• Published 26th Feb 2021
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The Witch of Darkness (#10) - LightningStar626

Lightning Star and the seven Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, find something very mysterious about a tree located beneath an abandoned graveyard in their local school forest.

  • ...

Chapter 11: The Trap is Sprung

Chapter 11: The Trap is Sprung.

~After the daring raid on Hexia's castle and the rescue of the prisoners, the morning saw the forest alive with activity. The reason was very simple. Everyone was afraid of what Hexia would do in return.~

"It's all very well, rescuing everyone," said Grumble, "But she's going to be after us before you know it. Mark my words!"

~With this in mind, many of the forest-folk began to move house altogether, especially those who lived nearest to Hexia's castle. Quite a few felt that they would be safer if they were near the glade. Others dug deep burrows and moved their meagre food supplies and scanty possessions as far underground as possible.~

"Aren't you going to move house, too, Tad?" asked Rainbow as they stood outside Tad's cottage.

"Not me," the old menicore replied with a laugh. "I have lived here too long to leave it now. Mrs Tad would never dream of doing so, in any case. No, we will stay."

"All the same," Applejack interrupted. "You ought to have some protection. I mean, I reckon you're the one she's most likely to be after."

"Well," smiled Tad. "I've got Alaxe and Tig. They're afraid of very little, you know."

"Yes, but…"

"Tad is right." The speaker was Dalton, who had just joined them. "This moving is unnecessary. Things will not go as many of the forest-folk fear." Seeing the look of surprise on their faces, he added, "The days of Hexa are numbered."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked in the silence that followed. "Is there something you know that we don't?" She gave a sidelong glance at her friends.

"Cos, if there is, haven't we the right to know?" said Sunset. "I mean, we're part of this as well…"

Swift said nothing but watched Dalton closely. Like her, he said nothing. This was the chance, however. "Did you find your destiny?" Tad asked.

Dalton nodded, his face betraying just a flicker of emotion. "Sunset Shimmer is quite right." he said. "I should tell you about why we are all here."

~So, Tad, Mrs Tad, the teenagers, Alaxe and Tig, found a grassy bank and sat down with Dalton to hear what he had to say.~

"Long ago," he began. "As far back in the mists of time as you can imagine, the Great Forest of Caisar was appointed to be a very special place. It was given a certain magic. As you well know, the glade still retains that enchantment, since it is untouched by Hexia's curse." The others nodded in agreement. "Legend has it," he continued, "That a small meteorite plunged into the forest and its impact carved out the pool."

"And that's why there is a link between the starlight and the water. I too have heard of the meteorite. Some say it is the origin of the Islastone." Tad added.

"Then it's from outer space." Argie cried excitedly.

"If that is what it should be called," replied Dalton with a smile. "One day you may find it is less 'outer' than you imagine." Ignoring Argie's puzzled frown, Dalton continued. "Be that as it may be, the Islastone is no ordinary jewel. It possesses a power of its own and while it lay in the glade it brought well-bring to the whole of the Great Forest. The trees that you see around you grew tall and fair, and birds of every kind and colour rested in their branches. Flowers bloomed in colours and scents that could take your breath away," he paused. "Tad, you know more of this because you were born at the latter end of those days."

The manticore nodded. "Yes, they were wonderful times and I remember them well when I was a cub."

"Me too," cut in Mrs Tad.

"And then Hexia came?" Lightning asked.

"Then Hexia came." Tad nodded.

"But, why?" Fluttershy wanted to know.

"I think I can answer that, at least in part," said Dalton. "It has to do with the world outside of the Great Forest. I mean the world over which my father rules." The prince had their full attention. "Nobody can fully explain it but everything became unsettled. It was as though there had been a deep earthquake or...or a change in the climate. Nothing was quite as it used to be anymore," said Dalton. "People felt uncertain about the future and about their safety. In the westward lands, where I come from, there was much fear and unrest. It seemed that people were always on the move but didn't know where they were going. Bands of outlaws began to appear around our towns and many evil deeds were done. It was as though we had lost control of our lives. Even the air we breathed seemed somehow threatening."

"How horrible," said Rarity. She shuddered at the thought.

"Nothing changed here in the forest because of its special enchantment, of course," Dalton continued. "That is, until one dark night," He hesitated. "A young woman appeared from outside the forest. The woman was still in her teenage years but a bitter evil had already poisoned her heart. She looked upon the Islastone and was hungry to possess it."

"Heixa!" they breathed in unison.

Sunset Shimmer regarded him curiously. "She came from your city, didn't she? And…"

"Yes," he cut in before she could continue. "And on a certain night she entered the glade again, and by some terrible magic, wrenched the Islastone from the pool. Clutching her glittering prise, she fled from the forest and back to her own land. From that moment on the Great Forest began to die. The trees shed their leaves, flowers dropped and most of the birds perished or fled."

"For a while we couldn't understand what was happening," said Tad. "Then we discovered that the Islastone had vanished. Despair filled out hearts, because we did not know what had become of the jewel. All we heard was a rumour of a young woman visiting the glade some time was not until a year later that the full and awful truth dawned on us."

"Was that when Hexia came back?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes," said Dalton. "She came with Cropers and Harats- evil creatures that she herself had a part of producing. She built her castle and began to dominate the forest-folk. Many died who tried to oppose her and many were taken captive to be used in her evil experiments."

"The wicked creature! I really hate her!" exclaimed Swift angrily.

Dalton held up his hand. "All was not lost, however. The glade closed itself off from Hexia so that she had not been able to find it again to this day. Whenever she tries, she loses her direction and comes back to where she started. That is why the glade still had something of the former life of the forest."

Alaxe took up the tale. "Only those who are unpolluted by her evil can venture there. The wise, such as Tad and his father before him, found wisdom- which is why Tad knew of your coming."

"When my father was dying," said Tad. "He gave the mirror to me along with the revelation that I showed to you when you arrived."

"And thats when we walked in?" Lightning asked.

"Yes, and then Dalton himself. The promised ruler. There was no mistaking the token that he carried."

"What's a token?" Argie asked.

"I think he means the ring." Twilight whispered. "You got it from your mother, right?"

"Correct." Dalton said, twisting the ring so that they could see its stone. "This stone is part of the Islastone itself." He hesitated. "You see, my mother had battled with Hexia to seize the Islastone from her. This fragment broke off in the struggle."

Everyone gasped on hearing this. Tig was the first to find his voice. "Then your mother had met Hexia?" he exclaimed.

Dalton looked pained. "More than that," he replied heavily. "I also have known Hexia before."

~There was a stunned silence at this news. Then everyone gabbled at once.~

"Who is she, Dalton?"

"How do you know her?"

"Where did you meet her?"

~Before Dalton could respond to the barrage of questions, there was the sharp crack of a twig snapping in the bushes behind them.~

Alaxe held up his hand. "Quiet, everyone," he urged. "There's somebody there."

~Everyone leapt to their feet, tense and alert. They stared at the unmoving shrubs. Carefully, with Tig leading in one direction and Alaxe in the other, they encircled the bushes. Then, hearts thumping, they rushed in from both sides. There was nobody to be seen.~

"Perhaps we were imagining it." said Rainbow Dash.

"I don't think so," Alaxe replied, pointing at a broken twig. "Look, it's not safe to talk for too long outside like this. We should have set a guard. Spies are nothing new to the forest."

"Yes, yes, you are quite right, Alaxe." agreed Tad, looking concerned. "We must warn everyone to be alert to the dangers. In fact, we should do that right away. If anyone was listening I just hope not too much was overheard." The sun passed behind a cloud and it was suddenly chilly.

"Lets pair off and pass the message around," Tig suggested.

~Everyone agreed and set off to warn folk to be on guard. Nobody, for the moment, remembered the unanswered questions, except Lightning, who thought she might know the answers.~

~Not far away, a beady-eyes Sireal watched with an oily smile on his round face. "Very interesting," he said to himself. "Very interesting indeed!"

~The treacherous wizard had overheard every word of the conversation and already his mind was hard at work. Glancing about him quickly, he hurried back to their underground lair to speak with Wentor.~

"Where on earth have you been?" snapped Wentor. "Can't you see there's work to be done? Here I am working my fingers to the bone and all you can do is wander off. I thought we were supposed to be partners. What do you think she's going to say if we don't start up again soon, eh?"

~Wentor was in a bad mood when Sireal arrived. He was still trying to put together what was left out of the mess created by the Rainbooms and White's onslaught three days before. Worse, they had been on the receiving end of Hexia's wrath for having failed to provide a sacrifice for her Harats. She had refused to listen to their explanation and warned them that if they did not improve quickly, they had better leave the forest, or die. The news of Hexia's recent defeats only made them more afraid of displeasing her.~

"Far from doing nothing, I've been finding out things of great value to us," Sireal replied.

"Here, give me a hand with the table, will you? Or at least what's left of it. If only I could get my hands on those girls again- and those meddling boys. What've you been finding out, anyway?"

"Stop messing about with all this and I'll tell you. By the time we've finished, my friend, we shall have our own suite of rooms in the castle itself. Now listen."

Sireal recounted all that he had seen and heard. When he had finished, Wentor's eyes gleamed. He rubbed his bony fingers together with glee. "Heh, Heh. Not only will this get us back into her good books, but it'll also destroy those children. Play this one right and we've got it made."

"Just think, a proper spell-room and real power. Perhaps even the use of the Islastone." Sireal's eyes glittered at the thought.

"We must go to Hexia tonight and share our news. I'm sure she will be most interested to hear what we've found out."

"What I've found out." corrected Sireal.

~That night, dark counsels took place in Hexia's lair. The air hung heavy, thick with evil, as the trio plotted the doom of Dalton and the others. Hexia had received the two wizards with impatience at first and kept them standing while they spoke. But, at the mention of Dalton's name her attitude changed. She sat them down eager to know more.~

"Dalton. Dalton?" A strange look passed across her eyes as she mouthed the name. "So it's him, is it? After all this time."

"They spoke about prophecies." said Sireal. "Something about him being a ruler."

"Pah! The prophecies are the vain hope of fools. Don't you know that I hold the Islastone and nobody can defeat me? Nobody, do you hear?!"

"Yes. Yes, your highness." Wentor replied hastily.

~The truth was that Hexia had been disturbed by the mention of Dalton's name. Although she didn't accept the prophecies, she couldn't deny the fact that both he and the Rainbooms had come predicted. The only way to deal with her unease was to act as soon as possible, but with cunning. To achieve her ends he was quite prepared to form an alliance with the wizards. They could be dealt with at a later date.~

"We must work together." she hissed. "That Dalton must be destroyed and I want to do it myself. None of us is safe while he lives, do you understand?" They nodded. "Good. Then we will set a trap between us and lure all of them to their doom. This is what I suggest…"

~Three pairs of eyes gleamed in the darkness as they hatched their plot. Hexia thought of another use to which she could put her newly found forged weapon and smiled as she pictured the scene in her mind. The old score would be settled at last.~

~In Tad's house, everyone gathered and could only sit and wait for the next move since clearly there was little else they could do. Dalton seemed unwilling to talk any further about how he and his mother had come to know Hexia and was in a brooding mood that not even Lightning dared intrude upon. By the afternoon of being cooped up indoors, Joskye, Swift and Argie were feeling thoroughly irritable. Tad and Alaxe had set out early to attend various matters among the forest-folk, and nobody knew where Dalton had gone.~

"I'm fed up with this!" exclaimed Joskye. "I'll go loopy if we have to sit here much longer."

"Well, what can we do?" asked Lightning. "Honestly I feel like I need this."

"I don't, I've gotta get out of this house. Anyone want to come for a walk?"

"Yeah, I do," said Argie. "I'm fed up with being stuck here, too."

"Be careful, then," said Fluttershy. "And don't be long. Who knows when something is going to happen."

"Thank you, Fluttershy. We'll watch out, don't you worry. We've got the mirror with us just in case." Argie answered.

~The weather was beautiful outside, bright sunshine, blue sky and fresh, clear air. Joskye took a deep breath and laughed.~

"It does smell good, doesn't it?" said Swift. "There's less of that dead smell. Come on, which way shall we go?"

"Let's follow this path." Argie suggested, pointing to the left.

~Before long, the pleasant stroll along the meandering woodland path had them all feeling much happier. Life wasn't so bad after all and forgetting the threat of Hexia they began to laugh and joke and chase one another with bits of twig. They had been playing around like this for about twenty minutes when, all of a sudden, there was a movement in the bushes bordering the path just ahead. They each froze. The next instant, none other than Sireal the wizard stepped out in front of them. Swift stifled a scream and Joskye's hand dived into his pocket for the mirror. He was about to open it when Sireal spoke. His voice was smooth and soft.~

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, young man. At least, not if you wish to see your friend Tad alive and well again."

"What do you mean?" Joskye demanded. "What have you done with him?"

"Not me. I haven't touched him." Sireal sneered. "No, Hexia has. Or rather her Cropers have. They've caught him."

"Oh no!" gasped Swift. "Not Tad. What are we going to do?"

"Rescue him, of course!" snapped Joskye, rather more sharply than he had intended. His eye gleamed. "That is, if he's really captured." He addressed the wizard. "Why are you telling us this? After all, you're on Hexia's side and you tried to kill us. It's got to be a trap!"

Sireal smiled. "What's in it for me? Why, I'm changing sides, that's what. I want to bring Hexia down, same as you. And you have the power." He indicated the mirror.

"And you expect us to believe you? Just like that?" Joskye answered.

"Why would you want to change sides, anyway?" Swift demanded.

Sireal shrugged his shoulders and held out his palms. "We are no longer in her favour," he replied. "Things keep going wrong for her since your new friends came on the scene, and she's blaming it on us. I figured that if were to be blamed anyway, I might as well join the better side."

"What about your pal?" Argie asked.

"Wentor, I am afraid to say, hasn't yet seen sense." Sireal replied. "I expect he'll come around, but I'm getting out while the going is good."

Joskye was far from convinced. He remembered that this was one of the men who had offered his sister as a human sacrifice. "We don't make bargains with the likes of you," he said. "So forget it. We're not interested."

"You overlook the fact that Tad has been captured and is not far from here. They'll be marching him off to Hexia and you know what that'll mean." the wizard replied. "I know where you can stop them."

"I don't believe you." Joskye replied.

"Hey, listen, Joskye," Argie interjected. "Look, I'm not sure I believe him either, but we've got to take a chance, just in case. It'd be awful if Tad really is caught."

"Yes, Joskye, please let's check, just to be sure." Swift added.

Joskye hesitated before turning to the wizard. "You'll have to prove yourself to us. Take us to Tad and if he's rescued we'll think about what you've said. If you try anything funny, I'll fry you alive. Now move!" he gestured angrily with the mirror.

~Sireal flinched and muttering to himself stumbled down the path in front of them. He seemed to be taking Joskye's threat seriously and kept casting nervous glances over his shoulder as he hurried along.~

"Just keep yours eyes open for a trap." hissed Argie. "This path leads towards the old clearing, I reckon."

"Well, we'll know soon enough if he's telling the truth, we're nearing there." Joskye muttered.

~Just as he spoke, Sireal gave a cry of fright and to their absolute astonishment fell crashing into a hole in the path and disappeared from their sight. The White's stopped dead in their tracks.~

"He's fallen into a trap!" exclaimed Argie.

"Do you think it was meant for us?" Swift asked.

~Before anyone could answer her question, all three were thrown to the ground by the weight of a huge net that fell on them from the trees above. After that, everything happened so quickly that there was nothing they could do to save themselves. Six Cropers leapt to the ground and swiftly bundled up the teenagers, whose struggles only entangled them further. To his dismay, Joskye felt the mirror slip from his fingers in the confusion. The Cropers thrust the stout pole through the netting. Balancing it on their shoulders, they hoisted their load and carried the captive White's at a swift march towards the clearing area. They were followed by a grinning Sireal who, having just clambered out of the pit, was brushing down his clothes.~

Swift looked back and saw his smirk. It was a trap after all. "I'm so sorry, Joskye. It's my fault for saying we should go with him." she groaned.

"No, it's mine too." said Argie.

"Nobody's to blame." Joskye replied. "Lets just hope they haven't got Tad as well. If only I hadn't dropped the mirror...Ouch!"

~The Cropers had come to an abrupt halt and stood to attention in the clearing. Hexia was waiting for them. With her hand on her hip and a leer on her face, she swaggered towards the helpless teens.~

"Stupid young fools." she mocked. "You fell right into my trap. I've caught you good and proper this time, haven't I?" She waggled a gnarled finger at them.

Swift was furious. "You're evil and horrible and nasty! I hate you!" she cried. "Let us go. Just let me get at you, you wicked old witch!" She struggled violently in the net.

The Crone sneered. "Your words mean nothing to me, and in any case it's too late for you to interfere with my plans now. Guards, prepare the next part of the plan. You know what to do."

~At her command, the Cropers carried their struggling load across the clearing until they came to a pole shaped like an old-fashioned hangman's post. There they dropped the teenagers in a heap and fixed a rope to the net. One of the Cropers threw the end over the crossbar. With much puffing, the Cropers hauled on the rope until the teens were suspended in the net about two metres off the ground. They struggled to readjust their limbs as best they could.~

"What are they doing?" gasped Argie.

"I don't know." his brother replied. "I thought for one moment that we were going to be hanged."

"I'm frightened," Swift whimpered. "I don't like this at all. If only the Rainbooms and Dalton were here."

~Hexia said nothing. She simply watched. Her guards went off into the bushes on the edge of the clearing. They returned carrying bundles of dried gorse and at a nod from their mistress they began to pile it beneath the White's. The job was soon done and all the children could do was look on in silent trepidation.~

"Is she going to drop us into it?" whispered Argie. "It looks ever so prickly."

"No, I don't think so." Joskye muttered grimly, as the truth dawned on him.

Swift also realised what was happening. "She's going to burn us alive!" she shrieked.

~The three teens stared horror-struck as Hexia advanced on them. In her gnarled hand she bore a burning branch and her face was twisted into an evil leer. One of her Cropers started a slow beat on a bass drum. Two others put trumpets to their lips and began to blow long, raucous blasts. Joskye, Swift and Argie struggled desperately as the Crone came closer.~

~In the depths of the forest, everyone heard the beat of the drum and the blare of the trumpets. They stopped what they were doing and began to ask one another what was going on. Tad, Dalton and the Rainbooms were together when it began.~

"What's going on?" Lightning asked.

"Something bad." said Tad.

"I suspect Hexia is making her move at last." Dalton replied.

"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasped.

Twilight frowned. "Wait, where are Joskye, Swift and Argie? We haven't seen them for quite some time."

"Nor have I, and I don't like it. That sound is coming from the direction of the old clearing, if I'm not mistaken. Come on, Tad, Rainbooms, hurry!" Dalton sounded grim.

~They raced out of the house together and found themselves along with many other of the forest-folk rushing towards the incessant beat of the drum and the insistent blast of the trumpet. It still took some time to reach the clearing and everyone arrived puffing and panting behind the gorse bushes that marked the edge. As they began to creep through the gorse the forest-folk quietened down. Everyone was on the watch for trouble, but they could never have been prepared for what they saw. There, hanging from the post were the three teeangers, and Hexia stood before them clutching in her hand a burning torch. Dozens of Cropers stood to attention in a semicircle behind them. The monotonous sound of the instruments continued.~

"This is dreadful! Dreadful!" gasped Tad.

"So, this is how it is going to happen?" Dalton spoke, almost to himself and his lean face looked taut.

"Surely she's not going to kill them," cried Rarity. "We must try and stop her!"

~Tad darted forward, heedless of his age or personal danger, and fearlessly approached the Crone. The Rainbooms joined his side.~

"Hah! So you've arrived, have you?" she snapped, glaring at him with venom. "All of you, I trust?"

"Tad, go back! Don't worry about us. Look after yourself." It was Swift who shouted and the two boys joined in, entreating Tad to return to safety.

"Take no notice of them." snarled the Crone. "Now listen to me. I hold all the cards, so you had better- "

"No, you listen to me." Tad interrupted angrily. "Joskye, Swift and Argie came as visitors to the forest. They mean nothing to you. Let them go. Let them go and take me instead. They can return to us and help the others get back to their own country and you will have me as your prisoner."

Hexia roared with laughter. "You!? Do you think I want you, you decrepit old ruin? You're nothing to me. You don't seem to understand, you old fool. I'm playing for higher sakes." she bent forward and narrowed her eyes at the manticore. "I want Dalton. I know he's with you. Hand him over."

"No, no," called the Whites. "Don't do it, Tad. Leave us."

"If we refuse?" Applejack asked lamely, already knowing what the answer would be.

"If you refuse, I shall simply set fire to this gorse and burn your friends alive! In fact, I shall count to one hundred and if Dalton is not delivered by then, they die. Now go!"

"How do we possibly know you won't destroy them anyway?!" Rarity glared.

"You can't, can you? Now hurry, I haven't got all day." she snapped. Tad stood for a moment, trying to think of a reply. "One, two, three…"

~He ran back to the shelter of the gorse to speak with Dalton and the others. The Crone's voice rang out to the melancholy beat of the drum.~

"Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…"

"Well?" Alaxe demanded when Tad arrived. "What do we do?" He began fuming with rage and frustration.

"We can't turn Dalton in!" Lightning gasped. "But, we can't let Joskye, Swift and Argie die!"

"She's outwitted us this time. We must speak with Dalton quickly." Tad replied. "Where is he?"

Everyone glanced backwards but no one was there. "I-I don't know." Twilight stuttered. "He was here a minute ago!"

~The three teenagers hung in dread and despair. Everything appeared to be lost. It was them or Dalton. If only it was a dream, thought Swift, but she knew that this time it was happening to the, for real.~

"Seventy-five, seventy-six…" The beat went on relentlessly. Nothing moved in the gorse. The air hung still and silent. "Eighty-nine, ninety, ninety-one…" Tension mounted to breaking point. Argie's skin prickled. "Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight…"

~Hexia moved towards the pyre with the burning brand. Implacably, she lowered it towards the gorse.~

"Ninety-nine, One hun- "