• Published 26th Feb 2021
  • 324 Views, 1 Comments

The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

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Chapter 8: Battle of the Sky

Chapter 8: Battle of the Sky

~Pinkie Pie had seen what was happening from her hiding place under the table. She had not been idle. Her first task had been to break through the cords that bound her fellow Rainbooms with her magic sprinkles. They were just coming around until Pinkie shook them all rapidly.~

"Guys, WAKE UP! The scientists are going to sacrifice Swift to the Harats, you know the other creatures Tad said about, but we have to wake up Lightning, Joskye and Argie before it's too late, Let's go!" she spoke with such rapid urgency to her dazed companions, then dragged them across to where the boys and Lightning laid unconscious.

"I hate this adventure…" Rarity groaned.

Still dazed, the seven girls stared at them anxiously. Rainbow took Lightning's jacket and began to shake it about. "Lightning, wake up!"

"It's not working." Fluttershy whimpered. "How are we gonna wake them?"

Applejack waved her hand in Joskye's face. "We need somethin' physical and wet…"

"Water. We'd better try water, I suppose." Sunset said, rubbing her head.

Twilight nodded. "On it!"

~Twilight darted around and, in the corner of her eye, she spotted a low trough of water. Grabbing the goblets, she and Sunset began to splash Lightning, Joskye and Argie's faces.~

"Wassamarra?! Ugh!" groaned Argie.

"Wakey, Wakey!" Pinkie smiled.

"Listen, Lightning, Joskye, Argie. Wentor and Sireal are going to kill Swift." Sunset urged.

"What?" It was Joskye who spoke first. "Kill Swift?"

"Kill- "

~Lightning stopped in her sentence and retched before she was violently sick on the floor. A second later, Joskye and Argie were sick too.~

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Argie spluttered.

"What happened?" Lightning gasped, wiping her mouth.

Joskye pondered. "The last thing I remember was having a drink. Then everything started spinning…"

"Y'all were drugged…" interrupted Applejack. "But, listen, Swift's in great danger!"

"We have to stop those wizards!" Rainbow declared.

"Too late!"

~All ten of the kids whirled around to see the two wizards standing at the doorway. They heard the bolt slide into place as Sireal locked the heavy door. Then together he and Wentor strode down the staircase to where the boys and girls cowered.~

"You are too late." continued Wentor with a triumphant leer. "She will die and so will you."

His cold-blooded words cleared Joskye's head more effectively than the cold water. "We'll see about that!" he yelled and, leaping aside, he drew the mirror from Lightning's pocket.~

~With a press of the clasp the mirror sprang open and a living light gushed forth like a jet of golden water from a powerful hose. Saturated with such intense light, books and parchments burst into flames under its glare. A crystal ball exploded into a thousand fragments. Apparatus began to melt into smouldering heaps. Jars cracked and chemicals crackled and hissed into flame.~

"Taste the fire!" Joskye shouted.

~The wizards screeched with rage and lunged towards Joskye. But there would be no stopping Joskye. One look at the fury of his face was enough. With cries of fear and rage, they fled for the tunnel.~

"Alright, I have to get myself one of those mirrors," Rarity smiled in contentment.

"Later! Now for Swift." Joskye cried. He, Argie and the Rainbooms rushed the flight of stairs and reached the locked door. "This time I'll do it right," muttered Joskye. "Stand back everyone. By the light, let this door be broken. Let this door be broken!" he cried.

~At once, to the sound of splitting wood, the oak door shattered into firewood before the blazing light. In moments they were outside. Ahead of them stretched the long stone staircase where they could see the distance figure of Swift in the flickering torch light.~

"Come on!" cried Lightning. They rushed up the stone stairs as fast as their still shaking legs could carry them.

"Don't worry, We're coming, Swift!" Argie called breathlessly.

~At that very moment a shrill screech pierced the night sky. All their eyes turned in the direction from which it had come. They saw a black dot high in the sky that even as they watched grew rapidly in size as it plummeted towards them. Down it shot at unbelievable speed, mighty harpy and bat-like creature with powerful wings and stretched talons that glinted in the flames from the wizards' den. Eyes glaring, it streaked straight towards the helpless Swift. Before anyone could react to this horror, three other cries rent the air. They turned to dismay to see more dark shapes speeding on great black wings towards the sacrificial victim. They were coming from the direction of Hexia's castle.~

"Quickly! Quickly!" screamed Swift. "Help me. Please, please help me!"

~Joskye, Argie and the Rainbooms were halfway up the steep stairs in their race to save Swift. They scurried at their heels, but they already knew it was too late. By the smoky light of the flickering torches, they could see Swift struggling hopelessly against her bonds. They would not reach her in time. Already the outspread wings of the giant harpy bat seemed to fill the twilight sky above Swift's head. Hovering like some prehistoric and terrifying bird of prey, the monstrous black creature was ready to pounce. Tears of frustration and defeat choked Joskye. His own sister was about to be torn to pieces!~

"No!" he gasped. "No!"

Lightning, unable to feel defeat, snapped and yelled. "I can't take it anymore! I'm not letting this happen!"

~Desperately, she reached her neck for her geode. A bright blue light surrounded her, raccoon ears sprouted on her head and the mask, and tail appeared on the end strands of her hair. In desperation, she swished the air above Joskye and Argie's heads. They were in awe. Before a Harat clutched Swift in its fearsome talons or hacked her flesh with its hooked beak, Lightning Star swept down and fiercely batted it back to where it came from. Applejack and Rarity reached the top of the stairs first, and panted to Swift. Both girls began to tear at her bonds until her hands were loosed from the pillars. Nearly fainting with terror and unable to hold herself up any longer, the exhausted girl collapsed to the ground.~

~Joskye was almost at the top by now, and though his legs were trembling and he was still in awe at Lightning's power outburst, he seized his chance and flicked the mirror open.~

"Take that!" he gasped.

~He pointed it at the bat demons. A blaze of light seared through the twilight and struck the creatures full on. The Rainbooms' raised their eyes. Above them, the Harats wheeled of such enormous size that they looked like giant shadows on the dark canvas of the twilit sky. One after the other they swooped towards their target. They attacked but they were no match for the mirror. Light streamed forth as intense as a laser beam and before its claws could strike, a Harat shrivelled to a cinder and vanished in a puff of smoke.~

~Lightning rose again and streaked across the sky. She gritted her teeth for the moment of impact, until she landed in the light of the mirror Joskye was holding. However, to his amazement, far from destroying her, the raccoon girl seemed to grow brighter and stronger in the mirror's glare. From the tips of her half-opened ears to the fuzz of her tail, her fur shimmered with a dazzling silvery sheen until she looked as though she was made of a shiny metal gleaming in bright sunlight. Yet nothing further happened; she wasn't burned, and she wasn't destroyed. The panting boys stood amazed at the sight and they felt utterly defeated.~

Swift gazed up at her rescuer and then bowed her head in despair. "W-who are you?" she asked scaredly.

"Relax, Swift. It's okay. It's me. Lightning." she spoke with harsh integrity and full of authority. "I'm sorry we did not mention this earlier to you. But you don't need to worry." she turned towards the angle of the light. "You can close the mirror now, Joskye, the creatures have gone."

~Dumbfounded, and after a moment's hesitation, Joskye obeyed. The light died away and, except for the eerie shadows cast by the flickering torches, everything else was cloaked in darkness. Slowly, Swift raised her head and looked once more at Lightning in her form. He hadn't harmed them. Was she really on their side still?~

Sunset spoke next. "We...have alot of explain." she smiled nervously. "But we'll tell you along the way out of here."

"She's right. We have little time now. I bet you the enemies have already smelt our blood. It's Swift they want most of all, though we are all in great danger." Twilight theorised.

Fluttershy screamed. "Look out!"

~At an unseen signal, a band of Harats swooped down again towards the group of teenagers. They ducked in the nick of time.~

"Lightning, catch!" called Joskye.

~He leapt and threw the mirror upwards with all his strength. Lightning stopped in mid-flight. She shot downwards to the mirror, and caught it quickly and mercifully. She whirled back to the pursuing Harats and flipped open the lid. The move was too much for the Harats and they hurtled headlong into one another colliding with a mighty clatter of leathery skin and bone. The Rainbooms, Joskye, Swift and Argie saw one drop like a stone down far below, mortally wounded. The other, sensing defeat, recovered quickly and flew hard and low back towards the sanctuary of Hexia's castle.~

Argie shook his fist at them. "Yeah! You better fly away! Never hurt us again!"

"Oh, I'm not letting this one escape!" cried Lightning as she set off in hot pursuit. "DEATH TO ALL THE ENEMIES OF ME!"

~Although fear propelled the Harat at great speed, the raccoon girl was faster and the gap closed rapidly. Lightning opened the mirror and tried to focus the beam on her target but found it impossible. It looked as if it would make it to the castle. They were right over the ramparts when she quickly decided to strike using her secret agent techniques. She tucked the mirror away and gripped the Harat's neck tightly. With a horrifying screech, the creature writhed and fought to shake off its attacker. Lightning clung on as she fought. It didn't last long. She executed a deathblow with a sharp snap and the Harat fell mangled to the courtyard beneath. At once, Lightning began to climb, but hardly a moment too soon. A crackle of fire leapt from the wand of a furious Hexia who had followed the action from her castle ramparts. Lightning heard the Crone scream with rage as the fiery bolt merely singed her tail. Hexia's face contorted in hatred, and her clenched fists shook with anger as she made her escape back to her friends. They saw the whole thing in amazement. Lightning landed safely, only to get tackled into a hug by Joskye.~

"That. Was. Awesome!" He cheered.

"You snapped a Harat's neck!" Argie exclaimed.

"Yeeeaaaahhh...and...I feel so much better for doing it." Lightning shrugged. "I don't care that my anger got to me- I'll admit, that was something."

Swift gave her a loving hug. "Thank you so much, Lightning." she gasped. "You saved my life."

"It's all in a day's work." she replied.

"Three cheers for Lightning!" prompted Argie.

~The team cheered vigorously for her but what they didn't know was that there was one more Harat soaring above them in the pale afterglow of early evening. The shadowy killer was coming for Swift. It smelt blood. Full of menace, it circled closer unbeknownst, then it swooped. It's talons sank deep into Swift's leg and she screamed painfully and flinched.~

Rainbow saw it and gasped. "Hey!"

~With her speed, Rainbow swiftly and strongly beat the enemy down with a few hits. Joskye finished it off with the mirror. Fluttershy gazed above and checked to see if more were coming. When she saw there weren't, she kneeled down to Swift.~

"Swift, are you alright?" She gasped.

Swift clenched her teeth in pain. "No…I'm hurt, bad."

"Quickly, we need to take her to safety." Lightning commanded.

"Do ya think ya can walk, sugarcube?" Applejack said to Swift. She made an attempt to stand, but her leg wouldn't hold her. She collapsed down again. "I'm gonna take that as a no."

"We need to get her to Tad. Perhaps he'll have something." Rarity suggested.

"You're right. Let's go back down to where we came from and try to find an exit." Lightning nodded.

"But, what about Swift?" exclaimed Joskye. "She can't walk!"

"I'll carry her." Applejack answered. "I have super strength." she explained.

"Really? That's amazing." Joskye panted.

"Go on then, Swift!" cried Argie.

~Swift clambered onto Applejack's neck as she bent low. Soon, she was astride her back comfortably. An orange glow formed around them, and for a moment, the boys stood in awe gazing.~

"Thank you." Swift smiled softly.

"Just hold tight. And ya'll be fine…" Applejack assured.

"Come on," smiled Joskye. "Let's go."

~Down the steps they raced, feeling a cold rush of wind as a Harat, with its talons bared, swooped low over their heads. They tumbled together to the bottom of the steps in record time.~

"Where's that path again?" Joskye asked breathlessly. "Quickly!"

~Fire still poured from the doorway of the wizard's lair and by its light Argie made out a dark hole in the undergrowth just to their right.~

"This must be it." he cried. "Come on."

~In no mood to hang about, the girls and the boys scramble through the hole. They discovered that they were in a low tunnel that disappeared steeply through a dense thicket of holly bushes.~

"Whew! Let's hope we're safe in here." puffed Rainbow.

"Let's keep moving," said Sunset, coughing. "This is too close for comfort."

~They nodded in agreement, and followed the tunnel as it dropped away through the holly.~

~The bleak moor known as the Waste Plains stretched in front of the prince. Behind him lay the inhospitable mountains, their peak already shrouded in cloud as if to bar his way back. Further ahead eastwards, out of sight across the rolling moor with its scrubby grass heather, lay the Great Forest of Caisar and the reason for his journey.~

"Onwards, ever Onwards…" he said to himself as he shouldered his pack.

~The keen wind and dull sky matched his mood as he tramped through the long hours. The days to come would test him and though he hoped to win through, he could not be certain. He suspected the battle would be fierce but as yet he had little inkling of what those battles might be. Strong and well- trained though he was, he would have to muster all his courage, wisdom and skill to face the challenge when it came. In a sombre frame of mind he marched all day until, at length, he came within sight of a dark expanse of wintry trees stretching from one end of the horizon to the other. He had reached the edge of the Great Forest itself and before it in the fading light of evening glinted the serpentine silver thread of the river.~

"Tomorrow, I shall enter the forest and find out why I have made this journey…" he breathed. Somewhere in the distance he heard the wild screeching of birds.