.~

"Who are they?" The girl whimpered. "Are they spies?"

"I don't know, Swift." The boy with the brown eyes said. "I mean, It could be more of her work."

"That's right." Alaxe the elf replied. "Caught them up by the old passway."

The teen looked at the girls one by one. "They look like us. They- "

~Before the teenage boy said more, his eyes set upon Lightning. Instantly, butterflies fluttered in his stomach when he saw her and he cracked a half smile. Sweat began to form on his palms too and he felt like his legs turned into jelly. Never had he seen someone so beautiful and adorable.~

"Wow...She's cute…" He said slowly.

"Um...Joskye, are you okay?" Swift asked, tapping his shoulder.

"Why are your eyes shaped like hearts?" The younger boy asked.

"Huh? Oh! Nothing…Don't worry about it, Argie." He rubbed his eyes and they went back to normal. "I was saying, they look just like us. They're...humans."

"Only with multi coloured hair…" Argie said, staring at them.

"Hmm. Not like her usual work and not very strong either. We overpowered them with hardly a struggle." The elf explained.

"Yes, are you sure they could be humans, like you guys?" A troll spoke up. "Because I thought humans were powerful. What if they are just elves with small, round ears?" He proceeded to tug on Pinkie's ear.

~Realising with relief that nothing horrible was about to happen to them, Lightning tried to say something through her gag but it just came out as 'Mmmmffff'. She struggled to free her hands. Twilight and Sunset stood side by side behind Lightning. Glancing at each other, they tried to reach each other's hands behind their backs to see if they could loosen the ropes that bound their wrists. However, a sharp smack on the wrists from one of the spears soon put paid to that idea.~

"They didn't have any weapons either." The faun identified.

"It's very Odd. Unless they possess some secret magic we don't know about. That's why I want Tad to see them." Alaxe replied.

"Okay, I'll go and fetch him." Swift volunteered. She went off at once.

"Actually, can I speak to one of them? That one to be precise." Joskye pointed at Lightning, which made her muffle in confusion.

"Hmm. Certainty, Sir Joskye."

~Alaxe the elf grabbed Lightning's arm and began to drag her along. However, she refused to go with him and tried to make him let her go. But he resisted. The Mane 7 attempted to stop Alaxe and make him release their friend, but the other creatures grabbed their tied wrists and pulled them back. Sunset growled. She desperately wanted to activate her geode and look through the creatures' memories to see what their problem is.~

"Here's perfect." Joskye told the elf.

~Lightning was pushed through a door at the end of a short dark tunnel and found herself standing in a small bare room that was lit from a window high up on one pale yellow wall. The room appeared to be quite civilised. The elf forced her down on her knees and she groaned in annoyance from the sudden push, but the two could barely hear her.~

"May I talk with her alone?" Joskye asked.

"Of course." said Alaxe. "But be careful, sir. These new humans look sketchy to me."

~Alaxe glared at the Rainbooms, who remained outside along with the other creatures. He watched as a troll began to menace them with his fearsome looking teeth. Lightning and Joskye could tell in his voice he doesn't like them. Nonetheless, he strides back outside, leaving Lightning and Joskye alone in the room for 'interrogation'. Firstly, Joskye removed his helmet and combed his messy brown hair with his fingers. Once he was done, he removed the rest of his armour, revealing his clothes underneath. A red football sweatshirt and jeans. Lastly, he dropped his bow and quiver of arrows. He turned to Lightning and, even though she was livid, she hoped that this Joskye, whoever he was, would allow her to explain who she and the Rainbooms were.~

He smiled at her. "Okay, now. Uh, hi. How...are you?"

Lightning showed a frown. "Uggghhh…Whht dh nhh fnnk…?! (Uggghhh...What do you think…?!)" She screamed angrily through the gag.

Joksye looked at her uneasily. "I...can't understand you...let me just take this out of your mouth…"

~Joskye politely removed the gag, not knowing what was going to happen next. He was suddenly shouted at by Lightning at the top of her lungs.~


"U-Uh...okay...calm down for a second…" Joskye nervously gasped, sweating at the palms again.

"If my hands were not bound behind my back, I would totally beat the stuffing out of you right about now!" Lightning shouted, glaring madly.

"Please! I mean no harm! I just want to talk!"

"About what?!"

"About you." He answered. "I'd settle for a name first..."

Lightning loosened her shoulders. "My name is Lightning Star." She said calmly. "And your name is Joskye, right? I believe that's what the elf said."

"Yes. Joskye White." He nodded. "And the other two humans you saw, that's my brother and sister, Swift and Argie."

"I see…"

"Who are your friends out there?"

"Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie." Lightning introduced. She'd point at them if she was able to. "I'm pretty sure you can easily figure out who is who."

Joskye let out a breathing sigh. "Why have you come here?"

"It's a long story…." Lightning began.

~Lightning felt suspicious but thought it would be best to say the truth. In all honesty, what was there to lie about? She was far from convinced that he would believe her, but she still decided to take a shot. With that, she began to explain everything that had happened to her and the girls up to this point. Including the part where they broke a window. Joskye held back a chuckle. As did Lightning a bit. She then explained the mysterious tree they discovered in the forest and the magic contained inside of it, but didn't say a word about her and the Mane 7 having superhuman abilities, just in case something went bad. Finally, she finished by describing how they were ambushed by the troops. Joskye was amazed.~

"Wow. Really? That's what happened?" He asked.

"Yes." Lightning answered.

"You don't know anything about this. That's...actually a relief." He laughed.

"So, you're not going to hurt us?"

"No. If you're telling the truth, that is." He bent down to make eye contact with her.

"What are you doing?" Lightning asked, raising a brow.

"Seeing in your eyes if you are telling the truth…"

~Joskye stared deep into Lightning's shiny blue eyes, and she stared into his. They both felt something when they did. Something beautiful, warm and fuzzy, a feeling that they have never felt before. They didn't pay much attention to it very well though, like it didn't feel powerful enough. A flicker of light suddenly flashed through Lightning's pupils, Joskye gasped.~

"You are. You are telling the truth!" He epicly rocked his fist downward. "Yes!" He whispered happily. "Oh! I should inform the others about this then. Maybe I can convince them to let you go. Stay here."

For the first time since she arrived, Lightning smiled. "Okay. Thank you."

~Joskye took a glance backwards and smiled too. With a face of belief, he hurried out the door. Lightning struggled to rise to her feet, but just about managed to. She looked around and tried to find something that could help her get free. But alas, she found nothing. She already knew struggling was pointless, so all she did was lean against the wall and waited. After a few minutes, Joskye came back, along with his brother, Argie, the elf leader, Alaxe, and the Rainbooms. They were all showing no emotion, whatsoever. Except Joskye.~

"Girls!" Lightning rushed to them.

"Hold it!" Alaxe suddenly said, stopping her. "You will stay right there. I want to wait for Tad's orders."

Lightning frowned but decided to stay put. Joskye stood beside her. "Sorry. I couldn't convince him." He whispered in her ear. "But, don't worry. Tad will understand."

~They waited only a few moments before another door opened and in walked Joskye's sister, Swift, and an ancient manticore. Twilight had done research on manticores but she had never seen one like this. Tad, at least, that's who she assumed the manticore must be, wore a dark-faded green jacket with an old tartan scarf wrapped around his neck. A pair of wire-rimmed spectacles were perched on the end of his snout. He was obviously very old because even his black fur was turning grey and he walked with a slight stoop as though he were very weary. Tad also had a crippled wing and a long slithery tail. Alaxe the elf stepped forward smartly and saluted the manticore with great respect.~

Joskye smiled. "Tad. Allow me to- "

"I'll take it from here, Joskye." Alaxe interrupted. He cleared his throat. "Strange spies, Tad, sir. We caught them by the old passway. Truth is, sir, I don't know quite what to make of them, so I brought them to you as soon as possible. What do you think she's up to this time?"

~The Mane 7 were squirming with frustration as they tried to free themselves. Who is this 'she' that the creatures didn't like? Was it a girl, or a woman? Or even another creature? Sunset was more than determined to see their memories now. Lightning glanced back at her friends before she bowed at the manticore, almost promptly slipping flat on her face. She said nothing, however. Tad stepped forward and peered at Lightning and the Rainbooms through his wire-rimmed spectacles. Fluttershy thought he had kind eyes. For about a minute, he looked them over, not saying a word. Then he spoke in a low voice.~

"Loosen their bonds and remove those gags."

~Alaxe raised an eyebrow but much to the Rainbooms' relief obeyed at once. Fluttershy took a deep breath as the gag was removed and then began to rub her chafed wrists. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stretched their arms with equal relief while Twilight and Sunset waved their hands to get the circulation going. Rarity and Pinkie sighed of relief, then went to hug their friends. All seven were full of questions and they gabbled one on top of the other.~

"Who are you?"

"Where is this place…?"

"What are we doing here?"

"Why did you tie us up…?"

"Who is this 'she'?"

"How do you know we're not…?"

~With a smile, the manticore held up a paw. Then, to the amazement of everyone in the room, he slowly went down on one knee before them.~

"Girls of the Rainbows', for that is who you are, is it not?" he asked gravely. The Rainbooms looked blankly at each other. The manticore's words made no sense at all. "My name is Tad, I bid you welcome to the Great Forest of Caisar in the world we know as Merrdom."

Rainbow was confused. "Kay Sar? Merry Dome? Who...I mean, what on Earth is that?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"I've got a feeling it's not anywhere in Canterlot High...Or Equestria. Or even Lightning's kingdom." Sunset muttered.

"Ya mean, we're in another world?" Applejack asked.

"I don't...I don't know what I mean. Not yet, anyway." Sunset answered.

"Let's just listen to what else he's got to say…" Rarity interrupted as Fluttershy gave the manticore a nod and a sweet smile.

If Tad the manticore was confused by the girls' response, he didn't show it. "You have come as it is written." he said. "May the world be praised! I ask you to forgive us for the rude welcome that we gave you, but these are perilous days, and we did not know the hour of your coming…Nor would it have been wise for us to know, lest our enemy were to discover it. My guards were only doing their duty."

"Yeah! Not a lot to go there!" Lightning said, still rubbing her burned wrists. "But, let's be honest, it's not the first time I have ever had a rude welcome…and it's not the worst…"

"Huh!" Rainbow scoffed.

Before anybody else could speak, Alaxe blurted out. "But, are you sure, sir? Are you really saying these creatures are on our side? That the world has sent them?"

The manticore's eyes twinkle. "Of course. Did I not tell you that I had received indications of their coming and of what to look for?" He rose from his knees and turned to Lightning. "Is it true that you are the Girls of the Rainbows?"

Lightning found herself stammering. "W-w-well, yes...no...I-I don't know! We aren't usually called that…"

"What she is trying to say is that- We're just people, girls, that's all." Twilight explained, helping out Lightning.

"But, What I'd like to ask is: What is all this?" Applejack shrugged.

"Where are we?" Fluttershy inquired.

"How is it that you are here?" Rarity added.

"We don't really understand what's happened to us. Is it some kind of a dream?" Lightning asked.

"And who is this enemy you keep talking about? She? Her?" Fluttershy questioned.

Tad rumbled a deep laugh in his throat. "Too many questions at once. And I thought you would come with answers! Never mind, Never mind. The world has strange ways. I will answer your questions as best as I can. But first, I think, a cup of nettle tea would be in order. You must come and meet Mrs Tad. She will be most interested to see you."

"Nettle Tea?!" Rainbow exclaimed. "It sounds horrible. It'll sting our mouths to death."

"Shh, Rainbow Dash. Don't be rude." Rarity scolded. "I'm sure it'll be alright. Anyway, I've heard of people drinking it in…in our world."

Rainbow scowled but said nothing. Fluttershy decided that she liked the manticore. "Me too. A cup of, um, nettle tea would be lovely." she said. "And we'd love to meet Mrs Tad."

~With great politeness, the manticore ushered them through the door by which he had entered. If the world had seemed strange up until now, for a moment at least it became almost normal. They found themselves standing in a delightful cottage complete with gleaming brasses and glowing copper kettles, wooden beams and soft armchairs. A small log fire burned in the smoke-blackened fireplace and flowery curtains decorated the leaded windows. They had entered by a kind of back door into the manticore's home.~

"Wow…This house is beautiful." Fluttershy said in amazement.

"I'm glad you like it, my dear." Mrs Tad bustled in, wearing a frilly apron. "You're very welcome to our house. That is, if you're not friends of hers."

"My dear, may I introduce you to the Girls of the Rainbows -um, people. They have come as I said." Tad explained.

Rather quaintly, Mrs Tad cocked her head to one side and gazed at the girls in turn. "My, my. Well, pleased to meet you, I'm sure, but is that the only name you have?" She enquired. "It's quite a mouthful, my dears."

"Oh, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we?" Lightning asked, feeling pretty embarrassed. "Well- I'm Star. Lightning Star."

The rest then introduced themselves. "My name's Sunset Shimmer."

"Rainbow Dash is the name! Speed's my game!"

"Mrs Tad, I am Rarity. Pleased to meet you."

"Hi. My name's Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Applejack. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"I'm Fluttershy…"

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie bursted cheerily. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs T. Can I call you Mrs T- because you're going to make the tea, and it's the first letter of Tad?!

Mrs Tad looked flustered for a moment. "Well, yes, I suppose so. Never been called that before, but it...well, it doesn't matter what you call me, I suppose. I can see all of us will get on just fine." She reached out a paw and shook her hand. Then soon everyone else's. "You are all welcome, that's for sure. And now I expect you would like that cup of tea." she said. "Make yourselves at home. Sit down, my dears." She turned to Tad. "Look after them while I make the tea, husband- and don't be too serious with them!" She winked.

~She brustled back to the kitchen as they flopped into the armchairs. Alaxe joined them. Joskye, Swift and Argie, however, disappeared. But nobody seemed to have noticed. For a moment, everyone sat in silence. Mr Tad seemed unsure what to say next, so Lightning broke in.~

"Right now, um, I think we're all a bit confused." She began. "I mean, everything happened...like...suddenly."

"We don't know how we got here…" Sunset stepped in.

"Through the magic portal, Silly!" Pinkie happily shrugged.

"OR…" She continued. "Where we are, and...Well, you are creatures and you talk and live in houses."

"It is all a bit confusing. Especially for me." Fluttershy whispered.

"Yes, of course." replied the manticore, settling himself more comfortably into an old sofa by the fireside. "So, you do not know where you are, or why you are here?"

~Lightning and the Mane 7 nodded, feeling very unhelpful and bad about it. Tad looks down and sighed.~

"I suppose that's to be expected. They would have wanted your identity to keep secret, but that is very secret: not even to tell the deliverers who they are!" He smiled to himself.

"But, all we did was walk under an arch and along a passage…!" said Rainbow.

"Well, not quite." Twilight interrupted. "I mean it was a path through a tree!"

"Yeah. We came out at the top of some steps and then your gang jumped us. I just don't get it." Lightning said.

"We're in like some kind of fifth dimension…" Twilight suggested.

"Fifth dimension, eh?" Tad answered with a smile. "Well, maybe, but I think you will find there is a lot more to it than that."

"So, we're not dead then...or dreaming?" Rarity queried.

"My goodness me, no. Why should you ever think that? No, you'll probably feel more awake than ever once you grow used to things!" Tad chuckled.

Rarity smiled. "Ya said we were to be deliverers," said Applejack. "What did ya mean?"

~Tad's answer was delayed by the entry of Mrs Tad laden with a tray of tea and cakes. Pinkie's eyes lit up. She could see, and smell, fresh doughnuts and fruit buns and rock cakes and reckoned that she could cope with nettle tea with a few of these inside her. She smacked her face right onto the tray when it was placed down on the table. For a few minutes there was nothing but the clatter of cups and saucers and plates as everyone sorted themselves out and helped themselves to whatever they wanted. Once they were all served, Tad said he would try to begin at the beginning.~

"Thing is, Years ago, before the troubles began, the Great Forest of Caisar was the most beautiful place imaginable. Birds sang in the trees, scented shrubs bloomed everywhere. The forest folk were free to go about as they pleased and there was plenty of food for everyone." Tad's eyes gazed into the distance.

"We were young then," said Mrs Tad. "My, what great times we had! Not a care in the world."

Tad nodded and smiled at his wife. "The secret lay in the enchanted glade. You see, the world had gifted the forest with the Islastone and that was what made the place so magical."

"What's the Islastone and where is this glade?" Lightning asked.

"Oh, we must take you there. It's wonderful, even now." Mrs Tad said.

"The Islastone is a special jewel of great size and power." Tad explained.

"Why, if you hurt yourself, just to go to the glade made you better." said Mrs Tad.

"And then there were those who sought wisdom and spent hours gazing at the Islastone and learning the ways of the world."

"Did you do that?" asked Fluttershy eagerly.

"Yes, I did, but as I say it seems a long time ago now, alas, all that has changed. A great tragedy fell upon us. She came one fateful day and stole the Islastone." His face filled with sorrow as he spoke.

"She? But who is she?" Rarity asked.

"Hexia!" Alaxe, who had been listening, spat the word out. "Hexia the Crone!"

At his words, Fluttershy felt a chill run through her veins. "Hexia the what? Whoa…" Applejack blinked.

"Yes, Hexia the Crone." Tad nodded. "Stealing the Islastone was bad enough but then one day she returned to enslave the Great Forest and our happy days came to an end."

"The forest has begun to wither and die; flowers ceased blooming and almost all the birds fled." Alaxe explained. "Food has become scarce and the forest folk live in fear of their lives. That is why we have to defend ourselves."

"Alaxe is right." said Tad. "She controls us from her castle and nobody can touch her while she holds the Islastone. We are almost helpless." His shoulders sagged and the girls could sense the sorrow of a brave creature fighting on but knowing he had lost the war.

"Well, I'm not afraid of any silly Crone, whatever she is. We'll just go and kick her door in and get your Islastone back!" Rainbow declared stoutly. "Anyway, what is a Crone? I bet she's just some silly old woman."

"Alas, I do not think it will be quite that simple," Tad continued, shaking his head. "Yes, I do believe you will help deliver us from Hexia's power, for it is written that it should be so, but you will find that she is a dangerous enemy.

"Many of our folk have tried and as a result, now languish in her dungeons, or worse." said Alaxe.

"What does languish mean?" Pinkie wanted to know, continuing to stuff her face with goodies.

"Well, if you were languishing in prison, you would be slowly losing hope and rotting away, like hanging in chains with no food…" Twilight explained.

Pinkie went very quiet at the thought of no food. "No! No cupcakes forever!" She then gasped.

"It's not just the troops that she has." said Alaxe. "It's something worse. I don't know how to explain it but she throws a shadow over your inside. You just want to give up and die."

"That's awful!" Applejack exclaimed. "But, Where do we 'll fit into this?"

In answer to her question, the manticore suddenly ushered everyone out of their armchairs and into another room filled with dusty brown books and parchments. "I have studied the ways all my life." he said. "Many hours I have sat and gazed into the pool. One night, I had a vision in my sleep in which I saw your faces by the light. I knew then that the time had come for matter to change."

~As he spoke, he unlocked a small chest by the side of the desk and from it drew what looked like a large powder compact covered in green tarnish. He handled the object with great reverence.~

"Please take this...This is the mighty mirror of the Islastone. My father entrusted it to me. I have kept it for this day."

~Rarity's eyes gleamed. They gazed in awe at the object, and felt it had great power within already. Tad looked at each of the girls in turn.~

"You are the leader, Lightning, so I guess I should give it to you." he said at last, as though not quite sure. He handed the object to Lightning, who took it gingerly.

"What do we do with it and how will it help us?" Sunset enquired.

"If you press the clasp it will spring open and let forth its secret. But do point it away from us all, and use it wisely."

~Lightning held the mirror in the palm of her hand and did as she was instructed. The lid flipped open, releasing a blaze of dazzling light that filled the room with a terrible but wonderful radiance. The Rainbooms shielded their eyes against the power of the light. So dizzying was the sight that it was something of relief when Lightning snapped the lid shut. All eight girls felt wobbly at their knees and reached for items of furniture around them just to steady themselves as the light faded away and their senses returned to normal.~

"It's a good thing I brought my sunglasses with me." Lightning blinked.

"Wow, impressive!" Rarity gasped.

"Hmm…Why didn't Hexia steal this?" asked Rainbow, feeling her stomach lurch.

"Because she doesn't know of its existence." Tad replied who, like Mrs Tad and Alaxe, was removing his paws from his eyes. "My father gave it to me on his deathbed and we have kept it hidden ever since."

"You could have used it yourself." Rarity suggested.

Tad shook his head. "A weapon such as this is not for the likes of us forest folk. We are peace-loving and don't willingly take to arms. This would be a dangerous thing in our hands and in the end we might even be tempered to use it against our own kind."

"Besides which we felt the time for its use was when the prophecy began to be fulfilled." Alaxe added.

"And now we've turned up, and it's all starting to happen, I suppose." said Twilight.

"Use it carefully, won't you," said Tad. "Always remember, girls, that the power belongs to the world and not to you. You must respect that fact."

"Well, Thank you for trusting us, Mr Tad." whispered Fluttershy. "We'll do our best to look after it, and use it wisely."

~She looked at her friends, but before they could agree, a blood-curdling shriek rented the air and struck a chill to the marrow of everyone's bones. The next instant, the door rushed open and in stumbled Robin.~

"It's Hexia!" He gasped. "She's down the path and she's caught Mas the Gnome. I think she's killing him!"