• Published 27th Jan 2021
  • 1,085 Views, 31 Comments

Thomas and Twilight: Heroes of the rails - 4804255858ARD

A few heroes and their friends help an old hero and a new friend

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There is still hope, the chase and the happy ending

For the next few days, Spencer, Silver, Thomas, Sunset and Twilight worked on the summerhouse. Even though Thomas and Twilight were focused on the materials, Sunset didn't let Spencer or Silver get out of her sight. Thomas was worried at first that Twilight would be disappointed with him after encouraging Hiro and Starswirl to go even though Hiro wasn't 100% fixed, but Twilight forgave him.

The rest of the Steam team and Mane 8 looked after Hiro and Starswirl, so they were never alone for too long.
They laughed and told stories about their old home and their old friends to Emily, Gordon, Percy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer. They listened to Edward's wise words and Applejack's honest truths. They cared deeply about the fact that Henry needed special coal and about Fluttershy's sensitive nature. They admired James' shiny red paint and Rarity's beautiful hair and clothes. And they thought that Toby and Spike were very special; the only steam tram and the only talking dog that they ever met. Hiro and Starswirl thought everyone was special that they told everyone that they were masters of the railway in their hearts and they told everyone to never lose their friendship with each other.

After a few days, the duke and duchess arrived to see the progress of the summerhouse, it was nearly complete. They were very pleased. Spencer and Silver Spoon beamed with pride. They boasted and told them all about it. While they talked, Thomas, Sunset and Twilight sneaked quietly away to see Hiro and Starswirl. They got to the siding, Hiro and Starswirl were happy to see Thomas, Sunset and Twilight again

"Hello Thomas, Sunset and Twilight, our best friends." said Hiro

"Hello Hiro and Starswirl." said Thomas.

They could see that the masters of the railway were still worried.

"We won't let you get scrapped Hiro. We won't let you get into an asylum Starswirl." promised Sunset

"That's right," agreed Twilight, "tonight, Thomas, Sunset and I will fix everything."

"Thank you." said Starswirl, "Your devotion and dedication to help us is most appreciated. Your friendship with each other is strong and so is your friendship with the others."

"We know. Our friendship will mend you two." said Thomas, "Count on it."

And Thomas, Sunset and Twilight went back to the summerhouse; just in time to say goodbye to the duke and duchess. The duke had words of praise for the trio.

"Thank you Thomas, Sunset and Twilight," he said, "without you three, Spencer and Silver Spoon would never get the job done on time."

"We were just lending some helping hands your grace." said Sunset, "it was a pleasure to work on the summerhouse."

Spencer and Silver Spoon just snorted.

"We have to go to Knapford now." said Twilight

"Why? What business do you three have at Knapford?" asked Silver Spoon

"To see Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia." answered Thomas.

After Thomas steamed away with Sunset and Twilight, Spencer and Silver Spoon snarled because they knew what that means.

"You three are going to tell the Fat Hatt and Pesky Princess about that Scrap engine and that psycho driver aren't you?"

"Well Spencer and I will make sure we get to Knapford first to make sure your sneaky plan doesn't work at all." said Silver

"That engine will be sent to the smelters yard and that driver will be thrown into the asylum where they belong!" shouted the Silver duo.

The chase was on. It was Thomas, Sunset and Twilight vs Spencer and Silver. Spencer pumped his pistons and chased after Thomas. Thomas and Twilight could hear Spencer's wheels whirring behind them.

"We can't let those two get to Knapford first." said Sunset

"Don't worry Sunset," said Twilight, "That will never happen. Thomas will win."

"That's right." shouted Thomas, "Our friendship will drive us to victory."

Thomas, Sunset, Twilight and Spencer and Silver Spoon had the race of their lives. They went over bridges and under tunnels, slipped through junctions and raced round the bends. Spencer tried and tried but he couldn't get in front of Thomas. Thomas raced ahead and slipped into a siding. Spencer and Silver Spoon went on then screeched to a stop.

"Why are those three going along that narrow track?" asked Silver Spoon

"Obviously Silver," Spencer said, "those troublemaking teenagers found a shortcut. If we take the long way round we will never win the race."

"So? You are the fastest." said Silver, "Forget about that short cut."

"No I'm going to follow those three and get to Knapford first." said Spencer.

And that's what he did despite Silver's objections. However, little did Spencer or Silver Spoon know that they were heading for more trouble. The rickety old track went over marshland. Thomas, Twilight and Sunset knew that it was the fastest way to get back home. So Thomas huffed and Spencer puffed. Spencer was getting closer and closer.

"Come on Thomas," encouraged Sunset, "LITTLE ENGINES CAN DO BIG THINGS!"

Thomas took Sunset's words and he sped on. Then there was trouble; the track was so old that it was broken, and Spencer was too heavy. With a creak and a crack down goes the track. The mighty Spencer was now in a muddy marsh.

"This is why I told you to go the long way round." said Silver Spoon, "You know that you were too heavy for branch lines but you went after them and now we're all muddy."

"Well if you had just gotten us ahead of them then I wouldn't be stuck here." retorted Spencer

Thomas stopped; he, Twilight and Sunset knew what happened, but they can't help out the duo.

"Sorry Spencer. Sorry Silver." said Thomas, "Sunset Twilight and I didn't know that the track was broken."

"We'll get help. We'll be back." said Sunset, "Don't move."

And Thomas sped on. When he, Sunset and Twilight got to Knapford, they were tired. They asked the stationmaster to tell Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia to see them. Sir Topham Hatt, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were having dinner with the duke and duchess of Boxford. The Stationmaster telephoned Sir Topham Hatt and asked him and Princess Celestia to come to Knapford straight away. Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia came with Princess Luna and the Duke and Duchess.

Thomas and Sunset were worried. They knew that they had to tell the Fat Controller and the Princess the truth and why they weren't working on their usual jobs. But they were so scared because they thought they will get punished and Hiro will be sent to the smelters yard. Twilight encouraged them to tell the truth. Sir Topham Hatt and Celestia listened.

"Hiro and Starswirl are old and important." Thomas confessed, "We found them after I lost my brakes. They were alone and scared. We wanted to help them."

"We didn't want Hiro to be scrapped and we didn't want Starswirl in an asylum." Sunset continued, "That's why we weren't doing our normal jobs and why we took some parts from the Steamworks and we asked our friends to help us. But we failed them."

Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia stared at Thomas and Sunset. This made them shudder with fear. They were certain that Sir Topham Hatt and Celestia will scrap Hiro and Starswirl will be sent to an asylum. But they were wrong.

"Did you say Hiro and Starswirl?" asked Sir Topham Hatt

"Yes sir." said Thomas Sunset and Twilight with worry

"You mean the masters of the railway?" asked Celestia

"Yes princess." said Thomas Twilight and Sunset

"Oh they are terribly famous." said the duchess

"Famous? They were the masters of the Railway!" said Sir Topham Hatt

"They were also mine and Tia's old teachers." said Luna

"Why did you Sunset and Twilight ever get the idea that we will scrap the masters of the railway, Thomas?" asked Sir Topham Hatt.

"Why didn't you tell us the truth?" asked Luna, "We could've helped you."

"It's because we were silly, Sir." Twilight confessed, "And we were worried for them. We left Spike with them so they wouldn't be alone."

"We were afraid about telling the truth," said Sunset, "and Hiro and Starswirl were near to where the summerhouse is, so we knew Spencer and Silver Spoon would eventually find out and tell you themselves."

"We tried to fix Hiro alone. And we needed our friends. But Sunset and I caused him to fall apart again after we were being chased by Spencer and Silver Spoon. Now we feel terrible and alone." said Thomas

"Well you three are not alone anymore." said Princess Celestia, "You did the right thing by looking after them. We must help Hiro and Starswirl at once!"

"Send Hiro to the Sodor Steamworks." said Sir Topham Hatt, "Victor will have Hiro fixed in no time and Dr. Whooves will get Starswirl in perfect condition."

Thomas, Sunset and Twilight were so happy they thought they would burst.

"Thank you Sir Thank you your majesty." said Thomas and Sunset. Then Twilight remembered something.

"But what about Spencer and Silver Spoon?" asked Twilight, "They fell into a muddy marsh when they were chasing us. They need help as well."

"I strictly told Spencer and Silver Spoon to not leave the summerhouse," said the duke, "but what did they do? They did leave the summerhouse to chase you. So those two will have to wait until we are finished helping Hiro and Starswirl."

After the chat, Thomas, Sunset and Twilight went to see Hiro and Starswirl to tell them the good news.

"Hiro, Starswirl, Twilight, Sunset and I have seen Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia." said Thomas

"It's great news they know that you two are the masters of the railway." said Twilight

"And the great news keep coming. They want to send you two to the Sodor Steamworks; not the Smelters Yard." said Sunset

This made Hiro and Starswirl beam with happiness and relief.

"Hooray for Thomas Sunset and Twilight!" they exclaimed

"Hooray for Hiro and Starswirl!" exclaimed Thomas, Sunset and Twilight

The next day, Percy helped Thomas heave and haul Hiro and Starswirl into the Sodor Steamworks. The Fat Controller and Princess Celestia were waiting for them.

"Welcome, Hiro." greeted Sir Topham Hatt

"Long time no see, Starswirl." said Celestia.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two after so long." said Sir Topham Hatt

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you your majesty." said Hiro

"We are very grateful and thank you two very much," said Starswirl, "And we thank you two for Thomas, Sunset, Twilight and Spike."

"Indeed," said Hiro, "We want to thank them for finding us, for helping us, and for making sure we didn't feel alone."

"Thomas, Twilight, Sunset and the others did their best." said Celestia, "Victor and Dr. Whooves will ensure that you two are in perfect condition and the masters of the railway again."

"Of course Sir. Of course Princess." said Victor

"Happy to help. We will do our very best." promised Dr. Whooves.

Then there was a loud clang. Kevin dropped some pipes.

"Sorry Boss!" shouted Kevin

"Terribly sorry, Sir. Sorry, your majesty," apologized Victor.

"Kevin has a very slippy hook." said Dr. Whooves. They were both a bit embarrassed.

"So we see." said Celestia.

"Don't worry Hiro and Starswirl." assured Thomas, "Victor and Dr. Whooves are the best."

"They will have you two fixed up in no time." said Spike

So the work began. It took a lot of work. Making the right parts, repainting Hiro and healing Starswirl. Finally after 5 days, the steam team and the mane 9 gathered around to see Hiro and Starswirl. Hiro puffed out slowly. Everyone gasped. Hiro had a new black livery and golden lining. And Starswirl had his hat and coat all mended. They looked as good as new.

"How do you and Starswirl feel Hiro?" asked Thomas

"We are so happy Thomas." said Hiro, "Starswirl and I were waiting a long time for this moment."

"Job well done Victor, Dr." said Celestia.

"Welcome back, masters of the railway." said Sir Topham Hatt

"Thank you, Sir." said Starswirl

"Now, Thomas, Sunset, Twilight," said Celestia, "Time to get Spencer and Silver Spoon out of the marsh."

An hour later where Spencer is still stuck, Thomas, Sunset and Twilight came.

"Here we are Spencer," said Sunset, "we are back and ready to help you and Silver Spoon."

"Don't waste your time Sunset." said Spencer, "Thomas isn't strong enough to pull someone as heavy as me."

"You're right Spencer," said Thomas, "I'm not strong enough, but we have just the engine who is."

And Hiro and Starswirl puffed into view. Spencer and Silver Spoon didn't recognize them.

"Who are you two?" asked Silver Spoon

"I am Hiro."

"And I am Starswirl."

"Are you the scrap engine and old man?" asked Spencer.

"I was the scrap engine."

"And I am the old man."

"Blistering boilers!" gasped Spencer and Silver Spoon

"Alright Spencer," said Hiro, "it's time to get you and Silver out of the mud."

Then they could see that Hiro and Starswirl brought Rocky.

"Hello Spencer, Silver," greeted Rocky, "What do you know. Time to get you two unstuck from the muck."

Hiro shunted and shifted Rocky into the right position. And Starswirl placed the on the hook. And slowly and gently, Rocky lifted Spencer and Silver Spoon back on track. And with a mighty heave Hiro and Starswirl pulled Rocky and Spencer and Silver Spoon to the Sodor Steamworks. After two days, Spencer was fixed and Silver Spoon were all better and joined Hiro and Starswirl and Thomas, Twilight and Sunset on building the summerhouse. The summerhouse was finally complete and Spencer and Silver Spoon had some things to say to them.

"Thomas, I'm sorry I thought you were a tricky engine." apologized Spencer, "Hiro I'm sorry for calling you a heap of scrap."

"Twilight, Sunset, I'm sorry that I thought you were troublemakers," apologized Silver Spoon, "And Starswirl, I'm sorry for calling you an eccentric old man."

"You are all fine friends and fine workers." said Spencer

"We'll forgive you." said Thomas.

The duke and Duchess came to visit the Summerhouse. They were delighted. It was ready for their holiday.

That night, Thomas and Sunset could see that Hiro and Starswirl were sad. They wanted to know what's wrong so they can help out.

"Hiro, Starswirl, is everything alright?" asked Thomas in concern

"Not exactly Thomas." said Hiro, "You, Sunset and your friends were so kind and generous with taking care of us and helping us."

"Indeed," said Starswirl, "that sort of kindness reminded us of our friends. And we miss our home."

"Oh we understand." said Sunset. Then an idea came to her and she whispered it to Thomas and Twilight who thought it was a great idea.

"We know one last thing to help you two." said Twilight, "wait right here."

And before Hiro or Starswirl could say master of the railway, Thomas steamed away. Thomas and Sunset and Twilight arrived at Knapford and saw Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia.

"Sir, Princess, we need your help." said Twilight, "We know that you two will understand."

"Hiro and Starswirl are homesick. And they want to go home and see their best friends again." said Thomas,

"We understand Thomas and Twilight." said Sir Topham Hatt. "You three did the right thing by telling us."

"We will help you three, tell Hiro and Starswirl that there is nothing to worry about anymore." said Celestia

Thomas, Twilight and Sunset smiled. And that's exactly what they did. Two days later, everyone gathered at Brendam docks. There were decorations and balloons. They were having a farewell party for the masters of the railway.

"Here they come Thomas!" exclaimed Percy

"I can't wait for the party!" shouted Pinkie,

"Well you don't have to wait anymore Pink." said Sunset. And there was Hiro and Starswirl arriving at the docks.

"Alright everybody." said Thomas, "on three. One. Two. THREE!" and the engines blew their whistles and the girls cheered. And then Hiro blew his whistle long and low. Hiro chuffed slowly to Thomas, Percy, Sunset, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Spike.

"It's time for you and Starswirl to go back to Japan, Hiro." said Thomas sadly.

"Indeed it is." said Hiro, "Starswirl and I will never forget you. All of you."

"We will also never forget the kind things you've done for us." said Starswirl.

"Maybe Thomas, Twilight Spike and I can visit you two in Japan." said Sunset.

"Or maybe you could come back and visit us again with your old friends." said Percy

"Maybe young Percy," said Hiro, smiling. "Only time will tell."

"Sodor will always be a home away from home for you." said Twilight

"Indeed Twilight." said Starswirl, "thank you for everything."

And Hiro and Starswirl boarded the ship.

"Do you think we will ever see Starswirl and Hiro again?" asked Spike

"I hope so." said Thomas

A few months later, Hiro and Starswirl arrived at Japan, and there stood the Pillars who were awaiting for their arrival.

"Hiro! Starswirl! exclaimed Stygian, "Welcome back."

"We were so worried." said Flash Magnus

"Aye What happened mates?" asked Rockhoof.

"We were on the island of Sodor alone and Hiro was broken." answered Starswirl.

"We thought we would be scrapped," continued Hiro. "Until brave heroes named Thomas the Tank engine, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike saved us."

"Really?" asked an intrigued Meadowbrooke.

"What happened? Can you tell us about it?" asked Mistmane

"Did they have friends to help?" asked Sonambula, "how did they save you?"

"Well my friends," said Hiro. "That would be telling."

Author's Note:

I appreciate that is in a group. Thank you for support

Comments ( 16 )

Grammerly is your friend.

I need to finish reading it.

Oh. I see. Well keep me posted on feedback. I don't want it harmful.

The best kind of commentary is constructive criticism.

This fanfic is very confusing. Then again, it is a Thomas/MLP crossover fanfic. So I wouldn't expect much.

If you aren't familiar with the sourve material, it's easy to get confuse.

I don't understand what you are talking about. By the way. My mom is worried that I am getting hacked and doesn't want me communicating with you.

I was suggesting to that user that not knowing the source material would cause them to struggle to understand the plot.

If you fear hacking (and hacking an account is very difficult), change your username and password.

I am. I find it very confusing as to why people like shipping a purple alicorn and a blue tank engine together from different universes.

It's not always shipping. TTTTE and MLP have a lot in common as franchises.

Yeah. I can ship them. But if you want I could respect that and ship Twilight Sparkle with Flash Sentry and ship Thomas the Tank engine with Lady the magic engine.

I hope you work on day of the diesels, blue mountain mystery and the rest of thomas and friends and MLP equestria girls crossover movie series

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